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THE , CAIRO BULLt flN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1904, ... . ' ' . f ; 1 ' TP DC DC DC DC DOC DC DC DC DC 1 im i e t ail H a r.d w a r e S t o -r. .e OF WOODWARD HARDWARE CO. -ie m frr ir New R J ' ; "v - -" n III . : i ; fmim$ ' We have opened to the public one of the finest and most complete Hard ware Stores in this section of the country, filled with hardware of all kinds. Dresden, Amalhyst, Granite, Tin and Galvanized Ware.) J Cutlery, and Nicklc-platcd ware. We are sole agents for the celebrated rvk- res? i't-SZJ'Jl. i&t WE Heating Stoves ' ; ' For hard and soft coal. The "Estate" is recognized as the BEST Heating Stove made; will hold fire 48 hours and is a fuel saver. We purchase all our goods direct from the Manufacturers by the car load. Thus en abling us to make prices that defy competition. ' , i We extend a cordial invitation to the Housewives of Cairo to visit our store. Our sales men in charge will take great pleasure in showing you through and make prices that will make you feel like buying. Both Phones, No. 101. 1015-10171019 Ohio Street. Free delivery to all parts of the city. V ? t 1 X f M'','I5Y ' 1 a kk u i ' VWoodlwoirdl Hardware 5C D C DOC DC 1 MUM k.l Arabian Dy ROBER.T LOUIS STEVENSON J, If Kilns now broke tlio m'nl of tlie I'li vvloite ooiitaliiins tlio nddirss mid di riH.'t"d tlie stately foot ma u to drive hlui to I5ox rourt. oponliiK iff the HtrMiul. It Bwnu J na If the place wore not nt nil unknown to tlm inan.'for lie liMikcd it :i lU and bilged a repeti tion of tl order. It wn Willi a heart full of firm that Silas mounted into tlie luxirious vehicle nnd was driven to IiIm deatluntlun. Tlie eutruiue to I'.ox court was tx narrow for tlm pus mige of n coneli; it was a mere foot way iHtwet-n ralllns-'s, with post ut cither Midi. On one of tliene postH was Dented a uian, who nt once jumped down nnd exchiiiiKf-d a friendly .nijfn with the driver, while .the footman pened the dour nnd imiulreil of fcilas TTln'tler -im down the Sar-'irtn- .aju!. to 'what nuniber 1t t-hould l,e earrh-d.' ' T ' " T ' ' If you pleHw," snid Sllan. "to No. 3." The fiK.tinfln nnd the tniin who had U-en sitting on the ptist, even with the nld of Hilax liiniHclf, hml hhr.l wurt to carry In'the trunk, and Ix'fofc ft -ns ilcHslted at the door of the Iioiikc in incKtion the yomiK American was hor litt'd'to find a acore of loiterers looking on. Hut he knoi-ked with as Rood a countenance as he enuld uiuntcr up and prtucnted the other cuveloo to him w ho orened. "H is not at home," enld lie. "hut If yoij.wlll tea vp, your letter nnd return tomorrow' tdrly I idTalJ!e t,ln-i form you whether and when he enh re reive your visit ? Would you like to leave your box?" rp nddei.i "iHvirlyr Tied tiltis. And the next moment he rvponW his precipitation and dt-clared wllh equal rmjihasls that he would rather curry the Ikis along with Uinj to the hfitel. The crowd Jeered at his Indeeislrin and followed h!m to the earriape. with iiiHulliuK i-eniarks, and Silas, covered with hame and terror, implored the fHTvaiits to 4Hndttrt him to some quiet and covnfortable lio;ne tf entTtaln uiiut in the iimneilkitc neichliorho.I. Hi" irin-e's (xiuiOT dejowitcd Siia at the Craven 1km'1, ii Craven street, and Imuwdhitely drove nwny. leaving tin alon with the Tfnnts nf the Im. Thu ;i!y vacant rrma. it appeared, wns lat!.' den np four pairs of stairs and looking toward the luck. To this her- lUHiii-'e, WKti Inliulte troulH'e nm( Cdin pialnt. n pair of Ktout porters carried the Sarntojin trunk. It is needless to mention that Silas kent elosely nt their heels, throudioiit tlie nseent and had his heart l;i hi mouth nt every corner, A single false Step,. ho I'eiii eti'd, and the box niltrht (;) over 'tlie bnlnster.s .uuil land Its fatal contents, plainly discovered, on the pavement of the hall. Arrived In the room, ho sat down on the edjto of his bed to recover from the nsony he had Just endured. bi:t lie had hardly taken his position when ho was recalled to a vnw of bin peril by the action of the booU, who hud knelt l.w wlde the trunk and was proceeding otfl cioiiMly to undo Its elaborate fasten ln's. 