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THif"CTAUkO. BULXETUi FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, J 904 EXTRA SPECIAL SEE FRESH RIPE TOMATOES. FRESH OYSTERS. PRESSED CHICKENS. GREENING APPLES. Soolless oranges, cranberries, pineapples, grapes," celery, ribs, sausage, home-made broad, gra ham and whole, wheat, .home made rainee meat and fruit cake, honey, piehled lily, dill pteldes, canned peas, asparagus, succotash, green beans, Frank furter sausage, Holland her ring. Promp dnilvpry. rith phones. W. R. O'SHEA 227 Eighth Street. Mlf ttt ttt.t f 9 ttt ..ttt ttt t 5 BARGAINS? i ... in 3 Switches and Combs :: J $1.75 buys a $2.00 Comb 1.25 buys a 1.75 Comb 2 f 1.00 buys a 1.50 Comb 'J .50 buys a 1.00 Comb '$4.25 buys a $5 Switch 2.50 buys a 3 Switch MRS. H. L BRADLEY, 234 Eighth Street, Cairo, Ul. Thess good a are the latest patterns ana Dost quality. BARGAINS FOR CASH BUYERS. I3est Flour (24 lb. sacks) 80c 8 bars Lenox Soap - 25c 8 bars Light House soap 2Sc Onaker Oats - 10c 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar $1 .00 WILLIAM AIRD. Bull Phone 2641. 2703 Com'l Ave. JOHNS. JENKINS ARCHITECT 1006 Commercial Ave., Cairo; Cairo City Transfer Line Successor to fetolti St Walter. J. II. KEIRCE, Proprietor. All kinds of hauling done promptly. Both jihonea 133 . 209-12 Commercial Ave. Cairo - Illinois HAVE NO FEAR J Moerlein's "Barbarossa" IS THE BEER. CairoMonumentCo. Entlmates on atone work vromptljr fur mahed. OHica nod nalmrooin 1MS-10I0 Waxhingtou Avenue, Cairo, Illinoia. C. E. GREGORY, MGR.I "The Only Corn Cure" DAVIDSON. 221 Eight ii Street, Cairo, Illinois. 10 cents. I!y mail 12 cents in stamps. - Green flrarel ITarrisburg Lrunp and Nnt Srearn Coal a Specialty Gas IL use Coke and Kindling;. ROBINSON COAL CO COAL TO BURN M.CAHILL. AGENT Both Phones 4.39. 2500 Commercial At PRCMPT OCLIVCRT. FULL WtlGHT . MAYOR WINTER WILL VETO NEW SALARY ORDINANCE "I will veto the ordinance," rtaid Mayor. Winter yesterday when seen by a Bulletin representative in regard to the amended ordinance Introduced at the council meeting' Tuesday night, raising the mayor's salary from $1,- 000 to 1,500 a year. In explaining his reasons for veto ing the measure Mayor Winter said: "I will not favor it for the reason rhat the financial condition of the city will not permit it. I don't think it right. Not that the position i'i not worth the money if a man will devote his time an;I attention to it, hut. he city cannot afford to pay It and, I will, therefore, veto it. I refus ed the firemen an' a4vnn"e because the city cannot afford to pay more. 1 have tried to economic by dis pensing with a chief of the fire de partment and rendering thai service nyself and have also cut off one of :he dorks at police siatoin which 1s now filled by the city jailer. My ob ject Js to save the city every dollar ;)ossll)lo and if the mayor's salary U increased it will be done over ir.y head." Object cf Ordinance. Alderman A. S. Fraser hi respons ible for the introduction of the amend ed ordinance and the only explana tion ho gave at the last meeting for j NEWS FROM ANNA. Dec. 8, 1904. The Misses Frick of Cobdcn, visit- ed Mrs. H. W. Brown Tuesday. Dr. T. Lee Agnew returned Monday from Jackson, Tenn. The scric? of meetings condueiel by Meads brother.? n( the Christian church closed Monday evening with an illustrated lecture. A large audi ence was present and greatly enjoyed the presentation of "In His Steps," and numerous olher subjects. Mrs Nannie Winter-, t,:io has been mployed in the hospital at Ml. Pleas ant, Iowa, has returned home. Mrs. Lizzie M lifer and Miss Elsie TyU s visited in St. Iouis last week. Jno. Drenke of Murphyboro, spf nt Tuesday In Anna with his sister, Mrs. L. T. Robinson. Mi.js Iiessie Carlisle is Quito ill at her home on West Railroad street. P. C. Pavey of Villa Ridge, was in Anna seevral days this week. The entertainment Riven by De Moss Hards Wednesday evening was a decide! success. A large sum of money was realized of which the Kp worth league will get a per centage. Miss Ocy McLaughlin, after several jve-'ks' visit with her brother, t Prof. U. K. McLaughlin, has returned to he. home In Caldwell, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. 