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THE CAIRO BULLETIN Established 1868. Pabllxhod Dally and Biimtay y tha Bulletin tjumpauy, at vim vaio mr&ei . ruontwoo. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. Invariably Oath la Advance, One yar, DaiW and Sunday On year, Sunday (onlj) 16.00 H.lO ePBHCEfPriOIT BATES BY C'ABRIEB By carrier la Ciro ... Mo a mouth By orrier ouuiiio Cairo.. COc a month NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscriber will conrer a favor by reporting to this i-tflce any lack of prompt delivery on tue part or earner. . Entered at the Cairo Poatofflce a Seoond-olaM Vail Matter. DON'T BE LATE OR YOR MAY REGRET IT. The Sooner Yon Try an Ad. in the Columns of The Bulletin, the Sooner You Will Realize the Profits to be De rived From Prudent Advertising. CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Average ' Daily and Sunday for seven months ending July 31, 1901 1831 Average Dally and Sunday for month of July, 1904 2073 Month of July. 1 2118 16 2046 2 2207 . 17 1967 3 ..1851 18 2029 4., 5., 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.. ....2124 ....2087 ....2090 ....2120 ,...2035 ....29C8 ....1875 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25., 26.. 27.. . 28.. , 29.. .2x19 .2020 .2026 .2018 .2017 .1995 .2115 .2022 .2029 .2018 .2025 .2030 11 1999 12. ...... ....2156 13.,,... 2002 14 1... 1975 15... 2010 31...... 30 .....2090 The above la a correct statement of the circulation of the Cairo Bulletin daily and Sunday, on the dates stat ed, month of July, 1904. A. J. BENEDIC. Circulation Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of August, 1904. Seal. E. L. GILBERT. Notary Public. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President ALTON B. PARKER " , , of New York. For Vice President HENRY G. DAVIS of West Virginia Wyoming, It seems, has also con tracted the lynching habit. Gen. Kuroki and Gen. Oku seem to be first-rate wedge drivers. The Hon. Tom Iwson of Boston seems to be a pretty live wire. General Stoessel Is almost as good a swearer as Admiral Bob Evans.' Liao-Yang seems to stand quit as good a chance to fall as Port Arthur. From the way he retreats Admiral Alexieff would be an ideal base run ner. The casually lit at Port Arthur will soon be as large as that of a foot ball season. "It is suspected that Aunt. Carrie Na tion is preparing to slip up on Bishop Potter's saloon. The Atlanta Constitution fays the United States wants uo Castro in the presidential chair. Perhaps the Hon. Joseph Babcock Is not so bardly frightened as he Is anxious to frighten Wall street. Gov. La Follettt may be called crank but he s-ems to have ,,me pretty clear headed business id,as. That World's fair balloon rare for the Washington monument seems to have been a rsce for the Golden Gale. The Faducah ball team Is a very for midable aggregation when it is bol stered up by a few American league pitchers. William Cowies, who is deaf and dumb, has announced himeeif a candl date for the nomination for mayor of Minneapolis. He probably conteuip late a friill hunt. The Wraiirgjam. Ala., sug jtesth that perhaps tb r-.'ason' Iln. Frank James will tnpport the Uepub Lcan ticket Ij that h ? feels a ccnti mcnfal attachment for the way the tariff works. Mortrpathia new diFta'e tm;ehi!isfs are tail to can - a i. cerebral's is a to which- ao suhject. It Is --at da! cf ca ta If It la a exhausting ns pronouncing Ita name It must be very fatal. It looks now like Gen Kuropatkln will dictate terms of peace In the Toklo Jail. The gag rule attempted at Jones horo yesterday was promptly and effectually gagged. The Chefoo .and Sliang Hal liars will now probably open up a branch offico in Liao Yang. The Hon. Dietrich, of Union county doesn't seem to be a very successful political highwayman. Heavy