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) THE CAIRO BUM ET1N, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, !?04 U.U...W. t .rU- u 1 1"' I "F"asasss :Zv:,'...'f Stocks Bonds Cereals What if you should luve a FIRE TONIGHT? Are you pro lected by insurance? Have you suflicient iu amount? Are you satisfied that the company is safe? Is the form as liberal and as much iu your favor ai? it bould be? , If you are at all un certain in regard to any of these points, 'phone MS. H. H. CAN DEE & SON E s t a b 1 i s h e d 1 8 5 8. 617 Ohio Street, Cairo. 4 iWe do Yout, In addition to furnishing th beat work and moat prompt service,. American Steam Laundry, 20S Eighth Street. Fonmm 103. Dcntm, to trot toay t KM v wants. At. SOHUH D f r-XT- VV ORJVLJSI VEi : For 20 Yean Has Led all gam MmmmWi rcvcparci by A JA.'.G T. RAU.AnO. olo nv rohjjh dsuc coT ILLINOIS CENTRAL ' Unusually Low Rates to the South and Southeast OCT, 1 1, NOV. 15 On the ahovivdatea the llliuola Cen tral will artl linud ,Trip tickets from all points In the North awl Northwest to : v ! , , New Orleans, La., ..Hammond, La., Jackson, Miss., Winona, MCss., Holly Springs, Miss. Helena, Ark. Holly Springs, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. bnd othor points on tho Illinois Cen tral In the states of Louisiana, MIb fiiHRlppI, Tennessee and Kentuaky and to Greenville, Miss. Natchez, Miss. Vlcksburg, Miss. Yaioo 0y, M'aa. ClarksdaK, Miss. Helena, Ark. and other points on the Vazno and iniasisxiil Valley railroad In the states Cif Louisiana and; also to all points In Alalma, MIhrIh Kippl, North Carolina, Sonth Carolina, (ieorRia and Florida, except Key We:'., Fla. It'jiuru limit U'wet:ty-One days, flighty per cent of the one-way rate from Rtartlng point to destination. Tickets aud full informal ion of agents of the Illinois Central and connect Inn: lino. A. H. Haunon,(. 1'. A., Ciii- For all orders properly tilled o it and willed by our ag"nt and on file In onr office not later than December l.-t, we will sell yo:i a handsome all s'.-el it nee ;.t .' cut.a per f Kit. I'p-to-date K Crtiupanj'- t'n1' at 22 Thiny tiiir.l street anJ w N. W. RICRARSSON, AGENT. dick: j I M POWERS BROS. The Hibernian Saloon Wines, 9 Liquors, Cigare, Etc. Barbecued r ....Meats Every Day.... ! 2710 COMMERCIAL AVENUE 2 pjTpurcell Ocncral Insurance Agent- ii.-'''. Plt 01n. fmrr Millrr (k-hnh bnild inm. Nn.KI"- !.,b(;1oo Arenac. lJpbo 1 Ci.-, ll!ir.t. SPECIAL SALE ALL GUNS DaHrd the next hlrtydaT. Ilemington, L. V. Smith, and Davis guns. Alao a fine line rf opera rlaw at half price. The Old Reliable Place. Een Mictiaals, 609 Canis;ercial Are if -TV, -fj. TT ' I- 'T T41 'T ' .. ycur crugeits bctt!c of BITOT Kldnoyo bottle VGGISTS. RUQ CO. HI WHITE'S. CREAM RMFUCES It. vain UrsHiMtv. H vn (.'urik. touts. Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave. and f.'Qhth Street, CASNO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL $1(50,000.00 and uNtuviunu promts ,W".uv OFFICEHS: E. A. BUOER President CHA8. FEUCHTEN JR...V. President ' J. H. GALLICAN Cathler i T. BPENCEFi, Asnistaat Cashlei OIRECT033. E. A. Cuder, J. H. OalllQon, Thoa. Boyrf. W. E. Gnolson C. M. Osterloh, ; O. Pcllsr, VVm. Kluge. a V. Niff. . Chas. Herbert, Jr, J. M. Herbert. Accounts of corporations and Individ uals especial!) solicited. Ext.Minrje furnished In any part of fi wrarld Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, IlLINOlft. E. A. Budef . P-esi'dent Thoa. Boyd Vice-President J. H. Galllgan.. Casnler F. Spencer Assistant Cwshler CAPITAL $50,000 - $22,000 ANU UNOIVIllhU PW PIT Strlctiy a Savings Bank Interest Paid on Tlma Dtposlts at rate of three per cent r-ep annum MALEY'S K. C. SALOON AND Wholesale Mai' Order WHISKEY HOUSE 3il Ohio Street Cairo, 111. BftpinrniNnnrrmbrn ifcs.roiW