Newspaper Page Text
ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE Advert inn in ... ... The Bulletin I 1 Si The Bulletin v WiaoH tor iiro ml Ita fi. .!.... 1. T If t ' Jax J-U. "V " VOL XXXVI. NO. 340. CAIRO, ILL., FPIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ,904. ESTABLISHED IN IS68 nrsvaii Citizens' Meeting ffM m 0 0 HJ TAe Future oCaro . . . K.M. K. C. Hall, 8 O'clock Sharp . . ... LI 3 a Vd 2 La ... W I L L B H D F C I I) F n LrSSZSSSSr E V B R Y. CITIZEN OP CAIRO INTERESTED INJTS PROGRESS SHOULD ATTEND THIS M PPTINn j . . k . ' foam a MW""k- lw f 1 SI . 1 . 1 . tiir nnnriMTw nm in iimiiuiiiwiipi mm unwii imu wmiiu muhilli HUNDREDS OF MLI..- . Loose, 2,905,400 Shares Turned Amalgamated Copper Losing $30,000,000 and U. S. Steel $80,000,000. li VAIN DID THE BOLLS RE- SSTRATE WITH THE BEARS 0 BLOW FOR Mil LEAGUES PROPOSITION TO INCREASE THEIR POWER IS TURNED DOV.'H AND UNFAVORABLE LEGISLATION ,IS PASSED. mil RUSSIAN FLEE IS Vv'iPED OU .! Japs Have Destroyed Every Big Warship at Port Arthur THE RUSSIANS GAVE UP CONGRESSMEN 4 YEARS Ass Shrieking Men Made an Indescribable Fu roreMost Sensational Decline in Prices Since Panic of 1901. Ey tho Associated Press. N'i'iv York, Dec. ti. Amid sjc-neH oi unc-oiv'volled excitement am friiided haste in .myHcn , i -J'j'v Kev Yin U hturlc e;a:m;;e today iiiieHf(T Ut- nviKt hcn.sni ional l(u !i:H' l:i jiric vi lliaf il hn. i known riiice iho tilstor ; North'Tii 1'acilic ..inif .May 9. 1001 'I'rai'.crK were early m t!ic llitor rf i!i oxoharw ami rlu? insiam i'.ic for Lk (ipcnin;; of hiiKini'sn out itf.n-ni. vni ftl l'ver li.'jt. A? h slirU'Kiun; tm n Kiiro't aioi.nd trad ii?; IjiiI'i aigniiirin m on which artvar'M w(i hiiccl wore ;.II for;oi tea and l.r.iker.i seiiji oa!j t Ret lid of Ktoeks they held. The first, t Sive v.ay was Amu't; uiiaied Copper, nqjiiiht uhieii H oani!i..iu hy nev.s v ud rli cTiu'lit has rccv iiily lie. n contl iie'rd. DruiipiriR i-'.miei iincs p piini lit a rime It. fell iiii'.ii il si. Id ' i .IS'.'!, n (teclino of ten inint.; since hi.! nihi'H close nici of twenty-two po.n;.: l'i' ii (!h hi.lK?. af Tussiiay Tlie 'Si lioiu! ri'fi :;:iion rei:'"eii!e J a (let );:! -.e in ;i.e iiuti'kei alie nf'thi. ei ,niany'.s siocl; . f niro ih.H lliirly iiiiilii n ('ollar.-i. Ni ;.' i' I lie A!ii'il;;uinat Co'i.f r ike !.a-.!er in excitement was I'. S. Su ;! coriioiaii ni slock, fo.; I'lon full in:; i aud preUrre.l .o Kt ovei nitht dicii:ics of poim ; and 71 point; lespeeiivi ly. utid 'cline.i ef '. poims lor c.iiiiti'on and loi points tor preferred fpjiii Tne.iaj's h;:i esi. The shrinkage in cpion'd vahicr; frotii Tne-day represt n'ed over f::.'!.- i ;'h oa conm-m. ?:!tt,MM,0.!; cu pre rred, i ;.',!. ro'-at vl tm roiiiiiaay's cai tal Mo ek nioi than 5,S(t.n.m.(, 0. Oliick4!nay6jtl t'eol u;p.' were 'Vi in l.'nioit fuciiic C Mi- Bt-uUtyu Pa .('ii'; (! A.'iu tr;,':jr: '',' A.ii 'i'i an T-ubacfl: pi vforred ; 7i . Biaokljn .a;)!.l Tr.msii; V, St. Paul: Col radu Fml; 11 Aiieitifian Cenu:il; "i'-i licaot;ri Pueilie: fl'.i 'n-nncss " Coe.' ti.l ;:;;!. Vahe- t !n onif.ioiit ' i i ni ire li'-t wove cut oivn win r;reat ini:i;t v-t.k!