Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17, m Are Admittedly KnoWn as the Best Fire keepers made1. Don't Swim After a Fish-Drop Him a Line. Put a want ad in the morning Bulletin and Evening News and rent your vacant house, get a line on a situation or secure some new business. Published in Both Papers For Oae Price. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Short Announcement Representing Their Wants, Trades, Prof e- , a'ons and Various Ac tivities. Rt For CUaufud Notice. On. Insertion per word. .... . .01 Three insertion, oar word ... ' M 1-1 Oae week per word J One month per word ... . .16 All matter let In Nonpareil type. No advertisement luHerted lor lee. than twenty-five eent , j WORLD'S FAIR ROOMS. ' Furiilnlied room, for World's Pair visitor, Mjc to II per flay. H. T. Nowotay, VM Walnut Btieet, ht. Lout., Mo. ROOMS WANTED. Three unfuroielied room, centrally located, wanted or Jiglit hou.ekeepiug-. Address T., thin oltiiHi. IN LIFE PRESERVERS With Which Steamer General Slociim Was Equipped PIECE OF CROSS' INFAMY DENOUNCED BY PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IN MAKING PUB LIC INVESTIGATING COM MITTCE'S REPORT BALTIC SQUADRON SAIL UIIC E MORE www , TUB NAME OF . . 3 a iSa o E. e FOR THE 700th TIME THE CZAR'S ONLY REMAINING FLEET PUTS OUT FROM LIBAU GOES IN TWO SECTIONS. By (ho Associated Press. Llbati, Oct. lO-The Baltic tquad- ron put to sea hij morning. Vfe o V SV we ei we V Means a whole lot when it conies to buying clothes. It is accepted as a BADGIC OP QUALITY in Cairo and is au investment fiat NEVER passes a dividend. Wilson Bros, full line of Furnisliiuff Goods. Cluctte, lYabody & Co. V Monarch Shirts. Sole agents fur Tigt?r and Champion Hats. STEAMS IN TWO SECTIONS. WANTED. WantedPicture to frame nd room to paper. Lancaster & K'ce, 21S Ki jhth .treet and lout Conuiierci .1 avenue. PBOJrBHSlOAAI Dr. Onnn, eye, ear, noia and throat. Corner eiw and Washington - tf MAIL ORDERS. Me .tart yon in (be mall order buslueM. Kali trm'uim and sample tree. American Ujwt'lal Hvnrf, Milwaukee, Wl. ... ' fOH KENT. For Het Furnished house for rent. Ad drwi J. U at tin. office. Fir Ruin Furnished rw.ii with bath (or f entltfiuea. Apply K , Butletla FOR SALE. For 8.tif Klodliiijj wood H per load, de livered, i aim Mill Lumber Co. Ciro For Sal six lot, tirel-rlais house and barn. Water. ..'War. ami bavriueuta all in. Nice lawn an'l sbaJe trees. Inquire of Iir. V. 11. iiarreu. For Sale Horse, bu(S?y and harness for (ale reasonable. auures rJ , Bulletin owes. For 8al Good p.vinij saloon bualneti. in Tliebe. nest iouatiou ui towu. Addle.. W., care uu nun. LADIES WANTED, Three biigbl ladies to travel this winter south, rialaiy and tipcuira paid, limbic, Covhrui' drug store. PIANO FOR SALE. HOUSE WANTED. f nr.. i i rrt., - a ... : l. Pian- Fo' a t square piano in flrH-cl. , fllr u t 0t!low , t i, Uii. cider lo. rk i- -'ap. Apply at this otlice. lattice. If You Want the Best Buy an ESTATE OAK HEATER Woodward Hardware Co, rfOiSi.viWfcS LOCALS. A stove that will make your family comfortable and-save fuel. A. Halley, 807-9 Washington avenue. Coal hot blast stove, It's the stove you want. F. Hauiier.. Son, farming Imple ment an. wagons. High grade gro cer log ami fine coffees specialty. Cairo J rou and Machinery Suppl) Plot e, J. B. Reed. Prop., 10(5 Ohio, tion. at eel and heavy hardwaie, mill mppllei,., oelitug. pumps, gas pipes. Frank Thomas 6 Co., popular drug store,' c.r. z&ih and Poplar streets, la a aplem.ld place to buy your drug) , l'reacriptiona carefully compounded. John - Lattner, bakery and conf tinnery, makes the lightest, white and most wholesome bread, dellclot C' kes, "tes, cookies and cream puff ioi t tni your norde snoa ngnt, and It wi 1 be done when you take It Bill Ougan, 130C Commercial ave nue, opposite Power's livery stable. Notice Michigan peaches. Con cord grapes, pineapples, oranges, cran berries and cantaloupes at VV, It. O'Shea'S, 8th SL Both 'phones. For fresh vegetables, fancy and ' staple groceries and choice meat caU at the Walter ft fiherlck market, Eighth street Reinhard, photographer, maker of fine photographs. Try this gallery, you will get fine artistic work at satisfac tory prices. 