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TUB CAIRO BULLETIN, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 1904 7 ANNA LAKE HAYNES i Stocks Bonds Cereals I JOHN A. HAYNES, yCd:ff tc What if you should have a FIRE TONIGHTi ii-ctril ly insurance? Have you sufficient iu an satisfied that the eornnanv is safe? fs thc form as much in your favor ,is it slioiili be? If you are at iv t tin you pro- t? Are you litwM-fil' -mrl certain hi regard tn point.- il! uu- houe H5. H. H. CANDEE & SON Established 1 X 5 S. 617 Ohio Ltvce, Cairo. WHEAT, CORN AND 0AT8 STRONG CABLES AND FALLING OFF IN- SHIPMENTS CAUSED STRONG OPENING CORN AND OATS IN SYMPATHY ! I 000 ilffi 1 8. STOCKS, BONDS, MONEY The Smart Set A Magazine of Cleverness, Magazines should have a wcll-defiued purpose. Genuine entertainment, atnusentfaa ud mental recre ation arc the motive.- of The Small Skt titey- Most Successful of Magazines. Its novels (a complete one in each mtmoer) are by the most brilliant authors of both hemispheres, Its short stories are matchless -clean and full of human interest. Its DOCtrv covering the entire field of verse ratlios. i 1 th most pot) ular men ; : ! love, nunior, tenderness is and women, of the daw Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc.. are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 160 Pages Delightful Reading. No pages are wasted on ( heap illustrations, editorial vaporinjrs or wearying essays and idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh you. Subscribe now 12.50 per year. Remit in check, P. O. or Express order, or registered letter to The Smart Set, 152 Fifth Avenue. N w York. N. B. Sample copies sent Free on application. .......,., IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas Citv OR ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST write for maps, time tables and By the Associated Press. Chicago, June 18. -FLOirti Fkwr market to.lay quiet and easy. Winter patent 4.5565; straight 3O0; sprint; patent j Wiilit; straights $:!.!n f 4. L'n. yaliers $l"iifi :!.20. WHKAi.rW cables .in.-l th-i harp falling 68 in shipments from Australia caused a higher opening, .Inly being at 84H. There were rumors of foreign orders here for immediate shipment at about o Working basis. There was much realizing by local loon at tahe ad- j Viinee. July declined to Sl'ififi V Alter working np again to t4, price; I Started on a gradual decline due to I the belief thai the statistics on Mon day win be bearish. Almost perfect weather condition: tended decidedly j to weaken values near the cl Do there i was renewed coverings by horts and practcaily all loss was regained. L4 ; rerpool unchanged to higher. At the saaboard ii boat loads were taken. CORK The initial strength in wheal exerted a supporting Influence at the atari holding prices the first hour a trifle over yesterday's clodne figures, Weather conditions however, Were too favorable and receipts too liberal to allow any con iderabl bul lish enthusiasm. The volume of trad ing was small, connneu mainly to lo cal operators, the decline in wheat caused increased selling .ind prices peakened, The close ghowedj declines of J4j Liverpool steady to high er, OATS Bellini of oats followed the weak:.e:s in other grains, liquidation of July holdings being a feature. There was little demand and prices gradually worked to the lower level, July cl , ed '.. lower. Minneapolis Cereals. Ry the Assocated Press. Mi. .jieapoli , June 18, YVlli" July pl"4; September 79 (ember 78, On track- No, i Mii; No, 1 northern 93; N northern, 91 ! i . VT l)e- hard FINAL TRANSACTIONS HARDEN ED PRICES A LITTLE BUT DEALINGS WERE SMALL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Butter, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Staple and Groceries, Fine Canned Goods. Etc. Special Attention to City Trade. Prompt Deliver)' Guaranteed 619 OHIO LEVEE BOTH PHONES NO. 100. Fancy I.I Vi )1 H day. LIVE STOCK MARKET. By the Associated Press. Chicago, June 18. CATTI.B -Kight hundred hcaij today was a large sup ply for Saturday. There