'Let it bel" erled Silas. "I shall want nothing from It while I stay here." "You nilxht have let It lie hi the hall, then," Kiowhd the man; "a thins n big and heavy ns a church. What you have inside I cannot fancy. If It Is ail money, you nre n richer man than me." "Mouev?" rets ated Silas. In il sudden lily rM ,, -MtfifWA,.) SILAS KEPT CLOSELY AT THEIR HELLS. - --1 , ' -J: perturbntion. "4hat do you inesn by inotiey ? I have no money, and yu are speakinliUe n. fool." i "All riht. captnili." rciorlcfl the boots with a wiiilc.- "There's nolmdy will touch your lordship's money. I'm us sivfe as the bank," ho added, "but us the bos is heavy I shouldn't mind drlnkliiif fiomethliij; to your lordMldp's health." Silas pressed two napoleonn upm hU neceplunce, itpoioxi.ihS at the sunn! time for belus obliged to trouble him with foit'ixn money and pleading his recent arrival for exi'itse. And tlie man. sruitibl'ins with "even greater fervor (i lid looking contemptuously from the money In . his hand to the Saratoga trunk nnd b;o k aulti from tlieSino to the other, at. Inst coiiKenteJ to wilh draw. , For. nearly ,two days the dead lody hail 'Ihmi packed Into Kilns' 'box, and ns hoc 11 ns he was alone the unfortu nate New ' 1:11c lander nosed nil tlie er:ie! n-nd npenlnss with tin- tuoiat pas sionate attention. Hut tho,woather was cool, and the trunk still iiiaun-ed to eimtaln his sho. i;itis secret. He took n chair beside it and burled his face in Ids hands nnd his mind in the most profound retlectlou. If he were not SfMHslily relieved, lio ifiiestiou but he must t speedilv, d:s.n red. Alone In a t ratine city, without 'friends or accomplices if the diw-tor's Itflrodue tion tailed him.' lie w.iH InilnliiLibly a ht N-w Liifclatider. lie rethvted jwi theticnlty over his aiiiMt'oun de:isns for the future. He should not now In--come Hm hern nnd siil,esninu of hU native place of I'.ansor, Me. ; be kIioji!1 not, as he had fondly nuticipnit-d. move on from nfli e to office, from hotir to liOiior; lie miKht as w II divot himself at of nil hos of I x i 1 1 tT ai-ebiine'd president of the I'nUed Slntcs and leaving' Isdilnd a ftiilue ti the wor-t ls;Kible t-tAle of art to adorn the capl tol at Wiedjinstoii. Here he was, chain ed to a dead Englishman doulihd ii Inside a Kirato-n trunk, wUihii he nui-t fret rid of or h 1 ish from the rolls of ba tiiinal plory! I 'should le afraid to chronicle ih lancus'e ctnployU Ity this youus man to.tle- d'-t"r.,to the murdered nisli, to Ime." Z phJ riiic, to'the Intots .f lln hotel. the prince'a wrvants nniL in a word, to nil w ho had lin ever so re motely f-olrtMi'tiil With his borri'i leliii fortmie. II- slunk dn n t'i dinner alsmt 7 V l- k at nisht. but the yellow coffc rarD apwilll him. tlie cyc of the ther dlii'-f s cincd to n-t on him WiMi su;i!ciMii, and his tnfnd rcmalie-d L'pstr.iy w ith fie Snrntit:i trunk. When the flitir enme to T'T hi'n chee-. bis nerves were air..e!y t"i much h cdi;e th;rt be lenm-d br.lf way nnt rf lo cViir and up-et th r 111:1:11 Vr ,t n '-"it of f 11 1 n ft-- ti'l- cloth. The fellow offered to show him to the Kinoklns room when he had done, and, although he would have .much preferred to return nt once to his peril ous treasure, he had not tho eonniKe to refuse and was shown downstairs to the black, pisllt cellar which formed, nnd possibly still forms, tho divan of the Craven hotel. Two very sad bettlus men were playing billiards, attended by a moist, consumptive marker, nnd