Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN; SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 25, 1901 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS j. UhiIh to attend ;lic World' .f.ifn bus relative (here COBDEN. June 23, 1904. Henry Miller returned from Cen tialia bug Mornltty nlfrht. Jin Greeg returned la.t nlghl (Wednesday) from St. Louis, whore in- baa been visiting the falft MtiMM .Mary Bild Alice Powell. Mas- gie WaJIaee and Julia Pried wont to st. Louis Wedaei lay. riie Ifiisea Oowell will visit their cou4ni hi Belleville before they return homo. Ileum, virRii and John Onnaley nro spending a tew lnys in St. Louis at th fair this week. Mr H, J. PInley, of Maywood, in.. is i sit iiiK his brother, Blwood; Prank and Charlie, After a few days' stay inn' in' will go to Paduoah to loo hU i istT, Mrs. Qea Hants, Mi , sos Myrtle and May Thomas, of Carbon dale, are visiting the family f Mr. attd Mrs. 1). Q, Warren Mr. and Mrs. Homer Btevenson and children, of Contraita, are vfsltng Mr .Stevenson's father ami mother. Mr, and Mrs. Aire, Stevenson. She was over a hundred .'ars old and had been blind a limp time. Slit was a unrmian and died n she iiv-1 o.l in the triumph or a living falih. 1 w. ir. Blaehnan m Btni BhTppingl liny and our country is still full. Ulysses spears is :'cini? -the aiKhts at tlir World' fair this wook. The work tin Albert Millers Hew residence Is being OHahed nlonr vrv 1 itf-i unci wnen none writ he n heautt III! Cpttgge. W. I). Pattornn is buildioK a now residence which lie expect! to occu py the fWtt of Annual if not ftoonor. There isn't n town in Southern 111 note thai is growing renter than Carrier Mills nnd we luive the country anil the eoal to bnek US, I. O Allen. W. It. Roberts matU a business trip to Harrfeburg yeater day t'l'hur. day. i LEDFORD, IL. WICKLIFFE, KY. June 24, 1904. Charles Rollins. J, II. Wiokliffe. Charles WiokliITu and C. P, Howie wen! to St. Lenta Thursday ninht to OS the big; t-how. They eXpEOt to re turn Sunday morning. MiSS Alia Bugg, of Uardwell. is VtS Ittng her oousin. Miss Inu CofTi', am! in honor of her Rtiost the atter will entertain her little friends ibis (Fit day) afternoon t. ii Blankensnip left Thursday evening for Carbondalei Illinois. We understand the trip combines land neM with pleasure, and that he will probably tu t return until next week. Utile MISS Ray Brown, of Hland villi, is visiting her stater, Mrs. Mar tin Rollins, on Ohio Street. Well, the "non-enthushtitic" con vent ion at Chicago is a matter of hi---tory. and the result reminds ;us at the old woman who kissed (W oom aud aid: "Hvexybody to their taste." "Sunshine and showers bo the order of th-1 day, during wheat harvest. June 24, 1904. John Pierson and wife were driving on one : reels Monday evening The band boys' ire cream supper last Wednesday iiluht wan well at tended and everybody had a nice time. The proceeds were $14 rlear of expensed wiuat harvesting is now the order of the day at this place. There will not he a very largo harvest Jiere this season. Dew berries are plentiful this year ami sell for lit cents a gallon. Miss Annie liumgarnnr V lei ted is Herrlabnrg Thnrsday. Srtnio of our people contemplate gor ing to Vinconnes on iho excarelon Butt day. Mrs. A. M. Mead is visiting friend in KldOrado this week. MOUNDS. nis u i usual ANNA. June 21, 1004. Mr- 11 II K ana and son, Murruy nnd .Mr.;, liar) 8. Holloway, of st Lontfl, are guests of Mrs. II. M. San iMirn. The Mission band of the M. B church plenieed in the Jones bbro fait Ifoand Tuesday, Ifiaa Helen iirown departodt Wets day morning