Newspaper Page Text
MOFT 4INGNEVVSPAPER VVITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PR EGG GEnVICE .... s- ET , Advertise n f 'V, The Dullotin The Bulletin Stand For Cairo and IU L Cairo' Leading Paper Progress VOL XXXVI. NO. 268. CAIRO ILL., WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBERS, 1904. ESTABLISHED . IN TO CHECK THAT OBSCENE LETTER FLUNK T LAWS VIOLATED "TO SETTLE TRE THE PRESIDENT ONLY HE CA RO BULL Mo MAY ATTEMPT TO THOUSANDS RAVE lERESlE Oil : RESPONSIBLE FOR GLEIIWOOD WRECK If M W SWINDLED Kuropatkin Fortifying Fakoman, 25 Miles East of Mukden. JAPS ABOUT TO MOVE INDICATIONS ARE THAT AN AT TACK IS ABOUT TO BE MADE AT TIE PASS, MUKDEN AND SINMINTIN. f By the Associated Press. Indications point to the im- mlnence of a forward move ment of the Japanese armies against the Russians at Tie Pass, Sinmintin and Mukden. Kuropatkin is fortifying Fako- man, northeast of Mukden, in order that ho may be prepared for the contingency of the evacuation of Sinmintin. Re- - ports of a naval engagement at the southeastern extremity of Sakhalin are not verified; on the contrary, It is believed that the jlndivostok squadron remains in the harbor. There is no news from Port Arthur. TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY OF FENDERS , ARRAIGNED IN UNITED STATES COURT AT NEW YORK. Dy the Associated Press New York, Sept. 27 Charged with violations of the naturalization laws. two hundred and sixty alleged offend ers were arrigned today in the crim inal branch of the United States cir cuit court. The federal grand Jury also handed down 148 additional in dictments in naturalization fraud cases. i Only one hundred and fifty of the accused were able to plead during the day's session and sentence was suspended in all but five easen. A plea of guilty was entered by M. O. Wier of Brooklyn, whose citizen ship papers vere obtained . Irregular ly. He paid a fine of $.00. A similar plea was also interposed in behalf of A. G. Pratt, civil engineer, who ap peared as Wire's witness In securing, iho latter' papers. Pratt paid a fine of $1100. Assistant United '; States District Attorney Marx said today that fou teen hundred certificates of citizen ship Irregularly secured were sur rendered by their holders during the past 30 days. That the possessors of fraudulent papers might not suffer federal officials allowed thirty day in which they might be surrender' Man Charged With Writing It Arrested in Iowa. WOULD KILL PRESIDENT ALSO WROTE TO HELEN COULD, WANTING TO MARRY HER, AND TO MISS ALICE ,.'.'' ROOSEVELT. LADY CURZON WORSE By the Associated Press. St. Petersburg, Sept. 27; 2:0.r a. m. The war commission adjourned early last evening without issuing further news from the front. A Muk den telegram to the Berlin Lokal An zeiger, reporting that the Japanese had crossed Hun river fifty miles above the city is believed to refer to scouting parties of Japanese whose presence there wag recorded in As sociated Press dispatches of the 2Cth. The movement of the Japanese forces on Liao river, which was reported in a dispatch from Gen. Sakharoff to th general staff on Sept. 2C, is all the more significant since Siancban is the starting iwint of the leading to Tie Pass, Mukden and Sinmintin. Tho announcement that the Russians are fortifying Fakoman, twenty-five miles northeast of Mukden, shows that Kuropatkin Is preparing to check a flanking movement on Tie Pass, from the west In caso Sinmintin OBSTRUCTION PLACED ON WAYS By tho Associated Press. New .York, Sept. 27. A London din patch from Walmer Castle to a local news agency says: "It is ' learned on good authority that Ia;ly Curzon has undergone a change for the worse and that her condition