frosts are predicted for Mis souri the latter part of the week. Sen ator Fairbanks opens his Mhuourl campaign next Friday. The campaign against Llao Yang is now about a week old and up to date six decisive battles have - been fought which havn't decided anything. It looks rather suspicious that Dnv- d n. Hill's resolution to retire goes Into eff H-t on Jan. 1. A great many resolutions which go Into effect on that day are soon tabled. The Democratic senatorial conven tion at Jonesboro yesterday seems to have been a wild and woolly affair. It demonstrated one thing, however, that Illinois Democrats have their lighting blood up this year. An Iowa banker got 18 months Im prisonment for stealing $54,0110 from his bank. If he had been some ob scure person without money or in flueutiai friends he would have gotten 18 years. Thus is the majesty of the law upheld. There will be oceans of sympathy for the little Chicago girl who ran away from home rather than be com pelted to pound the piano several hburs a day. Chicago Tribune. BARGAIN WITH THE" TRUSTS. On good authority it Is stated that William D. Rockeferrei is down for a million dollar subscription to the Republican campaign fund on behalf of the Standard Oil and other trusts. Pierpont Morgan Individually is, on the same authority, pledged for a quarter of a million, the Steel Trust Is down for three quarters of a mil lion, the Sugar Trust for a similar sum. the Tobacco Trust for a half million, the Paper Trust for a quar ter million, the Coal Trust and the Pennsylvania Hallway for a half mil lion, and various other well known interests and monopolies associated with Wall street for large sums. The total campaign contribution to be raised from these sources is re liably put at ten millions. It will be the largest amount of money ever put Into a political campaign. It fairly doubles the last Republican campaign fund. It means the trial of Uie power of the dollar as against the power of the people. It means that the old Repub lican bargain with the tariff monop olies is to be reproduced on a larger scale with the trusts of today. A campaign fund of ten million dollars from the trusts mean that the enemies of the masses are wil ling to pay for immunity. It illus trates the profit In the proteetjon which is the robbery of the many for the benefit of the few. It is a form' of absolute insurance aeainsf disturbance of the Dingley schedule through which the trusts have enrich ed themselves, and against the rigid enforcement of the laws of the land as they apply to monopoly and Illegal combinations. Such a campaign fund shows that the trusts are not afraid of prosecu tion at the hands of Mr. Roosevelt. He gave earnest of his amicability toward these powers when he con sented to the removal of Attorney General Knox from his position of menace to a Pennsylvania senatorship The man who had prosecuted the Northern Securities case was an ob stacle to a Roosevelt campalcn. Following Knox's removal Pierpont Morgan and numerous Wall stre-f magnates and railroad financiers call ed at the White House, several of them lunching in turn with the Presi dent. A peace was patched up which literally passes understanding except upon the tnoory or an agreement m tween "the administratis and the trusts by which Mr. Roosev.-d: was to be aided in his presidential race and the trust were to be let alone in the evnt of his elc-ction. Ten millions and more will go far. With a machine prepared for its use as in California. Delaware. Rhodf Inland. Indiana. Illinois and Wlscoti- i il will t.A rvrr "m-t l T 7 "r" -T- x vV u . V" .;:"ri 'indications of the kind of a campaign which the G. O. P. Is preparing to make. Ye, the money will ko far. but not far enough. This big trust donation puts an end to the fake of the Ronublican nrs concerning Wall street's oppo sition to Mr. Roosevelt. Th admin Juration's defenders lied in the face of the lode that Wall street coull not rlesert its own inre's. that the prlvilferd nKinopolies could not aan d'n the friends of proteriirm. but if nill require a crrtT tf-mrity than I h" dffiiiders ()s.