Newspaper Page Text
,i THE 'CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1704. t v . w rrr? Commencing Monday WATCH THIS S PACE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS 9 mmm t ? It 1 V1 . t r 4.. . i. it f ' i r ' J ",.4 - -v .41 2021 Washington Avenue. t to r ( t NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS BIRDS POINT, MO. Dr. and Mrs. lUwls and Jit Lie (laughter, blanche, and Mrs. J. K Mencfea attended the barbecue giv en by the Wcodnien at WicKlifi'e yes terday. Incline engine No. 97, ran over V.v; turning table, throuK'.i tho round bouse onto tho ground law: nittit clearing the Iron Mountain main track by only a few few. The rou:U house lit badly damaged, neatly all cf one side Ixeinfr Knocked out. Work h urinK none towarns pulling tne en glne on the track asain. Mr. B. A. Foniandw. Iouvch (od;'y for St. Louis', M. Mr. Benjamin ltobbfiiH of Cairo, lias Accept ;l a position ,ln the Cotton Hi !: of lice here. The NVoodnicn will filve a d:n-c" Mrs. Joe Williams has been the past, few days. VIENNA: W. A. Spann made a biisiu?s.s trip to Stonefort the tin;t of tne week. Mis Wilifo Sears 'of Cairo, is her'. visitins Pr. and Mrs. A. T. Hrowa. L. (). Whitnd of Ka-t St. Louis, was a Vienna visitor the first of the week. Mrs. M. N. McCartney left f.-r Mound City Wednesday on account of sickness of !ir mother, Mrs. siry Krianza. Mayor W. K. llial Is in St. Ix.iil.s this week fiilcndinj; Hie I (! ' mei-tina;. ' Mr.:. J. F. Wright is in Simper, this: wetk. iMiss Wright ;f New lUw.i wanted in St. Claire, Wis., for the al- !ff?ed murder of the sheriff of that county last January. Tho sheriff at- t.':npted to arret,! a man suspected of burglary and wfu; shot dead. Willis is sid to an-wer the description. He will be detained here for klentiflca tion. NEGROES DEMAND JURY DUTY IN MISSISSIPPI. and supper at their hall on September ' side, !s here visiting .Mrs. Fred L ' l"onds. liormr and May LI 'ins left We 1 I nesday for alparaiso, Ind., to ntiei schixd. . J. Mozely has moved hi; h-nts lr.lh. Mrs. L. Uooney was a Cairo vhilfo! yesterday ( Thursday J Miss Oelicvieve Chi)!:;! n ef C.ii-cv is. v'Hjtinf? rtla'hes h r M:?s Ilay.el CJibs-.-n !!'ilv,l in hold r.hxIs iti'o !,.. nrotierty .i,s',i .Cairo yesterday. ji f Mrs. Sarah 1W. which ! 1),.-U :. Mr. Warren Powell Is still culiir ! j n Washington and Fifth si, xts. to his bed with malarial fever. A First Voters Upttblic.-.n Lt.,-,i' It Is rumored that there ere to iu has been organized hi re with C. J. several weddings in our town soon. Huffman as chairman. I ADDRESSED DY BISHOPS. BUSINESS LOCALS. 'Illinois Conferor!ce cf Mstcriists Li tens to Claims of-Chwrch Schorls nnrrrnvnrl nllin?. finty-Vtmr ti:iiun 1 rtiKraved on copper p!;Ho (in f-riptl and a hundred caida for fl.."'. JM cards from your own plate fur $I."V John A, Miller, jeweler, NintU nt-.d Commercial avenue. 603 Commercial avenue, Cazzolo's confectionery just received a fresh lot of lluylcr's and Allegretti's de licious chocolates, also Sparrow's high grade candies, also mushrooms. olive oil, macaroni. If yo'i want anything made of wood. Kelly I'.ros. IManinu MiMi will mike It for you. Interior fiirn;Fhinr lumbri a specialty, get estimates and prices. The Golden Eagle Clothing and Sho House sells shoes and clothing ttiM never fail to pieae. Fit and work manship guaranteed. Col Cum. ave. If you want the neui you want The ItlliliS News. MakS rich, rd PIihiI. and inu 1 More rspidly than any l.mtun r. iii. i'v P H fn for hr,ifri Hii. I iirrACi what lloMit-tfi's Kork Mniintaiii Ta Is. ."!.', cenN. Ten r T.ibl.t. i:. C. Tihuli TcDr. I'y the AssiHiated I'ress. SpriliKlield. III. S. pi. It.-Tim. ll'i I coiifcreiii-i; i'( lie- M. L. i U,r: U .n. :i.ltlresh' d ludiiy b tiir-.-t le Im.i McCabi'. who pnsidi;;. Ilnry .. L'iffalo. Warne of Calcuit , In-.-.i'i. The Illinois Women's collce.e at Jacksonville, Hie Chaddixk lli.ys' school at (Jii'pcy. IK acoe (.rp'ian asrt and Kpworth Ciiil iter.'