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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, SE -TEMB R 13, 1901, 7;:b cairo bulletin KsUblUbed 1808. , ' raMlnliKd Daily anil Sunday by the Bulletin Company, at 70S OhloBtreel. Phones 6. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. Invariably Cash lu Advance. One year, Pally and Sunday W On year, Buuday (oul M SUBSCRIPTION BATES BV CABBIEB Py earner ia Cairo ftub a month toy oarrier ouUide Cairo 80c a month NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Bubaoribera will confer a favor by reporting this utltoeany luck of prompt delivery on the pan 01 earner. Kntcred at the Cairo Pnstofiloe ai 8econd-clat Mail Matter. THE PROPOSITION That we are going to offer you Is that you pend your money wisely for Judiciou advertising in the columns Of THE BULLETIN. CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Average Daily and Sunday for - eight months ending August 31, 1904 V. Average Daily and Sunday - Month of August. 1904....; .1SG2 for 20G0 1 ...2050 3C 2036 2..... 202G 17 ..2069 3...,. 2050 18 213G 4..... 20G3 19... 2044 6 204G 20..... 206G 6 2120 21 ....1852 7 ..1895 22 2154 8 2052 23. 2178 9 2038 24 .2101 10..... 2053 25... ..2253 11... 2040 26 2110 12. ...2040 27 2273 13.. ...... ...2028 28 1859 14... 18S0 29 .,.,2114 15.. 2002 ;, 30 ......2082 31.... 2123 - The above is a correct statement of the circulation of the Cairoi Bulletin dally and Sunday, on the dates stated, month of August, 1904. A. J. BENEDIC, ' Circulation Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of September, 1904. ALFRED COMINGS. . , Notary Public. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President ALTON B. PARKER of New York, For Vice President HENRY Q. DAVIS of West Virginia The Russian chip Lena came a long way to get Ino trouble. To that $3,391,074 in Cairo banks:; nulla us some nouses. WOl'LD-BE CITIZENS. It Is now said that It is even against the law to hug the beach at Atlantic City. The- innocent bystander lu Liao Yang seems to have been up against it also. And still no New York Republican can be found to take the gubernato rial nomination. Aiexierr, wno Helped to bring on the trouble, doubtless regrets that he ran a-Muk-dcm Japs. . Why not Alexlcfl resign? He was governor of Manchuria, but there's now nothing to govern. At any rate. On. Kuropatkin can console himself that he will occupy high niche In the running history of '.he times. The unkwded guns of the Georgia "melish" will not be a par, of that state's exhibit on Georgia day at the World's fair. It Is announced that a beautiful Kentucky girl will stump the west for Judge Parker. The wot may now be put dowa rafely Id the doubt ful column, at least. , There Is no doubt that Llao-Yang was the greatest battle of all history. The Japanese lot 173.0OO men and the Russians over 200.000, according to press reports, and the returns keep coming In. Clairvoyants in ln!cn have an Income of $too a day. And yet. the ttauinmie Sun susge-ts. General Cbas. Grosvenor prefers to remain In 'his country predicting the idit leal future as a pas'ime. Ths Republican pain of &'0 Toles In Vermont lart week Indicated Rooevelt's election, according o the Chicago Tribune. Will the Trlbnue tiow my vhope tlwti'm is indicator! by the I nvxraiic gain of 1.278 la Maine yesterday? "Etravagnce is running rkit," !e c:aras Ju Je Parir, air! tbat U true. And R l ono of the Issues in this campaign. Economy in I ho public service should lo thu buttle try of Democracy Tlie ex penditures of Cho , federal, govern men, have trebled In a little (linn a quarter of a century. more THE 'SUBWAY PROPOSITION. The tmbway proposition of the Cairo Electric and Traction company to the city council, ny v. men me ior- mer proposes to build free or cnarge the nronosed subway at Sycamore street will be laid before the city council tonight. The offer has been plentifully dis cussed and has met general approba tion. In fact, bo far as can be learn. ed there is no opposition, and there should be none. The city is Retting rid of a most 'dangerous crossing, in which the lives of citizens are con ii finally placed In Jeopardy, whilst at ha same time It Is receiving as an ab solute gift the subway, the erection of which will cost several thousand dol lars. The Bulletin has not grown excited over the proposition of the Traction r-mrmanv to Mm extent of continually urging its acceptance, because the of- fer is so simple and reasonable that wa.knew it would appeal to tne dusi . , . . . 