Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER I, 1904 m mm Mob Made Some Ugly rests at Paducah I WAS BLUFFED TV CROWD THAT RUSHED rHf DIAMOND FROMTHE JAND STAND CAIRO M,; LOST.. lost at Paducah yesterday by if 7 to 9. people who saw the game and ( home last nlKht report a graceful occurrence at the Pa ill park in which Umpire Zln- 8 the central figure. 5 ' 3 end of the sixth inning the Ood 5 to 3 in favor of Cairo Paducahians waxed warm be lie collar, and in the (seventh 'mpir Ztnkans made a decis- ih did not meet their approval ihped from the grand stand led to the diamond making all .' (threats, After a while quiet tored, but one Cairo fan said ajians appeared confused and afraid to give his decisions eg and balls as they thou hi be. claimed that Craugle would m right across the plate and timidai'.ed umpire would call ills. fhad tre best of the game up time of the demonstration Zinkans and was doubtless en o tfhe game. y was knocked out of the box ahic took hi place, ley's hand is sore and Rutledge ehind the bat. He had an off d put Shannon in to finish the attendance was 517? score: : .. 0 0 0 0 4 10 0 17 10 7 . -,..0 0 0 2 1 0 4 2 9 10 f. 'Ties Crangle, Rutledge and m; Brady, Brahic and Land. e-rZJinkaiis. a Paducah fan niter they threatened to moh Kinking, Petit, the best catcher In the league met with a very ; painful accident in yesterday's game. A foul tip split his hand between third and fourth' Aimers. It is hoped his hand will soon be in comllticin to allow him '' !i,v a uood. hard player like out, of the game hurts bad. Clarksville Star. WW Paducah'8 attendance on week days runs .from 25i to 050. while Cairo's is from fi5 to liV Figures don't lie and the proof can be cited. The attend ance at Paducah never falls below the guarantee, but is always far above it. Cairo Is a splendid one day a week ball town. That V72 is a little strong for a stall. News-Democrat. SOME figure don't lie ami some newspaper correspondents may not. The fact remains, however. UnV Cairo is a better baseball town in point of attendance than Paducah. This was proven last season and will be aalii this year. Such a crowd in Paducah as was in Cairo last, stinuay woiuu have forced spectators into the Pa ducah diamond. Their abbreviated excuse for a park cant nom me poods and the goods don't go. Laundry Blue At All. Grocers S3 I I l I I I Lm i i i i i - ng -. . Won't Freeze Won't Break Won't Spill Won't Spot Clothes Josts 19 Centi, Equals 20 Cants yrjrih of any other kind of bluing Reiwrts have been sent out from Ca iro that the attendance at Sunday's same, between Paducah and Cairo, was the largest In the league's histo ry. Wrong afjain. It was large, all right, but slightly less than the at tendance at Paducah otv the last Sun day that. Cairo played here. The league secretary and others sent press reports ont that 1,072 people witness ed the game. The secretary was in Pa ducah the day of the largest crowd in the Kitty's history, lie ,'ook special paiiw to request correspondents to I'end out the attendance at Paducah at ;!.7."0. This was done, which was swelling the actual paid atrendance to some extent. News 1 k-mocrat. Surely, the N.-D.'s correspondent wouldn't do a thing like that. How dreadfully awful; awfully dreadful. .Vltxlr-ftick m a sock i soiuoio uuio iu i a flft.T bav iuidperroratd wcHxieumbe, ; tlirotwh vlub lha wator flows and dissolve ; itir rc.)..rar.'1eJ. directions for use; 'igZle-Stlck around ia tie water MnBufurtireJ onlr r THP. LAUNDkV BLUR COMPANY. Chlr NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati. 1; New York, Cincinnati. 2: New York, .'!, Pittsburg, 7; Boston. 3. Chicago. 0; Brooklyn. 2. St. Louis, 1; Philadelphia, AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia, 1; Chicago, Boston, 10; Detroit, 2. Wasnington, 1;. St. Louis, New York, 2; Cleveland, 1 0. I TWO HOME RUNS, ksvllle, Aug. 31The locals ad ored a shut-out to the Vincennes A triple play by Clarksville ime runs by Harris and Collins he features. . ., .0 0 0 1 0 1.0 2 04 8 3 I ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 ,3 idea Harrig and Starks; 1 and Brahic. ' SNAPPY GAME. ;lnsville, Aug. 31. The locals e prettiest game of the season ninth inning, through errors. ,.