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t : S T A T E 0 AT HE ATFRS E '- -' '. THE CAIRO ' BULL ET1N, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1904 I ARE THE BEST. Woodward Hardware Co. I1 A NEW COUNTY MAP OF Alexander and Pulaski Published by the Bulletin Counties Company Containing a complete list of land owners, showing divis ion of townships, occupancy of each section and bound aries of all farms and locating public buildings. All rail roads, waterways and public, roads are plainly and cor rectly shown SCALE: 1 3-4 INCH TO ONE MILK. Mounted on Map Linen, with sticks at top and bottom, col ored by townships and varn ished. Price - - - - Accurate, Comprehensive, Complete, Up-to-date The first map of Alexander County published within fifteen years, and the only complete', map of Pulaski County in existence." Make remittance by P. O, order or check to The Bulletin Company 703 Ohio Street. Cairo, Illinois. Stocks t Bonds Cereals F WA WITH T ACTIVE PRICES IP - . , FEELING WAS UNSETTLED, BUT THE UNDERTONE WAS FIRM CORN ALSO WENT HIGHER, OATS WERE ACTIVE. ' ' Liverpool Quotatldna. By the Associated Press. Liverpool, Oct. 12. CORN Spot, American mixed, easy, 4s 5(1. - NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. STATE OAKS are FUEL SAVERS Woodward Hardware Co. $15 TO TEXAS ' 4 AND RETURN From St. Louis, Cairo and Memphi. Sept. 13, 20 and 27, Oct. 4 and 18. Dallas, Ft. Worth. Waco, Houston, Galveston San Antonio and intermediate points. Ono-wy Colonlxt Unto to same points on Sept. 20, Oct. 4 and 18, from St. Imis and Cairo, f 10 50; from Momphla, (3.60. WrlU (or purlicular. Cotton Belt Route J. H. JONES, Agent, Cairo, Illinois. By the Associated press, Chicago, Oct. 12. WHEAT Was fairly ao'.lve, with feeling again rather unsettled, but the undertone on the whole wa3 nrm.'Closln prices showed December 1 higher, ttrhlle May gained 1'.' The pit temper was bullish, and part of the buying was credited to the southwest an i local elevator Interests. Outside markats were all stronger, which was indirect bull help, as waj also the showing of the Liverpool market, -which came higher. Advices from Kansas City were bullish as to this prospec- vo movement. The secretary of the Kansas Grain Dealers' association e?-1 tiniai'ed that fully CO per cent, of the Kansas crop was hiarketej and mill ers' stocks ware reported small. The map was favorable arid clear weather was Indicated. Crop news from" Argentine was bearish. Buying May and July was the feaure early. Primary receipts of southwest were small. CORN There was a fair trade, with interest centering more, in con tracts for December; Feeling mani festly was stronger and closing fig ures were IVi higher far-December, UVi better for May. A better tone was attributed chiefly to the ft'rong position of cash corn, better cableH and small receipts. The feature, was the buying of .December by the ship. pers. Bids for No. 2, corn were at band, equal to 2'4 over . December, ' and holders were not inclined o accept the same. The Ayeather was favora ble, and scutlnycHern markets wei-o stronger. . . ' OATS Were active. Liquidations by lonss and short selling caut-ed a break of Covering, by shorts liter strengthened in other grains, and caused a reaction and the last sales were higher for ' December, fln'd lower fur May. October was traded In lai'e In the day at V over December, being bid up1 by cash house. Dy the Associated Press, v New York. Oct. 1 2. WHEAT Re ceipts, 2.000 bushels. Spot, strong; No. 2 red, 110 f. o.-b., afloat. Op tions closed firm at tt net advance of 12 cents. December, 1,14. CORN Receipts, 9:1,000 bushels. Expoi.ts, 80,000. Spot, Btreng: No. 2, 57 elevator, and f8 f. o. b: afloat; No. 2 yellow, 00; No. 2 white', 58. Opt ions closed Arm at 1 V net gain. December, 50. ' OATS Receipts, 41.000 bushels. Spot, steady; mixed, 3ti35; white, 34Vi:50vi; Clipped white, 3739y4. STOCK MARKET 1 VIABLE CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. By the Asslciated Press. , Chicago, ' Oct. 12. Receipts are running largoly to western range and half-fat farm ca'tle. Too 'few choice beeves are coming on the market. Thero was an active denian(l today, btft buyers were particular and