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ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE 1 TTTT JT .TH BU '.' ;; Advertise la -w Tlve Bulletin The Bulletin KumU Fo two u4 It 1 f Lwiitf Cairo' Leading Papbf rorrf . ESTABLISHED IN 186S VOL XXXVI. NO. 325. CAIRO, ILL., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1904. J S it 4 I XL H JilL I ' . .': ' 11. JL 1 ANOTHER SOUTH Japanese are Undertaking a Wide Turning Movement on the Russian Left ST. PETERSBURG CLAIRIS MOVE MENT HAS BEEN REPULSED Frozen Rivers are Favorable to the Japs Kiiropatkin Will Let Oyama Do all tire AdvancingBoth Sttongly Reinforced. Fly I ho Associated Props. Hi. Poi erslnirK, Nov. 211. "Appear ances again point to ilu" possibility ot a big battle south of Mukden. Tito Japanese, according So an official re port, liavo received a severe setback in the vicinity of Slut aim in, in which (Un ction 'they apparently wore at tempting to execute a wide turning niovomoiit. Military opin ion hero scarcely belicVes it possible that the ,v two great armies can winter ,, less than ride shot distance from each other, 1 hough I ho heavy on each side make it extremely difficult for cither to assume the offensive. It b believed, however, that if the dead lock U ti be broken Knropaikin will let Field Marshal Oyama take tha in ttalive, as the Russians have the bet ter of the prtfiwrt. prrrntioii, namely," a long line of defense and Mukden be hind them, making satisfactory win ter quarters, whore the Russian re inforcements are now accumulating THE MOULDERS STRIKE.' No Additional Arrests Made, and Day : Passd Quietly. By the Associated Press. Cincinnati, Nov. 2:;. No additional arrests were made here today in con nection with the al eged pkf. of the striking moldcrs to do? troy the Eu reka foundry with dynamite. The day parsed quietly at the foundries. The chief interest centered in the ar rest of President Valentine of the i.'oa rnolders' union of North Ameri ca, in Cleveland. The charge against Valentine is aiding and abetting in the malicious destruction of property. The warrant for his arrest was sworn to by President Henry Oosinger of the Kureka foundry company, a p?r sonul fp'ttid of the accused A de tcctive from his city started foi Cleveland this afternoon to bring Valentine back to this city. Another detective went to De'roit with comp iclty In the murder of Sam uel Weakley. ti non-union molder here Oct. . The cases of Fred Kanhauser jr., and Fred Rauhauser, sr., John I look, Jo-ph Hollo .veil and Joseph V, Valentine were called hi police court today and their trial was se4 lor Dee. II. Young Rauhauser, the apprentice inolder, today repeated lib; confession made yesterday. He insists that Hook made arrangements with him to .place dynamite, cartridges in .ht molds at the Eureka foundry. 'HURRICANE DEVASTATES HONDURAS, KILLS MANY. isy uie ASMintm-u 1 1 i.-.-'o, Mazatlan, Mrs.. Nov. 2-1. Advices from Tegucigalpa, tho capital of Hon duras, state -.hat a hurricane has dev astated the northern shores of that .... - ..ill ,,1Y country. .nnre villages nttr ,.. destroyed and crops ruined. Loss of life ainfcag the Indian is said to be considerable. - There In fear of famine in the coun try as crops in the interior section were partly mined by storms some tine as. LINCOLN ELEVEN WON. Ry the Associated Press. I incoln. Neb., Nov. 2?,. In a foot ball game .oday to decide the lowa Nebiaska championship, Lincoln high school today deieated East Des Moine :U to tl. ROOSEVELT'S PLURALITY IN MISSOURI 25,600. Tlv the Associated Pre. J.fferson City, Mo., Nov. 20-The of fic irrJ canvass of the vote for presi dent in Missouri was completed today and shows Roosevelt's plurality 23.-C0O. GREAT BATTLE OF WlUK 'for an advance next spring. The Jap I n se alu a;':1 belii strongly rein forced. - ';' The rivers are frozen sufficiently ,o permit the movement of artillery ; and commissariat traiiiH, so that the Tonntry actually is bettor adapted to j.he Japanese advance than during i 'ho summer. THE TURNING MOVEMENT. ! Uy tho Associated Press. Mukden. Nov. .23. Indications are growing that the Japanese are under taking a wide turning movement on the Russian left. , A large number ot commissary wagons have been olf .served -going eastward, tttlil siii.' ar1 i tilery exchanges have been reported from 'that direction. THE BALTIC FLEET. -I5jr.