Newspaper Page Text
-'Hi.WMiAi McucDAPFR urrrtilN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE ?T1M 3k' The Bulletin AUvcrtiso in .Stands i'ur Cairo and Its The Bull I I11U ;raior.J li ii i L lYogTPWI -t flf..'M I.ealinr Pmor f trJ fe 14 XtlJla El A CAIRO, ILL., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 19M. ESTABLISHED IN I 63 VOL XXXVII. NO. 8. STRANGE CASE IS TALBOT CHARGED El I IS THE SUPREME COURT HELPS It! STEAL NAN IS SURELY 001140 IME BITTER BATTLE TO BE RESULT or All EMERGENCY CASE TO COI r 1 Y H' 11' I! 'V: , fi 1 M mm 11 YOUNG CARPENTER WITH A FORGER! Of Endeavor of Independent Steel Coiitern to Get Contract EXPOSURE TO BE filADI THAT WILL LAY IN THE SHADi TCM LAWSON S TIGHT ON AMALGAMATED COHhUR. LOBBY ORGANIZED. Pitlfdmr? in which Bee ZS.-A 4d!f , f lUih:. tm Lawnon-llko som l:-! ' '' "'':,-"-5-,1 .""- tu"" r; tae rivalry wwim inf o:e. ".'' i -; panic in competing for i he 8,0'xi. j , ...,,,......, ... ,- t-i nr.-ior plate contract ;n l.e h.t a.-, tint k iviTiimcnt oa Jan. 1. I'.-ju va!o S;wl company, an nt:-inist -.. I' " :;'"' " " "' " I .... t ... ; ,1... f. .1 .i ..... i . f the crmlract. 'i'ae c).)uri- v, i is .-x-.-;;-:. I v !1 I .''is ( O il- i litwy ::cfkn 10 1:'U tao aHi-.tnent t,f u the . -tl.-'iicm and Curnci-,f c.naii.T.i- j i-.'i! cut in pi !c tomi:)c. i A -forwer light, jaado by ih;' MK- j noi : t-'iccl c(mi-.ativ will, it i - : .ri!, hp j iim- ! i-.'i u vii n !v tie .! in -. aii' oil-1 :::. Vi." ..rU' . ' foj.-tn-r .! j ;i.iV j!lT.tlKT;i CI !( I 111 ' i S!:MI Si.-d ei fs;-.'il inn. To eiai.e a succ fill l, "hi fur I jc eiiit'.racr If ( oa-er IIHih is Sir ! rat ti wii! i.i rep.i ditiie V.e'r e!:ii,'ss :-ic le'li.'' l.e'oi conv.rr s ts ir ar.vnr p t:e can l .'r..lituldv t.:;,;Ie ,ir . aa a ., it a'id will a,l h.ivv I i a '"-i is f 1 pri '. - i:. r, ;! j ,!,. .. !i.i.:r.' A .i '. is u- ; Cataei'V. i.f a war ta-'seia: .; tether he is een ia N.'W Vo'-k i t!,e d ' :r; h , t ii i;i i.f l::e rail i iK l.ii.ot laiown. an:; .lo'uii V.'. t.iUer , or. si lea i X it !' jfrwt proiaiaeiiee areh;' of tl.v lilie.iis Stsi ! company, -.did up" ! 'r-s Rradaily drawn into the faatoes t;.c C.e n !'ii' '.vtecl coniaaay 'a IS'-O '; . ;o i;.;e-?.i-.rse eivo-c-a ctt'tf. Deleeiivs en a S l,i'ist.(iiio j,: in,,, ( ! r.,:a Biatrict Altai noy Jertuxre's of- Tit's fi;;!u con.peilej Andte v Carae- e are wa: trains aa i :tii:)it.i!U wtt ; t i ta:-l,e II personal apin I to ceil t -u wtlo, il i.tiid. will tell a Hl'.a"' ;,r"ss it! which lie Hhov. e-l il-. I ho had In en Sj,;eaic.l io hy .iaaies i'. !ilai e, ; lla-i seerel i'y ef ru', to lurid an or- ! leer ii'aiit taro,.r.ii waieit he iiad' Si'.', ai.-esl a ti laiici.' It. '. aa.' r. v,l.-, , hi;-.a -.r!ces to r.ave illill' !!' f:-ea! ; further 1 .sr. - - - - --; I! -,v:ll he iatt .,e;!t;a to 1 law Ja.s ; waat .Jo.iii W. Chile . ;aw i. h.-tistat; i r'tin in the lait. si at ea SI 1 corp..- it.'ien. ?!iiitl;a tuV-ia- plr.te can he j i a; :e f.vr l .!:iy. If il eaa;-' I pio j eared f..r T) a --on ia 1 vjr;. ii caa li- inaniii'.-ctured now at aieiet Z'j per- i ( en! laor-". ii.e e ;!' .- -ay. ' Il is said tie:! ihe .iiIva!e pe :pie j will call mi W. II. Palmer, president j i f '-( A'aie.-iem T " ! pnil V.' !'.! ruti i""' (r ... i eoa.pauy propotasl to .tr;nor , pn:e a, Jjl, H.-!a an o. he t United S:a, h.eel carpa vt.oa ; pany, to testify as w how tii Illinois whic.i it; c eatirnilrar 'An.ire'..' t'ariK'- J...1.I .. ,i . ,,i-.. a-.- ., ,..,', I in?; artiior plat., Mr. I'alr.'er will j 1 i. .. , . ..I.