OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, September 28, 1904, Image 3

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1904-09-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Don't Swim After a Fish--Drop Him a Line.
. !; ' ... , 1
Put a want ad In the morning Bulletin and Evening News
and rent your vacant house, get a line on a situation or secure
some new business.
Published id Both Papers For One Price.
8hort Announcement Representing
Their Wnnte, Trade, Profes
sion and Varlou Ac- ,
R.U For CUuiiied Notice.
On Insertion per word ... . M
Three litrtlou mr word...... .......... .W 1-2
Oueweefc per word .Of)
On mouth per word ............... .10
All WftUer set la Nommroll tvpe.
No advurtlsmueul inserted (or less than
twenty-five cents. " -
Dr. Duun. eye, ear, nose and throat. Corner
BUtnttud WMhliitftou. U
We ! art you In the tuatl order business. Fall
psrljuuties suit aaiuple froe. AoivrieaaMpeoial
, Aswiikv. Milwaukee, Win.
Rooms For 'Rent 808 Commercial, upstairs.
Elegantly furnished rooms; uioderu, electric
lights. I.ulh, etc,
Good Business For Bale Oroc 'ry and meat
marki't. tiause forselliug, siekuess. Apply J.,
Bulletin office.
For Sal-- Hli lots, Hral-cliiss house and baru.
Water, hewers and iiavenieuta all in. Nice
lawu and abude tree, inquire of Dr. F, M.
Two rooraa for Light Housekeeping
, in nice neighborhood. Furnished or
'partly furnished. Address T. B.
this office.
Lost Between Firteentfa itreet and tbe opera
house, a small K"M shirt witlst pin set with
pearls. Heturu tu Una office and receive reward.
: Wanted Cottage in good neighborhood, five
or six rooms and bath. Address, Bulletin olHce.
Hoohm and Beard Wanted Two furnKhfd r t
iiuluiuiHhed ro'iuK with board, by M & U.
conduvtur and wlfe Apply, W, thisoUice.
R&K Wanted A quantity of good clean rags
wanted at this office.
Rooms Two nicely furnished, gas andbatn,
gentleiueu only. I.ocated iu nice residence
section. Address M, this ollice,
Wunt.pil A vntid. sober. iiiriiiHtrlnus collec
tor and delivei yiutn for Mits.ipii. Haybar
ger, Hunters Hotel,
I'tano For Salti -A square piano in flrdt-
class order for sale cheap. Apply at Ibis office
outlook b good (or a first-class nehool.
When Danger Signals
your liver out of order, con
stipation, or your stomach not
working right, it's a sign of
distress which, unheeded, will
lead to trouble it is time to
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 2a
Sept. 27, 1904.
Miss Mattie ' Raybum departed
Tuesday for a tew weeks' vifilt with
her brother In Oklahoma. ,
Mrs. May Leyerlo. of Kansas City.
Kail., its vkliinp relative.! in this
Mr. and Mrs. Chan, C.oidman of
Bucyru.s, Ohio, nrrlved in Anna Mon
day fur ii 'vn days' visit Willi relatives.
Mltis Nulll1? Feeler of Little Rock.
Aik., iu the gue-t of Mb 8. T. J. I'eeler.
Miiis Minnie llolloinaii Fpenif, several
day J !a. t Week at her home In Cob
den. ,
Mlsa liertha and Ralph Wlllonghby
are spf.-n ling a week at the World's
fulr. '
The SanJy Bottom company will be
at the opera house Tuesday, Oct. 4.
Mrs. (Inn Johnson of Champaign Is
l IllliK Mrs. Geo. Mavis.
Jno. L. Kimmel made a business
trip 'o Carbondalo Monday.
Miss Lena Kohler left Saturday for
a weok'it visit with Cobdcn relatives.
A. J. Piekrell and II. II. Kohn are
attending the Republican convention
at East St. iAitiin thia week.
The remains of Win. Henley who
died of heart failure at Makanda
Monday, will be brought .o Anna
WeJnesday for Intsrinenf.
A. J. Bone. lie, circulation manager
of the Cairo Bulletin and bin assist
ant, J. H. Rzell, were In Anna Friday
nnd .Saturday solicit inp subscriptions.
The Bulletin Is delivered here three
bourn earlier than the St. Imls news
papers an.l contains la'er Associated
Press dispatches. A list of nearly 150
Is being handled by Ralph Lackey,
who can be found at the Anna Demo
crat building.
Sept. 27, 1904.