is critical." TO T IE CO Bhould have to be evacuated. The entire .absence of news from Port Arthur, it Is feared, Indicates a closer blockado there. Hitherto dis patches from Gen. Stoessel have been coming seinl-weekly. The admiralty has not received any details of the reported sea fight off Anlva. the Southwestern extremity of Sakhalin. The Vladivostok squad ron, it Is understood. Is still in the hartior. The cannonading at Anlva was probably a Japanese attack on blockade runners. WHICH WOULD 'HAVE DONE ENORMOUS DAMAGE TO THE NEW BATTLESHIP. Mukden, Sept. 2tl, by way of Pekln, Sept. 27. Russian cavalry west of . the railroad report an Important Jap anese movement and a threatened at tack. No change eastward Is report ed. Four divisions of Japanese re main at Rentsiapudze. The divisions are supposed to be near Yi ntai mine and two others west of them. General .Mi trhi nko reports that lie penetrat ed to the Yental mine and found only small detachments of Japanese there. By the Associated Press. New York, Sept. 27. The Herald tomorrow will print the following: 'With tho intention of ruining the hull of the battleship Conectlcur which will be launched at the New York navy yards Thursday, some per son or persons placed an obstruction on the ways. When it was placed there or by whom is not known, for It was not discovered until divers' were sent down to make an investigation. This Investigation was made as a matter of precaution and the naval officers then learned that an obstruc tion had been placed on the ways that would have destroyed the work of months." Another investigation will bo made tomorrow morning before the ship la launched. SCIENTISTS CALL ON THE PRESIDENT. I A FOLLETTE CASE. By the Associated Press. '4hlnirt,,n fimit 7 Preai ,1.111 f lndll't.i.? Ar Thal No ci,lon Roosevelt received in the east room Will Bt Handed Down Today. By the Associated Press. Aiauison, is.. Kept. 27. While a Ktairment has not leen made, by any person connected with the state sir lire in court Indications are that no decision will be handed down tomor row in the La Fnllcite rase. It would not cause much ' surprise, among tho.--e most Interested. If a decision was not made Ibis week and the tin press-Ion Is growing more that the judges have not as yet even decided the rase, or written the opinion. Judge Cassady probably will not be able in sit on the bench tomorrow His health was Improved this morn Ing, tmt the Improvement did not leep tip throughout the day. He was able to take a short drive this after noon, but Is In do condition to attend to business. ' of the White House today about sev- enty-fivo membern of the Intel nation al Congress of Arts and Sciences, headed by the president of the con gress. Prof. Simon Neweolli and Trot. Hugo -Mnnstcrherg. President Roosi vclt was presented to the delegates. The president made a brief npeocli, expressing pleasure at meeting Un delegates and welcoming 'them to Washington. PRESIDENT ENTERTAINS. By the Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 27. At luncheon today President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained Secretary Taft, Attorney General Moody and Senator Alger f Michigan. By the Associated Press. Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 27. Charg ed. with writing and sending an ob scene letter to President Roosevelt, Miss Alice, Rooeevelt and Miss Helen Gould, a mag giving the name of Ed ward Dalhohner, lias been arrested by United States authorities and lodged in'.jail at Port 'Dodge. The letter alleged to have been written by Dalhelnier to the president threatens his liftf unless certain reforms are madevJ'Tho one to Miss Gould pro poses inarrlage. The letter to Miss Roosevelt Is not made public. It Is nllegeij' the prisoner also wrote to J. J. Hill,' asking him to intercede at Washington to have, tho gold stand ard changed to diamonds as a medi um of exchange. Dalhelnier was arrested at!