for a two wceklr vlAli with Misses Laura and Vesta'. Chute in St. Look. MJss Mary Dodd entertained abcSit 30 'd her young friomls at a lawn par ts Wednesday evening. Among iho visitors ro St. Louis this week we note Mrs. C. II. Shatrer anil inn, Harry, .Mrs. W. N. Corlis nnd sor. Russell. Mrs. A. N'ey Sessions and .Miss Hthel Woo.lwoith. Mi. and .Mrs. S. W, Rookhart and Gordon Weiitworlh. who have been employed at the hospital tpr the. In sane at Massillion, Ohio, are spending their vacation hero with Mr. and Mrs W A. Wont worth. Mrs. Fannie Bgrkleg and son. Wm (!, of Murptiysboro, are spending n few days with the family of Mrs. Mar garet Walters. .Married at the Lutheran parsonage Wednesday evening by Beg. H. l. MeOill. Mr. Andrew M. Finch to Miss Sue Sifl'ord. They will reside nt the gruom's home on Asylum ewnue. AJantt Bitten or the young people of Anna enjoyed a bay ride to Cobdon Thursday evening. They attended the social nnd hand concert given nt the residence of W. P. Oreon Mr-., f, II. Hall was called to Car bomlale Thursilay on account of the ,ad accident which happened to her grandson, Norman Hollows, who fell inlo a tub of Isiiling water. Ills old er brother quickly snatched him from the water and removed his clothing. His nrtns and hack are seriously burned. Horn. Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Core, a son. June 24. 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Whittaker, of Vienna are the guests of their daugh ter, Mrs. A. L. Cotpptori. .Messrs. W. Courtney arid ft. M. Jul ian left yesterday for the south whore they will make their future home. .Mr. nnd Mrs, .1. P. Queries and Mr Abe Tier loft Friday for a plea ant sojourn at the St. Louis ONpfjsltion Mrs. Mettle Weave was a Cairo visitor yesterday. Mr. L. D. Crahtree, who hn.s heen very III, Is convalescent- Mr. .1. V. Moore reta&Wd home Frl Igy from a trip to iloi roil, Mich, where he spent it few pleasant day. with friends. visit for me Ituu'. Ii, MUb e Is expected to nnSfn (Kiotl. Children fi Day won Oft 2j i c I h-io Sunilay the 10th. U a ver hpiiroprlate manlier and was quite a jioowsS ia every particular. Mir i Lou Kflley. Supt. of S. S . de serve much praise far :h ietere-i she. has taken in th ijtfln foUtB T. Bi V'oungUlOfi, of ii;',h. Mo., is visiting here this week, Mr. (i. it. Brewer is visiting In Crab Orchard, .Is.s OyntMa Trim nu I has i. -signed her nchbol in this ctty for a poati.,.. in Marion. Mis Hdytt'e , nitertain.I a number of bar- trlemU ar bOf home Tun day evening, In honor , f her cousin, T. R. Youughlood, .vho la visiting here. Qgtte a number were present an.' enjoyed the evening very much. Miss Kate and tirade Oraoe. of HArrraburg, are visiting nt Or. S. ,1 Hlacknian's. The ice cream supper which was given at tho Rjutist eharch Wednes day evening was quite a sueco'- both financially and ociaHy. w. h. class, of Ootconda: in Iran, acted businers here the lirst (,f tho week. Mrs. K. R. Howard and grand, daughter, Mies Nannie. JenWn'a, who have boon visiting hero for BOTnS time loft for their home in Ciiro Mr?. ,Uy J. L, Mulvey is transacting business in Mound I 'it v. PtOf. French has changed the meet ing of his music claw from Wednes day and Priday nights to The lay sni Thursday, on aceunt of it belah Im I possible for some of the class to be j liere Oil .slue: dav nig his. He ha an excellent class Imre, and thej Seem m be getting along exceedingly well. if A. Ross haa retnroed from si, Louis where he lia.t ht.on viewing one or the sights of the World's fair "Hello BUJ" paased thnatgh hen Thursdaya enroufo to his homo in