Newspaper Page Text
7 A " ' ...... THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 'J2,-J904 . T i 2 , V it .'U7Tr7 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMH. Short Announcements Mepressntlng , The'r Wcnta, Trades, Profos Ion and, Various Ao- j - , tMtif. - ' Rate For Cktfll Notices. One inawttim txtr word .. Thnte inacrtlnpa wr word fine wood X't iid .. Vnit month per word .....a..., - A (1 nutthir al lu Nonwantll typ. No MtvflrtiwiiHint Inaurted for tweuty. Uvacouta. lew lr. Dunn, eye, ttr, none and throat. Hlath and WaahiairtW. i MAIL ORDERS. ' -5 Weatartyon lu the mall order bualnes. Full rariiru una nam i int. Aiueriuiun.". Acmncf, Milwaukee, nil, WANTED. WANTRD-tlneful Invention to patent. Ad ilrwaaO. T. Brit, warder rljilrtiug, Waitilng- turn, D. V. FORTUNE TELLER. Mm. A. Mathews, fortune IOula. WW wtfJuut atrt. teller from St. FURNISHED HOUSE. . FURNI8HKP thin orlic. HOUSB to rent. Apply at i FOR RENT. ; FOR BKOT-rM odorn fl it, 6 rooms and hath, oWit online horary. Inquire on preniiwett. Fl'RVISHKI) lMOMA nice front room with bath. Klevenlh Street. KoK KKNT--70S Walnut, furnuthtd roimm; also llgut hounekoeping. Aily3.U Hevuath Ht. COLECTOR WANTED WAN'TBD-Sollcltor aud eollector. Must Tiiaka good apiwaranu. Pay weekly auUry. Adilren M-l, Bulletin. SirUATIONS WANTED. free Announcements of Those -.1 i nrvA ; . Not Wlity for any advertisoaicnt oT4tatmeut nt', fiu,llll mill Wltl nut mvrii tfiiu uuvivt r.,.n nii.y parmia known to be .employed.'.'' 1;:"-.V Ciit' Inquiries and " repliet'.to. aavcttuememi m .win uj Mini,. -, ...-..7.... . . DriOITirtM A1 A put m'"!'.''; .."?? ' Ixiy uf U yeara. Anxioua' ta.;work.initfio offic. an give twst of. refereuvj,7 Addrc.sK.. liny Kennedy, 711 (Joiunereia!ve"une'r..Vtr?,5;' li. . . , . , j. A Hrat-claaa aawyar arrtl Vaaar-filer iwanu. poaillon. ; Ci Jive oodrfernce.- Addrees, K. A. Hpauldiug, Hanidayliotlk T. . . STENOGRAPH ER:;;.;".V;-,vy A Doallion bv an'euersetic.vouneJaflviwhn liaa juat n-ueatly voiopietxl ,c.mpvteiitA';ourat; of iiMtrucluwa. Addroaa K. M ' 11 1 1 1 1- n't tV . .. iJ7i.!'V ' K;.'C.:,SA-1jO(S)N AND-:;;rv; Uhnbcalb Moll nAta-'.f i IT UVIvuHlv II1UIA VIUVI '. WHISKEy-Sgl 311-Ohio Levee -ieairoI BUSINESS LOCALS.' -. Every clothing house In existence has $15.00 suits, but they are not our kind at this price. We are' "top notch ars" in giving the greatest, values. Bee our line of lilack Vene.' tiaus and fancy silk mixtures. Bench made, shape retaining frJftts, hancr padded shoulders. They arejtho $20' kind elsewhere. Banner Shoe .and Clothing House, corner EighteenU: street and Commercial avenue. , Vegetables at James . Meeha'n's, fresh, crisp, direct from the Sunny' South. Our line of canned goods em braces everything known to cauner's art. I buy, .-ell and take in pawn every thing. Ladles and gtntu clothing a specialty. Uuy B. Perry, the pawn broker, J07 Commercial avenue. Order your supply of anthracite coal, this month and save 25 per ceut per ton. Ca.di discount on soft eonl for winter's supply. Cairo City Coal Co. Catfish 12Vic per pound, buffalo 8c small fish 7V4 bacon 8 VZc. rolled oats 3 packages 2ie, California hams 9c, hams 12c. All of these at Stone Bros, and more. ' All hats,- flowere and foliage at yoatr own price while they laet Miss J. L. Wallace, 