1 ness sense of the council. There will be no onnosition. it seems, and the proposition will be accepted. - The - Bulletin congratulates the council, the Traction company and the citizens generally that this vexatious problem at last, gives promise of such satisfactory solution. It also congratulates Councilman Fraser on his plan of closing the sub way In case of emergency from high water.. It is so entirely feasible and no doubt will be adopted by the coun cil that we feel we may jay Conncilvj man Fraser has rendered the city a distinct service in devising t LUMINOUS FACTS. It Is admitted that American steel rails are soli in Canada at $19.50 a ton. American railroads must pay $L8 for railst We levy a duty of $S a ton to pre serve the home market from the pau per-made rails of foreign countries. The Dominion of Canada has just enacted a duty of $7 a ton on rails. This will make the price to Canadian roads $20.50, unless American steel rail makers reduce the price still further. Thla seems possible, since it i "stated on good authority that the fcoatirf production is less than $12. Conld anything better illustrate the crazy character of the tariff than these admitted farts? How long will the American people tolerate this pro lillc mother of trusts? St. Louis Post Dispatch. THE KITTY'S CLOSING. The season of the K. I. T. baseball league will close tomorrow. It has been a fairly prosperous one, and has dwnionfkrated 'the fact that g!, dean, fast and honest baseball cast Wvo ,fu ihe six towns, at present con stituting the league. V'hUrnone of ibe- assbcia'lons have made money. aearly nil of them have p4d expen cs,' which Is doing as well as could ae hoped for. Which team will By the pennant for the next year seems to be In as much doubt at this writing as when the season began. A month ago Cairo looked a sure winner. But a --tring of misfortunes -to the pitching staff placed the team at such a dis advantage that, topether with the strengthening of the twirling depart ment of our closest opponent, Padu cah. ttje latter has been enabled to overcome Cairo's lead to such an ex tent that now only one game sepa rates -Ihe twti leaders. Whether Cairo wins or kes the pennant. even by being cheated out of it, a Is being allcgtj, by the unfair tactics of the Paducah manage nent and one or two of the other teams which are al.( to be par'lal to the". Kenfcn kians true sportsmen ..ill not loee sight of the fart that it has been a beautiful race, sufficient to tir the hearts of the fans to the wildest pitch of entnuKlarm. In fact, the history of the great national game has aeldom ' af orded a more thrilling finish for a pennant than the Kitty Hague Is now doing., It is; unfofunate and greatly to lx deplore! that surh a brilliant con tent khimld lie marred at lis cloie by the charge of fraud. For the take of thr' ltguc, and of tliw game Itself as w ji an ior tne goni opinion we have always lield for our Kentucky neighbor, The Bulletin hopes- 'hat the rbfcrsp. so often rv'.tcratoj with In the' past 'week against the Padu can management are untrue. We hope that the Paducah management is compose! of -truer aportumen tnan 'o want to fly a pennant bemfrched vlth corruption aud Intrigue. CertaJnly, Cairo doesn't The Bulle tin believe It Yolces the Mutitaent ff every loyal patron of baseball in Cairo When It declares 'hat it would rather the team represeatir.g this city should flnifh Fecund, and even third, or ,cvc-n lat than to be call ed the leagiic's 'champion'' through trickery and unsportsmanlike mtth odn. We should iseorn sueh a pen nan. nut rplse the nivalis that prsiffii-i1 to bring it hi-rr. Therefore, if ll Wals are to Pim tk flacThe Bulletin Ik-jh -h that Pa iiurah may at l- i-t win !t fairly. And In view of the charges that have been made by rp?itatde newspapers jwinieolarly h- united press of Viornnc we hope the gentlemen composing tbe Paducah bafehad as roriaiHin wiil tak.? pr.impt rteps t exonerate themttiies f tjjbiaaie