Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAV MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1904 . Burke's Livery, Feed and Boarding Stables, flrst-class livery service. A fine lino of carriages for funeral oc casions. Always the best Going to build or repair this epringT See Kelly Bros.. Lumber Co. Tor anything in lumber or. building material. I buy, sell and take in pawn every thing. Ladles and gents clothing a specialty. Guy B. perry, the pawn broker, 507 Commecial avenue. A. Halley, wire screening, poultry netting, water coolers, gasoline stoves and ovens, step ladders, brushes, hard ware and stoves.' ', Conant & Kenute, groceries, dry goods and meat market, and general merchandise, leaders for everything in their line, let them supply you. Too good to be passed by! Beautiful Bilk Shirt Waist Suitings can be had at flyman's for Co cents a yard dun ing this week. Bakers Ounther & Valke, Model will giv? universal . satisfaction In everything in the bakery line. Orden for socials promptly filled, 29 Sth st, Peter Zimmerman, the Washington street " grocer, ishaving a fine trade. Good fresh groceries and 'full weigh pleases the popple, ordJr from him. John A. Miller, jeweler, has a com plete line of diamonds watches, clocks, rings, brooches, chains, studs, charms and cut glass. Lowest prices. Uncle Joe's Glad Hand Restaurant and Bar still takes the lead, servinj the best meals and lunches in Cairo It's Hie peoples' choice. F. Teichman's celebrated Lone Jack cigars are the smoker's choice. Man is never better satisfied than when smoking this choice cigar. For tender feet iry Dr. A. Reed'i cushion shoes. The easiest shoe on earth. Sold only by H. R. Rothei berger, Twenty-eigth and Commercial avenue. We always carry fresh vegatibles and a full line of staple and fancy groceries. James Methan, Fourth street and Washington avenue. Engraved calling cards Your name ( engraved on copper plate (in script) and a hundred cards for $1.50. DO cards from your own plate for $1.00. John A. Miller, jeweler. Ninth and Commercial avenue. If you want anything made of wood Kelly Bros. Planning Mills will rnakt it for you. Interior furnishing iumbei a specialty, get estimates and prices The Golden Eagle Clothing andlBhot House sells shoes and clothing tha: never fail to please. Fit and work nianship guaranteed. C01 Corn. ave. D. F. McCarthy's wagons always ci j time - giving you plenty of heat fron. the. excellent hard and soft coal he handles. 'Phones 393 Cairo, ICG Bell Wood & Bennet company, whole sale grocers. Mail orders given prompt attention. We solicit the trade of merchants only. Towers Livery and Transfer,! spec ial attention given to transferring baggage to all parts of the city, !o.t price, 1309 Commercial avenue. Ask the man w ho has used D. F. Me Canity's csal, he will tell you It gives the most heat and that it Is clean and desirable. GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER AND URINARY DISEASES. R5APILL - CAS1LR TOTAf E. Tw4mi girt reii(. and i 1. x ;n cvr r fAinxry t4 K Jivy,'.kr vr I tttiait mnit'l. Kna'ill.iawH rjrw linUt;S-nil l.mtT, wfc.n: s H an-1 L'i !'