OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, October 13, 1904, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1904-10-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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All tills wits over while Francis had
Hi 111 one foot upon the threshold ujnl
the other raised In the air. TUe next
' Instant lie was on his knees to Mr,
s "Father!" he cried. "Let me, too, help
you. I will do wlmt you wish and oak
no questions. I will obey you with my
life. Treat nie na a son, and you will
lliid I have a son's devotion."
A deplorable explosion of oath3 was
the dictator's first reply.
"Son and father?" he cried. "Father
and eon? " What (lushed unnatural
comedy 1b all this? How do you come
In my garden? What do you Want?
And who, in God's name, are you?"
Francis, wSth n stunned und shame
faced aspect, got upou his feet again
and stood In silence.
Then a light seemed to break upon
Mr. Vandeleur and he laughed uloud.
' MI see," cried he. "It Is 'the Ner.vm
, geour. Very well, Mr. Scrymseotir.
Let me tell you' In a few words how
. you stand. You have entered my pri
vate residence by force, or perhaps by
fraud, bit certainly with no encour
agement from me, and you come at n
moment of some annoyance, a guest
having fainted at my table, to besiege
me with your protestations. You are
no son of mine. You are my brother's
bastard by., a fishwife, if you want to
know. I regard you with an Indiffer
ence closely bordering on aversion, and
from what I now see of your conduct
I Judge your mind to be exactly suit
able to your exterior. I recommend
you thesa mortifying reflections for
your leisure, and, in the meantime, let I
me beseech you to rid us of your pies
enee. If I were m.t occupied," added
the dictator, with a terrifying oath, "I
should give you the unhollcat drub
bing ere you went."
Francis listened in profound humilla
tion. He would have lied hud it been
possible; but, as lie had no means of
leaving the residence into which he had
o unfortunately penetrated, he could
do no more than stand foolishly where
he was.
It was Miss Vandeleur who broke
the silence. "Father," she said, "you
Mppcak In anger. Mr. Scrymgcour may
have been mistaken, but he meant well
and kindly."
"Thank you for speaking," returned
he dictator. "Yon remind me uf some
her observations which I hold It n
Hilt of honor to make to Mr. Scryiu-
ftur. My' brother," he continued, ad
dtisliui the young man, "has been
foHh enough to give you an allow
O'H He was foolish enough and pre
Butttuous enough to proose a liiatcli
bitten, you and this young lady. You
wen.xhibited to her two nights ago.
n.id K'Jolce to tell you that she reject
ed thidea with disgust. Let lue add
that lave considerable In.'l.lelicv with
your fher, awl It shall not be my
fault Jtyou aie not bej:j..ared of your
allow nn. id sent back to your scrlv
iiiing erthe wi k be out."
The to: 0f th old man's voice were,
If possibl more wounding than his
language. i-,a nds felt himself ex
posed to th most cruel, blighting and
unbearable ,utemt. His head turn
ed, and he Wired his face with his
Lands. utterly at tlr? same time a tear
h ms isob of agiiy. Iltf Miss Vandeleur
once again lntferedu h!s behalf.
"Mr. Scrymgbur," su Mild, speaking
In clear and evi tonei "you must not
be concerned ntmy fa Iter's harsh x
jr. ssiuns. I fe no dugust for you.
On the contrary, asked un opportuni
ty to make your fetter acquaintance.
As for hat has pissed tmlght. believe
lue It has filled hy mild with both
jplty and esteem."
Just then Mr. Rolls male a convul
sive movement of hit arm. which con
vinced Francis that u win-only drug
Ked and whs beglnniiit to thow (T the
Influence of the opiate. Mr. Vandeleur
etuoped over hliu and exauiliad his face
fur an Instant.
"t'ome. come:" cried U, r:Jsing his
head. "Let then be an emi of this.
Ami, since you are so pleaded with his
conduct. Miss YahdcU ur, taVei caudle
and show the cur out!"
The young lad hastened toojey.
"Thunk you," said Francis tssoon as
he was alone nth her In the fcardeni
"I thank you from" my soul. Tils ban
been the bitterest evening of vty life,
but it will have always one kWasunt
"I spoke as I felt," sho replied, "il in
justice to you. It made my heartstrry
thut you should ls ho unkindly upd."
