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ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF;150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PREC3 OERVICE The Uulloiio i IF YOU WANT fc&UjUUGll I tbet Prople' paper, the people read it. your "ad" read Advertise in TfcJ E:!!:ti3 pus in : ; : The Bulletin ESTABLISHED IN 1868 CAIRO, ILL., SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 10, 1904. . : : ; x , VOL XXXVI. NO. 250. THE 6A! RO ytf 1W1 "',." ,' i KUROPATKIN'S ARMY SAFE AT LAST GEN. OYARliA ABANDONS T Estimated Loss on Both Sides in the Great Battle of Liao-Yang Placed at 50,000, of Which Japanese Lost 30,000. QLDFIELD RACES A STEAMBOAT WHEREABOUTS OF JAPANESE ARMIES IS NOT INDICATED Russian General's Escape Over Bad Roads Carrying With liira 12,000 Wounded Considered a Brilliant Feat-Rains Flooding the War Zone. - (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) THERE IS STILL A LACK OF SPECIFIC INFORMATION RE GARDING THE EXACT SITUATION IN MANCHURIA. THE RUSSIAN GENERAL STAFF LACKING DETAILS IS UNABLE TO SPEAK AU- tortiIely Awhile advices 'from Japanese sources ARE SIGNIFICANTLY LACKING. IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT THE RUSSIAN ARMY IS SAFELY. AT MUKDEN, AND THAT THE, RE ?REAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED IN GOOD ORDER. IN SPITE OF THE HARASSING JAPANESE. SODDEN ROADS, AND THE FACT THAT KUROPATKIN WAS HAMPERED BY MORE THAN 12,000 WOUNDED. THERE IS NOThVnG YET TO INDICATE THE EXACT WHERE ABOUTS OF THE THREE JAPANESE ARMIES. WHEN LAST HEARD FRO M. K URO K I'S FORCES WERE ON THE RUSSIAN LEFT FLANK AND STEADILY PUSHING NORTHWARD, BUT 'VICEROY AL X IE FF REPORTS RAILWAY AND TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICA TION BETWEEN MUKDEN AND HARBIN UNINTERRUPTED. GEN. IakHAROFF REPORTS THAT THERE WAS NO FIGHTING THURS DAY AND WHILE THE OUTPOSTS ARE STILL IN, CONTACT, THEY ARE NOT EVEN EXCHANGING SHOTS. IT SEEMS TO BE ESTAB LISHED THAT OYAMA'S TROOPS PRACTICALLY ABANDONED ON WSnIsDAY THE ATTEMPT-TO -HEAD OFF - KUROPATKIN, . AND THAT THE LAST DETERMINED EFFORT TO BRING THE RUSSIAN COMMANDER TO BAY WAS MADE ON TUESDAY. a DETAILED LIST OF RUSSIAN LOSSES 13 PROMISED TODAY f SATURDAY) AND IT 13 EXPECTED THESE LOSSE3 WILL APPROX MAT20oJ0 A3 AGAINST 30,000 OR THE JAPANESE. IT IS OF ScuK REPORTED THAT KUROPATKIN HAS NOT BEEH WOUNDED. FROM MUKDEN CAME IN A DISPATCH TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILED FRIDAY NIGHT. IT TELLS OF A ISIaT DOWNPOUR OF RAIN, ACCOMPANIED BY THUNDER AND L K3HTN ING W HI C H , THE CORRESPONDENT SAYS, IS CONSIDER E D A D V ANT AG EO U S, AS IT HAS CHECKED THE MOVEMENTS OF THE JAPANESE EASTERN AND SOUTHERN ARMIES. THE DIS PATCH ADDS THAT QUIET REIGNS OVER THE WHOLE FRONT. THERE IS NO NEWS FROM PORT ARTHUR. ST PETERSBURG, SEPT. 9. IT SEEMS TO 3E DEFINITELY ES TABLISHED THAT FIELD MARSHAL OYAMA'S TIRED TROOPS PRACTICALLY ABANDONED ON WEDNESDAY THE ATTEMPT TO HEAD OFF KURCATKIN AND THE LATTER'S .ARMY HAS ARRIVED SAFEL? AT MUKDEN AFTER FRIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE FLOUN DERING THROUGH MUD AND MIRE OVER THE MANDARIN ROAD SO V E DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENES ALONG THE LINE OF RE TREAT ARE ALMOST INCREDIBLE- THEY TELL HOW THE