- innrsitH-d aosoimt.-! .'('! wlptd out. an.t for nearly two 'inii:i deiiKicil'r.aiion wstu conpieie. '.ii''r,;r tai?; period trnr.ii icti; nf .'tmoiiHed to D.toi.iM) siiares Kt i te;ie J tt 'l"iosi wi: lio-'.t 'heckid al.oui. :d a iK viod of irre:-!i! irity. Heavy i-U.ving oidi'1'.i appear;1,!. (pii.tali: us tailed tipw&rd and before one o'clock nany netivo .tM Uh had rea'te-d c.mj-f-id(ra!iio of their losses. The .(iie of : rad.'nj; ri'maiiu-:! IV v V'ih. but the tally wsn well he'd a:id the co;-e wa . ; omntirat ivi iy ivakin--'. severe!;,'' (jui 1 1. Totnl sales of all :to?ks ( ImTc L',!io",,.id r.hares. .'.'any can; en lor t ay's cellii'K '..'ere ni-t'-i-sted, but tiie j'.'neril opin inn :oi ined t: he a bull market had oroHi: : in nieny I ny.-s en Miial! ; i;t:?inn and wle n u'zha if i .upend- in?; lile::k ;vere hf"D ye:-:lerd.:v ties:' kei'lrrs wvro forced to Kd! o it. tiiei; .spi.uiiative purchasi s al v. ,'i:.t :: r : rice : were' old ailta Ide. tlia Cide, til;" Aim t ic,".:) :!;;::!.j : ith t I ioil;: 1 fol!!lll!! !. a'iiici: v. ill li in I ho woukl beir. !il r;i )(d:itcd Press. U. e. H.- If 1 1 I a . ha'! le. 01 vn i! v ;::)n' i 'ii f5ie po-.i i COltilikd. aSr-e.'HK lea.!:;:: action t-n,: ;-i i lie' na r d' ii:iaor 'he caatifff in which 's by rais- QiD NOT TRY TO WOVE THEIR VE35ELS DESCRIPTION OF THE CAPTURE OF 203 METCR HILL. :111V. the, ".Hi I tiie nice of drafted players from iiiv.auuo;. Uwif !D $t,- .ii tits i Jl'iTefc. v play afied wu'liim '.-in by Pi - ! . d: i.'i a or and :!!-S to Ih d Pie ina;,rr!:v vas author can lefiviie S'aiii.aial h co;::nii ioiil nc td'-ar Jo'niw:.'! .-tl to aegfr th(Vv:,u'!'i in coujttnfi'i! iv. wku liu .U'.uo to hive" tii 'tituioiia; i to rran:.,;iil-Ji. ci-jr '.I II. bet. , .-dlUlillMH be iiis u.'l hips ate", ci'iiis' iinhoal:; (iiiiu hi ; or ,li si 1 1 i id i.:.. i.e . i i i-oriiin,'.'; o di, Klia.if.'nl. ;; . I.e' ere . i ii, Por. Ai.ii le.'ily ;.(, ,.,' liie vi-. eel.-, i nri! ihi'ir ;." tiy J. l:il!l II corn; Ac am! I' .hie: ;,)i:l 1 Pl'Oe'S. ' 8.-Thu Telegraph's off Port Altimr tel t!;.' iii.-,;ari :'.-', I .y e; ii..)' wi.'l th till F'l'iadneri; v.ctf I :;ad I 'ui onlv lor ELECT PRESIDENT FOR EIEIII IIS Senators By the People Tor the sme Lcncth of Time MRS. CHADWICK GOES TO JAIL COULD NOT GIVE $15,000 BOND So Overcome That She Had to Be Carried Into the TombsRefuses to Talk of Madame Devere "For rfer Son's Sake." NATURE CF DiLL Of-FCHEO CONGRESS CIVIL SERVICE CET3 SOME HARD LICKS ELECTION TALK. IN I fiy thft Associated Washington, Dec luiio.i jirovidiii't Prews. , H. -: V tile 1.? A.;oe"a;:3,l Pr-.;t. j NW V..-:-ki Oeo. 8.!;. I'hadv.-icl; i t.;!::a'.u oco.:ii ft 3 feat'!!!;' (arahihcd cai T-:i.!;h. Ai.rr f:r. boat d e i'.'ill ( :: ! !e etroyi r, h strove,) tin.; the i .oil i ii I . . i-t . from To'vio l.ia'lh'ihl i e iii!iaii war- l.i.i i (1. :; made to '.ic,ii:o.-e V.i.'l ;. a io I .." t-i!'.'.-iiad wileii liiefc the giiaa Vv'iI Ik BiciiTiu ! s and e Ciii v.vr. ohmmaunt? the clauneA. ' Another raie a.'ioiK'-'da.iv g1 future i't.'