. : K Iwnifia l.m: kr'rtitl.41 ft! t iw-: 'J;,tk. S.ML-4fl-h if S.aii'v I'liri: i Tl.l: I r;fl:ininn-w m i Aa-h lirf H-s.ttr: b1 all -r'ulAr!' w Ux- Ki.ltx IiU4iirr or U rinary Crcju". PBICI50CTS. NO CURE. NO PAY. Paul G. iM'h'ili k Son.. i"7 C'liisue r-f-al avenue and Harry W. Ni huh 1'nig -oinpnny. isth and Commercial avium' exclusive agents. Rrot ty mii, apnn rwr-pt ot prW. tj Lark Medicine tnj-, l,i.f;uf, Kf UNION flAWYfAfTi i I A DIFFRKEXC1. He Miss Hitemhan! It a beautiful ; I'bivr. j Sin You mean she pluy bi-aitt!- j ruliy. H" No; tliat s jn-t what 1 don't j iM-;in. wuLOBES rAyYOUnnrAlFn rnnll AG1 TIED Cairo Team Made Eight Errors Yesterday' PROBABLY OPPOSING PITCHERS TODAY CAIRO'S CHANCES ARE SLIM UNLESS CLARKSVILLE TAKES TWO. HOW THEY STAND. P. MH 11 ') IIS 120 1 1 : ilt v. 71 71 C .;! 51 4 a iv t. ..r)97 Cairo . . . Padurah . Clarksville j ij,.,ifrson .142 .427 .411 f Hopkinnville I Vinceiines Yesterday's Results. Vinceunes. 7: Cairo, :;. Paducah, 12: t'larUsvIlle. 11. Henderson. 5; Hopkinsvtile, 4. Where They Play. 'airo a: Vincennes, Paducah at Clarksville.. Hopkinsville at Henderson. ERRORS LOST THE GAME. Special to The Bulletin. Viueetines, Sept. 12 Wtih Holy-u-oes in the box and exhibiting al most his natal form, the Cairo tram went down before Vincennes. The support given n.iiycrosK was wreten and is respon-:iblo fur man." of i.n-rt-ns,. Duffy pi'cbtd for the locals und was accorded almot perf-ct support. ;!' only error being made by Birek '.rt. on an exceedingly difficult chancy t'l-at .-houl.l have couutei! a hit. Most f Vinci-nin-s' hits were made in the Hii win n Cui.i scored two men :ihe;!il (if him with fiv Hushes got a a home run. Inun- home run in ninth. Kane, of Washington, ins in place of Lemon ahlcd. and raugh: a tine Ind.. is play- ,vho is dis game. .Manager Sctill'.n of the Cairo team is disgusted with the game put up to day and leaves lor Cairo tomorrow. !Biuroif will probably pitch f.-ir Cairo tomorrow. The score: it ii t: Vin 0 o 4 ii :i o 0 0 7 8 ' Cairo , . 2 I' o ii o 0 u o fl ;i 6 : 'Itat'eties Duffy and Cane; Holy cross and Cross. Vmpire Zinkans. PADUCAH WON. Special to The Ihilletin. Clarksviilo. Sept. 12. Both teams played dub ball all the way through. Home runs by Lally, Potts and Mc Giil of the viwiioiH eiv the feHiure The score: u ii I-; i'lul. .. .2 0 0 0 3 1 C 0 0-12 I I I Clk. . . .Z i) 0 0 3 1 0 o 4 11 12 7 Itattiries DoP, lirahic and Land; Weakley and Petit. Cmpire Gilligan. WHO CARES? Special to The Bulletin. Ikmlerhoii. S pt. 12. The won. The score: Hen. ... o o l ii r, l o o -Hop o l ;! ii n ii ii ii ii- local.' n ii !: i i; r. Itownigg: l'iiiiie Itutreries Morgan an 1 Ah xaiu'er and K.-t'er. I'OpJ). DIAMOND DUST. ONLY eight error And b'liiiul Hol.wri-- W;ll Zinkan beat us today? Haas i i out of ike gwMe and oth, oil hi to be. i;idei,tlv fverybmiy had ail ofT or some body hud an aufuliy lav. l!'!troi:T will proti '"lay and against .in. bU- bo in 1lie nii-'b'v ; box i i now n,i Ti ClarksviHe to two j-tni'glii fri ru the Indians. 'hi!i ( a in tal - one i Vinci'inn". as t'ai'oKHh a n. I Ciiiri) uams are now I ii d tor lii -i piace. A rishe.fnan Naiifd. ie I'l'iHUM i I Ml! :-!i !ai!( e t Badii-S-inoav ;n jitin'i.t lu ;li- city is f i.""ig l.J) I. It wa -1 n: I.. a !.. it.-.- I ..'. - Ki-f'i- s lioti'i !"' It '' l'.i I'lcah N'i , i I H ::io Tli.-y t. i b.iuiy n.iM 'l. ihi-vi r "1 r iHdol i.l 4 siioiiM (,,-. i?-, ti' - s ad out id-' an, ml. ; ti !';'!'' t .1 ; i ; b. " wrat Tile it ! aue- fisim-x. NATIONAL LEAfil'C ;i; Bto-i.'yn. 4; I I'hilad'-lprov 1 AMfKICW si ! iSti" 1 1 , .j : I'm f: !': lb z t,y -vri. jimt Aistr Y York. 1 Br.K.i-Iyn. :,. xS(k:ition O. Ill Ml I :l-A,-illL.