which has ! attachel to ihem. O'hetal-e it may result in a nevere IViw in lbe lie8 prv-perts for next yur. 35 YEARS AGO TODAY. WVVrrVWrrVW From The Bulletin of Sept. 13, 1869. ICx-Uov. Yates returned home from California on Sa'uiday, last. The Sl Charles hotel is doing a gooJ business, niuch better than at th)8 tlme iBKt y.oar Nearly fii.OJO has been expended. on stuewaiKS uuniig -"K ' month. A lale dispatch from Memphis says thfir rot-ton nicking has fully com menced. The taxes of the present year are payable half in cash aud half in scrip, The levy Is the same ns that of last war. viz: 11.50 on the $100 but a greater proportion of it is payable in cash. The issue of bonds to Fox. Howard and Co. created "he nuee.ity of a levy of 2fc on the 5100 to pro vide the interest. In addition to this levy, 50c on the $U0 has been levied to provide interest tor yio gcneiai ill. .Li . I.. ... ,.f A Thrt bonded indebtedness of the city. The wo aggregating 75c on the $10o, or one-half the total levy. As nothing but cash will pay interest the treas urer can not 01 course receive any thing else. The levy of 50c on the $ioi) for the general fund and the levy of 23c on the $100 for the im- provement fund can be paid in scrip. We refer to this matter again appre hending that the term , "half and a quarter percent urn" used generally Is not entirely inteligible. " Jews are comparatively Immune from tuberculosis. The German telegraph department Is successfully using in its cables ar tificial gutta percha. The Transvaal is rich in Iron, as well as gold. The discovery was made after the British conquest. All of the five new satellites dis covered since the satellite of Neptune was found by Lassell in 1816 have been -discovered In thts country. Under the microscope the residuum of dried tears is found to be a beauti ful mosaic of crystals, most of the shapes being ferns and crosses. The horse-power unit represents thn force that will raise 33.0W pounds we foot per minute. Thm considerably exceeds what the average borsa can do. Tha average life of the uranium atom is calculated by J. Joly to be ion times greater than the period allowed for the development of the geological atom. Since they were first discovered the famous opal fields at liile L111T3. New South Wales, have yielded many curious fossils. The latest discovery Is that of a fossilized, or rather opal ized, shark. JerusaJem has sustained seventeen sieges. Trie most momoraoie is ui.ti by Titus. It lashed from April to Set ember, and Its defenders and inhabit ants, l.loo.O-io. perished in riots, sot- les, battles, massacres and famine. According to W. II. Funiis. United States cortil at llama, uraii, oi? covery has been made that there are. in the. inierkir tf Bahia vast forest f trees from which can lx produce:! a liitfli gra-ie of rublm, kuowu to th-: trade as mauieoba. Ono of the most valuable lii:orJcal relies in the United States, an bnglisli suaroHlntm. the property of Richard A. Poirce I'ost, Grand Army of the Re public, of New Bedford. Mass., was re cently seen in a parade In Bosion. It was captured by the Continentals at Bi-nker Hill A breed of swine, known ns the mule-footed. Is raided by George !.)- Hart on his farm fifieen mile- west of S'.ieJb) villi), in Johnsi n cotinty, Ind. Those bo are like the common awine with in exception that thej; have lwKifa timilar to thore of a mulL'. They are Immune from cholera. Ihr. William Rice Pryin a noted physician, dl d a few days ago in New York from "'rtiieious anemia." one of the rare' known morbid wmdi tkms of the circulatory ti m. N. man ho has ever suffered from Ihl dUeave has recovered to create new red corpuscles. John !nn-s. the late bird of Kt'g'and. b-ft th $1.- manor of Mrtb n. tfiMi.oo f()r a mii" nm in that lirwo. Ijidy t'nlim hi tutiil !e - :iten lion "o I r i li plays an-l will pro-luce thi-m in a thi-ater of h"r own In liiiV lin. MrJ. Gejr? W. Eans. chief ut tbe finance division of the interior d'-part meet. h b"o in the gfivera-m-Tit Tvioe lorly jiar.