i rwtMmafikUa. ?U! i a ati rAiiHTBif t tl riu. t dift v 'uk Waknton time V or -tttw to u mX U Mtttk ttrM. m. Vt4 ftot ttm Oft. ASK YOUR J)EI.FTi rnii mmam UNION MAtECtiLLjH UK n5A1E EVERTWT1ERE I -Bl (ft HI MARKET WAS STRONGER THERE WAS A LARGER TRADE AND A DEfTER FEELING CORN AL5Q tiP ON AN AC TIVE MARKET. By tho Associated Press. Chicago, gopt. 27, WHEAT A large trade was witnessed in tho greater part of the session and the feeling manifested, while rather ' tin settled, was stronger on the whole and the close abb we'd gains of 1!? Vi. The start was easy with a 'con tin nation ot' liquidation so pronounced yesterday, but at the decline promi nent local professionals,' as ' well as elevator interests, purchased, freely and sentiment changed from the bear to tlie bull side of the market. ' $owa from the 'northwest was more encouraging to holders, receipts there being 2t)3 cars less than a year ago and the- cash situation was re ported improved. CORN There was a fair trade and only a moderately active market, the last trades showing gains. Of ferings were rather Tiberal at the slart, commission houses sidling, part of which was for tab country. Sup port, however, was better than that oi y.nstVrJay, several of the 'more im portant .shorts covering, ami floor naders leaned more to long wide. Cables were fairly steady and more rain was indicated for the corn belt. OATS Were heavy most of th dav and averaged lower. Prices re cedtd 'L't' vi and at the close were steady for September and lower bu other months. The weaknusf was on i iu wed .selling by ah inlaroatB and he rally was in sympathy with rthe f, rains an 1 icovering by shorts. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET3. Special to Tho Bulletin. , Chicago, Sept.- 27. Tho following va.- the range of prices lor the day: WHEAT. 1 . dinning (IVn Hik'h Iw Hont (Sent 'M Dec. ..110 lU'U 110 1124 110 .May ..111 H:i 111 113 111 CORN. Dec. .. r.o no r2 54 May .. 1S2 4SVi 4STS 4S . OATS. M :in' ::!' .".i) itiiUj. May ST. LOUIS GRAIN MARKETS. Kpodal to Tl;e Hnllctin. S;. Louis. Sipl- 27.Tbu .following vas tho ran.Tc of prices for the day: WHEAT. Olrmliiir OpoQ niirh how Prtit. iT. btvl. 1W n-.'i ii7 urvi H7 iir.'i May Dec. May .111 . 4, . 4C 1 1 ni iic iir.'i CORN. 47 -45i, 47 , l!; 47 40 17 4i; OATS. Doc. May 31 n:i 33 4 33 THE CASH MARKETS. Special to The Tialletln. 1-U. T.oni:-. Sept. 27 The following -p-,t prlcoa ruled here today for var ious giains nu'titioped : No. 2 r.'d wlTi'er wheat, 118-120. No. 3 red winter wheat, 113-117. No. 2 white corn, fi:!c. No! 2 tliixed coin, 51H--c. No. 3 white corn, .ISVic. No. 3 mixed corn, fil Vic. No. 2 white oats. 31c. No. 2 mixed oatx, 33c. No. 3 while oats. 32-3iJc. No. 2 mixed oats, 3Hic LOCAL GRAIN MARKETS. Cash prices In tbo Cairo market yesterday wore as follow : No. 2 red winter whea. 111. No. 3 red w inter win at, 1(19. No. 2 white C!irn, Mc. No. 2 mixed corn D.'.c. N.i. 3 nbite Trnm. ul"ic. No. 3 mixed corn. T,2c No. 2 white oats, ?.2c. No. 2 mixed oais, l'jc. No. 3 white aats. 32c. No. 3 mixed oats. 30'sc No. 1 timothy hay, im r ton, JS.OO. Receipta and Shipments. Ity the Asttociatetl Prexs. Chlcaso. Sept. 27. Tollowinn were the reedjtn and htilpnieutu fnm the market in carload lots today: Flour 31 19 Whmt 12 HI Corn 31 4i:s Ca'n 278 in; Minneapolis Cereals. By the As.-ociati-d Pres. MlnacajioliB, Sept. 27. WHEAT Siptfml.rr, $1.13; iH-ritnU'r, 11.31: II ay. $l.Ui. Cah. No. 1 north eru.;"; No. 2 northern. 1.11. Liverpool Quotations. By tht Aciated Pr a. Liv.rpd. Sept. 27. CORN Fpt fSiit ; American mixed. 4 Cd. UZVJ YORK GRAIN MARKET. By the Ai'oeUtei Prea. New York. S,r,. 27. WHEAT Receipts. 72.0'V. SfKt. firm: No. 2 red. f. o. h. afl-iat. Optim.s fl'icei fjl tet h;pr. Sfpiem lior. $l.l,i; DocfmUf, tl.liU- CORN Rrfipa. n. npors. lftC,"a-t. Spot, bartly steady. No. 2, 57 elevator and "87 f. nlloat; No. 2 yellow, W, No. 2 while. 