-, I iir,'i,re !-cifion in ref l- I ti.l lit; .a. G.- ip i. ,c aa,- ii t 8t. !'!. n.r.f rt ' t' Philadelphia, 4; Boston, 0. liosiLn, 2; Philadelphia. (!. C'lileanr. I ; I'lcu-laiul. . St. Louis. I: Detroit, ;i. New York. 4; Washington. - WESTERN LEAGUE. St. Joht'ph. 0; Dnuur, .:!. Omuha, 7J Colorado Sprir.f l)fs Moines, i: Sioux t'iiy, f By the Associated Press. New York, Sept. 12. Four persons were burned to death and six injured in a tenement house lire early this morning (Tuesday). A SWITCH TO THE BREWERY WILL BE BUILT BY THE BIG FOUR AND MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROADS. Alderman A. S. Fraser, chairman j of the special committee named tu Invt'Stisate the matter of bavins t. j railroad track run from Second street j north on Ruilroad street to Fourth; sireet. reports that something de.d- j nite will lie done in a few days. I The plans have been completed and j will be submitted in a short time. The proposed plan is that the Big Four; and Mobile and 'Ohio railroad com- panics build a switch from a point on j the old Mobile and Ohio tracks on ! .Second K'reet north on Railroad j street to. .Fourth street. The old Mo-j bile and Ohio track spoken of is now; being used by the Cairo Electric ami . Traction company to run their cars; to Ohio street. It is planned that the curve for th extension north on Railroad'' will bftrin at Commercial avr-nu pj-s in the rear of the frame build-; ing on the northeast corner of Sec- j ond street and Commercial avenue f and east of the office of the Pacific j Kxpress company which, is on 'he: west side of Railroad street. j The swi'ch was promised Manager j Chris Beck of the Cairo Brewing company and it is probably it will i.e tmt In at once. It is al-o believed ihat the vich will be extended north on Railroad s'reet to Eighth street at no distant day. MURDERED BY ROBBERS. "Henry Peterson, Chicago Tobacco Dealer, Killed For His Money. f Uy the Associated Press. Chicago, Sept. 12. Henry Peterson, j tobacco dealer at Lake and Robo.v J streets, was murdered tonight by otie two men who entered his place with the intention of robbing him. The men entered the store when Pe terson was and demanded tha: he open his money drawer. He re fusel and one of the men shot him. The men then robbed the place ot bout Sloo and escaped. Peterson lied a few minutes after beiui; shot. j William Potee. colored, porter for ; IMcr-on, was aNo shot an I will die. -'-is the robin is ran out of t'.v door, hvy lired at Frank Carlton, a r.s- omer v.-ho ntered the store from he rear roam. The huliet knocked . iff Caribou's hot on I Mrtick Po'ee in ; hs.- bai l;. Severn! arrests had b. -n ' made up to midnight, but tin diree- i-vbif nee ha-, been pre li'i'd amim my of ihe men in ru-toiy 3ASEBALL PLAYERS' IN DISPUTE AWARDED. By the AssiKilated Press. Buffalo. V Y.. Sept. 12. The na Mortal l!a-i-iia!l board of arbitration ol.iy ib ciib-il a Timber "f run 'vrriin minor ba;.'U"s. Ibiry New nver. ia di' p'lte tietwi i-n Sioux City iiul Willi t loo. Iow a, was nw;ir(e:l o Wilti'lI'Mi. ( H'e H II. Clu-ck. in ii:te iM'ei-n Unci, l-liimi. (Ii-md l-'i'tl.f Hii.I W'iOi i',"o. b-f op ii for i ir: Im r ie -, i-n i-iit ion. HILL CONFERS WITH PARKER. Hy the A Ks'ijitt .-. MK'lUtl ' N Y. Pres? Sept. lied I F. rmei .vftil ..irl". P.