Torre Haute, In,l T. .1. N'otinan is visiting home folk? this week. After n tow days tu home oi joy- m r returned overland td Hardin county with hia luicle's traction en-Cine. The New Tail Court Tic Ziy.f, Airy, dnd Ser'UctiliU HARRISBURG. ti VIENNA. CARRIER MILLS. a e e June 24, 1904. warm and very Ii! I U Weather rain. A few eendttrffc I Md raspberries in mall lots coming in They are very scarce Our new marshal Is repairing the sidewalks amf cleaning the trcets which is badly novlod Videtta Yalnnfr, of Willlnm-in county visited J. D. Storj s family Thursday. : The old laly Wallace, pntber of Harris Sttosell colon d, ditd the 21st June 24, 190-1. W. A. Spann made a fluslhea i trli to the first of :ho wo.'k. W. I. Williams nnd Ceo. Main, of c.oiknap. vjv Vienna nbltbra ilut first of the week. Geo, w. Rttgllsfa attended meet ing of the Democratic renatoftal com mittee at Eldorado Tuesday, Mrs L. H. Frlzssell and mottier In-law left Tuesday to visit relative in Ozark. Harry Smith who has boon visiting his mint, llrf, J, F. Rector, of Cairo, '''turned homo Tuesday. Judge A. K. Vieki rs nod son, Jay came In from Chicago yesterday, Mis. l o. WMtncl, Mrs. Maggie Blnpeon and Or. N. J. Betunn left for St. Ixmis the first of the geek to attend the wedding of Or. Bcnaon'l neice. Miss Margaret OQle, to Mr. B. C Kelthlv. Rev, A. J Sit t oil. of MOUlri City vl itod friends here last night and to day. .Mrs. ('abler', of Murphyshoro. 1 1 here visiting her mother. Mrs. S. J. j Hess. The following are here visltina Mrs, H. H. Ross, also to attend their gcddsg anniversary which was bol 1 last night: S. L. Ross nnd son, of niglilo, Mis., Mrt, William Chfjor md two children, of lad., Mr HWis Shaw and Miss Lena Dowdy, of Chi cago. Henry it Pierce, of Qoteonda. was a Vienna vi-ilor the first of the week. J. Splldoch left on n business trip to St. Louis yesterday, Mr. W. N Newton visited bis par ents at I'MdrvUlo the flrnt o the week, Mrs. 0, w IHHanre and cWtdres ure visiting nt New llnrn-ldo. Mrs S. K. Klser, who has beSM vi -ittriK Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom HooKM re turned to b r homo at La Pnyptte ladli yesterday. a STONEFORT. June 24. 1904. Mrs. 8. K. Ridonhower. of Htco Tnaa, i vi"iting h er brother. Dr. Or. S. J. Hlackman and other relatives herp. Miss Mabel June' and Leora Bo zarth left Thursday gwftting for St June 24, 1904. Or. J. '. capo and fmlly returned from a visg to St. Louts and puksago Mra w. A. Boettgar and danggtor, Of iiloosiingtoti, III, ar visiting her sister, Mrs. A. tj. I'rnoH, neai city. Aaron Quart! and family ana outing at Shawnee lakes thie we--It. Mrs. Martha Dy, of Kanggi, is viattlng he mother, Mrs. giejnda Wtea, HJiii other retotlVes in this cfcy. M. W. Joyttjor and wife went to Tor re Haitte Bnnday to visit relatives. .Mrs. w a. McHiney visited rela tives In Carrier Mills last week. Miss Blanche Pemherton of ti.-iiar!:, n imung iki uucie. H, . rut lev and family. Miss Lena QaHdna has rbtltrned from Carterville, where she bns been visiting hat sister. Miss Clara Halloek', of ML ' Ci'rmel, Is visiting her father, J. I). J I alloc-k. gag this city. Hior. liueu Felts is visiting in Johnson City this week. He will re tUl Monday ami bring Mm. Felts with him. Roy Pilrks nnd Fred Pert, of Crab Orchgrd. were in this city yesterday. Thursday. Al!ert Lancaster Ii drilling a pros pect hole near Led ford for Will s Iff Assessor J F. Oonovor tiajs just finished taking the censaa eg the city of Harrlsburg and the towuship. which show.