Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1 904 Extra Five Tumblers - , One aud a half pounds of Granulated bugar J,ard, per pound - One I,amp i - - , . Three bars German Mottled Soap 3 Sc Covered Sauce Pans - - .;,'..," Three papers Brass Pins - . - Ono.CaJlou Milk Jar - - - Oue targe Package Mince Meat - - One pound Browu Coffee - - - 4 4 - Evw purchaser of an 8-cent article will have a guess on the number of feathers on our World's Fair Rooster Petlt's Racket Store 2021 Washington Ave. Cairo, Illinois. tf.4Mttt.ttttttttttt.tSMtttf.ttttmttt A Golden Opportunity j , '"' IS per cent discount for the next two weeks on all of 2'" . oi r China, consisting of 'Frenr !i, Japan and German,' 2 so as to make room for our II didjy Stock of China, tv . Such ' argains were never- offered before. You can j save money by taking advantage of this discount sale. i " Cat! early and be convinced. ..... j " . . ""i . s Mas, F, Miller, Tfie Jeweler 5 806 Ave, ?? ' ,f CaL'O, Illinois. Don't Swim After a Fish-Drop Him a Line. . f : a want ad in the morning Bulletin and Evening News and rent your vacant house, get a line on a situation or secure some new business. Published in Both Papers For Oae Price. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. R.te For CW1U4 Notice On. iBMrtloB ptr word . t'hrM iDMrtiuB Mr word......... ... On MK par word-.-...- Ou month put word . . .01 ... 411-1 ... 46 M Urn taau All Biauar set in mwwni vtp. No Ml .rtiHiBl InMTtMl lor : PKoFKeWlOKAU Dr. Dnn. r., r, bum Bad Uml Oanwi BLrta as aantartoa. U . MAIL OKOth. IPC !Lrt J-oo IB IM Bull nder a.In. fB'1 BniKlari uJ auiiplf Inw. AnMrtoaa Afacj. MllukM. WU FOR SALE.. Few fl A fln bla"k family hnr f ilr. Apply at Joe Mulbain'a llructry .1. r, rulurr uy . . r"nr 8ai Mix lot Bi. -el (tut and b.ra Walr, xnn nl paT-mul all iu. Niw liil and lialn Inn, Imjauv ul lir. V. M. Harr.ll. For Bl lU-r", baKjr sad irn n fur talc raaonaoln. ailtlrri K . toulUrtia ulbcj. WORLD'S FAIR ROOMS. FarnltB d room, for World'. Fa r iilr, DAB tO II . H. T. M('rit). f'3' all"-! irwt, lit. . uia, Mv. HANO FOR SALE. Fr Sua X Hiiar piiM ia f rt-cla order lor ra enrap. ppiy a u. viih. We'll Ask You to Buy Wall Paper This Time Aft"- Hist you will ak n, tor we tive yn latnrt design at pricei rati favlorv to all. We have skilled workmen to pn it on your walls ',1iic?,'.-MHtT';S",RET LANCASTER & RICE men n mci F1CU U. HUUUIO, Commercial Hi;; Mti'Mv Coal, Anthracite Coal, Cartrrvil'e Coal, ('.recti Grael Lturp ar.d Xut. BOTH PHONES, lutmm d bcodcncc, NO. 324. Estate Oak Heaters BURN WOOD OR COAL Special for'Thursday Sc 8c H: 8c 8c he 8c 8c 8c 8c A e f f ( I f s STREET FAIR ROOMS. Parvin. who will rntfraln vl.itor. with iithr tMtiii ur burl ur butti during tha Fall Kf.ltTal will pleaw a nnnunicala with H A. Hatcher a t e t Hy Clerk', otficv, (Iving ternm and irt eular. COLLECTOR WANTED. Wantiw! -A ."Oil portrait di llrniao and eolletr Call liuniedialcly. U.yiarfrr, flanl ra llot.l. HOUSE WANTED. Wantl -Mcdrro cotLj-r sot f ntli'-r out than ttk utrwt. Addrw. II. A . con ductor, era bulletin. ROOMS WANTED. Thrr Hnfu'ol.hMl roni centrally locate, anlnl f -r ligat DuUix kifuiutf. Ailiirca. T., Iki-iint' WANTED. Wanlril -Picliir. to frni and room t p:H-r I .nni-irr lllop, 114 Kifhtb tr-t and Ihui Cni rit-i .1 avtBuc. LOST. !.(- .ihh kli "(1 and Villa Hii1f, a ll.lil t tn top cual BkuaDi rea-aru u mil n L.t--lne,layliht.ntiairnfeolU-rlanrd .rt ii. . in r. rind.r pli-aa rtnra to caiiiuun . Drue H.areaRd receive rrwaid. run, For t--l Funih,d bouvj fur rfat. drrlj !.. at thl. (fcr. A'! r KrKt-IJos fa nibcd !b airrt. fruit room, 115 Nh i ic av. uos Ave. : NEWS OF THE RIVERS : Daugfir Station Change ! STATION'S line of In 24 j foer water hours 22 i!-2 0.1 rise I Davis Islan.l dam. 25 2.8 0.0 Paikmburs . . . . nc 1 0.;l fall ICinclnnail 4 0.1 rise j Loulsvillt' ... .... 