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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY" MORNING, AUGUST 3i; I JO" I Greatest Triumph Declared superior to best Bohemian Beers by the Experimental Station for the Brewing Industry of Bohemia, at Prague. Bohemian Beers for centuries the acknowledged standard of quality have been patterned after by brewers of all countries. Budweiser '. The Product of Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n f IS BOTTLED ONLY AT THEIR HOME PLANT AT St. Louis, U.S.A. ' A vitit to the World' Fair City should include a trip to and through the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. All are welcome. Orders Promptly Filled by Harvey, c, . Blttrolff, p, A. LOHR BOTTLING CO.. Distributors. Cairo. 111. Totals , S9 0 5 3t! 15 I Stolen bases Conner, Powers, Base on balls Off IJono. 2; off Bit rolff, 2. Struck out By Blttrolff, 4; by Bon no, . Left on basesCairo, t; Paducah, 8. Time of game 2:05. Umpire Zinkins. Scorer rarrin. e T RACING AT PROVIDENCE TEN INNINGS. Clarksvlllo. Auk. :;o.- Bohannon's aome run in the tenth won for ILn lerson. Hen. . . 0 0 0 0 1 l 2 4 CVH. .. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 0 0 Batteries Morgan and Downing; Willis and Starks. I'nipire Popp. MAGNIFICENT BLAST GAM E Cairo and Paducah Struggled For Twelve Long Innings AND FORMER WON, 2 TOO BONNO, THE CLEVELAND PITCH ER, AND BITTROLFF HAD A GRAND BATTLE AND THE LATTER MORE THAN HELD HIS OWN. HOW THEY STAND. P V I. !''. CAIRO .. i ' os :;s Paducah ... ..lot; Gl 45 ..'7r. Ciarksville 1t4 54 5o .51: Hopklnsvillii 1; 4", tU .425 II. nderson 107 45 02 .42t Vincennes 105 44 01 .411 TUESDAY'S RESULTS. Paducah, 2; Cairov 0. Henderson, 12; Ciarksville, 2. Hopklflsville, 10; Vincennes, 1. WHERE THEY PLAY. ('(mo at Paducah. iucennes at Ciarksville. Henderson at Hopkinsviiie. The baseball season in Cairo closed in a blaze of glory yesterday at Sport.y miins' park. As the poets would say, ' it was a battle fit. for the gods to wit ness. Far and away the brilliant exhibition of (he season, it wan an eminently appropriate end for the best baseball year In Cairo's history. It was a brilliant crowd also that witnessed it. The ' grandstand was full of ladles and they caught the en thusiasm which Beemed to have taken hold of everybody and roofed quite us hard as the-' rooters of the ul'.rd de gree. In fact, everybody was on edge. The crowd went out wi'h a desire to shout. Opportunities were ample. For eleven long innings the two crack teame of the Kitty battled, without a score resulting. In a large measure it was a pitchers' battle, but there wns so much hitting, which gave op portunity for much brilliant fielding. ttiMt It dirt not resemble the ordinary uninteresting battles of boxnien. Time .-tt'ier time the home team and then i lie visitors got, men to second and third, only to have them die there. The blue shirted boys from the Pen nyrile, determined to have the final game, again sent to the slab .Mr. Bon no, of the Cleveland American leag to rs, whom they paid $.'tio to pi:ch lrsen If. 4 four of the six games against Cairo this -week. Bittrolff was sent in to ooiiose him. And didn'n "Bitty" do it? Well, maybe. He more than held his own with the "big dago" from the big league. In fact, mor.3 than a few of the fans thought he ontpitched him As a matter of faet honors were about even, and had it not. been for two ex asperating little errors in the twelfil U.o teams might have been playing yet. The visitors never had a chance to score in any other inning except in the tentfi, when with one man