Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN; SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER 4 J 90 1 . The offer of the position to Ciraney In ihr first place was in th nat'ire of a eomaiinn u;. Grr.u.y is not at all, a well man at pre -at, and. if he eared for 'la port of bono-, it ii ihiiotful if he .vould coiiiliat the wi-hos of his physician to the extent, of taking the unnecessary risk. Britt has already pitched camp at ( T o I o Crcil's gardens anil Nelson is expect After you go to other Places Come to us for j pit to return 'o "Smilins" MefzpT's at larkspur. Governor Yates Says the Situation at Zeigler Does Hot Call For Such Measures. WANTS REPEAL OF and 15THMENIENT jr TV- DOLLS TOYS CD II I 'I leading Tailor and Haberdasfreri 111 ConnnercialAve. Cairo, III AN CVD AND UNIQUE LINE WATCH FOBS CUFF BUTTON'S. J SCARF PINS tVi"' (I.".' SETS TO MATCH.)" J V jt CPECIAL. DESIGNS I IN ' SUS PENDERS. SrZCIAL DESIGNS UN HAND- KERCHIEFS. BEAUTIFUL TIES. 'f VERY FINESTS GLOVES, m PAJAMAS. . NIGHT ROBES. ) UNDERWEAR. ? , SUIT, CASES. , UM3RELLAS7r NOVELTIES IN THE ABOVE, LINE3. , y f " TAILORING New pattern for V8ultlnga tri Overcoat Just "received, 'e giva you tha beat We ires you In tha latest, fachion .jble attire. ' d 1 Latest .Correct .Block. In ' ' H A T - 8 . Ajent for Champion and Tiger bnandi hata. CD Leading Tailor . and Haberdasher '611 Commercial Ave. Cairo, 111. ,, : pass . , 1 I; j i EL, DENIES ANY INTENTION OF ISSUING SUCH AN ORDER State Troops Will Probably Be Withdrawn SoonFiring at Letter's Town Not Sufficient to Alarm Miners or Deputies. Springfield, Dee. 3. -Governor Yates emphatically declared yesier lay that, he had lio Intention of rte darins , -martial law a Zoiirlor and "harp,ctorid as a "fake" pure and dmyle i he die-patch sent out from H'iHun Thursday that tie iiad Mated l't a conference held at tile I.cland Iio- ri 1 In i his oily Wednesday ntejii 'hat lie would place the troops in cnarye if tlie situation jnst as soon as the dtiiatioti warrant. He said he never made such a statement and 'hat lie had not been in the Inland hotel for tea days. Governor Yates' Statement. Governor Yntet hold a conference Jt ,'! o'clock yesterday afternoon with Vljuiau' General Scott regard hifi trie existing condition at Zeijfler. Previ ";.is to the meeting with the governor General Scott discussed the matter with Colonel Hoy Reece who had been it Zeigler for Rome time. Las, night Covevnor Yat"s made Ids first statement in relation to the loops at Zeifjler. The Rnvemn. said: 'There -Is nothing to he said rilat i5K 'o the presence of the trx.pi it. 1'eialer excep, that two companies were will, there' and are still dier". "or the protection of lift ami the pres ervation of the peace. Thev were t t't iipon the absolute demand of the .if riff of .the eoiin'y of Franklin who .t'ited in three different febanis T.tjtT he "was Rb'ohite'y enable to p;e ?tc order, 'There ha been no proclamation f martial law. The sheriff still as- 4erte.l. as late as last niht, 'hat the r sence of the troops is still neces ary. I therefore consider that, the in e has not yet tome for their wih Iritwal. Moth '.he adjutant genera! and assistant, adjutant, general have visited tiie locality. General Scott was 'here before the troops were sent and 'V. Ueuce lias just, returned and -the le ar'nient is and will be fully ad- .used of the siiiiaiion const intiy by j .he fficer in command." j , Forty U. S. Marshals. I h Colonel Roy R. R.