By this time they had reaches! tbe
garden gate, atij Miss Vandeleur, bav
in set the caudle ou the ground, was
already unfastening tlx llts.
"One word more.' said Franrta.
"This la not for the last time. I tuull
see you aguln. suull 1 not?"
"Alas," she answered, "yon hate
heard my father; What can I do but
"Tell me at least that It Is not with
your consent." ivturned Francis. "Tell
we that you have no wish to see the
lust of nie."
"Indeed." replied she. "I have none.
You went to ine both brave and hon
est." "Tlien." nll Francis, "give me a
K'.;e (mused for a moment, with her
hand ojion tbe key. for the various
Lars and lolts wire all uni'oue. and
there was nothing left but to open the
"If I agree," she said, "will yon
Always .Remember Che rial
laxattve Rroma Qi
Dire i CrW: Li OiiEsy.fcrStt
Always .Remember t-he FisB .Name
in 2 DaVi
promise to no as I tell you from point
to point?" ,
"Can you nsk?" replied Francis. "I
would do so willingly on your bare
She turned tho key and threw open
the door.
"Be it bo," said she. "You do not
know what you nsk, but be It so.
Whatever you hoar," she continued,
"whatever happens, do not return to
this house. Hurry fast until you reach
the lighted and populous quarters of
the city,. Even there be on your guard.
Y'ou are in a greater danger than you
fancy, promise uie you will not so
much ns look at my keepsake until you
are In a place of safety."
"I promise," replied Francis.
She put t-oinethlng loosely wrapped
In a handkerchief Into the young man's
hand, and at the same time, with more
strength than he could have antici
pated, she pushed him into the street.
"Now run!" she cried.
He heard the door close behind him
and the noise of tho bolts being re
"My faith," said ho, "since I have
And ho took to his heels down the
lane that lends Into tbe Hue Kavignan
He was not fifty paces from the
house with the green blinds when the
most diabolical outcry suddenly arose
out on the stillness of the night. Me
chanically he stood Btlll; another pas
senger followed his example. In the
neighboring floors he saw people
crowding to the windows. A conflagra
tion could not have produced more dis
turbance in this empty quarter. And
yet It seemed to be all the work of a
single man, roaring between grief and
rage, like a lioness robbed of her
whelps, and Francis was surprised and
alarmed to hear his own name shouted
with English Imprecations to the wind.
His first movement was to return to
the house; his second, ns he remember
ed Miss Vandeleur's advice, to con
tinue his flight with greater expedition
than before, and he was in the act .of
turning to put his thought In action
when tho dictator, bareheaded, Imw'-
Ing aloud, his white hnir blowing nlxmt
Lis head, ehot jtast him like a ball out
of the cannon's mouth and went ca
reering down the stn-et.
" "That was a close shave," thought
Francis to himself. "What he wants
with Die and why he should be so dis-
turbel I cannot think, but he Is plainly
not good compajiy for the iih.iim nt, and
I cannot do lwtter than 'follow Miss
Vaiidelcur'a advice."
fij Raying, he turned to retrace his
steps, thinking to double and descend
by the Hue Lcplc itw If while his pur
suer should continue to follow after
him on the other line of street. The
plan waa ill devised. As a matter of
fact be should have taken his scat in
the nearest cafe and wait d there until
the first beat of the pursuit was over.
Hat lesides that Francis had no ri-pi-ii
nee and little natural aptitude fr
the mall war of private life. He
so uix-onscloin of any ivil oi; his Iu t j
mat lie aaw iioiiii:is 10 i.ar i j onu : rw.f ived from a Wall strct
a dis.itTi-e.ii.le Interview, and to dis- j roj,anT of N Torkt showing the
agreeable interviews be felt be hadj,,., ROO1 for i2o,,f mhirn paran.
already K-rved his apprci t cc-hip that;,,..,, Ihp furI heroin- of the money.
evening: nor could h scpp-.se thut
Miss VHinVhiir had h-ft nnvlhins ua-
jc TV
aid. Indeed, the youug man was tore
both In body and mind the one whs all
bruised, the oilier was full of smarting
arrows, and he owned to himself that
Mr, Vandeleur wus master of a very
deadly tongue.