-ntit-.r Hid I'rrker from eiclit o'cI h i: then b'tt fi-r a staierner.' lie" Ii -was 0 was ti.:; !'. fill! lin-in todjy t::i! tonUl.f. Tin Albany withon f-onecrjiinr the Uiven oit ihat a! ti,,- r v',i t :i af:'-ri i n.itnr ' unit in U c.-ii, :"( ' ICC I i-f I'.i: ' SFE BLOWERS ARPESTED. I'.y t!ii- Ay.-iM'intei; I'rc-;1;. Ii :n 1 in. N ;-l I llil t.t .tire v ! I, .11. ).- I't.iei' T'i'l I'll .-. '-.IJ.e 1 !.. ii ..1 .tf ,it h' 1 ,i ! . ti f ---1 ll l'l Ml ",'!.:' 11;.- l-.lti- ' a: I' i'-i" rt a: !y 1 'ii. hi tiieir r i-i'it - t -sir ! . I' . e.,' .,- ; . t- ilM. I I l it I " von thotha. . An:, -,u. S-i nini r-in ( h :.t. I It.-: 1. . u: nisrti'! m n it r r.-.l V. f A th. n Tr tha. com f.irc -. in (let i PERSONS BURNED TO DEATH By the Associated Pivhh, ,; Havana, Sept. 12.--Uy;a vote of ten to flvo. the tenate today confirmed the ; nominal ion of Marijiil.s Do Monlofo, jl-iebent minister to (ireat. Britain, to be also minister to Genu any. The i senate three mouths ago 'rejected J Montoro's 'uppoiitmetit to Berlin, but ! President Pama made the nomination the second time. I ALLEGED ROBBER KILLED i TRYING TO ESCAPE. By the Associated prena. Detroit, Sept. 12. Gua A. Henkel man, alias Sid Hall, was shot and killed tonight while trying to escape from a de'eetlve. Ilenkelman was wanted In connection with breaking open a railroad cur at I'tica, Mich. DROWNED IN LAKE. By the Associated Press. W'atertown, Wis.. Sept. 12. Major Chas. G. H. Gardner of this rity. aged r,2 years, was found drowned in La Salle lake. Oeonomowoe, today. He a-as a graduate of the Wisconsin I'nl versity law school and widely known throughout the state. CATHOLIC CENTRAL VEREIN. ! By the Associated Press. St. Louis, Sept. 12. The German Catholic central verein today listened to greetings by Archbishop Miasmei of Milwaukee, and Bishop Janssen rif Belleville. 1)1., after which commit tees were appointed. Weather Forecast, By the Associated Press. , Washington. Sept. 12. Followin the weather forecast for Illinois for the next twenty-four hours: Fair Tuesday, warmer in north; Wednesday showers and cooler; vari able winds, WIPED OUT BY FIRE. Every Business Block Destroyed Loss, in Idaho Fal! $1,000,000. By the Associated Press. Idaho Falls. Idaho. S.'pt. 12 Ai most every business block iu this cilj was wiped out by fire today. Loss $1. i i.Mto.oeu. Free Street Carnival. The Bam her Carnival will exhibit their entire carnival comnanv show. j Ferris wheel. Carry-us-all, etc.. 10 up jto-date attractions; on the John A. Ml! : ler property opposite the postoffiee all jnext week commencing Sept. 12 to 17. ! They will give free performances tv j ery afternoon and niht. Let every body turn out and have a rousing gixd time. This company comes we ) recommended as being the cleanest and best company on the road today. If you are looking for a good time come out and have it. The attractions are many and all clean moral and up-to-date. Join the crowd. Pay tht Fidi.'tr. Every tt:r the traitor Folly chr.fcs Ra- fon flop 1:. r ihr'.n Soniciiiic h9 to to ihf victim sume poor ."Inner nn'ft atur.f; I". s :in f.''1 .-nifl truthful Faying printed '111 P-O'!' (IMC nf l.iir. They -: dance miM pny the lidiiler- it tUc eti.lcs of the same. In thin Kol'v'a millions are fl'IVR. liiri:"!',- i ,xi'ovs. tnlilliT" roik ills minify qulot- !v ,- , i rr;i- st'i-ii; i t'-,.' . uiM l im-ic 1 1. ii wlfcr not a ih.inri- T'-ft (.,i- h.nne 1 1 -tn;m lio"" t'ii:::- is v'JUal to the it ..f Uil- ': . I I-.,.,, t,-!;,, f.iltfr. those t.. i',y ..'i.: 1 1 i (!.i i-illi; it.: i: C throng!