Newspaper Page Text
7 THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MOFNiNG, JULY 12, 901 si THE CAIRO BULLETIN KtblMied ISM. ; rnhHh( Dalw Hnn.1jr by tha Bulletin IJuinpany, at 7U8 uniijisireei. rnnnos no. E. W..TIHELHCKE,, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES HY MAIL r Jnvananiy ...-sun 4D adtncv On yWr, Dallv and Humliiy Oo year, Hnnilny (onlv) DM) f BUBSCBIPriON RATES BV CARRIER By carrier In Osiro - -') nmnth By c.rrlur wuUide fairo 60c a mootli NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Bnlncrlbera will confer a favor by reporting to thin nrllcr any lack or prompt delivery on tn pan or carnen. , Ba ared at the Calm PostotHce an Second-class . ...... Mall MttMcr. crops will Immediately proceed now lo cat rli up." Champ Clark Bold at the St. Lou I a convention: "I will support my coun try In any emergency tint President neoicvelt ia not the country. The dudlnKiihhed Mia onrlan la correct on both counts but we have a horribia suspicion that the president may not acreo with the last, clause of the statement. n2g It Is a condition of (he new military company that it mtut ne organize! within the next few days in order to prepare for camp duty August 13th, just a month away. Thoso in ch.argj of the organization are doubtless alive to the situation and will not perm't this excellent opportAinity in the clty'8 favor to pass without taking ad vantage of it. PUT IT SO PLAINLY THAT IT MAY BE READ. A GOOD PLACE TO PUT IT 13 IN THE COLUMNS OF THE BULLETIN. CIRCULATION STATEMENT Average, Daily and Sunday for Si" .months ending June 30. 1M04...1731 ; Average, Daily and Sunday Month ' of June. 1904, . ..2056 Month of June. 1... 2... 3... .4... 6... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... .11... 12... 13... 14... 15... ...2020 '...1996 ....1986 . . . .2736 ,...1672 ,...1957 ,...1984 ....1855 ,...1968 ...1990 ,,.,20H ,...1764 ,...1983 ,...1938 ....I960 16 17 18 39"..... 20 21...... 22 23..... 24..... 25 26..... 27 28 29.-... 30 ..1950 ..2098 ..3970 ..1758 ..1981 ..1922 ..1980 ..2010 ..1965 ..1989 ..1830 ..2055 ..2079 ..2034 ..2177 The above is a correct statement of the circulation of The Cairo Bulletin, Daily and Sunday, on the date's stated, month of June, 1904. . A. J. BENEDIC,. '. Circulation Manager' .' Subscribed and sworn to before'4nve' this first day of July, 1904.' . .' . '. Sea! J E. L. GILBERT,' :' ; Notary. Public.':-. The ordinance propose! by Alder nun Wood at the last council meet ing, the . purpose of which la to offi cially change the name of The Levee to the shorter, more dignified and generally appellation of Ohio slre?t should come before the council to nignt for its final reading and, it Is to be hoped, adoption. There Is littl-j that can be a Med to what ha; already been said on the subject and the ar guments in favor of such action are too tuimertw to mention at this place. The ' best evidence, perhaps, of the anoronriateness and. advisibility of the change will be found in the gen eral sentiment in its favor as ex pressed In a petition signed by some thirty prominent property, holders and bu iness men in Levee street who desire the Improvement in name and take this method of urging action of the council in its favor. There is little reason to believe that the ordi nance will not be promptly 'adopted tonight without dissenting voice. ail nations;: entangling, alliancj