The. thought of his bruises reminded
him that he had not only come with
out a hat, but that his clothes had con
slderahly suffered In his descent
through the chestnut. At the first
magazine he purchased a cheap wide
awake and had the disorder of his
toilet summarily rt paired. The keep
sake. Still rolled 111 the handkerchief,
he thrust in the meanwhile into his
trousirs pocket. '
Not many steps beyond the shop ho
was conscious of n, suddch . fchoek, a
hand upon his throat, an Infuriated
face close to his own and uu open
mouth howling curses lit his car. Tho
dictator, having found no trace of his
quarry, was returning by the other
way. Francis was a stalwart young
fellow, but he was no match for his
adversary whether In t;treug(hor skill
and after a few Ineffectual struggles
he resigned himself entirely to bla cap
tor. ,
"What do you want with tne?" said
he. , . ?
"We will talk of that at home," re-'
turned the dictator grimly. "'-'
And he continued to march the
young man up hill In the direction of
the house with the green blinds.
But Fran-Ms, although he no longer
struggled, was only waiting an oppor
tunity to make a bold push for free
dom. With a sudden Jerk, he left the
collar oi his coat In the hands of Mr.
Vandeleur and once more made off at
his best speed In the direction of the
The tables were now turned. If the
dictator was the stronger, Francis, in
the top of his youth, was the more
fleet of foot, and he had soon effected
hts escape among the crowds. Hellevea
for a moment, he walked briskly until
he debouched upon the I'lace de
l'Opera, lighted up like day with elec
tric lamps.
"This, at least," thought he, "should
satisfy Miss Vandeleur."
And, turning to his right along the
boulevards, ho entered the Cafe Amer
lea in and ordered some beer. It was
both lute and early for the majority of
tile frequenters of the establishment.
Only two or three persons, all men,
were dotted here and there at separate
tables In the hall, and Francis was too
much occupied by his own thoughts to
observe their presence.
He drew the handkerchief from his
pocket. The object wrapped in It
proved to tie a morocco case, clasped
and ornamented In gilt, which opened
by means of a spring and disclosed to
the horrified young man u diamond of
monstrous bliiiiess and cxtraordlnarv
brilliancy. The circumstance waa fo
Inexplicable, the value of tbe stone waa
plainly so enormous, that Franc! at
staring Into tbe open caskit without
movement, without conscious thought,
like a ii.:iu stricken with Idiis-y.
A hand whs laid iiN.n his shoulder
lightly, but firmly, and a quiet voice,
which yit had In It the rlnir of -oiu-uiiind.
uttered thiw words in his ear:
"Clone the casket and compose your
(To b continued )
Illinois Line' Prospect
Are Brightening.
Rich view, III, Oct. 12 G. F. York,
mayor of Mount Vernon. ho U in
terested in the Itlinof Southern Elec
tric railway, which is to be constrict
ed between Mount V mim and K'
iX(Ui. ni that a bond had recently
providin'; the rail ay contract was
signed tn for huildinir, ot th line.
Th rilay company at once re
turned the Iftid to a New Totk -cem
tij sec if H was of any eff.-c:. Si
far l-iiry have not hf-ard the result i;f
tho inviLtiKa'ion. Fh mld this hunt
Wbca It la Free of Dandruff, It Grow
Jlalr preparations and d.indruft euros.
as a rule, are sticky or Irritating affairs
that do no earthly Rood, Hair, when not
diseased, (rrowa naturally, luxuriantly.
Dandruff is tho caupe of nine-tenths of
all hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused
by a germ. The only way te cure dand
ruff la to kill the gurm; and, so fur, tho
only hair preparation that will positively
destroy the germ Is Newbro's Herpieldp
absolutely Harmless, free from grease,
sediment, dye matter or dangerous drugs.
It allays itchlnut Instantly; makes hair
irlossy ftnd port as silk. "Destroy the
cause, you remove the effect." Bold by
loadlnjr.flruergrlsU. Send lOo. in Btnmps for
sample to Tho Herplcide Co., Detroit,
- tr Hi a. 8hun m bom, Saeclal
General Insurance Apent-S'r?'