(;iie-ts for w;y vi ri-'VJ-.aft ar.itiireii!.; f(dhn''r Mj e tliiie" ol 1 ao Deiuiiina' of the dra! ,,e ue..:.l "oiig a thief.. transpoui ia tno harbor. Mail aei;ea to the .itumaeee do .scribing Cue captiirc of 23-WetT hi'l d;le that the .laiiaueae dreacii'Ml tlio iler works el tlio crt're:';c ! st n :i d vli:ci liu, jr.nnrd '!" f.e a.l.:.Efte' ti't'iirhra with ;i fur:(ei fire a F.i.o!.'; (e.iie. vvns vi ry j;ij,. Why ehe fei'r t artu. nig .-ieaNo.i r eeniary 1, oi t thc.bUMle. niaf-f i Tbirf rule will liteven'cK.rf sji vj(, ,() " "'-( i-r - h; j ft ct'Seia :e clui.;; to dralt cer v'r tiieai up dtirin;.' follovv.hiK ail nor be year. uh major bar. a (tin playera and c ih lraf I in iv pariod. at the ox;dra!ii:ii of the drjftins ..o.idoa stciue waiveir and allow player to even back to the minor league which he belongs. illy dab fee' noon and (here follow- j UI I IL ULi t V i U L reform mm MEET IN TALK MADE YEAR -CRESC. U ASHl'CTOe A N f." OF THE pf:cor.E3r DUfili(C TriE PAST - DR.- OILMAN'S AD atiose to laake road It waa r. .aible-! tibviit a.t lcli th it ;ho Jajiare a,'. Na .' kMe.v.) a;; I i the caaaallii the r;j. idem and vie pre icr.'ii of eiKhl y; ar am! : . no f.'.r .i-i-irt .f !i a: d jv.i ; e iv for o'.";:; ( f f i:r ye oi! lodev by K i , Nehta.-d.rt. it i., i: rson who has bold !! era at nnv li-ne with to his ( lei i i.ia .-;'i I 1 i e ( Ii:: : '10 !e)!t;, ;rree tiodiii N'on i no po en: arior .1 ni, t . . e' '.eloa o! i. t for r :e;.",:ors b-y i'.ia fii:i"; e: con :!1 4 v:-: il - ; bail. h"r 'id ioni-;;a. (ift an ; ei a search a eB give P'.iiiip C r (.1. lock alal c.: it' ;a;. a II 11: :: r.l fail.; ( y n -e d ' od ia buihiiii; 1 Stat": Ih ' do; e -13 lave u night ia every quarter f.r aa.lo L. irne cne owainc; real cstale in Man ; o-aa of I nalturt who wouM !gn her bond and line mai.-uai had, on of sympathy j for the woman, kept her In his offico I lour- aftrr ths f.hov.W have been re-' taoved. Knac-avcra of the lawyers ;o unsucci'sslul. rendering her Im- the d iy u;i I'.e ;)"i:er. i n; ii ' i iv , ni lone i Sh-ri'ar.I ble lioj) ; al IVi il :V,i pi I b. I. let 'ii. 1. svi out itrt: lOi'b d :e oil'i ae id a .-.ei. I t iie'ii ere. lb; ; 'iinii t 'jo ha!) t , jot itiK iiein ily ( n i he mar ', at oi her hi, n IC.nil, ICE CLOSING ;y tne Associated C'l. f o. Dee. 8 -s'?.t c tatio'H'd a' N" a re io:i?;y, Invinn, " i s t i t i aiiovi Oi tee if Liao river by ict -! iiavuitt; r.ttleKliips, thr liao nivEn. Pre-'x. A lihu'a!: wii'eb ".v C'.hv.iivjv arried loll C:.1 ion Ir. Invne iiaie cl;hvg . Her lonr.niiKi' r seen four Japanese e emb ers, I en tor- irvo boa'ti era, id, M . ' the eiiliri eiw here. Port Arthur, .lajiane'e lie He t i.-: Ily the As Waaiiitir no. nion o! leaden; );, ioeiiited PreKS. on. Co:'. :.- .'-t : ti.e civil fcri'iie (lilaii.n dciivi r. d GERM AN1 Y DOESN'T OBJECT ly the Associated JTopb., l)ec. -'be'inany if aiiiiij? vt'fi ni.aaee of the Brbbdi f Vii-iciit .; iM' in i ofusst'tr to 01 ll I'f'llll ( i::t!1. tt al for the :;a i fiiee ir e for ( il iv. be 'i ait been .P ,.f the ,1'ae fro II;; :' in s;;s C - I'' .:". a lieble fore,, ',n III. I Civ- pcr- '. ("trite ill W. i Cardiff .i;h fl '.