- CHICAGO . GRAND JURY HOLDS TRAIN MEN CAUSED BIG LOSS OK LIFE ON SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION. By tho Associated Press. Chicago, Sep. 27. Responsibility for the wreck of the Sunday school excursion train on the Chicago and Enstcru Illinois' railroad at Glen wood. III.,, July 13, when eighteen persona were killed and more than 100 oth er.? injurtiJ, was fixed by thigrand ju ry today, when It voted "to indict Frank E., Hoxie, engineer; Frank Caa per, conductor, Charles II. Wright, brakeman of the lrelgiit train which caused the accldeut. Frederick White man, train : despatches and Patrick Co&tulld, fireman, of the Ireight train, were exonerated by tho grand Jury, although they" ba.l been held responsi ble by the coroner's jury. Manslaugh ter is charged -against tho defendant. The principal reasons for the indict mentis wa3 disobedience of or Jits. FRATERNAL CONGRESS. By tho Associated Press. St. Louis, Sept 2.7. The National Fraternal congress enlivened today to continue in session the remainder ot the week. More than five hundred delegates, we're present. Count Von Huclow Will isit European Capitalists. MUCH INTEREST FELT RUMORED IN ROME THAT THE ITALIAN AMBASSADOR WILL GO TO HAMBURG FOR A CONFERENCE. I By the Associated Press. Rome, Sept. 27.' Much intere.t felt hire in tlu report Premier Glollttl la to meet Count Von Buelow, the t.erniai chancellor, at Hamburg. One of tho many reasons! that ' prompt such a meeting is a pos dh.Q discti-sicn of mediation In the iiv'.c.-t-of peacJ in the tar ejsi, .According to the Giornale D'halin, the Italian government, in eonjun; with Britain, would be" wSllluj; to approach Russia with a profkiid 'ion toward', peace, but wi. her. to iitive assurances that In pursuing such n course he would have tin' support ol her associates In the triple alliuic The support of France, ac.cnidiii:.? t the pit per named, was nskcl In the course of a recent interview bet vet n Luzattl, Ihe I'alian minister ol tlie WILD CAT SCHEMES OF REALTY COMPANIES OF , MINNEAPO LIS AND DES MOINES UN EARTHED. By the Am m-Satcd Pres s. . Ju-koonville, Fla Htpt. 27. United Siaiest special agon- a ' touay arretted .1. 1). -Ander cu, reprcnmiting realty oou,iwuiei of Minn.'tipc.l.'s and" De; Muiiu-i'. Tlo ni rest wan nude n au order li'jm the poutotfiee department which clainii: the two companie-i are "wild cut " Kcliemen and that thou- anda '.,.tve bven vii;Jled in all part" of th rnl'.'d States. .,. This scheme call;! lor a EiibKi-iiiilion ol '$' per month with a promise that at the tnd of two years Eubscribors i' halt r? ceivo Lena of $1,001), 1 N. N. Craanh, sccrttary of tho Dej Moines conipnuy has jnrt arrlvcJ here and la being looked far. Letter With His Nan e Forged to It Berates Union Labor YOUTHFUL INCENDIARIES " l c ' ; By the A-nclned Press.' OKden, Ia f.ept. 27.-- Bloodhounds placed upon the trail of the suspect ed Incendiaries traced Eton and Earl Il.iyir to the home cf th.dr father, Ora H.iyer, a prominent farmer, and the beys are before the grand Jury t' ilay. Tho arrects followed n series of barn buruliifis and dwelling hou::e IjI.i e-t. MAJOR ADAMS DEAD. By the Assisted Press., ' , San Fr.inelrco, Sept. i' 2fA Major Tlioma.i Adams, assistant inspector gem nil at tho presidio, died today as a icnult cf a fracture of tho skull sus tained last Saturday night when he was accidentally struck by a street car. , DECLARES ELKS T CIRCULATED OUT WEST MAKES HIM SAY MANY