out and one on third the batter sent a fly tc Shannon in center, who killed the run ni r from 4 third at the plate. . and re tired the fide. This set the, erowf wild, and besides gelling many cheers Shannon received a few coins on the sidr; when he came in. front a few ol the mure exuberant fans. Pit it was due to "Shannon to (lis linguist) himself, for he had just ii the inning before lost tne only chance the locals had of winning when, will only one man ftut, ne let Land eaten him off third by making a feint to throw to second. After this the i pjls never had any show against Bon no, who seemed to gather new strength in his mighty right wing and wnt he locals back to the bench as fast as they faced him. The two scores made by the visit ois were negotiated in the following manner: Potts, the first man up, hit safe, wai sacrificed to second and went to third on Kling's juggle ot Powers' grounder. Crotty dropped a delicate little bunt down toward Bill rolff and Potis beat the ball to the plate. Crotty went on to second and Boiino. the hefty man from Cleveland responded to 'he cheers of the Padu ciihites ' present by slamming out a single, Crotty scoring. Ic was a beautiful game, abounding in brilliant plays and though the locals io-t they were not disgraced. They wjre in championship form yesterday and it required a big leaguer to down Until. And even then he big leagupr's face resembled his uniform several tiints, hj hot was the pac. Following is the score: The official score. PADI'CAH. Baiemau, ss, . Glrard, If Lally, lb Potts, 2b Land, c Powers, cf, . . Crotty 2b Mctfill. rf Bon no, p, .... HOPPERS HIT. Hopkinsville, Aug. :!. The locals outbatted Vincennes, . Barlow getting i homer in the sixth with bases full. 'in. ) 2 J ii 0 0 2 0 0 4 12 3 lop. .. ,1 2 0 0 0 4 2 1 10 14 1 Butteries Whitley and William son; Fc-rrtll and Kotter. Umpire ' Violet. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati. 1; New York, 3 Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, S. Pitsburg, 1; Boston, 4. St. Louis, 2; Philadelphia, 12,000 PERSONS SEE JOHN M. TAKE $5,000 STAKE FROM CAN ADIAN HORSE, THOUGH LAT , TER BREAKS A RECORD IN FIRST HEAT. AMERICAN LEAGUE. New York, 1; Cleveland, 0. Washington, 2; St. Louis, 3. Washington, 4; St. Louis, 1. Philadelphia. 0; Chicago, 3. Boston, 13; Detroit, 0. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. St. Paul. 12; Louisville. 2. Minneapolis, 0; Columbus, 'Milwaukee, 1; Toledo, 1. 3. THREE-EVE LEAGUE. Cedar Rapids. 4; liockford, Dubuque, 0; Davenport, .'). Bloomington, 3; Springfield, Decatur, S; Rock Island, 5. WESTERN LEAGUE Des Moines. 2; Omaha, 1. Colorado Springs, 4; St. Joe, 5. Colorado Springs, 4; St. Joe, 0. Denver. 4; Sioux Clty.l. Denver. 2; Sioux City, 1. AB R II PO 8 5 14 1 1 Totals, CAIRO. Shannon, Conner, Haas, rf Hughes, lb, Kling ss, . ;:s 2 c 3; n 4 AB It H PO A t-: cf, b. Richards, 2b 3 3 7 1 1 0 1 0 16 0 1 0 3 0 2 DIAMOND DUST. By special agreement the games be r'veen Cairo and Ciarksville to be played at the latter place Saturday and Sunday have been transferred to Cairo. I gram 3 C EXCURSION ft To Chicago, Tuesday, September 6 "BIG FOUR" J V 0 $5.00 ROUND TRIP A Sure Cure. "There Is no excuse for illegible handwriting." sr-hl MNs Jeanette I Gilder, the editor and critic. "A type writer is one cure for illegibility; care in another cure, and a third cure htis been devised by a friend of mine. "My friend wriles well enough her self; ?he applied the cure to a cer tain woman who- writes miserably. This woman had lnithered her with a number of Illegible notes, and final!, when