209 Eighth street. A Halley, wire screening, poultrj netting, water coolers, gasoline Stoves and ovens, step ladders, brushes, hardware and stores. . Burke's Livery. Teed and Boarding Stables, first class livery service. A fine line of carriages for funeral oc casions. Always the best - Going to build or repair this spring? See Kt-lly Bros., Lumber Ce. for anything In lumber or building material. Watermelons, peaches, blackber ries, tomatoes, cucumbers. spring chicken and other delicacies at O'Stea's. Eighth street Free deliv ery wagons, both phones. Tour csh does greater service at Stone Bros, than elaewber. Good guaranteed to soli too. Price couldn't be lower If thrown In a well For tender feet try Dr. A. Reed's cushion shoes. The cssleat shoe on earth. Sold only ,y n. r Rothen berger. Twenty-eighth and Commer cial avenue. For frph vegetable, fancy and staple groceries nd choice meat call at the Walter A Sherick market. Eiehtu street Just Arrived a new car load of Sohi'itz ber. K. Smyth & company, phone 222. EflKraa tailing cards Tnr same erpraved on ceppr plate (In script) nd a hundred carrls for 1 50 liw) carts from your own plate for 11 W. Jl-a A. Miller, Jeweler, Klnts, aiil Corsioercial avenue. . , Foaitions' h'henefitane at.all I;cni gatisflcd:.tberi J . . . .V?.y iSV-MfnopxfMffi fir . Condition oW AdwertlMmanWsA.teM.r JOvX lr . jW. "v'J r'J'l5 '.jnTKS';ladvtrit'nds.inued; A'r,rta8miaofnot4Bfdln?.thrw,ll1ii will bo aoitt fri'o for nru'Virfk avimrtfrpmj TOKjN-'AvV.fAv t.ViVt.iiir?.'R'i. ay rel0rotTbaMllotii,;iilea.M,M'- of The Bulletin CiiinyS7a.Uhiotl5'lleV. jjmwnM(cyJ tii" A prominent Southern lady. Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, painful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound. "Dkab Mrs. rn.Kn.iMi Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the great merit of your Vegetable Compound. I hve Buffered for four years with ir regular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains,4n tho back and htwer limbs-, and fitful sleep. I dreadetl the time to come which would only mean suffering to me. " Better health id all I wanted, and core if possible. Lydia E. Pink liam's Vegetable Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short months. I feci liEto another person now. My aches and pains have left me. Life seems new and sweet to me, and everything eeema pleasant and easy. - ; .. " Six bottles brought me health, and was worth more than months under the doctor's eare, which really did not lil-l. 1 11. 'I L J Ui-" I L. 11 I U I L: I .(11 IM -rtl ! e-.; m t a.- I a h .r,!i 1 1 , ' ? iff e i el 1 ,. M ia h Vj ar?y.foij- ,Veykif57;'i!i'.i 3yT!i;l5 'i'fff-tl iiAhV T i:xi'i:cti:p it. "I .-. a.t vry much turpi! -el wh.ti you prHise. to me." "Vou weren't half ah surprised I was when you accepted me." THE KEV. A&3 ERLARCE9 CDITIOR OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Kxr-ela in Vxwbuiiry. It r t'ir mmt uaftill in pi'' tuid onl.'iiti jti-lu'louWy uUw-tivI 1i irli.-li' i-i-rnii'iii-iHi ,-f arKvl nvn, and Ui avoid iiiuuti-l.iKilw t'vlionalitM-s. Zxcvls la Arouifnmcnt. I'-t- li tir. ain a j .,r.iiT.,it 1:1 its ,-irfri'i-t Hii-lmtietK-al plmf i lily uiinut t,y tt rc. , EtccU la Klymologiei. The, uri im (N-t ail i. h.