Newspaper Page Text
V THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4T 1901. Tj - - i-T . t . . - . - - It. 1 II YOUR FAVORITE ...,CUT. of Uoot, Veal, I-amb or Pork can be Tiad here at a)! times, fresh, juicy and toothsome You'll find the difference too in the quality of meats we offer and that sold by other dealers. Our prices er.? about the same as you pay fur iiiealu of lower quality elsewhere. William Aird, Vr AoiTO&i 5tory For Little Folks CHOOSE WELL YOUR 'COMRADES Little Hill ihienn't: liUe it sometimes because htJ won't let him play wish Tom, Pick and Harry on the si recta. But, listen, Bill, to thin harrowing lule of tln l'ii amt tiie liiiMto. A llou and a hljipo met very accident ally one day. and as each, was attract ed by the ottier they decided to set out on a Jinlriiey together. 'They knew nothing of each other's habitH or' man ner of U'e. But each ivnx attracted to the other by what they saw and heard. "My, but Joti have a tine roar." mild hippo, "it mnt I"" a grand thlnjr to travel with a fellow like you who could scare aliuost anything with that voice." "And you," said the lion, "1 like you. You have no much face. Why, you have cbrek enough to make your way anywhere." And w. without more ado, they shook hands and mailed. They traveled a Ions journey the first A.w m;d were exeeediiiiily hungry Bell 'phrrio 2(541. ' 2703 Commercial J when tih-ht came. They found them HOME KILLED MEATS j selves ia the midst of a great desert, pays $12,000 a year and liberal ex penses. He wan offered his caoio heiween that place and a membership on tne interstate commerce eoru.riK ahirr, the salary of-which in $7,rxW a year. Fewer Deaths In India. - The fact that about 4,000,000 deaths j from fe-vera. -'mostly malarial, are caused in India every year indicates : the stupe, dous Importance of the mos quito pr lem. It has been proved j that peor'.e dwelling ia Bouses a mile j from the breeding grounds of the ano pheesSr.'lety of mosquitoes are piac- j tically fiv.2 from malaria. 1 To Regulate Scorching. A Frer :h suggestion for preventing Hutcniohi'ists from "scorching" is to forbid tlit use of masks and goggles. .9 VA - MASTER'S SALE. Male of 1 linois, Alexander County, m. In the ( cuiM'onrt. . la the hi Wrof AUKimt W. Bcnindler. who by his wxt frlrud, August Schui.t rr, v. M,v,lil .nit Weber. Uatilel Weber, ill'f Welier, M st(?ie WVln-r. Jolin Weliur, Philip VImt, ( ! trl Wfber ami Nelson Morns, d'ward M rris ii1 !r:t Js'. Jt orris, partner, d'vinif -isi ens nminr the lirm tuunfl and dtylc of Neb). -n .'torrid ft 'omiiioy. and Wl hum Winter r, t Winter, partner.", dniii bnslnen t f der thp Ann name ami tyl of Winter B. lliern, unci Napoleon H- Thistle wood. I'ati elt Barth mid William Walhaiim. (u bill in chancery for partition. Public no tin) is hen by kIvii that in pursuance of a wreta! niiir entxrfiil In 1 tic urmvp ommn on the 6th 'iav of November, A. i. 14, J, Waller Warder ui iter in cham-ery of Ihe said court, on Hat'.-rd.', tin' lTth day of December, A. !., 19H, at OtC O 'CIOCK in lilt! inrniuuu ui -i. ! "lOU IIAVK WO SlU'H iAi!l' I where there was noihlnjf but rocks and ! wind. ":he hipiio sljtltctl, ".My, but I wish 1 1 ad some nice hay or grass." j "Wouldn't mind a J-'"'"1 fat calf my I self," said the llou sadly, i 'i thought you ate grass," said the : hiP!K. I tlioulit you ate meat," said the Hun. "Let's go to sleep and forget it." said hippo, "Let's." assented the Hon. But when Mr. Lion had fallen sound ly asleep -Mr. Hippo reached over and boM'an to launch his long whiakers. Mr. Lion awoke with a ye!!. "1 be.n your pardon," iceekly said hijiiio, "I though! it C. .i I Sleep soon conquered hippo, but Mr. , . ' . i, ....I.W ...t!,.n tn lha