Newspaper Page Text
THE CAlKO BULLETIN, THURSDAY lRING, SEPTEMBER K 134 ; .' Swim After a Put a want ad in the morning Bulletin and Evening News end rent your vacant house, get a line on a situation or secure :sme new business. . Published in Both Papers For One Price. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, ShoYt Announcements Representing Their Wants. Trade, profes lona and Various Ac- V : tlvitlecT " RU For Clawilied Not'-c. On Insertion per word-. . - Tore Insertions vr word (iiwwwk per wiMd-. - -" ? One mouth per word-... - ' All metier eet In NoiBrptl tvpe. No ilvertleeineDl Inserted lur leaa toau twenty ttvecrut. . MAIL ORDERS. We start you In the mail order business. Full fiartioulars and sample free. Ainaricau Specie! Agency, Milwaukee, WU. FOR BENT. FOB RK NT 0-room cottage No. 332 Twenly eightli street. Apply No. 818 Tweuty-eiBuUi street. Vnt Rnt '.aant, nie-Iy furnished N ro Bun. 'phone, tucderit -cjbvenlen . API Sit N.n U n riot. SALESLADY WANTED. Saleslady wanted at Mast have ex.- perieiioe iu dry goods. M llyn-an. August 9th, lCtb, 23rd and 30th. the Illinois Central , will sell round trip coach excursion tickets to St. Louia at one fare, f 4-05, limited to return seven (7) days from date of sale.' Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOI3. CAPITAL SURPLUS AND UNDIV1DBO PROFITS $100,000.00 . $50,000.00 OFFICEHS: ; E. A. BU DER . .... y ..... . President CHA8. FEUCHTER JR...V. President J. H. GALLIGAN. .. .. . .. .". ...Cashier F. SPENCER, i, Aaitnt Cashier DIRECTORS. E. A. Buder, J. W. QalUgart, Thoa. Boyd. W. E. GhoUon C. M. Osterloh, C O. Pstler, . Wm.. Kluge, . . , C V. Neff. Chaa. Herbert, iu J. M. Herbert, Accounts of corporations and Individ uala eioeclallv solicited. Ex.n;nt'9 furnished In any part of t voeld smx-m'Q- : ", Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ttJLINOIt. E. A Budei-.,,, ............ President Thoa.- Boyd. ......-.. VIesPrtsldent J. H. Galllgan..t... ...Casnler F. Spencer.....,..,. Ataurtant Cashier CAPITAL SSiWCO $22,000 hi IVPL.US AND UNDIVIDED PM FIT Strictly u Savings Bank Interest Paid on TIma OepstK at rite of three per cent pe annum. DICK JIM POWERS BROS. The Iliberniaq Saloon Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Barbecued ....Meats Every Day. ... 2710 COMMERCIAL AVENUE SB m m m NEARLY HALF A Phono No. 222 Local and Long Distance ",- B Wholesale Fish - Drop Him a Line. PltOrKSSIONAI.. Dr. Innn V una and ibms. SI1U1 mhI Wsniiiliu . Ocrner tf BOOKKEEPER WANTED. WANTS-P-V hoek LUn aiil.tlly- 1 IrauVLorpor. Address HOUSE WANTED. Wanted To rr-nt by 1ttu of ffpptember, a ine.U-ri, i room coilatf.. The low r Prl l ibeclty piwrred. Aildri-sJ. ti. Jones, llliu ui On'ii rnl I'asssairtr dfKt. HOUSE WANTED. Wauled Modern six rr eifilit-room lioui. g,H)d n s'lburli'KMi iu north eud ut town. Ad dress box alii, city. STOREFOR SALE OR RENT. P in grocery business for sate. 3UK Twenty eight u slftvt. ' WORLD S FAIR ACCOMMODATIONS Nicely furnished f-mily hotel. 