with nono; absolute acquiescence in th? wtll of tha majority, the vital princi ple of republic!; these are -.'orine: which Democracy has established, ap proved by the nation, and tiiey kIiouK be con tantly invoked and enforced." n ITEMS (IF IXTERESr. .J The government est.1ma', of (.iie cotton Crop for this year Is U.OOO.OOO bales. Thanksgiving Jiould fall on Noveni ber 24 thU year. The mean diameter of the Sun is 866,400 miles; that of tha earth, is 918 miles. The next eclipse will occur Septem ber 9, if will be of the sun and will be invisible In North America. The tolil electoral vote in 12)1 476; necessary to a choice, 239. is June 14 ii celebrated, a.s Flag Day In the public schools. It is the anni versary of the adoptica of the Nat ional fl : K- JIO.W THE BOOM STARTED. DEMOCRATIC TICKET; For President : ; rr ; ALTON B.. PARJCE y - ' ' of New York-.. For Vice President f HENRY G. DAVIS ' ' s j ( !; ; of West Virginja. The Inovement; inj behalf of 'Judge Alton B. .Parker.' which-, has resulted in his nomination, ft t the presidency of the United States -by the Democrat ic party itarted in Georgia a little more than oue-y?ar "ago. The occasion was the-visit of Judge Parker to th'i' state for the -purpose of addressing- 'the Georgia - Bar- Associa tion which met n July. 2 at Tallulah. Falls. The-. New Yorker han been mentioned iii connection with ihe nom-Ination.-of- his party before that time, butjt was not until his visit to this state that the .talk became general. After being brought, prominently, to 'the, attention "of: the. peopli at .'that time, Judga Parker.- grew steadily; In. favbr"ahdeachw.eek saw-his-chance -.'A lor. ine uoiiiiiibuuu. iin.-icasnifc..-- - .the.aldress"- of -Judge. Parser--before, tWs.' ' .r i i ''U,r 'A a.'rwlt litt- TV a a, nnp'j of'the.most-notable'to'-which'thP.-mem- The average age of the twenty- ix presidents of the United States at tha time of inauguration is 55 year.3. Illinois ranks fourth among tae states in number of Building and Iian associations. Pennsylvania :s first with over 1,200 Yellowstone Park is sixty-five' miles in length, from north to south and fifty-five miles in width from ea;tt west. The area i-s 3,312 square miles, a tract nearly equal to the states of Delaware and Rhode Island 'combin ed!.' .... "-j1!, -vf,"J vnr, , 1'!'' Vl U". . V1' vvi' x ' I'll I SENATOR COCKRELL. Senator Fraacia Marion Cockrell of Missouri,' was, one of the big men of the convention just past. His nomination for president was seconded by Mr. Bryan. Senator .Cockrell was born in 1834 and .totk his seat in the senate in 1875. His term expires next year. -. KINDERGARTEN ' LESSON. IN CONVERSATION The wa!ll; flii wt'r-;at.a;.:pa r.ty.' u' of tcp the only gi rl-.'prjeljen '.hca n bait-." bread. . ' ''' j- ' , ":.'.'' ' per choke e; , writeonr?e!fs.'ia,;yot ve call vit. .per. ch'okeder .udder fel: low writes i3. vot ve call 'piffie.-Din'-' kenspiel. '. ' ';.,'. v'.;.- . ;.',;.. ;.''Are,,fher'e-ciiibs';for. town ?'v'aske'(I.Vt he '.suffragist rntu tlftj easl::,V.'CeraihlK.,iVot"--replied the caL .Wh'at .is this fearsome noise, mam ma? -. A pink tea my child. . What is a pink tea. mamma : ly the same word,; to her. Oh, look? niamma. Here is Mfs. Jones; what shall I say to her? Sav "Dear Mry. Jones, what a joy -A" pink tea, my ''child, Bis afsoyaW tcjyei-t "yoy!,!, Isn't this aacharming clearing-house thai 6nahipsAuittijf"jMfl artistic the deer- pay backvour diunerJIiMt j'jcns.jiti aui"-nar,ei .. mairgifaf. ;-i,.tV. . ;'i"-' l"-';v:'livr pi..V V . Alif 'iff v J.2lyp: lf A l-lSpii,'ii tftja" J sS I?i el A j; ue' 'iif-J t al-sSa vS; 2r T- r fc "t I y, DANGER 8POT8 IN A STORM.' or Hi- "' -tU' '" ':.'