.- llm at Lake LIufT; the Sttuday Fc!io;l u.iioi ami Friedman a Ai l and Kouip. ni E , licctletial f-iieic y had t!; :r i I. i;.i: -! lit' .1 fit iO.;.i .. .',!'-III II; f-1'Hf.'ivnce. Bishop .Mr-Cab;? aniiniinced fiiiij;!it the trnnsO r ,t Hi v. V,. A. Sci-o:t. pastor .i tiie Pirit Mc'i'o ii. t ci r-iL of PdouDintton. frcm ihi ci-nf : n-r to Milwaukee, to ) jiy-i'ir (Jf O.Miid An ini,. v. !."' ! . i i :i!;:( i) ri -.v Oi'ltt.ii-, Sept. !. The ne-;fc-i of Viek.s'oui'tr, Miss., hava jncde a dcvi!;.i:J ) pennkaion to serve on tho jury on aUuu aiiJ black murder Irials. The tne1 ter has been taken under advisenient with little chance fur the negroes. The constitution of Mlssi: slppi p.-o- niiiits any person from jury service who cannot read or write. The law wan specially aimed at the black pop ulation which h-is furnished few Ju rors since 1 S'to. The l iiiti'd Sir, es supremo court leftl'ld to set aside a wrdie! render ed t;;ain.;t a murder' who maintained that, his sentence was n !o.",a! because no nee, roes served at his trial. He was executed, snd situ:.1 thai lime M:-siswlppi ne?roe have tem. lined satisfied w;. h Jury dfity rn 'i! several of the educated blacks In ch id..' thiiik ! wiih President Uoo ( eh s if --''o i-,;ic-. 1 Wcre After the Dentist ! Dr. Edwin D. Morrow 803 Commercial Ave., Cairo, Hi. GLASS BLOWERS STILL CAN'T REACH AGREEMENT. By the Associated Press. Clevelr.n.1,0., Sept. 9. The glass workei i' wase conference adjourned this cvcniiiK without an agreement having ben reached. Conferences come together as.iin at Buffalo next Thursday to continue a discundon of 'he wale. President Phillips of the workers believes an agreement will then bo reached. -f The attempt of manufacturers to establish selling agencies was unani mously voted down today. In tho opinion of a well informed attendant on the conference, the ad journment of tho wafe conference to Buffalo is regarded as a sign of weakness and that if an agreement is not reached at Thursday's confer ence the outcome may be a disinte gration of all unity and a general open market and open shops. THE CAIRO NATIONAL BAN OF CAIRO, ILL. Condensed Statement at the Close of Business September 6, 11 RESOURCES Loans $198,243 48 Overdrafts . 304.92 U. S. Bonds and Premiums - 52,753.13 Other Bonds - - - 500.00 Banking House and Vaults 7,180.00 Five Per Cent Redemption Fund 2,500.00 Cash and Due From Banks 112,502.72 $373,984.25 LIABILITIES Capital Surplu and Profits Circulation -Deposits $109,0 6,9 50,0 217,0 $373,9, September 9, 1903 November 17, U03 January 22, 1904 History of a Year's Deposits. $ 49,259.23 I I March 28, 1904 60.255.06 June 9, 1904 113,750.68 September 6, 1904 $133,3 160,3 2I7.C' $15 Fifteen Dollars. $15 Round Trip to Texas and Southwest. On August 23rd, September 13th, and 27th, the Missouri Pacific rail way and Iron Mountain Route will sell round trip Ilomeseekers tickets from St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis also from Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison and intermediate points to Amarillo. Colorado City, Ft. Worth, Brady, San Angclo, Corpus Christl, San Antonla and Galveston and points east thereof In Texas. To new ttierta, Chencyvllle, Alexandria and Mtinroo and points west thereof in Louisiana. To many joints in Arkan sas, all points; In Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Final limit of ticket 21 days. Stopovers allowed after reach ing first liomeseeker's poiut en route. For full information address any re presentative of these compnnies. II. C. TOWNSEND. G. P. and T. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. Elmer Smith, P. and T. Agt., Cairo. IIL MANY PNOMINENT MEN IVfjlCTSD AT DENVER !ly the Associated Press. P'.r.ver, .Sept. 9. The grand jury tnilay puirnrd in:lict:fientn against :hJ following officers of the Refund Fi.l.diiy S2.-iiic Association: L. 2-1. Jtdinsi:i. pr.