-th(r Associated' Prens. ' ' . ) Port Said, Nov. 2.1. The Russian I .second Pacific squadron was sighted jat'O o'clock tills morning (Thtira 'day). HE FELL ASUEEP. And When He Awoke He Was Minus His Money and in a Box Car in . Another City. iy tho Associated Press. Swartz Creek, Mich'.. Nov. 23. A sensation was created here today by the mysterious disappearance oC Kloyd Gundry, night operator for the tirand Trunk railroad. The safe had been broken open, tickets scattered t round the floor and bullet marks on the interior of the office indicated possible murder. Despite a thorough ly organized " search no t race was found of the mir.sinf? operator until lata in the day when he himself tele phoned his brother, from .Ann Arbor, Mich. Gundry returned tonight. He aid he fell asleep last night and was aroused by two "strangers 1 ending ver him. The next he knew was when he recovered eon croii sucks In l box car in Ann Arbr. His watch, revolver and $lrt in cash was missing ind he was apparently suffering from he effects of some drug. Gundry 'iad hidden the company's c.rsh in stead of leaving it in the safe, so the ?ompany sustained no loss. MILLIONS WERE INVOLVED. 3ig Lawsuit- Over Land Decided at Marquette, Mich. 3y the Ascsociated Press. 'Marquette, Mich,, Nov. 2?,. Clcar hg the title to Ma;3 mine property Negauneo .valued at several mil ion dollars, Circuit Judge Stone filed t decision in favor of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron company In the case against Lewi,s Corbit and others. The ' litigation involved the 'owner ship of a wedge shaped strip of lsni on which the- company had sunk a shaft and made costly improvements. There were two sets of defendants, owning adjoining parcels' of land known as the Gatithier and Raralxm farms. In March. 190. the company pur chased both farms, supposing it was getting contiguous parcels, and Judge Stone finds that the defendants sold jelieving they were selling all they owned up to the fence on each side. MAY TRANSPORT WHISKEY. By the Associated Press. Boston. Nov. 2U. The Massachus ts supreme court decided today that it is not a crime for a seller of in toxicating liquors, intended for deliv ery into a no-license town or city, to transport them by one not carrying on a regular and lawful express busi ness. Furthermore, it was held that '.ho carrier, though n-t a regular ex press man, is equaPy '.free to trans port liquors, without the act being considered a crime. DE (KPK'f OF A LABOR UNION THAT IS THE LATEST EXPLANA TION OF THE MYSTERIOUS AUTO MOBILE MURDER OF JOHN W. BATE, tJR, v P.y .the Associated Press. . Ohieaso, Nov. 2:1. A labor union conspiracy Is the latest explanttion of the 'automobile t rased y near La ment, 111. Recording to this theory John W. Da e, jr.', chauffeur, wa-i a victim .of bullets . intended tier Edwin Archer, a vital witness for the pros ecution in a criminal case involving a number of. "Chicago labor .union of ficia s. Archer was n employe of tho same jutomobile com tuny lor which Pate worked. Archer and Iiate were the only chnufTV'iu's n duty wh-.n the jiii loniobile vn-' liired by ldephotie for Mr. Dove, I he mippcsed murderer. On ly a nio.Tic!!' before Archer vh:i atone, and it v.'OH he uiio i'civid Ilio oriu innl (-oirniiission to accompany "Dove," A suddea impulse or presen timent i f danger led Archer to turn the work over to Hate.- Archer lui ; for months. Jielieved himself in dan ger .since he ga;o tesiimony in the ease of an alleged professional fins rct who was charged with attacking non-union e'ee'rical workers and who was freed by a change of court rec ords. The alteration f the records Was discovered and led to the couvic lion of a court clerk and several of ficials of labor unions on tha charge Df conspiracy. Other cases are i.tlli pending. Archsr's attorney has laid the facts before tho ula'e's attorney. GEORGE .WEEKS. SUSPECT, 'ARRESTED NEAR joli'et. fiy (ho Associated Press. Ciilcupo, Notf. 