- , Plaeai One Should Avoid While the Lightning la Playing Pranke. Kow that, the season of thunder storms is approaching people should understand what spotsto avoid In or der to reduce to the minimum the chances of being struck by lightning. Out of tloors trees should bo avoided, and If frorii the rapidity with which the explosion' follows the flash 'it is evident that- electric clouds are near at hand a recumbent posture Is the safest. It is seldom dangerous to take shelter under sheds, carts or low buildings or under the arch of a bridge, and a distance, of twenty or thirty feet from tall, trees or houses Is an eligible situation, for should a discharge, take place these elovated bodies are most likely to receive It. It Is well also to avoid water, for It is a good conductor, and the height of a human being near the stream may determine the direction of a dis charge; Within doors we are toler ably safe In the middle of a carpeted room or when standing on a thick hearth rug. The chimney should be avoided on account oT the conducting power of the carbon deposited In It and gilt moldings or bell wires are sources of risk. In bed we are tol erably safe, since blankets and feath- j ers are bad conductors.- v- It Is injudicious to take refuge In a cellnr, because tho discharge Is often from the earth to a cloud, and buildings frequently sustain the greaU est'injtiry In their basements HOW THE TRAINS RUN TRAINS ARRIVE TRAINS DEPART I. O. From North. No WW....... 3; IN a m No 8 4:17 a lu No 21 10:60 a m No A 1:10 p iu NoU6 2:0 p oi No 1.... .... fl:00 u in tNo 23 10:M p iu tExcept Sunday I. O. Uolng North. Nol.... ....12:115 p m No.... 1:85 a m Not :-J0 p m No 8 :M p in No iM 6:10 a m No 204 2:20 a lit iNo u A:lA a in tKioept Huuilay I. O. From South No 4 2:08 a m No 204 2:11 a iu No . 1:12 p m No 2:14 p in No 8 :ix p m No 42.... wll:8K a m No 44 : p iu -jaaucau M. A 0. From North No 1.. 1:91 n tu No 8 2:48 a m No 12:84 a tu I. O. Uolng South Nol :20 p m No 204 ;is a m No 8 8:40 a m No II :80 p m No8 . ..... :iKi a m No 48 6:iio a ra No 41 8:15 p m Pttctucan M. A O. Oolnn North No J. 12:46 p m No t - 2:84 a m Nog.... 2:40 p m M. A O. From South No 2 .... 1:26 p m No....,. ... 2i20 a m M. A O. Golog Sooth No 1... 1:86 p m Nol 2:U9 a ra Big Four From East I Big Four Going Mast No 8 12 D ni No 8 . Arflfl a m No 7:00 p in No X 8:00 p in No SimMiiy traim. ,. Cotton Belt From 8outbvrest Mo 1..: '....12:80 p m Cotton lirtlt Going Houtliweit No 13 8:15 p in Jron Mountain i!7," From Wet No 22... ... .12:86 p : Iron Mountain Going West No 21 8:20 p : Mancnuna a sacreo urouna. There Is one spot 1n Manchuria that is hardly likely to. feel the effects of the Ruslsan-Japanese war. This Is the mountain region about fifty miles from the northeastern boundary line of Korea. Here the Yalu, the Tumen and the Sungari rivers rls, an! be cause of this fact that Manehus have attributed sacred qualities to this par ticular spot. The liver White mountain, atthe base of which the Yalu and the Tu men rise, are particularly venerated. 