2 2C 0.2 rls Evansvlllu 35 1.1 0,1 fall I Ml. Carmol 15 1 . "1 rlso j NashvUlo ... .... 40 2.8 1.3 lall Cliattancofc-a .. ..33 0.3 0 0 Florencu 1C 0.5 0.0 Johnsonvlllf- 21 0.3 0.0 Paducah 40 0.8 0.1 rise Cairo 45 8.7 0.4 rise St. Paul 1 4.8 0.G fall Davenport..., ... 15 4.5 0.4 fall I Kansas Ct'y .... 21 G.5 0.1 rise St. Louis 30 7.8 0.1 rise Chester 30 7.7 0.1 rle Memphis ... .... 33 5.1 0.1 rise Fort Smith 22 4.8 0.2 rise Vickaburg 45 .8.8 0.1 fall New Orleans .... 1C 4.8 0.3 fall Stage at Cairo. Oct. 12, 1903, 19.4. Below zero. River Forecasts. The OhioAt Evansville. will rise slowly Uurins the next 24 to 3G hour3, i At Paducah and Cairo, very little change during the nex. two days, with ! generally a falling tendency. The Tennessee From Florence to the mouth, aud the Mississippi, from below St. Louis to Cairo, no material change during the next 3G hours. P. II. SMYTH, Local Forecaster. Arrivals and Departures. The Rees Lee passed up to St. Loul yesterday morning with a good freight trip. She did not tarry long here. Gondola got in from the Ohio with one Cargo of rock and laid up. Frit2 arrived yesterday morning with ona barge of stone out of the Mississippi river. In the afternoon she left for below with an empty barge for logs. The Carrie V. came up from below yesterday morning with one barge of logs and in the afternoon dropped a raft out of the Mississippi. Henry Harley was on time yester day in the Paducah trade. Broke Down. The Morgan went to the bank yes terday afternoon to repair a steam pipe. The Cotton Belt and Iron Moun tain passenger trains were both trans ferred yesterday by the Marquand. Bob Dudley Sunk. The steamer . Bob Dudley, running in the Paducah and Evansville trade, sank early yesterday morning at the foot of Cumberland Island, two miles below Smlthland. She is lying in an easy position nnd will no doubt be ratstd without trouble. No lives were lost, nobody hurt, and little, if any, of the freight was damaged. Tiie Dudley left Paducah shortly af ter 2 o'clock for Evansville, with Cap tain Jim Howard in command and Billy Overttreet, of paducah, at the wheel. At about 4:30 o'clock, as she was Hearing Sir.ithland, bha ran onto the wreck of the "Emma," a boat owned by Captain Allen Duncan, which sank 30 years ago. A hole was knocked in the Dudley's side and she wt r.t down at once in shallow water. Her ma!n dK:k is clear and dry from amidsh'ps to the stem, and from the amidships to the item Is under four feet of water. When the boat struck the wreck and began to settle, the crew did not get excited, but held ev er.vthiiii; in lurid. A Wail Front Evansville. j When will the river be dredged? Politicians and statesmen have been ;he river people here rell. f j for several vel:s, but this relief has ! no; t come. j Sand bars are Lad, channels arc giving great trouble to steamboat men an l Ima's are greatly delayed besides many of the large boats boin:t tied up because of river condition;. When will something be done? Congietsman Jame3 A. Henienway I 'vvrat weeks ago told the officials of the Evansville Business association .that he would have a dredgelioat sent , i,.,- ,.,m j:P.,n rivor on.l loan ,.t the bar near the new water works ,-. The droduehoat la not her P'alu- 1 ne unageDoai is not nere and- boats are having more trouble than ever getting over tha bar. Toer arc nov.- several bargon groundei on this bar sd the little gaolino boat Norway got stuck tight there SaUt dar. Engineer Harris of the United States corps was here two weeks sgi and made soundings near the watei works. His report has been forwarded lo the head engineer. Captain Frank Tardy, ene of the best posted men here on riv-r matters, said Saturday that the bar ought to be dr.dge:l out at once. If a dre.lgehoat cannot be se cured he believes the Urge scraper that vas used to deepen the mouth of Pigfon creek should be brought Into play. He says th scraiter can be fastened onto the end cf a barge and run over the bar several times, thus rrmoving the sand. It will iakp a spur (iike t civp permanent relief. V.'hfn v.ill the drelg'tioa; crime? It i- up io Congressman Hemenway and the powers that be. Unless it cornea quiclrly there will b no use for It. A gd Ftaee of water is expected be fore Cliri.