-. m.-t't :m:iI - -M ili-nnl.ii: . ; rn pen- fl-.-ill u.v-t p i.v tin? ;:,i ire. Vcik Illllllrr 'I i.TlCi .t.:r ii.- Wdd Ccttcn In Cnlio bia. Cn':eii ':rn'.v.i will ia Cidombla. and !! i.ii'ie !i-lr.r.!t;s ', think s , lie:. ti u!t 1 vu! ins ii- Abscesses. W. H. Harrison, Cleveland, .Miss., writes. An:;, l,-, 1902: "I want to say a word of pr.-ib for Ballard'w Know Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which caused tl;e -ordn in my leg to con tract and an sli cisx to il.--c in m kil'-e, und tbe doctor told me. tint I would have a stiff b k, so one .by 1 i nt to J. F. Lord's drui; ttore (who b now in ItiiiM-r, Colo.) He p-cntii iiit-tided a bottle of Know Liniment; I j:ot a r,"c t-vf. and it 'uri.d my h-A It is th" best liniment in th.' world Alls' s- .i, with few exception. rr indicative of constipation or debility. Tin y may. howi-ti r. result from bowr or from foreign bodies, introduced in to the t-km or flei-h. ftich a plrnter, thorn--, tc. s.ob; liy Scliuh Lnis Co. ejg SO Mlfll MoNKV. o l tl-ir-'. o'-l c -triwi CIRCUIT CLOSES By the AnHOcInted Press. Ueadviiltf, Ma"H., Sept, 1 vorltes and an outsider .Two fa were the even's nt Rcadvilk- track tod. y. 2:10 pace wa-i a feature, for. The after Ben. F, favorite, had taken the first heat handily. Peeler Patron enme up in the second and won by a head. The next two were easy for Peeler. 2:25 trot, pifvse, $l,tmo (9 starters) John Caldwell 111. The Peer 2 2 2. Kyrillie 5 5 2. Time. 2:14U. 2: ml pace, purse, Sl.ono (7 starlets lics-atlc 3 11.' AnidroMs 12 2. Frank Yokuni 2 .'3 ;!. Time. 2:0('.,i. l:lu pace, purse, $l,uoo (4 starters) Peeler I'm ton 2 111, Ben F 122 2. Day Book 3-4 2 4. Time, 2:10. CARE IN TESTING FLOUR, Big Mills Take p'ilna to Asserlsln Quality of Output. "It is surprising to note the differ ence that exists between the various brands of Hour," said O. 1). Hutchin son, the representative of one of the hie mills In Minneatiolis. Minn. "It all depends on how the flour Is milled j i-.nd on the kind of wheat from which j t is made. Flour made from hard i sprlnK wheat will give, from twenty to forty more loaves of bread per bar rel than that made from the softer winter wheat. It contains a larger percentage of gluten and absorbs more water. The mills are exceeding ly careful about the kind of flour they send out, and the testing department is one of tha most important branches. "After the flour ? Kronnd comes the crucial test. A sample is taken and made up into bread. We have four bakirifs a day, and from twenty to thirty lows are baked each time, each one representing a sample of Hour. After the test has been made the bread Is turned over to the Asso ciated charities. "You may have noticed that the col or of flovr is no longer a marble white, but. a creamy white. This comes l'-om the fact that the rich portion of the grainright under the woody coat ing, is ground into the (lour. What is left can hardly be called bran, for it is only the coarsest part of the cuter fiber." Milwaukee Sentinel. Sugared. Admiral Dewey nodded toward a tall man with a military carriage. "That geu'lernan," he said, "fought sa'.iantly in Cuba against the Span iards. But it is about his eating, not bis f-hting, that I am going to tell vol. 