Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 19, 1904. i rer 1 I I i E3 1 1 1 i I DON'T HESITATE ! Less you will lose your opportunity to buy $2.00 worth of merchandise for ,- $1.00 JOc Windsor Pappilions this week 10c per yard. 25c Woven cord Madras riot lis this week 12 l-2c 'd Black and White Grenadines Imported to sell at 39c this week only 12 1-Jc a yard it is just like giving them away; Eleganty oil Skirts Worth $8.50, 9.00 and 10.00 This week choice for $5.98. Cumberland Muslin same as Londsdale best IQc value this week only 8c per yard. ROTH & WHITE. ft. NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS WICKLIFFE, KY. here last yrnr and Blade many frlendi; who ere. triad t.i welcome her 'nek. Mrs. E.I. Crosslanl. of Ma; fi M, ar JtttMl 18. 1904. The writer traveled ten voars the harvester bustne; stained great deal Cr. ..-land will sped most of '.110 iim 1 mer here while her husliatiil is making in 1 has ,-x'; B. H. Qwen'ntade a Intsine. s trip to f wheat, hut I Mayfleld Moods . saw some this morning that eaaa any-1 UteU Oilie lightfnot left Thursday thing 1 have enter seen, ami that laYjfoV wingo to visit Miss RozU Slgugb sonic heads of wheal grown on Judge 1 tec. t' farm, Bear Barlow, with five Messrs. f, 11. KcConnell, Chas, H a a rains of wheal to the mesh I join-, w. J. Olve'Jen, w. J, Lay ten twenty-four meshes to the head. I and Dr. StA. it. Owen lef! Monday to attend t&e (Mil BaJdlor'a reuiion m Nashville. Mrs, Mullio Sharon and little boo J. i. Dunn jin.l wife went to Cairo Horace, of Chicago, is the pleasant Thursday on a vrslt to relatives nl I guest of Mrs. Ii. W. Murphy since Kri friends. Thojr ttcpecl to return today day. I Is (Saturday.) ' The i.,7ai ot mi of Arlington Miss Pearl Jenkins is visiting her mi-t again" Ust Kriday night a again sister. Mrs. Ora Bhelton, in Bland-1 take up tne consideration ot graating viiie. a franchise to the Cumberland Tele Appearance indicate thai we may IP0" eipany. It was dociJo to ad very soon get that which we are! needing very much: we refer to rata. Masters Mallorv Williams, of Cairo ! bidder 0 Sal unlay July 2. Mrs. sieve Bulaa, I Clinton was I in Neville Friday. j Mi s Chrisia l'.artell Vl lit -.1 Wlckllffe Thursday. Til to ani Most of the meshes contained seven grains and the heads were pot more than three and Dne-tislf inches long. land Maynard Williams, of Wlckllffe, I are visiting relatives in Carlisle coun- I ! lv. Rear BardwelL They write that 1 1 they are doing well. taougU. indeed, I we have not heard of them tearing down any of the buildings, or hilling II any of the stoats, or even crippling I themselves, WSM I To Our Lady Patrons. eV I ANNA. June 18, 1901. Misses Mary Alder, and Wlnnlfred Bouton went to St.. Louis yesterday I Commercial a (Thursday) where they will spend a I They secure. 1 ...... ...... ....... ( it 1 new Champagne Ox- ford is now ready and awaits your inspection. The entire showing will appeal to the woman who appreciates what js up-to-date in footdreil. We shall he pleased to see you. C, C. Terrell & Co., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. week at the World's fair. The Oarterville and Hospital base ball learns played on the hospital grounds Tuesday afternoon The eon Was hi to I in favor of Hospital. JB04 Wlllia was adjudged insane Tuesday and taken to Hi ' hospital, Rev. Wiley Webster, of Ramsey Ml . is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .1 II. Webster, this week. Children's day exercises will he held at the Halted Kvnngelical church next Sunday evening. An in teresting program has been prepared. Mrs. E8. U. B pence and daughter. Kdith, ot Denver, Colo., arrived Wed nesday for a visit- with Friends in this city. Mr-- J, f, Mackfy, or Brand Chain. 