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Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 13, 1904 709 Com' I Ave. 709 Com' I Ave. CAIRO'S LOADING TOGGERY SHOP. t of Men's Correct Head wear z 0, Fall Opening Our MENS' HAT DEPARTMENT entirely decked out in new dress is now open "for the fall season with the most complete and the finest collection of new fall and winter headwear ever shown in Southern Illinois. - A Man's Hat De- partment, such as we have study into the varied de that it is seldom an easy teas led us to put a great stock of hats. As a re what ever his require At' nere, is not oorn in a sires on tastes of the matter for a man to find deal of care and thought suit we believe we are ments and however fas to make them look hand right without a becoming put hats on mens' heads us trv our skill on you. No man looks just stvlish the clothing he wears, to top it out he must have a hat that looks well on his have all shapes for all times and all places. They were made by some of the largest hat manufacturers in the worldand they com hinp the latest stvles with the highest Quality at the least prices. w w - 0 m w m THE HAT WITHOUT AN EQUAL AT THE PRICE 1 Correct in style and guaranteed for quality." All heights of crowns and widths 'of brims to suit all faces. Exclusive stores ask $2.50 and $3.00 for no better soft hats or derbies than ?1 QA these we offer at - - - - VI,V STETSON'S NEW FALL HATS Derby and Soft Hats. John B. Stetson & Go's soft and derby hats, in all the latest styles and colorings. They come in the latest shades of wood brown, mahogany brown, seal brown, tan, pearl, steel and black, also come in shapes to suit all ages. Widely advertised -headwarc at the popular price of - - - - - V 0OU 'tfJJ OUR NEW TOP NOTCH DERBY AND SOFT HAT This hat has a proud record of previous seasons and this one has found it better than ever. Choice of all the latest shapes and colors in soft and stiff hats, the equal of any $4.00 hat on the ffi market, at our price of - - . ... . . . tpOUU DUNLAP SOFT AND DERBY HATS The new fall styles are ready in these correct hats which are by far the best made at $5.00. The shapes for this season are entirely new. Choice of the correct coloring, such as tobacco, wood and nn Mahogany browns, also black; showing a very large varity at, 5 t)tUU Sole Accents For night. It takes years of hard work and masculine set. The fact a hat that just suits him into the selection of our able to please any man, tidious he may be. We somer. Come in and let liat. No matter how head and is stylish. We Du nlap Hats. THE CAIRO BULLETIN Entered at the Cairo Potoftie for trannminaioD through tbe mil Miewnd-tlwi rte. UNION()LAaEU ifu, CHRONOLOGICAL celebration of the seventh anniversary ot their marriage. The friends cama unawares anl thj evening was spent with music ami conversation. The host and hostess were given a hand some china chocolate set anil othei presents. The puests were: .Mrs. Giralt, ami la.:hter. Miss Mathilda Giralt. of Ha Tana, Cuba. Mrs. I). Fv Grwn of St. Lotiis, Mr. ami Mrs. A. Shetler. Mr. ?n 1 Mrs. K. A. C'arkuff. Mr. ami Mrs. C. Carleton. the Misses Iconise Ward. Nellie Wal.ier ami Helena Cole nan. m Ktrth, Camilla Halltduy, Lansden, IKssie Turner. Margaret have be i n. returned Teun. t their home at New- Surprise Part. " Several young friendf! ;f Miss Win fre.l Cox surprised that young lady yesterday afternoon at her liome on Fourteenth street and helped to eel p. Urate her thirteenth birthday. The young lady's mother bad been notified that the party would arrive and shc pr 'pared for thtir cumins by bavins; refreshments in readiness. (lanus were played during the afternoon which passed quickly. Miss Hattie Schuh left -it of ten days to Chita; today . for a TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Z 7 I T- T - - - T. T. T T 9 ? f f f f Mrs. N. V. Lewis and children re turned ye erlay from Grand Chain wl.ire they have been upending tb' sitinmer. They will remain in Cairo. Sept. 13 la History. JSSVMIrhaeJ d- Monlaipn.