one came that was unusually hard to read, my friend sat down and wrote In answer to it: " 'I take great pleasure In accept ing your kind Invitation to dinner to morrow evening at 6:30.' "This brought a quick call on the telephone. " 'My note asked you to subscribe to our free Ice fund.' tha woman said. It was not a dinner invitation.' " "You write to badly,' said my friend. ''Oh, I'll be very much more tare ful in the future.' said thf woman. "And since that tim I understand, !..r writing has been legible enough." By the Associated Press. Providence, Aug. SO.Twilv'o thou sand people saw the Grand Circuit racing today. The weather and track were perfect and-the horses in two instances niacin the best marks made in a race over any track during the year. The big attraction was the Park Krew stake for $5,on0 for horses which were eligible to the 2:09 pac ing last -March. The evyut was prac Itically a two-horse .affair bet.vcen "Galagher," a Canadian horse, . and "John M." the property of E. E. Smathers of New York. The former was the favorite over the field. In tlu initial heat the favorite led from wire to wire.' with John M. at his sul ky wheel at the finish. In the second Galagher raced away to the front .with John M. close up. In the last ten yards Galagher weak ened and John M. won by a head. I John M. won both of the following heats by good lengths. The first heat of the race made a new record for the event, lowering one made by Direct Hall in 1902 by one quarter of a sec ond. In the 2: OS trot Oxonam lowered the trotting race heat record for the sea son from 2:07; to 2:07!. 2:25 trot, purse, 2,(i0) (S starters) Stanley Dillon, 111. Texas, 2 2 7. .Miss Jeanette, 4 0 2. Time, 2:lo:v, 2:08 trot, purse. $l,5o, (S starters) Oxonam, 1 2 I. Caspian. 2 1 2. Judge Green, :i 3 1. Time 2:07'4. The Park Brew, 2:0!t pace, purse, $5,uiM.i, (5 carters) John M.. 2 111. Galagher, 1 2 2 2. King Direct, 333 3. Time. 2:04. 2:08 pace, purse. $l,0o0 (8 starters) Pauline G, "X" 1 1. Darius, 13 4. Ben F., 2 2 3. Time, 2.07. ("X" means placed on account of unavoidable accident. I will offer for sale the largest and' finest stock of Pianos ever brought to Cairo at prices and terms never before heard of d5 'tat NEW PIANOS tor $165.00 NEW ORGANS I FOR 3? $45.00 I yon can buy a new Piano by paying $5.00 per month, or a new Organ at $3.00 per month. These prices and terms are good for THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Now is your time. Write me or call at my store. ' ett C. N. BUCHANAN 711 Commercial Ave. Cairo, Illinois now to 0 Mcustacbes and Crimes. Frank Richardson, writing in the Cornhill Magazine, insists on the dis honesty of hiding the telltale upper lip. "Of all the j-reet criminals of our day," Uc sajs, "I can recall none who dared to practice with a naked face. Drs. I.amson and Ncill Cream judiciously concealed as much of tbeir physiognomy as might be. Fowler, who murdered by night at Muswcll Hill and Jubez Balfour were beard ed Men. Wainwright wore the 'mous tachios' of his period. James Can ham Reed and Deeming, and Bennett of the 'Bootlace' murder were pos sessed of mouths that prudence com plied them to conceal. "The blue burglarious jowl Is a fan tasy of the novelist. No burglar goes about with a face that in itself amounts to a previous conviction. When be is in Jail matters are differ ent, for our prison authorities wisely decree that the convict's face shall be shaven and his head tie shorn. They at least Insist on seeing the trnn as he is." GO EARLY AND STAY LATE Forgotten. enid.Um Vi-ll. if r.irgettlnr 1!