1;. D. Tuthill returned Wednesday evening from a two weeks' tour in the east. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scwt of Quincy, ! III., are the guests of their sister, Mrs. K. C. Finch. DON'T OVERLOOK IT. Careful Perusa Will Prove Value to Every Cairo Reader. Its The average man is a doubter, and there is littlo wonder that this Is so. Misrepresentations make people t-keptics-- Nowadays the public ask fer better evidence than the testimony of strangers. Here is proof which should convince every Cairo reader. H. A. Hannon. of 221 Ninth street, real estate dealer, says: 'Having used Doan's Ointment with remark able success I thought that Doan'a Kidney Pills might be a remedy of equal merit so when an attack of kid ney complaint clung to me for some time durlne the past winter, I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Paul Q. Schuh's drttg store. Now I am ad verse to recommending patent medi cines and never expected that I would allow my name to become a public endorser of any raedlcianl prepara tion, but when two articles are up to the representations made for them like Doan's Ointment and Doan's Kid ney Pills the public should know ibout It. I emphatically endorse Doan's remedies." For Rale by all dealers. Price F0 conts. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. BASE BALL DOPE. Dick Powers has received three very flattering offers one each from the American association, Weatern league and Three-Eye as an umpire. He has them under consideration and will ivsrn decide which rne to arw-j. Hie blaries iige fr..m iZ'.O to t-l'tt per month, some with expen?es at tached, while the other tjro pay either no or only part of the travel ing expenses. ; SAMUEL HASTINGS .... OATS, OOF2EM. WAY, . Ko U Ohio Utreet, Teleplione ZcH t : bringing It before., the council was that "since we are to have a 'Oreiter Cairo' why not increase the mayor's salary?" When sean yesterday and asked his reasons for desiring to pay the city's chief executive more money he said: "I certainly am sincere in my aeilon and believo the mayor should be pal. more moiiey, hut I will make an amendment to l.iu. ordinance nex; Tuesday night when it la pjaeod, oti Its secon reading requiring the may or to devote six hours every day working in tha interest of the city from 9 a. m. until noon, and from 2 p. rn. until 5 p. m." Alderman Fraser lid-flot . suggest who would be time keeper over the chief executive. When Effestive. Should the ordinance and :e' amendment suggested by Alderman' Fraser pa-p the council, the ordinance would not become effective until af ler the mayoralty election in the spring. In connection with the se lection of a candidal a for the office Mayor Winter sitated that it would re main for the people to say whether or not he would enter the race. A mass meeting of citizens would be called and they must choose the man to fill the office. OUR NEIGHBORS j ! MOUND CITY. j Dec. 8, 1904. F. D. Lackey, a prominent Pulaski tanner, was in town today attending Mo hu.dncs.s affairs. W. A. Victor of Grand Chain, the busy district agent for the Franklin Life Insurance company, was In town yesterday and today. W. A .Gaunt is the new postmaster at Crand Chain, vice Thos. E. Echols, who lately resigned to remove to Indi ana. Miss Bessie Turner of the Telegram force, Cairo, drove up to this city this afternoon. S. E. Burgett has established an all round wood yard at Centre station-. He raws wood by mni-hinory operated by steam power, having lately boitg!:t u $:i00 sawing outfit. f "I"' " iic-ausiine, y. no nas neeji critically ill of pneumonia the past ten days, in slightly Improved. E. C. Walls, editor of the Mounds Leader, and his fiance, visited this city thh afternoon. JIo in to go through' the. hymeneal ordeal be tween the present and next Sunday. Isn't it strange haw pranky elderly men like Bro. Wall.i will hecomo now and then? Who'd a-ihought II? A. R. Markwith, a leading farmer of Mt. Carmel, was in this city today. He is negotiating for the lease of a large body of farming lands from Maj. Dan Hogan. The ground is situated between