-itmai. Mayor Charles G. Covert, who has spent a Kfeat deal of his time hunt ing Finr-e he assumed t'ae duties of his officp is alsr blamed now for a gT-t -rany troubles of the. river man. Ha cr!aiiiy has not lieen diligent about having bis board of public works, or board of public nulmuiee, as it Is gen erally i called, look atter the wharf. The wharf is in the worst condition in years and what makes rlvermen sore is that some of the money de rived from the river traffic by the city ia spent for other city purpoe3 probably to pay salaries of new offi cers who are favored with having new Jobs created for them. A well known river man ;iald Satur day that If Mayor Covert should de cide to "make another race for mayor the river people ulmost to a man would line u against him. "lie 1b a good' hunter and a nice fellow person ally," said a steamboat captain, "but It takes more thnu that to make a good mayor." ' AMUSEMENTS. s Hanford Next Tuesday. . There la no play in which romantic fancy has revelled ' more gracefully than In "Don Caesar do Ba'.an," the drama which Mr. Charles B. Hanford will offer as his contribution to Che now productions t.f the current .ea ?on. In accordance v!!h hL: cir.tom Mr. Hsnford's presvatalton of the ;iiay will be in the nature of a sconlc revival. Miss Marie Drofnah, who has !ieUI so conspicuous a place In Mr, HanfvjrJ's successes of recent sea sons will have the role of Marltaaa, and a company of extraordinary effi ciency is promised for the surround ing characters. Doa Caesar de Bazan A'ill be presented at the Cairo Opera house on Tuesday, October 18. ' Royal Italian Band. The roerti announcement that ar 'ang'sments have been made for two coucerts in this cltv, Tuesday, Oct. er 23, by the famous Eliery Royal Italian band, tinder the leadership of Signor Francesco Ferullo, a young n&i who it far greater than Crea 'ore, is sufflcient. to arouse the music loving people of the community to a legree of enthusiasm and delight. This band of fifty Italian artists has or t.'ie last two months been settinit he people of Milwaukee crezy with nusical enthusiasm and has been )rononnce 1 by nin..:y-nine out of ev ry imr.Jrod p.xiple who have heard it o bo the greatest organization of U kind in this country. The enwds .hich it has attrati cd to iho Expos! Ian buiUing la the Wisconsin metro polis have smashed all records to Icob, the weekly attendance av:;r-'gj.-g over 20.0r.O piordj. The music oroduced, by the band Is of an almo.t typnotic character and the audience eaialns nc'ua'.ly spell-bound in the ntensity of tho attention which it Ives to the players and to the won "erftil young leader Ferullo. Thosa .vho read the Milwaukee papers will tave noted the caricatures and dir. ;usstcns regarding i'he oceentricltbs if tho magnetic young leader, whosa "ntensely emotional directing has caused a world of comment among 'he audience?. Mr. Ellery. tha founder of tho great irganizatlon that bears bint name, or ganized the Banda Rossa, the greatest band in the world, some six years ago. He also Introduced Creatore to the 'niblic; but in, Signore Francesco Fe rullo. h!s latest acquisition, he is sakl 'o have a conductor far greater than Creatore. Ferullo dresses In white, perhaps o make himself think that he feels cool, but the scarlet Is Inside, run ning through his veins like liquid fire and showing itself in the pa;sionat3 Slow of the music which his iuspired baton calls forth from his eagerly responsive followers. This is ar. the rrue art of the1 most artistic people on sarth. In the care of Ftnillo, It Is intense emotion under the safe gull- nice of a particularly bright mind, tho j one coa.biiiA'.Itin that work.t harmoni ously toward the making an d perfect ing of a gr.