MEN LAY DOWN IN MUD AND SLEPT CM DRENCHING RAIN AND WITH 'JV"sEEvIdENT THAT THE LAST DETERMINED EFFORT OF THE JAP NESE TO BRING KUROPATKIN TO BAY WAS MADE TUESDAY. BUT THE RUSSIAN COMMANDER IN- CHIEF FACED ABOUT AND TWO CORPS WITH ARTILLERY BEAT OFF THE JAPANESE WHILE Tm? REMAINDER OF THE TROOPS CONTINUED THE MARCH TO MUKDEN TaFTER TH THE JAPANESE COULD ONLY HANG ON TO THE FLANKS AND TRY TO SHELL THE RETREATING COLUMN FROhT THE H ILLS. THE OUTPOSTS ARE STILL IN CONTACT, BUT THEY ARE NOT EVEN EXCHANGING SHOTS. THE WORK OF BURYING THE DEAD WAS LEFT TO THE JAPAN ESE WHO WERE FORCED TO ATTEMPT THE. TASK AS A MATTER S SELRESERVATON BUT It WAS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE ON arrnUNT OF THE HEAVY RAINS. ? THE CARE OF THE WOUNDED HAS TAXED THE HOSPITALS TO THE UTMOST. ONE CORRESPONDENT SAYS 12.000 WOUNDED HD PASSED THROUGH THE HOSPITALS AT MUKDEN UP TO SUN DAY, AN D ON LY THE MOST SEVERE CASES COULD BE ATTENDED TO BY NURSES AND SURGEONS. ' ' ' , THERE IS MUCH CRITICISM OF KUROPATKIN'S TURNING . GEN. IVANHOFF'S COMMAND OVER TO BILDERLING. THE LATTER WAS TWICE REPULSED. IT WAS THE SECOND REPULSE ON THE HEIGHTS OF YE N T A I WHICH INDUCED KUROPATKIN TO ORDER. A H?'G"Ti Z!.?? nc;r.rRS OF THE GENERAL STAFF V.EVE ThTS ORDER WAS PRECIPITATED, HOLDING THAT IF KUROPATKIN HAD FOLLOWED UP THE OFFENSIVE ON SEPT. 2 leV IO STAKE LB ERG, WHO ARRIVED AT YENTA. MINES ' IN ?N TIME TO SUPPORT ORLOFF, THE BLOCKING OF THE SWEEPING MOVEMENT, THE DAY MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. Turir OFFICERS ARE INCLINED TO BELIEVE THAi KURO PA'Km SUFFERS I TEMPORARY ECLIPSE OF JUDGMENTS RE CALLING THE ARM CORPS W'l.tlQArTpE-AST KUROKI AT HEI-YAN-TAI AND IN ORDERING A R""AteS T WAS THEY DECLARE. KUROPATKIN'S SKILL REASSERTED IT IKS InDYSHONE BRIGHTEST .N THE HOUR OF APPARENT D.. ASTER WHEN, MASSING HIS ARMIES A THE RAILWAY AT YENTAI, HE HELD THE JAPANESE IN CK J;"0V" ENABLE THE SOUTHERN FORCE TO PASS HIM AND ESwAPE NORTTHEWSUBSEOUENT RETREAT OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY OVER TERRIBLE ROADS IN THE FACE, OF A OfTERM'NED FOE IS CON SIDERED A BRILLIANT FEAT BY ALL. BUT IT IS U NO EN I A BLE THAT KUROPATKIN HAS DISAPPOINTED MANY OF HIS OLD AD-....-. wurt adf UMACIF Tfl FORGIVE THE DcFEAT. THEY KNOW HOW CAREFULLY fHE POSITION AT LIAO-YANG WAS PRE rx tucv uin BCCtl iSiUREO I MA I ir Mukden. The fourth, coneiwling of 40,000 men under Gen. Meyendorff, is holding Kurolti in check by hard fighting 12 miles south of Mukden. The fifth, about. 12,000 man, is fur ther south, exhausted by ineecsant fiebtina and surrounded on three sides by the Japanese, its position helne one of extreme danger, from which It can hardly hope to escape. "Everything now depends, . sa8 the paper, "on Meyendorff s ability to hold Kuroki in check, which thus lar haa been successfully done." ? ACTUAL SIZE OF KUROPATKIN'S ARMY. By tlMBT Associated Tress. St. Petersburg. Sept. 9. Officers oi the general staff say ' hat Kurppat kin's army at Llao-Yang consisted I 200 battalions of infantry. 147 squad rons of cavalry. 700 guns, approxi niatcly lOS.OOO bayonets. 