-. It is Hated ihit Drs. (lit nd llir:-h. who attend' d tht; wif- irf the ri9.r fbeu b -t to tbe P!:T-iati IVWVVWrVVyrlrrWtrVrWMrXrW ; POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE bom, received oacli. Thomas' Wa! c :i. populkit. cuml! date for president, in to accept tin ed itorlal poi;lilon somewhere ut a salary of 20,(Ho a year. .The Marquis of Anglesey fads keenly the forced sale of his belong ings, and 'fuuior has it that he pro pones to enter a monastery. Sir Richard Jeub. one of tho flinst Greek, scholars lu, Europe, Is a mem ber of the English parliament and a lecturer at Cambridge. The day breaks dim In fluid of bl. And all the night'i) a dream of you! ' What of your love did Memory sae? Tears and a dream are all you gave! "If I wrote on till I told you every, thing, Mavonrn xn" bo ran the elop ing paragraph In a certain impassion ed young Irishman's love letter -'To still lie having a volume to tell you, darling." The clergymen who argue titat life in a flat is productive of nothing good forget the spirit of humility Inculcated by the janitor. Returned Traveler "What has be ich come of Catchem & Cheatem. the lawyers? Retired, I presume?" Resident "Yes, retired. They are both In the poorhmise." ' 'Phew! what happened? 'They had a quarrel, and sued, each other.1' A boy can't comprehund what ia meant! by the' attacks on the left or the right. flank, but he knows what is meant "by attacks in the rear, if he was brought up sensibly. "I told her I would g' to the end, of thi? world for her sake," said tho dis consolate youth. "Didn't that appeal to her?" "No. She showed a disposition have me start right away." to Now we are In the month of Sept. And soon It will be Oct. O! then you'll wish that you had kept That Overcoat you hoct. "Give me another drink, bartender." "I can't, sir. it's after hours." "But I must have it; I went home awhile ago and my wife wouldn't let rise in." ' "Why not?" "I wasn't drunk enough for her to recognize me." NEW PRESIDING ELDERS. Methodist Conference at Springfield Makes Appointments. Springfield. Ill," Sept. 12. The Methodist conference appointed the following elders: Bloomington district. J. B. Horney; Champaign, C. B. Taylor; Danville, S H. Whitelock: Bwatur, Horace Reec; Jacksonville,' G. B. Serimer; Mattoon, J. W. Miller; Quincy. . W. Flagge, -Springfield. A. C. Byerly; West Jack sonville, Robert Stephens. throne $ .('.(I'M) j SHEARS AND PASTE. j FOR THE SCRAP BOOK. COMPENSATION 4 By Thomas- Stephens Collier.) No ceaseless vigil wilh hard toil vr k-p, And to grim want give but n pal:i;; breath; And after labor comes the rest of sleep, And hunger cannot mal e it.- home with r!eath. ! THE BULLETINS' One of ;he bt;-: t early fall mde. for fcirgc dre-s bal. it is of brown panne velvet foli:K. laid ever a l-ht uhiv fhirrcd rr.aline foundation. A fftuy f.atherelt" of miv, ldtte, jrn ati't l.njwn a.bims tbe front, drop ping t'l oicr the br-.i l-rlni. ' NEW YORK'S TREMENDOUS POPULATION tii-eater New iork will have u np- illation of 6.191,250 in 1920, according to a Holier prediction matlw by an en gineer of national reputation. Ac cording to tho figures on which he banes his estimate this means an I crease in the fopulation or the m tropolls of 2..i.17.2fil Inhalritants. If one can imagine a monster city, as Isrpe ns London wlih all Its environs, a ei'y capable of mvatainlng the coiu- lined population of Paris, Berlin. Sr. Petersburg, Dublin. Butte, M int., mil Patcrson N. J.; or, to take another vlow, a city with a population willnn 100,000 n large ns that of the state of Pennsylvania, or one as largs ns the combined populations of Alabama, In- diaua, Wyoming. North Dakota and Hawaii, one may obtain an Idea of the Immensity expressed in these srven figures. If wo add to this the possi bilities of a series of wonderful trans portation systems, willing almost within tho hour Naw York and Phila delphia, wlili Its increased population of 2,000,000. Into practically on mighty municipality, with a chain of big New Jersey cities li'..e Jersey City with 4io,o0'V Newark with IH),00o, Elizabeth .with 150,000, and a score of smaller places, we may have a vision of 'tho future more marvelous than the dreams of -'.he moH daring romancer. B THE PRESIDENT REPUBLICAN ' VICE-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE SAYS THE OUT LOOK IS PERFECTLY SATIS FACTORY TO HIM. By the Associated Press. Oyster Bay. N. V'., Sept. 12. Sena tor Fairbanks, Republican candidate for