'J.?,. A man giving tho name of George Weeks, and who answers the description of the mys terious "Dove.' for v.'holh (he police of four counties have been searching .since last Saturday as the -possible murderer of John W. Hate at l.emonl, was arrested tonight at Klnsmnn. fif ty miles southwest of Joliet. The man was captured aft.r a chase by a posse of farmers and offi cers from Kinsman. He was taken to Ransom and the detectives who have been working on the case were sent for.- He denied all knowledge of th? murder of Bate. When arrested. Weeks was dressed In the identical manner as was "Dove" when he left the Auditorium '"hotel in the automo bile with Hate. Tho prisoner wiil be brought to Joliet tomorrow and an effort made to further Identify him as "Dove." UNITED STATES OFFICERS SEIZE OLEOMARGARINE PLANT By the Assoclafe.1 Press. St. Lntiis, Nov. 23. CniVd States internal revenue ngfuts today .'ek'.od an oleomargarine manufacturing plant. Warrants had been issued for the officers of the company on a charge of selling oleomargarine with- -nil ''complying with the law. i Jl is charged by the revenue agents 'that the manufacturer's have been re ' 'iioving their products from their i factory without paying the revenue , lax required by lnv. This lias been j accomplished, th."y say, by refil ing packages which have been used and ; n which the revenue stamp was not broken. BIG BUTCHERS' STRIKE IS STILL THREATENING. By the Associated Press. Chicago, Nov. 23. The tm-ve for peace by the state board of arbitra tion in the s'rike of cattle butchers in the plant of the Hammond Packing company failed today. The board'? offer was defined on tho ground that irbifralion could be of n.i avail at this time. No move by the union i in the threatened gineral strike at the stock. yards is expected for a day or two t least. Power has been given President IKmnelly of the .butchers' union to call this strike, but he de clined to disclose his plans. FEDERATION OF LABOR HAS CREAT MASS MEETING. By the Associated Press. San Francisco. Nov. 2-1. The con-ventio-j of the American Fcdera'bn of Labor having adjourned until Fri dny most of the delegates today went on an excursion around San Francises bay making stops a( Vailejo and Mare l-rdand. This evening a great mass meeting was held. Amo-g the sneakT1: vr? Samuel Gompers. John Vitcnell an-t fraternal deegates from Croat Brit ain and Canada. C M HELP HONOR THE DM American Club at Paris Gives Thanksgiving Banquet UNCLESAM'S INFLUENCE BARON DE, CONSTANT PAYS AN ELOQUENT TRIBUTE TO THE PART IJ PLAYS IN WORD'S POLI ' ., ' TICS. By the Associated Press. Paris, Nov i"tL Tlii) TlmnkIring eve banquet .f the American club, at which prominenr Frenchmen 1 and Americans were guests, brought out a notable demonstration for a strong navy, and at the same time an elo quent tribute from Baron D'Estottr nelleii De Constant to the part the United States is taking in the world's affairs ud particularly in the main tenance' of the world'.', peace. Ambassador Porter's speech on the rebuilding of the American navy was ( nthusiastlcally ret'eivel. He etu phaslxod the theory that a airous revy is the sure.-t guarantee of a na tion's ponce. Constant'.! spewli was sdjriiifie.inl from Hie fact that, lie wa:i a member of Vim Hague tribunal. Ho s-aid the l'nfu.-d Slates had within .the lust three years given Kitrepe remarkable evidence of its power in shaping events which constitute the world':! advancement. When The Hague "tribunal hid been almost forgotten isn;l intention ally Ignored, President Roosevelt brought it back to Ufa by referring to it the Mexico-California care (the Pius claim). The, statesmen of Eu rope considered this a chimerical ef fort to resuscitate The Hague tri bunal, but it speedily led to tha r.ih mission of tho more Important cue of Great Britain, Germany and Italy against Venezuela. The Hague court, thus i.aved, made steady progress, the latest result being the Mihmis siun fif f,"io Anglo Russian 'crinls' -to arbitration. , After graphically portraying the horrors of the war in the far east, he declared the enlightened 'policy of (lie United States gave hopes that even that great trag'dy will be :. topped. Ho, cloned with a toast to the success of President Roos .