FOOLISH THINGS HE MAKES AN EM- " PHATIC DENIAL AND WILL TRY TO DE TECT FORGER. NT SUPREME COURT OF WISCONSIN RENDERS DECISION THAT LODGE PROPERTY IS .NOT EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. By I be Associated Press. . Madison, Wis., f.ept. 27. The Su prenie (Viurt today rendered a decls- nil, holding that under Wisconsin laws the Heiievolent and Proteo'lve (itdi'r id i:iK;i of America In not a hi iievoh nl oii'ani Mtinn, im.l there- me any property it holds Is not ex empt from taxation, under Hatulory provisions exe.iipling binevident as- i i;il loii l. This opi'iiou was the result of a unit iou';lt by Hie tnii tei's of Creen Hay iyy of t:iks against (lie city at Green Bay to i.",tinin the 4'olletlitn of luxe.i on real eate owned by the rdi r. The Bear I do hope that old man Time will ave me! Rmsla does not expect to be .ibje to do much aguiiiHt Japan i.niil nest yesr. that Japan will bo crusneii. ics v em. By that time It Im expected metsburg, la., where he was brougtii before commissioners for insanity and pronounced to be in his right mind. It Is claimed that D.Hheimr wrote the letters in isoinn , ii;ikoi and he will probably be taken to Sluox Falla for trial. LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN. All Crand Officers Re-Eleeted at Buf falo Meeting. FARMERS' CONVENTION. PROMINENT AMERICAN KILLS Br the As'oola'ed Press. fit Iiul Rent ?7 Tho twenlv- MIM8ELF IN GERMANY. f(lir,h tna, farmers' national con gress ojx-ned here today. The stftsiou as devoted to welcoming addresses and re?onteJt. By the Associated Press. Berlio. Sept. 27. D. H. Chms, presi dent of the American Institute at Strassburg. shot and killed himself there yesterday. Ooss left a letter faying he feared he wss hocoining In sane and for that reason had deeldH to commit suicide. KILLED HUSBAND WITH A CLUB. THIRTY-ONE PASSENGERS INJURED IN MISSOURI WRECK. Br the Assnrlatmt Pre. St. Louis. Rep- 2". Thirty-one pas ecngers were injured, six seriously, is a wreck om tho SL Louis, Iron Mountain at! outbern railroad near By the Associated Press. Utile Falls. Minn.. Sept. 27. Mr.. Kate. Wlmer has ben Indicted for mnrder in the first deere. Sbe Is charged with having killed her hus band June IS. la.-'L by beating bim With a rlnh while he slept. Evtt of Militarism. As long as masking shall mmtin to bestow more liberal applanse ca thmir dMtmvpn thftn r.a thHr heti. Vulcan, Mo., today. Physicians who r.,..r. th. ,hir,t HitarT tiwt atlendej the Injured said that none , Ar .h., Tlcfi nf ... ,nM.t WCMlid die. I mUA .T,.rl.r. rIhln Br the ABSocl.iled Press. Buffalo, Sept. 27 The en! ire roll er of cr.-Mid officers of the Brother- hood of Ijcomotive Fireneti was re elected at tolay's session of the con vention. Some opposition to Ihe re tlectlon of Grand Master Hannaban developed today, and Frank MeMan any of Grand Rapids, wa3 nominal d aralnft him. Hannaban. however, carried the conventian by a larc ma jority. The onert ii n of the location of the frmanent headquarters prob ably will bo -U in tho hand- of the grand officers and the f''ends of Pe oria seem likelr to be successful in Inducing the firemen n leave their headquarters in that city. PULLMAN ORDERED CLOSED 2,000 MEN AT' CHICAGO WHO WERE ABOUT TO RETURN TO WORK MUST WAIT ON RE PAIRS TO BOILERS. tresMiry, and llouvier, niiiiLli i of liiiancx".;. tV' French HAS TO DO WITH PEACE. ERUPTION OF VESUVIUS GREATLY DIMINISHED. By the Associated Prw. " Naplf. Kept. 2". The eruption cf Mount Vesuvius has greatly dimin ished. Stones ejected frori ihe crater do not now lire beyond a height of 10 ft. The funicular railway la n badly damaged by lava that three months will be required to repair'i'. Meanahile, touri;;?. and sightseer make the ascent in Sedin chairs. , the Aiwlaled I'r Cbicato, 27 Tin eo Id plants .f Ihe Pullman works were or dered cloe. today l.