-e: ro ascrt now that Wall t-treet is for Judg- Park"t. Pot-eibly i wat Judg Tarker' dr. rUratmn thai Ihe rommon law roiild be and should he ctnuioyed to corre-'. the objectionable fentrrres of monopo lies that prompted Will street to such nnusual fmeroity. A 'en million campaign furd aeaint him demon strates that the conititatiotial candi date is profoundly tr 1 feared by th vifda'ors of the lays of the land SL THE CAIRO BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1901 . WVvWWVvVWrWWr POINTS ABOUT IxUI'Lc J Tamago, the noted Italian tenor, is in politics. He wants to go to pur liament. ' Thomas II. Aldrieh plays in verse, treating of biblical times, "The Tents of Asstir." will be produced in Oeto. her. The late Prof. Karl Weigert of Frankfort. Germany, lias an impor tant place in the history and biologi cal science, owing to his many dis coveries in coloring. Meyer Anselm Rothchild, founder of the great house of that name, d'ied in 1812. Today the thirty families of Rothchilds are worth over $600,000,090 Ixird Haliburlon, who recenfly crit ised Arnold Foster's army scheme, is a eon of the famous Judge Hall burton, who created "Sam Slick," and the wooden nutmegs. Prof. William H. Goodyear of Brook lyn, has been made by unanimous vote a 'Ptcniber of the Architect's society in Rome in recognition of his dis coveries in medieval architecture. George H. Alien, a leading English advocate of regetarianism, is plan ning a stroll from Laud's End to John O'Groat's, his ohject being to break the record of twenty-four and one- quarter days held by a meat eater. Gov. Derrick of Ohio is accustom ed to taking a snin in his automobile every morning when in Cleveland. A park policeman reported him as having exceeded the speed limit and Chief of Park Police Goldsall went to see the governor about it. The latter owned tip that he had been going at a lively gait, whereupon the chief said that a repetition of the offense would mean arrest. "Thai's right, Chief' said the governor, "always do your duty. But if you put me in jail, Joe, I'll pardon myself out." VMVVVVVVWVVVNrVVW 35 YEARS AGO TODAY. j VVvVVVvVvWVWVVrVVrV From The Bulletin of August 31, 1869. General. On the 17th day of Novemlier the Sue Canal in its completed dimen sions, its whole extent, and its entire depth of eight metres, will be opened for ail navigation. The contribution, or .rather what Is left of them, that were made in the aid of the Fenian government and the proceeds of sales of the bonds, of the Irish republic, amounting to tome $70,000. is now in the court and is awaiting the action of the New York legislature. Local. We learn by specitfl telegram t liar. Carbondale has been selected as the site for the Southern Illinois Normal jjchool. The vote stood, Carbondale, 3; Tamaca, 2. The selection is a wise one and we heartily congratulate the Carlondalians on their success. The assignment of teachers In th public schools for the ensuing schol astic year In as follows: Kleventh street Primary. Miss Kelsey. Thirteenth street ' Building Room No. 1. Miss Delia Hawkins; No. 2. Miss Maggie Aubrey; No. "', Miss Alier Simonds; No. 4. Mis Mary Hawkins; No. 5. Miss Mattie War wick. Fourth Ward Building --High School Joel G. Morgan, principal; Miss Hol lowflt. assistant; No. 1, Miss Abide Goos; No. 2. Mrs. Sage; No. Z, Mis Hatch. The schools w ill open next Monday, September 01 h. Of course it was some vinegar vis aged old bachelor ho said thai all women were dligibl for membership In the painters' union. Mi s Autumn At any rate, I was never railed homely. Mls Caustique You would have been only your father is so rich. Influential Citizen Can't you tettle that political squabble by tendering your good offices? Campaign Manager Huh! It's my gtsid offices lhy are rihttg o. r. Teacher Where is the home .f -h banana? can any one in the cl 1. tell? Tn.niy Tuektr (rai-itig and rubl ing hi i j.tomr.rh other) I know, ma'am! fl-l.