-veil's proposition for tuj H.'coud meeting cf The llagte conference SWINDLING CORONER RAIGNED. AR- By the Associated Press. Detroit, Mich., Nov. iy. Coroner Tocpel tonight was arraigned by Justice Sellers in the police court on a warrant charging him with receiv ing money under false pretenses from the state. His examination was set for Nov. ,20 the same date fixed for Coroner Huff man's examination en a similar charge. Toepel furnished $2,00(1 bail. I MINISTER MIRSKY; Removes a Governor Because of His Wsr on the. Jews. By the Associated Press. St. Petersburg, Nov. 2.1. Interior Minister Mirsky has removed the governor of Moghileff bceatn-o of hi. harsh measures against the Jews contrary to Mirsky's recent order. PUSHED INTO RIVER BY COMPANION AND DROWNED. By the Associated Tress. Nov. 21. While pliyir.g near the bank of the river Rouge In the v.'e.'.'ein fuluubs of this city Jas. .Volnar, aged four, was pushed into the river by a companion of about the rame age and drowned. , SEVENTEEN MEN PERISH IN SEA DISASTER. By tho Associated Press. Norrkoping. Sweden, Nov. 2-1. The Swedish steamer Bur. from Grimsby, nngldii.l, with citgi foundered today it t lie eatrance of Arko sound. The entire crew numbering seventeen men nerifdicd. RECEIVED BY MRS. ROOSEVELT. By the Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 23. Members of the diplomatic corps were received by Mrs. Roo-evelt in the blue room of (lie White House at five this af ternoon. MURDERERS CAUGHT. By the Associated Press. Minneapolis. Minn., Nov. 23 Three men who it is allege.l killed nine year old Fred Kii and shot Bartender Mingo las nijJit. during a turkey raT-f?-3 in a sr.Ioon at Columbia Height', trrr.i crm! trf at Cftmbrldffiv Minn I fifty lr-ih-x from U.I: city irmigbt. aftr a cr:ase lsl!n? twenty-four hours 11 which at ie.Tt a th.ou and men wers engaged. RUSSIANS DESERTING STOESSEL AND JOINING THE JAPANESE Tokio Dispatch Claims Mutiny is Growing at Port ArthurJaps Capture British Ship. By the Associated Press. London, Nov." 23. A dispatch from Tokio to the Standard reports in creasing desertion:! from the Port Arthur garrison into the Japanese lines, the stories the dererter tell indicating the demoralization of the Russian defendi is. The same correspondent .-.ays the Russian fori a on the Rea dout, of Port Arthur no longer fire on the approach of Japanese warship.i, The- Japanese, iiccurdiiig ;o a dispatch from Ciiefoo to (lie Chronicle, are reported lo have, captured the British meaxer Ttingehow, bulened wilh t!0,0n0 casts of canned meat for Port Arthur. HNS ELECTION RETURNS HELD UP COLORADO . SUPREME COURT PAVING THE WAY TO THROW OUT DEMOCRATIC PRE. CINCTS IN THE CITY OF DEN VER. Uy the Associated Press. Denver, Nov. 211. The s'.t;:e.ite eouit today ordered the Denver elec tion eoiuiili:! iion not to certify the letuniH of thh: county to the slate canvassing board until further or ders. This in to give an opportunity for argument in the supreme conit on the mattiT of llirowitig out certain Democratic precincts in which the Republicans alleged fraud. Chairman Williams, of the Republi can city committee, secured a writ of mandamus from tho county court today, instructing the elections com mittee to pornilt him to make a copy of the poll bouka for tho purpose of contest on the county ticket. Several additional arrest' were made by the state supreme court sps cial officers today on charges of con tempt involuting the injunction of the com i ekcJlU'U,. -day., ... YELLOW FEVER FRIGHTFUL SANITARY CONDI TIONS AT SANTIAGO AND ELSEWHERE CAUSES UNCLE SAM TO SEND EMPHATIC NOTE. ' Bv the Associated Pretts. Washing, on, Nov. 2:1. The rtate department today tent an emphatic note to the Cuban governmuit re garding the frightful sanitary condi tions at Santiago and elsewhere. The note, It Is iated, Is !nj"nded to im press the Cuban government with the desire of this g iveinnieni ft r the im mediate remedying of thin condition. It is learned tonight Hut 'be reason for the energetic action of (he state deparltin lit was that the Marine hos pital service has repor'ed yellow fe ver in several places in Cuba and It was fettled there might be a it out break iu some of the large cities, if prompt preventative measures wore not taken. MAN AND HIS WIFE ARRESTED FOR MURDER. By Hie Associated Press. - I.a Porto, Ind., Nov. 23. Upon a olographic older from Sheriff Craft :f '1-a Porte. William Davis and wifo, Mary Davis, were arrested at Hebron, til., today and taken to n'ooldock, 111., charged with complicity- In the murder f Jacob H. ICffertz of Cbica i, whose lndy was found In a d'tch ::ear Wilder Oct. fi. with a bullet hole in the head. Davis and wife conduct e l a hungers' re. Art near Ihe place where 'he lxidy wa discovt red. THE WISCONSIN RAILWAY. By the AcEO.