- o mm r-
naJo, Plato Glaxs. Office Miller Bchub build
in K, Noh. 8oT- Wasliiugton Avenue, Telephone
ib. i;iru, Illinois. ,
be found to bo good it will , bo the
immns of. the eR'cirlc railway he'eoni
ing a reality. . '
Some arrangements have been made
to construct the line, sucli as. survey
ing and staking out of the lots for the
power houses, car barns and such
buildings. "Early last , fall the line
was surveyed from Mount Vernon to
St. Louis, and many franchises secur
ed. The matter Is now being looked
after by the p.;ople of Southern Illi
nois, and the return of the bond Is
cage:ly awaked. The main power
house and other buildings are to be
erected at Irvington, which is five
miles norta of this place. Another
power house has been staked out for
the lino near Okawville.
By the Associated Press.
Piano. Texas, Oct. 12. A triple
tragedy occurred about throte and a
half miles east of Piano this after
noon. Will Cochran, a blind man sep
arated from his wild six weeks, led by
hid nephew, 15 years old, went to his
mother-in-law's house atid called for
his wife. When sue, sat down by him
he grabbed her, slabbing her to death
with a dirk, and then killed his molii-er-in-law,
Mrs. James Skehon, 7:;
years old. Ho then shot and killed
hlmaeir. The women were literally
cut to pieces.
The residence of R. Ilucher, at 2514
Walnut street, was robbed yesterday
afternoon while the family was ah
eent. from home.
The children wero at school and
Mrs. rtucher left, homo to ro down
town. She .-ft at 2:?,t) o'clock, and
knowing that she would not return un
til alter school was dismissed and
that her rons would want to get in
the house, she L'l'the back door nh
locked. When siie lei I Iho house sh''
m.iiced two men standins on tho cor
tier of Twenty slx;it tdrcct and Wal
nut, lint thought noihiiiK of iheir pres
ence in the neighborhood and paid no
iitentlon to them. The Isiy returne l
from schi-ol about 2:l!0 and were at
home when their mother . returned
from her shopping.
NoiiiiiiK unusual was noticed in the
condition of things in the house and
the fact that it had been robbed wai
n' t discovered until about 7 o'clock
when Mrs. Ilucher went to get sonn
money she had put away and found
it was gone. Thirty-nine dollar was
the amount nil.ising. I'pon Investiga
tion it was found that two g:H
watches beionsitiK to tho two sons
were also K ne as well a a Filit of
clothes belt. tiging to tho oldest boy.
Mrs. Ilucher believi the men she
saw on the sireet corner entered the
house after she left and took the miss
Ini? articles. She was unable to give
an accurate deKcripiion of the men.
Dr. Caoan of Boiton Critizes Oppon
ent of t-e Idea.
P.y the Associated Prcc.s.
Crinncll. Iowa, Oct. 12 Hr. Capari
of Itoston. addresning the Amirlcan
Board of Foreien missions tonight.
criticized those who approve city and
hone mi-sions. hut do not favor for
eign minions. He cited th Japane.-e
forward wvnrnt as an exampb? oi
the inflnence cxT"d liy foreiti.i mis
sions. He paid the "time has come
hf-n home an 1 for-in m!sji
oiipht to be a part ol the murs ;A
nudy in every Sunday school.
AboiiiHing Marriage Feet.
Many countries havf now at;o!hhvI
ail marTiagc tecs. Ttia is the ra
in Noray. while ia the Neheitan-Js
certa'a days in tho -etk are e?t apart
hea jrfoas may be iaarrieJ without
OP s
Or His Military Career Will -Be
Forever Blasted
By the Associated Press.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 12. No official
news of the result of today's battle
south of Mukden Is available at this
hour. . Kuropntkln doubtless has com
municated his regular report to the
emperor, but the dispatch was not
sent, hack to the general staff tonight.
So tho latest. word from Russian
I'ources is contained In the Associated
Press dispatch .from Mukden.
The frontal attack on Vcntal mines
developed a desperate battle, in which
probably hundred thousand men were
engaged, but though the dispacb.es so
far deal almost exclusively with this
feature of the hattlo It Is pointed out
that there Is a much wider field in
volved. The fight on the Russian left flank
has not yet developed ajul possibly
here Kuropatkin intends to deliver his
main blow. ,
Wide Turning Movement.