'The combatants will undoubtedly take good .care .'riot. to. gain the enmity of the -Manehus 'by. desecrating tr.pir. sa Vred ground: ..-'. All Illinois Central, Mobile A Obi; and Cotton Belt trains arrive and de part from Central af.tion, corner of Second street and Ohio Leve. All Big Four and Iron Mountain trains arrive and depart from th Union station, Second street and Com mercial avenue. Mall may be deposited In the box at the transfer station, located at Ceo tral station, 20 minutes before the de parture of any train. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County Illinois, Pop ulation 16,147. .' .' Country of LcngWalks." The diocese. of KiaVr.tin In Rupert s Land.als one 'of nriKhificent distanc,-. Bishop Ixjfthotise rtnee - walled'; 2l0 miles to ietcn aw ucicior ioi-uh wii. Many of yio Indians, wauJ.wentytive miles io cArche and fljo ,bishop has. baptized .'sjenroa gf liabt'S which-;had been c'rrlo'd 15o".mUcs on -! their, mot'hers!, tWks'o.ver.-hafd'-frozen hojv, At niglitv'-tlle- family .-'sleep,' wra'piied:.! on.-nnauciit's,, ibiu lant-westerner. .". e'.ean handle worn.- -f' J ..."; .It-t-a .. !5V.v: ?Jls ..;..,... Vv: ;....' ZV.Mv ::-.' ..- ' v " i'-i" "-;tLt" r. a. w snirie(r-raffiieai.icaniniejsi-.n)CTii-,ot'i(ii) a.- tueir. -fleer, 'akins 'nHVh -upon-thesrio.S innrc m miar nirrv rinvt1 fiit. iiMt'i;t!ti. i . m . ta.'v mm -iiii'iiisTaFiiMiii nia - - . . . . in,!!;.. r nii ihj itaT) iiiii.ii"Tt)iif . s :.- .... ' ..' 'Imdiickv.'a'K 4ucU' ran. (:-". - .-.1 n A -. ". ..'- : . ., '...... .'...v"4 -.." ..V. . ?LnAt.:u5 rcciillf TH- IIe-Vpoke.,on-.-Uiiovr.rocei-s'oi .iji.v:;,u .;; ' 7 ',, mS fWuiy mose-.wno.-ueiong to--tne-.t-ii ; tieiiguuiii.t r;see,wu;i, TJ 'Lnv'iranjL-c -. - ; Jnandled-iis'A - ' :'". , ' V-' - O-jiHb ..: ..'manner.'-. - '...;......, . .TxVSKr'lX' 'IV""M i ' ' . .-. i - L ':.-. .,;'-a'.j 'U-.X lunJUtllllaslycapturiu?.vfIu'.t. t -;i A...,. .-.' 'V,!,?- ftWV yt..?U"i.v:.... Viowinc tait . . j. 1 i im ftt-i -,ai.i i .v -i-.i.ii. n aintr .i. t . w jflfrSjV -.--.' jl"ft''i -i-rt'fl iu rt'.-t; vi:.i rain-.'- . i it'.w .. iim-.-.! - ,.w i e riii Lu i.-r U?-Vji-. -Vlk-"'' , . i-'a" . on June .so, isw- anu. eni...a.i ir -iu;. ... , ; - -.. - must-, ne -.unering:. nasien-auu '.soniHMiiK.-ni.jiLi ,fcial'irir,raJji,ay- -! W.: L Peel. :' on- PeaVutree:. -' ,3 :.- who: e euest he was. during Kis' -vt- if: W'S S'TM WJ' rc'.-5,ftf.:f fTectly H .to Atlanta and bywhomVeVwasUhan- SWS'JV V-'-iiSCT v-,1.' -'thit'MdvVbv wI'manitVuf look- a. m'any'.courtesies. during the;-tW W."UTV PZ' nlflhe'irVfe.?!.: rrfiV-f- f'r .- j' ihWdaye thafbe remafnlu'-he;.- fb.J" h'V;2iyt.Uhe U-h'y'do.itiiei-J.K . I "Eversone.. with .wltom . Jod?'Patf .viVfrrm?VW& itttl&W A -H WW' ' I , X ker came? ln-?contact.'. Wtolonel i" ff.Jfe .: -. V':- vV'v " UgH.'Vy- ' t V 1 1 " 1 1 :;,T7y reel, YWH-veryrnHirn umw si'rV-ftlW 1 1 ' Wonder ' what son,aw 1 A V will do for -the- Democratic .homirfeT' ty¥ I f ..rm;i.y ,f for the flee nresldencv;." V latWsnetlcsAtfaHt&sJ m,,St . ' i - . "''V d a J rjfaM U ltjir.ii ii!K.-ii!'a,.-.iiiiia'. iuklh: -ihiwi- r Parker 'and DaTrr' American iThiM WW-'' . e ly he said of theandJdeWhl'.V'Jto M..niU 1 ' position. .SiJ-A. what s .How many of thosVd?leWttnt J g pos. had to ret home?? . ; ..: ; '"'' t. .-i,.----.'--.-iv '. . .;':.: ..' .,wa..iV -of iliVp'ftir!.: -l.TWifFv-W.'f. P.i.":r'"i'L' ilfnWi,! Ik-V -:.iT ' i - ll'''.Vf. .