111 . was the guest of Misses Alice wllloughbj and Beulah Seay Wed nesduy ami Thursday. Henry Slfford is working in ti county cteriv s oince again, tempo rarily. Capt. Juo. Tolofi of Carbondale, vis ited his cousin, .1,-1. Toh r, in this pit) Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 11. K. Loomls, of Ma kaada, an. spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wiley. Tin1 hospital hand went to San dusky y ester eday (Thursday) to help organise a RooseveH-Deneen club. Mrs. Willis Rttgeway and Mrs. Chas. Holland, of Bheridsn, Wyos are the guesis of their parents, Mr. ami Mrs. A. W. llobinson. Misses Helen Marks and Rattle Klrkpatrtek entertained a few friends Tuesday evening at the former's boats on chestnut street. a. .1. Pic are!! is spending a few days in St. Louis this week. Announcement has bang received of the wedding of Dr. w. it. Bifford in Miss Bleach Anna Hardeman, ot Nashville, Tenn, Dr. Bifford is a son ot Mr. and Mrs I Sifter!, of Anna. 'They ar:1 spending a few weeks trav eling in 1 he north and west and will visit Anna before returning 10 Nash vitle, A patient at the hospital, Lilhurn Ryan, WMS drowned in the reservoir Monday evening, While bathing he was. seised with cramps. W. 0, Mc r.irhnd. an employe, while trying to rescue Ryaa, narrowly escaped with Ids life. Ryan's father came down Tuesday and took the remains to Sa line cotfaty. . ARLINGTON, KY. Tints in the Spectrum. An experiment made some time an by a professor lii one of our big ill I rerelties, proves thst HiG scparatis tints are dlMcmiblfl to the normal htt man eye in the (Spectrum. in 1903. The put id office at Washington dnr 101 jjaptsd I14N intents The bslaBCS t 1 the Sgedll of this office ce il was leuiuUd It KM is $i.n2,- i 1, lie pnocunED nd ntrtNDtD .n-iw I, 1 i : , . . i t iirari'h gtyl rn- r.,r. i l,r. . -a ! . - l.rii, ,a' -. t -iul.. n.ark-, N ALL COUNTRIES,. 7w,iw.,r tfir -t ih H'tt!,ingion ja:v timr. momrr mnJ rf!m tks f ,tt,nt. Fitut tni hUmrtrntPi P Jctlct Eic'viivtly. Writ ..r , lorn at IJ3 SlaU Rtr- t. pp TnlUJ fUt Mat Oif,. WASHINGTON, D C. Anti.r.i.ite States. Uaiiij. Colorado ami (few at' Inc only states that nr.. nathriclte. Peaustylvanla, bow r. produces practically all ot tin itl radte; ot tke total productloa M 1 ','1111 ions In luiii'. Colorado and iew Meaiep produced ksss than ,. "0 tons. In the pr duction of hi untiious coal I'ennsyl'. ania ah 0 leads, 1 daetag Pi pr cent of the total tor Dm Baited mates in IPtS. LUtnoii ranks seegfag, Okie third. West Vlr inte foartl and Alabama ttfth. The o'ar'den of India. Bam da Is called "The (Isrden of India " It occupies a fine plain With rich alluvial soil, well wstered. and al most entirely under cultivation. It pfodaewe luxurious cmps of grain cotton, su;ar, tobacco and other -tap'es sad the greati r part ot tfcei,. ire twas ! trow raw material Into the n-, i:... t -, duct in factories scatterui tbrou (hont the state. June 18. 190-1. W. S nryant argl wife, of Kenn tt VIo, are the gueslg of h brt1her, I. 1, nryant. Mr.