- ll'iltk.n'; .,11 ill" Uuy ll. ii, i- Im-ic li ,ui d:K inr you let: me it.ii f ni Vrsii't with you away). Or Ix.irh s IIiiiiukIi nil the Mtrui;K- Lju-lil- ( f Mii.T". t ew trid'. tn w c,n On y ,m the lw f.,i erttlnK? V-'t I ism,?'iitin. y.iii .iy. tit , 'muling -;e h mniTient tith l-niKinir. 'Till t"" ii'" -x'vn I II (iu MR.en. If thin If inrp'i i ,riu- y "ii i" riclit. ilear. Ami 1 luie ,'irnUt-u yon, then. Km jrntin j, m? Ite'l. If fi,i si : ins f l-.eli li ;l ll tHIO I hi, t I With ry m'k ii-"- t fMtur, Snf V'lli-. .'li oil U-t .,eki-if Mt m. fnr'ili-'n m,ii"; "V"-1I, if foi ni-tt ijijy v j.nrrii i villi !! mv heart. Willi l"i King, l ait p4in ami h!f r i, ur. t-nr ilie tmr whn w nvr fhall part. ! th iM w,h t- hf-r voii arnl hear you. T ' 1, hi-:.l In your nrrri. .m e :ii;;ilii: If il,i 1. i,,r 1 1 inc. ymt"r- nulil. ,1,'ar. And I ' .il.- it'll', -II. ! tun. lit.-l, 1'iM (''ii l ,.i! - i . - t: .! ..'., lit (i.m.iav ll.-ralj $15 Fifteen Dollars. $15 Round Trip to Texas and Southwest. On August 23rd, September 13th, and 27ih. the Missouri Pacific rail way and Iron Mountain Route will sell round trip Homeseekers tickets from St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis also from Kansas City, taavenworth, Atc'nison and intermediate points o Amarillo, Colorado City, Ft. Worth, Brady. San Angelo. Corpus Christ!, San Antonia and Galveston and points east thereof in Texas. To new Iberia, Cheney vi lie, Alexandria and Monroe and points west thereof in Louisiana. To many joints in Arkan sas, all points in Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Final limit of ticket 21 days. Stopovers allowed after reach ing first homeseeker's point en route. For full Information address any re presentative of these companies. II. C. TOWNSEND. G. P. and T. Agt .'St. Louis, Mo. Elmer Smith, P. and T. Agt.. Cairo, III. AN EVER CHANGING SPECTACLE NEVER WILL BE HEPEATED PICK OUT THE BEST LET THE CAMERA FEATURES Herbme Relidi'is the bile mule fluid and thus helps the l.FoiwI to flow; U affoids j ! k are. prompt relief from biliousness, lndi-1 onb-r. to Jip Soldiers Eager to Fight A lady in Japan rites: "The eon of the woman nho keeps thtj bath house In the neighborhood is home from Korea. He was within a day of the big fight on the Yslu. and hopes to hold out in order to be In It. His feel wen- hadly front lilt ten. but he was ining to wain as if well. His el'!, ris iW i,,, i e-eap- the sharp ve of tin ultli er. v. lii, demanded to Kiiuw v. lift, Kb- I.,,- inciter. "A little lired.' lalteiiil ii,t- uliii.r. Ti.ey rxaiiiitu-d hi ni 'T r-il n are not : utile yu;ir in iln- luispila!?' was th b:s vi;, f. Ami from this GET BEST HELP YOU PICTURES A RECORD FOH ALL TIME The Exposition at St. Loiii3 is a wonderland, miles in extent. If you spend the whole seven months in the grounds, you will not be able to see n tenth part of all that is interesting. You must go early and stay late and spend as many hours as possible within the gates. It is a thousand exhibitions in one and its daily spectacles are a succession of pictures that never grow commonplace. You will never see it twice alike. What happened yesterday will never happen again. There was but one Dedication Day, one Opening Day; the Indians Pawnees, Wichitas, Moros, Irogottes build their huts but once. In fact the opportunities of the Fair will come but once in a generation. An international exposition larger than that now open at St. Louis will be a $100,000,000 proposition. It will have to culist the action of all the states and all the foreign countries, as this has done. Probably there will be no assemblage