The appearance tonight of a Rus
sian column at Tz-Yanchan, thirty
miles southeast of Mukden, striking
at Oyama's communication with the
Yalu, and knowledge that another col
umn 1.-3 already across Taltse river
gives evidence) of the wide nature of
tho turning movement. It Is possible
Unit the attack nn Yontal mines may
imply bo intended to hold the main
Japanese force stationed and the out
come of tluv Yeut.iL fight may have
little, bearing on the result of tho gen
eral engagement.
Kuropatkin Has Most Men.
While it is now asserted that Kuro
patkin enjoys considerable numerical
superiority, the main fear expressed
is that this superiority is insufficient
to enable lira to carry out the big op
eration he has undertaken.
Apprehension Is caused by the To-
kio dispatch saying that Oyama re
ports he Is gaining ground and has
cut. off a Russian column below Talt
se river, k is only natural, after re
peated reverses already suffered, that
the Russians fully realize how much
Kuropatkin has staked 'upon the as
sumption of the offensive.
Battle Is Most Important.
Tho battle now in progress tin
doubtedly will outweigh In importance
the hard fight at f,luo-Yarir. For Kit
ropntkln, victory, partial or coriiplete.
is absolutely necessary. Defeat would
certainly spell ruin for his military
reputation and probably prove n dis
aster of the first magnitude to the
Russian army. If the Japanese should
roll up Kuropatkin's advance now, all
hope of aggressive Russian success in
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bony Medicine for Baty Pooplt.
Briapi Ooldon H'!th mi Ronewed Vignr.
A spwilflo for Const I nut inn, In lii.-estlon. J.tve
ami Kldi." Troutilri, I'iinplcn, I'.ecmn, Impur'
I.Uno-1, Hut. !retli, Hlnwiuli IIomWh, IfwutiM-h
.in I lirn-k.K'ho. It'sH-K-Ly Ho iiitiiln Ti'ii In tan
li t form. & rents a lux. Ucniiliift made b)
iil.i.in.B Dui'ii CulA'ANV, Madison. Wi.
Etabllhed 117$.
M. J. Howloy,
Real EstaU Bought and Sold, Rant
Collected, Tare Paid ind Con
veyance Written.
JVZVt Commercial Avenue.
Kt nl of (Ji-orfcp I'. f) Ucliler, rtePf-d.The
UQilt-rKtKnf-tl, ImvinK lM-m spiHilntpit liilniinia
Irntrn of th i-Mati ff UtHiii 1. 1 (ir iler.
Isti- of Ihr counly of Alrimiiilfr. nl Ihe mate
uf I llfnoln. ittcr.cl, hereby fivi-n notice tbt
he will niiiiear b-f rp lh coitntr court of
Ali-Kantl r county, at the court hoimf in l.airo.
111., at the If eeniber term, on the flmt Morula?
in Difnili.-r neit. at Hkkh lire all (jeraonii
havtnx rlamin airaintit snirt etate are notified
and nqnemvd to attend for the purpose of
bavlnff the Maine adjiMteil. All pernotiH in
(teMed to ftafd ealte are rrifnired to make im
mediate payment to the imriermgrned.
Dated thia MM Hht hi iK-tober. A. !., iwh.
Ai.K K M I)k i i.i.KB. AdminUtratrix.
Milra Kredi-ricli (iiiliert, Attorney.
During tho next thirty day.
KeminRt'in, L. C. Smith, and
l)vin ruiih. AUo rt fine line
of opera irlea at half price.
The Old Heliable Place.
Ben Michaels, 609 Commercial Are
The Big Store
1303-8 Washington Ar:
CL..I IllllfU
That Is EdoJ to Eat Usi an j We3
IVl aloy's
K. C. Restau rant
Best Mcl in the City 15c
Rooms 25c
this campaign or of the relief of Port
Arthur "would be, ended ... probably for
this. year. 1 ; .-
By the Associated Press,
Chicago Oct. 12. Alleged . extro
tiouate charges and arbitrary prac
tices of tho Armour . Cur company
wero again the subject of examina
tion by the Interstate Commerce com
mission at its closing session ithls af
ternoon. . and the commission finally
adjourned pending a special call, will)
the Investigation suspended.