lli.rl,,.! bidder i ir . ash, at tb'n 8outhwetBrty door of i jjon was very iiuary. He got up and thecnart 1. ,ne, in the city of rairo, iu tue ittit ooi.nt , the following described ral es tate, to-wl Uit pumhered three (ill. in bloc numbe i onr H), in the city of t aim and lot numbered Jire (SI, In btoek numbered four (4i, n Railroad addition to the Uy of I ah . subject to the leasehold entate of TV mIhud Me ria Company Lot numbeted ten (10), in bi' k numbered mrMy-two m, I" the Find, addtti. into th city of Cairo, mubjeel to lilt life emute ot Masd alalia Wbr tlx ruin. lMt numb- red elevan tit), and twelve (12), in block nMiu ared ninety-twit (W), in (he First addition to the oily of Cairo, all In the county f Alesan ser and state of Illinois, together with al! an i ainsular the tenetnerita amt here ditamptda i hereunto lieloiiKiug. This 16lb day of November, A. D , ISOt. Waltkr W amuck, . . Maater ta Chancery David S. Tnden an t Lndeo & Leek, ao llnltjtra frtr onmnlainant. 1 Keed Oi.en, aolicito.- for the defendants. JMiigila! tn Weber, et at. .... . . M. W B'l-ders, olicit.r for Nelson Morris & Company, sei.ed Hie hippo by the throat and be gan ta kill him. The p.'or hippo : ;!"': 'I for help. "Kxeiiie me," sa'ul the llou savagely, "1 .iiiht you were a beefsteak." And Uo f lam up. Atlanta Constitution. MASTER'S SALE. Plate of ' lllnola, Alexander County, tn. Jntbnt itsuit Court In tbe ii atter of Joaesboro Building and Jxian Am iation va. Claude W. McClure, Le onora A. M :t lure, Osmir Taylor and Mary t In lev. Oiib I iochaneery to toreeloseniorlKafte. l-iiolio noii is heiebv iriven that in pursuance : dc re at order entered Hi the above cairne n the .2tit d vv of Muroli. A. D., 1SW, 1, Walter Wardet. i-:itr in ehaitoery of the aaid court, on 8ati rd iv, the 17th day of December. A. D., 1!4, at on. o'clock in the afternoon of the aid day, ab ill ll at public auction to the biiihest bidder 'or iah, at the southwesterly door or the court i.ouse. In the city of i airo, in the aaid o iini the followliiK dnacribed real es tate, to-w ! Ijots aeven (V), eiifht iS, nine (9) and te (1 , in block one (1), town of MoClure, county of Alexander and tht of Illinoi: alo the fob m ng described real estate situated in aid c int , and state, to-wit: A piece of land Oootai; iOi: one acre more or less situate ill tne torn of MeClure, lying and being in the north st . uarter of section tea (10). township ' fourteen ui.), south, range three (3'. west of the thitd principal meridian and described as follow I onuneneing at a point where the lltinoi- Ci 'itral railroad right of wayatid Main si reet i h M town intersect; thenee tafi feetonthj ioitth line of aaid street; thence Kiith tntt-. north line of said railroad right ot way; t en; in a northeasterly direction along aaid rii bt f way to the place of beginning, aaid tout": of land being that on whl h the atore b til of th sau (-c CV ,r J , K i r ' im urn. . i i mm MffW PROBLEM OF OLD AGE. Question for Political Economi'.tj to Puzzle Over. What the country shall do with its ex-preM'tients is not nearly yn vttel t. problem as what it shall do with its old men. According to the new gospel of bus Iness economics a man is "old" at fifty. Tiat is to say, h can no lons er remain an tnteKral part nf tin industrial machine. Young men are in demand every where. Old men are in demand no where. The commercialism of the afee feeds upon young blood aud re jects everything else. Most of the railroads have placet! an limit upon their pay ra!! ac count. It is a tacit rule that no mar; over forty-five years of ase shall he mployed, even at clerical work. Ouo of the great stoel companies of tht- country, employing thousands .ol men, rc-ently c-Jc-Med a rule that in certain departint-u's reiiuiriDg expert krp'i. Ic!