(,i ill, , i.ihI rmlNly tl la-.? rKiilt';, ! pinli.loirr. rti -v m,-imt . niLitl irorwk--l int,.iM.riirv u.-a. EjcetoinPrommclatloa hi, h i irHllmtn! t.y rw.-ilinK with Hi- di .rrii !:isrknl Mtor. u'l in the, 11m inind rrf win. b are tauvltt lu I k- i ulillc w Eaeeis is Definition,. Thr r are rlr, t-n', -t t-iwni'ii te. aiKt art- jtivi n la vht intWT in whh h tlx- wuid hn axnml i-, hli-t f im-niimr. .Many ef tut; d, . nrnrms bit illiitraii-1. Siwla in Its Apprdit wlii- h t a iai knl hIiwIiiiiisbU u- liil ao.iwlilaf. Ecelaaa a Working DtctUmary. Nnoitxi !n,4irmlivi.-saMBu h UMfnl l i'ormaO'in w mt vaiuahle and onm-Hiinil ..r -it,i ,1 tattoo, c ao lo.ii'it.e lu the hooic fudy, a-'booi, r oili.-e. The International has 330 quarto papes with 5tJ0 illustrationa. a5,non new wonis and p)u"avs have recently been added arid the Gazetteer of the WorH ami I'.iocrwphical Dictionary have been cornpU-My revised under the suriFrvision of W. T. Harris, IIlD., LL.D., U. S. Grnimissioner of Education. " - LET US SEND YOU FREE " A Twt la FToanncUtSim" whl- h aff-wV a elMnH an-1 iwrw liin evenina eptnr. lamraent. Illustrated f-ani.bk-t abw free. a & C. MERRIAM CO, evacriw, SPRINGFIELD, MASS, xt'f!i'l aslant !ii( :ilir-J r-aiiseiiinr'f &'.'; ' . r. .i.v 1 ' P R Ovl I NE N-TV l?A WjY.E RDEA D,: ? .Byi'Assorlat&mijrer-sj:;- ii;-.s. enua i '.If iiiT-s iotr e vra'Jtr.ii'.ls dead,.- fii4'''-'1''? -Mm-: i . if ' 'v'.v ; v-Si A..' pi a ii nniinri i rn UUIYirLLlXWJYIrtn : Vi... TO DIG A CRAVE (Concluded fi'om First Page.) murderur, auJ .tho,' rcmrd is! standing.' In the absynt e of any other motive . for tiio alleged iit tempi uion tho life ol Georm I'arrot tho polleo say that Mih. Fers.ison may have wanted to do away wl li hi in. in ordar to have the rowan wlth.lrawn. Mrs. Ferguson jjosoi a.', a detective, and Is pretty known to uio au thorities of. tho sta'.o. Sho has an agency's eredcniials in lior possoa sion, and carries a inimilmf; m lu:r left wrist containing a revolver anl a pair of handcuffs. She is a woman of prepossessing Appearance aud wears uiamouds and jewels. At tho time the warrant for licr arrest was issued :dio was reported to have gouo to (ireaf Falls. News was received by, otflrials today that sho la now in Iloleiut, where, it Is ex poet ad, ulio will be arrested shortly. Funeral Notice. Schocmbs Wed at her homo. aO-'J Wal'uut street, Saturday evening, July 9, Mrs. Oeorgtj Schocmbs. Funeral cervices will be held at St. joseph's ohnrch Tuesday morning, July 10, at S: 15 o'eloeli. Special train will leave the foot of Eighteenth street at 9:3 o'clock for Villa Ridge ' cemetery. Friends of the family Invited to at tend. CIRCUIT COURT BECUN Grand-; Jury Empanelle,d.,.and. ' j,vyr6. wJ:il v. U:.;::T7.c'iiii'p"reii t'vi hf :8'J?5 tyear JK;:"- i-ltll .!,., . mix i.i ou.-rj,.. , . . '' , 'A'y iTul'-CunrUVin Jus 1 ."of ?sprln i;; 'n'tiiv.vt Inu'-'rt wir'at ,c'oiubitie.-J ;8,I:Sc6di iarf.a-'With8i :J'.iy. iVfUC1 '' -.' ' ' .' Amount of ;'nfcailnR..lii hands of':farme.r''Juij iju.shels, equivalent k 'Jalgittf.5;fr-pt-i; pc-iit. of H'heVcroijrof, lasj;;'yeiir.! ' . ... . Avcrauo .coiid.ijjou.'oats. -Jgdy. .-1; ' 8; cVi:': pirV .1: i'.h'-l:.! liii :.. July ; 1 ,' j !ti:,' Ji.-ii''ear 'avWai;eS7:X . .'.', '. . ; - A-venij;.