vice president, Is the guest to night of President Roosevelt. Mr. Fairbanks declined to discuss in de 'ail his political observations, but in dicated that so far as ho could ascer tain he situation was quite satUftc tory from his point of view. Senator Fairbanks said his visit to the president was of a personal rath er than of public interest. They will discuss many questions relating to. the campaign, as he might not see the president again before tleclkm. He will leave here early tomorrow morning, as he is going to Saratoga to attend the Republican state con vention and desires to reach his des tination tomorrow afternoon. He will address the convention Wednes day. On the 21ft Inst, he will leave for the west to take active part in th campaign there. SECRETARY PAYNE PROMISES TO GO BACK TO WORK ly the Associated Prs, Washington. Sept. 12. Actipg Postmaster Gemfral ghallenberger today received a letter from Postmas ter General Payne saying the latter hoped to be back at hk dutlen next Saturday. 33 daily fashion plate A WIN BEPKMIS OF NEW YORK ly (lie Associated Press. Saratoga, .N. Y., Sept. 12. Many conferences of Republican leidera were held today, but -tonight tho ques tion of . tho Republican nomiiuiion for governor remains unsettled. In n gen eral discusbion former Lieutenant Governor (Woodruff and Lieutenant Governor Higgins were most talked of, and in tho afternoon Superintend ent of Inslrance Francis Hendricks, of Syracuse, began to be mentlonud as a compromise candidate. Tho program for tomorrow Includes a large general conference whoe real purpose will bo to ratify an agreement which is expected to be arrived at be tween Governor Odell and Senator Piatt. THIS MUTE WAS A HERO. Saved Seven Persons From Burning In Boarding Houce Fire. to Death By the Associated Press. Sault Ste. Marie, .Mich., Sept. 12. Harvey Anderson of Shelby, Mich., mute and having but one hand, saved seven persons from burning to dea'h. His boarding house caught fire aud Anderson, bleeding from cuts and seriously burned, aroused the in mates and got them out before the building. fell in ruins. GETS LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Fred Strube, Who Killed His Sweet heart Because She Woudn't Marry Him. By the Associated Press. Blooniington. Sept. 12 Fred Strube, who killod his sweeheart, Alice Henninger, at "Havana last win ter because she refused to marry hint, waived trial by jury today and was sentenced to life Imprisonment. KILLED HIS WIFE BUT COULDN'T KILL HIMSELF. By the Associated Press. Milwaukee, Sept. 12. William Naughton, an employe of a hotwl, hot and killed his wife this after noon and attempted, suicide by scab bing himself, but will recover. Tne couphi had quarreled and shooting followed. .-,' . WOULD BE REQUIRED. "As so(n as automobiles- become more generally used I expect my biw Ini'stt to nick up." "I suppose you are in te macbin-1 ery business." "No. I manufacture artificial b'g and arms." YACHT ATLANTIC WINS. By The AssooisK-d Press New York, Sept. 12. Wilson Mar shall's three masted schooner yaoki Atlantic won the race for the Cape May cup, which ended today, having covered tho 220 milo course in 8 hours, 28 minutes and 6 seconds ac tual time. She defeated the Endymiosi by 41 minutes and 12 seconds actual time, and one hour, five minutes aud two Hprstnd corrected tim TOWN DESTROYED BY FLOOD. By the Associated PrC'. ' El Paso. Tex.. Sept. 12. Particulars received from Presidio Del Norte state that the flood of the Rio Grand,, river Saturday and Sunday completely wiped away the town with the excep tion of one hundred 1iousk and they are exported to go momentarily. Wa ter is four feet deep In town.x EAGLES AT BALTIMORE. By the Associated Press. Baltimore, Sept.' 12 Delegate and visitor are arriving to participate In the national convention of the Fra lernal tinier of KagliM -tomorrow. To night there was a brilliant display of fireworks and an olectric illumination. KILLED IN FREIGHT WRECK. Fireman Odic Raines Meet Nfir Danville. Death Uy the Asf ciated PnHs. IMnvllle. II!.. Sept. 12. A:i extra Chicago and Eastern Illimiis freight ain ran Into a gravel train at P,rew. er's JKalion. tonisht. Fireian Odie E. P.alm-s Was 4ill-d. The Injured: We Fryer, operator. Matthew Mtlse, engineer: W. C. Wood st'd. Frank Wright. Conductor, el! of L2U !'