was a large .umber of common Toxans consigned direct ui packing concerns, almost all other eon. Ignmehta that came on the open market were common butcher and canner lots, sab' slow at weak prices. Prices hive widened this week and while prime heavy beeves sold twenty higher than heretofore, other kfands were ten to liftv lower. iwing ihe largest de fed lots the least. : steady, there being Saie- largely $5.05 pes but ui money demands UPOtl the positively n Pacific ind then -t ;it UK grassy lots si dine, go (fl dry HOQ8 Priei good demand, ir. SHEEP- Today's el with Small snpp been better demand prices have advance mar t utfehang- There week and At St. Louis. By the Associated Tress. St. Itnis. June IS. CATTLE He celpts S,f)00; beef steers I.00CP6.G5; stockers and feelers 3.2504.25; cow: and heifers 2.25Q4.25; Tmtaa steer: 3.00 IU50, rIO?8-Recepts 2.00ft. Aboul steady; range t4.16GG.15. ily Associated Press. New York, June IS. The transactions of the we k in the market hardened prices a trlflf dealings were small and wlthou nlficance. The weather in etc glons continues favorable a supply Is so ample for nil that there is Utile pressure market in absence of any bad developments. Soutbei made a languid recovery lost practically all .of It ju close. The increase in Missouri Pa cific's gross earnings for the second week of June may explain the recent advance In that stock, mrl it bad ut ile effect on today's movement. Amal gamated copper gained a point on the strength of reports of recent large sales of copper both for domestic and export, account. The very conserva tive tone of mercantile agency re views as tO the general course of trade had a repressive effect on spec ulation in slocks. The increase of the bank surplus conformed pretty closely to expectations and revealed no change In the conditions existing tor some lime past and as little noticed. Provision Market. CHEE81 Government Bonds Today. Yesterday Refunding 2's regiNiered. 10i7R Refunding 2'n coupon... iu:- KegdHtored 3's 10 V, Coupon ;vs ilmi New i'g registered 1321,, Xe w 4's coupon 138 t Old 4'h registered 108jljj Old 4's coupon 107 1 ., 101 106?jj 105 108 182 1324 108,4 107', An Account With us today! The first step in business is to MAKE MONEY, the second is to DEPOSIT IT where you don't have to worry about it's safety. We point with pride to our assets, they're clean and available. Every legitimate Banking Courtesy extended to our depositors. CITY NATIONAL BANK, 600 Ohio Levee Street, Cairo, liHii--:; . -i.-'-V'-.i-'-W's.', .". Capital, $10110.000. Surplus and Profits, Railroad Stocks. L- O W R A to the Chlcai was the o. June 18. range of priei Th foilowint for the day: COPPK ieady ai ih ; 19.5 ll"CI! Chicago & Alton Ry. Full infrmation and details cheerfully piven.. The equipment of '"he Alton" is matchless in every respect, its superb ipointments having earned for it the title of WAY." - - - ST. LOUIS, MO. OINIL-Y D. BOVES, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Wheat Otala Open Ilitth Lew Jinn 17 June 16 July K H s.-,iH Sl"s Sept. ii n 19 79 u CORN. Julv . ..4K"i IS 47"h 477s ISh Sept ...484 4!t I8V4 184 to OATS. July ...:i7"s. tt .".8V4 IISs S8j July ...SlU tttt W?S Kept ...sin w'k. tl n ::ii PORK, Fuly .lj.Mi itAf i2M 2. 1113 Sept .12.77 1M 12.70 12.8.. 11.88 LARD, Julv . 6.11 0.77 ' ( Sept . ti.H7 11,97 8.95 ; . t 6.91 in bans steady! Invoice dova &4G12. BtlGAR- Haw '.v: centrifugal lassi s sugar vs. fectloner'a "A" cut loaf, crushed 160; linn : ti fin ; Ml tea Refta d sti old tuning ! : mo r: crtn- powdered, 50wj an ai ei III'!' Metsger'a Drug 8torc era Of this paper to tet Kodol Dyapepsta Cure sons wh have rtsed it ask the read i the value of Those per mit! who have to ST LOUIi QRAIN MARKET Is Our Sylph Flour. It is got k r'luui for evervthine for which can be naed. Whv not con vince yourself of its merits by giving it a trial? LL. HALLIDAY j MILLING COMPANY Si l.imis, June 18- The following whs the range of prices for the day; WHEAT Qleslag OpM Hih Low .tunc IT une II July ...8:; 8:! 82 WK 824 Sept . ..SOt-i S'i'i 7!"s ?!" 