-t. The for raliiny !i ia no Croat Uritaln's from tls, s and eiibatr.c'it :e't ,o face : ed inrn.ndi "lat.'s Oiil in Mr .:;;. Repre.a utative Hbern-an, N Vor't, today lea reduced a biil idea i?al t. " Hint introduced by Fcaater Piatt la tile senate, reiiueing pie rc.ira.soiu.v !o.i of witn hrii Hiaies ia c-..ii:rrca4. 1 Flcht ci Civil Servic:. The anmial fls'u mi th civil gr vice c nriiiiirr.itei v,na lican in taa hoas-i today liaring coiied lcratioii . of the lee',ski:ive npiiropriaiioti 'uiil. Tin; opposliion emu? from M-sii.ij. Part let of (,'oi!ia, ile;ilinr!i o; Iowa, ((iroaveiior of Ohio. ,Mr. tleplairtl moved l;i idrike oat the ci;;lio iij)-i:-o)i iat ii.n for lae eotnraisaie i and Iia (orce of clerks, lit the sa;ae lihie do i.oniKdns; (he civil sorvice aa not linv- i:t In:. 'roved ranee the day.; of the "loiki i.yst'Mi, ln:l. oa the, ia irowlng b-m and lew efii-.v. Tie disetissioii 1 roujrni a it some ie,,ii !,-a;ae;'i'ir.H cotiiiiieiiis (.;. ilK-lisl. .iie-,id(i!tial elerlkm. It I'lited to lie lack o." voica whica were cast for iu.!:,e I'a'rk',. r. ',liiatns i.r j;ii:.sii;siv oi, and (Jioaveaor of (tiiio, partlci eatrd ia itda feuura of the n daic. THe Legislative ri'I. The seasion lasted- five la ur.l and ! lifleen iniautes. 'I'iie b'ttisaa ive hi!! .".):! sci litiniio il carefully in conso-uuie;- with lae iircsiiioutV r 'e-)n;n:ea-iatioit afc'iiiHt extrava;.! i.-e, Mr. !li:e;!iaia, in charge of the 'oil, waa I'ceuirel roil. '.lain ly to esplbn .some particular appropriation. Pay of st"aoi;i"aniioiH to ( -oni mi 1 1 oc i of the i c.i :.'i' iii't liar,--'. Pi eiki liepiiiy Alaiahal Kci'm "i'iie patty passed tinuifji row of cnrioin people lo a cturiaso which was in walling on the Proad a r.i, aiad .leva, 'mi': liehiad I SlVI'.i :!!), -iy. ' ,1 ;;-(.! al ber way .;-. b-ia-.ii'ji and it to the Civub way Hide. Carried Into the Torrr They were driven directly T.u'.b", Arriving' thero Mi.;, vie'.. v.T.a halt c.'lnitd up the aftjia and into the buildiinv. WariTi Plynr. me" the party and a'." tie usual prelhninaries h&d beeu "at.U need lo the wiiiT.iai ak"d " to al low her nurse lo remain with h'c.r Tins waa denied, ti.e ward a Hayintt die would have n- iir' lleee : not, i! lowc 1 olhar prisoner-'. r.'rr. ChHdwick j.;avo her iian Ibag and a few trinkets to tin! ticrso and. whispered" name instruclioiis f.o her son. Marshal Hcnklc f rtnally turned hla piisoiii r over to ii.o vvai .leii pai:) t-he wa taken to tin miilron's roinr. Kitscd Her Son Goodiye. She linked to t.ay g .od nigi t to her aim and the lad oaeiiy rushed to his mother nn l wrapping his arias about her nave hi r a I einbrao '. Then otiinciu neco aarv. Will be Chirgsd With Forgery. To lob I io her can of woe it was arned tonight (hat a charge of for ry vvc'.