1T..0OO sa bres, 10,000 gunners. Portion of two European corps and one Siberian corp3 had been left at Mukden, and a number of these reserves wore TOO LATE TO TAKE IT FROM LOUISVILLE HE GOES OVER LAND TO ' MADISON TO T CATCH IT. '. i. Ohio river imcketj vait for no man not even 'Harney Oldtield. the autorno- biln kinir. and as a result of the hit tor's tardiness lie was forced to race from Mefforsonville to Madison, Jnd yesterday afternoon to ca;ch '.iic steamer City (if Louisville, which he had' intended boarding at the Louis ,-Mle wharr, in j.r-er fo reach Ci;nn natl. -i-nys Friday's Louisviltu Courier Journal.' ' , s Mr. Oldtield announced, when he rparhe.! l.ouijvill that he would gr Jrom hero to iCinclnnali by boat. thence V Olevjitarul. JIU popularity ittra'cied a larefe number of isiton Ur "ihe,'Ixit!itivi6 hotel yestcr,lay af brnoon, nowevor, ana wr. ui.iuoiu jnjoyed their company --o long that vhenjio drewiii at Iho Louisville and ?lnoifinati wharf Avj'h a saucy bark from bis automobile the steamer was :i:sf disni)p(wrmg un.ler the lilt; Four 2u;idge. Mt Oldlicld swore a ltttl:. THME OUTLOOK IS E NCOURAGlHb Bradstreet and Dun Sees Favor able Conditions. 000-00 T PRICES HOLDING STRONG RAILWAY EARNINGS BETTER THAN LAST YEAR AND RE' TAIL TRADE IN ALL LINES IS EXPANDING. By the Associated Press. New York, Sept. !). Brad -t reefs rs- view for tha past week is as follows: , Tra.'.j, crop and indu-'trial develop nents have been genutally favoraU th's week. Distributions on fall an1' winter Ira Jo account has enlarged at moat markets, 'he coin crtip has pro-FVtut-.rd another week toward .final niafurily, which, however, this year is later than u-ual and several in dimtries hitherto depressed or oper ating on short time, have resumed running full time. The industrial situation is slightly strained than It was, and the beef strike is now ended. In irou and fteel, pant and prospec tive reductions have encouraged In quiry. Consumption has finally over taken production and stocks of crude material are small. With the beginning of the crop movement has come improved collac titms and better railway earnings and returns. Augr-'t results point to a per . cent increase in gross re ceipts over a year ago. All in all, the prospects continue favorable for fair- TIE WORLD'S TWO AT 9:09 O'CLOCK YESTERDAY MORNING THEY BEGAN DO ING THE BIG SHOW IN PAR TIES OF "NINE." SEVEN WERE KILLED, THIRTY- FIVE INJURED FREIGHT PILED INTO THE RIVER ON TOP OF PASSENGER TRAIN. nil fcfciinr-' ' Dv the Arsociatud Press, St. Umis. Seot. 9. Today was Hon IIoo day at, the fair, and members cf that mystic order "did t'ae ox Dosltuu in parties of nine. Nines i;i I he official number of the order, whlc has 0,Ml! mernber.4, pria eipally lumber dealers. At !) minutes after 9 Kridiy morn In a meetint of the Hoo Hoo metu brr.i v.-as held in a tent o;iu,lde ue Itoii Il:w) buildlr.C a n.nilr.n was made in increase tht n-.embership to S9.999, but the motion xmi laid mi the table. V A. I.ialitbody of UlaRCow, Scot and. ;;eut the assembled Hoo Hoos a liandsome bououet of hcath?r to bt- nreseuted to the handsome.'t woman in the croundii. It wan voted to Mrs. A. C. Hamsey if St ljHds. She Is the wife of this vice presldint of the George W. Mild Tlinhu- company, and resides at 1J10 Ninth Kinir'a hlKhway. IMward M. Zellmevfr of Pittsburg aiiiark hi' the IHiiversc presided at th:i ni'-: MliC. Hneeelies were made by Pretddent Francis of the exposition and also by Tarleton II. Hean, chief of the Tor astrv division of the fair: Frank M 3ne!l of Milwaukee, senior Jfloo iloo. m J. A. Freeman of Si. Lou In, of flclftl orator of the "Yellow Piners. A reception was given last n'Rht a the House of Hoo Hoo to the visum 'nnbermen by the St. Lnnls nr-m bors. The to;j prog-ess is berter thn tii I vera t; j ami high price- proulre larr;- irofits 'o lh'.' farmers. Railway freidu is heavy and th earnings In Aug.