Brown and Cole are buying; piling
and (hipping out several cars a week
Several newcomers are here locat
ing on land that Wolcomh ami Uro.
Bold them, and several more are com
in. This week will be the big; week for
tb St. Iuls fair. Several are going
from I'llin and vicinity.
Mrs, John Kelly has opened up a
millinery more at No. 12 Adams build
ing. .
Some of the merchants are advoeaV
Sept. 2G, 1904.
I'. A. Fisher made a business trip
to Mound City last week.
A. McGowen was iu Cairo on bust
nesj last week.
County Superintendent W. O.
Browaj visited tiu? schools here lar.t
Jacob Graham and sister, Izora,
spent Sunday In Cairo.
Messrs. E.. P. Copelnnd and It. R.
Pillow spent Sunday iu Cairo.
Geo. W. McCorkle was in Anna on
business for n nhort time Monday.
Curtic Clements, who is in the em
ploy of tbe Illinois Central railroad,
epent Sunday at home.
Dr. 13. G. Earnliatt returned Satur
day from a week's visit at the fair.
Mrs. J. W. Walker visited friends
and relatives In Anna Friday.
Dan Davidson departed for St.
Louis Monday where ho will upend u
week at the World's fair.
Mrs. A. Toler nnd children of IMliii,
were the guests of relatives here Saturday.
Mrs. J. Gillette and son, Roy, ol
Lllin. were the pnests of her mother,
Mrs. Jas. Allen, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Willis of Anna,
were the guests of J. A. Diilow and
family Sunday.
Mr. George W. Spire of Anna, was
hero last week looking after his farm
Iiik interests. j
Mesdnines Bert Brown nnd Llllie
Brown of Ullin, were hero rdioppin
Inst week.
K. Cub! Is spending the week with
his Ron, Ailo Cnhl, at Tamaron, III.
Married, Thursday, Sept. TX. at
Jonesboro, 111., Mr.'II. C. Sams to MrA.
John St. Ledger. They will reside
in Dongola.
Ira Diilow and Chas. Davidson re
turned last week from a week's visit
at the World's fair.
Mr. T. Emerson Is confined to bis
home on account of ill.iess this week.
The business Is being conducted by
bis brother, C. Emer.on.
Frank Settlemoir left Saturday for
Winkle. III... to take charge of the
telegraph office at that place.
M:s. Sarah Malonej returned to
her home at Mt. Vernon. 111., Wednes
day, niter an extended visit with nl
ntives hero.
Messrs. Dave Karraker of Jones
lioro, and Gus Schwartz of Carbon
dale, were here on legal business
Mr. and Mrs. O. Karraker and Mm.
George Penninger and daughters re-
Thursday of last wtek.
Dr. H. H. Burrls and family depart
ed Monday morning for a week's stay
In the World's fair city.
Millard Pen rod, who Is employed iu
the M. and O. machine shops at Mur
physboro, III., came home Saturday
tor a short visit with relatives.
Rev. G. W. Danbury of Carbondale,
lectured at the Baptist church Sun
day evening to the "Anti-ealoon
Guy Diilow, who baa been spending
the summer at home, departed for
Chicago Sunday evening, where he
will resume his studies in the phar
niacy department of the lllinSia 'I Tin
II. E. Eddleman departed for St
Louis Monday to purchase a more
complete line of fall goods and secure
a trimmer for his millinery, depart
ment, Mbis Hanly being called home
on account of the serious illness of
her mother.
van Sickle Bros.' largo saw mill la
about one-half completed. The grad
ing Is finished; the boiler ereVted, the
tracks and carriages in position, and
quite a number of legs on the yardn.
The work will be completed hi about
two weeks, under favorable weather
conditions. t
R. S. Henley of Portland, Oregon,
who has not been In Dongola for thir
ty years, and Jas. II. Henley of Shel
byvlllj, Tenn , whose last visit here
was forty years ago, were the guests
of their brother, T. N. Henley, here
Thursday. They were joined by an
other brother, A. M. Henley of Anna,
and departed for Makanda Friday,
where a reunion was held at the
home of W. S. Henley about three
miles ea;:t of town.
Later W. S. Henley of Makanda,
died suddenly of paralysis Monday
Hon. W. A. Spann wan a Metropoji:
visitor the first of the week.
Prof. M. N. McCartney drove over
to Metropolis Sunday to ntlcpd the
funeral of a child of hi ; 'sister, Mrs.
L. A. Kncwles returned Tuesday
from a year's visit to Old Mexico,
where has been looking after r.ome
mining interest there.