- livid ilh t!. Ilsrry, how dire you take my hand!" "Is it so serious an ff :u-e. Flora? Remember. I have been coming m p jrf),' fr two years anl this i tie first time!" "Two whole years and this is your first ofTense? Harry, it I nr-piH-n able!" A imtv of Weil I'm fir '-ir.hi Law jui ariiv d i.i SI. lui' fr :n P.. a iiiiont, Tix.. after a l.'.ou 'iy age by water. They came on a f-'taiit yacht all th? way. Tha Toyig-- l-m on July 20. the party goire along the Nechei rivf r. through Sabrne like and Sabine pasr. and thence by way of the gu!f of Msico and the chaia f lai;e3 an.1 f ayeiu t.f the Mb tif-slppl after which ih voyage was by tb big :-ream d't c :! a? I tj '.t Lcii -. i'i ii.tiii nr 1 1 f Hi .!'1 Hist ,hi !.M t'i nCV i ' '! u v or - f il'f ,'4 .. lit! tlafcfJtfvi.ii'w in WILLIAM-F. winum P stone. serRcani-at-arms tion. Is one of the busiest m;'n in tho the thousands of visitors at ' campaign LOOKING FOR BRITISH COLLIER, j CAPTAIN AND CREW DROWNED. Madrid, Aug. 30. The Hit - .-dan ax- j yy the Assoclalcd Prcs. iliary cruiser Don, formerly the llpr-1 A'den, JVrabin. Aug. 30. A boat con man steamship Fu?rst Bisntarck, !- t-tininf the caitain and sixteen of the left Vigo without waiting for her bill mw from the. British m earner Haron of health. Her command-.T wji in re- , i!:n(.rdalo ashore off Coast Arabia, ceipt of a telogntm from the V-i'.m J c-apsizi :d and a! except a boy were government which presumably order- ,jroWiH'. ed him to resume search for BriihOi colliers de-thiel for LLS TW0 0THERS. It is stated that ten other Russian cruisers are engaged in this werk on the coasts of Spain. Portugal. Franc.-; and Africa. , KILLED SELF AND WIFE. Henry Stuart Couldn't Stand For His . Wife to Leave Him. Uy the Associated Press. Rock Island, III.. Aug. ;io. H wy Stuart this afternoon shut and UHh'd his wife and killed himself. The trag- edy followed Stewart's fruitless plea. to his wife to return to him, she ltav- ing begun suit for divorce. 0 FOR THE SCRAP BOOK. A !OLIN!ST. By Franci Wiil'.am iiour.'.illou.l Tiu lirk above oer he-jd:: doili knuv. A heaven ue se.i ntrt here li' i 'vv; She see it. and for joy she siirn; Then fail : v. ilh iricff.-t t ua! v it Ah. i-oR'-iiig wt.l! faini not ln.r titv! j8..i-I 1ii:imii i:!t:it,led l.'VT.l;! higher. Thy 1h"tie-hl Is i-f List r.tpti'rcl an I O: THE BULLETINS' '.Mit-'a i:-:-t; H re !? a 3 tehr 1 fall It is of tlai'; gr rn velvet, t. mr. ua i,--i? 01 iik.i. u uiU..r silk over white broadcloth, (ireen bv l.-.t.r.s atom ! A training skirt of dark gr.-en voile U worn wiHi It. A white lace I .edit cumpl'-tes the a- ..:.. ..- U.iile- ! - !' m ri 't f t n u" i i id Y'mi ! r "s ! - .. STONE, of thy Uepn.blan nattonal conven country. It is Ms duty to receive headuHariors.,, Bv Associated Freaa Jdlico: Tenn.. Aug. ;:o Because he had bet it eject ?d ironi tneir waguu, Flowy Hilton shot; and killel Will and Flem Bray and dangerously wounded their father. A. BREWSTER NOMINATED Sly the Associated Press. O.-ikaloosa. Iowa. Aug. -S. A. P.rowstcr was itomtnatt'd today by the Democratic convention of tni j sixth congressional uuirii. :0 11 Hy fioVi'-e; we i!i - nk God for thee. :3 daily fashion plate j 9 mm .. ... "K w re r'-r.f. 4''r.p;.-1 t thj r.f-js of earty .-t it n IB-'If P Pi lllsl 11 w MM m n I -rt I is u . II '-,- HHli ;.y 111 II H J 1 11 Ji I . ff Villi s1'! UNDERSTATE AUTHORITY, War Department Says Militia In Camp , With Regulars Are Not In Federal Service. " Bv the Associated Press i Washington, Aim. .'