-ece, assistant ad- j is lutatit general, returtieil yesterday ! a' vfternuon from Zeigler. wiiere he was i' . ent by Adjutant (Jeiieral isco't to i '.. inline the siuiation and report to,iv dovernor Vales. He says thai ) .-j s j ?onprHiy C of Cai boiolale anil F o( , t Meant Vernon, of the Found infant-jb y, there are forty l"ni'd States !-i- ; v ity marshals at Ze'.nler who are! 'harped with (he duty of (I'lardin:; ! die property. Those dopmy ninrhals i ! ire under coniniand of (b.-neral J:ntie:t i if. Ikirkley of HoritigheM who wasitl .'ormerly commander of the Fifth In- j ei raiilry. Illinois National Riiard. There ir; fusflhides of shots every ni::ht. tircctid from tile timber anainst the niiiupin.i; station at the ta:ne. whieh N some di.-'tance from the mine itself l'ho theory-Is that the parties who to the firing desire to blow np the ptiinpirifi sita'lon ro they can dynamite 'he mine itself. There is no firinpr lurinn fhe day. May Withdraw Troops. It seems likely that tiie .sia't troops will be withdrawn from Ze;n Vr, as it D thought 'hat Sheriff Stein aulit to bp able to cope with tin nit nation. Colonel Itoocc says the two coin pa aies of troops at Zeigler number about seventy men anil 'ha' they are Ma tii.ineii in buildings in the town ot Zeis'! r and two or three of them arc at the pnmrdnsr station, against whieh ill the firins; is bcitis directed, it be ins the belief f jvtr. Z'-iUfr 'hat U is the intention of th" as-ailatd , to d'slro- the pumping Mat ion tn vhn-ti !:-, a oenutity of jiondi r and then tiv to undr-i litiite the nunc. There ae i" r0op-. within ttie stockade hnh -or i f rutntdn the m:tte. He said the tine?;! watt of a desultory nature and came not from the direct ion of the miner.-,' cauip, but liotii the limber to ibe w er t of the pttmpiii; -taG.-tn. 1: w.rt not of a chpiae'er to alarm th i:i;e-r--or troops vii deputy ntersha! :. but pxn ciio-Jth to car."-? en? uneasine" and epprfbenr-ion of being PtrocI: by a ptr.-y bullet. The reports of rrr-at ai.ora beitis: caused oivini: to 'he fu iiitt. which is always at nij-ltt. he said are untrue and said the report sent out from Ronton were gro.-sly ca-.-seratcd.. F?tfu';.6 to Act as Dtoutits. I Sheriff Stein's son. he- taid was in j db ect, charge of the two or tbree dep jutv ih'r'ft 'hcTf i h- r;ff SM'jin bad nnal'e to nuiidaT of tlie niiwill county To :-i'rf in the capacity of ilemiiies. A number of prominent ehi.etis of Franklin ront.ty, i v.:.. at ll. tit.;n and elsew iiere, bad expressed the L . lief th;:t state troops were nee" -'sary o res-rve the peace. i.eli.r has received two consign menfs of niiie-rs recently. Blue Print of Zeigler. Colonel Iteece broivjrljt tionie with him a lihe- jTint of the '.own of Zei ier, the mines and tl;e fort .fk'ai ions To the northw--:' are the top works and online lue.e of the n -me, v. l.ieli are surrounded by the i-o-caii''i .stock aee. wiiich is m.thin.!; bn a k'xh hoard fi'nce. This proptrly covers al out nine acres. On a tower tii re is a sen rch!i;-r!it which sweeps the country around. Tills is located at the cut end of the st'd:ai'e. Four ntUi-.s to the nor V. we: t oi the mine is the c u. p of tk,' st riki.i.j; i 'i, known us Can p Tu:'.ei," l-etr-s si'!i-nte-1 a-i,u;i- Mie hoa.e .if t:i.' Rev. 'c. T in!, r, near th town of Chr:.