Mrs, M. R. Bender end hclldren
Miss Lena and' Fritz, of Vincennes
lid., visited friend) here Sunday.
Mrs. J. II. King Kendall an. I Mrs
N. J. Benson Were In Cairo shopping
on last Wednesday.
N. Whitehead and family are oc
cupylng (he residence property of I.
O. Whitnel, while a new and up-to-
date cot'age In being crecteJ where
their edd house now utands.
Little Frances Simp'on, daughter
of W. C,.,fjlmpson. wliib1 iut horse
back rising last Saturday morning,
fell .f;om her pony nnd broke both
bones of her arm below the elbow.
C. J. Huffman and Jay Vickens left
yesterday by 'he C. & E. I. to the
places fhere they intend attending
school this winter, Charles goes to
the Tniverslty of Illinois to take, a
law course and Jay poe.i to the Culver
Military Academy. Mr? Vbkers ac
rompaiiled Jay as lar as Chicago.
Grand Millinery and Fall Opening
Thursday and Friday
September 29-30. , u
A most extravagant display of French Pattern
Hats and Millinery Novelties eclipsing alt former attempts.
Mrs. Hichey, an expert millinery artist from the East, has
full charge of our Millinery Department and will be pleased to ,
meet all our friends and pair: ns.
Our display in all our different departments izill be simply
gorgeous. Ladies' wearing apparel such as Cloaks, Suits,
Waists and Skirts will be shown in a bewildering variety.
Our Dress Goods, Notions f Hosiery, Furnishing Goods and
other departments Tvill be overflowing tvtth this seasons' s lat
est and most novel creations. And Tfrc will be in a position to
offer inducements irv eJ?ery department beyond the teach of
competition. . -.
Ing cash biisineRr? or no trade. Thas turned from a week's visit at the
has been tried before and soon fell , Worl'i'a fair Friday.
back to th old weekly account and Henry Walker returned to his home
monthly account. in Cairo Saturday.' after a two weeks'
II. B. Freeman has sold out his In-J visit with his brother, Wm. Walker
terfst In the shoe store to his partner, . here.
W. W. Miller. Mr. Freeman will lo-' Louis Davault departed Saturday
a" at Mt. Vernon, 111. I for Vincent, Art;., where he has a no-
C. W. Hileman and Son have their sit ion In a general store,
new brick store about completed and! Mrs. George Axley of Centralis, ar
ready for business. Shelving and
winters are about all complete.
II. Baggott sold several mail boxes
for the rural deliver ihat starts out
rived Friday for an extended visit
with- relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Karraker moved
Iheir household effects to Mounds Fn-
Irorn t'llin twenty-'.wo mile round; day, where they will make their fu
trip. tore home.
The big lawsuit ' Saturday between I The gospel tent has been erected
the Defiance Box company and Mr. i and services are being' conducted by
Frogg for wages held back on tdore ac-! K. F. Keller.
count, was decided In favor of Mr.' M. forzino purchased the residence
Frogg. Judgment for thirty seven dol- property of 8. S. Alhriglit and moved
lars and fifty seven cents and attor- j in Wednesday.
ney fees. Mrs. A. W. James and children of
Otir schools opened tfcjn morning ' Cobdcn, were the guests of Mr. and
wi'.h quite a large attendance. The Mr. O. A. Morris Wednesday and
He. til Ohto mmt, ,
A TelpfccM rS
Cairo", Illinois. I
Sent. 26, 1904.
Dr. Fern, pramaeist at the Reliabb
Irug store, is away to the Ititernation
nl show in St. Louis. He Is aecom
panled by, his mother, Mrs. Fern, of
Tunnel Hill.
Mrs. Hilierich, wife of Alderman
Henry Hilierich, accompanied by her
two little sons and her mother
Grandma Gum, arrived home today
from a month's Visit with relatives
near St. Louis. The party had a brief
view of the great fair, as one of the
lioys. Master Earl, was quite sick for
reveral days.
The IkmI" of the late lamented Jas
W. Johnsnn, the man who accidental
ly shot himself at Joppa last Satur
day, arrived here on the packet Dick
Fowler at noon today. The corpse
was in charge of Frank Austin, a
brother-in-law of the tVeceased and
other relatives and friends. There
will be a funeral service at the family
home Tue.-day at :3rt a. tn., led by
Rev. W. Hakor. rector of St. Peter'
Episcopal church, and the Interment
will take place at Beech Grove cemv
tery at 12:3. It now develops that
the deceased was shot with a revolv
er. I'e and a colored man had swap
ped revolvers, and as the latter hand
ed the former his - newly-acquired
property the muzzle was toward Mr.
