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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1901 - I'fft.fftfff t9tm wcjniit la seeking the1 man if It would take more pivcau- j tlous again :t being waylaid.-Puck: arc uStDA OPENING fEP:"st- STRY I -.' MODERN AND 'APPROVED REDUCED If 'RICES p DRS. JENNEI LLE & ROE Jj 8 00 Washingt on Avenue. tiimmittixttumnitii mmnntinninmm "LAST DAYS OF POMPEII" , ' It Dectructlon of the Ancient Roman City is a Thrilling and Magnifi cent Spectacle. n t iled at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius, It destroyer. So artistic is the ar ti ',' work that the spectator will find It ahrd to realize that he is gazing oi II y iiKin a painted scene Instead of in m tn a. real city stretched out lor mi? es before him. I lurine the unfolding of Bulwer's tr ;ic story many scenes of safety are iuc Mentally introduced int the spec- tao le, depicting life and custom in the anrieii1 Roman city on fete days. T it i:! will hti exciting sports of the hi t podrome; sensational acrobatic ar 1 'aerial acts of ( the circus, pretty hi (3 lets, imposing and gorgeously cos tt lined processions participated in by n n rly 400 performers, gladiatorial C BTllbatS. DOXing. leiicins, wi ramus. Fi.llnainir the destruction of ihu c Ity which closes the spectacle proper, w, ill come the principal event of the n liiht the $1,000 display of Fain'a be wondered at then, that such mar- - u,iifiil Manhattan Beach fireworks. vpIous -pyrotechnical effects are pro- -j,is display of pyrotechnics has duced as are shown in his 'Pompeii" jlver been equalled in this part xf the spectacle, particularly in the thrilling s late, and will be an exact counter s' Hit. piece or piece, of the famous t fain displays shown nightly at Man r a "an Beach, New York. - (" - I HITS. Pain's inagniflcient pyrotechnical spec acle. "Last Days of Pompeii," which will tm exhibited here Septem ber 13, 2.) and' 21 at Sportsman's I'ai-lc, under the auspices of the Cairo Base" Ball and Athletic company is controlled and managed exclusively by Henry J. Pain, the famous pyro technist of London and New York, who is the greatest fireworks manu facturer in the world. It . is not to eruption scene of Vesuvius and de struction of the ancient Roman city, j i;t it is not alone in pyrotechnical scc'iies that Pain surpasses for the gorgeous spectacular and scenic fea- j turej of "Last Days of Pompeii" have? J. To the ordinary viww, the specula- he market makes the figure of a cor- roverina an area of four acres of. gp'-.ind, stands as a mipiic representa tion of the city of Pompeii that lay ... " ' ' 1 ' ' ' i L Cairo City Goal Co, : REFLECTIONS OF A SPINSTER. Woman haters are made, not born. They are the result of some girl's lack of appreciation. j One reason why the latch key has j not become an issuo in the question of i w. .man's rights Is that a pocket in ai dress makes It lit badly. ! When one considers how loath a i man is to consider another man as J wise as himself one can't wonder at j the masculine inability to believe in j the. equality of the sexes. j The nuui who talk in public about I his opinion that 'women i hould do no j harder work than cultivate their com- j plexioim and listen to compliments is j generally the one whose wife has to i wait on him the most Baltimore American. '''' I ISllf of the I -7 1 oo DUNLAP HAT IN OUR HAT DEPARTMENT OO LEMON KNOCKED OUT. Catcher Lemon of the Vlncennes team wa badly hurt, Sunday after noon during the ball garni at Padu- call. A foul lip tha. left Myers bat with the force of a bulk't struck the catcher directly over the heart and he fell as if shot. His companions rushed to the res cue and poured watr on him and worked with him until Dr. J. D. Rob ertson could get down from the grand stand and administer to him and the, patient was soon restored to consci ousness, but was unabhi to play the game out. He wore no breast protect or, which is what caused the injury to b3 so severe, but he doctor stated ha wonl 1 be all right by today, the blow being practically a ' solar plexus" as thv call it in prize fighting. A renort was current, today that Catcher Lemon was dead, but a telo-1 phone message stated he was all right: and would be in the gamy again this afternoon. Paducah