-, the township, has 5,(KM and the el(j- X.tltm Mrs. W. It Rarb-.h, non Claud and daughter Iirene, are visiting ria tlves nnd friends in Pascola, Mo Worfk was begun on J. H. Nv berg's new residence last wtek. Ii will he iuio of the handsomest dwellings In l his city, and will cost sotnetfgng near $lj.()0e. The Presbyterian ladies' Aid so eicty root this, fc'ridny, afternoon with Mrs. Kate Christy. B F. Hrnmlet. of IChlorado, was In the city Wednesday. Edgar c.,1 fori, who has been flatt ing. In 'Hardin county, has returned home, Mis Mabel Cotttg has been visit ing friends in (irayviUe. Oharey Bisk left in'tr Tuesday for ! South Dakota Thomas gtttaevHc, t Rnlotgh. was in the city Teeadgy, S. O Hrockott was In Norri ' City ritesday. Honeee Lewkg d CIMoedale( was in the cRy last Tuesday. ''apt Jss H 1'arie- and wife and their sons. Jim and .loo, and iaagliter, Nellie, are attending the fair a Si iMfdk Mrs John Molenhamp and two ehil dron. of Kan as. and Mis Klitb Hit: Min. of Vienna, are visiting (i t; Mngge and wife In this ciiy T he ig Four has commenced VOfl j laying the track for rho switches, at I the new eoal mines cast and north of I this city. Krej Patterson. Brnest Rose and I Orvil Kerrell are taking in the World's fair this week, Justice cf the Peace Ira (JIMons s f the I'lir jyi Special Styles tsyj' , ,. nn Dluclier Ox lord Correct Tan A Fan Shoe of the right kind with stockings to nutch, gives t the wearer an artistic appearance impossible in any other class of footwear. The proper color is important to careful dressers. For travel, outing, or street wear, they stamp the impression of worth on the wearer and besides they show the dust less than the ordinary black leathers. Queen Quality Tan Shoes mad from the choicest and most exclusive Shades of selected leather are more satisfactory Ran ever before. I he rrght color cannot be found in Ordinary shrx stores. They are designed and finished for the extremely particular Queen Quality Boots, $3 M0 tor cool comfort too much cannot be said - they are made in a factory where quality counts -- the price is attractive. We have fhc sole right of sale of 'he x fmi4us We invite yoitf inspection G Terrell & Company. 1 w Tan Low Cuts, $2.50 m and U $3.00 .sY st. tcs Xrnv woehde '. ill not prove ftitel. htwover 1 Louis Chfdseer and family, lt Call fomla, vislt'd hU brothers, V. V. and ly. w , in this U) imd v u and la company with Mii, D. Sir, OttoiHSor are now SttMutklg thu Wontd'a (air, UDgtiq Panhoj and Moses KSaakJa, with ttodi famtiii, (tit' t Bkawaee lakes lihiiing t!ii:- week. Editor win, of the Eldorado Re publican, was 'in tho city TuoSdny. T. w. Qrislaa is repegtM to be sick. i The Fourth bl July wll.l be. deMbrgt el nt. Dorris' lake, northwe 1 1 ol this city. Hair Brothers have move I into their new dwelling house pa North Jackson strei t. Rev. A. li. HgkBy rs on the sick lis!. Tom Rethertngtoa is vtsltlag his brother Bluford, at IndlaniHiolis- C. R 1'nrkor vttdtod his msi, Hay, nn dfttaily al Mi. VetMDg, Ind.. otit Sunday. V. C N'eal. of Eldorado, wac in the city yesl it th jr, Thjgnklair, J. C, Ciwik was inUiated in'o the Masonic lodge ai n sgeclal1 tneetltuj Wednesday night. Nod Parish is attending MM VorldV, fair this work. Ros HMff ha i eharga of t bo news stand durltifc ' hs ab- sonee I Mrs. O O Mat hewn anil iHtle hou MifclH.H, of Ornyvlllo. visited lor 111 lor, Mrs. W Ii, Howell, In this olty the first, of Mie aeek. Afr. and Mrs ii J Berkgf returned lnat Batttrday from a trip through the oant tins C-iin has installed a now nuts! cal Instrument In his billiard room. Anion;; thv-" who attended thi Hvater's convention 'if Alt. Vernon Irwt ggeit were: R , Rcllrgtb, II