7!:S CORN. July'S. H'e4 MH t tftty Sepl . . . Me'H He's 4te W Hi 4 OATH. July ... i VI "7'4 Sept . . . SOU :;rtlHi THH ( VS1I MARKETS. St. spot Lonli prices , JlltK rilled 18. here The today following for vati his unilti" mentioned: No. No. No No. No. No. No. No. No No. red winter wheat, red winter wheat, $1.01 white mixed white mixed corn, corn, corn, com. f9fj 19, IS';.. 17'..';; 19. 164 CJ 17. while oats. Vilg, mixed iwts, 124 while oats. I3f I4H mixed oats. 11. LOCAL CHAIN MARKETS. Ctal prices bi'l In the Cairo marhet yesterday were as follows: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I red winter wheal. !;. I ri'd winter wheat, '.ti. 1 white corn, l!4. 2 mixed corn. 18. t white corn. 48. ! oiIki corn. 17. I white oats. IS. I mixed oats, 124 I white oats. 43. '. mixed oats, 4t. I timothy hay. per ton. $11. no. been cured by it. do not hesitate recommend it to their friends. Kodol digests what you eat, cures Indiges tio, dyspepsia and all stomach trOO blaa. increases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to contribute to the bfcod nil of the nutriment contained in the food. Ko doi Dyspepsia cure is pleasant and palatable. Marquis I to n Proficient Linguist. Marquis ItO, tha Japanese states man, la described as an Indefatigable leader of Buropenui and American literature. He reads not only the itandard works, but the new pnblica tior.s and tie current periodicals of both hemispheres are devoured, lie reads Oennan. French, English and Chinese as easily as he reads his own language. He has been accustomed to give five to six bonis a day to read-iofi. j Atchison 72 71 ! Atchison preferred or1, ill'.! j Baltimore & Ohio 834 mi; ' Chicago & Alton 88 38 Northwestern ltift'... His I Denver & Rio Grande... '20 " 20 i Den. & Rio Grande pfd. 86 ' tin Illinois Central 12! 1 ; W " ! Louisville & Nash villfc. . 109'., loti' , Metropolitan tin im .Missouri Pacific Ill 91 Now York Central lit! 116 Pennsylvania 1153,; 115 Reading 47 40' Rock Island 21 ' 20 Rock Island pfd 64 64 St. Paul lt-2 148U Southern Pacific U', !4' Southern Railway 21 1 , 20'., I'ltion Paolflo 87'.. 84 , Union Paciiio pfd lil'j 91 14 Wabash 10' lti VViwonsiu Central lti1.., 10 '., Constipation causes two-third of all lickness In the world. Kolllster's RoCky Mountain Tea positively cures co&stlpatkm Ho cure no pay. IE ( opts. Paul 0, Bcbus & tons. Important Change. lllinoi, Central railroad, effective Sunday. The DCS Oil re branch trains will arrive at Cain. 2:le p. m. and depart at 1:16 p, ni. No other changes. Special train excursion, Cairo to Murphysboru, III., and return. Sun day, June l!ith. 1994 i via Mobile & Ohio railroad. $1.2.", round trip, tide ets sold for special train only tearing Calm about 8::iu a. m. Retarnlns leaves Miirpbysboro at 9:06 p. tn. Jno 1 Mi Real!. A. 0. p. A. C M. Shepaid a. P. A. Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper. . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Colorado Fuel and Iron. ' Northern Securities PaeillcMail Peoples Gas Sugar Tennessee Coal andiron, United States Steel United States Steel pfd- Western Union Hid. 50'. 4 211 9th 2.") Uti'., 1264 34 W H r.c4 87 16W 48', 2Pt, 9h m 12ti ' :?4 9 B4 1 87 New York SMM MERCANULB COMPANY. Teas, Coffees, Spic Sugars,Plain and Fait00 Groceries and Genei$8 Merchandise. . ,'iS W orner 19th Street and Commercial ifi Money and Exchange. Mont) on call nominal, bo loans Time loans easy and dull; sixty days 2 per cent; ninety days, 2''a per cent; six months, ' per cent, prime paper, 3 4 fM 4 i exchange firm, demand 1487.19; sixty days, f44j.S50 Car silver, (S4. Acute Rheumatism. Deep lattrtag or wrenching pains, occasioned by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first, moving the limbs and in cold or damp weath er, is cured quickly by Mallard's Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Qlbson City, Illinois, writes, Feb. 10, 1!H)2: "A yeiT ao I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One hot lie of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." 2.