-.vt were 2.8 pt-r ce !:iisri-r "taan m 1-'')'J. Signs of better couditlojis In th leaalua , manufacturina Indu trie .nuUlply as the season advances an he actual amount of busine; -If ight b&?' lncreaod very. nnMrlaU Woolens and worsteds ore Ftronjf onn quick, old buslnes.1 occupying me -it "nt'on cf r:acblnory and fbipnfu H;- 'irtnenls. I SSe.cs, ;i(T!r l iT Int.t yea-, NEV; YORK BAK CLEARINGS. '' v tbft A -,,.' I 'res. New York, Sept 9. -Tf't-! bt'it Vnrlngs compiled by Bradstreet for ,lepiat week, $1.738,08C,223, an in crease of 22.0 per cent compared with 'he' corresponding week l.iat yeir An Opening of Srboid Kantsy. The School Ah! Ha! I've got you again! brought into the fig',. The size of the Japanese army is not definitely established, but its act ual fighting forces Is opposed to have had a mperiority in numbers of from So.oofl to W.'MMi men. and consider able superiority in artillery. LIAO-YANG PRESENTED A DISMAL 'SPECTACLE ACCEPTED BATTLE THERE HE WOULD AwKtuvt w.v-.wr... ... STEAD. THEY SAY REGRETFULLY, HE WAS OUTFLANKED AND OUTCENERALED. fly the Associated Tresa. Imlon. Stpt. 10. The Timet prints a dispa'eh dated at Pekin frim; a corret-imndent lately with (;-'n Oku'a army, which f-ays: -Liao-Yang at sunrf-e on 4 presented a dismal spectacle. The Russian settlement wai burnin? and overhung with a pall f smoke. Nt a shot wa fir" I innide the liarricad .- that tray, ami mr a uassiaa i-u 'i i i-pt a f'-w ilei-ri-r. "The town was nol gmally d.tna:: i hv -.-lirll fire. I.ol ail KurniK-an -Inl - kiikipatkin i ami wi-nlitiv Chinese refill, nee had Driving hi machine n the Ixin!---villi' and JeffVrronville ferryloiit. he lau'.el JefferMmvllie and twcnly ininute-f later .was fiM'.-dhig nut througil Indiana 'oward Madison. Tin tw niy-een niili tt were a milter d only a short hour to bis machine and MadiMm was reached In time for Mip m r In fore tin- Kt.-amer arriwod. 'h'.i it ili-1 Mr. Olin. I I anil hU wife v. rr? -non almarl. They will reirh Cintin natl this morning. J ni'iv irai' In most lin.'s. but ui.ihiirf in the way f record bifaklnp is b'nlvci for In g'-nenil busiiM'KS or in c;;n u-it luin. The KlubtnTii treig!l if p; ices is pr:!:3i'- tie l.i'':t liotuLie fralurc In ih" entile Hituatiou. V h'-Hi, im hiding lioiir. t.- porls for tvt i-k. 1.:s:T.'mm l:tsieM, aain. ". Ot'i.t"" lat year; Jily I to date. II.-4:i.-' bu. beU. against SI, 253 WW la st yeir. Corn rxport f"" week. 4lfl.0,'0 bii'irN. esa;n-t !!i,0.;a.'mo In 1903. MAY CAPTURE 5th COLUMN. Jap Reported to Have Rear of Kuro Patkin'a Army, 12XO0 Men, Surrounded. claims to have trustworthy Informa tion that the Russian army Is divid ed Into Eve columns. Tbe first ha reached Tiepaa (forty raiiaa north r.f Mukden), and Is preparing .o de- ifend that place against the Japanese. iTbe becudjis midway lj.;twven M- bi'n sackol by tbe tenth Hiberian ti fll'K. "The Japanese f-.pniU f war 'r iusigniilcanL. They got ni ionomo tlre. which they nrgntly no5ed and which would have been more vabj- aliie fit lht-m thaa artillery By the Aoeiatd Pre. Menominee, Mch Sept. . .