for the mo ment Silas Imagined that these were the only occupants of thd npnrtnient. Hut tit the next ulance his eye fell Upon a person aiunkliiK in tho farthest cor ner, with lowered eyes nnd a most re spectable nnd modest aspect. He knew at once that he had seen the face be fore, and In Hplte of the entire clumsi of clothes recosni'.ed the man whom he had found seated on 11 pot nt the entrance to I!ox court and who had helped blni to carry the trunk It nnd from the carrlane. The New Enshind er simply turned nnd ran. nor did he pause until lie had locked nnd IsiHed himself n his bedroom. There all niyht Ions, a prey to tlie most terrible Imaginations, he wtitchi'd lieslde the fatal boxful of dead flesh. The suuucstlon of the boots that his trunk vyas full of sold inspired Llm wltli nil manner of new terrors If he so much' as dared to close an eye, nnd the presence In the sinoklis; room, and und'-r an obvious dissulw, of the hlter T from Itox court .couv iiiccd him that h was once mote the center of .obscure machinations. , i I ' Midnight had soumlcd f"'0ie timo when, Impelled by , uneasy suspicions, Silas opened his iH'droom door nnd Iocred Into the pasture. Ittwus dimly llluniinnted by a single Jet sf cas, nnd Koine distsnce off he is?rcei'd a muii shaping 011 tho flixr lit the estuine of a hotel iK-rvant. Silas drewi near tho man on tiptoe. He lay parOy 011 his Isick, partly on his side, and his rlsht forearm concealed his faoc from reo osnltlon. Suddenly, while the AmerK can was still lx.nO ins over him, the sleeiKT reimive.1 ids arm mil oientl his eyes, and Kilns found ldu-If once nior fiice to face with the loiterer of liox court 1 . "Gsd night, sir," said the man pleasanHy. I'.ut hilas was too profouislly moved to find an answer and regained his rr.un In silence. Toward morulas, worn out by appre bciisioti. he Ml asl.H-p on his ihair. with his bend firward on the trunk. In spite of so Hisfrnhs d an ittitub and such a sis-ly jiiilow- h;s sluuiUr wss souisl ami lirolon"l. Slid be was only n akcoed at a late lMur by a i,!i.'f tappins :it the i(ir. IK- hnrrinl to 0-n and found the Always Kwnrber tbt Fnll Nm laxative Rromo Quinine Cores Cod LiOaa Day, Crtpw 2 Dyt a every hot. 25c boots vmiioHt. "You uro tho gentleinnn wl culled yesterday at Uox court?" beiaskeU. V- Silss, with a shiver, admitted Unit he had dotiv So. ' - "Then this note Is Tor yot' added tho servant, proffcrins fl sealed en velope. ' ' Silas tore it open and found inside the words, "Twelve o'clock." He was punctual to tlie hnur. The trunk was carried before hlui bjAsev eral stout wervants. and he was hi jwelf usheriMl Into a rsm w here a tnaiAsat wnrtnlns himself before the tire, with his back toward die door. The sou ud of so many persoint entering and leu -Ins and the scraplins of the trunk as h was depositiHl iisti the bare boards were Hike nimble to attract the notice of the occupant, and Silas stood wait ins In nil agony of fiitr until he should deisn to recognize hls.prcsence. Perhaps live nilimtehud elapsed be fore 'the man tiu'iust leisurely about and disclosed the fen Hires of Triuce l'lori.el of I'.ols iiiin. . "So. sir." he said, witlr great severi ty, "this is tho inntuier In which you abuse my polit'Miess. You Join yourself to jiersons or condition. I iK'reelve, for no other purpose than to escaie the conseouene'S of your crimes, and I can readily uuderstaial your emUir- rassment when,! addressedNmysi'IfJ to you yesterday." , , 1 "IndiH-d." erie-Asilas, "I nuiV'jno.nt of everything except nilsforluia-r ' , ..And .i.t u hiirrliil voice and fwlth Hie crenteKt liiS'tnatusia'ss he'mvsnnti'dMu th jslrfce the Wliotorfii story of his ca lamity. "I see' I litTve' tewmlsfnkeH"lRald Ids hi'shncss when hclhud hcirdf him to an end. "You arc no otheritlBin a v h i 1 111, and, since I 11 in not toi'tunish. you