T Towle. A. I Martin. F. M. Pickett, And Weld,-r. R W Seodtteh, Blmer Manior, i t; Mngge, Joe Mallonee, Dr. J. Ii Ross. Will MeOu'ie, W. V Ijirpent. Or C. E Bftnfton, im Dei fi c.j. KJmberlgfe, (fgy PntMragn, F. IV Crate, II I) linen. John BeteS and R W, "arliI. The Kiir'nr' Itellol RfMrrlatioti wm held i rem km n-ar (Surfer Miiif July Z ft M Plead nnd C I. f)emp-y. of thlf city; Oeofgs i: KaMce, cd (Hd tla; Jo'm Williams snd Wilintn Brans, id BMorado, gaaegd ike amliia'e-e 1 If i laggnld list week for hulnUeg eugraeeri ggkd,ili ii odt dg -- --fs-et,,e'e)'a-oa I N G R O W FOR INGROWING TOR NAILS Why suffer when one 25c bottle MOUND CITY. SAMUEL HASTINGS .... June M. 1&CM. It is fitnored, on nttthent'o author Ity that the CMeage Mill and Lmeber mgsnsay, ot Cairo, are negotiating for the i arctiaee of tho Meti Boef I Fackajre plkgg in ft II HgJ If they buy it, Ibey will osa a en sgwrgi ecy nas movea in:o ru new -resi-i-nee in ,,i , -m u ,iv at : : : Cairo, Illinois. N i MS l.w StrfPt, 1VI, ehoD- It the lee & Lookwood IddWIkii. Fre, Durham of tble rtlty rived n teleerani Thursday from San r''f riseo, Cal. statin? that hi. iifortier. Robert, president of Hie ('llfrnia Bnakiesa coilorr. was "hot threo timo. ami serlraisly wounded in a diffpnlty with one of his former KUcitora T:i SCHUH DRUG COMPANY, 'eeeeeoc'e"eeeee,e wor attended to; Btnldi A, it Is mak ing pod money, if the Cwrq people really mean bgglnesj t'n y ,. Ill huy M theg win midi notblhg Li their waj L M. bradleg lis; been looMnK ai tlie birr f,iir in St. Bonis the past ton day!. Newi rtotgdr bronghl in a load ol products of his fertile farm In Valley Recluse today. Famciis W.v Correspondent. Wr Win -n Bowgrd Russell who wRhoat, bis krightlid would it 1 1 1 be Pr. Rumor is elgitF-tbur yages bl ase. lie ia' a war corraagoadool who won bis gnra in i,ho Crltnnai gtvtng same of t he igetl rsmdrngbls u-f-tors grer written. He gee nlso ptjesont St the sioBt of I ui '-iiow, an- itber grand opportegity that he did lot toil to make the most of, The Itglian campaign of isr,!, ih AmerV- an civil war, the Danish war. the Prussian ftruptie and many tagigafgas lh Africa, bo sUn witness id, and he made firm frleuil (A Kins Edward, whom be acetMgganled na aonortry private secretary rm his astern tour In 1S7T.-G. Ave;3i Amtrican Family. The avurgge family in the United 'ates has four and seven tenths 04 r-ions. "Bid FOUR" C. C. C. A 8T. L. RY Qtaag Bxeuralon td VtffCMfNRfl on account of oganlsg Baatrto Park md inm MoaHatl' Picnic Sunday, June 26th Ticket i will te sold ut very low rates for special train leaving ata Meat namod on following sefeedrfle: will cure you? Mailed to any address tipou receipt ofprejJij Calrp, Illinois. m js i ar jb " BBii ' 1 dms. v WatcHes Tnis i; tin; Ingersoll Poller .Watch, which sells at the lowest price, carries tpe strongest guarantee and hss a larger stile t htm all other watch'ck; Perfect ui accuracy, size and style other IngeJtko8a si Ji. v, $i.7Minil l.'.oo. Sold bydi ulersievefy ghere or jiontyaul by lis for fkxwt noolcMfre. ROBT. H. INGERSOLL A BRO. Dopt. 5. 51 Maiden LnrtA, HEW YORK K UhOPATK IN CAN Df- PAilfNT rlogn i'n ; i. larad they i i uiorc ioMgal for th' f r gfbgMgl than tlv aarr,t flint run tin out The Metal Bonnd etwretra I? all light I B Sunday with jour frleihte f.v f'lro, I a m MMiif r-ty, 1.11 ,v m Amerlea, ; jc a. JM f)ltiiit'nd, e,.?,', a. m t M r.ran-l (lintn, ii II a. ru MB) BelKMp, 7.M a. in l.ftn Vtenna, 7 l a in 1 on Ploonifiebl, T.2I a m I M Tunnel Hill, T.'ifi a m 1 N Papkw. 7 1! a. ni I N Bgw Bsfaatde, 7 14 a. a ... i M 6ton F'ort. .U4 a. m l.