!0.-r The wur de partment, ruled today that militia, when participating in .encampment and maneuvers with regulars are not In tho service, or the United States, lu the meaning of. the militia act, itnd that, dic'pline In mil a s to be en forced through slate authoriy. , PEACE DELEGAT -ARRIVES. tiy th Associated Press May. Ai.g. r.o liifnrmatlon ,vas received .today at tlie executive offices hero tonight of the arrival in New York .today of G. Frnneotte, del egate to the peace conference to bo held in September at. the St. Louis ex po iliim. Ho is Mid to be the bearer of cnidentlab from the king of Bel-glttr- to Prol:lfU. Jtots-.-velt, request ing tha latter to nse hla good offices In tho res to ration of ponce between Rus ia and Japan, AT ST. PAUL. By the Associated Press. St. Paul, Aug. 30. "Ecstatic," an eastern horse, won the.:13 pace, $5,000 purse, at the state fair today. and wus compelled to. lower the mile pacing record of the track one-half second. The heat was fastest paced on the western circuit this year. Best time, 2: or4. The. 2:15 trot, purse. $1,000, was won by Queer Knight in threa straight heata. Time, 2:20. DAVIS' SON HAS FEVER. By the Associated Press. lilktns, W. Vt., Aug. 0. John T. Davis, only son of the Democratic nominee, Henry G. PavK is a patient in the hospital, critically ill with ty phoid fever. ILLINOIS WOMAN DROWNED. By Hie Associated Pres. Port Cockburn, Muskoka, Out., Aug "11 Mrs. C. M. Dalley of Alton, III., was drowned while canueing here to night. SAY IT IS NOT LEPROEY. By the Associated Press. Springfield, 111., Aug. 30. Experts sent, to Peru, HI., investigate the alleged case of leprosey thero report the disease Is not leprosey. M. J. MALLON NOMINATED. I!y the Associated Press. Des Moines, la., Aug. ;!(. M. J. Mai Ion of Hampton was nominated for congress by the Democrats of tho third district In Waterloo today. TECHNICAL PAPERS DISCUSSED. By the Associated Press. St. Louis. 'Aug. :0. The Interna tional Dental Congress today discuss ed technical papers. LORD AND LADY MINTO. Saulte Ste. Marie, Ontario, Aug. SO. Iyird and Lady Minto arc guests of the Canadian Son today and a big crowd of citizens was out to receive them. Mdica! Plants. writer In the American Journal of Pharmacy declares thnt about threj fourths cf ail th.o m' plants n"d in the phar.ncciu:if ia cither grow w.ld or ate cultivated i t tuld crmntry. Of tro rrmiKiiilng funr'h. he thinks that I probably ouo-haif or-M Ve grown In this ro'tntry. leaving but a compara tively! ti'VTiler of plants that could not bo ccouo.r-icil'y grown. Ccst ef Torpedoes. Since the war began In the Orient end so much has b.wn printed shout torpedoes, many people have r.sked In amazement why tloso imrlcmcnt tlnuid coht so much. A good torpedo tnide to order comes as high as $.",f)0i. Evca ready made torpedoes are by ro means rh :ip. as they cost $2,5k0 apiece at wholesale- rates. Large Hands at a Premium. At ihe famous Russian fair at Nljnl Novgorod a curious method of selling turquoise gems Is sometimes prac ticed. On paymcr.t of a fitted sura a person Is allowed to plunge his hand Into a bag filled with the stones, and becomes the possessor of as many as be can clutch. "Yti you Know where little boys that pmoke eiLT.riits go?" "Sitrc ; bae-k behind dad'? barn " r r IHOW THE TRAINS RUN 1 H VIN8 ARIU VB TBAIN8 DEPART 1. O. From North. No 201 2:00 a m No I)....,.... 4:17 a w No 'it 10.00 a ni Noft 1:10 p m NoJ8,-J. .. tOO p III No 1..., .... 8:01) p 111 fNoaS..... .lO.-f-i p 111 (Kucept Suuiiay I. 0. Uolug North. No ! 12. W P m Jso4.. l:i)A a 111 Nod 1:20 p 111 No S :ua p 111 1U. .ful m .11, u No 114 2:20 a Ul fN0 24.. .... 6:15 a m tKifppt Sunday I, O. From South No 4-... ... 