'Jle waa chartered in n certain Cn ban village, and at mess he complain ed bitterly every day about the Cuban cooking. "'Sugar,' he would exclaim, 'they !ii?ar everything. I can't stand this constant su?ar diet' "Finally he said: 'I'll eat nothlre but boiled eggs hereafter. They can't susar them." "But a young officer came In to mess nt the next mra! icry early an), taking tho silt out of the other's salt criiqt, he filled it up with 6iis;ar. "When the older man arrived he or dered, sure i rotiRh, boiled oks. He epened ther.i with ftlooiny complacen cy and Kprlnkled over them plenty oi the doctored salt. "At the fir-t mouthful ho turnPd purple. " 'Supareil, fiucared!' he exclaimed, and rii. hc:! fro;-.: the tr.bht." Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL $100,000.00 . $50,000.00! si 'kii rs AMU IIMIHV lll;i l-VOI ITS OFFICEHS; E. A. BUDER President CHA8. FEUCHTER JR...V. President J. H. CALLIGAN Cashier F. SPENCER, Cashier DIRECTORS. E. A. Thoa. C. M Wm. Buder, Boyd. Osterloh, J. H. Gatllgan, W. E. CholMn C O. Patler, C. V. Neff, J. M. Herbert, Kluge, Chas. Herbert, Jr, Accounts of corperatlona and Individ uals especially solicited. Exo.""inc i furbished in any part of l vorio ' Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ILLWOItj. E. A. Tho. Bii-jee. .. Boyd. . . . ,.. P-t'Jr"t . ...VIcePreident Casnirr ; J. r H. GaU-gir. r.pnf r. . CAPITAL l Ml1 I ! iMintiit n rwi fit - mm : Strictly a Savings Hank ; , , - .--' " ; " ' r,Tm.,frwy :k: ""''. -v,t.,-.'.i ..-.- . I ft?! b i i 'Mrs. "' Iiusfhson, 4' of Chicago," whose Mrs. Husrhson,' letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compounds "DexVR rs. PrxKHAM: I differed for several years with general weakness and beariufr-down paina, caused by womb trouble. My appe tite was fitful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could not sleep, until I seemed more weary in the morning' than when I retired. Alter readin? one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits iof. Ljdia. E. Pinkham'H Vegetable Compound, and I am po glad I did. JSoonR can deserilte the good it did me. I took.: three bottles faithfully, and besides building up my general health, it drove all disease and poison out of my body, and made mo feel as epry and active as a young gni. Sirs. Biukhara's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be. Mas. M. E. Hugihox, 347 East Ohio bt, Chicago, III. Mrs. Plnkham Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. Apparently trifling Incidents In woman's daily life frequently produce displacements of the womb. A slip on the (.lairs, lifting during menstruation, standing- at a counter, running a sew ing machine, or attending to the moFt ordinary tasks may result in displacement, and a train of seriotis evils is starteo. The first indication of such trouble should lie the signal for quick action. Pon't let the condition become chronic, through neglect or a mistaken idea that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than a million tvomen have regained health by.the use oi i.yaia Xj. Pink ham's Ve-jretable Compound. - If th slightest trouble appears which yoii do not understand write to ?Ir. Ptnkbam, at Lynn, Mass., for liev advice, and a few timely words from her will show you the right thing to do. IMS advice costs j ou nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or botu. f new nne , Compound i,iii. mrfinn Tvh - I w