Johnson, and br some nnaccountable
tonch or grip of the trigger by the
colored rr.an the piece was dischart-
c.I. the ball taking effect In th re
gion of the heirt and can.-ing death
within five minutes.
State's Attorney Oeorce E. Martin
informs this correspondent that he
has lost only four cases for the people
In the four years that he has occupied
the position named. Considering the
fact, that he has trirfl a great nnm
lr of cases, to have lost only one a
year, on an average, is simply re
Mound Ci'y is to have a new dent a
office. It will be conducted Dy t. h
Roe, D. I. S., lately of Cairo. Hi
vl!l be ready lor practice by nex
Monday. i
Frederick V. Tinman afforded th
entertainment at the opera house
Monday evening under the auspice.
of the lecture course tnanagemcn;
presenting a seriocomic Imrlolta i
three acts entitled, "Oliver Tvint,'
by Dickens.
Mrs. Fern, wiL rf Dr. L. D. Fern
of the Reliable pharmacy, is boiii
entertained by relatives and olhei
frien.ln In her former home town
Tunnel Hill.
Rer. A. J. Lit tell, pastor of Grace
M.'E. church, will leave tomorrow
(Tuesday) morning lor Litchfield, Hi
to nttenil the ennuaf conference r
bis denomination.
Mis. Henry Crlco swore oat a com
plaint in Justice Council's court tlm
fterncon against Mrs. Jamon Col
'ins on a euarg.t of disturbing th.
peace. It Is said that the children ot
.ii.j iiarlie.t are lit (he bottom of tin
trouble. This affair Is confined ex
cluelvely to the colored race.
Dun Drake, a Metal Bound foreman,
la bark from the Louisiana Purchast)
. xpositlon iu St. Louis,
The programs are out for the Pu
laski County Sunday School conven
tion. It will be held in Mound City
on the lith and 7th of October. The
.subjects to be I'lscussed are multi
tudinous, there being forty mem Iter.-;
iu the list of exr rclses. The vetrran
Sunday school champion, Walt Me-
Kee of Villa Ridge, Is tbe president
of the society end Oney McGee. of
Grange Park, the secretary.
The direct run of tjie Illinois Con
tr.il suburban t lain from Cairo to
Mound City .and vice versa Is all
riiht. T'ie old reliable Illinois Cen
tra Is doiiiR something nice for this
st ciion every now nnd then.
People would l.o-t be good now fur
i while. A fenth'T man catne lo town
today, nnd tint marine ways has re
ceived a consignment r.f tor.
Mrs. C. M. Ci iren ami her dniRh-
ter. Miss H,ize. lilt for the World's
fa'r today ter a : tav of two weekR.
Robt. H. Pat. on of Springfield,
Prohibition candidate for governor of
Illinois, Is bided to "Dimcuis the
Lhjuor Questi'in" In Mimd City on
th. fdh day of October at 2 o'ebwk
in the afternoon from the band
Capt. R. P. Cotter, .superintendent
of tbe Metal Bound plant, has tK-en
out of town r.ince Sunday n bi:.,:n;'s
relating to bis Institution.
The new "pr ssing club" U not
intide up of con.-'abb-, and collectors.
Andy William who hss had a
lions and "hddf;ct" case of malaria.
is slowly improving.
"Was Jessie offended when you let
your beard grow?"
"Yes; she said rde felt It very
Both Quality and Price
Is what you want r.nl is what wr give you'.
We will furnish ytur huu.se from tup to bot
tom iu a tasteful an I substantial way, Riving
comfoit to the body and pleasure tn the eye
on your owntcnns Cash or Kasy Payments.
180.? aul 1H0S G tumercial Ave; ' " v - -Ivong
Diatauce Phone 119 Klack. Cairo Phone 422.
W- H. Harrison. Cleveland. Mis.,
writes Aug. J5, 19n2: "I want to say
a word of praise for Ballard's Snow
Liniment. I stepix-fi on a nail, which
caused the cords In my leg fn con
tract Rnd an ab'c.-HS fn rise In mv
knee, and the doctor told me that I
would have a stiff ! g. so one day I
went to J. F. Lord's drug store (mho i
bow In Denver, Coio.) He recom
mended a bottle of Snow Liniment:
got a 50c size, and It cured my leg
It is the best liniment in the world.