(e a: d Mud in man over th;r t fe M'.r-. ol at;e should be give;: mp!vuent Other large Industries are folltiwing a similar policy. Prac::( ;i in the pi coin - r the o.d Ijw ver is not in de "i'i"ii Tin- th.nthei are calling fcr tumiis iiunStci-, and tho -schools give nnicie-ie ui voim teachers.. YV:u:' a mat. :c,i Ut'i tie a ;e of fifty lie Is supnoseJ to have crossed the line. It is a Mranpe cmiimeutary on out modern civilization thai while incdi--al science is bending every energy ro priilc-nj; the span of human life- to people the world v.Kii eld uie:i tie tendency of our economic system ;s to drive theui out of business to ma Ice them a charge ui'tm tha world, which is said to owe every man a liv In?. Here is n question for political ocoDoru'bts to digest, if pussibk. for the henoflt of the cumins gencrullon: W'hui sliali the wo:l-! do with its old men? Chietigo Journcl. ?'(;i'' the same thins is true oas. i-.xcept as a OC3C t v5 '--as GUESS SO. Kallurine Mrs. Tellit has a very agirrt' chin. Kidd t Yes. I guess that'flj the reason Tellit's chin is so retreading. ST" ENTERTAINMENTS. I I The ladies of the Christian church will hu'd their Ciiris'mas bazaar and fthut on whl n tne, ,..-. ,, , i iK.uie w. m. ium ' sunner at k. M. K. C. hall Thursday. is situ nee all in the county of Alexander and i j )((., Jj at te Ol li: irui. Migeiuer on an aniKii the te en - nts and bereditununU thereunto belonging ThiMlSil; day of November. A. D., 19114, Waltkr W anuir, Winter iu ('hancery. f.i. . Jam- Lingle, solicitor for the complain aiit. . M r. Alex . Wilson, solicitor for the defend ants. Mr. Ree 1 Green, solicitor tor the defendant! Cockrell Accepts Canal Job. Washington, Dec. 3. Senator Cock rell csileij on the president and prac tically fccep'ed the offer of a place on the Isthmian canal commission which He Couldn't Cure 'Em. The man sitting beside the minister j was. somewhat showily dressed, but j quiet enough in manner. They had struck up an acquaintance acd were j cl attins affably on various subjects. Perhaps it was because they wero i the only two wen In the car who were not reading newspapers. The minis- ; ;er noticed this, and noticed also that it was sporting news which chiefly Interested bis fellow passengers, "It is deplorable," he said, "that horse racing has such a fascination lor all classes of people. One would think sad experience would cure most of them of their infatuation, but apparently it does not. I fear this form ol gambling is on the increase." T think it is." said the other man, "and I don't see how it is going to be stopped. I know I've done all I could to cure people of the betting; habit." "Indeed!" said the minister, eagerly. "May I ask how?" "By winning as much ot their mon ey as I could. I'm a bookmaker." He Figured It Out. "I've eot an S-year-old boy at home that will make either a ' metaphysi cian or a detective I'm not sure which," remarked a lawyer, as bo entered his office the other mornins. "The kid's just getting over an at tack of measles, and has hard work amusiuK himself. Yesterday his moth er and the nurse were IA the room, and h" spoko up all of a sudden, to the embarrassment of bis mother: "Say, ma; I know how old nurse Is.' "His .mother thought the nurse nikht be confused; but she wasn't. " 'How do you know so much, Willie?" she asked. 