-. Or. WjmJiiV visiting relatives 'and frieils in Msyfreld I hi 1 week ' I a MeOary and si i t, Miss Inns 'visited in Union City the firs! of tie week. Judge Will Bay, of Uar w J mm In re Saturdav loddle Riddle! Avlfp and family i. viriting his sister, Mrs. .1 W Bfasslng Mrs Martha Hotebkiss, who had a paralytic stroke on Ktinay of u! week is improving. Mrs 0. w Qreenup of clay, K) is here lir the latere, t of the Qfe asp Music company, of Louisville Miss .Mary Mfiore, of town, is at tending the teacher's institute nt llardwell this week. Mis Marion Hudson and daughter Miss Je get, of Donathan. Mo, is Ike nest of Mr Nannie fj K,, j Hudson, it will he remembered visit tJ ttrday for St. 1itils, where ihey will spend tha summer, Mr. ainl Mr., w. It Qlbsoa, of Qraysboro, Visited their daughter, Mrs, Jseckel, here this week. They were secompanical home t,y Mi K.-t.i Jaeckel. ' Mrs. K. P. Hall was r. bu -in, rl Itor here Frtdav . Misses Olg ntxpatrich and Basel Kennedy attended tiie OeUlns' denes in Cain. Friday evening. A. 11. Plenums was a Cairo visitor Friday. Little Misses Margwrotte and al berta Btaeean, of Waoov Texas, are i iiini Mrs. Cai Bttstuaan. AN AMERICAN PRODUCT. ScorcB Another Great Victory in Germany. Prof, Or. Llntaer, director of the "scieatiflo statioii for the brewing In dustry of Bavaria at Munich," upon analyzing "Pilsner Fripiell," tin- beers ot the "Buergerliches Brauhaus" of Pilsen,, Bohemia, ami "Ankeuaer- Busch's ltudvveis r." under data of May 17. !Vin, makes the following statement sworn to before Dr. Pund-j ter. Royal Xoi.ny, and verified byj Hon .lames ll. Worntaa, I'. S. consul general at Munich, llavaria: "Upon subjecting the several beers to a careful analysis I llud thai the1 'Mudwelser Beer,' submitted by the AaheuserlBusoh Browing association, I St. Louis, C. S. A., is very similar, in all lis characteristics, to the fines! and PRseaer beers, h is etter-! vesoent, clear and sparkling, has a 1 beautiful creamy foam and is possess ed of a pure, wholesome tSStS and an exquisite hop flavor. Its keeping j qualities by far exceed those of the Pilsoner beers, resulting from the use j of the very best materials in brewing,! and the thorough maturity of the pro ! duct. The analysts further shows that no acids or other oreservsvtlves have residence of .1. F. Council. 01. upper . jj t .,),,irti,m, ,, !vs , result of my examination I prottOUtoce 'BudWeUer' a well matured battled beer of the highest quality." This acknowledgment, coming as It does from the .recognized headquar ters of the brewing industry of the old world, must be a great SOUTOC of gratification and in a measure a com pensation to the AnheuserBusch peo ple for their unceasing efforts to pro duce the finest beer that can be made. 0: erti.e the sale of ihe fr iticlii 6 for three weel.s to he followed by He ale of the franchise to tne highest ta -LU U MOUND CITY. June 18. 1901. Burglars were lontewnal active in this city last night. The residences of (ho. Parker and Pleas Heath, on lower Commercial avenue, and t'n l BBue, w.-re entered, little booty at either place. They gained acc-ss to all the houses by raising the lower sash of the windows. John Hector made a brief visit to Chicago yesterday. James Tobin. the jolliest son of 01 I Ireland in the hind, was a county seat visitor today. The farmers of Pulaski county have harvested thousands at tons of the bed timothy and clover hay ever be fore produced within the same sec tion during tiie past six days. Th. weather was apparently made to or der for curing hay and the crop has1 been housed or stacked in strictly prime condition. Ceo. Neadstine was over ai Mounds today. Harry Tucker, who has been farm ing at Valley Recluse, has gone to Joneeboro, Ark , for permanent resi dence. He was accompanied by his mother. Tk I ). O. lodge of Pulaski will hold memorial services at Concord cemetery. New Hope, on Sunday. June M The Modern Woodmen of Olmstead The Aspen Tree. The little nsii trofl stands high Bpon thu tilll that guard) ths luna; Her IcsVSa are ureen ms onierii Ids, tti r prattle is inn- ttanclns 10 in ; BIN gossips to tin- wind, the sky, And we me comrades, she and 1. 