(M) Cartrkf MBta, s. a. m l.'to l.o1ford. 8 2 a. m 1 on Harrtbnrg, I M a m leu Ar Vine-nnos a m R'-tnrninfr, Kpoeial train will l ive Vitifrnnos p. m.. sarn date. Sun itag, Jan 'if,. 1904, runrilac: thioiisrb to ('aln. innklnR nboi e atop Take ,I 1 vantaeo of th T ry low rato:i Mid Calniii H. P Cotter, Pic, far -iafiv, nianacer, lie I worked like a- trojan to 'nstsil all feeafled aDpruatn-- .r tho very best quality ana has ail let tiK OV.r tickets and f' 11 iftformatton call on Flrarr Smith, Tlcke Ac nt. or T M. Stone. Traveling Pasen?er Ae nt Cairo, Illinois Russian Oe;itr.-l Will Not Flsjht Un:;i He 13 Read. I .ui opt nn wrttcra on Military lop f a ceueralp- ntreo a, in .il t,m, t.. .: Hrerenee between the mte Oefl. s- (- belet and Qefl. Knropntklu. Uy nil scftnints skobeief ata A Bnrtii n Phil Bjhtridac, .. :-n a dagh ,. Owstaf ia him: Roropati in b a Opinpoand of Bci ileJJgn and "Foil" 'i tiomai lis ., a rootW ohjertjoa 'to II hRaa b for-, h' htti i'coin plot eh '6Tg pi MgVgttonii Kbt e trythiag Just to his mlud. 1!-. Wlaka it is neck bett r iu ha sgri thi.n lo be sorry! tte'V'mirte nagatkt of f.-iiins bark tUttifk ttid lapakese advuaee apaln aud kgattd. Bdt whta be anpc uru reftdy to Ifiri Urigg will iijuiejiately bceonM vary Itlaresting Have Voo a Cough? A dose of BBBgNIl Hon hound 8vnn) will relUve it. llavo yrm a old? A itoro uf yierftfne nt hod time nd fvegneat -nail doe of Mate boon I Bjfnp d-iiiTwr th'- day will re Mm It Try It fnr wT,'iplns; sonfih, for a-ihraa, V- eofisiumetion. toi hruachitia. Mrs, Toe MeOrath. KM B. 1st street, Hntehlnvon. Kan., writes: "I have Mad Haiti Mi Hon.hound Syrup in my family for 5 years, and Bid It the host nnd moat palatahle medicine I oor BftM." Me, 50c, loM by Scbuh Onic 0 Sa'oen and Htrl For Sale. On' saloon ahd tialf 1ffepr,'--t in an other: a!.- t'niTo .f'.-.- hotel, huai- nesa and bntldlTu 'are1 't'ffered for sale Apply on the preu,' Valuable Stamp Cotl'ction. The inosl saluubie Collection of cb Holete stamps iu fhc world haturs In the corridor in Dip Treasury building, near the nfjles ft Mm Commlgaionat tl Internal Revenne, The,. Marine grere SSaeaahled in an aititio manner for tl- (overameai whlbit at thu rmton nlal Exposition la i S7. and comprise all thu obttokjts Issuea then iu eslt eaco, ranging Iu value frurn one cent to r.,now. That Tlrsd Peellno If you aro lanRulId. deirejied and fncapaMa for t'rk, u Indicates that )inir liver Ik out of order. Ilorblne will al"! natttfii to throw off head schee, rntramatlaie and ailngna akin to nervousm .- and rggtgtre the oer ilea and vitality of sound ari l porfost health. J. J. Hubbard. Temple. Texas. Ttt .-, March 22, PH2: "t have used lb rbhio for th" at two voars. t haa ihaie mo ware k-mm! than all the deetora When I fat) bad and have thai tired tv, one. I take a doxe of lb rldne. It ia the best medicine ever made for chills and fever." .'nets a Viftle. Sold hy Sclmh Drug Co. Cairo to Vlnrentfega and rwtwra noxi Sunday, June gth $1 gfc tla Itlg Tour Rout,. Binary town in Mexfr bath lni'-e. Reai Lavender Perfume. The delicate blue lavonder may he crown by carefully protecting the plmit dnrkag the winter, but it quite repays one for the troanB. NT3 wod-dlng-eheet is complete without the pale lavendc stlk bath filled with the cray -blue prig whedfc perfume adds the la-it trtuch ot romance tt s dsitty trniuseau of !ae.r aud linen. Coifhtry IJU 'e America. The VineeiineH pxru!n nest S w day will make "stops at all stations Intermediate, affording an . xcfllpnt ha a public ! opportunity to visit your friends dur j ing the day ind return same e ning.