com mon to fair cattle were discriminated against. Those of superior quality are much firmer at an advance of 15 25, but undesirable offerings sold slowly at recent declines. Cattle that am not good were largely 10(fi"20 low er than at the close of the week; HOGS Local packers are improv ing thrir opportunity to , tho utmost, much largur receipts and extremely small eastern shipping demand enab ling i. hem to cut prices materially low er. Today prices fell 10tl5; sales slow. SHEEP Today b recolpts ran largely to common description, which ruled weak, while good flocks wore firm. BUT ITS SHOWING OF ABSORP TIVE POWER WAS CONVINC INGPROFIT TAKING WAS GENERAL. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS. . Special to The News. Chicago, Oct. 12. The following was the range of prices for the day: WHEAT. Oloatna- Oct. 12. Oct. 11 IT YOU INTEND TO MAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas Citv OR ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST write for maps, time-tables and L- O W RATES to the Chicaao & Alton Rv all information and details cheerfully given.. The equipment of "The Alton" is matchless in every respect, its superb apointments having earned for it' the title of "THE ONLY WAY." D. BOWES, Asst. Gen'I Pass. Agent, - - ST. LOUIS, MO. Cat out and mail Ui coupon and enclfM with It TEN CENTS with bum and addrwM u IDUjeateu www ..1104 Pnbliaher The Cairo Bulletin, Cairo, Illinois. Dar BinrKtod TEX CENTS vnclowd herewith to eover tot of portf r ot "To rrH City," to watch I M eutiU.4 m aod npiH of mailing No. .... rwaoer of to Nave... MrsetXe.. Cttjr They Work While Yon Sleep BULLETIN WANT ADS Doc. May Doc. May Dec. May Open High Low .109Vs 110 109 1J0 109 .109 110 IO914 110 109 CORN. 49 4814 4GV 45 OATS. 29 28 31 31 48 45 28 31 49 40 29 31 48 45 29 31 At. St. Luia. By tho Associated Press. ' St. Louis, Oct. 12. CATTLE Re ceipt. 8,000; strong to v 10 higher. Beef steers, $4.00(5 0.10; Blockers and feeders, $2.00(5 3.50; cows and heifers, $2.254.25;. Texas steer, $3.0004.00. HOGS Receipts. 12,000; lower; rango, $4.755.85. NEW YORK PROVISION MARKET. BUTTiSR Steady, unchanged. CUEKSK Firm, unchanged, EGOS Firm; we..:ern, 21Vifr22. COFFEE Options closed steady, pet. unchanged to. i .painti lower. Sales, 47.500 bag:. November, $(!.; spot Rh), steady; 7 invoice, 8; mild, quiet. SI'GAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3;' centrifugal, 9G tost, 44; molas kcs sugar, 3; refined, quiet. O, beauty! what a powerful wea p;i thpu art. The bravest men fall at thy feet. No M'on der women take Hollister's Rocky Mountain .Tea tn prolong that joyous upell. 35 centt, Tea or Tablets, Paul O. Schuh & Sons ST. LOUIS GRAIN MARKETS. Spoclal to The News. St. Louis, Oct. 12. The following was (ho range of prices for the day: WHEAT. Olontnf Oct. 12. Oct. 11 Dec. Mny Dec. May Dec. St. 44 43 30 Open nigh Low ..113 114 113 114 112 ..113 H5 113 115 112 CORN. .. 44 45 44 43 .. 44 44 43 44 OATS. 29 THE CASH MARKETS. Louis, Oct. 12. The following spot prices ruled here today for var ious grains mentioned: No. 2 red winter wheat. 117 119. No. 3 red winter wheat, 112 115. No. 2 white corn, 54 ff 55c. No. 2 mixed' corn, 52 53c. No. 3 white corn. 52 54c. No. 3 mixed corn, 61 53c. No. 2 white oats, 32 33 c. - No. 2 mixed oats. 32 32c. . No. 3 white oats, 30 7f 32c. No. 3 mixed oats, 30 30c. LOCAL GRAIN MARKETS. Cash prices In the Cairo market yesterday were as folows: No. 2 red winter wheat, 111. No. 3 red winter wheat, 109. No. 2 white corn, 55c. No. 2 mixed corn, 54c. No. 3 white corn, 64c. No. 3 mixed corn, 53c. No. 2 white oat. 32c. ' No. 2 mixed oats. 31c. No. 3 white oats, 31 c No. 3 mixed oats, 30c. No. 1 timothy hay, per ton, $9.00. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. By the Associated Press. Chicagj, Oct. 12. Following were the receipts and shipments from this market in carload lots today: Flour ... Vheat Corn Oats 4G 27 320 4 15.1 200 393 121 Minneapolis Cereals. By the Associated Pre. Minneapolis. Oct. 12 WHEAT December. 