11.00 to 12 00. Write for .arUculs-w. beveu minutes to luir. "lit Auliert avenue, Kt. bouts. Sii K bed, 50c to Sl.iO. The plaae fur those neelti.of comfort, eleaullnei and safely bache lor's lbtli. !! Noith Eleventh, i. Louis. l".irafshelnium both 'phones.' near grounds and c t,JI.Wlrday. fc'i&l Vernon, St. Uiuis. Elegant room i, private, reasonable, 15 minutes walk, four car lines to exposition. P0S7 Bartiuer aventiej St. Louis. Neatly furnished moras with tvwrt, $6 Ml " flu uu a 'week. Meals SSe. liM9 H. JeHersor, it. Liuis. BUSINESS LOCALS. Burke'a Livery, Feed and Boarding Stables, flm-class Uvery service. A One line of carriages for funeral oc casion. Always the best Going to build or repair this spring? See Kelly Bros., Lumber Co. for anything In lumber or building material Always ask for American Trading atanipt. See tho beautiful rewards in the window of Mrs. Farrow's milin sry atjre. I buy, sell and take In pawn every thing. Ladles and gents clothing a specialty. Guy B. Perry, the pawn broker, E07 Commecial avenue. A. Ilalley, wire screening, poultry netting, water coolers, gasoline stoves and ovens, step ladders, brushes, hard ware and stoves, ' ' Conant & Rennie, groceries, dry goods and meat market, and genera) merchandise, leaders for everything In their line, let them supply you. Too good to be passed by! Beautiful Silk !iirt Waist Suitings can be had at Hy man's for C5 cents a yard dur ing tUs week. Giu.ther & Walke, Model Baker will fclvo universal satisfaction foi ever.uhitig In the bakery line. Orders rur socials promptly tilled, 229 8th sL Peter Zimmerman, the Washington street grocer, ishavlng a fine trade. Good fresh groceries, and full welgh'j pleased the poeple, order from him. I cannot name the rare Joys, the In finite delights that Intoxicate me since taklrg Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Paul G. Sc iuh & Sons. M Notice. Having disposed of my drug busi ness lo Mr. Hal N. Calhoun, I desire to thank my many fri.'mls and custo mers for thfir liberal patronage and to p. k that the same b extended to Mr. Calhoun, who will greatly en larg tho sti-k anJ rontiikun IjiisIiiih in tl. amo old stand. Respectfully, . HARRY R. L6WF.R. Cairo, 111.. Sep.. 1. 1!04. Mr-. C. D. Landish. Hfdland Wa all run down; could not eat, sleep or works Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea K'.ade mo strong and robust. Great tonic. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Paul G. Schuh &. Sow. .wssMtSissssssac, CENTURY BEFORE THE PUBLIC ESTABLISHCb I OSB - irV p.-im rn Erprted ir. Cairo. Ill . Bui't Smyth & Co V ' 1 iJ . -i. ' -' - '..v- .''.'V'i'-.K-iv :.., "".-: ; a. is. m 5. , -iomi9fmis ' --' -''l-. l ' I ' 11 ' ."' . . jCZ'f)?':.?--- iJri ' v ' "--' J. f f 'v-.t ri:i- -'4 ..--.-rj . t- . . ;. ; . j- T.v 'jU m."S J,- --rr-'zrr? : trr.v -- r -v"; yr r-r " ,RefaiI andF amliy Liquor Dealers TRI-C0UNTY CONVENTION Of the W. C. T. U. Will Meet at the Calvary Baptist Church Sept. 7 and 8. The Trl-County Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Alexander, Massac mid I'ulaskt counties will meet in the Calvary Baptist church In this ell y Septem ber 7 and fi. - Following Is lily program arranged for the occasion: Wednesday, 7. :3n . Meeting. ni. Kxecutive Committee Devotional service Mrs. M. Hatcher, Cairo. Consideration of departments and their superintendents Appropriation .for the departments and expenses of county wars. The field nnrl its needs. Miscellaneous business. Afternoon. 1:3 Devotional service Mrs. J. B. Htaley, Mounds. 2:00 Greeting from churches Rev, Sickles. 2:1.". Creeling from V. M. C. A Secretary Humljerd. 2 :::o Greeting from local unions Mrs. J. M. Lansden. 2 : 45 Responses. 3:t5 Parliamentary lesson. 3: P.o Appointment of commit hee Enrollment. Resolirtions. Finance. Courtesfes. 