-y Chief City Boil er Iiir.jiwtor Rbiney, who tuuiiil and condemned iweniy dffective Ujiler-i in Ihe est 'bli. ine nls. As a temlt 2'!''0 men who w r; aUuit to be put to work will renia.n idle until new tioilern are Isi-ftalled or the old one; put int J utirfacloiy ci.n .Iii iod. ; The ins p.Tior raid the b'tilerfi were in a dangerous rendition and had been in me fince l-stl. By tho As'o.-lated Vrr. jndon. Spl. 27- The Mails r .r rcHji. ndi nt at flem-va ,tal,- that pre mier Gialitti's tri,i-c!e I vi -i to Clianri-llor Von Buelw I s -iiincle I with the cause .f peace in the far est and that he intend i vis iting all Kur' pein couil-s. MURDERER MUST HANG. Governor Yates Rrfuset ta Grant Corr.mutaticn to Trank Levtan- ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY GUEST OF HONOR AT DINNER. By the Associated Prss. Splniflll. Kept. 27. Guveraoi Yaies today nfusd l sunl a lur lh r -"iiiiiuif ali'.n of a l entcnre in lb r-jie of Frank l.eaiido: ki. und -r :lt-re b hanged al' a,-' ' Fi blay. l.waiidoil,i cut his wites Fb. ?1. l'',l Ineipariiy wit nip, J In exH-nnation .'. I'ie -rl.ii' but tli. evi-lme. falb-.l to bear it .'.ut. ACAINST UNION LABOR. Speakers at Manufacturer's Banquet Make Bitter Speeches Agam.t It. By the Associated Press. I)'trdt, Sept 27 About two bun dre.l employers niteiideil a impair Kiv.n totiigb' u ii 1 -r the aiepicet ot the Mirblt-in M.inuraeliiM'ts Ar.iio ion lo dl.-cnss Ihe open shop qiies lion. Tlione prevnt ere rbiefly tiistiiif.-iclur.-rs from ritks of Ltwer .MichiiMn. J. .hn Klrby, Jr. of Day Ion. Ohio. 1 1 J I Ii in -1 y (I, uuii ice 1 iiuil i i u tin in.-)!, in as un American. t'lu I'd simp contracts with labor, he charalef j-e I ni conpiraci. a against exf -hided ih!,i r, for which 'he rh-ner -. ran lx held loth rrimin a II v and lvill" liable. Fred, rick ,W. Jol. s.ecretary of lii.' Chieajso Finpl.yers AsMiriaiion. re hired to Chiraso a i "a boilu.v;. sieih ing xt of in In liiil bell, where liuui ri ort to I .- iiiiId to in liuitdat-. le iirnt lalxtr." By the Associated Pre. Butto, Mont., Sept. 27. -When Sen ator Fairbanks and his party arrived! Uiu th.y tound tha Republican lead ers much exercied over the publica tion . in th .V "Minor:)' M.ieazlne," pub lished at Denver by the Weiitorn Fed eration of Miners, of what purported (0 be a denunciation ot lalxir unions by President Roosevelt, and a itenial of its autlwmtlclty by the president,: Tho pn-sident'ii contradiction ; was sent to Former Senatcr Lee Mantle, In response to a telegram of Inquiry from blni and was as follows: "The letter you r ?fer to, purportinff to bo addressed by ma to Michael Donnelly and printed in the Miners' Magazine Sept. 22, is, of course, an absurd and impudent forgery, f have written no such letter,' nor any letter resembling it, to Donnelly, nor to any one else. I have written Donnelly re questing to know If he has received any such letter, and requesting him, If so, to at onca lay it before the Di Irlct Attorney of Chicago, to find out whether It is possible to discover and punish the forgers." ' . The letter In which the president was represented to have made hi attack on union labor was addressed to Michael Donnelly, Chicago, prest- lent of the butchers and meat cutters union. The document Is giv en In full, with the president's name attached, but without date, and it is stated ft was written in response to an appeal by Doanellloii44jrta In terfere for a settlement of the late, butchers' strike . Following are extracts from P.; '. "1 stand ready. to do as my.illlu trioua