-T-v T....n Jl-!t",.n.l ,-,mri,l-I njircilV. .1 5. ISDe tit I rfaj,aT.w . ,ua ....... , ' INTERPARLIAMENTARY UNION MEETS AT ST. LOU!3. P.. G. DUN'S REPOP.T. . ,.,., i, Tlie ifix it el H. u. i'un &. 1.1. is as St, Ixiuis. 9 The Inl.r-pariia-' 1 , tm , , ... men.ary union, comr-rcd of 225 d"1-1 T' p H calculated egiie,-. from America. A'ts:r:a. IJ.'l;-t" '" 'Mm of m-reaan-m. fH-nmark. Frarre. ;.Tmany. IMn l-'- 1 ' ' " ' ww ' na ' 1 r,"f bt i..i v, :.,-ri, v,.i v ,. In r- Bi-'raz:i'K r -:-n":; i i the bu- IN.rt.igal Ho-iumiiii. H- V-n and i ' " f'" "' 'r ' ' "- Swiilz.-rlai'd. riir.-. r- .nla-. ael i !""' ,,f '' l.y xt-suding ik-m .-.; mill Loll tl'ir U.lth a-, jtrj, . '. :! it i. i-ej-iional t n.,t ".vi. TI is I.i,!v in rn .mm i '.:' c- I : 'i: ,av -..'Kimiu ..f"jPwl"r-of flSffreit mf.i-ni'i IrR ! :ng w-.-i: li yar famrablo ft 1004. ,,,.,, .. I i; ;a: trade i i t.'V Ire - of dry PROMINENT CITIZEN DEAD. 9-the er' attempted to purine the Kt?sin i pr miineat men -.r Menon.ln-' ..4 tA cM-nr hrfilrA. ! i;t sru'denlr of fcewt fa:S"rp todaj wa t!eh ;h':r.S vt K noailacs cy ;n g .;-. .hi!!, r.:!IKii r tn l near ly all weirinjr apparrl t'.'uv a heal tbr tpv h. ad for hardv ai". hone- 1 h ii 1 aid kin ! ! lines tiM-rt TtM s a br.-aIer tenand. nj .it' T!:" !- ; .!.- '..!m. in f :he week ..- ' aj the res-ni-:)t;.ni f wrk In many j ' aj the remrn?l:'in f Ho ; ;nS"fhi.-5 that t-S' e wiffert-d ihnmgh 11 T T By the Associated Preas. Charlotte. N. C, Sept. . Four wo men passengers and three trainmen were killed and about 3a persona in jured In a Seaboard Air Line wreck at Catawba Junction, 3. C today. The Identified dead are: Mrs. T. V. Black, paa-ei'ger. 13. Y. Barkhdale? engineer. Ed. Roberts, fireman. Thi local Dassonner. known , aa No. 11. fell through a bridge near the Catawba river at l:3u o'clock this morning. The train consisted of five day coache an da sleeper. Tbe wreck had scarcely occurred before a freight train, following the passenger, fell upon the passenger coaches. P. Is almost miraculous that every body on the train was not killed. The company says the wreck was caused through vandals tampering with the rail jolnis. ' COLO S W TREATMENT AT FREEZING TEM PERATURE CLAIMED BY OMAHA PHYSICIAN TO EF- FECT A CURE OF THE . DEADLY DISEASE. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 9. The deadly MtmiuK. or lockjaw, which physician have regarded as incurable, has been robbed of lis terrors by the discovery of an Omaha practitioner that treat ment at freezing temperature effects a cure. A complete rnr in the se vere case of ten year-old Francis Mc Koon was accomplished by, the cold slorago treatment. Young McKoon. who contracted the disease from stepping on a f.plinter. wan brought to Ir. McCrann. of this city. Friday, suffering from l:ckjaw in the advanced stages. His Jaws were ret rnd InUnae pain were felt, lie bad liken no nourishment for many hours. The cold storage room of i ne of the big leal breweries was turned inlo en Infirmary. Willi the temperature at freezing point the pains vanished and the lad was abl- to open hi Jaws and take nourish ment. The phy-Blcian says he ban cured f unstrokc'Hjf . the same treatment. OUTLOOK FOR PEACE GOOD. . ri i et u i- 1 1- i "S ( CI By 'he Asoc!atd Press. Wasbingion. Sejrt. 