- ?a . ...... .., cwrnir -niiuira. oi-jmvkvannMs,-pre(lti v-iiL-rrU'l-aT'irr;sR'a oil i,y';,';,?M4:rts.VV.Vl"Vs. i.---ninii;i in nins. Rermb!lc.n'fnewVp, . trcled-overyhe'dfflfWf ... it is a.Wio law or not. Wea,k ' -W?ra 10 T?u$f.: ZM&WM&mmr? jSSi.T3i -V !;::y'fli.' . not like the-existing law. Wo l.a vo tl habit o '.'.PmMm Varning, on tho statute bo,ks. By rights we eVel theP.&V; -fl-T yr . Vvi0cr ,r---I 6f.law9no kind should I on the moral- Dewey dld'.fter Manllav-'KellirVTiAe wa cheered and hown at- " 8 Xr'PiU L "''v" P vf;' V-?' .tlio' kind on the statute book of laws which to get hosy.. ' ' . -V-'r'"-, -'V-' vh,.l5F r VHiUCFI) " u.. .... '.liv - -SrrrZ, I "Vo. as,o.shi?fi ; n,C fault I find with the law U noUhat it I -..-S' r;nr3mma!.ilh .iiiusirun. ai'!'ro:irn- Some of those who attended theSat urday night session of the S I)ui4 convention thought the ssme thln about polities. As an evidence of how pleased th Japsneie wsrs when wsr was drliir ed It Is now stated that practically the entire fighting force went Into transports when the new arrived. I thea days of horselrn carriage? and wtrcleg telegraphy it waa entirely In order for the Republican party t- hpld a de!gat lcM convenM-n. n far as voting privileges wa concerned, at Chicago last month. PRINCIPLES OF DEMOCRACY or kidding me "It's true spin l.d Cochran Ilif,,rp nrci.Plitinir In Ihn nmnlrr tli 1 ""I"''" nr.lirl.r-. whirl. tJ.,1 narl'v am.mvr- 'rK- ""ise , ., rpn v. Itnouphthn ie ?" .V-'" . .' .j,"-' aytnanin'a.''. as go:,p... Chnii! ;' -!; ' tp- I - TtM.M"-.."!rv child. Man v yars'ana hriln'. . ." -? hVilY.vJt l(f Sety d-viej a rate- t have, thought that of clim on t!iU Riitiject.-with the pinjKr The Republican paper are bejiu- ii.,, i iim ainnii jirige l arkPriir .i .n csndldacy in 15eg. With all appie- Rfnoj for elation of the concern the enemy j ,Eam rn The Democra'i-' party la quite able ' ., , ,,.m the Iuiocrats set forth in their plat form in language strong and concise, thot-c fundamental principles In he observed in all governments in which th will of the people la suprema. In this day. when the present a.l ministration has wandered so far from those theories of government which gave us our Declaration of In dependence and our Constitution, it U well to paiwe and reflect upon the l.irtrins wnich gul let the wte and ' "arnet men ffho prepared and hand- ed down to all p-jsterity thoe won ler always worked up hi - own gins What book jid you rent It in, Uotirke'" "In the dictionary.' rrid the Tarn many orator, and Murphy pushed the button without word. Atlanta Constitution. MENU f OR TODAY. 'ouCols'-'Shortef.;'. riu-e'tiiie:. of '.tb'e'.-. royal- o'u-ccm ii) ission; "i h', I lal i f'a xV C ,:....iV...:J- .m a is. were -;-rv.i ipn 1 1 ieu. ice ,i tinaiiiaii. juiiie an'd.'the'- La'st was C80 'li'iii; th'ose .-from. "United- Mayor. .CLAUDE WINTER?.; - . 'lerk.'It. A. HATCHErt:'-..;;.':'. (oinntrnller. P. F!- PriwelU- cniei oi j. oiiceLu. -H. I'lucij?;.'. . Alexander County, Poffulatlp'n 2963.' , County Judge,. vm. S, DEWEY... I . County Qlerk. JESSE E: MILLER; "Circuit Clerk, LEB-U. DAVIS." .Sheriff, JAS. S. ROCHE;... ' Coroner, DR. JAS' M. McMANUS. Assessor -and Treasurer, FRANK H. Board of Coitnty.. Commissioner. - . -JOHN A. MILLER. . Chairman, . -. . JOHN A..BOIJROOI.S; ', . ,. ' ' . Dr.'Edwfn J.- Gause.. '."'