predecessor, Groter, Cleveland, did, and assert the power of (his na tion Biiafnst alf local nulllfiers. " '.'Last summer I fK Impelled . to write a letter calling upon my coun trymen to put down. lynching. , But labor union lerrorUm and crime are; as great a national menace as lynch law. '''.. i "Let me tell you that the first duty of the officers of the law. whetbe. they be sheriff, constable, municipal officers, mayors, governors, or the. president himself. Is to maintain "pub lic order and to put down mobs with an Iron hand." After advbdng Donnelly to .put a stop lo the strike, the president 1st represented as ra'ltig: la any case, be assured I will kee- niv bands off unless your folly bring you into collision with the laws ot the United States, when my hand wlU go iu a way you will tint like. So fa as I am coiioerued you have barked up the wrong tree. I m not to be either wheedled or frightened Into meddling with what la iione of niv business." WHERE IT CAME FROM.' Secretary Haywood Says letter Was Copied From 'Wisconsin Toller." STOLE $10,003 IN DIAMONDS. By Ihe Asrociated Pres. Denver. Sept. 27 Secretary Hay- wood, of 'he Western Federation of Miners, raid toui?bt that the reputed Iter of President Roosevelt to Don nelly wni c.pied from the "WLron- in Toiler." Haywood raid he did not know where Ihe Toiler was published. SO fsr as Ihe lel'rr of President Roosevelt having been a forgery Hay wikxI sys he wa-i not aware ot It. MUST ALTER TUNNELS UNDER CHICAGO RIVER. Br the AR'ocialed Pre-..!. New York. R . 27 The ivh bir.hop of Canterbury wa: Ihe gns4 d honor at a dinner this evening given by Ihe church club of New Yoik. More Iban 4i0 go.4s. ineluding blading prelates and rhurrbmea if Ihe Episcopal faith In New York and vicinity were pres-.ent. Ri?ht R?t. Oeorre H'crthinrton. Bishop of Neb raska, was one of the true. FUNSTOM SUCCEEDS GRANT IN COMMAND AT CHICAGO. fir the A.-utf-isted P-c.i. D.-1 Moines, la. Kept. 27. William Siniih and Charle.t Jennings f.hlar roiifenfe.1 lo the theft of flu.lssl wtiith of diamonds from C-b-a last June and wer eentenee.l lo four leen )ers aeh in Ihe penitentiary Th' dUm.,tiu fr Itkeu fr.un d brn's rsfe which the robl-r: dynamited. Ry th Associated Press. Washington. Spt. 27 Seortstarir T.ift. uinler the anlht-rity f an act of coiic.r rs of April J', t. today serv e l m 'Ices a ih rity of Chicago and the street 'aiHay con.paniex owning or controlling tunnels al tjSalle. Vas-linr.-n and Wa diinglnw lreets undr the Cbi.-.iF rier, t. altr all tunuelJ m ther shall t a dep'h of at ka?t 2.t feel ovef them. Aplil 15. Un. Is fie.l a Ihe dat when Ihe lowering (ball be complete.1. BANKER KILLS HIMSELF. INTERNAL REVENUE INCREASES By Ihe A.'fulid Pre. Chira'.i.. Sept. 27 - Brigadier Gw rral Frederick I. t'rant reliniii' he,! Ihe c.iiirn.ii d ft le depa: l nim of h likes her l.'ar. and I. -ft fr New York to e s-iin.e rommsnd of t he derartnx nf of ih F.v-t Gen. C,rct wilt be rsic.-veded in t'b'Cie.- by Crii Gt-ntral Frednitk FuustwU. Br Ihe As'orixte.1 Pr5s. l-ia-f.rd. Ka , Sept 27 J J. Mjr ca:.hi-r of the lingf. Iwnk. com mitted 'iiirile 'inlar Ly riiMiHg hi' thiojt f fcf p.nlenrr rrr k-iw cm li-in-J il! health ij" Ihe tao. 6tufctcriets of No Valu. A t;i't..ra wind ct-sdjeet us little t! 'o. i or e0 to s jskits. as tf..L-b tct.-r ti la;,:ta Br the Associated Pre. Wa.-hingtca. Sept. 27. The mosth lr rtafement of collections of Inter nal revenue shows that fir August, 1 14. Ibr rvipia wrr tln?,l. an Inert-" over Agsl. ISeJ. of $347,'- SHAW AT CHICAGO. By the A-iate4 Pres. Chics .. Sf-pt 27 Srtvtarr Phsw de!ir.l a political speech tonight to 'tadents of the Northwet'erw VaiTer fir The rrerh was devotei largely to lbs !r,S.