3:45 Report of executive commit tee. 4:0 Report of corresponding secre tary. 4:15 Report of young women's work. 4:30 Announcements and adjourn ment. Wednesday Evening. Sons by the White Ribbon choir. Sonij Egyptian cmartette. Grand Gold Medal contest. Solo Mrs. Zeran. Son? Egyptian quartette. Awarding of modal. . Benediction. Thursday, 8. !: lo a. m. Devotional Mrs, Ella Pulley, Cairo. 9: 2 Reading of minutes. 9:30 Report of local unions Cairo. Mounds, Mound City. Pulaski, Willard. Olive Branch, Metropolis and Pulaski. 10:o(i Report of treasurer. 10: b Report of auditor. 10:25 Report of committee on en rollment. - . . K 10: -10 Reading of County Constitu tions. 10:50 Election of officers. 11:30 Report of L. T. 'L. sacrstary. Miscellaneous. Noontide Prayer Ad journ treat. Afternoon. i -so Devotional Mrs. Ruth M. Brown, Pulaski. 1:15 Reading of minutes. 1 : 55 Reports of superintendents. 2:15 Reports from committees. 2:3 Solo Mrs. Strcng. 2:45 Baby Medal contest.-.. . 3:15 Paper-Tho Temperance Tithe Miss Kite Schuyler, Mound City., 3:S What can be done to Induce our membeja to subscribe and read our publications-Mrs. Margaret Reno, Cairo. -3:4'-, How to make our meeting interCitlng M. Tllle Aldred. Mounds. 4:00 Song White Ribbon scoir, 4:15 Unfinished business. 4:3 Adjournment. Thursday Evening. Devotional Rev. BaUrldge. Solo Miss Emma Lansden. Address Miss Marie C. Brehm. Offering. Plea for members for tha W. C. T. U. n.t Mlf Mark and Mr. Albert Deinontcourt. Benediction. You can't expect to do away with fac blemishes In a week's time. Ket.u on taklm; Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. You'll bave a lovely complexion. 35 cents. Tea or Table's. Paul G. Schuh c Sons. The Shaeffer piano sale at 21S St Ii street is an opportunity you can't afford to miss If you ever expect to buy a piano. ajflBs 3 5O3-505 Ohio street Cairo III. mo DEATH CAME SUDDENLY Mrs. Egbert Kerth Passed Away Early Yesterday Morning at Her Home' In Anna. Mr. T. J. Kerth of Tenth street re ceived a message from Anna, 111., yes terday morning notifying him of the deatii In that city of his daughter-in-law. Mrs. Egbert Kerth which occurr ed at C o'clock. , T'ae newp was unexpected and was a shock to th relatives here. Mrs. T. J. Kerth was" called lo Anna Tues day by a message announcing the Ill ness of her dnughtor-ln-law mid she found the patient in a semi-con.iclous state, having suffered violent puer peral convulsions. The deceased was formerly Miss Minnie SifTord and was well known in Cairo having frequently visited here. H;t untimely death will catiso much regret among her many friends. Funeral arrangements have not yet been eoftifdi'tedj. Why not. buy now. A 1233.00 piano Tor f IG7.00 at the Shaeffer piano company's special cut price sale. 2l 8th' street. BAND CONCERT AT THE PARK The Usual Unsettled Weather is prom ised The Program a Good One. Notwithstanding the prediction of unsettled weather tlu're will proba ply be a large crowd at St. Mary's park tonight to hear the Cairo band Rain is th only thing that will keep liiem away. Hire is the program: March Fir.-t Attempt -Dryer. Characterises Tov. n Talk Dalby. Overture La Vestale. Waltz Queen of Flowers Holmes. Serenade Miller. Intermission. March Call of the Wild Los?y. March Wedding Feast. A Day In the Cotton Field Sutton. March Slabtown Sam. Barn Dance Alabama Johnson. 35.000 satisfied customers Is the re cord or the Shaeffer piano. 