-ll vcr? !.k Iv b ma'le i:ii! i I lie ',',(, v. a: I ia ( )id:i., bfiued tin 'ae Canieive li -ies and other paper :4i on ; f-c in it is for 1 mna. liffons to got bail will continue to. morrow, althoush Mrs. Cha lwick ex ' ( 1 a do iie tenis'il to i?o to ;Clo iland as as possible. K1k I finid .she would go titer." voluntarily, doiibm j were it not for the cod'iary advice of conn: i-l. Dined at Police Headquarters. Mr-. Chadwiek dined nt seven o'clock tonight in Marshal Henkel'a office under condition in Rtranen on- jinot to the niantuT in which she liv 'f 1 at ;w York hoiela. Her dinnor conuis'ed ij an oian-ie, a ham "and jwich and a piece f-f cake brought V her by her' son from a Broadway J lunch counter. She lay oh a hard leal fu r couch, in a room filled with desks, chairs and flip A dep uty marshal' Mood watch while lier toir e look the raesgre lunch front a paper bag and peeled the? orange. Hmil fcat by in s lenee and ate a few bites of a sandwich and tho mirso dried her tear;; long enough io ta.ste iho lunch ccttnter fure. Read "the Papers. The Unco uafurtunatcs had noih Ing to t.ay to each other. Occasional ly Mrs. Chad wick Kobhed and ,tho faithful nurse leaned over her mis- trii.u n n ,1 l ,Mt,il h.l ... .. i i i nil ii i Kiay uairK. she was le i away "o an Inner o.Tieo. , Mra. Chadwick's face was much In where her pedinrie v na taken and i ilatned, . her eyes were red and her alio waa assigned to a cell. The : or-1 hands trembled violently as she miah- rcd I he cn nance cn '.le.l axty the remains of the food nmi n I .51 THOMAS W. LAWSOrf S ARTICL WHICH PRECIPITAfED SLUM? iaual nddros:. ml 'ovConrnl r:: ner ! io'.iiiia- P iicitated the deloya; ; ; oa (lie (mijsri .- k made datht?; tae ir. An a.ldf.'-.-- prepared by Carl Sc!urz ! who was litialde J :t be prc'H-at be Cause of sicklies -. was rend l-.y ti. cre laiy Oooilwin and ill..- aturial i e'-(.rlK iof the Co-iiKii were made by Coat I ; ' 1. I'le-spai ic of Italiiaiof; . : Phi ri. c nt CiJ.nn.i pic; ci t .1 ; .-.nx ,d;l:i froiti the fort -copiin:- a ureal ie- which explicitly i!"clres ccelirj; r tciilral vessel in Itriiish outers i "I'l.lke,," a bellige: i'-nt licit 1:' uniaX ft;!. aot: .in; i l o act" nay -a' orri i iv. ,i: . as I. Ilili) I t: ced from S"i,ila and lb-' ho i. -e provision In.- r. r f the civ I tan bill. fide pi'. per aa rcfased sit'g the service : ; s was The following throe column wide, trnpoiiir.n pa.HTs is o:w of the gr. at n.ithor (f "Kr-rnied Finance," rec-euii lloiiir.-", Whitney, i-t al., inul wa.; t;-e and full length, appearing in the big- me blows si ruck by Thoniaw W. I .a v. o i y at ,Ioi;n I). Kockei-Her, Henry ii. cans'1 of the terrible slunip in coo tin r siocks on the New York stock e-.ciia-ia yeMcr.l.v: AMALGAMATED STOCKHOLDERS A RN INC. "From liie creation of Amalgamated i have eon! iuiamsly biieved in ovtii and coiistnnly a-hocatod t'i' imrchase of its stock. 'I. nry H. Jtogers pi-rsotlaliy nv-j it iated with Man it. ; Tbtly for .he provi rrtb,s which went to tnai-c up the Amalgamated company. "'Henry H. Rogers alone knew ah aiiafdy their values. "lic-niy If. Rogers' associates' lo ;; bis word for theta. " :ve they cort Me.e.te,, Roer''. Hockt-feller nn I as;-;n,-ia;c., only $no.!io'i.(""'. we all believed they were worth nearo than the $7.V't .0' a' which li e were sold to (be public. fbcrilv- afttr th? p-tb'ii; tlotatioe. it $l-0 per share, the si.eck li.-opiH-.J to 7 "), I did 'ill in ray o ver to prevent the dei iin", loaing niillior s . in t'tia (flort. bat I retained my fahh in the teal worth of the prooeriy. "Scm? of the insiders made millions: the public was neerea of mil lions. "f t ti'l refused lo be dicaiirasc5. I t'tged Messre,. Il y.'