- eon"(liliij!i:,lar,ley 'July -l 'SS",) iiirain;t l-C 8.;:Jit!y -I'l'siH, ten year -ay-. erar. J87.1? -. '. ". " . A crt'i:Pi condiH'in'. witSTer;' rve '-Jtily l:8S;(ti'ciimpareJ '"with '90.2 July' V, 1303".- Ten . -3 r. average of .87.1; Arrcerio of (lax less tnsn last year, by about KXPOO acres or 2.'.0 per e iit, and c.iuditton July 1, Sfi.G. Av: erat;;' coniftliniui rye July 1. 83.2 acaiust !)3.5 one year a:;o. Acreage potatoes exeluHinr; sweet p-ifatoe- lit cr-aler than laht year by about y.ttiiM) m-rea or 3.1 per cent., averatra eonilition July 1, 91.9 cimtpar f 1 with July S .1, ten yeir aver ar;e !.'.). Acreage of tobacco t Icbs tliatt tint of las year by about 2:!l.rso acres or 22 ier cent Average nm-lillon Ju't I, 85 3 aeainst 8"1 a year aw. SWITCH IN POLITICS. Or Associated Prcs. Ctil-3:, July 11 The Chicago Chr niu !-, which ba.s b-en pt neralljr) nmsidcr .1 to be a Democratic tiews pvT. will announce formally In I Ifi.ue tomorrow that it will hereafur au:ar as a Republican newspaper. STORM AT EVAN3VILLE. By the Associated Press. E-nii.-vil!-,, Ind July 11 Frank Tema.-ii.-rn niiPt nuer boy was kill ed and b:;ness buIUing damae;-1 by lihtnine whirh accompanied rsin in thh por'ion of Ftate. port? from .ontlyng district-- tell tf hf-avy damre to crop-?. THREE LIVES LOST IN FIRE. By the Associated Press. Waiwortb. Wis, July lives were lnst toilajr in 11. Three a fire near this village in which the value of the property destroyed was a little over IjOO. The fire was caused by an at tempt to light a fire with kerosene. i 4mM '..f OV-iliiiV Vli V" I M;ra LtniHitvof . rA ruTi iUiuJsVfi ;'embt;riW'.J'heaven'iit.i4-.iSIInij,fif -a ? ts v-V 'V MAt.iV '.i ,Z 3 iTru 7 V7. .? W .pTrfTJ&l tWj'H iru y; A, WIENBER3 .& G)., OPTICIANS 1 : 1 r .:. :'Jt. f?.k- 7 1 Now Machinery aud App'ianoca. Fn tiro Satisfaction Guaranteed. Room 3, Uilbort Block. Cairo I'bQ'f? 696. WINDOW CLASS WORKERS. By Associated PresJ ' J ' v ' . Ckvel.ifr I, July ll.-Otdesatei re predentin tiio Window UIhsh Workers asHiciaUnn of America and tha I'nitod Window Clas ; Workers!' aanriatton of America met In convention today tho principle business to bo done by the convention will get the anialgamfttluu of the two organizations, the formation and presentation of a wage nealo and other work of interest to work ers. MARRIED THREE YEARS AGO. By Associated I'reRa. New York, July 11 Senator Wil liam A. Clark of Jiontana, was mar ried to liss Anna K. La Cuappella of tiuttu. Mont., in Marseilles, France, M.ty 2T. 1301, uceordiuK to an an nouncemnt given 01U ionii,'ht. It is 'anJUh.tXShJtriittur.I.exa!i "y ;OiRVPQ.iS E:.TO.lST(RIK.ES:';:!'y? .BytlieyAss ..' "; 'A M I ljsvatikee;..-July. l;l;lii-hlavaiirtiial ,'a'lii'rt:MH.;lM;f(ife..v;.t he.; IvingKhorenieniii oni:e!'lSy:'-. '.pr;!' Ideiit ;' Keefe.-' hi I III ,A I V. . 'I ' low I 1 1 .;i p J L 1 1 V 11 v fi; l.llt'., iiil.v i s i ti ni i.'tira i ;; k .n'nahcfal - aHsiKtaiic'e '.to. thbse.on-.n. i.t''-if ..wor.tliy ...of Hitch !;iillVort.'. 1 lir AiiipoL.! cbiiipulsoty'nV-. liitratioii.' :'''.''"'" BRVANiRE.TURNS.HOrEv.. By.-Associated' .Preaa." ' S. faidM;rji B.n. 