219 8t!i street. Marriage Customs of Sumatra. The treatment accorded women in the Island of Sumatra ought to be a creat satisfaction to th advocates of women's rights. At marriage the wordly possessions of the husband are made over to the wife, and he thence forth devotes his energies to Increas ing this fortune. Divorce is practi cally ui known, perhaps beeauee hus band and wife do not live together, but live In separate houses. Radium Salts. The radium 'salts closely resemble quinine. Tli.: OLD MAN SMOKES. TOO. He Would your father obj. rt to my nmoking? Sh . N't If yo;i smoke the kind of rigar-: Iu likes. Fine Family Liquors Medicinal r..mucy ana ....... y Pennsylvania Pure Rye Whiskey, per gal Smyth's Old Monarch Whiskey, per gal Jaa. E. Peeper C Co.'s Kentucky Whiskey, Ag-ms for Cedar Brook Whiskey, Co.'s Vhiskey. Schlitl Milwaukee Beer, I Special Pre -Pa id .Price List Eipre.i Prcpiid on Pollowini Brandi (ullbin a. Radius ot MO Miles), Packed in llaio Uoi No Marks: . WHISKIES Prince Burbon Sour Wan or Princeton Old, per gallon . prepaid Kentucky 6our Math Burbon or Old Eastern Rye, Eiaht Years Old, per gallon prcpaio Kentucky Sour Mash (Hand Made) or Pennsylvania Pur. Rye. (Copper DuMiet!) Ten Year Old, per gallon prepaid Four Full Ouarts. E,Bht Year O'd Sour Mash. "Green-Cap Winner. Brurbon or Bye, In Plain Box. esnress prrp d Four Full Quart. Ten Year Old. -Red Cap Winner." Bourbon or Rye, in Piain Bex. expreas prrpiid 'J Four Fu'l Cuart. -Penntvlvanla ScecaP Rye. or -Kentucky Special Bcurtcn at 7 a Qurt. in Plain Box. express prepaid ........ - Hol!-d G.n $103 and $? 00 rr Ca'fan. express p.p Id. Califronia Apricct B-andy 14.00 per galn, express prepa.c- f COMPANY First Orcv otT Draught at tho Following Places O. C Bell & ( Company. P. C. ScuUin. Nichols &: Stc ggt Owl Saloon. Steagala i'z Si tsanka. Frank Cooley, Planters Hotel Bar. C. S. McCanc . ' " Richard Taylc ir. William A. St eagala. Nichols &: Stegg, Illinois Hotel Bar. Curry Bros. John Bennett. A. Botto. Albert Lauren t. John Ashley. " John Worluxuin. a ii ASK FOR CAIRO si aswWalHaWaWaMaBBBiB a - n a fpini Iel4lll BUBBB- B B I ' , : 1 CAPE TO CAIRO KAU-RCAD. Project of Cecil Rhodes Goes Steadily Forward. Cecil Rhodes conceived tlie ICea of a great railroad from Cap i Town to Cairo. The southern part Jof It has how reached the southern Innk of the Zambesi river at the Vicioria falls. The road Is now over 1.600 miles long, stretching from Cape Totn to this point. Tho construction of the Hngle epan bridge which Js to carry the track across the Zambesi aorge at a height of 420 feet Is being proceeded with, and the second sect'iin of the railroad will then bo be? in. This secMon will rin In the direction of Ike Tanganyika, a d'.start-e or 3o0 miles. Beyond that point ho definite course has been decided upen, though there are several projected routes un der corsldoratlon. According to Cecil Rhodes, this transcontinental railroad was to be 5,700 ndles length. While the track has beeia steadily constructed northward from Cape Town, the Egyptian end lias been extended until it reaches 1HO0 miles south of Khartum.' Aboul another 2,000 miles of track has yet to te laid before through railroad cdmrouniea lion is established betwn Cape Town and Cairo. . I , - and I for Home Use Purposes. $1 60 $2 0!J2 50 $J 50 4 00 6 00 6 00 per case ... 3 00 3 00 4 00 ' & 00 4 00 5 00 ,11 P0 Paul Jonee and Jae. E. Pepper Etc.. : ' Rye, Copper Distilled. 8i Year. j 2 19 i i 3 bo 4 00 ! 