9 Aceenling to unofaclal advices receded here thre is rea-onable prospect of a contin'a lion f r FOTiic time of the presen' 1-ae.ful rmiditHius in San IwlBRn Tbe advice.-i record Iho depart ur from the island of Jiminea. whose prditic! aP;'irath-o bare been tho piincipal factor in fomenting an1 coni!ni:ing revolutionary disturb ances iu San ltottingo. HIT BY GRAND TRUNK TRAIN. rjr tbr- A-"ritted Ire. 'vawxU Bead. Ind.. Sept.9.-A Crand Tnik trafn Mlay Ttruck an omni hn r. f baldy fatally Injuring Morris Csffvll 'f Prj. klB. N. Y- and siri n ir jf i-.''nE scenl fibers. KILLED HIMSELF E AND SWEETH ART YOUNG MAN ENACTED TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT THE HOME OF HIS AFFIANCED WHEN SHE RETURNED HIS RING. By the Associated Press. Detroit. 8epf. 9. Amoa Prommevel of Mount Clemens. Mich., tonight shot and killed his sweetheart ana himself when the young -woman re turned his ring and broke their en gagement. The tragady occnrredat the home of the. girl, Mlsa Atinie SienUIewIcjt. , CMDIIE IS COF T DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENT IAL NOMINEE SAYS ut THINK WE 8HALL WIN"HA8 TALK WITH GORMAN. By the Associated Prec . Baltimore. Sept. 9. Ex-Senator Henry Davis, Ltemocratlc vice presi dential candidate, had a conference hero this afternoim - with Senator Gorman. Mr. Davis declined to dis cuss politics, his only reference to tho campaign being, "I think we shall win." He will confer w lib Chairman Tat gait and other leaders in Nvv York tomorrow. WILL hETURN TO WORK. 2,000 Minert at Zaneavilla. Ohio, Ac cept Reduction in Wage. By the Asocial -ti Press. Zaneayfllle, Ohio. , Sept 9. Two thousand miners of district No. C. af ter being on strike nearly six months, have decided to accept a redaction In wages and return to work. Tbe have lost IS20.W0 ! wages and the operator about $2, Ooo.WO in income since the suspen sion of work. MIKE HENNESSEY'S WILL HELD TO BE VALID. By the Associated Tresa. yt., Sept. 9 Judge Braille. in the probateoiur today, rendered a decision 'a niatter of the estate o Michael Hennessey of Dubuque, la hi h he holds that property left by him in trust with Archbishop Keane of Ihibnque for charitable purpose la valid and binding, both under ha law of Minnesota and Iowa. The ques tion had been ra'sed mh ther the iru-t features of the will were not la valid nader the ruling in the famous Shanahan will ease. The r-5the has been tied op for ,nm months awar'ing Judge Bra Zlle's oraer. Thrpe-siiteentha cfthe J-Ktate is beipteatheJ to Archbishop Keene. in tnrt f-r trrain charitable institutions. REORGANIZATION OF THE BURLINGTON SYSTEM. Hv ihr An'i ia'ed I'M. Ui K. ot. Another move was made today la the reorganlsatkm of the Burlington system. Etieciv ..r.rr,..- ihp iines wed of tne ,.uri river will be divld.-d into two districts vith H. K Bryaa geseral ..rHBfPndmt of the Nebraska dH- irirt and W. G. RbIe grnera! up- riu'todtat of the yvuims uustntt. By the A v Press Lf'is I & rt 1" T- "- i