Sun. Showing of the New Autumn Sty les ; v ' I i 1 l i i ii i il. ji mmmmmmm I Many Novel Concept ions tn Stiff and Soft Hats Fashions are Shown this Season in our Hat Department If you are a Student of Fashion tn its Various De tails, you should keep in touch Vpith our flfetyest, Advanced and Exclusive Shapes. NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS. By the Associated Pre s. Milwaukee, Aug. 0. Peter Somers Milwaukee was today nominated for congress by the Democrats of the fourth congressional district. of ncvir been surpassed by any open air spectacle in America. Thousands i, ,i thousands ot yams ot ncenep, f a side aJjilc,nt calk,(i ,bP ,,.nted on massive frames and rolls. sj(e he caU(,a bwm buildings, temples and arches, 1 ; i outs, Mat. A man never gets so poor that he ' d o 'sn't care to keep up appearances, 'n or so rich that he doesn't care to i V e ?v down expenses. 'It Ls hard, sometimes, to have p a 'ience with people wno nave tost ' t ir. . aI-TV. K.-,tt. frr.nt wft lint II n ihp Will allow CASH DISCOUNT E ic re people want to know what is be of 25c. .15c and 40c ner ton. ac-1 h h A us. cording to quantity, on all j ' When a man has greatness thrust HARRISBLRQ LUMP u 3 in mm, ne lias misuiy mue menus ii i imhk: i HMD . Truth crushed to earth will rise j or3ered and PAID v nin ? t ri trh tha' ntun U'hn h'JVD j . till, OlUHMlhii in: Ui'U 1 vi id Mrtu'n oiih if mnv nU hp In n PAID for duriugflc o idition to get tin. in cl. 4 4 The office would probably be reorejiU. Wdlllll, OdlCO ALIU and NUT COAL ordered and AUGUST, 1904. G. W.ROBINSON GOAL CO.; Will allow CASH DISCOUNT j of 25c, 35c and 40c per ton, ac-l cording to quantity, on all 1 AND NUT COAL for during AUGUST, 1904. . to be had at OLOMON CAIRO'S LEADING T0G6ERV SHOP. 7 09 COMMERCIAL AVENUE mi i tn wmim MiiimrimMiiiriM-iMWMnMirrrrmiminiiir Tf iMrnra Tin-irn 709 REDUCTION IN WALL PAPER! Let us pajiei; your walls NOW, be fore the "busy" season commences. in ce7ghthastreet: LANCASTER & RICE Botto's Grand Opera Restaurant I THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. Z A. Botto, Pr6prietor. 613 Commercial Ave. ESTABLISHED H. 1875 111 mm in 111 . MM 1 mi I lt.MMl "T" M 11 mmmmi PIANOS AT WHOLESALE: PRICES ESTABLISHED 1875 BEGINNING ! n 'A E ID Ell AT 219 EIGHTH STREET ..THE SCHAEFFER PIANO COMPANY.. WILL inaugurate a special cut price sale of the Celebrated Schacffer Piano. This is no "bankrupt stock," no "going out of business" fake, no "cut pnees because of discon tinued styles," Aor any of the time-worn and ancient excuses to mislead. During this sale we will offer nothing but BRAND NEW GOODS DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO CONSUMER. The chief rea:xr.i that a piano costs so much money is that, in the regular way of agency and consignment dealers, it costs from $50.00 to $75.00 to sell one piano. We will sell in fifteen days as many pianos as a local . agent will individualh' sell in a year and at m one-fifth the expense." On our Special Sale plan of Selling pianos, we sell a piano at an average selling ex pense of alxjut $10.00 per piano; the local agent spends $50.00 to $75.00 in order to sell one piano the difference of $40.00 to $65.00 we give to our customer. The purchaser practi cally saves the agent's profit. ' IN short, we will sell you a piano for $167.00 that in the regular way will sell for $235.00; a $275.00 piano at our sale will cost you $198.00; a $300.00 piano for $218; a $325.00 piano for $248; a $400 piano for $298. "You can't believe all you hear," but you can-believe a great deal that you see. COME AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. " We have no corps of salesmen to pay, no music teacher's commission to add to the 'cost of the piano; so if you find "some so-called protuiucut teachers" against us don't be frightened away but remember they may an ax to grind. Their loss in this case is your gain. 1 ' . " There arc no "thump lo.cs" in our stock. Any piano here is fit to grace the best home in Cairo. Every SCHAKFb'HR warranted ten years. Payments to suit. purchaser. Kvery p:"auo marked in plain figures? . 5 per cent discount for cash. f W c. Opens September 1st, 8 a. m., 1904 rewer. Factory Representative 219 EIGHTH ST Closes September 16th, 8 p. m., 1904 tr