'i:o6 a ra No 2:11 a ui No 2 l:l'i p m No 6 8:1-1 p 111 No 8 t:)0 p ra No ll:x& a m No 44 V:W p in Padurah t. 0. Going Houtk No 1.... .... 6:20 p m No 2U3 2:18 a Ul No 3 8:40 a m No 5 r.lW p m No 3b 8:20 a m No 48 6:00 a m No41.. .... 6:16 p in t'aduoah M.&O. From North No 1 t... :H p m No ....... .. 8:48 a ni N06 12:84 a m M. & O. Going Nerih No 2 ;i2: l p m No 4...... .. 2:4 h ra Nog 2:40 p ra M. & O. Join Houth No 1.... 1:8 p in No 8 2:00 a ra No 6 12:40 am Big Four doing Kast No8........ 6:80 a ra No a . .. 8:00 p in M. St O. From South No 2 1 M p in No 4 2:20 a in Va 6" 2 :3A p m Big Four From East -No.... ....12:00 p m No 8 7:00 p in No Bunday trains. Cottou Belt From Southwest No 4 12:60 p m Cotton Bait Going Soatliwast No 8 1:30 a in Iron Mountain From W est No 22 12:35 p ul Iron Mountain Ooiug Wet No 21 8:20 1 m All Illinois Central. Mobile & Ohio and Cotton Belt trains arrive and de part form Central station, corner, of Second street and Ohio street. All Big Four and Iron Mountain trains arrive and. depart from the Uniou station. Second gtreetiand Com mercial avenue. Mail may be deposited In the box at the transfer station, located at Cen tral station, 20 minutes befora Hie de parture of any train. - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois, Pop ulation 16,147. Mayor. CLAUDE WINTER. Clerk, It. A. HATCHER. Comptroller, P. K. POWELL. Police ilogistrate, J. H. ROBINSON. Chief of Police, T. B. PltlCE."- Alexander County, Population 22,965. County Judge. WM. S. DEWEY. County Clerk. JESSE E. MILLER. Circuit Clerlt. LEE It. DAVIS. Sheriff, JAS. S. ROCHE. Coroner. DR. JAS. M. McMANUS. Assessor and Treasurer, FRANK E. DAVIS. . County Superintendent of Schools, PROF. JOHN SNYDER. Board of County Commissioners. JOHN A. MILLER. Chairman. JOHN -A. BOURGOIS. DR. EDWIN J. CAUSE. THE CRANK. At first he declared that a man should not smoke So they called him a crank. , He saw his mistake, to tho next time he spoke 1 He explained he had meant hht re mark for a Joke. That, in fact, he believed it would ho. for the bct If a man smoked forever, with never a rest Then they called him a crank. Ho voice! hfs belief that 11 ,..-mi should- not drinfc So they called him a crank. Next day he explained that he'd had time to think And that he had decided that glasr-es shoiifil clink And corks should be popping man's thoughts should be first. On how to completely lake care of hU thirst. Then they called him a crank. Again he declared that a man' should mil swear- So thejr called him a crank. So next he asserted that he did not care That fine's quick expressions should make bine the air It fact that it showed that a man was well I) re I If lie added a b'ank to each thing that h" said. Then they called him a crank. He wrote his opinion that men should fhnti most So they called hint a crank. Next day he recanted, sail people should cat Meat dishes entirely" and shun corn and wheat. That beans ami potatoes were useless as food And nothing but beef, pork and mut ton wss good. Then they called him a crank. "I can please all Ihe niidc!" hf an- tsrily cried So they callI him a crank. Verry well, if with Ihat you are not sati-fied, can switch rii;ht around take the opMit- side And a-sert that Ihe x-ople can never I f- pleaf-erl. For the man who triex that finds his troubles Increase!." Then they callel him a CRANK! W. D. Nesbit in Chicagi Tribune. Terert Copper. A ynh r f BufTat'i r a; r b has di C"Vfrr1 a r.iethrw) for le-nperjn rop rc'CWs to. f grl. It !i saH -sf r has cornt'ic'e-t t,nrre?--fnl e port rr "lit 3 is tmperine cepper eerier the ol Tit ration of goTcrnroeatal naval experts. Blow Restores Eyesight. At Dresden a ti.'nd man crossing a street was struck on the bead by a cart. It was tben foar.d that the shok has icore'l th Irisn's t'rht.