-' . . Plan 'Diamond Trust: . . Negqtlatl.ons...,are" -proceeding . be1! t'ween .the Atnsterdani . and Abtwerpl diamond;-mcrchan'ts;..for' the .fprn'iatlon i of -a combiation.Vwh'ich'.w;ill' e'nablel theni to flffrft. the.. Do Heer.s mlne.' S which' controls the world's output, and!' the London .trust; . wiiich .practically J rules the trade.- . -- ,.- "More Reliffe vm ir.::,V:-v:v':v:-::':-i.i. ?rd-mF.we are:'ciiiriSr'T lia?!?fon.tcmpt. for law IqMi.'jSIill.t.lJKfe be k&T&IV.FvI littlJ? to irj.this-.transijtibnal' period .with which i&.l'WV40' l?scrve otur gommncnt. .'... ZlxfJi mean tliat wo should- respect the law whether hether we do or do f expressing pur moral should have two kind? yenming. statute book andj were Expected TO 1 ful initrumvnts. The Dt ni.H-iai.r pr- times in iti hist.-ry h thrse d'M-trines jnd now the attenlion of the pe.v Real them as announced to accomplii-a the re election of Judg , in ,ho t i ..,h i,f.. .. ... .. ! i-.n-i.-iii) aii-i jtru will inm-i mi m lilllf. 1 il- ,!..- : ...w, .an,,.. i,.i'.-i .,im i anil B're- ciate the spirit which underlies tha', j at ! t-plendid document They are as fl- t From the Increase in activity the front since the St. Louis convert ion sijonrneri we are lad to telive science and of si'erHh-en.ialitv tie Dinner, that the Jar and Russians must have fore the law of all citizens; right of P'0 Cnq iee S'urenfletJ hoFtilitie during the sen-I trial by jury-frcdom of p-r.:..n de (Ion In order to read the convention ; fendel , the writ of hat-cm i New poratoea hnllf tins immediately upon arrival, j liberty of personal contract ant ram- low: ' Free lorn of the press, of con- j Fruit Krirmre anri ef c,iit.,,. l i I quest k.i)- niul an;-w r. Nolmdy haf ever b- u bid I enouch to take fr-rm or add to It. and i( ir, Iwdi'-ved that in more than a hnndrcl years ni nricinil remark? has ever been inierp-jlatt 1 into woman's rcri-itim. What -hall I ,ay tri my mamma? Follow the book my child. Say; ' What a pef -ctly charming tei! And are; hut von have men a won.Jer- ful .rtittie sm-e" will otir hostess sav to me leamnia? , She w;ll mv: "How Rood ff ym to fnie! And with all your stM-ial m cacemetita." Will Mir hote v think me clever, mamma, to pv such a nice compliment? I in. no. my cniii. i-n knows mat 11 ' I in the book fl'-sldeF. every -ne Mrllhenny a Tabasco i """" preceded tis h "aid precl .r i.T". lred Coco ' Tueaday, July 12. Breakfast. Fruit (.rape Nuts Sujtar and Crem I IViarbed Eg liroileri Fotato-s j Henry Muff.ns Coffee, j Lunch. Fried Soft Sbdl Clum e: i'V'W-ir.ri.-ilillM-s'a'ilo hiin Pf!r '0;i'.,Klri'"r :i(iAki!ini. what a tresf jprm tv r;iv n tin! I could lihri to ynuj furovci. ion have such s-.m'! Suc'i c.lrir-! Such epreH:inn!" i'v , mjmnia, eve, yon", is bidding adieu to our heste s. What do they i-ay? TUry say: "KverytUiB!; has been ho,.!-:;, ! pcrfceily idiarmmg! Such refresh inp simplicity, and I a-:ore ilmplic Ity!". Wiiat do they mean, mamma? They mean that they think that the entertainment has been pretty cheap. They nay that t?hinl her back, mamma? , Assuredly, my child, but in society one ii io Cli I t" esrap! hatine dis apreralde tbinpH said to one's face that 'nolwidy cjre vwba.l is said behind their barks. Ia it difficult to be a xnver'ational Hircrns at a pink tea. mamma? No, my child. All that you need ia an Imiiorterl frock and a vnsir of leath- Ttnvo Ssuce Pakel Dnion- j un it-1 iit enmpiuary ia ; suprema Ccmrier Jrwrnal , cy of the civil ovr the military au i n? sas- thoT'tr: Wafers Cht? e a men discipline! militia: "It comes ; the Deration of rlmrrh nrf that Mr. : eeonomr in cioendit'iroa- i,. ii,i. R,xeve!t haa made np hi-, mind to 'that labor may b- lightiv hiirdnel- I ccp( me Bom!nst:..n. and ha C"rrarjt Ir Pciffae. The LrniisTilJ. fcrafhw a ilch of relief. pnion e.vr." it aaya. r n nrHr wf ,,f y.