3 20 3 IS 4 10 (Copper Distilled) THE SCHUH'S CORN CURE i For the speedy, pernfanctit and painless aire of hard and a soft corns, bunions, warts, callousses, etc, B Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists in Cairo. JUST RECEIVED! A full and complete line of HATS and GENTS' FURNISHING OOODS. An extra fine line of the latest patterns in WOOLENS fbr FALL CLOTH ING. We carry a complete line of Wilson Bros.' Goods. Also the celebrated Cluette, Teabody A .Co., and Monarch Shirls. Solo agents for'tlie Tiger and Champion Hits. IN. 3 A IM D L. E IR Tailor and Haberdasher. 611 Commercial Avonu e. Louis Herbert OB Ohio Straat.Oalre, Illinois m SKBrVr" Liquors, Keg and Bottled Beers. REDUCTION IN WALL- PAPER! Let us paper your walls NOW, be fore the "busy" season commences. l6i3 cl?i gmhVrh,astvr e et! LANCASTER & RICE i Botto' s Grand THE BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. ' A. Botto, Proprietor. , 613 Commercial Ave. Notice to Property Holders. On Tuesday, September Cth. 1904, at the City Council Chamber, No. 1111 Commercial avenue, at 8 o'clock p. , m., or aa soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, this company will petition the city council of the ci ty of Caln Illinois, to grant this com pany the right and privilege to grade right of way, lay down ties and raUs, erect poles, . stretch wires, and do whatever Is necessary to build, equip, and maintain a single track ot Elec tric Street Railway along the follow ing route commencing at the north side of 22nd street on Holbrook aven ue, tbenoe southerly along Holbrook avenue to Center afreet, thence eas- llorlv nn fen tor atroot tn Cedar atrept. thence auiherly oa Cedar street to Twentieth street, thence easterly on Twentieth street to the east side of Walnnt street with the right and priv ilege lo connect said street railway with the company, present tracks at Itolbmnk avenue and 22nd street. I- iso at 20th and Walnut streets with I the right to put hi the necessary cut 'outa or passing switches, also put In the necessary curves at the intersec tions of the above named streets for I safe and easy passage of Its cars. Arso the right when the proposed new route Is completed, to take up and remove the company's present tracks on 22nd street between Hol brook avenue and Walnut Also its west track on Walnut .street between 20th and 22nd streets, and connect Its east track with its track -south if 20th. street, and north of 22nd street, I Dated August 23, 1304, at Cairo, II- ltnoia ! CAIRO ELECTRIC ft TRACTION CO. M M Joseph Edicker. Harry Elias. Meyer Bros. Rudolph Brown. Smith Bros. Henry Zerfass. , Rudolph Laurent. ' Adolph Swobca, Richard Fitzgerald. JNew York Store. Louis 21anone. Henry Hixon, ' Gardner & Egan, Ed Maley. M BEER Opera Restaurant One Way Rates. Every day from September 15th to October 15th, 1901, inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell one way tick ets from Missouri River terminals (Council Bluffs to Kansas City,. In clusive) as follows: 1 120.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. 2).0) to Helena and Butte. Mon tana. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatrhee, Washington. $22.5) to Huntington and Narapa, Idaho. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. $25. imi to Ashland and Astoria, Oregon, via Portland. $25.00 to San Francisco, Los An geles and San Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California, Oregon. Washing ton. Montana, Utah and Idaho points. Through tourist cars run every day on Union Pacific between Missouri River and Pacific coast, double berth $5.75. For full particulars call on or address, J. H. LOTHROPP, G. A.. 903 Olive St.,, St Louis, Mo. lASn YOUTl DEALER. FOI umUN NADL OYLliALU FOR SAIE zvzicnniuiL i