--!!ent; John I 1 'lies, seer- laty; C. y. ('amplieli. dinner s en tary; K. W. Sr.i' h. A. V. I'Hittid'je. ef I lev vi r ae.l t I! bi!i;i..i.,i .mil II. .1. Jehnv.ii id' i.;,i l'e. Fl l lt':s ."I -. J i !l : llleei ;n'e -;.. ':".. stairie; ;m,l p.ildi: f:..; i 'i:d-n:i e's ((, n cniin the Fidelhy.: Iv y,. .!iih-iso:i a id II. (',. Johnsen nr.'! al o (han;..l with grand lareetiv. RUSSIAN DESERTERS. Coming ta America Three Sent Back to Canada From New York. Hit SCHUH'S CORN CURL For the speedy, permanent and painless cure of hard af S 3ft coin?, bunions, warts, callousses, etc. I Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists in Calf. Hi WAR ON SALOONS. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. By the Associated Presa. Independence, Iowa, Sept. !). Hetr. Abrams, of the stale anti-saloon league, began over twenty Injunction suits agiin,.i. salonn keepers of Bu chanan county today, lie iiileud.t to close every saloon in the county. Chinese Gamblers. In China drunkards a.- well as tota. abstainers are almost unknown Gambling debts are pre-eminent) lral Railroad company, as registered Notice to Stockholders. Public notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Illinois Central Hailroad company will bo helJ at the company's office in Chicurco, Illinois, on Wednesday, October 19, 1301, ut twelve o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance at in Id meeting there will be Issued to each holder of one or more shares of :he capital stock of the Illinois Con- debts of honor there and are more willingly and speedily pall than any others. To pay them a Chinaman will pawn all his property and evtu sell his children. By the Ast-ocialcd Frets. OsdenbnrK. N. V.. Sept. 9. Thr"e Ku.'sian army deserters arrived here today without funds or passports and v re Hi nt be.( " to Canada. Seven! others who entered rec-miy and who are now working us farm h:mds. can'" well supplied with iiioik)'. Kits. Man w ho is :till wc.iiiii'4 part of bh army uniform, sa'd I"' deserted wi'h i.ll entire it. ; t i.f (dty men. FATALLY STAPCCD. BURNED TO DEATH. coy Sleep ar.d Smoke in Ther Father's Ern With Sad Result. i.'y, si'i-i f.-din:- f: v. i. Mas', ii. ,. u.-i., Iran . it I !lliii"r- i el rii' a: f ..r t'ii't leiri !i ;,l !tl 'n',;e-i...'i I :.. DCLIEVE HE IS A MURDLKLf? .-'i.'-ei-il to Th- I ' I'diin Vrttl'-'IUV: I. H (',. S'.'l 'i Wiliis. ; rresie.l l-.-r f'.' , .j.t-:.. I.. V..- ,. d .l.v tie- p e I; li,e . By the Associated prsa Neii. ?et. !. Thr e sens i.f J,ifi)'j Ki.rb. a farmer n-ar li' .rv. t-U'ni in a hay mow of the barn last r.'tl.t. Two ef tliem awoke wi ll r!I ar- und then and th'tib l.-id'y l.ii'ied em, , ihn.u -.'i a v.l:i 'I . Tim),) i;," e'!lr.( r ? I iJ i 1 1 ; -.f :de iliii.l l.r.iih.r r- I'.iiti'l in thrt i:':.ii Ij. . t- at -1 .Imrii. i! 1 T':r- Ir )-, Ifl'l beo ..:,... mic, vt ssr. I. SINKS 01 F HIGHLAND LIGHTSHIP. Bv th" A r-ei;,! -- pt--.. I!: :hl c ! !.:.:!,. U-.. K. pi l' B;.ii tin - V lam- v ,m I has sink nfT Ii: '.;!j:,l U'i Sep l! K m l Lm.wit . .'.r"r nrr-fk was t'mf of a tr-t r.i i r. .- -'r.:T l..-.3t. j I!v the Associated Press. Sjirinnfiel.l. 111.. Sept. 9 Michael i.'.e.ekse. employed by the Greta ItidKo Coal company, was fataily stabkel by Nicholas Skovywski, a f 1 Iow miner. Skovow.-ki wit lodg '.1 in jiil at Carlinvi'.le. Ruoelans Generous Church Givers. In no country in the world are peo ple so onerous in their dntiHtioriH t-: the chttrch as in Russia. The weekly offering never fails. It U contribute by the Czar, by every noble e.r officer and poMicr. and by every in'" vid'ial. no matter of what cla ei, '.: -r jirirce to moiijik. BOY KILLS COUSIN. By the Associated pr. GKnnell. Iowa, Sept. In a uua" rd this afterft'ton b.-twen Waker Champlaiii. ncl 1. and Will Morpie.. a-'d I't. ( 'ii:uiiI.-iiii Mriiil; Mm-ta'! t"i le- le t. t ilbiis de i iii. tn'ly. ll (h - . Hi r. fl.l! il..: 1 i- tr ; t r. !.. h t - me m n iu - A j H?5C IN Mtl' t.i. im i?ted I're; . ' . M" . .