--to:n r Tiit'ee-quariors i f a nole eas' of the in ne, with i he houses uimosi reach ins the Moekade of the none. i the tev.n of Zeigler. To the north and east of the town are several block hot!. -en. oi'.e of which a rapid firini? au. Teero is also a rapid fiiiio: mmi on liu ': o" the i :t: e hell.!;: .: of the ( nil (icay iti u- town. Aliouf inreeijoar Hers of a mile southeast of the i iwn the is Gie pumping station, located betil s of tue Ri Muddy river. NO ONE WOUNDED. R:ports of Alleged Shooting Discred ited by Nev.r,rpcr Ver co t:-e 3ce'ie. f'y 'be Associated I DU!l!ol!l, 111.. Dec. r poitdcnis of t It- ress. . The staff cor St I.ouii paper:, the alleged : boot of Loiters tomes b. y have Icon uu a:K., of bullets en ( I .'0 tiie j : i ni o aii'.'r investi:;at!iii; O! the ', !er di ' n-.d .tin 7.' se i'Mot ts ii : that n wount "it out from surriiiitdin; eiir,er ae,l (.inkers have "1 base plover! t"i"; in- b i e been util'onntb d. Ccnn oi for Weeks. tate-.t ate bent ic reports o. it i went v -tiv t miners en ;;o tun F:rit") nil tie :p d !"tir ictus from Z''inler. Iu to. n I. ore are e'.-.Iity loittii-. ily-li-.e teili'iaie.e". forty d pel y end ar't-hal inelud.iie both sla'" a I oM li t l'v . I low ever. It. 'ii- inter"" i .-d -jo -c- m s. IS b living .;,;:(. t t b: t lirittK has been j every ll'i;ht for s , era! j ' "' itrity of the sO)el,t;di 'ii e.-.b-r aad from tie loea'fd :.;;, distance hi a "il tie u I VI I. S i-1 lb :r.:,!:r.: . .;!--r and from i.v lop bouse. loe.Tf -1 soit.c !isfaiie" r.i the town. stated tliat he iiad been swear in any considerable deputy sheriffs owin.t? to innness of ciriens of tlie S.ioeting Stol Strange. .-owe- of ihe ase. anions the popular it-r's attern.-y jie tilies the it j f.inri'i s beo: it eornes to the opera of ti,e militia on the gronn-1 that ; i,.n;so soon and the lovers of ties sty! nee-wary for the pro'ection of p.r , ntcrtainm.-nt will have an oppof ("ty. in.-.lM:! that the town has i Mnity , njox it. tire" upoa r- neateiilv. and that ! 1 !. r i i,.... d;o(t'n b:, -; p.- -n ijon... by ire of tin- r.i.w rs' ntikdi. (in tb ::ry the tiui-tn'; offiidals d -'ait men hino ib:ite rei chootinc 'siilent Morri .- of ihe union sitv--; s m v I'.-',( i that firinu l :e 'ile'r f'r: -It ttrred ha. ! ; ion i ofoe. , pi i Oe : :::"! r r . I. 0 tie ,.'i;e at Ho f 1. and Ins ."tie of his e be'; -e-t fi"ti'7l X' en f.ii"-" o "i . by EILLY tiOCt-'i; TO nt; Ftf-triLL. Gtanry cm f;f(,re Et t'.t Nctcon Ftnl t Dot is Net Likely to Accept. sbin Fiai.ei ei, C ib, I tec. ". If I,. .,,t 1. 1.' j..o r.bii"' f:i on v :n '.!- I ! I ' !'"' i be i-f r f--- -It J r. i met,:!.-- I,. .' i-- a:i-j ' . . . - ; ; 1.' i t..r. k :. : ' ' r j.. i ,; - : r. i;.--;r. rr. t.- r a- the I in lb -Iu, VMll 1.- ill 11 e l lb i . Ten vmi... t Co o( a brief : TUifel '-uC 'O bej .. ii J ! itioelM Nl.-.of. a': ! Ji.ivny L.r Itebi la- l ,-! is' r -i ! of rae. - , t!- f'f( D-.i. P'-rp!-i a r . .. SENATOR BACON OF GEORGIA 13 WILLING TO HAVE SOUTH'S REPRESENTATION CUT DOWN IF THAT IS DONE. Uy the Asocial ed 3'ress. ilacon. Ca,, Dec. 3. ConKiessnian llanlwick of the Tenth Georgia dis trict a few laya ago wrote a letter to senator Bacon asking Uts views on the present political situation. Sen ator llacon says (here is an effort to Republican i,e the sott'h. He advo cates the rep-'al of the fifteenth, arn enutuent and insist -i that unless this shall he done the people of the sttth will b-." forced fit maintain their prop osi'ion of white supremacy. Rather than have negro rule Sena tor llacon is willing; to accept a re diiclioii of southern representation in