-.e, 60c, $1 on. Sold by Sehuh Drug ". L fri s Jtiiiisfef.- I ui unit nave vTt '- T " . 'Mi .-.-,. ... Been made from little savings as a start. The old adage "it takes money to make money" is a true one. If you haven't money when the opportunity comes, you lose. Make a determined effort to have money to make more with, by saving it. DEPOSIT AT OUR BANK and get 3 per cent interest. vE , ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK, If?' 609 Ohio Levee Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ." ' Capital and Undivided Profiits. $Jb0, 000.00. l-: OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. f S Laying Up Treasures. At the birth of a child in Cyprus a esel of wlnt Is burb'd, to he served 11 1 afterwards" at lti marriage. Awful Headaches At sure indlenlloM of som form of rnrr,aeh troobte, lilllumnasa or a bad frrar. Mainria win next overtako yon. Don't risk it, and ufcorc ul) ,' don' t take caioL,. I Off ajttinl nc both ti inejci 01,3 HERBINE I TSr I aadDOSP VagaasHagggjajgajsagfgttaaanBagffasBsaaar- hai nil their virtue - n-rr of tbclr deadly ofiecta. HKixflli E token ngulorly will foreetail hnada-bes,piit thoiliaestiTc tlffWaSHtfn p .-rfect condi tion, bead off buioosMSa, hcadachea liver ills, keep yon in good health. TRY IT TO-DAY. 50c Bottle. ATI Drugs'- KIDNEY GLOBES GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL KIDNEY NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET BLADDER r URlNARY Receipts and Shipments. By the Associated Press, Chicago. .Tune ix The Mossing I were the receipts and shipments in carload lots from this market today: I RacdfXs Shipments Flour M 20 Wlieat. 25 Mo Corn Sfi8 ill I Oats 117 88 isCHl H It'll G CO. By the Associated Press. New York. June 18. WMKAT !( c-i)ts 19,000; expr.rts r.2.(eo Hp.,t barely st'adv. N'o 2 re4 nominal ele vator and 10" f. o. I., afloat Opt ion 1 elose; 1, net higher against lc eline In July. July H. CORN Ri ci lata exrw.rts I4JM, snot quiet: Ko 2. 51 elevator and S4 t 0. h. afloat: No. 2 yellow .V, No. 2 white. Options riorn i ur-ebanired. July OATS Receipts fMQ; export" DISEASES - - An Alarm Clock for 25c. If you want to eet up earlv and j fl good a'l day, take a little Early ! Rlaer or two at bed time. These fa I tnona little pills relax the nervsa, civo quiet rest and rtfraaalng .sinep, with a mineral movement of the bowels aaota hrsikfaal time, ft w. lvM-eii, Houston, Tex., says "Ekrly Risers are the best, pills made for const iua tion. sick headachi. biliousness, etc." Sold by stetxger Drag store. Bread and Rice. Only otie-thlrd of the world's popula tion u-t IffaM as a dally article of food. Nearly oac -half of tbp people of the world suli i-t obiefiy on rice. iWe do Your Mending Free i In addition to furnishing the best work and mSst prompt service..) t American Steam laundry, 208 Eighth Street. SOB Ohio Lava,,, Cairo, Illinois WMt FSAI.e UI AI.KH IN Liquors, Keg and Bottled Beers, j T. B. REESE SHALL AS A PILL- EASIER TO TAWE. TWvSaaftVt Mirf, anil etie box wM curt any 4inary ca KMiy. WartrtM- r t-rinar ir-wbtp. aanevt OfsWa CWn l.ialrtr-. S-rae nil,-i"ii-: Wjk .mil Lam- Baile. Vhruma tim: RrlrtHKin of t rine: Sluuirish iir Si " v I'rin: r Ml of Wont. Inftammatioo or Catarrh ivf thr RaMer; ami ail irrpifiilarities M ttw Klilnrvs. Hlaililer ,r I'rinary PPICS SO CTS. NO CUBC. NO PAY. Paul (!. Hchuti ii Son.. uuT Comm rcta I avenue. Seat by mail, upon receipt, of price' by Lark Medicine Company, LouMille, K DO you want the little ones happy. Mion. robust a:u healthy? One (MCSBB4M of Hollister's Kocky Moun tain Tea will make them strong and well. No pay if it fails. cents tea or lOltJta, l'aul 0, Schub & Sons. I Dry GoodsKid dim es and Hosiery a Specialty. 811 COMMERCIAL AVENUE. " " - TT-r- -1 WHITE'S CREAM VV ORMS! VERMIFUGE! Saloon and Hotel For Sale. One saloon and half interest ;n an other; also t'ncle Joe':; hotel, busi ness and buiblinp, are offered for sale. Apply on the premises. For 20 Years Has Led ail Worm Hameties, T&Z6 IOXX UV J Vrtxm.rtt by- -t iES V. BALLARD, SOLD BY SCHUH DRUG Ctt t Louis.;