Charges of gross oppression were
made by several commission men ot
Chicago and other points,, who .have
had to depend on the Armour Car sys
tem for the transportation of their
product. , .
George F, Mead, of George F. Mead
& Co., fruit dealers, and vice-president
of the national Association of
Commission men, of Boston, . stated
that tho aetics of the Armour com
pany were fast ruining the commis
sion business all over' the east.
A. L. Somers, a South Water street
commission merchant, testified that
.he Armour company's charges are
far in excess of the actual cost for
Icing ears and cited several instances
where he had been charged $15 for
icing a car for a trip of 200 miles or
less, comparing the rate with one of
$10 made by the Santa Fe, railroad for
700 miles. , j
There la not an Immoral .show on
the ground. The Dancing Girls are
visited by tho ladies and they say
there Is nothing improper about the
Superintendent T. C. Clendencn pf
the Cairo public schools, announces
that there will be no half holiday for
the school children this week on ac
count of the fall festival and the an
nouncement made to this, effect, ia s
Some bitter feeling has been en
gendered by certain acts of rowdyism
on the streets at night and the aeeK
era of innocent fun and amusement
may lie forced to forego these harm
less diversions because a few will In
sist on carrying the matter to ex
tremes. Some persons were", miffer.
ing yesterday from brnined headii,
some had black eyes, others had flesh
cuts made from vicious laahea of
small whips, while others were en
Kaged in cleaning their clothing
which had been thoroughly covered
with flour and talcum powder. Such
actions will not be tolerated, and tin
loss there is an immediate check of
these things the police ' Will take a
hand and atop the use of rubber balls
herns and the other contrivances
which, if used properly, tvould result
In practically no harm.' 1 '
Tho seats brought from St. Mary's
park and placed nn the streets have
proven very popular and many of
them were occupleu niucti of the time
yesterday and lant night.
. A negro boy seemed to have the
baby rack m:'n at his mercy law
night. The play is "Knock the head
down once ami get one cigar, twice
and get two, and three times you get
five cigars or five packages of chew
ing gum." The colored lad knocked
three down in succession most too
often and he will probably be barred
from throwing in fne future.
A dastardly piece of meanness was
lone last night by notneone In the
crowd on Washington avenue. Rob
ert Lewis, George Stark and Fred Hal-
liday were seeing the nights and were
mingling with the people on the
crowded thoroughfare. Voting Stark
It a twinge In his leg and feeling
where the sting was he noticed blood
trickling down his leg. Ppon Investi
gation It was seen that hU trousers
had been cut with som aharp blade
probably that of a razor. . The wound
made by the Instrument waa not
a deep tine and was Juki beneath the
pocket, having evidently been intend
ed to open the pocket tor the purpose
of robbery. The young men realized
that they had been among thieves and
each began an examination ot their
clothing when each of them found
that their trousera had been cut in
River Transportation
For Mempfcie anil Way Ludlafe.
eremn. eariBTVBa.
FERDHEBOLD Tavsdmr 1 p m
".FOR'ilA LEK ...Friily t 9 m
REE8 LF.R ....P!ordr p m
For fU. Louie mmd War Landings.
UTAtiri I KK Vniut a
FEUD HF.ROI.l)....WetDeiy a m 4 '
FKTEBS LEK fitardiv a !
w j
For Freight ad Prnmc Apety
HiiW7 mwyu WkarftM. Cklr.
Owerwl Kuupr.
Oenerml OOoa, m Froat BtrMi.
fef enihta , . T
on. r.:cnr.L .
Oflicc 707 Coirjncfcial Ave.
the same manner except that the ho!
waa cut in the rear nd on the" aid
instead of in front. ' The young ft
lowa have no idea who could h.v,
done such a mean piece of work, but i
13 evidence enrnnrh tbit tome
characters are infesting the city are
a vigilant watch should be kepi fo
them. '.
The Stadium was packed at ?!
evening performance, folly- lOO.peopV
being unable to procure scat and b
Ing compelled to stand and wttne
the performance.
The popular query Is
that last ball first?"
'Who Oin
'V !