Cacho river anil Trinity slough, half a mile sxuth of town as I fertile soil as the state affords. SENTENCED FOR LIFE. By the Associated PreKs. Dululh, Minn., Dec. 8. Arthc.r Woods, who shut down on the streets of Superior, Street Car Conductor Dendwe because the latur refused to give up what money he had on his person, was this morning sentenced to the penitentiary at Waupun for life. HUGH M'LAUGLIN DEAD. r.mous Kings County Demccratic Leader Succumbs 10 Heart Failure. By the Associated Press. New York. Dee. 7. Hugh McLaugh lin, for many years Democratic lead er of Kings count died tonight, aged 77. The cause of the death i.i thought to be heart failure. THINK TREATY WILL BE LOST. Havana, Dec. 7. Americans of the Isle of Pines, who now comprise th bulk of the population and own two thirds of the lantl, profrss renewed confidence that the United Stafs sen ate will not ratify the treaty ceding the sovereignty of the Isle to Cuba. ELECTROCUTED IN OHIO. By the Associated Press. Columbus. O.. Dec. 9. William Ni chols, aged CS, convicted of the mur der of Alfred Minard at Kenton, O.. In July 1903; as electrocuted In the penitentiary Bhortly efifi midn'gh. PRIEST HEALER DEAD. By the,itod Pross. iiiuui Fail, 5. D., D.-c. 8. T'auitr William Kroeer, th eo:1 prion healer cf Epiphany, Hanson coutty, died at his home In ttat plicp toiay of dropsy, after a britf llineF.i. : Cairo, Illinois. - v 4) ,' i 9 - e " ' a .' t.'-c ' t im : . ' . m . JKSSK ORRA HUNT 0 49U44 94i 9999 9 4 ROOSEVELT'S SOUTH DAKOTA PLURALITY IS 50,081. By the Associated Press. Sioux Falls. Dec. 7. The official canvass of the South DaUoia presi dential veto shows Roosevelt's plural ity 50,(181. An Insult to the Cook. "We had just engaged n new cook," ss ld the young matron. "I -was going out, and a: ts of HtMj things were lying around in my r on, I locked the dcor. Imagine my mir, rise Vhen , I returned to be greeted In the hall by a ver!tsb! fury impersonated by this same nuwly-arrlved cook. Khe hurled all manner of violent language af me and, surprised as I was, and Ineoher ent as she was, 1 managed to make out that she had been accused of be Ir.g a thief. "Why the felt so bad about it was the puzzle. 'Why do you lock ynui dut.r?' she bowled.' Of course, tha: explainsd it all, and so. very gently, I ahked hr how she had Known it w.v locked. She vas only silent a moment In order to think up an answer. "I wanted a needle, and so I went up ' she wag saying, when I interrupted with: "But that was (c!to wrong.' J wa1 Just about to send in an alarn when my husband came home. He dii the rest. We dined out." l'hihsdel phla Record. Ciar Knew nis Subjects. Illustrative of the czar's lack of con fidence in the Russians who surround him Is the following incident: Oar Nicholas 1. had i-omc trouble with his back and his physician ordered mas sage treatment. But Nicholas de clared himself unable to find a tingle man whom he dared trust for the sim ple operation. He sent to Frederick William IV of Prussia, asking that a few noncommissioned officers of the Prussian guards might be allowed to wait upon him. The application was granted, and thf officers acted as mas-ft-urs and returned to Berlin laden with rich presents. "I know my Rus sians," Nicholas told them. "Ko long as I can look them In the face every thing is well, but I will not risk lofc ting them work behind my bach." A Woman and a Secret. Th erit she ha nworii to koe Why should It e rr e-m uiipermont Wiihin hi-r mind, why rttnuld it leap And frolic like uneriey Rhot Adown hr-r tiialn's dink -loiHt.r where s-he meant tnet It Hhoniu Hlnmhi deep It ieeni to try "lilvo nil ! give air!" the acr-iet Khe ha sworn to keep. he'g III at eae, nrid trouljed ore, Alon at hiiin-j, abroad with frii-nds- The tnts to losi' It o'er and o'er, l:i;t e ei Mtalkitin Rho-O ettetii"! et. where. d what h will, by div Vy Light when w raj.eU in dn-aniful el"--v. It.i thrillliitr cry ring out: "Make w.-iy'" The- .efiet -)he lias cworn to keep. Some there may be f rnnnot soy tuave women who will liattle thua F"t more thun one dread night and ilav The while they worrv, rrei and fun- Liut not a mild or niatro.t dvil ' On this lnoad caitli who found can slet'p tt!ttl -ah. I. !!. of b!fs .