may Is; sure I xluill do tuyVituiost to heli. And now," In ontlnuitl, "to business. icu yur box at om-e and let tne see what.'lt contains." y chans-ltcolir. , t "I almost feu r to lk niwmiit." li-cx- Cl.lillli-d. "Nay." replied the prince, ."have'you not .Niked at it already T This Is nlforin of siitiiueut:ility to be rcalMed- .The slht of a sh k Iiimu w hom we ni.le lp shoiild opi-:i iMorexlins'tly tn-the fc-l- Inss than that of a dead mam w hois J cipjally beyond help or hanil. .Ioe 'ir tiatrol. Nerve youin'lf. Mr. fccuddu more." And then. m-ln tlutt Silas still hesitated, "I do 't dcslir to give soother name tu iy repiet,' he The youns AliieiliMn awoi.eas if out of a dnum and. with a shiwr of re ItinrnarMf, nddresseil himself to hw tlie straps and injei tlie l. k of the Karatosa trnnk. The prim-e st'jod by watcbius. with a csuifeI counte nance and his bamls behind Ids back. The ldy was quite stiff, and It cot Pllas a reat elTmrt. Isth jnortil and physbal. to dlslodse It from Its ri tion afrl di-oef the face. "--ja I Winl started bsek withfa" pxchuiintion of painful imprise. "Alas," he cried, "you little kno", Mr. Scuddamote, w hat n cruel gift -you have brought me! iTiiifctas. yuijns man of iny own (suit, the brother of my trutil friend, and it' was upon mat ters of my own service that he lias Jthus in -rls bed at tho hands of violent nr.d treacherous men. "1'nor Oeraldiuc," heweut on. ns if to himself, "In what v-orfld 11 in I to tell yoti of 3'our brtither'd fute? How can I excuse mvself iu rour (Continued on Sixth Page.) DR. MORRISON, Office 707 Commercial Ave Illinois Centra!. fionwrtd to An Ut, ISM. FAST MAIL IIOUTB Bhor. eit nd Quickest Boot to , St. Louis & Chicago M-Trslns lee Cairo: a. l'y Chlcaao Vtmtitv 1 ..i.. ui arnrler tn Ohs-o t J a. eonn-ctln with i vooob tnuoi tot aU pofc-'J t nd 110. li- , ... . J : m. to . lallyt. Loafs Mht LIssiJ Krrivinv In SI . LeUlI t V :W1 B. m cvnnscoi at Unleo HtaH on for all plnU watt. Bli can oppn at : P- " . i.i-.. .... Thrrxa Accommodalton. SMS a.m.. t hicaao l7llt Kp- ncrpt Hunrfai,' me all o bttwutu til .. ri, i. rMinv In Chirro at So a. i Sfi 5 m.. Morniaa Kspnw o.jit 8nmiy, anrsitn la bt. Loan tl li; makinc all u. . .. , 1 i n. m. it. TsM Mall, an! In. In ttt 1 ...... . t 'JS O. . I 'iiHS i. ni. .Vrk-w Mtd-da pit. arriving la Oncio. p. " ' U-.-M p. m. Ilaily : t. Ia. WssltM. h riring in St. Loun at J :! p. t'V wtiu ITaion ritnlon for Kam- City, Omaha, In tt. s Krm iiK O and all poinu , 2:'2U p. a. Kaat Kiprrn for ' Snirbaiu, Mattooa. Tulona, C'baoip. eo , i 1 1 0 p. tn. Thf I aeccmntoilat fcki. llrt. p. an. (Mrato anS Kulfl I P pre arriving in rh?$iif at S:QA a. m.. 'ndt pfli 7:i!. ( inrinnati, It.-IM a. m Kuffr Jo. p.m.. Now York 7:M a, m. blrrping tan . Chicago, I aSSCIICrS riwl .hotiid brtr I.i u that th Iilinoifl I -iitrAl i tbr qutrk. tsi by aiany bouri leaTiur t aim at trtift p. a. m arrivlugia New York at :MUm aecoad aoor: SOUTHERN DIVISION. rB.t DTRKCT t.fK TO WEVPEi SASH VII.LK, CHATTAXtlOUA. AT LANTA. JACXMINUII.K. 8A- VA.NNAI1. V!l KSBCRU and JAC KSON V11XS. 2:15 a. m. "Th D r Kyer," Mwph! ' Haalu'llts ad Jac-kannTjllr. :j:4t a. m. Mnnpbrn and J-. Or'tau Ur-t d via ; Jt.-mshi. rr:nu is 'mf la a4 I a. nt. and w trlfao t: IS p. m. tt:iH a. an.. t'ad't-h and 1 i;Ti!!a. m..1'l. l uiu.a. Patitik Am4 Lee TiUe Ripn-. arriving la Kuitoa l:U a. i Panuraa tl a. tn. and Ln.viil p. n. I ::;t p, ic , tily. .Mrnaphu abd Srw Ori Fa Vail arnvirig in Mroipaia at T:H p. m. a Vrw Orieana at ti a. m. I :;! p. a..daiiy. Nashville, Ceaiuoofaa : AUarrta. St'i P-a- MWfph' ax! Srw Orai I arrive la MBpax al ! p. m, arm Utm S : 1 3 p a. Partweahb BopkiBavll! ad Lb , urtot thrvmrit tw-krta, iiig ear arr -rMHtawnt and fiirtNer IbionvM N4 appr ltliaoa I antral Paaarr-ji-r Htiw, t aim, (f J H. JtiM,tll.Af'. A. B. HAN'SOJI. Ua faa. Agl.Cbicag.