congress. SANK ROBBER PLEADED GUILTY. By the Associated Press. Council Bluffs, la., Doe. I!. Karl Karrer, charfred with robbing the haul of Trevnor, la pleaded (iat.ty today. Fl-K.d. of A 1 He fore, d Albs Frances a-'sistant cashier, at tlie point velvet', to hand him ?1,.V'i' of I ho hank's coveroi. h. Ail but $10'.i wasre- AMUSEMENTS. , A Hidden Crime. of the greatest sueeessei years hast been achieved by a melodrama in which pervadn.: setiliaient. The One recent season is the ; in this love title an 1 of the play is ' will receive it,. Caiio Thursday A Hidden C.iaie" c !':fi. p.-odueiiou in , Dec. S, at tiie opera house. J. .M. Ward, who has the play under his management has spared neither evpeuse or labor to make it one of i he most entertaining; and pleasing pooular priiel attractions on tour. Five n ,':n, moth sets of ..eeu'-ry are ;arri.d cot.iiile'c, viz.: The Golden Ga:o barbor of S:in Frunrt-C"; the I Owl .;.iialdii.j; Uea. a tudo Karajn in full Idoom. exterior of the gambling ! house on a moonlight I mo den of Chinatown niKht ; Cue upl and the sensa tional breaking ol a suspension bridge. Tiie comedy tdement Is of an j unusually hilarious natiir .1. and the j east one of pen era I excellence, "A llii.lil.n Crime" should prove one of - tin- banner attractions. Rsbts In Toy i iaitilin and Mill b. II s oriti ou- il x' tax tif-an .a r, New Vorl' i opera housi fiom I lie Ma.ies . will be seen a; on Saturday, t :c th. at t'-.e fait 1 1" e. o. "JlaU. s in Tin iaiiil is (II . ii ."icDon- oaL-a aiul Victor Herbert's brilliant it , iina! iai ion of the fairy laic "Italic.-- in : 'e- i'o chiblren it is the i vi nt of a life i ; ' i ; to the jrro-Ati pi t.-on i; is the Miisimai ion of a't. sia-y Marble, t lie clever l.Hie :-.i,ir, and ' itown. lite b ae.alv Cio." !l i ': princ: little e.irl, b- v. otei. fiian of re al roles, .latie and Alan, the Hoity Toity. It ; said that, when .in audu nee :' .' ! a theater in a w hist lire.; mood ii i:i.-.;y a the suct-ess if a musical f.'ay. '1 hat lids is so. is strikingly 1 '::: :.; in site preat success of .ua' ti i.r-'.-t of all niustcal comedies. Weber and Fieb' 'Hoity Toily." It J!s iiiiipt'stionabiy the preat. whistlini; j May Yor.e He-e. N-v York, c. Mrs Putnam i llra.'Fi ( St roiiR. bbioioiiii; and vluor , oils. wi:) a retinue of Jananese ser-Ivair.-. arrived o;i the Kai-er Wilheini j II. S'l.- said -die hop..,) ;;!,. wotibi ,;v:-.;i t:ev.-ii)M-r po'ttib'ty, notwith ' tat-doe; t' at, titrltr t':-- nan:" of May ! ' : I . to i a ,., axe!! of tWf,"' ' v ''' ' k t'l .r.tdeviHe Monday I 'i' , -"' e" r t'l iii-i n at ltamntt r- roe! e'j: 'Ot v. na ;:t a!l ov r tt ' :be iri'll I ni b'jiH-v. He a dii',. and ii'l e We'ks. This it :- a lei",. v rt ?r ' , m, t'l some let in tiio or Hip ii i ( one I v. ap- r;-r e le Frc rt f, cue Tici 'Mi r i t .lo(1 ; I!." i, t ', , , ! ; ar.-J t' et. ,f tb, le '.'.'. ty ; l.ltle e v wi-.-ii V. J.o- b Kit: .. I" - 0 ' V -L-l N 'j I Bisque Dolls Kid Dolls China Dolls Indian Dolls Rubber Dolls Sleeping Dolls Talking Tails Crying Dolls Doll Heads Dressed and Un-dressed Dolls lc o 65c. Drums, Sleighs, Horses, Wheel barrows, Check er Beards, Bu reau s , Bed s, Tables, Wash- tt. I stands, Dressers, ifffXftAJiJBSlMfi.ESi' i . . v w it v r t v ii i u i ' t SMALL Try Petit 's Cream Candy El Ifln rss reruns fnrS circtis poster and the dodaer be placed in the window for a frca tick et to see the bis chow. As all the saialbr shows are controlled to a