-. vir liralcd f Siyiyt. tin -1 en his i fiytf i. ar H-r- lii.V llaltir 'f tli H ipht of Atrd m. Ti...! tjtjt bre; ftu Itrinsli c.n'":0. V'ulfr. ti' d en Hie lie 111, unci the Krvneh firLni I, 0"t Mnnti-Mlm. tht ?irt il.iy. S JW.St. amer Aiis'rln. fr-M II-imlHirC to Ni Vrk. iHini'nl at ea; 47" lif3 tout. 1SS2--Kntllo f T.'l-'l-K-'ir nn.l r:il-ir f IbW lM-e nfirr t total ib rf Arnlii Ji v hy th" rm!' ( Hir J:irm t W'olnly. ef rincat:g. K t'H. r-tit fit thp Chtn. nrrnv 'J 't frrr. in?rl J. II. Kormy. iK.t' i,te veteri-n, liu-U in AialMina; born Wolfe. I Yacht C!ub Ourg. J The Cairo Yacht chili 'ook a trip to t i he Kent tie' y beadi latt nin'tt and ! fn joyed a swim, the wal'.T beinir ex ! rept ionully Hue. A tencttinc lunch ; was fervetl. i The party was comprised of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kred Galijiher. Mls-'s . Winnifred Kills, Jdarie Halley. Lciia ! Mi!b-r, Kinma and Margaret Iitisden. b.phim and Camiile Hal'iday. Li : nn W oodward, Messrs. Otis White. Henry Gilhofer. Harry Stark. BRIEF MENTION. Mrs. A. J. Kos.s and daughter are in Clinton. Ky., where they were called by tbe death ot Mrs. lioss' brolher-in law, Tiios. .1. Mitchell, who died Sim day .f consumption. He was known in Cairo having visited here. Convened at Assembly Hall in the Cairo High School Building Yes terday Morning. Miss Leila lay from a vi Hastings .it. to St. ivtiinied I.oiiK to- Miss Minrtle Korbb-r .ft yeti r- ' lay morning to visit lie- U'etll's fair. Mr. M. .1. flow b y and daughter, j Mi.-s Marie, vent to Tln ln vest, r ! Ia. I i Mis. Juaniia Ncllis-.M iller of Cairo. I!!., is making a visit of three monCis ! i;i Henver mid Is usiii; plally the op-, por; -,nity of c:nitinnina b.T vocal fiidi-s v.illi Iht former tearli.-r. M.i: I a.'iii Mayo r;hode". f nvcr Tines. IN SOCIETY ' Wedding Annivcrtsry. A party of friend" spent the w n.n,! Sunilay with Ir. ani.l Mr. G. M. Guiieras of the rnarinc hospital in A Tbimble Party. A inuM ! li-lii fnl affair was a tiiim Id-- party piven ye-terday aftermxni by M:ss Mayn.e Ca.-hman at her home :n Ikiik f'laee West in honor of the mejiiliern of the ijondurant -liraufoi d bridal party. Th afternotjn was le playing games. H freshmen; s w n si-rved by the hostt s.s, a-"isied by Mrs. .1, W. n.nger. The nm-sts were Miss -Mars'terite !o!- of Coldwater. Mich, Mis KtitM'tii: K. Hartman of Hli-'niiis-vi'!e. Mn MW" Lulu Sissert of I'll ioti C'ty. Tenn.. Mim Archie Cren shaw of Charleston. Mo., Misses K;i nico and Karl Hon Inrard. Alice Wen-K'-r. Leila and Maude Hastinf?s, Eva Mr. Fruiik K'Miiler tid,itei . Miss Kthel. are In St. Louis vi. i in:: he fair. j PURELY PERSONAL Mr. K. A. Snow and family b-tt fut St. Loiii.-; la.-f nisht to visit tin World's fair. M'sms W. F. Tarker and W. II. FusUt down from Willard yes- tiTdav. Mrs. Jon en an 1 dauaht'-r ol Santa Fe are visitinj; the family of Sheriff Rodie. ViHit- Kinj;, Mr. and Mrs. Janiej Mackey an I chil I left this morning for S. Louis to visit the fair. , Mrs. Frank Koehler and daughter. Miss Kthel. left for St. l.tii. yester day o visit the fair. TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS desiring Street lair advertising printed on their envelopes can have sany done free of charge hy QPHONING THIS OFFICE i The Misses Clara and Theresa Wise of Chiraso. stnnt Sunday in Cairo a puests of their sister. Mrs. ('has. ('as. sell. Miss Olive Hite has returned to in r hom in Nashville, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. John H. Stb r of Twent--etb stree't. Mrs. J. G. GMorire returru-d last nisht from Fulton. Ky.. where he ha- been visiting since Thursday. Mrs. Clsra Atherton. ho has In-en i tie- cuest of Mr. IS W. Heey and if. (f this city, ret urn-! to her boine M'tn'1s yesterdav. The Alexander County Tench'-rs' In s'ltute conveiK'd' in the assembly hall of the Cairo hi;ii school buildlns yes terday, morniii!; tinder the direction of Prof. John Snyder, county superin tendent of tehmiis. The morning session opened at S:l"i with prayer and scriptural read In a; by Suii'iintrndent Snyder, after Ahteh he made a short talk on Ibe j work ftf