113: May, 114G. Cash, on track. No. 1 hard, 117; No. 1 northern, 113; No. 2 northern, 112. A spcclul train will leave Union de pot via Big Four Rnute for Indianapo lis next. Sunday. All who can should take advantage of the very low rate of $2.00 for the round trip and visit friends at Indianapolis or intermedi ate points. Train leaves 1:00 a. m. The Evening Trews Is Cairo's load ing evening newspaper 15c per month to Bulletin subscribers. By the Associated Press. New York, Oct. 12. Today's stock market was varlablo and uneven, but Us showing of absorptive power was convincing. There was a general sell ing movement to take profits after the higher opening, as has become ens tomary for several days past. A perl od of quiet intervened before the buy- lug movement was resumed. This buying was a very concentrated char acter, which kept alive the suspicion that it came largely from speculative pools or combinations of operators formed for the purpose of putting up prices and distributing stocks. There were various prominent stocks which were held back through out by continuous realizing going on In them and recent strong advances In them were the obvious motive for the desire to take profits, Conspicuous in' the list were St. Paul, Reading, Erie, Southern Pacific, United States SteeT preferred and Amalgamated Copper. Stocks which advanced strongly were themselves subject to more or less realizing and backsets and the maWVt closed with such a movement In full force. The leader of the advance today wan Union Pacific. Stress was laid upon the fact that one of the new Union Pacific directors is also a director of Chicago Northwestern, as are Beveral older directors. This was pointed to as indicating progress In the supposed plan for harmonizing the western rail road situation. .Union Pacific and other grangers were benefited by further considera tion of a large corn crop prmlsed. International exchange and money markets were further affected by the rise In the discount rate of the Im perial Bank of Germany, and surmises were still rife on possible further war loans Impending for both Russia and Japan. Figure of our September exports of domestic products have had a reas suring effect regarding our own situ ation In exchanges with Its showing of an increase of $12,792,383 In value!! compared with the previous Septem ber. , Selling to take profits In the final hour materially reduced the levwl to which prices had attained and made the closing easy. For Every . a Merchant, Firni J5 ox Corporation to dei , JjJ posit tb resfults of J their business nf . ' deavors, Is With A4 banky recognized by the community at large as a conserva tive banking Institu tiou-giving you all the convenience of modern up to J t- 1 1 J. ,.tr . 1 mm ml date banking methods Any of our large line of patrons will gladly eive V you information regarding our ability to further 5 3'our banking interest. City National Bank 609 Ohio Street, Cairo, 111. lit Capital $100,000.09 : : : Surplus $175,C:H3 fMfftftMtftlMttei(uiittft 3 New- York Store "'' ' I- ; . ' '" '''' t AWRCAN1ILB COMPANY, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,Plainand Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise. Wholesale and Retail. 'orner 19th Street and Commercial AvenueJ tt t my. i 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1. 1 tt f t f t mitt 1 1 1 tit i ttAtAwitMittt Qovsrnment Bonds. Today Yesterday Refnndini;2'ireeistered. 104?i 104' Refunding 2's coupon.., Registered 3's Coupon 3's New 48 registered ; New 4's coupon Old 4's registered 10-4;V 104 ii 106! 4 1315H Pronounced My Case Incurable, Said I Would Die Of Heart Disease. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Brought Good Health. "I he every reason to recommend tht Dr. Mile Remedies u the Heart Cure save my hie. I m a large man, considerably over six feet in height, weiKh nearly three hundred pounds. .Some years ago my heart was so senouslv aCecied that 1 never expec trd to ce well. Doctwi prtmounced ray ca3e incurable. I noticed your sdverUsement in souieaper, and boaRht m Ifcttlei ot th Heart Oft. I ft it creit rrliel and improved so 1 continued until I had taken twelve bot tles. My trouGida organic and I ner eapected to Vie permanently cured, but thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, I have kept in jowl health and have been able ta follow my profrf sion continually aince first taking the remeiAes