211 Sixth street Harry W. Scbuh's drug store has the cough cure that curea the cough. A large bottle costs only 2 Da It can't be beat Try It Burke's livery. Feed and Boarding tables, first-class livery service. A One line of carriages for funeral oc casions. Always the best I buy, sell and take in pawn every thing. Ladies and gents doming a it for you. Interior furnishing lumber a specialty; get estimates and prices. Uncle Joe's Hotel, best fi.00 a day house In the three states. You get the brut of everything to eat and urink, and a nice clean bed. Port of Havre. The port of Havre consists of an outer narbor fifty acres In extent; there ; re also ten docks with a half tide I ;in and ten locks, having 8 sntfac of 210 acres. Thi-re are 19. 500 y: rds cf quays and 143 acre of land t r the stowing cf merchandise, largely covered with excellent ahedc. There are six drydocks. three oi which are capable of taking; In all but thi largest mall steamers. 1 aas t.ltt! Chance for Reform. JuiIm) Faster of the general sessions court rentpcced a young man to two years in the penitentiary the other day for robbing his employer, a man ufactnr?r. The prisoner's sweetheart fleadf.-i for him, saying the Intended to marry and reform him, but his honor dfil not believe in that kind of reformation. Said he: "If I permit ted yi it to marry this man I would r;ak you miserable for life and I certa'uly do not care to assume any such responsibility. Later you will no reedy' to thank me for refusing to grant your reimest." I ovel Automobile Whistles. A European Inventor has converted the Siiykes at an automobile Into whlstl -s. which are operated by the air action. The whit-tleg are controlled by a erles of suiull rubber balls In connei tion with the seat, their re lease i.jeulng the valve in the spokes and poduclng a pucullas whittling noise ublly heard above the souud of trahlc. By the Associated Press. Washington, Oc t. 10. The report of the United States commission of in- vwflgaUon on the disaster to the tteanuT Geneial Slocuin, appointed June 23 by the secretary of commerce and labor, was made public today. In connection with the findings , of the commission, President Roosevelt, to wh.itn the report was submitted, has written a letter to Secretary Met calf of the department of commerce and labor, ruinmari'ing the report and directing -him to carry into'' ef fect the recommendations of the com mittee. The Inspectors. Ho also directs that Robert S. Bo die, supervising inspector of the Sec ond t'lstrie, steamboat inspecting service, and James A. Dumont, and Thomas H. Barrett, local inspector in charge of the port of New Ycjk, be discharged from service, the commis sion so holding them directly respon sible fcr the laxity of steamboat in spection to which the Slocum dl.-wster was directly attributed. The President's Letter. The president's letter to Secretary Metc.ilf tays in part: "I: appears that the department of justice has' already secured indict ments against the master and captain of the Slocum and against the manag ing directors of the Knickerbocker Steamboat company, to yhich the Slo cum belonged, for misconduct, negli gence and inattention to duty by the captain, and for aiding and abetting theren: by the managing directors. Furthermore, the department of jui rice has secured indictments against Henry Lundberg and John W. Flem ing, assistant inspectors of the steam boat inspection Service, who actually inspected the Slocum, for fraud, mis conduct and inattention to duty. Life Preservers had Iron in Them. "lu addition the department of jus tice has recured the indictment of the manager and three employes oi the N'cnpar&l Cork works of Camden, N. J., for puitiug uiioa liie market compressed cork blocks for use in making life preservers, each of which blocks contained In its center a piece or bar iron weigh ins several poundn. This last offense was of so heinous a character -that It Is difficult to com ment upon It with proper relf-re-straint. It appears that the national legislature has nevtr enacted a law providing in set terms for the punish ment of this particular, species of Infamy, doubtless because It never en tered the head of any man that such a grow. Infamy could be perpetrated. I suggest that you repor. this whole matter i to congress, transmitting these two reports and at that time calling special attention to tha need of Imposing an adequate penalty for making or selling of lif3 saving ap- By the Assrdated Press. " f'opinhfttwri, Oct. lG.