-; - r- - - - k -, ' , ' mat .,1 , i.-T,n.nn v , ,1 c w ruin n , r.. , . . . inrrt oiagr or wrr:age. Old ?cirr"n t: -Ksf,,. ac - prompt and sacred fulfillnieni r r,h. I . . . ' . ' tnallr bee,B hia Ht-r of accept 3nce. j lie and private cblie,ions; inU,"" It is to t- hpel that the backward j to treaties: p?ace and friendship with Um b re.pects hi a.- " " Srr.usjler'a Chest for Pair, j W. Amitin Edwarla of London, Krc j lard, h off'red to the world's fair ! aijthoritlea a amue.eler'a che IS'i to I y yrara o'd. It oriar.ealiy be!d tw-lre j ore clion bne (,f ftePand rin f is hoff'r are still ii prfct rordittoe : hile t'x are brVcn Ti e e'jt was , fmicd in a Mm on the Souther, roi 1 of Pariaian 8udget. The lii4rt for the city cf Ps-fi for 14 aipr-nnta in rereiFf and expeaei o a t-'s.! f?ra cf r5 J 3,4iS. ' Relic of Frederick the Grert. The German Lmjreror poife?e8 a csr m-htch belonsed 'o Cie Great, who always carried tt on hi rr.eny bs1t.lefielri! Frederick t'ied in ht irtnrt iit. bavin refdsrd to tsk to ii bed wbea dyirj-, a-"1 he held tHs caee ia his bard al the momeit c-i his death. . Br.t th Ice Supply. The ice consumed In Great Britain' comes a:Eoft eiclusively frcm Norway. doesn't mnke it easier for the heads of departments to get rid of subordinates,, but that it doesn't make it iliore difhVjilt. As it stands no man who had at heartf thewrlfare of a voting man whom be hoped to be honest a'nd cleanj ia hi career would recommend hini tu enter the public service. ' PUBLIC SERVICE WHERE THERE IS NO ASSURANCE OF AN HONEST MAN RETAINING HIS OFFICE WILL ALWAYS BE'lNFE-l RIOR TO THAT IN 6UCH A COUNTRY A3 ENGLAND. If a short time ago any man had stood up in this city and said thaif ... ... .i t i t-... -i i : it a f 100,000,(X0 corporation in me umieu oiaies oi iiim-rn-a uuiu forciro larce vrofits because it was right for it to do so, do you supj pose any one would have believed it to lie true ? 1 cannot doubt thei good faith of the directory of the Western Union Telegraph companV in cutting oil the service to pool rooms. - I licliove that THE TEKCEPTIOX OF WHAT WAS RIGHT dictated on the part of a majority of that bonrd an action thai means a direct and large pecuniary loss to that corporation. It has timplv been that there has been an agitation that has BROUGHT FORWARD A PRINCIPLE, and the thing that seemed impossible)- has come to pass. It is the same way with the work in the civil service. When yrri begin to compromise and dicker YOU LOSE THE WHOLTd THING. There is no man who knows the people of this community that doe not know of the growth of Socialism among us, and I air not Mvitie that the time will not come when that doctrine won't be : just and wise one. I believe that the Golden Rule will be in ever man's conscience and it won't make much ditTerence what kind of laws we have. FOR THE PRESENT, THOUGH, UNLESS WC HAVE IN OUR COM MUJSITY RESPECT FOR THE LAWS WE ENACT, WE ARE GOING Td DRIFT VERY FA3T INTO A PERIOD OF SKEPTICISM WORSE THAN EXISTS TCDAY. ! .