-ialed Prexs. Beaver Dam, Wic. Nov. 23. F. W. Ackf-rman of 0-h!-.nh, who Is hero in the interest of the C.rcn Bay, Madi yon and Southwestern railroad, fay the c-mpa-!:-' is securing the right of way from Oshkt f h lo Ma lison via Waupun and Heaver Dam. and alreed) has fdgne ! a number of contracts Work will bfgln on -'he new line In early spring and it will be complet ed late in the sjtmmer. FASTEST GF HCR CLASS. New Cruiser Philadelphia Averaged 22.43 Knot Per Hour. By the Associated Pre" Boston. Mass.. Nov. III. The new (r.tit- r Ponn ohat'i.i on her official 'trial trip today averaged 22.4.1 knot !?n hour. The contract called for 22. This sInit.s the to !? the fastest warship of her claf-s In the American navy. RAGES CUBA EXPERTS REFUTE AND GAY CAE3AR YOUNG ' WAS MURDERED PAWNBROKER IDENTIFIES PISTOL WHICH DID THE BLOODY WORK. i, , - l ' Bv the Associated Press. New York, Nov. 2:1. In the trial of Nan P; tersnn today expert testimony jof pity Iciann wait off.-n.l io show that Young coud not have killed him I: elf. Two eabaiei leslille.l to havinj. I seen Young aim.: ; ,1N:-t I'ai I ' ear ; I y -i n the itiornl:!:; of June I, ;md an i oilier w.t::e s, a n 'wsboy, i.wsrv he i saw ,i. ivlergiii Smith, iter bn.fher-iii law. :;lril.e Mi:;.H Pi,tter ;on in the. fa;:e 'het. nigiit of June .'!, after Stnilh ha! f.aiil lo hi r "Yt.,l -.v ill have : do it,' and i lie had anawered, "I won't." A pawnbroker's clerk identified thr revolver with which Ycung war, kill, ed and said it was purchased In Steam's pawnshop the afternoon ol June 3, by a man accompanied by a woman. Coroner's Physician O'Han ion cle.'crlbotl Li diiall tne autopsy which he had performed on Young's body and ad.nitted t )i a at the tinrebt thought tho cas:o one of suicide. This admission,. . however, wai Mrickn fronr t he record. ENJOINS THE BANK. From Paying to Hi Defaulting Clerk $22,000 Worth of Stolen Securities. By the Associated Press. Boston, Ma., Nov. 23. Seeking to have the banking firm of Lee Higj;in con and Company, enjoined fiom pay ing over to James Wallace i uy part of $22,000 held to his credit by them, Edward N. Breltung of Marquette, Mich., btor.ght a Tdll In equity asainst that firm In the superior court. Brelt nng alleges that Wallace, U confi dential clerk, disappeared, and at the name tlme certain- securities valued at $30,000 also vanished. He alleges that part of the securities were de- j posited by Wallace wtih Lee Higgin sou and Company. ' . HELD FOR THE MURDER. Young Weber Remanded to Jail By Magistrate Without Bond. . By the Associated Press. Atibuin, Cab. Nov. 23. Adolph Weber was today hell for trial in connection with the murder of bin mother.. Mr;. Mary Weber. In signing the warrant Justice Smith did not mention the, matter of ball, as be says It Is out of his Jurisdiction. Attorney Tabor. will commence pro ceedings very nhorlly to secure his client's release on the ground that the evidence upon which he is held I.: Immaterial iintl Irrcrnletit. TO FORCE 8 HOUR SCHEDULE. Frltco Systen Will Cut Rates Unlecs Competitor Stick to It. By the Associated Press. Si. Louis, Nov. 2!. The St. Louis ami San Francisco Railroad company today notified Ebcn H. MacLeod, "hairman of th Wes.ern P.i3-engfr ossociation at Chicaco, that unless the eight hour schelule between St. I-ouis and Chicago was rei.ur.ied by 'he Chicago and Alton and the Wa bash railroads, the Frisco System would re:luce the fare between those joints to $". for one way. SAID FIGHT WAS A FAKE. And Referee Left Ring In Fourth Round in Ryan-Root Mill. By the Asoc'.sti d Press. , Philadelphia. Pa.. Nov. 2?.. In the fourth round ct the bout between Tommy Ryan of Kansas City, and Jack Root of Chicago, tonight, the j rcfereo loft the ring and pronounced j the fight a fake. FIERCE GALE IN WISCONSIN. By th Asgoclated Presa. j Madlsn. Wis.. Nov 23. A fierce i gale raced here today. And there !a drop of twciry degrees in tempera tttire. HDU FIGHT Ill THE U Patients. Go After f ach Oihcr Like Enraged Tigers ONE MAIMS KILLED GUARDS ARE CHARGED WITH TAKING A HAND AND WITH BEING RESPONSIBuE FOR THE DEATH CORO NER INVESTI - . GATING. Jty lite A.'