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 45 9 0 :.Q 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 3 4 erlea McNutt and Downing: der and Ketter. DIAMOND DUST. lost again.' umpire did !t." Ins was Intimidated. ksville here Saturday and Sun i Under the head of a special dis patch from Cairo ihe Vincennes Cap ital says; M.'J. Farnbaker, secre tary of the Kitty league left last nfght for Evansville and Terre Haute where arrangements wilt be made for the league of next year. Secretary Farnbaker may also visit Peoria or Danville and it is believed that befor liis return a deal will have been ar ranged by which Evansville and Terre Haute will be dropped from the Cen tral leagued rjnd adntftd into the Kitty league tu place of Hopklnsville and Henderson.. IT either Danville or Peoria are secured Clarksville's fran chise will be given to the" sucossftil one. It is now a certain'y that Hop kinsville, Clarksville and Henderson will not be members of next season's league and almost a certainty that Evansville and Terre Haute will Ik-, The new league according to plans ali?ady arranged will consist of A'ln ceunes, Terre Haute and Evansville in Indiana. Paducah in Kentucky, Cai ro in Illinois and one other city yet -to be named. Im case this other city is not secured there is a small probab ility that Henderson will be allowed to keep her franchise. ' goner at Poplar Bluff has Join j team. He may pitch today. 'it will we do to Clarksville j they come here Saturday and 'y?- nay be ay get .time. Bonno again today our "Bumps" at's iklnnin" 'era alive," said Herbine Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; It affords prompt relief from biliousness, indi gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and the over indulgence in food and drink. Herbine acta quickly, a dose after meals will bring the patient In to good condition In a few days. C. L. Caldwell, Agt. K. K. and T. U. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April 18, 1903: "I was sick for over two years with enlargement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good, and I had given tip all hope for the I of being cured when my rugglst ad vised me to use Herbine. It has made me sound and well." Stic Sold by Schuh Drug Co. and AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. i St .Pant, no game, wet grounds. Minneapolis, same, Milwaukee, Toledo, 1. Kansas City, 1; Indianapolis, 4 Kansas City, 3; Indianapolis, (! THREE-EYE LEAGUE. o. Decatur, 5; Rock Island, Dubuque, 4; Davenport, 2. Cedar Rapids. 4; Rock Island. Bloomington, 0; Springfield, 4. Bloomlngton, 1; Springfield, 2 WESTERN LEAGUE. Des Moines, 9; Omaha, 2. Denver. 2; Sioux City, 3. Colorado Springs, 9; St. Joseph, 8. Colorado Springs, 4; St. Joseph, 3. WORLD'S FAIR FEATURES. . About six thousand visitors' a day are now being entertained at the New York City building on the Model Street at the World's fair. The first baby ambulance ever built 1 being used at the World's fair. The ambulance contains a complete Incubator equipment. A reproduction of Liberty Bell carved out of golden creamery butter is exhibited In the dairy section of New York's display in the Palace of Agriculture at the "World's fair. 3QC 3 C 3CCS GRAND EXCURSION To Chicago, Tuesday, September 6 Via "BIG FOUR" J Among tha personal effects of Thomas Jefferson exhibited In the Vir ginia building at the World's far. a reproduction of MonticellOj Jefferson'.i old home. Is a clock which was in the Jefferson home for years previous to the Revolution. The timepiece is 1 Carrara marble and is 1T0 years old. "Governor's Week," at the World's fair will be a feature of the latter part of September. It Is pro;ssed to make this special week a most elab orate one in events. The governors of all the states, acompanied by their staffs, are expected to be present. IS 0 $5.00 ROUND TRIP 0 Good returning until Ssptein ber 14th. Train leaves Cairo 5:30 a. m., arrives in Chicago at 8:25 p. ui. FOR DETAILED INFORMATION CALL U ON OR WRITE fl LM.STOXE, ELMER SMITH, T. P. A. Cairo, 111, Ticket Agent -J Thirty Bagobos and 18 Tagalos hav arrived on the Philippine reser vation at the World's fair. The Bag ohos are th most spectacular of th Island peoples , wearing costumes beautifully ornamented with beads, ear and toe rings and are skilled agri culturists and hunters. CIHHA CAPTURES TWIN. CITY EVENT WITH A $13,000 PURSE AT SHEEPSHEAD BAY, DISTANC ING THE GREAT M'CHESNEY. By the Associated Pres, New York, Aug. 31. In a bard drive Caughnawaga. at three to one, won the Twin City handicap, $13loo to the winner, rf Sheepshead Bay