-' 't !' - I," l le ho h i!.-s'r.. ! I I I 1 '.ii c j i -1 i,,i:i I i JSAMUEL HASTINGS . . OATS, COR ' f--1 4 X 5s. '! ran Wr.u, 4 -nit i HAY, C2:r II an' Pv TWO KILLED IN WRECK. e "-sfi-t'.r 1 Prfs. : -r-.;, -I .,.,). M, f TxJin- ?.2-: r fv. I f:r."'i!i nref another fire- in rrt v. -y !r!-jrcl in vrd't ( i : f'-'-'h -n r Drc :: ! :M a't-;tiOcn. JUDCE S. A. KINGMAN DTAD. By the Asso, ; ! ,! pr-.-c Kinrman. fir t fhirf ji'-.e of Ka 11, di"d here tirickt. Pieh bl:4 and pdden hair. Blue ryes 'A r f i.'."e; The secret of hrr pr-t1lT:e. Is Retkr Movntain Tel. l ul G fch'th it n.. I;II TV CENTS A MONTH A small bottle of Scott's Kmulsion costing fifty cents w ill last a baby a month a few drops in its bottle each time it isfed. That's a small outlay for so large a return of health and comfort. Ribies that are given Scott's Emulsion quickly re spond to its helpful action. It seems to contain just the elements of rcurihment a bdbv wed mn-t. Ordimrv food frequently laek- tlti iin'iri .hnienl.Si ott's Kni'il'i'Mi .ilu.iys M.ij plies it. Imit sip ins .ilway"" ost less Jhn the ori;;i:inl, lit nee the f.u:. li!'iU:: f'T Scott's Kmul :i c.'.ri be st'ld f ' r a few cents Ic.'S. Uut you're not raving anything when you buy them. Cod liver oil ha a market value and you gef the pure oil in Scott's Emul sion. That's the difference. SCOTT & iJWhi. ktil 6 ju J or TcA. 011 the iKioks of the company at the clo:;u of business on Tuesday, Septem ber 27, 1901 who i ) of full age, a tick et enabling him, or her, to travel fre over the company's lints from tht datlon on the Illinois Central railroae nearest to his or her registered ad dress to Chicago and return, aucfc ticket to he pood for the journey d Chicago only during the four day. immediately preceding and the dav o' the meetins, and for the return jour ney from Chicago only 011 the day of the meeting ard the four days imme diately i: llowin;,' w hen properly conn tersif'ied ard i;nuif-d during bus!-hmi!-. ('.at U to say. betwxn :i;u'i .1. in aii-l f.:i'i p. 111 the of 'ice nf He- :t.-; cl ant h I'letary. Mr. W. Brie n, 111 (;hieaitu. Such ticket nay be obtained by any bolder of .dock, registered as above, on appli- Uain. it: v. litiiiR. to the president of the company in Chicago. Each appli cation must state tl.e full name ar.d address of the stockholder exactly as given in his or her certificate of stock person will be carried free in ra to any one holding of stock as tered on the books of the compa A. O. HACKSTAFF. Secrttd Ncv ty In Weddings. A novelty in weddings is rer from Bethunp, wher, on . the date. In one family a wedding, g wediifnK an. a ttllver wedding celebrated, the whole party atte the parish church. The grand and grandmother of the bride? aqed !8 and 7l respectively, ce! ed the fifth th anniversary of weddlnK, while the bridejtr mother and father celebrated twenty-fifth year of wedded life Pictures FlucUiatiijj Vitue Some few years ego, Ta the c if a caie tried at the prosaic c court of Westminster, Fays the don Standard, it was stated t: picture bought for Is. was sold twenty-four hour for 9, clr hands aeain within two or tfcr' at 230. and forty-eicjit horrf found jet aiother purchaser et T1 cult and it nrt t :. . r c!i eions l! . clot! 1 . r .. Tie . '. .r a'T .- 1! : pel. .0.11 j lit va !.. The outer freck is r.ot cften anLthi-r with the number and date of ' h l?l. r tut borne. tins us' men rertiileate. N.. more than one j taken off before entering the roe IF YOU UITEND TO MAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas CK OR ANY TOINT NORTH OR WZST wTit for rnar3, time tabid and L.OW RATES to tht Chicaao & Alton Rv rull information and details cheer fullj given.. The equip of "The Alton" is matchless in every respect, its super, apointments having earned for it the title cf j 'TME ONLY WAY." D. B0WE3, Asst. Gen'l Fas3. Agent, - - - ST.LOUIwJ