57. Op tioiifl closed (fHi hipher. Sep tember, S7V4; Doeeinlier, 57. : OATS UcoefptK. : 1.10,010;. export R, r,,0i.O. Spot' steady; mixyd, oi ("a :',); white, 85V33fiMi; clipped white, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. By the Associated Presn. Chicago, Sept. 27. CATTLE Mar ket was active for good to prime grades which sold at firm prices, but thin cattle were very hard to sell even at weak prices.. Choice cattle selling at six and upwards, good at So.iiOffi 5.90, medium grades G'jO. fair lots $t.2a(ft"'S.90. Those that sell be low five are discrlmi I ted agains;. There was a very fair cow and heifer trade, bulls, soil-at $1.75 1.05, west ern raniiors soil well at steady prices, Blockers and feeders are fair ly active. IIOCS As iiKiial, on Tuesday there was light eastern shipping demand and after (he best hogs were sold ar firm prices there was a weaker mar ket for ordinary to fair packing lots. A few prime hogs sold a shade high er early aud advance of 2Vj over yes terday's twp figure wns paid for some butcher bogs. SHEEP PriooH steady with good general demand. At St. Louis. By the Associated Presa. St. Louis, Sept. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,00a. Steady; beef stews, $4,000-6.05; stockers and feeders, 2.5&'3.(i0; cows and heifers, $2.25 3.75; Texas steers, $2.50fi3.50. HOllS Receipts, 9,000. Steady; range, $1.50(0.30. New York Provision Market. BUTTER Firm; uncnaaged. CHEESE Strong, unchanged. ICC.flS Weak, unchanged. COFFE: Options closed steady, unchanged to five points lower. Sales, 41,750 bag.-. September, $11.80. Spot Rio. steady; 7 Incoive mild. steady; Cordova, MG7 13. SFCIAR Raw firm; fair rellniug, 3; centrifugal, 90 tost, 4 5-1(1: mo lasses liiiNur, &Vj ; refined sugar firm. Beautiful Women. Plumo cheeks, flushed wdth the soft glow of health and a pure complexion make, all women beautiful. Take a small dose of Herbine after each meal: it will prevent constipation and heln dieest what you havu eaten. 50c. Mrs. Wm.'M. Stroud, Midlothian'. Tex as, writes, May 31, 1901: "We have used llerblna in our family for eight years, and found it tho best mcdioiue we have ever used for constipation, bilious fever ami malaria." Sold by Bcbtin Drug- Co,' - , Bavarfans Are Precreaslve. .The Bavarian Trado Muaeaut lias adopted a i vel idi-a t. interest ns .veil aa to ijnstntct tho utitilic and purchasers of toys by seuding out traveling . lecturers, who show the p'nciicnl w .-ings of tho toys by .ncuna of uioiels in actual operation. Slome of the mom interesting toys thtsa deihoust rated Include: A com plete rSllmad train, whld) can be rut. backward and for i, slow er fast, and topped at will. World's Fair Rates. Less than half rates to St. Louis and roturp, via Mobile and Ohio rail road, will be In effect nai(y up to No vember 2oth. For full information inquire of M. and O. railroad agents. Wounds Dressed With Burnt Straw. At a cost ot one shilling Japanese doctors can dress tho wounds of 5U0 men. They use a flnoly-powdered charcoal obtained by the slow com bimfbm of straw In cloied furnaces. Sachets filled with it are applied to the wounds, and Its antiseptic ami absorbent qualities gcneraJly effect a rapid cure. Lit us speak of man as we find him. And censure only what we can nee, Remembering that no one can lie per- f( ot. t'nh'Kii be uses Rocky Mountain Tea Paul (1. Pf huh & Sons. MOBILE&OHIOBULLETIN One way "colonist" tickets to Cali fornia. 30.00 via St. Louis. $31.35 Via New Orlearw. To San Francisco, lo tVngelcs, San ie.. UnnitirooV. and all other points DU tkn California common pnini rate. Ticket sold daily Sept. 15th to October 15th. One way o'.mis-t" tickets to points es t and nortl wett. t '. 