certain extent by their larcer breth ren this ruling is sweeping in its ef fect. It means that the small boy wbo carries water to the elephant will be in his element, as the only person who will be able to sec the show for nothing. FOR IL S, STEEL HUMORS OF ADVANCES IN STEEL FRODUCT3 THE CAUSE THE MARKET WAS STRONG BUT UNF Vf-N. Dy tha A -i.M;it.,l Pre?: Sew York. D--c. 3 Today's stock marl ef v:?.t nrmx. hut "the strt?sslh was i;neven and -a few of the most P'oiiiinnu r.iocl:.! rl.e-ed today at frac t tonal le eiii.e;, fi.iui la 't iiitbi The .-ir, iiitli in tli" niati.'.T prew out of (onduiuie. in tho totioti, coal, topper and iron and ctcc-! trades. Uv-n in rh.; r.-cu-.-- a."cctc.l b7 there- trad" t'lre a3 srao profit ta-:is?, as la Le-.:..- :!! nrr' ?':isht"i TTi'.ch e!--'S'-d b-i-a .- ', r r- ' 'e flar'ntio if . W C RECORD You Know we Beat them all I U H h b . Racket Store 2 0 2! Washington Ave PRICES TALK In the anthracite pronp both Rcad ins and Ontario and Western got the bemfit of 'conflicting surmises as to which was to secure the Lehich Coal and Navigation. I'nited States Steel preferred touched a new high record for the year on account of rumors of still further advances in tlie prices of steel prodnets ami the maintenance of present priois for steel rails. A larpe dividend declaration on the Boston and Montana, a subsidiary Mocb, was the motive for the buying of AtnalcaniatcJ Copper. 'Western -rain carriers shoved a lagging ten- dMley. Tito bank statement carried o'er ivfrji"'' ffom !a-f week's ?ol sbip mer.ts to Cuba, eo that the ccih de crease exc ceded the r ftimales, but the Irian cnr tract ion modified the i ffei t so as to leave a nominal in crease in surplus reserve. In view of tiie we l:'s 1 1 1) operation, involv ing a heavy capital outliy, it if-j-,:.t that trust cospinlos a:Uvjiij? in tho niarcy niari::t ar tabingr or iire a cc rants froni iht hmks. Money Qucttions. Py ih,? Associated Pre.-s. New York, Dee. 3. Money fin call nominal. No loans. Time loans. Htm: ii.xty, ninety day3. i.lz a:onh&, four per cent.. Frlrae paper, lib4 per tcea'.. Exchange, steady,' ecxarad. lKttr.A; sixt7 -&. fin.,. 14: ". Fir J'H, on Prices. VtViV.'tVYrVV.ViV Doll Buggies, Carts, Automo biles. Cups and Saucers, Cake Pans, Vases of all kinds, Beautiful Salad Bowls, Tools, Chairs, Horns, T u p s, Balls, Rattles, T i n and Iron Banks, Watches, Animals, M e -ehanical Trains, Tea Sets, in fact anything wanted for the little ones -when S a n t a Clans calls at their ho.-oc. ft.WWeWlWl 1 LOUDLY. STATE CONVICTS NEED EMPLOYMENT ILLINOIS PRISON BOARD ISSUES 20,000 CIRCULARS SAYING THAT PRISONS CAN SUPPLY PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS. 13 y the. Associated Tresr.. Chic 130. Dec. 3. Aroused to action by the urgent lHcer-rdty cf employ ment frT the rtate pir.a! !tr'i'ulcc-, the Illinois ttate prison beard today authorised the prinlng of 0,003 ci culars which il bp sent to the es- f'eutives of every municipality in thr atate. Iiif.umine tlicrn that the penal insiiiutioi, 3 ar r-aly to ru;iy i-ro ducts of every d-.:ripticn i?r which re3u;-r; :s naue. U wai toia-.ej out that lccaueo cf tee Ulino.s lr.v wiiich prohibits the manufacture by convict lalxr of evt-rythiug exeejit gesods intfcuded for slatb iulilutions, marsy cf t!.e- cc-ivictj are vithout tuan ual labrjr twe-'y-t-o hours out cf the twc-ty-f;ur, zzi. that tiia -real 1 ?orcr cr !;tt? trlrg- t:ay ef th-ri to a s'?-tj tor-ic-.ini ca izi.y.