!e w the miss no TKAINSABB1VB TRAINS DEPART I.'O. From North. I. O. Oolng North. No JOS 3:0am No J.... ...A1:M p nt No a 4:17 am No 4 1: a til Nottl 10:60 a in No (1. ....... J:s ,, m Noli 1:10 pm No S:0A p lu No 40i 4:10 p m No40.. .... ono a m No 1-. ...... flMO p in No 104 1:10 t in tNoai tO:M p in (No 6:is a m fEjoept Buni'uy (Eioept Sunday - 1, 0. Prom South I. O, Going South No4 9-06 a m No 1. ....... 5:20 p m No 104 S:lt a ia No '03 8:1 a m No 1:1'2 p lu No S:40 a ia - No 2:14 p m No 6 , I:HOpm No 8 9:00 p lu No 8S B:l a in No 41 11 :Sfi a III No 43 6:00 a in No 44 :M p ni No41 5:15 pm Paducah - 'Paducah H. A O. Prom North M. A O. Going. North Nol 1:81pm No 2 12:40 p m No 8... 2:48 am No 4 1-.S4 a m No6 12:84 a ra Nog 2:40 p ra M. A O. Prom South M. A O. Going Sooth Nol I:M p ra Nol l:SSpn No 4 2:20 am Nol ...1:00 am No 8 :2:pm No 5 12:40 a ni Big Pour From Eaat Bif Pour Ooing Kait , No 8 ... ....12:00 p m No 8 5:90 a ra Not-. 7:00 p ui No 2......... 8:00 p No Sunday trains. Cotton Belt From South treat No 4 12:60 p m Cotton Bolt . Going Southwest No 3.1 1:80 a Iron Mountain Prom Went No 22 ..12:35 p tu Iron Mountain Uoing West No 21 8:20 p All Illinois Central, Mobile & Ohio and Cotton Belt trains arrive and de part form Central station, corner ol Second street and Ohio street. All Big Four and Iron Mountain trains arrive and depart from the Union station. Second street and Com merclal avenue. . ' Mail may be deposited In the box at the transfer station, located at Cen tral station, 20 minutes before tho de parture of any train. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois, Pop ulation 16,147. Mayor, CLAUDE WINTER. Clerk, R. A. HATCHER. Comptroller, P. E. POWELL. Police Mogistrate, J. II. ROBINSON. Chief of Tolice, T. B. PRICE. Alexander County, Population 22,965. County Judge. WM. S. DEWKY. County Clerk, JESSE E. MILLER. Circuit Clerk, LEE B. DAVIS. Sheriff, JAS. S. ROCHE. Coroner. DR. JAS. M. McMANUS. Assessor and Treasurer, FRANK E DAVIS. . County Superintendent of Schools, f PROF. JOHN SNYDER. Board of Ceunty Commissioner. JOHN A. MILLER. Chairmaa. JOHN A. BOURGOIS. DR. EDWIN J. CAUSE. DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDERS ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC PASSEN GER TRAIN8 CAUSES TERRIF IC CRASH. By the Associated Press. Reno, Nev., Sept., 12. Two men were killed and several :menger Injured today by a collision between Southern Pacific passenger trains at Lawton. The dead: Fireman A. L. 1 licks of train No. 5 Unknown man. Apiosg those Injured Is Mm. John Swan of Gah-sburg, III. Nonn wore fatally Injured. The second section of train No. 5, while running .".5 milo-i an hour, crashed Ino the third section of east bound No. 0, carrying a large par ty of returning Knights Templar. Each train was a double header with heavy train Pullmans and day coach es. The four engine are a complete wreck, as well as the baggage and day coaches of both trains. The ac cident was due to a disobedience o orders. MURDER OR SUICIDE? Chicago Lawyer Found With BuMet ' Hot Through Hi Head in Hi Office. By the Aieciateil Press. Chicago. Sept. 12. John M. Blegl-r; a lawyer, was found dead In his office in the Title and Trust building to. night. A revolver shot through tlw temple had emlinl his life, and the police declare he committed suicide, ills friends, however, assert he was murdered. Blegler had lieen martini only six days, and was preparing to fco with his bride to sjwnd some tint at the SL Louis exssttlon. He Is said to have drawn money from the bank" f,r Ihe of the trip, and 'his. his frionds believe, led to his murder, roblwry liHns tb motive. Wh-n his ekithing ?a warduM lu:t thirty rents was fot-nd. COV. LA FOLLETTE S TICKET. By (lie Associated I'rts-i. Madison. Wi . S-pf- 12. A mJ'ii ty of the I Follette tat cmm!tte tn.lar conflderel th qu wtlon of r-p-nlari'y of the two Rep-iblican c.mvcn tions held last May. Ami third term ers o!)irtins to the commit le.- h pan ins the caw were B'.-t considered and th commitiee Uided ;ht tho ticket ominatod by the rymnasium cmven. -Hon wa. regular. This quostPm Is still nding l-fon; the stipreme evart. TWO KILLED I TRAIN COLLISION