'Well, I asked you once how many years voii've been nursing, and you said rie. Then when you forgot that I r.sked you how old you was when vou went to tho training school, and you said eighteen. Then, by and by, 1 asked you how long you wn in fchoul. and vou said four years. Now eighteen and four and five are twenty-seven eee?' " dWiMM'W mnusiwumsv ga.mui... i . f MBmiiisiim gum I"'""' M ia f nt rr-Ttf-Tnn- Ij-f-rF V - 'a1 V n miw0 aw af of 1ir- -ihii m i i 0 m w w MAJESTIC AUl.l.EBI.E IRON - AND STEEL RANfiE COOKING EXHIBIT, M A J E S T I C Al A L E E A 15 E E I R 0 N A N D S T E E L R A N ti E C 0 fi K' i N (i I X II I V, I T -r-. -'(-'. "N r--rt .1 -,1.r.-.i. -aH"l Vv ,t it, t i ;i T h ieo ir.fcin f - . Ji e. i i it ... ."Tv-: I .! t ' l r a i f - I.JP.T ... m-OT.y-; raFrTrs prr? IHI a rTri i During week of exhibit we will give one set of MAJKSTIC WARlv I'RKK to any one buying: a MAJESTIC RANt UC. Tliis set of ware is the finest ever offered for sale. Not a piece of .tin in the entire set. We have the ware at our store. If yon will call and see it you will atee with us that it cannot be duplicated anywhere for less than 8.00. COME AND IIAVK A CUP OK COKKKK AND HOT UISCUITvS WITH lTS. Majestic Cooking . EXHIBIT. ALL WEEK December 12th to December I7tli inclusive INVITATION Wc extend you a cordial invitation to partake with us a cup of coffee and hot biscuits and to witness . the working ot The Great Majestic Malleable Iron and Steel Range at our store. W"e will show you how to bake biscuits brown top and bot tom in three minutes; how to cook with half the fuel you are now using and .show yon an article that if prop erly used, will last a life time. Exhibit on 12tli to I7lh Inclusive To every lady registering at our .store we will give free a ticket on a $5.00 Carving Set with Stag Handles and Silver Kernles, no matter if you buy or not. The awarding of this Carv ing Set will take place on Saturday, December 17, AT 4:00 P. M. CO., 101547-19 Ohio Street. M A J E S T I C M A E E E A li E E I R 0 N A N I) S T E E L R A N (I E C 0 0 K I N 0 E X li I B grtfwmsm & gggspsgssa emr grsgssgs tzsssm lESSsgn Q sasa q wmmmmmLmmmmmmvmwmmm ii i miiBii laui aawwro n n n I mnrr-m-T rrn r-l r mwmm mmmmmmmmtmmtmmmmmummmmtmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm EVAHTS SCORED ON HOAR. HjcJ Pat Answer Rady for Wrsthful Statesman. He ard Evarts were lmilarable ere eiiiios when it came to a pasage of v.ords. and tbe honors were about fcvert. One day, however, toward the end of the New. York senator's earner, Kvnrts came off with flying colors. In; was chairman of the library com mittee and Hoar was a minor mem ber. Kvarta was iazy, and would not ali las committee together from be ginning to end of a gessdou. A meas ure which II'ir was anxious to have l.rotiKht up had l'(-n referred to the iiiirary committee, and there seemed loomed to sleep forever. Evarts when pleaded with would promise to ca!l the committee to consider the rr.eaauro and then forget all about it. At lifct ore day toward the end of the -ession Hoar, annoyed and irascible, met Kvarts in the cloak room. "Whenever you are ready to can a meeting of the library committee," he ;.id, with bisinR Fare.asm, "I wish you would notify my executors." "I tall be most happy to notify your executors," said EYarts, with a finite tn t M:i; u ta wl:o ;,r.i:!.f.d in: j r.:' Inlht were 1 ept Give BaUle to Bulla. S,',:--a'.-U town of Alflnden, in Ivy Not Cause of Ocrrcr;5. A physician says that it is a wido- 'arnsossa, four yoe.ns spread but erroneous nation tnat the had been drinking growth of ivy on the exterior walls o mclosure where four : residences raUKes a damp habltatioa. for an Impending The ivy, he says, instead of contribut- drr.t. Two of ti e men managed to hig to dampness, has rattier an oppj- rvt "tit, asiin: tho other two were hilled by the infuriated animals. site .influence, since it must extract moisture from the brick or stone that it overruns. The dampness of these i is what gives life to Hie plant. Japanese Methodist Episcopalian. Port lend. Ore, has a Japanese Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. S. Kiiil'ara is the pastor. His people, who arw mostly domestic servant or day l.ibor-rH. have made great ssacri-firi-.s to raise $:l,'n toward a church building. Fifteen Thousand Violin Makers. The only place In the world where violia-maliing may be said to constl Into tho staple indunlry is Markn.