'ij'' "'iht'for h'is'. hoiije'"in,.l.fn eol'n'.. "lie ffal'lv.Ke felt) better after wo days' comparative reit and that he c xpects to be fjlly recovered with in a short time. Open the ilmr, let In the air. The winds are rwect, the flowers are fair. Joy 1-. abroad In the world for mo. Since taking R-cky Mountain Tea. Paul G. Sf huh & 'lis. AMALGAMATION CONCLUDED. Br Associated Press. New York. July 11. Negotiations for the ssnatfi-tmation of the Natbmal IBd company, capifal thirty millions til I'nked Ltil company, capital flftr- n niiilniiH. wa t succt-s. -.-fully con eluded te lay. The former v i'i alisorb the latter. ELK3 AT CINCINNATI. T?y the AsRocintM Precs. 11 Some dele lodge of Elks are The committee Cincinnati, July gate3 to the grand now ia Cincinnati. meets next Saturday to prepare the work for the sen. Ion following Mon day. - t Canadian Area. Tho D.-r:inkm ot Canada Is eb:.ut 3,5oo miles Uoia toit o .est and 1...0 miles from noitii to south. Laba or Is under the ju;isdirlkn of Nefonrd land. wl-.Icb r o!ry is not In tfc! Car a diaa corKdeiaibi. The 1'St'h of the frontier lino rerati',g Crat!a from tbe-Unlted Ktst'.s it? geoRrsphl cal m!!e. l.o) miles being a water line of river, Uke3 and seas, and J.6(K miJes a land boundary. alKO.i anmuuced:tliai t tit? senator iand Mr.-"('lur;k'in rt"!itai;tnt.s-'lot;iavtwp.-xeiir-, iilil11daiiK'!tu;A'-.:-,V 1! !'?v.V'Vy;4'? -V,";;;, .V.- V: " T )R Nl'A'Db'!y nJJSiliO Tt M.Ss-.'.v". ii ii 1 1 1 N-a fits 1 1 : U a ni a I a a s n hi a Lsr c Ii e ck ing thea"jiVe:i,ot5.l(oJl veeyil li..cijt-., irT-rtnw'iit otVati';eiiittirel..experti.toilay Mhivint'eia''iiitiv il(;stro"d w.eevJU Cheer.fu!lyrRecommendedViFr;RheU-i .it?.''.! rV. .rrfat srh. ?: ,? c of- : t i i t tfxyi an vi i n ':n w -out oh j ,.t,'i;,''t!.v .Itv'a if t-1 a i ' i 'p'i'f or. f o i iV's'n iot 'l 1 3?,w j h .-finVivr-i-rt ?pn iSri,iS; ,''".! 2W. .'..e.yil,. . a, . r.S I N G R O W F OR INGROWIN G TOE N AILS; Why suffer wheu ou 25c bottle will cure you? .' ' ' of price. SCHUH DRUG COMPANY, : ; : - . 1 ! . ' ' i t ; v " "J. ''!.? -" - " "-'i- - - 1! a . t1 j ii1 "J 3 "i .. J. J! 1 'I'".'1,!,.-. .! 1 1 AM 'IMMENSE! fcROWD, Tho hiKKi-st crowd for the space etiplml ever Dsemblod In Paris tun; ed out IWl niKht to Mt't'n.t "A.'b.; Al len's 'Now Orleans : mlnfitrela, who Rave their enteiiainnien., in a teat stretched ou Gunl aviimo opposite the Avenue hotel , ;wcro. fully three thousand 'persons present. .and the only reasiui that there were not more was that they com Id not be pack ed and jammed any tighter Inside tuo tent. Most persons who patroniza tent mlmtlrel shows prefer. burnt cork art ists because they portray the 'old- time plantation darkey to better ad vantage than the black man hlmKclf. In tha entertainment lant uigJit, how ever, the negro character wa lKir trayed faithfully by the ueKroee them selves. The show was quito tip lo date and that it was clean and re- fined waa attested by the fact that it was attended by many of tho most prominent theater-goers in the clrv all of whom appeared to bo pleased. There i9 a vast difference Ju the price of admission charged - hy, thU comimny than what U usually charg ed by minstrel companies,' neverthe less, teh show was fully up to date. f'aris Morning. News, Paris, Texas, September 19, ISilS. Will appear in Cairo next Thursday. , . ' It warms the heart like sunshine, cheers the soul like old wine, gives liopo'fir the future, blots out thV past. Istered since Saturday morning 'aii'd 'crowds are-." still 'comliVe""' No'iili-s 'turbances have thus-far coturfre'di.'"; ;' i ' : AFTER A NEGRO;. . , i A wMaaaaawaaaM-t -. . . , By tho Assoclatod Pres..