Abscesses, with few "xception-. arc
Indicative of constipation or debility.
They may, however, result from blow
or from foreign bodies. Introduced In
to the akin or flesh, such as splinters.
uor, etc. Sold by gchuh Drug Co.
Card Sharp Knocked Oct PhytlcUn
with His Ow: Werrfe.
A card slinrp swallowed a fish I, our
and was choking when a pyfcic:!mi
reached him. In a v ry short time
the docUT removed the b"iu und the
gambler askod gratefully hov uueb
be owed for the service.
"Fifteen dollars," replied tbe phyai
cian, without the sign of n bluish.
"What!" exclaimed the fchmp. "You
weren't working a tuiuuie. That's an
enormous fee."
"My dmir sir," responded the pliy
dcldn. with iirofesnlonftl dignity, "tbut
Is not tin- way to look at It. Yo,i
must oourddor the years t f practice
necessary to acquire my skill.
The sharp tad to pay the bill.
Several wicks latf-r tbe shprp
on a train out of the e;ty i.nd the
doctor was In the same car, I ut Ik
rlld not rrorrjnlze his former pnti i t
The sharp was working c7cral of hi
llttl trlcM with the boards, ai;J h
finally Indeied the doctor to jday, who
at last was 20 out.
"Here!" sliuted tbe di ctor, w hen
he say Ms roll disappear. "Yon
haven't given me any rhow at nil.
Yoa got that money out of ine ly a
simple tw'f.t of the wrist."
"My dear sir," npiit.;! the rharp
aootJilngly, "that's no way t loi.k at
It. Yon should consider t!,) jenrs
of practice necessary to acjulie my
The doctor bxikrd the sharp oar
runously. Then be smiled faintly and
blushed as he said: "Can't you give
mo back 15 of that and tail It
We're After the Dentist I
Dr. Edwin D. Morrow
803 Commercial Ave., Cairo, 111.
Green Ginseng Roots
for pU U' p for sale. I also out dry ami
oiler mo. i.ltusl toots Cad or write
211 1'ourtoentb Hi, Cairo, niiflola.
aft a .it :f eaf f f tf 9.f.9ttf.tf.tttltiittmtt.
brewing mmw I
Brewers nnd
Bottlers of
High Grade Beers!
"rt.-n Mcscnger to Manager.
Wilhaui J. ilxi.iiiMii. the new gen
ril manager f f thf lilin.ls Central,
is 37 ; cau oM and lx gm bis railroad
eiwcir as a i lesni -r in the office
I !i,Q s iiperinteiidi nt of the li-,l-rille
at.d Ni;h'l!e. Hl.i picture
t'v.wr a fi'iire in,-!-n'.l to stoiitue?
and a fj rHind, snewrth haven ana
fiod JiO.urtd.
F.zT.tiy for Nsse Dleetf.
For v.-!'" tiff'd t' rf I.i an oH-fsrh-
loned r-mdy wM-h we can thoro-ista-
ly rcc.xMend. Tho jaice rf one or
two leT,or,s it to be sj-j!rted t;r into
the rc - l h a tr-o4 ruhbr syrinie.
!t sboit' i b, in 'o i tj tbe side f tbe
nose from nt.lrh tbe Llo.nl appear.
This Is! almost certain to stop nose
bleed. If It i!iws rot do so, tacklr.g
the fi"se wltj i-otton s-kcj in 'eraon
luice I in be thought of.
From St. Louis, Cairo and MempHi. .
Sept. 13, 20 and-27, Oct. 4 and 18.
Dallas, Ft. Worth. Waco, Houston, Galveston
San Antonio and intermediate points.
One-way CoIonNt Rate to aame poinl on Hept. 20, Oct.
4 and la, from St. Louis and Cairo, ilO.M; from Mernpliie,
f s.50. Write fur ijarllcnlar.
Cottcn j
) Belt j
I Route j
J. II. JONOS, Agent,
Cairo, Illinois.
Cot ant and Basil tail enupou nd tw-lw with it TEN CS..N IS with ttnt sr. sddrrts u
laU.WO tMricw.
:fT ' H:
I ; I Publttbrr Th.Csiro PallctiB. Cairo. IlliBoi. ' I
. ? t)nr Sir.: Find Tf.N t HTS rftcJ areTh to eor pwt of pcwt
. B1 nl m.i,ir No, of ' 1 ti tow l it,'' ta stkick I suss nlltkrd u f
. arrler of lb Hulk-Ua.
4 I XftlB ...
WrM Ho

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