-u- j Uirchcn, in Saxony, with Hi numerous surrounding villgas. There are al ! rog.-ther about 15,000 pfoj.-'o in this ' ItTiet engaged exeluaiveiy in tho j .-.'i-uifacture of violins. The wlnbi- '.:,); a, from tho small bey and Rirl V ; vT.-!nl:lcd, grey-headed veteran and ; .he nsi ! trrauUstcilxr. are employed j J-.:-. .:-vt tha year in making runic i ..-r thrr ct ivstrujuert. The Thinking Cap. Kvpry noble life leaves the filter of it interwoven forever in the work of the world. Ruskin. Definition cf Coquftts. To give you nothing, and to make , ' you expect everything; to dawdle on j -J- the threshold of love while the doors j Cajs wjth Knctted Tai!3. are closed this is all tho science of ; riu,v, a i,rt.a 0f cats In Malacca a corpiette. T. Bernard. wi:il.ll haji this peculiarity. At fir:, trav.lcrs ,,re under the impro,:.-d,tl Perhaps. j that s.-ime cruel person has tied a A Syracuse woman who had been j Knot in pursy, tail "for fun," but this writ ins; verses feared one was going j is u-it ho. The kittens are born with insane and took poison. Is writing ; peculiarity, and it continues verso: a sure sign? Buffalo Express, j -you twmt their life. I A Telephone in Your Business Returns 500 Per Cent, CA w YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ONE IN YOUR DWELLING. I'RCTECT YOUR FAMILY NIGHT AND DAY. EVERY INSTRU HE'T CONNECTS DIRECT WITH THE LONG DISTANCE LINES THAT REACH EVERYWHERE. Central Union Telephone Company. i Eighth Street. Manager Ex. Main 98. t ?! To Heaver's Keeping. Thou s'isit nut piaisa the day till night Is lallliiB. Howe-, tr luir Ita dawn and noon may lie- Ofttiiiir-i :,t eventide come gtorma sp- - .,i!lltiK. Si'tiiiiK Hi lightning and tha thunder in r. Thin- shalt not bl.ime tha day till It Is .-islinK. Th u i I' It liiia brouuht thpc flood and l.'ii i U-iiin": Full d't t uiirhtfall cornea deep peae. u st.iisei goivl and roses, glorious g:in. I'mtse enfh fair morn that calls the no from fcleepiiij:. Anil throuKh Hie hot day work with all thv m:eht: Then l'-iiv the evening hour In heav- i'hlih sent both winter olood and 111m n?er i'iiliE. i lom the rterman of Gerok. I DR. EDWIN D. MORROW 3! 5 THE POPULAR DENTIST 'I - 0O3 COMMERCI AL AVENUE 4 rr v s 1 1 ti j i i i ' t i a " j I Soft Fcode Injure Teeth. Too muth cooking of food and the use of .--oft j r"iiart d dishes have much to do wfth iiittlrig people out of the habit f 1 hewing. Those who live on cuar-'t- f..o 's rec,uiriug thuruua masii cat'..r. U.i -!.i the pvif-'Ct teeth cf R..i to and hard and evtt:. Ti.' ; -'" i perfect on accoir ' s :,i:ii!a'.icu given by thv.rcu.: - -.; :! t.v. ?.. Why Ciarewitch It Alexis. ; It Ins been a tradition mnce the time of Nicholas I to name the czar..- . vitrhcH aitcrnat'Jy Alexander and ', Nicholas. Hut the murder of A!ex- j ander 11 caused his name to be co:i-; sidered unlucky, so there will be hj: mere Alexand.-rs on the Russlwi throne, as there will !ip no morf I'au'-- or Peters. The czartn Itch vras tlicrv Jor ntmcd Alexis, after the fathtr cf 1'vtcr tl' Great. 1008 COWWEACIAL VC IOTN PHONES IO r.LANGAN LUIV1 LL RINO OF BUI U U I M Ij MAT E RIAL Kin ; t Cc n:c:r.r,aiion of Tobacco, inn :. a (usiom l.iathj'j'.ne to the .. 