-."'- ;; MinneaptMis, V Julyf.: di', harluo; Williams, a negro,' who,t "isSileged attempted tftt a fault itpon.-a Je'ltr-' old girl this evening .w'aVl'wjtl'-I'tli'iTi.' culty rescued by police' fro'in-aO'uoli.i-. , n - . . v. -. ;v ; .1 ' Johti'C. Stfow..Iverton Wjfeij.was' tick fpf. live. ycaSinittmniiylljfl'Iier 'J'rty good n til 1 foim lVvlltoJlisVerR' vju!-! Ih ulniili t welv..fN-t'.Jji,yreuiii i tereiiee,':: flnd the' gulvuiir;il'..enlilf.. .niH)iii..,,'u.- ie-i iu H'iij:ui,.H!iji0i!.-ii 'leiileii ..welirlj'l Of tlire h't'iV'lsgt; nVtvtmiid tip il'i'lly'- .'.' " xiivrioit. in Mini 10 lie on iiy;cn jiinire prliuiilve 'coittdmejIoB than tbat-nnode by Henry' de 'lek fir t"nirh-:f'-. of Fra'm-ealn 1.170. The clock elmnibt-r ia'.-ln,tlii lpirtiiwcrit tower, .some 12o feet" high, wliore tbe snnllgltt IniHJiot ;pett'traled for hundreds tf years, mid .'tlMwinillni kt done by tlie light of a ..5K"&yfo'Ah grcat.- tenor lell of the ciitiieilraC'-"'wiileUi "i'lgtA. ttilrty two litindrf-dwelgbt, and It Is struck hourly by nn clclity pound bsmnier. The gobig and the stnikltig patla cf the clock, are some yards nprt, cotu Ciunlcutlon. being by a idetider wire. Tie cha-k liss uo dial. .The time Is shown .on the.niuln wbe--l vt tlie es capement, wliicii Kfes round once lu two hours. Lou-Ion Chcon'rle. mantai t nm nctiUisit:. A msn o wants to do' his let-t iniHt keep Mmself In mental trim. 11 he would arhlere tbe hlpttft succef he must bt correct Uilokr. - H- mmot think discord, and brlui; har monious con d It Ion i Into lis tn.duesa. His wrong thoubt will honeyrtml and undermine his prospects la lire. London Armwis. GLOBES CUARANTtH) CURE FOR ALL MONEY BLADDER AND URINARY DISEASES. SflALl AS AP1L EfcSltR TO TAKEl . TmaMnrirtiSM, n4 one tT will cvrf any nrdmary czae e Kidnry, BLadW cr lrtnary Irvubir. Kmfit.raTl; era Itiahetw: tait aal Kmrnnicim: Woak and Lame Katk: Kra-ama-tism; kiniica fit Xtriaa: Thirk, SinirrWi .antr I'nnr; i'a"a lltorl; ImtamaiaK artiurrl ot tiie Itla.l-ler: and all im-waiannea ti tlw Kidiwy. BladOe or Urinary Urfaaa. PRICK 50 CTS. ' NO CURE. NO FAT. Paul C. Stbuh- A Sorr. ii Commer cial avtnne and Harry W. Schub Drug company, lfth and Commercial avenue exclusive agents Swit by anaU, trpaa raceipt eat prtoa. by LrH Medicine CdBpaay, .- LwiEine, gy ltocky f Mountain Tea.-;:.-; 'Njiw;..' slff's "tit rotfgHnij', he3jtj!Vy'So"i!rl)'it bv1 'oo. :cet. r! h'ea.'orJ'Ta t le t sCJlia 'n Iff i fiSeh u ti Ajr-Vy :.-.t:;f.-.' 6ih.TrftiVnfj. Mailed MINSTRELS i UNDER 0 AN VAS OIMBE hu PERKOH MANOE ONLV ' H Show UrSai ds 14th Wo Don't I'lay all tho Muslo Sous Days, but we flay Musio Sous Hasn't , . ; The Nerv to Play.. , .; . c ,. A. G. Allen's Original New Orleans Minstrels . - ; iunilghty Union with : s , QUINE AND OAKES' UNITED SHOWS appearinp under a Mammoth Canvas Theatre, Seating 2000 People. Kmbraciiiji all that is new, navel and original in up-to-date minstrelsy. Ad- iniHsion within reach of tiie mottt humble citi.'.en, 25 and 35 centi; . , !; .j' Watch for tfio iaipOMiug Btrect.pnrade-which.takesplaco-Bt :noon ;6ii;-.dnyK .ofperurmance. ' ' '. W'"J" ;!;r"-v' Lv :r i ." OOnilL.INOr windows made ' OUR SCREEN ENAMEL -Vill Paint Both Voodwork and Wirt. --.