the worst forms of female comp atnts. -that , beanng-dowt ft"?' JJj back, falling and displacement of the womb, inflammation of the oe U troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from toe uterus in the early etage of development, and checks any tendency to cancer ous humors. . It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up t ti entire female svstem. Its record of cures is the greatest in the world, n Bhould be relied" upon with contidence. ' S5000 TOR FFIT IF w nntnt 'orthwith t rndne th orljlnai wttr ana . . . t.i-u in Keep the Brain Active. People often ntok the prusp tint' they hnve Imd memories when the truth I lliry are too idoveiily to ii-e their liralns. Nothing, however, In-rd-iilficant. should he doin withci:' re flection. First thoughts are often I i .-t. hi:' It is Koiiiciimcti lint ti ii t il have thicel.t many times thru we enn tiiake them so. Too Soft Spoken. W. S. Ciilu rt on on occnrlon. when a w II Immu act'ir could not he heard by his a'tdience. sail: "Xo one ad mires Mr. X. tuortf than I do. but I ahvays fed that I am tskinK a liberty in overheating bt he rays." A NEW COUNTY OF Alexander and Pulaski Counties Published by the Bulletin Company Containitix a complete list of land owners, showing divis ion of townships, occupancy of each section and Ixirind aries of all farms and locating public buildings. All rail roads, waterways and public road arc plainly and cor rectly shown SCAM'.: 1 -4 INTII TO ONK MI Mi. Mrnjntcdrn Mn Linen, wilh slicks .it top jnd tottoni, col ored by lownships uid varn ished. Price At.vtir.iSc, Coiiipichcu-ivc, firf nnp of AI(md"-r C'in!v r ,i , a:i 1 the Oily cCHijktf 2, existence. Mal.e ieni:tt?.nce bv he Bulletin Company 703 Ohio Street. Cane, Jllinoi.. of Chicago," whose Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington . . St., Kingston, Ont., writes: Dear Jdr.s. Pikkium: Tou are indeed a godsend to women, and if they all knew what you could do for them, there would be no need , of their dragging out miserable lives in agony, "I suite rod for vears with bearing-down pains, womb trouble, nervousness, and excruciating head ache, but a few bottlea of Lydia K. Pink nam's and promising to me. I am light and happy, ana i do not Know wimi hicmiww una i now eniov mr m urwui, f.viHa K. Pink-ham's Vegetable ean alvrays be relied upon to restore hv mftVr. It Is a sovereign cure lor ik.; nU rAniiif)nP. I i nn Prove Consumption Theory. Prof. Cornet. Ion;: avoidant to l'rof. Koch of Berlin. :-iii!cd the fptitoin ot a consmptlve on the carpet of a rcua In which he kept, forty-eight guinea pigs. II? allowed it two days in which to dry. Then the room war. violently swept, so as to raise a dii'd. The Riiinca pics breathed In tho dn.-ty air. A!! but two o them contracted consumption. Buried by Coverrmer.t. In certain Svviss i anions all dead ppople, rich a?, well as poor, are buried at the public exp' 'toe. Co.Hna nad all funeral net r are furbished hy i,ctciiwer.t undc ria'-ier;. $3.75 CVinpItte, r--d.ilc Tiic I'tibli" bed w ilbin r. i 1 en cl i ' i i Coin. iy iu r or check 1o KOAiLf.YEn ruin r j i::aiii-t 'in' II- tf fis I Jtl !l llli If t .f t '. 1 !(- i ! in, ft ji't u;! i f A. " 'll'tntu-.. . A d'. !1 r.'J't f jr A! I 1 !. :;, Tub '' 2 I4uUt'U.!, X; Kat til;. ".v the iiii l-n wm f 'hin Iik h in i iJe i tu 'o: th' tn " Irret rU of Ta'd thtta on T Irr-t per tnt :iE3- m