.rs and R ac -;e-f iler to mal e g Hx their protiisi s made through ;n to the public. ly they consented. The Moek advanced, until li sni i at 1 .".). "At the h'giiesf frier i was ftill huylttg and adv: !rg ita percaase. Then there came tae awful slump which tdid Hoc' down to Ibb I last enor mously; intddcr-t made Vast proilf. The public was again fleeer-d. "At "X 1 began a n?w ctmiiai?n to induce my followers and the pul li 'o buy. "-,,; a reailt 'let.-' were pmchasel ly hundrel; of pciele all ore ihe coitiiiry. rirr'ct'y or iudir rtiy thr,nj;h nte, r.s ng a-. ''' hares, at a avciag-- cf in to '!, nnd probably .hundreds or thousands In ore which lotibl not I'.w. "T'a-'s r iaip.''i-'-n I ha ve r.rosciifel lacesscmi until i e-.iimaie .he nubile holds l.rfl t.d'Vt jihti;- today's priie, S2. a pro (It "Wii n ray story. : erviCt ia : n- 1 port of. the civil '.ioo .l ia' Il timber of perro?. vi;il se.-,ie' which mot:' ia.-.:i itive. I);:ri:i" t ie : ne fe examine-). ( ' and .'').'-. a i ve Hering ii-( v.h. he n. he sael, a v. ci lae ohsi nance !c't. r but. of Ihe ice act an I nti- a atoi seiK-i' of conipiaim c.f ily and a.-se sae t hi ':;: t' tilis -aou CABLE BETWEEf II. S. f Ti ion IN THE SENATE. aa".- held only a ; una ad loanii'ii idti atpl to seen pure foo l bill oa of Abir ;,.:ort hps ioitil Mon re consider wa.t defeat cii that th.i d at b-iigih, which bioughl i W't CO', orn en I is, r.m e aptr 'ni. i. a year iviarki ,1 p;-. not i:. r. e, ( o! :i a no'ti'd p'.ii i : i act. ;rriLL INTflCDUCED IN CONGRESS PoOVIDiN'G FOn ITS CON j STRUCTION WILL COST j AECUT $3.0CC.CC0. I P.v the' Aseoclat- d Pr i Va.'.hiagioti, ii c. S To e niu'"t "i e r.iaal xone oa the Isdimm of Pan- ati'a wiih ti.e I'nr.d Htai.s by catib ,1; ll'.e pii;-jirse of il bill lac; d in ROCK ISLAND PAS SENGER WRECKED. Ry the Associated Pres. Trenton. Mo., Dee. $.--b pa ecnger Xo. 1?. rt.nnir. Kan -as Ci'y :.:i I Cliicag . el by running into sn e at switch ni ar Clio. I .ia, gttici r M. Siirarv.i.i a:rl .!. Lewis, both of Trenfon. . : prchaWy fa: ally r-co,!' .i. Isiaal 1 e! 1 ('. . ex -n i he boas, today t- r ii,e coti.a.t aacii cable tinder e t i ihe lunciia-.e'r : of v. r a a ! nivy ; Ann rica.i n.ake a An-.vric.-.n i-iiip;--, 1 r .-:; Aire";'' :n i.iade (vi 1 t .ii p r i" mi !-::e',. , of i eabi is ix. i j ;: e l ; r!;.i( P : Ji le fo- ; i cor:!: r The bill n end op, s 1 OI i ;d . i: ac. provid rai ion udrol an I dir eti, .encrai, r, 'vet ari K.e Cliue lo le ad t be laid 1 oi'!ed the rest cat ie wl'l n"t ex ( f t est of a e. The t eai c I ii. i ,o ei ;-"n;. 'y a .i.l ;c !--.i. CONFERENCE.' toibiV lay. Ta(. at ion of pi el bv the i 'd be I .a (,;-; e'.'i n fr.jin Si nati r Tillman, who 'lid iioi want pio time (onsuiiied. ' Crum Aopointme: t. ;d.'. 'i'.il-.e;a ' ro-iir'.t l! case of 'u'liiiawi P. Crara, the r-obnr-l man !)o:,.i,i-,i , for co'.lei tor c.f Ch'-trle,-ie. C intei pro lii'.enr-- by n king fir a i i, at fto-a co.uib.aa mi .I'liliciar a a io i'i status of the re-i- ,s ; yeoirrn;. nts. Tin- m iirte conlirnte I liie noasi.ia lion (if '1 C. D.iAeon of Iowa, ..oni.