Hie cirlnins? tchool year. Prof. Clyde Sloro, priueipal of 'lie ihiu'ii xrhiKd. followed with an nd Iress on e.lura.ional i 'i as mid Iheo. ies. i .Mrs. C. it. Hay p.1Ve n ttlk on Hie j fioidameutal prineides of aril hliu't Ic. , Prof. J. K. Alexander mi methods of i aeliiiis history, ami Prof. W. I). Pan-ni- tr o:i ceoKi-aphy. I-i the r ftetniMin Mr:'. Way talked j (u Ibe f object of literature. Prof. Al-1 exan b r on gtanimar. and Miss Laura Milf.ird on sptllintt. Thee talks re followed l y a lecture from prof Clendcnen which whs grea'Iy appre clatefl. Those in aiiereUnee at the Insti tute arc as follow g: Cairo: T. C. Clcndenen, W. I). Pan nistor. Civile Slone. Helen Llppitt. An na Uedman. Ellin H. Fisher. Delia n j Hurst. Ella Hotan. Frances Itennetf. 'Carrie J. Miller. Alma Hlock. Mary Gallipan, Iliia Cehn. Nellie Foss. 7.n lima Smith. Carrie S. Hudson. Kath erlne Walhauni. Winifred Ellis. Het : lo lla'terton. Marcaret I-tischen. Jennie n wey, Mamie Palmer. Aibll -Leonard. Clara P.. Vv. Alice Reed, i .Mollie KIJtiT. Marcari't Wilsm. Mix FAIR3ANKS CONTRIBUTES TO saidee farr:n. Myra . Scott. J. C. HANNA MEMORIAL CHAIR. ' ''m E-lward HI Willctt. Eva Self. .Laura Steel. Alma Partec. Edmonla I Wat -'ins. A7aba tmmas. Mazsie M. Wa!l. France .McHanleN. Mattio E. (Giiv Iit. nrnistinp Jenkins. Ii!a Pejron. Ida Pedford. Pearl Edmunds. C. C. Wilson. C. C. I'wis. Uettic Smith Alnip !iwe. j Oiie Ptjinch: Lulu Gillespie. W. f . - . ...... . I. .1. i iiTo.o . i nr Mini in- i .inn "i-i Winn. Je-.-. E. Whittak. r. tv-!la wi'irn t'H . ,.eh r.,,SP is lA. A(l, Tw.lfe. Sarah Liurit. sro .1- in a f.iiisi e oiry manner eti'i Vih,) Cam 8 DENTISTRY 1 MODERN AND APPROVED REDUCED PRICES DRS. JENNELLE Sc ROE 8 0 0 Washington Avenue. 2" .s ft. mini m i umi 1. 1 van Mr. Will KIuk. who has b: en lnc liis father, Capt. Jolin W. returned to St. Ixtiis last niht. Mr. James Forrester. mierintiid enl of ihe nines of tiie Halllday es tate at Ha:iidayboro, PI., mas l.i Cai ro yesterday en b iim-ss. r Mi. F. A. Kra:is: wmt to Mound City I'sten!;1' to appear as a w itness in a 'ianiae suit by Charles Hicks a-'ai;tt the Illinois Central Railroad nipfn.-". t , ST. LOUIS AND RETURN K Meals and bcith incltulcil Ketttru tickets gotxl until Oct. l'XM. .Steamers Kecs Ie, Teters Lee,, leave Cairo Wednesdays, Saturdays and Mondays a. ni. GOOD MUSIC L.00 L-. i n o t o s m o r s Apply to Hailiday & I'Jiillips Company, Cairo. i;a.elwo:i: Will Tripp. Willard: Nelson Croft, H'dnies. W. T. Ab xander. Kit hwiiod Lyda Tyb. !ikc .Milllan: Harper. !e!ta: Frank W. li nn. Andrew Py the CI' o bsnks ( pri si . but'iin f.lV- i!l 4"liie Assindatea Mess. Ian !. Sp;. 12 S -na or Fair-j of In !!atia. candidate fur virp-j nt, has pien a larue eontH- to ihe M arc- is A. Ilvn.a me-; chilr asKe'tin. Prompt "it i WOODMEN'S CONVENTION. St. 1-ouis, Sept. 12. I'liifol l.led com-pani.-s fnm Canada and clrhteen ! s-tatea to the convention of the Wood men of the World arrived todav. WORLD'S FAIR CATTLE SHOW. Over 7,000.CG0 Worth of Stock Now on the Grounds. St. Louis. Sep. 12. The thiity-lwo barns on live stork Kroi.nd rp fiv er taxed by the cntrica for the WoriPfi fair cattle Fuut vvhlcli com menced liKlay. The vabK- of thin Moo n csnniaied at seven miili tloUarr. n Mr arc be in fi.lenf the hand. re SMI; w i!I vin or. THE BULLETIN COMPAKY'S MA? OF ALEXANDER AN3 PULASKI COUNTIES Vr. W. I. Carm ron and dais:i'.-i v.-lii) have !-."-n vi itini; Mrs. Cur a Cot ttr f Twentieth street, have return ed ii their home in Chicago. ! VicJ;. Sir. Slid Mrs. W. H. Crittenden have re'urtied from the WorlJ's fair. The Mi-ws Mable and Nancy Swind ler who were wiiK them on tfte tripi BUY YOUR new:::.. --condhmu SCHOOL BOOKS ' DeBAUfSTS 28TM no pom Lien: Msrsio Wh'tal-er. 1 anirns . Ma Vick. Beav. r It, It'e; W. K. fhavi r. C!anW: C'harbn W. (Jii! ie. Sandusky; f u !! D'uinini;. Thebes: f, T. Andrsn. Haisy An-; dersfin. Liith Anderin. irs. Lydia Simpson. i MrCiere: Cuy l-'n. M't-s Mary j Liehtnr piswrxNl; o. R Hill. i Price $3.75 FOR PARTICULARS SEE ADVERTISE MENT ON PAGE SIX OF THIS ISSUE t t t i v ,