- During today the Baltic squadron passed Bornholm Island In two sections. It comprised a total of six battleships, H cruisers and numerous smaller craft, and was going nor' beast. I Sandler, Tailor and Haberdasher, 6 1 1 Commercial Ave. i SO SOOTHING. Its Influence Has Been Felt By So Many Cairo Readers. The soothing Influence cf relief. After suffering from Itching Piles, From Eczema or any itchiners of the skin, . Makes one feel grateful to the reme edy. Dean's Ointment has soothej hun dreds. Here's what one Cairo citizen nays: Joseph Vollmer, of 15 Ninth street, tailor, says: "I had attacks of Itch ing ulles for nearly -twenty years, no doubt aggravated by the ennstant sit ting at my business. For a year they were worse than a plague desplie ef forts on my p-art to check the trouble. A neigfcbc-r of rniue told mo about Doan's Ointment curing him and it struck me that if it was effective In his case it might be in mine so I got a box at Paul G. Scbuh's drug store. An application proved that it was bet ter than anything I had ever used. It sootiieJ the itching bo that I could sleep at night and though I cannot say whether 1 am permanently cured or not, the amount of ease and com fort I have received from the use of Doan's OintmenU stamps that remedy as one fully up to the representations made for it. For sale by all daalcrs. Price 50 cents. Foater-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, fole agents for the United State.;. , Remember the name Doan's and take uo other. ... . m cANNOUNCEMENT. For the benefit of our friends and customers who are unable to visit our store during day time, we have" arranged to keep open Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday nights of each week until 1 0' o'clock. HMs will give every one wanting a Celebrated ESTATE OAK a chance to buy. j. Woodward Hardware Company fa paratus." Most Important Movement. "Of all the movements in the ooun- speclalty. Guy B. Perry, the pawn broker, 607 Commercial avenue. Conant & Itennle, groceries, dry gcx-ds nnd meat market and general merchandise, leaders for everythins In their lln.. Let them supply you. ' Too Eood to be passed by! Beauti ful Sill: Sairt WaU Suitings can be bad at Hyman's for C5 cents a yard during this week. The lnrt horse fchocr In Cairo Is BUI Dusm. 130C Commercial avenu:, opposite Powpr'a livery stable. The Golden Eagle Clothing and Shoe Hoase sells shoes end clothing that never fiH to please. Fit and work jnanshlp guaran'eed. C01 Commercial. D. F. McCarthy's wagons always on time giving you plenty of heat from the excellent bard and soft coal he handles. ' 393 Cairo, ICC Bell. Golnti to build or repair this spring? See Kelly Bros. Lumber Co. for anything in lumber or building Biatrial Engraed calling catds your name engraved on copper plate (in script) and a b-.mdred cards for $1.50. 100 cards fron our own plate for 11.00. John A. !Ur, Jeweler, 9th and Com mercial avenue. If you want anything made of wood, Kelly Brc. Planing Mill will make - try since I wss an undergraduate." said John Morley, at Oxford, "that which has raised women in -all the chances of life to something like an equality with men strikes me as the mcst important and the most far-reaching." Monkey's Advantage. Its hand and Its wonderful Intelli gence give the monkey advantage over all othrr lower animals. It cannot well endure cold and temperate climates, a: d this fact, it Is mifuested, has pre vented the close asuociatton with man that viould have made the monkey the u: Kt useful of domestic animals. Trade With South America. " One of the most notable features of the trade of the United States with South