-ai nrtlf.Uc director. Who misses seeirg tiiia 25-year-olJ boy di rect p.-and opera selections anil tho I'amous overture played by The El- Jery band, deprives himseir of ai iiieans of both education and enjoy-! neut. nich as Is rarely found !n 'he e comrr.f rcial days. Slgrior Plotro Buzz!, the world re nowned Italian, owratie tenor, will a!so he hiard at the Ellerv band con cert. This magnificent tlnrer, who has a voice of great range and powr, i has made himself an immense favcr Ita with the public. Signer l.v.i combines in his truly wonderful v.Ace bo'h the qualities cf lyric and dramat ic t'-nor. anil that the public appreci ates such a rare rolniblnation !s evi denced by the ovations which he tat received on his every appearance. BUSINESS L00AL3. Coin, to build or spring? See Kelly Bros, for anything in lumber repair this Lumber Co. or building material. If you want anything made of wood, Kelly Bros. Planing Mill will make It for you. Interior furnishing lumber a specialty; get estimate! and prices. Uncle Joe'a Hotel, best II 00 a da) house In the three atatea. Ton get the bet of everything to eat an.5 arlck. and a nice clean be-I. Engraved calling cards your name engreved on copper plate (in scrip) and a hundred cards for $1.50. 100 ranis from your own plate for $1.00. John A. Miller, Jeweler, Sth and Coir mercial avenue. Cairs to Indianapolis and retyrn Sunday, CcL lGth via Dig Four Route, only $1 on round trip. Dr. Smith, osteopath, ,21 7th street. n tt t .t t i f t . 1 1. V ' ' . ? THE NAME OP . ' St Means a whole lot when it comes to buying clothes. It is accepted as a Jj BADGE OH QUALITY in Cairo and is an investment that NEVER gj passes a dividend. Wilson Bros, full line of Furnishing Goods. Cluettc, Peabody & Co.'s Monarch Shirts. Sole agents for Tiger and Jjj Champion Hats. V:W av II Sandler, Tailor It H a"infi!ini!'niir";iiiiiniiiiiiHjnii"nj I Does Advertising Ray? No. 4 6mlh & 'Co., XCkeUsale and Sidail iquor Beaters, 503-5 tklo direct. THE BULLETIN COMPANY. GENTLEMEN As aa advortlslng medium vro publication as capatlo of giving the most satisfactory re sults to your patrons. Very respeotfully, i i A Specialty for Ladies A new and very excellent Device For particulars rail or write Mrs. 1. A. Athton, agent. 2123 Holbrook hi,, Cairo, Illinois All Kinds of Work to Order In Hair and Switches. Manicwrlnjr and Shampooing Mrs. H. L. Bradty, 2iKM. Prompt Attention Given Mall Order, SPECIAL SALE OF PALMS. And decorative plant, tbla week to make room DAVIDSON, THE FLORIST. JOHiNS. JENKINS ARCHITECT IC06 Comnsercial Are., Cairo, ill. 9 fft ?JW.W.5!-S-WS-! n .....m...m...., -,".V"V " " " VT and Haberdasher, 6 1 cANNOUNCEMENT. For the benefit of our friends and customers who are unable to visit our store during day time, we have arranged to keep open Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday nights of each week until JO o'clock. This will give every one wanting a Celebrated EST A TE OAK a chance to buy. ''" Woodward Hardware Company ;'1 Cairo, 111., Oct. 6 100-i. can 4 CAIRO OPERA MOUSE SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT 1 O TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0 lyir- Charles B. Hanford 'Accompanied by MISS MARIE DROFNAH in III ION GESAR DE BAZAM" Presented in a sumptuous manner with every atteution to detail an all star cast of twenty players, with Mr. Hanford as "Don Cxsar," Mr. Hennig as "Don Jose," Miss Drofnah as "Maritana," Mr. D'Oize as "King of Spain." Prices:-25, 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50. Sale of Seats opens Monday, October 17 at 8:30 a. m. 1 Commercial Avo. ttutt recommend your i