eight years ago. 1 m mnu ci an, teacher of instrumental and ocal mukic musical conductor, etc. I have taught ail over the state of Ms -hi fan and have In. Miles Heart cure W reconiniended thoduiuls of cercons in all start and have heard nothing arts of the t rood re ef pari but Dorti ol it. 1 have induced r!oens ot persona Z. H. Smith, Flint, Mich. in my own county to take in. Miles Heart Cure as my word is never doubted by those hn knnw me ' 1 am dmrsw t and have sold and recom mended Dr. M.tU' Heart Curf. for I know what it has done for rue, and I wi.Ji 1 couid state more clearly the fplendid food health I am enjoyins; now. Your kertorative Nerv. Ine jives eacellent satisfaction." Ur. T. 1L Wat's, Druggist, Hot Springs, S.I). AH drujiiH acil and ccatintce first hot. tie Dr. Milea Remedies. Snd lor free book on ervo aad Heart Diseases. Address Dc Kika UtdKtl C, EUit, lad. ASK YOUR DFA1ER FOR it UNION MADE OYtlALW FOR -5 ALE EYERIVniERE .. 106 Old 4'8 ooupon lOfi 'i Railroad Stocks. Atchliton 84 '4' Atchison preferred I00'a Baltimore & Ohio 91. Chicago & Alton 3H Northwestern 1H Denver & Rio Grt-nde... 2 Den. & IUo Uraude pfd. M Illinois Central 144 4' Louisville & Nashville.. 12H Metropolitan 1207 Missouri Pacific loo;, Now York Central VM'i Pennsylvania 133' Readln(r 71lg Rock Island 2 Rock Island pfd 7.T St. Paul 167?,' Southern Pacific 6!)' Sontbern Railway Union Paciflo 10l3i Union Pacific pfd P3 Wabash SO', Wisconain Central 20 4 104 104 yt 105 4 131 h 131 5 108'- io;' 100 . t4 190 29 81'. j 143H 12H1,' 1204 100 131 134 721b 2f 73 167J,' 69) 3.3 ij 104 20 'j' eV m I 3 3 v 51 i t i ) ..' ml mi i V ev 4 1 THE Enterprise Savings Bank. At 609 Ohio Street, CAIRO, ILL. Pays 3 Per Cent Interest On Deposits. Assets ONE MILLION DOLLARS Are you enrolled among our Depositors? If not, we would like to have you. . e4 ANNA LAKE HAYNCS HBm Amalc Miscellaneous. mated Copper. i era Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 02 61 '4 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 36 Northern Securities 112V Pacific Mall 3r Peoples Gas 103 "4 Sugar 132X Tennessee Coal andiron. 604 United 8taU Steel IS7, United State Steel pfd- 7t7,, WeKtorn Union B2 Bid. O-V-4 oo 3't 1124 103 ' 132' 60' 19, 77 82 call New York Moeey Market. By the Associated Pnws. New York, Oct. 12. Money on lf2'i per cent; closing bid and offer ed, 1; time loans, btcady; Mxty days S'ITS'i per cent; ninety days, 2 ft 4; six months. 4. Prime paper, 4'fT 5 per cent. Kxcbangc, firm; demand $483.50 4S5.55; sixty day, $483 25? 483.30. Bar silver, 57. C. S. Nealy, Omaha Rbenmatism and kidney trouble? have entirely Utt me, Holl!str' Rocky Mountain Tea made me well and i'rona. ZZ cent1? , Tsa or Tabl .ts. Taul O. Schuh t Suns. Cairo to Indianapoii-. Ind.. snd r turn via Bis Four Route. Only round trip Sunday. Oct. Kin. 1?4 Special train , local, leaves 1:00 a. m. To subscribers of The Bulletin The Evening News will be delivered for 15c per month. Full A'scolated Press reporta. JOHN A. HAYNES GROCERIE i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Butter, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fine Canned Goods, Etc. Special Attention to City Trade. Prompt Delivery Guaranteed 119 OHIO aTREET. iOTH PHONtt NO. lOO. BSJuZlZS o-e e-e.e e . -. 4 The Smart Set A Magazine of Cleverness. Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement and mental recre ation are the motives of The Smart Set, the - Most Successful of Magazines. Its novels (a complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant authors of both hemispheres, v6 Its short stories are matchless clean and full of human interest. Its poetry covering the entire field of verse pathos, love, humor, tenderness is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. Its jotes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 160 Pages Delightful Reading. No paves are wasted on cheap illustration, editorial vaporirgs or wearying essays and idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh yon. Subscribe now 2.50 per year. Remit in check, P. O. or Express order, or registered letter to The Smart Sot, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B. Sample copies Knt Free on application.