-t. r r'.'.id'iiL and c .t;.al general '.') t-'aa.o I i;ain . "'hs StatehDod Dill. The si im,,. coaitiiitte..- or. arbitri-Ii- a on Sa'urdiiy will tnke up the s'a:i';e.,d bill p.i.-.sed by th" house a! th- last s i t.'in Pr i'l adti'eseion of Ari; t;a aad -New Meiico a. d of in di.t a t- iritiry and Oklahoma a; fw a: -. ("e.i'raoin llevoridse e.vpcri.., iie idM ;;i be perfect d ia time to i i- it ii.i af c r !:e.tib r I'l. the de c'. in ier and nut's;; rut were driven to th-? holel. While lying on a coach :n the I'nit el Stata inaralrilB t.lT'ce nvaiting a botiilsman Mrs. C.aailwick for the first time Kijire le r name has be. n before, 'he public, ccii.a nte.l to talk for pub lication s,n:l give tae As oeiated Pi ess a ; la.: emeu t in which she tiled r lai 'eti.dlip to Mi s. York San Francisco, who gave ei t aa t-rvlcv.' lodav te'ling of the cat life of Mrv. Cha-Iwick. Silent on "Madame Devcie." In h-Mice lo her son Mrs, ChaiUiek said rie woul-l no.' rusk;.1 a id.;! e men t ah nit "'.hi-; Madame Pcveu bi;si ness." nt. present, lust proniia-c.-l that later "Madame Povere and ev eryt'niiig else- in e(nnce!ion v.-iiii (his case will bt- shown " Mr 8. Ciiaiv, ick al o lebl of Wade I'll rk and ihe Obeiiin bank mater". R'.-futring to (Ja- taib:re of u;e lall-er iiisliin'tiiti she taid: "I would not like to life a ininete if I did not think I c mid pay these people knot." Won't Talk of Carnegie. Whin a-ked c . n earning An-irew Carnr.'is.-'s eoimectii n with h t fin in- motioned I-reds to give her a pile of evening papers which lay on a chair near the couch. j She picked tiie papers up one by I one tittd bt sobs gave first pag- e- a Inuty glance. After she had run j til rough the lot fche feeleated one ' which seemed to iti'ercst. liar ot pec I Sally tuij began reading it with great I care. Put Ihe strain seeaid too great. .She burst into tears and (he slight j boy, who st emed cool under all the : cxcitei.K-i!', hastened to his mother's :de and quieted her with kisses. Thwr i the pad trio awaited the nnnounee i merit if Mrs. Chadwiek's counsel that I she must go to jail hccaunc security j for Sl.Vmti could not be had. Receiver Lyons of the Oberlin bank j which recently rhxed its doors tol l jtha Associated Press tonight that he j would leive f. r Cleveland 'omorrow rial affair she declined abr ;b.t -ly talk, r. fairing her interview r to her count el. Thia has no ioul t been c t of the rao; t moaientou;; i! ly-s in , Chad wick's h'siory. P corati-.ei e I witii her early departure froni her he. to' for tiie federal build'ne and ( nd -.1 ir. j her iticarcera'ion in j tiie interval she ras j before t'nit -d Stales ! Sihifdi! and Ik Id in II the was unable to ftirnish. en to: a h In re; the T tal been ariaiarel Co'ir i ssi- nei ,eu. i b til. v. ii'eti Ail day r iat;r- j lieu tiing. w here criminal proceedings ! will have been taken against Mrs. jt'iiadwick. Aake.l if aay cotimunica I li-ai had been held w iih Carnegie he lad'ir'ttej certain comniiinica.ions hal i lieea passed. The Associated Prosj , ileartie l