1 ethne tie hill nt even fall; Si KtumiM so 1. she may took down Ami whlapet ms if yun have turned ' 'Hie winding highway ftom tin- town, And In the Wind'- arm bend t,i SSS A ml murmur yon haste to mt. And with her hundred voters t"ii Knell Step yell take to le.l.ll my side, Ami laugh in merry mockery, Pretend i" ecout, "mi weep sad etude, And stand n moment mute in grtsl Then laugh with even mitlln leaf. And When nt In-.! yen t.nke rnv hand! Alul wi 11,011,. In inlnilrrv will hold a picnic and fish-fry at Cai I sin- chnttera !t u dqestt tine s. edonle on tin- Ohio river, on Saturday July 2. Mrs. Lea Piland, of Nashville. Tenn.. who has been sojourning with her parents, Major ami Mrs. !. L Ulen, has returned home. Miss Mattie Mopiey pas returned to her home in Baal Prarie, Mo., liter spending a week with Mound City rel stivee, Mrs. Maj. Daniel Hogan and her two daughters. Misses Hose and Blanche, aie in Chicago arranging for Hie marriage of Miss Hose to Mr. .lames lOlliott, of Nashville, Tenn., the wed Hng io transpire at the Great North urn hotel in 1 hat city on the 80th last. John Arnold and wife have gone to Psducah, K., 10 reside. Mr. a. was head sawyer for the Williamson Kiiny I, umber Co., in this city for several months. Mr. .1. II Mtkls visited Mounds Thursday. .1. II. Taylor, the elecirician. was performing work In his line in Mounds today. Matter of MtSlneSS called Will Dougherty to Mounds today Mrs Dan Duvall has been visiting relet I vi s in BardweB, K. Mi-s Audrey Moxley ha.; gone to St Louis io see the fail. John Long, who spent Wednesday and Thursday in St. LOW fa, returned home today. The Metal-Hound Package Co , has i 1 1 -1 installed n fifty-five horsepow.r engine, p will drive the huge Vea'eei nutter, which the company lately pur chased. Dan Drake, a Metal Hound employe has a very Ofgj hand. He ne-i lentil iy stuck tin- member against tie teeth oi a bug hand saw. .1. C. Ford, manager or the Rhodes Barford Curaltars stoiw, spent today collecting in Mounds. Ami then, in gsy mid rlnsti glee, Attunes her hspp leaves to tins Ths 1 -1 ise cadence of 1 kiss Comme.eial Experts. The Herman umpire has appointed commercial export! at st, Petersburg, New York. Buenos Ayres. Valparaiso, Shanghai. Sydney, New Soivlh Wa!e, Pretoria and Constantinople. Ikuiht less the number of experts will be in creased from time to time, as their value has been Indicated by rep. it . in the rmso papers. Average Weight of Mankind. The weight of tin- average slaed man 140 pounds; of the woman. 126 pounds. :r!3 .MONEY SAVERS We are offering ISO Men's HalbriggaB Shirts and Drawers, a sample lot oi 50c and 7k goods at 29 c. 700 Men's Summer Indti garments, 25c and 35c goods at 19c. 50 Pieces Oiieenslxno Dimity, a very fine fabric, well worth I5c at 10c. 50 more doen of Mines' Past Rlack Two Thread I isle finish Hose, double knee, spliced heel and toe at 10c. A 25c USCB I ringed Towel at isc Ui our Millinery Department we offer an elegant line of latest sty le sailors at 25c, 35c and 48c. We have commenced our Walkfng Hats and Dress Hats and be yond the reach of eo.miic;tr(;;;. ;5)K-'-:-v-' hi our Shirtwaist d,epai prices right and left and arc I ry. i;n g4 pl;l v ejr X - garment regardless of cost or vaju . A.I mi . . ; . .... :- . " '." '-.'v.