1 ;7. to P.ii; nes. MonL. and Inter- med.ate point on the N. P. and B. and M. railroad $31 f-, to IKli na. B itte, Garrison. h'nrmV. Anarenda. MisKonla. Ksll- prll, C,ranfRdai Oglen, Salt Ike City and Pocatc i'o. Idaho. $32 13 to gpoi.aoe. Waila Walla, Jiinctinn. Ellcnsburc. Wen- atch. rroatllla and Huntington, Ore. $31 ',5 to Por;.a: d. 1 acoma sal Seattle, V"ah., Victoria and Yancau vpr, B. C. Tickets sold dally September 15th to October 15th. JNO. M. BEALL, O. P. A. KL Louis. J. II. JOXE3. Ticket Agent, Cairo, EL LEVEL OF PRICES STILL GOES UP ANOTHER PAY OF BROAP AND ACTIVE DEMAND FOR STOCKS MONEY EASIER IN LONDON By the Afsoeiated Press, New York, Sept, 27. Ano!her day of broad and active demand for stocks was experienced at the stock ex change, lifting still further Hie aver age level of prices. The movement s-diowed sne variety and irregularity the upward movement being decided ly uneven and interspersed wl'.h occa sional small reductions. Selling was well absorbed and was not allowed rc riously to affect tho rising tendency of prices. This fact proved evou more impressive to tho sentiment of the market that 'ho supposed good character of the selling. 1'nlon Pa cific and I'nited States Steel preferred were eonEpicin r'.isly strong and ac tive an! two F.tocka so reprcAcntalive of general condl-'.'iotm and ' independ ent! ' upon so Widespread inleresls of necessity has a large Inlluence in de termining the general tone of (he market by the ttympalby their strength exerted. Advocates of higher prices also en joyed another day of almos complete Immunity from disturbing factors in the day's? news. Weather wi favor able for recouping waste maturing crops. A repetition of the low c rn crop by PriMcm I J.i 1 1 of the dr. at. Northern and the Northern Se (itrifiiv, seemed to. be ignored and a sharp advance is Northern Securities oil curb on buying said to be fi.r Lon don account was one of the feature of the day. , The, buying of I'nited States K'eel pwf erred was accompanied by the publication of the estimates of the earnings of the corporation for the current quarter, showing sufficient margin to provide for preferred s'oek, These estimates were without any of ficial or designated authority. There Were some rather conspicu ous . exceptions to Hie general advanc ing tendency, made more so by not able strength which has characterized hem recently. Atchison was n mark ed example, its movement being nar row throughout-. Railroads continued to report Increased gross earning for the third week of September. Hmnors of strong forthcoming utatemeni of August net carainuB by ''he Pennsyl vania ateo figured In the day's mar ket. ' ' There were reactions, running to a point In Home leaders before the day ended and the (dose was heavy. " Sterling exchange advanced, al though (he prospect is for easier mon ey in London, and cotton bills ure (IHlie plentiful in ''he exchange mar ket. Money was distinctly easier on this market, in spite of Ike continued heavy overflow to the inttirior. The strength of Sterling is believed j lo be due i.o the demand on account of maturing 9o-day loans agaiimt which exchange bills were sold at the time fhty were made. I Government Bonds. Today. Yesterday. RefundinK2's registered. 104' Refunding 2' coupon... 105'4 Retristered 3'a 105 10H Coupon 3'a 106 lofii. New s'a regrtstereu i: New 4's coupon.; 131 131 -w Old 4's reglHtered 10 10ti Old 4'a coupon 107 10T Railroad Stocks. Atohlson 8-'l V4 Atchison preferred 101 1(K) Ra lti more & Ohio R91 4 M) Chicago & Alton 40 40 Northwestern Ws Ihh Denver & Rio Grande ... 29 H 28 Den. & Hio Grande pfd . 82 ' , Hi Illinois Central 13M l:i Louisville A Nashvllla.. 124 124 Metropolitan 120', llfl Miasonri Paciflo 87 97?, New York Central 127 127 Pennsylvania 132' 131 Reading . ;. 