-lie t lla Trie crct ihe l.ns o;n to keep I Itoy J-ai:tll Ure u. in lltxjidvn I.'lf. ! THREE ITALIANS KILLED. By the Associated Press. Huntington, W. Va., Dec. 7. Three Italian minors were killed and five were strioii ly injured In a Tight at a mining c.imp ne3r last night between two fscions of the cimp. I RTAT MILLERS' ASSOCIATION. By th Asoeiated Pres. Sprine."ield, 1:1, Doe. T'.:e Lii noh y.:..'-'s' a co.iaiion t- ;.-. -Vet-ed E lear C. Krr-ider, .Tael:s ;nil!'. pre-ident: D. R. Hparks, lion, rcc rtsry. Uncle tocn. "Some men g.-U a Leap o' educa tion," et'A t'Ecle Ebm, "in same as some pecpie let a flae coiiettioa o bait wifout catcbin' any 2.-h." Wajb iLgtcn Star. w 7)?, i mvumiiiimii)1 ffMnR, y.,,, ,-mm 1 -rtn.-Ti-i imriiiriiii. im-i mi .... .n T ' t 'T I I- "''M'-f ' !' .........JaT.i-,, ... ...ii,..i..n,m.iX.- .'..'i..., '!vl. , J. ;', A I,.. L-.. ... ,. EXCLUSIVH CAIRO. Ho!-Boys and .thniisnnil thinorc you dance with glee. Every girl and boy in this good town () jjv is invited to come aroun' join the merry band in Toy land. Toys of all Nations for all Nations to see. " -y 1 Fish and Game Plates, Toilet Sets, Chocolate Pots v and Sets,. Souvenir Plates, Japanese Ware, Fancy Pitchers and Vases, artistic and beautiful,, go at y I bargain prices. Cent Candy why go elsewhere for candy and pay from 25c to 40c per pound when we give you as good quality for IO cents. The Christmas stockings will be filled this year by STEWART BROS, at Claus smile, and the little ones happy. STFWART RRHQ ' MONUMENT ON SITE OF ANDERSONVILLE PRISON. By the Associated Press. New York. Dec. 7. Major General Daniel 12. Sickles. Is heading the movement for the if ctlon of a mon ument, as a state or national move ment, on the site of the famous An dersonvlllc prison at Andersonville, Ga. GUILTY OF MURDER. By t;:e Associated Press. Duluth, Minn., Dee. 7. Arthur Woods, who three weeks ngo shot down anil killed O'le X. Bend, v. street car cipductor In Superior bernusc the latter refused to hold up his hands, was tonight found g'i'.lty of murder in the first degree. LAND FOR GETTYSBURG PARK. By the Associated Press. Harrisburg, Pa., LHc. 7. Four tracts of land, wanted by the' Cuited States government in connection with the Gettysburg battlefield park, which wire condemned by a board of view-1 ers at 83.610, have been ordered ac cepted by the court. NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the . .toi-ViUil.b'rs of th" City Natii.r.a! bt-.!': of Oa!r. n, wi'l ;.e fcr-M at the r-T,'c of said r.r.k Tur-'-iiv, January 1. If- i. f.-r tro election ft srven di rect.-.M and such ether business as ni.iy properly eore before said meet it;;, i'.d.s v.:,; he op?n a' b o'clock ti. :n. and c!-se tt 4 p ni. of sr.i.1 date J. F. A13THORPK, Cashier. Cairo, lib, Dee. C. l'Mt. Sot The farmer luvcs the rolling plain. The sailor loves th? tea. The girls they love their lovrrs. And their Rocky Mountain Tea. Paul O. Schuh & Sees. 7W Hlrl. AGENT, ILLINOIS. 4 49 9 9 9 99 9 Iron Toys For Strenuous Boys, Dolls Tvtth curls For Little Girts Girls! Come have some fun. We've a Iipip fnr vnii tn spp " -w., Read the . Great 1 tttttttt ttt tttt- tmt tttttttttxtttttt tttttittf tit? I DR. EDWIN D. MORROVH J THE POPULAR DENTIST 3 803 COM IV! EB.CIAL AVENUE FRUIT GA! CAKES of all kinds for tie Holidavs. BREAD, CAKF.S ami PIF.S. All orders receive prompt Attention. UNION BAKERY, J. F. KOLB, PROPRIETOR. 504 Commercial Ave. Telephone 2T5 Cairo, 111. IN EVERYBOD YS M O U T It LONG REGALIA 5c Cigar. L O N a HAVANA FILLER ES E3 it Tnvc ihni will unnla v prices that will make Santa jvv " Gilbert Block. i Lighth street, (i HU 9 9 9 9 II II IIH! 9 9 MftftMf tt 1 1 tttttttAUtt . . ilajestic Ad i g in this issue 5 THE PLACE FOR UKIM STAMP SHOES IS HERE rnnri Shoe fir the wholf farnilr. A !'ruci.iar - utmn line of 50 and tj.f I ni.-n j;aa p she . for WUMftM the bt-st it;w. in Amric i the prioe. We f.)int pieniid vtiues in Cro. dyrar well. ttt eie wear f r fail ana wioter. We dvrru the support of Vniou men beoaui-s wt do our uimoM tiipuh I'mo. btaaip bork. H, R. R0THEN5ERGER, 2J00 Comrcerci! Avenue, Cairo. IH.