-e, . ;' 2sViVUSllsrf 5. ' ' Ve . Aft.: t . " . . ',. V. ... I : r . '. -. -. - . El eSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'ee.fee,fe ee i' e e e e e e e e e e e e , If vnil UflPU Tfl lCCD TUC UniiC. rnnuVTlir, nnnn mini- 'H i ir iuu nion iu ntcr mt n,uurMr.numc;int:UUUri iriAUt Al Z PETIT'S RAliiiii As W'y Give Moiv looils, " 1 iV. ' yM eNl r 1 t5, -' ' " Same ( icbds For ' ffi'ffi.ffi t:. poiimR .f.irr.e' il a potinih: (.'idiip.iiihd Lard, ' Large Covered-. Class Nappy,...., I -piece Crape v.l i,e S,-:. worth IfJc, Sugar Howl.' Sih.oii Holder am Large K Inch ' (llass Nappy, t Prunes. M'P 'pound j Wall Paper Ctt aner, per can 3 It'ill s Toilef Paper 1 pounds Hnvtuilated Sugar e COtll pi IH'l d'; ulj il'H.i PJSjJll";,''-'' l'l'teiii'--B,: .!7-ie-dfo?jJA' M e.'..v.:,:ViXv.;'.vfe:-'. .1( 1 B a i 25 I .15 2r. 1 ! ,35 2 ,10 1 m s : PETIT'S RACKETS 1(3R E, 1 2021 WASHINGTON A.V.C'N'U.'P.. l"X '' '" The Cairo National Bank OF CAIRO, ILL. Condensed Statement at the Close of Business JUNE 9, 1904, RESOURCES. Loans - - Overdrafts -' T. S. Hoods Premium on Bonds .... OthcrlSoiids Banking House and Vaults -Five pctonS Rede nipt ion Ptind Cash gnd dm from Banks - - $21tO05.f'5 ill.lSHI.IWI 50iu,io 7,lO0.(Hl 2,500.(1(1 .!H,010..M IJ16. -'". HI MOUNDS. UAJlII.JTIKS. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits . - - . . 5,168.22 Circulation 50,000.00 Deposits 160,952.18 - Irj.420.40 June 18. 1904. Mrs. HsfriSWg Hex and daughter, Miss Nadyne, of Cairo, are guests of Mrs. M. laerkel Mrs Crain was in Mound City shipping yesterday, Hm Aaron Q -irge sejg daughter Miss Margurette. of Centralia. who have beeg visiting friends for a few weeks here among friends, Wi Sat- Depogitg September WOi " Noveriil)t-r 17, Vfyi 60,255.06 lLv75o.(-8 March IX, V) 33,3Zis4 aniiai' 7 I iiir 6, 1904 Its), 95. T SAMUHL HASTINOS .... More Viewt for Sighteeera. Three fourths of tie- famous old SsrUetS gl in Italy are raid to be on he vorgc of collapse. i ! OATHB , CORN, HAY, go tH lree Ktrrt, Cairo, Illinois. 1 teeeeeeeeeeeee liisjSa Strictly on His Feet. When Daniel Sully, the "Cotton King" of a few weeks. as walking down Fifth avemto the other afternoon he waa aecinted by a hnalnesa sc ISStiataace with the remark: "Well, Sully, how goes things by this time'" "Oh. I'm oti my feet again," ar:r. or Sd Sully, rhe, rfully. "What! So xoon?' repli, d his friend incredulously. "Yes; I've sold ray' horses," replied Sully New York Times. 1 aMUg l-TR.4'I'iiK I .NOTIC F. I K.tate ot ' ue-tijbii BTerti, gefSSe4. The 1 nnricr.irnnl. hating been point. t tdalai ;lrlornfth f ( hrilin Jlrr'f latest , tli County ol Ait-xaniter, and thp Stat,- of j tlllaote. tfeeeeetS, Setebf gtve M.ticr that hr i will appear tMrforv th, county i-ourt of Alrtftu-ilt-r t unty, w th,. r,,urt seaMN in Cairo, at the J ' Aiiin'tteim Mi the Monday in Aufii.l. i , t-ine ell ir.on. IsSftSg etaini. ! iticainat aaidet.,1 ar notified and SSSjaeSSaal I" ittna f (tie porpoac of hannn the aerne j afllnatetf. All rrin indetSed to airt fate I . ro irt.ntrpd t' make immediate payment to ! tie- innVr.ifrneil. Dateal thi. fh ily June. A. I . IS04. H. H. wil l. ts. aamlatetratnr. I'.ntiiity io new idei,s is no prof lo ally to old ones. ,t SMITH BROTHERS The Big Store 1300 E Washington Avs EVERYTHING Ta! is Good to Eat Usi ail Wur