7 m Rock Island 2' 28 v Rock Island pfd 72 72 Si. Paul 1L 15H Southern TacUlo fi7 6 Houthern Railway 32' 32 union Pacino.... 101 ' iou Union Paciflo pfd M M Wabash 21 21 ij Wisconsin Central...... 21 2u Miscellaneous. " Amalgamated Copper... Ss 58 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 5.S M Colorado Fuel and Iron. 34 34 Northern Securities 100 104 Pacific Mail 34 34 Peoples Gas 102' 101 Sagar 132 132 4 Tennessee Coal andiron. 47 47 I'nited Hta's Steel 17 17 United Bta'es 8Uel pfd. 70 ft) Western Union 10 do1 NEY YORK MONEY MARKET. Ily the Assicia!l Prefs. New York, 8' ft. 27. Money oa call, firm at 1U2 p r cent; clohiag bid ai.d ifrT..-d.'l. Time loans alight ly taitr; iiy. nintty oas. 263 IK r cent; Fix nior.tbs. 3 i. Prime raper. 4i per Cfnt. Irhange firm, demand. $1 fi.Wiffi $ I S5 S5; lxty iays, 4.83 55fl ft hit, 5. Hsr silver. Read The Evening News. 3 MORE DEPOSITORS ' You aiang tliem! And invite your banking business No bank offers you more safety or, better attention to your interests than ours. The facilities for prompt collections, and banking courtesies extended to deposi tors, all ! favor your' doing business here. Ask to sec our latest statement it will interest every prudent de positor. ' . , . . ' . ' CITY NATIONAL DANK Capita! and Surplus, $275,000.00. 609 Ohio Street, - ; CAIRO, ILLINOIS.' Safety Boxes for rent at 3.00 per year. ffrj4H ANNA LAKE HAYNES i JOHN A WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Butter, Hams, Breakfast Bacou, Staple and Fancy. Groceries, Fine Canned Goods, Etc. Special Attention to City Trade, prompt Delivery Guaranteed 19 OHIO 8TRSET.' fOTH HONI$ Na foot f "1 tt?tt.tttt?-tMttt.llf.t1ttltttt.ttttttttttttttttttt A' F - . .. ni 1 - nil K -jt& 4,-. WITHOUT Saying that "money like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master." If you have ability aud good sense, if you are thrifty and honest, there is no reason why you should not attain so called success. This bank encourages thrift by paying 3 per , cent on all savings accounts. EntorprlsoOnvlnco Dank 609 Ohio Street, Cairo, Illinois. ' r !inl New York Store MERCANTILE COMPANY; Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,Plain and Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise. Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19th Street and Commercial AvenueJ ALMOST FREE THE TVICE-A-VEEK REPUBLIC AND . THE MODERN FARMER FOR 20 CENTS. To give every reader fn this terri tory all the campaign and election news and an excellent farm journal, we will send upon receipt of twenty cents The Twics-a-Week Republic Including The Farm Viaitor, from now nUI December 1, m4, and Tbe Modem Farmer, A Farmer'e Family Newfaper, from Dec. 1, 1904, to Dec. 1, 190. This Is an unprecedented offer you cannot afford to miaa. Send 20 cents at once and get regularly the New s of the Day, the Campaign, the Farm and Home. Be sure to address all mail to THE REPUBLIC ST. LOUIS. MO. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Where both paper axe not deired ubwiptiona for either separately tor the term stated above will be accepted npon receipt of TEN CENTS. HAYtMFS i nr C.UA Cie AAAA A ' SMITH BROTHERS Tlic Big Store 1300-8 WashingtoiAre EVERYTHING That Is 660il tt Eat Use led Wear Establish U7I. IV!. J. Howloy, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate Bought and to!4 Rents Collected, Taxea Paid and Con veyance) Written. 70Tt Commercial A van. HOU.iTiar Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets , Briifi CiJoa H.ta s4 bma' Tc. A mviSt t T Onwttltfc, I S" i Ki ' 'f Trvu', limpid, txnw. imfwn H. .-!. P. nr'h. i-h-crt B"K Hhj,-m r.d I In. kxrh. I' R Kkf M'--m T- m -t t irtn, s; rn: t --,io if H itLmm t'f 0f-t. wia t WIDEN NUGGETS FOR SALIGW ftWJL,