today, with Dainty second and Grasiallo third. The mile and a quarter was run in the fast time of 2:0.". McChes iiey, who won this stake last year, de feating Hermis, was made I lie favor ite today on the strength of a very fa:, trial, but was always outrun, finishing next to last, Artful, winner of the1 Futurity, won the $10,000 great Jllly -stakes. Artful and Rose of Dawn were coupled' in the betting and held at prohibition odds of 1 to 15. An'ful and Belle Stroine, an added starter, ran close to gether to the stretch, where Artful drew away and won under wraps by half a length in the fast time of 1:11 3-5, which is one-fifth of a second fast er t'.han her time in the Futurity. Lin da Lee was third. ml 5 v, I EPTEEMrlil , I will offer for sale the largest and finest stock of Pianos ever brotight to Cairo at prices and terms never twfore heard of Hi NEW PIANOS NEW ORGANS FOR FOR $165,00 $45.00 GREAT RACING AT PUKE By Associated Press. Providnce, Aug. ,'11. Ten thousand people saw plenty of good racing the third day of the Grand circuit meet. The 'weather was fine and the traclf 'very fasr. The big attraction was the Roger Williams stake for $5.0oo, for trotters eligible to the 2:12 elas last March. While seven responded to the call, it was believed that the event lay between Consuelo S., win ner of the Massachusetts stakes at Readville last week; Sweet Marlf. the unbeaten California mare, and Tiver ton, backed to win at Readville in the Massachusetts event, but who met with an accident in the first heat'ai.d was distanced. Sweet Marie won af ter Tiverton had taken two heats. The time for third heat 2:0H4. is the race record for the year, male by trotters. The aggregate time of the five heats is the World's record, low ering that In the famous stallion race at Readville in the Qresceus-Sharley Herr memorable turf battle. Prince Alert was driven to beat the Wor.'J's pacing record of 1:59U and failed by 1 V seconds. You can buy a new Piano by paying $5.00 per uiouth, or a liew Organ at $3.00 per month. These prices and terms are good for THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Now is your time, Write , . me or call at my store. C. N. BUCHANAN 711 Commercial Ave. Cairo, Illinois Z 3C DC 3C DOC owt o see the DAN PATCH LOWERS RECORD. By the Associated Press. Lincoln. Neb.. Aug. 31. In an exhi bition mile on the State Fair grounds track this afternoon Dan Patch lower ed the record for a half nulo track. and clipped three-quarters seiond off his own best time for half mile track, made at Des Dolnes last week., lie covered a mile today In 2: 0514 on a track a trifle lumpy from recent raitia. $15 Fifteen Dollars. $15 Round Trip to Texas and Southwest. On August 23rd, September 13th, and 27th, the Missouri Pacific rail way and Iron Mountain Route will sell round trip Homeseekers tickets from St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis also from Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison and Intermediate points to Amarillo, Colorado City. Ft. Worth, Brady, San Angelo, Corpus Chrlsti, San Antonia ami Galveston and points east thereof in Texas. To new Iberia, Cheneyville, Alexandria and Munroe and points west thereof In Louisiana. To many joints in Arkan sas, all points in Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Final limit of ticket 21 days. Stopovers allowed after reach ing first homeseeker's point en route. For full information address any re presentative of these companies. II. C. TOWNSKND. G. P. and T. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. Elmer Smith, P. and'T. Agt., Cairo. III.' Great World' s rair GO EARLY AND STAY LATE AN EVER-CHANGING SPECTACLE NEVER WILL BE REPEATED PICK OUT THE , BEST FEATURES LET THE CAMERA "ITS"'! 1 's r K ,'a.L " Chinese for South Africa. The mine owners of Souih Africa are entering into contracts with Chi nese laborers to work in the mines of that country. Ships are already at Hong-Kong to convey thee laborers to the field of operations. The con tracts are guaranteed by the British authorities, arc are for three years. GET BE3T- A RECORD FOR A "thump box' monpy but why t 219 Sth. ' can be had for less not buy a Shafffer The Exposition at St. Louis is a wonderland, miles in extent. If you spend the whole seven months in the grounds, you will not be able to see a tenth part of all that is interesting. You must go early and stay late and spend as many hours as possible