America Is Its comparative fix ity. During the last thirty years there has been an increase of oiily 6 per tent. In trade, and the sales of 18J0 were about the same as those of 1902. Compared with the tiade r 173. America's 1902 trade with ti: world outside of South America h more than doubled. To tre 4ii,mi-iic people in South Anu-rlca the i.r! ah s amount to less tban $4o.00i.,0e Dclc;ian to Tour United States. Barer Soet Vor. Oldruohenburgh, a Belgian, is in this country for the pur I oso of visiting the St. Louis fair, but .vill make a t.iur of the United States before returning romo. The baron Is, ';Uer sivcly interested In American se crritlc'a and he will tako advantage f his presence here to study existing couditiujs vitth t!,e v'ew of I ru provide his in vastaien's. SPECIAL SALE OF PALMS. Aid decorative plants this week to make - room DAVIDSON, THE FLORIST. There lo a Way Cut. Many men say we know what to Co if we were ut liberty. When one gets cornered the cne thing nut to allow Is discouragement. It is use Ilss, harmful and ur.nt.cess.ry. It h jvjrely physical, and thoucbtfulncys with will power prevents It. Mcla:i cl.cly 13 death, to good work. U can with few exception.-!, be retted, forco-d exercised or doctored oflT. Llcrl M Tratt. - Green Ginseng Roots for plantirjr for sale. I alto buy dry and oiher niiclrial roots. Call or write WILLIAM SALZNER. 211 Fourteenth St. Cairo, Illinois. X J L FRED D. NELLISf CoftercaMw. uuu; v-vai, luiuiiivuc vuai, v,anervme L.oai,- Green Grave Lump and Nut. BOTH PHONES, euaiNtSS and ncsidcncc, NO. 324. Guaranteed Coffee! Moenh and Java - . ..... Rfic Huikeye ixs, two for 45c Jrwel ir, two for - - - - - Sic Bed Hoc 1 16 rents the pound. D. T. GRIFFIN, 2013 POPLAR We'll Ask You to Buy Wall Paper This Time . After that you will auk us, lor wo give you latest designs at prices satisfactory to all. We have skilled workmen to pat it on your walls WiN'iWSii' LANCASTER & RICE Undoubtedly. Dr. ILtchie of Edinburgh wss exam ining a student who claimed to be a mathematician. Ritchie doubted his claim, and to test him said: "How tuny side.4 has a circle?" "Two." win ti e rei:!y. ' What are they?" ask eo the doctor. -The In-ido and the outside." was the answer. A Doubting Thomas. "Ills hyah talk erbout Mother Eve bcin' tempted wif er aprlf," remarked Deacfin Snowball, "am i- raiklst kicd ob ttor.t.nse. No tf it had bin or wattahmlllin. t'en yo' all night talk sbo' ernuff." Modern Cold for Old Tirre Iron. 8oni' Armada relics, which ta been racovercd from the hotto:n oi the tea, were sold t!,o ether o'ay at a London auction. A bri cchlnadlng camn. with wad and ball still In position brought C55; tol;.s rcaliz'M fro.-j . to 4s. a pair. Ltor.e car.non balli brot gl.t stniie thine under CI apteco. t:.i two Iron thot ci.-ld fr !. Gencrste Electricity by Water. Even, in S,)iiln waterfalls are now bJog used os a source of eWtrlc power. In a at? esse twen'ythree rmall villages i;r-j supplied from the power 't.itlon. In Italy the cmcloyment of innumerable waterfalls l.a.i !y Incrt-aied the output of manufac tured silk, "litre." says an English writer, "is a form' of pov er that will iht !c iiii.T than Great Britain's coal a. id-,." Fcit.vit ts fer Prince Henry. Th .;-otpfctlve vtelt of Prince Hen ry f Pruanta will furtih cwrasion f-.r st-tcal high social events at Nem tort. lie will travel as a :rlvate cltl ten. I nt the Vaoiierbilts and the Ox lot take occaiilon (o rrtnrn many of the t-ciintesies shown them by his highness' brother, the kaiser. Apro pos the emperor's new HerreahofT yacht ill be built at Bristol this la-ter. Oystir Cay Settled In 1C53. In 142 a party cf Eugllsh adven turers direct from New England at tended to settle at Oyster Buy, and actually piTchased the land from the Indian. Lvt the Butch drove them ut. Kvent.ially a compromise was aade end he Dutch and Englifh tl vlded Lou,;. Inland between them. Th first v'rmanent settlement on he site '! the present village U lytcr Bay naa then made In lf.53. TO CURE A COLD JN ONE DAY. Tat. Laxative Broom Qnlnlne Talil'ia. All druvrllt refund lb. oioary If It tail, to