-: ' " - ' ... ' . " . '. ' SreST." Av'' la ncastor f3 Rico. W4 MUCH GAME IN NEWFOUNDLAND. Country l Full Qf Qar!bou, Moooe, and Wild Cuck. Warhara WhKney. of Rochester. N. was at the Holland house for a day rtcently, at the end of a hunting trip of several weeks la Newfound land and N'ew Brunswick, says the New York Tribune. He .was In tho Adirondacks through August, and when September opened he was off forj(fowfoundland. . r "Plenty of game and flsb splendid Kport," was his comment on his tx perlcnce In Newfoundland. "Much of the country," said he, "is a mar.hy plain, but there is plenty of caribou. I, saw more than three sndred of them -twenty-eight la one herd and I brought some tmphleo cf my marks man: hip and good fortune home with me. Proof ot tho pkntitudo of game was the variety on one tctcslon In our csmp larder. We had black dach teal duck, caribou meat, and trout. Tho big game In Nt.w Brunswick Is moose. They come to the water night and morning, and the quiet, covrg, where they ran stand In the water aad.olp the lily bads. Is the place to get at tbem unawares. I have the head of one I shot. .Of course, one must endure noroe hardships on such a trip, but when it Is all over the mounted heads upon tbe wall at home bring back the wholetxpcrience rs a pleasing reminlscenre. Tp In New foundland quiet water surfaces, lakes and the like. are. always 'steadies,' an the rwrHng stream are rapids,' while In New Brunswick the laRes sre 'dead water,' the streams are 'quick water,' and a cove is a To- Ux'i.yV:CdiHw .. Q FJf&X. nufe-tlfc-V-c-; . . '-i-VYMv'. ; ; . ' v;F.lfe .-Btillerin;i.sfe ..fuViilcdiuW: ' . , . "i .-'.. .. r : '" ; . . .?,..- i - M ; n . . "'.; '.: . . '" ". V .-' - ' ' ' to .any address upon receipt - Cairo, Illinois. St. I Nearfist Of ficeC " it l "SIZES. .': . ' . TO. ORDER JJ.- t t . r- - - - - - . -1 1 I t -it ; Keep-Your Totnpor. Theatinwrltten laws belli of society and gool manners aro Innumerable, but there Is ona that wo cannot pasB o"'cr. ln.-slloucc, pnd that Is never bjse your temper. ' This" applies especially When play ing games. ' Bridge and croqiiet In particular havo msich to answer for. -Llfelom; frlendsbtp have lietsi sbaltrrert. Weals brokf and rtu to Iho ground by a wrong lead, and tho frown or efgh wltb wbtrh It Is greeted: or a bad m If st croquet and the Ill-concealed annoyance of onc'a partner In eonsequenco. ' 1 To rotio rtne'e temper In private Is bad enough, but to do m In public Is unpnrdonaMe, It Is a crime which no hotitess csn forgive, for It makes all ther other -gnests feel uncomfort able, and illpturbii' that outward calm which Is the essence of ail good so ciety. - Lettuce and Smallpox.. So far as It 1s possible for a l.ntrin being to be protected faora cstcblr? smallpox, Itttaee Is a protection. No pxed for vaccination whatever. Aay person who rata a. cma!l qmnttty of ltttuce twice- a day. morning and evening. Is as well protected acalnst smallpox as it Is pot-bible for any one to be. Not the Same. There Ir a whole tot of difference, between tlio girl who gets tip to read a kve letter at a late breakfast from tbe ram ete Is grjirg -to marry and after she has done It get np esrly to hsve a late breakfast reedy for him. -New York Press. Julv 14