Yesterday was a busy day in circuit 5
court and much business waa diVptw.t- l'
of. ., " 1 -
Will Ward, indicted ' for assault
to murder, pleaded guilty to as
sault with deadly weapon and was,
fined 23 and co.ta and sent' to Jail
for ISO days.
David Rodeaker pleaded guilty t
petit larceny and was given 30 day.
In jail.
Garfield Payne and Henry Madi
son were found guilty ot burglary
and larceny, on trial by jury, and
were sentenced to the penitentiary.
' Ed Jones pleaded guilty to petit
larceny and was fined 25 and given
30 days in Jail.
Divorces were granted Eugena L,
Kosht from lalo V. Ko.slu, luuh
Stephenson from Myrtle Stephenson,
and William Dally from Josephine
Charles Bradley, the negro whu
killed Andrew Whitcamp Sr., a few
weeks ago, entered a plea of guilty.
His sentence has not been determin-
-' ' V :-'
The following casea were contin
ued: - '.; " '
Will II. Horshaw, burglary and lar
ceny.. . . '
, Frank J., Walters and Robert Wii
Hams, Murder. , . ' '
Albert Peters and Arthur Peters,'
burglary and larceny.
Jack Franklin, alias Happy Jack,
cjiibezzlement. '
Jack Franklin, alias Happy Jack,
Jack Franklin, alias Happy JacltJ
j Louis Petrle, arson.
John Waugh, murder.
Frank Alsop, alias N. I. Croft, for
Hob Hogan, keeping gaming hous.'
. Hob Hogan, keeping hout;e C 111
fame. ,
Frank AIsc'p, alias N. i. Croft, for
fiery.' '
Frank Alsop. alias N. I. Croft, for-
Kery. , , . . .. ;
William Rankin, burglary and lar
ceny. Frank Webb, burglary and larconv,
Oeoige J. Decker, perjury. ' '
The grand Jury was dismissed afier
returning the following indictments:
Roscoe C. llaker, larceny.
David Rvideaker, larceny.
Garfield Payne and Henry M.idt-
son, burglary and larceny. '
Pete Carney, robliery. ;
Gus Smith, assault with Intent to
, Charles Bradley, murder. . ,
Clarence Irvln, murder. ,
Kd Jones, burglary and larceny. ,
Ida Scott, larceny. '
Henry Agson, murder.
$15.00 Round Trip to Texas and the
The Missouri Pacific and Iron
Mountain Route will sell Homeseek
era' excursion tickets to certain point
in Texas, Kansas, Louisiana. Arkan-
aa and all point In Indian Territory
and Oklahoma at $15 00 for the round
trip from Cairo, except where rate of
one fare plus $2.00 make lesa. Datr
of Bale September 20 and 27; October
and 18. Tickets good for return 21
days. 8tcpover allowed after roach
ing first homeseekers point.
For further informa'lon writ -any
representative of the Miaaoori Pacific
and Iron Mountain Route, or ft'lu rvf $
II. C. Townsend. O. P. and T. A . st.
Louis, Mo. Elmer Smith, P. and T.
A, Cairo. III.
Less Than Half Rates Via the Mobile
and Ohio Railroad.
to New Orleans, M bile-, Montgnmcr?
and other points south, on Oct. It an !
Nov. 15 from St. Louis. Calm an ! ia
ermediate stations. From Chiea;o.
$20.(K0. Stopovers allowed on g.in
trip south of Wickliffe. Ky. For inr
tieulsrs apply to M. and O. It. K
affpnts. or Jno. M. Beail. M. and O.
Railroad, St Iouis. Mo.
Meat Inspection in Belgium.
Frozen meats and live cattle ara
objected to a saLitary Icsr-oetkm hr
the government before a jrui-?!.-a in
to Belgium. The c-nrrmn'- r
tborlzed to cn fwc-rV,. v
t!f ' 0
f rtcati lEtn-Kluft-d Into t"n t- -
rnory wiicoci cvri ite persons
Bereft of trriation.
Tbe Kile dam at Asanas rs!.'.
the F7Tit!nr la?t rumirrr to :
;.in!in ettra ten tif wsrr e;
at the critical tim Utt tv'-lXm.f:

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