within the gates. It is a thousand exhibitions in one and its daily spectacles are a succession of pictures that never grow commonplace. You will never see it twro alike. What happened yesterday will never happen again. There was but one .Dedication Day, one Opening Day; the Indians Pawnees, Wield tas, Moros, Irogottes build their huts but once. - ' . In fact the opportunities of the Fair will come but once in a generation. An international exposition larger than that now open at St. Louis will be a $100,000,000 proposition. It will have to enlist the action of all the states and all the foreign countries, as this has done. Trobably there will be no assemblage of the same magni tude during the lifetime of anyone now living. Therefore, let the situation be fully appreciated. Decide beforehand, as nearly as possible, what features will be most interesting and valuable to you. Do these thoroughly. ' Then, for general reference, and as a souvenir of the whole siM'ctaele as it appeared from day to day, secure the best pictorial and descriptive, record and history of the event, whieh means the suiK'rb and exhaustive "Forest City" World's Fair Art Portfolios, which place you in possession of 4S0 splendid reproductions of selec ted photographs, taken expressly for the work by the official photographer of the Exposition and described by Secretary Walter 13. Stevens. The series U beautiful, it is artistic, authentic, and offical in every sense It transports to your very Lome the greatest Uni 'v versal Exposition the world has ever seen, and keeps it there for all the years to come. It is our duty as intelli ALL time gent and progressive Americans to learn and know about this great World's Fair at St. Louis. No ono of us will look upon its like again. - HELP YOU PICTURES i4 Forethought Customer See here, you have giv en me two brushes with that botti of mucilat! Salesman That's all rieht sir, of them is to dip Into the ink well. STATE OX ILMXOI8. t M Alexander County, t In the A If lander circuit c.oii,Octlr term, A. M A la chicr. Bill to correct miMake in dfM. Trust eea of Kchol. tnbip eent 1 , nth ranee one d- weat,;tc. va Jm K. kennie. tannie ftenoie. Yinr'fitft RenB'e. Laura rink, f.lwanl A. I'iPk. John T. Reooie, i Clara kennie. Jaoe K.Peonie. Mra.are Hntton ' -j ..j - .... t.'-l... u U.'.w4 Vwt H. Wood. John II Wnvd, Mrtle H. Wood, Klua-rx-th D Wood.JtmnC. K. Wood. Julia Woo.1, Lillie Wrod Ritlcnhonee. Harrr H KiMcn tione. Marr Wood m-lihoue. Frederick M Sut-nhou.e, Mary L. Wood and Philander W Barclay. . To Frank T. Pennie. V arraret IVnnin. Mf gt S ack. Orfa fodejr and tleorccPoOejr reo'Ienta detendarta in aocre named ranee: V. o are her. I no'iSe.1 thai (he id mm .. . . .. . . a r. j; ,nn;'., r-n in. t n i jauuaj. n ! . iitert tfeei certain t ill tn cbancerr. to "aid How to Secure the Series These 'superb reproductions, which will constitute a complete souvenir and record of the Exposition, tre not distributed by us at a matter of profit, but rather to please our read ers.- Although the rogtilar price i 25 cents tor each portfolio, we place the entire aeries with In the reach of every reader at only 10 Cents a Part to cover the cost-of hakdlino, wrapping, ad Dkehbinu, mailing, etc. Pimply cut out this little coupon at the right and bring or send to us with ten cents and any pari issued will be mailed to you at once. Call upon or address, Fill est thi.Csps ass rln ttnt Is tt, mil TEN CENTS, si Iadkitc4 sclsw. .ttt9.f.ttl..t.ttttttttttf.ttttt'ltttttt Be Sure to State Which Part you Wish. 2 PfBusHERs Bulletin. e Z - a Enclose herewith find Ten Cents to cover l2 " v cost of postage and expense of msiling Part No of "Thk Foket CrrY," to which v I am entitled a one of your readers. JJ Z Name ?! P.O... State. J Bend one coopon snd 10c for each part denired. jttttttttcttttttttttttttttttttittT "If music Ire food for love" buy a Shafffer piano and love will grow fat. Only 15 days at 219 Sth street. nt1 thei'cenain I illrn chancer, in aaid Tt. tor correction of mi''n in .deed. I atint tut anoTe named defendania: ?ni nw One aon haa ined thereon rpinmahle to tb fiaroefl Term or ocm.i. uriin'r i.reot. "n the firvt fiav ot 4 te-r. Hober KHi, A. D.. iH 9 B l VI, rierk. Vy O. . FOfiTf K. I.pni C'erk. tal-d auo. lliiuoir. Anf ::at 'Sth. A. l , Mite Fredtri.-l fiilbert, Solkiior for Com i it nan la. The Bulletin 3C Portfolio Department 3C C Cairo, 111, Ok 2 0 n t4 SO