1-Pt?f;t1 i i Hie nos?. l.iirv.ful to th'1 ! isiti. darrerot-t to the lunrts: and iu ilu-. black f !": thereof r. ear pat res e.nblir.g the 1 irrlble Stycian smt-Vc i f the p. i thit U hctt'-.r.:e-3. Js-- 1. Cure fcr Bcwcd Leg. A happy mother whose little boy's lees had been frightfully bowed and . . bc -..iiie straight, upon being con- ratulated told how the cure had been ' jof-oi'irlishcd. It was by the siirjd uelhod of riding a velocipede, there- t i y combining much idensure for th ! little red low with the treatment for I-is little limbs. This certainly rcv;:i:s tn easy, inexpensive and pliwaul v, ay to cure a deformity that Is quite com mon amor,? children. It could do no harm t give it a trial. u 0FFER! U c Li i iii -m m .I u t ", t n ft rt . n TV r. M si fULLl 14 - 6i"f,,r -rrrrD t:j a v a v - r. i...,.i k.,.. ; .... .v., h j-wint n na s iit i -i In'T.m, -5fK'J - I 'll l r li t it in i!,e i..urni. ox jonn ""tiiTUoii?!" the entire cit blx-k-rt t JT'J I ti 'S m. inoim-e tnat ,a.iv f .iitnjl i-ll the Kiiri.liiB whisker ie.d tn t.i s ei t lA JtP A 3 , ,,'lJ t .i 'IU' Ovlrted tollman ui.n-lial.le comi-tiUJ r.y ' I I r-'-'Z' 1 j 1 '1! i 10 i CU M-nd made Sweet M.sti WhUkey t the Mltowlr-g rtnabl pti. , LLUMIUWMMM I Will 1 11 " nm W1 T II mrTTTI - WM 1. H HULIUHl L U L L K-e - K.f,s is mtkj rs r u tj . n ti ti m IS Wg Precbfie &mz lmn Full Oumfs c? Wlusksy Free in exchange for r.cthintj but your good will and fiicn.lship-but before miar.g our liberal offer we deem it necessary for vou to study the following truthful .acts : TfiiSK &B3UT Wi SrS It comes to mjKfim XT" v:i: , .1, -.1 "-li!! Itl-'ir Vi.Ke v ' i I ot teeir hes 1th I Give Warning on Match Boxes. It is interesting to learn jut no"", r.hen there is so much beiui; dore to fro vent the spread ct t'll-vTci-.tiv's 1:' i (. rv !- ". ' " ' U-a'th I-epartnunt has been wt-ri :rr n r?i3-rc-iit lire tJ a'-oniidi.-b V. am5 er.d. Strayie is'uctln c. rlalalr.s how to prevent the sr. rt ad ' :!btrcjils have leer, ii.att-! r.r. !':r 'abelc f tnoic than i;h: r-ill'o- r.atch sent out as an ovn- ner. jreb.M. fr- in to.-ir.!-.!!r.e. io trust will ever ne stiwwcinut.. "ST ' LVtlt 100 VtAHS AOO tl old a trus) i t e er mk a CuroHnian domsitd twoprtctr. tor U t:lK:,yrJ!!mlo-.-Vii todovt When titr- niu..i rn iu. t i en: m re m tncrH, .ini.m.m " - ., -umotrxi-rinw-tit. T.iey e h iHineit M.-rlh dnilina people ho 'YJ:! si'llOTerrha ii.vil'id iadint and dinned. MiEfrii. ;nien for nouc in roe is! but , vp. nr Norm of oui- -uiihiHY liiluthoh" It u osnUiiy liv frail cuiiuren. i HANDMADE SWEET M ASH 10MMD cC??-tnD!STLLeos WHISKEY I O FULL QUARTS S 5.50; 20 FULL. QUARTS S 10.00 40 FULL QUARTS S20.00; IOO FULL QUARTS S50.00 All Charges Prepaid. Sh'pped In Plain Boxes Wi'h Bo ffart-s. full COl wivuijrs Oiir twrttlctur ananr,, and are full n. no In from sw 'ho dv S'SraKl ia our city. Wym Prefer, Ws Caa Ship Either Ba, Cons, BoyrtsDa, Apple Brandy er Assorted"53 oh live imother retlati! i llrm anywhere e cr ,rr .'i'T""; "4"; . W.wWitoed l t , m-w tustomer t w.r I hr r im, and ean I ...ii.mih i-.iT..r;t- b: lil"T.i. 1o uvr.-d a-.ay ht.ii 11a otmi i,a As tor. vou ct evt tlKure. r J COUPON 1935 Ct your t. it-Is to r I ui; wiih you Cut thi out and return it If Jon in a Mrt.00 order ?" vail inclut'n FREE one lull quart cf whiskev or if i we do cot sU:l 0. O. D.J and f.aiaij-. The Oaspsr Company, lno- VISTOX-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA. Offices end Warehouses SCO CASPER BUILDING. ill ser.d" FREE three full I URSfST ani lOWiST Mia KAIl CRStR WHISKIT HOOK jo?r!s 13 rsr old whiskey I 1 - or tor S ' M or,!r we wi tr,d FREE 12 fall quarts 10 year old whiskey, . . . 1 I rni abort Silvwai nfipr ir.d by Tbe Cper Ccunrany, lii-. roitv im iviirft-.-ain. 'Ve tirtfesobscrihcrs to send ' nir order 10 at wac d do not fail W aieutJub tUi paper. Adttor