cure. M. W.Uivve'a ..Knatur im ooeat-h bos. JV. THE ESTATE OAK TliCiViost Wonderful Heating Stove on Earth. Woodward Hardware Co Pigecn Came to Lunch. While two members of the British bouse of commons were lunching In the ri.taurant of that bedy the other day a pigeon fiew In at the window. a;id. r.?tr alighting on the floor, jumped on the table. It was evident ly exhausted and hungry and eagerly took tbe food which was given IL Their Light Not Needed. Sir Olivpr Lodge, an Easlifh ca'ur alift. ca'If-d attention to the curious fact "that during a thunderstorm a glow-norm extingciKbes Us ligkt for a srend or a second and a half be fore each fikb. ril.cbtlr,; at an equal Interval tttjr tbe Cash." Vitality of Snails. The vitality of the snail la remark able. One that was glued to a card In a museum for four years came tit life on being Immersed In warm wat er. Some arpclmor.s In the collection f a naturalist revived arter they ap parently had been dead fur 3flea years. i fW Cole's Ho! Blast Stoves A. HALLEY, SOLE A6ENT. 807-9 Washington Avenue. : o t.r i '. rns Spirit-jallct. ). t.. wc.5 jitiown Et.gliab Japan's Fractional Currer.ey. To have a notion of tbe point to which economy tan be pushed one should learn the currency of Japan The yen when net depreciated U worth 1, and now considerably 1 perhaps a half. It Is equal lo 1'X) set eq :al to 10 rim, equal to 10 ho, eq-ial to lf kotsh'J. L'tte-ateur's Diamond Weddinj. M. Gus'ave Vapereau. who com-pik-d tbe extrerne'y iir-f j "Llction t'.re elcs Conteroporaini." ha Ji:rt ccUl rated bls'diamoad wedding. He is 5 yars old. The firt eiltion of the dic-iot;ary aj reared In n;g, the 'aat eleven years seo. In 1 S. Dr. Smith, osteopath. 222 Tth tnreeL i.g'u subjects and a : ' I -indon city corpora- : 'rc ranis of the Splr- !!-;:s tj lave talked ' f f r. Talmase, whose 'l-'.-'d for a period of ' v" ,c life hs edited. Sign tf Fine Weather. , In early summer, when the wvaJbcr Is showery, you may perhaps notice through breaks In the rslr clouds an appearance of denslsh white cloudlets In small, Irregtilsr tufts brightly Ir radiated by sunshine. The children rsll It mackerel aky. Its real tame Is Cirro-cumulus, and It Is a sure sign of beat, and probably One weather. To Explore Australian Desert Tbe Australian government has or Faclzed an eipedltlon under Capt Bar clay to explore the region, comprising T.'i (H-0 f q-iar miles, between Eyre lake and tbe western boundary of Queens lend. It is a desert of the worst type, which has cost the lives of several ex-I-Iorirs. Reflections cf a Spinster. When a can loses bis collar button ender tie buresu. and then kicks the cat and swrars jnst borribly. Us wife feels sure that she Is only Juft b giaiilag to know tls true character. Baltimore Amencaa. The Spur of Fate BY ASHLEY T0WHE This is a strong, cleq story, full of fire and ac tion. The heroine, a Circassian princess, is res cued from her enemies by a rich young American who falls desperately in love with her. She re turns his love returns it so much that she calls him the "coldest blooded man she ever met." But she is a woman with a purpose. She leads her country in a revolt against Russia, and in following her fortunes with blind devotion and reckless ardor the American becomes a magnifi cent hero. Our readers will enjoy the story. We have secured the serial rights for. this story and will begin Its publication In a few days. 33 Blissful Dream. Want Thr 0wn Co!or. It mskes a woman quiver with Joy janeral horses are always fretful to think that If she were a dnchesa and mtiess if a grey or chestnut she could be haughty even to the gnoold happen to be In the fjok.-Leavenworth Times. m able wlth tbem. JOHN S. JENKINS caisosakd.umeasdcekehtco. wHOLisair. ADrtlTTcr-T Lime, Cement, Hslr, Wall AKUlUtLI Plaster and FJver Sand. 1006 Commercial ht Cairo, III. 1315 Commercial Avenue DANCING TAUGHT! Bishop's Feed Store 0h Dealer is hay, rraio and fee-t MISt BCaTMICC UtneaSTta, bo.T.ier lot. , aoa ar4 asd tta IUHTH ITHIIT. !e. la coa.etUOB , : , : : , Cairo 'Ph'one 292 Z' BlshP Manager VU" U 1 II U lit i, y U Cairo 1-fcoa.saa,, J4 Wa.hia,tow Afc