on the In at. authority that in oj these commanica'ion-) Carnegie de r Died abfaibr.ely ha had signed tho ; notes, which have figured in the case as Carr.egi? notes, and denied he know-- or ever net Mrs-. Chadwjek. The sarac autlKrily Paid the"V)h!o proceeding' would l,e in the natura of action en a chirtu? of forgery. long lawyer. AN ANDREW CARNEGIE. NOT STEEL Knqnirv was made a.s to whether care s of frrg ry would be based on the Carnegie nu't s. and the reply was made that Cuy won I I be based on I 'a and fiime other papers, given as secar-itie kr loans. , MAGNATE, SIGNED NOTES. o; 0!. Ti a. in e ! ic! ;hat ! .'. I v i'- the id ne;n: bpti I P liii I has ring ( o eti-i -iie 1 li'i.ini's.? the bill wii.'a- j Ry the Associated Press. Pirghampton, X. Y.. Pe-. .. Judge i l'rarci- W. Downs, a prominent a' Jtatney rf this city, ;al. ton'g'itt "I vas iaierii-eii today oa -.vast 1 jbilieve to be cood aathoritv. the e-. 1' c.-. SUGAR VP CENT A POCND. ve proacule I lac, if holds l.cfl t.l'O'i ; of tiS.noO.O" ai. nded Finance." , 'P to tie ;a e'.ll"l of wk es nt ic h Sli "an. 1 d i no darr ase to Amaly Tiatod sto -k, but would b advert In it. is.M il 1 (Continued on Fourth Page.) By tho New Yore 'tides if refin : cents pf r hat . f'eiif ..;ioii"r; : I af, crushed, end cubes. Associate 1 P re? p I'e-c. Is ;. p. a 1- o li.; 1 I- a; d' red, g-aaoli '.'a. .bin Pe,-. h. Mr. Van i rr ;;. liie Ni t'.o r'aiiils n-'cii-tt r "rotary Hay t idny i ll a conv t:..;i ab'-.f Tie1 Hkw . cr.f .- -The niin.'stiT is j : d back in i a ) l e; b--n e and t d d the ta' t';i c e.'.b t cee.u.n t.-511: . '' :U A't -rirein i.oe- i tY? ;',..'.; r. - i"g ce-;d p.-cne conf ren'-e bad Ibiti-. a f'eve.ies lo' e ( I J'"- :s '.f Vc'.c. iittro.lnet fo" the r; i nasst ;;iiig by Mrs. Chad be :. iiiied by e g- tiuini". a:'. ck Au . 1 signed by aa Am'ruv,- Cc.ncgie. but aot the greet uctl nMgnat?, but by ; 1 rvli.iva of his by that name. That will be He line if defense under any bug ry ejnr;e tint raay be brought. I caaaot give the name of my inform- and apt. 1 ui he ia a prouiinent man. who row I am sire kro.vs what he is talking ,er. aboitt." , a nvas a ! vb e t 1 c la tie i er -r 1 t .: riioi; of pri'H- nrrp'.-" of the to p- - - 10 .i Tt ' (11 r.;ns ckadwick indicted t Ry thi Af sociatcd Press. F.oria. ().. Pre. S. Tae c: rad jury iaoioi'imd tills e.u nirg after vo'iog . to indict Cha.i vick on a charge of h.i.i.itf c-b; lined i.ioury un Ier faho i It'( tin. us la I-rain cut:niy. The t i pott cf "ar jury wii! not be efficiady FOR FALSE PRETENSE. rendered tint 1 Saturday. Thee jury la lPo looking into the rumors of g ; wholesale rcheme t ) defraud, Tho connection of a New jfork lawyer and four er rive other? in connection with the case in thin country K being ia- : v-e:--tijtitcl. - ' " . U iptSLUJII-M. pi., i i!ll. iiiiIUjh. J, i .1 ... CI . .. . I p ..,, .,1 J , ,, ,-,llllll IMW..H" "Vg.' 'J ' WIUIU fWUUWIIiMI Mil .,1111 II" I I i m JiMly WJttM' MW IIM Wfclllli gWWWWWWpiP 9 IK1 JPW'UWIIiliil.UW.opnil tfifck(WIOMfc'V)gJiWiyk - ' - iir.,i -r.a-:imt --s.W-v, pv- ; '. -- - .,.-,v, , v.U--" "e--. !Pt'S.. -i&t-.-:- '.,-;..-. f - - ,