of the same magni tude during the lifetime of anyone now living. Therefore, let the situation be fully appreciated. Decide beforehand, as nearly as possible, what features Will be moist interesting and valuable to you. Do these thoroughly. Then, for general reference, and as a souvenir of the M t.,t :i l r. i ri miuiu fpucuteiu us ii ajuiL-aieu nuiu uaj iu uu, oautc the best pictorial and descriptive record and history of the event, which means the superb and exhaustive "Forest City" World's Fair Art Portfolios, which place you in possession of 480 splendid reproductions of selec ted photographs, taken expressly for the work by the official photographer of the Exposition and described by Secretary "Walter I. Stevens. The series is beautiful, it is artistic, authentic, and offical in every sense It transports to your very home the greatest Uni versal Exposition the world has ever s en, and keeps it there for all the years to come. It is our duty as Intelli gent and progressive Americans to Icani and know about this great World's Fair at St. Iiiiis. No one of us will look upuu its like again. U FOR Good returning until Septem ber 1-Uh. Train leaves Cairo 5:.0 a. m., arrives in Cliie.vo gv-tion. Kir k and nervous headaches. I and the over-indulgence in food and j drink. Herbine ar ts qitickly, a dose j after meals w ill bring the patient in-j to good condition in a few days. i G. L fldi ll. Agf K. K.'and T. ' Ii. it.. Chu-otah. Ind. Tor., writes. April is. pin:;: "I wa for over two years with enlargement of the- at p DETAILED INFO in. n ' i ON J. M. STOW:. T. P. A. OR .ami ,4-1. MATIO WVITE l-LWQ SMITH, Ticket R CrV "V' T anl F'If','r, T," 'I''ors dill me "i j f.'. find I ha.) nien up nil bopo r. . T T 'f cured whn n,y niriri-.t ,1 .ii L.Ai.L, y xi el me to ir H.-ilene It ,a --, horpita! inn or n.ore solditrs. most of, them afflicted in th ame way, j ! eatd thi thunder of the nuns in that ! Prj-t engiiEcxent Instantly h great ! hsbel nrosr Tite i;cn wanted to ' pfihtile ,it and Join in the ftsy. : Nurses. diK iers .Hid ofTieeiH argU"d. j prrsiiaiicd. roinnirniic 1. The soldiTS ' wept nt:d iniploi i!. Imf in O.e nil . lU'e iiliiu' previiW, .1 :u:il tin y rv leail, '.I i lit;!. .I'm-I i lv" ii3'i ii,e i;.,.ind H ,11 by .- . Inn, D a iid e? r Well." ' u Agent. H 13 Cf French Legion cf Honar. The laTgesf order (!f mi'.t in th nrld is the Wr n-h lsi,i ,u Honor ASK mm nFAf Fn.rnn 3i"TTl I Ff i IS 1 1 i in i i UNION MADL OY UiALU I f OR -SALE EVERTWlIf RE How to Secure the Series These snptrb reproductions, which will roiistitute a complete souvenir and record of the Exposition, are not distributed by ns as a jnatter of profit, but rather to please our read ers. Although the regular price li 2-5 rents for each portfolio, we place the entire series with in the reach of every reader at only 10 Cents a Part to (over the cost Of HANOI !NO, WRArHNG, AD l'H. r!NG, MAit !NG, r.Ti . Timply tut out thU hit! i-oupnn at ihm right and bring or send to us with ten cent and any part jaattcd will be mailed o y on at urn r. Call npon or .nMrc., Fill eut this'Causta sni brinf ar stsd la as, with TEN CENTS, si isicale4 below. .ttt..f.tttif.tttttcttttttt(ttt.mtt Be Sure to Stat Which Part you Wish. Z J ri riLisnEHs Dri.Lrnx Enclose herewith find Ten Cents t( cover i cost of postage and expense of mailing Tart No. ..of "Tub Forkst City," to which v I am entitled as one of your readers. Name P. 0. .. .StMe Send one coujmn and KH- for rai h jiarl desird. Z llllllimillllli a " The Bulletin Portlolio r! III Department vdliU, Hi. D i a fine over hall a tnulioa Tit)'-