.soeiated Press. Chicago, Nov. 2". Samuel P. files ser, a patient. In the .'county Insane asylum at Dunning, was choked to death last night, "and ihe coroner, will endeavor to ascertain , whether Jie was killed by Alexander Harper, a colored patient "in; ' the asylum, or whether It was done by John Conway and Scott Hogan, two attendants. Hogan and Cony a.-aert that OloHtcr was violent, and that Harper assisted thenv in placing him under restraint, and Harpvr declares both tho attendant kicked Closer, ami that Hogan choked him. The troubln slatted with a fight bet .veeu dosser and Harper,, jn which the former was,' the ag:"e.-:or. '.... He was finally strapped to a betl by th; attendant.! and Harpor. but ft'orking loose, he us tin attacked Har ler. Tho attendants to Har per's ai sistaneo and a - desperate struggle fiiKiie;). (Hosier stmn btf 'ame unconscious.,,," A physician was called, who pro nounced Gloaser dead. His wind pipe had been broken and his body was uiiiuijr uruiHL-u, mere Being many narks of boot heelit in the flesh. Dr. Springer, county physician, who held 'he autopsy tonight, declared it : wasi 'mpprslhle for Harper to have Infllct- all the wounds on Olosser'a body ami recommended that the attendants be held until afier the coroner's In quest. -.-. - " ' "' ? '-, GOES TO THE WALL." Janney Mfg. Co., With $125,000 Capi tal, Fail at Ottumwa, hi. . .. By tjie Associated Press. ' , ' ottumwa, Ia. Nov. A receiver was this afternoon, appointed for the Janney Manufacturing company, cap italized at $125,000. The company was organized six years ago and, was pno-airpd in thp mannfaMnra tt farm Implements and machinery. Interest ed in it were many of the wealthiest men of Ottumwa. Calviq Manninp. until Saturday , president of the Iowa National bank, was largely interested In the company and was one of the applicants for the receivership. . At a meeting of the directors of the ank on Saturday last, J. H. Merrill was elected president and Mr. Man ning's stock was purchased by other stockholder of the bank. . . Joseph Da In was named as- re- ' reiver. HEAVY LIABILITIES. A'jltman Company of Canton, O., Owe $5,944,331, With $1,644,070 Assets. " By the Assoclalotl Press. Cleveland. O.. Nov. 23. The report of J. J. Sullivan, receiver for the Ault mtin company of Canton, was tiled to day. It fihowi? total appraise! assets, $1,011,070. direct liabilities, $0yn,0o3; L'on'ingent liabilities of endorsements of jobbers notes including those for the Western Supply company. Cedar Rapids Supply company. E. T. Kenny companyf KenyonRosing company, $2,483,002: contingent liabilities as endorsers for the Arctic Machine com pany, together with . miscellaneous trade paper, $3.770, 4'.'C. Sullivan fa'.d today he was Inclined to think the creditors proper would receive from 25 to 35 cents on the dollar. This much would be real ized on a fair estimate from the Ault man property alone and uot including anything from auxiliary companies. ( Sullivan said he believed a consid erable amount of paper of various branch concerns endorsed by the Ault man company could be liquidated. . KILLEO HERSELF BECAUSE HER CASE WAS HOPELESS. By the Associated press. . , Chicago, Nov. 23. Slowly dying, of an Incurable dlst ase and despondent over her condition, Mrs. Drozidnze Grocco jurvoed from the third' atory window of the county hospita. today ami was Instantly killed. Physicians at the hospital' declare tlj. woman'J mind was clear and she eitemplaed snicide because her casa. waj hopeless CONGRESSMEN REACH COLON By the Associated, -Tresa. Colon. Nov. 23l The United Stales transport '8ojr, having or board the members, nf the hou.-e romm!tte en interstate , and fore:gn commerce, arrived ere today.