-., I,..,-., r,, 'i y i"l j 0 n rr .v. t.laii.i, !'.,il.' coneerr.ilts ai'-' for ner ' Claires at to i he cjst of inahia:; itr- ecu- plae and will no dealt have to j slmw tiatt iv 'aid tlale. heaan l'o , heh: aj;, t ('arm trie in re-. !ir;e f. ! ; lae !iu- ir 'n raiil of IS.h! i- w ..-,t.i i ., ileii a trn at !-dl.v i ha !.. ca orsrinie 1 to heep lite Mhl-i vale Steel co; out of Hie market i.jr iir:;.iir phtio c in'ract.- BATTERED Bf HEAVY WAVES UNKNOWN STEAMER WITH HU-! MAN LIVES ABOARD LIES ON j ROCKS NEAR CAPE HAT- j TERAS. t'y the As-'icia'cd l'liss. j 'Norfolk, Va., Bee. 'IS lhn tered hy ev heavy s: as that have he n lash-'d j t- a fa'. y hy a forty mile Vale, an tin- j l-jiown Kteaaier is helpless on inner: B, anion 1 shoals, ei'ht miles off Cape itirtKi-aa totii.a'.it, anil faint lights; H,-ca raev and then cirry the i.iehv.apa j io the life saving corps on shore that there ate caiman liven -"" i,ffr:l(t that cannot i.e saved .....ii ., a .nt hive calnieU " t ,J ! i J i C ! ( ' 1 1 ' i V IO UO-W Ol'. i he launched. VETERANS DIE FROM EXPO Ei Ef the Associated Press. Ceiaribii.t, O., D-e. Special? fn r.i Bavtc.n ana Sand: si. v. (eiio. K H o! ih death of three civil war v'. - erans from exposure d-ir:n the storm I- -t t.i.-v-. At Bavie.n Vie KxI'lrS i.f t'niel I. Stewart and James liar - s ;. irr.:r::r. of the NaVona! Soldiers; i tsI? .vin.i ir; Vie r udway near j a ,t 9 in ', .sky tSe di id body j if C.c-orse Wc!, r, inran'e of the OV.o', SOR f.ier.d mar thep. -. .- ... -,-e rr.' h ha 1 a.'in.'-aVy fiiJ'-.W Mrs. Morse Declares Intention ' ''of Ueturning Home EWILL FACE THEM ALLIHAD 'BO JURISDiOT!0!l ! SUBSTANCE OF TELEGRAM1 SHE SENT FROM PARIS STATE MENT CAUSES QUITE A BIG STIR. -''v'r '. lhK'- ' w,a i them nil," b; ih aabKUaca of ti cab!.)-; Brum Bent tram Pans' r.y Mr. 1 1 , ntr.-.l touro in 1 to . ifoi, (,,'.; ; jf.aee-.Morse divorce i ' , , u .My j.m, ,,.,-,, ,IV. j( fj vw OJ.,. . x(.!ti,:V;,r ,,,,,, v'linM tl stir in ,: ,liiV-,l -a u tiu.i.ii i''! chclcH ! if 1. :.i.r ;:;ii s,.v,ral Dr.mii-toai j ' , , ., ,, ,, I U!(!;i v. .iti imtf c: u i'- :ii hnve novif b.-fot 5 be a .l : ,,m..l nn v.:li I U! I i ! ' ! i I H ' 1 1 1 H 111 l.illllli.vl u.i j c.:m.' are even now Indus ctoaJy . f. 1 In- 4? . : i V 0'- f IV Til ill'' ''it- i i r t 1 . iin v'l lii'fiCl' I r.Vaienrc , i Wi IV M ' Mrs. .V.i:r..i or -Viiss ( as ;.;k li cl.ue.l to '(' by li .,.! p;,.;,! i;s::; df aitmil 'V:,, I.-, hasten- I i ir.e io ,rv.- Voi-1; i o c' -a'-roiit. her fur.- I is- li.'ti", i : I . jj-i.'.v Expect Naw Ssnsation. '!'aw: e v!. !ae;v.' ! i " (It r ere li.31 ;e i;i;,l.!t a l'-ove u.l tile p.rl in! tae oaian tueaae llei! ,:ien el; an ives e xv I : I ;-i-.rili;t; a new Kewaiioit. U'!e - - is r Mr. ;.ior.c Is wii h lu r r ial wii! iirvolve t-.1 name.-, et ia n hcrj'iofjre mentioned iti i'n ease. Ml tiie eaieieyet ef hie (lisiiici allar- -y'.i i.i'iiee have 1 e a s'-vera i t i-e-reey is :;ardii! : the name of til's new . it n ss. . ..... Reviver; Interest ia Ccs. This hit ui' no '-, i'ollo-.v!ii;r elo-dy p'in r.o.! n'xaonnc,. niei.t I i'fi dtaec M e-i '., ho v.-lt filed (.'harl. a I . DodKe .', !iile in 'i'exas were- offered a fo. liine -,j af-ow i'.i.'.t ra escape to Xievieo: 'i;a the woraan win is t ie tentrai i"i lii'i c.i.e i-i neititn' MiS O.a'e -a or Mj-s.. ;iorse, hul :'''.--.--. Clenr .,:.(( (,'.iw!-.-, and that Feraie-r Sa :'re;ae Cour; .las! lev K.ljr-.r I.. Pare : tin fas hcv'tt stuntsoned to apa'ti: ..,ft)i,0 the;-and jury to) a. wiinrss in .. piiUc,, (.h.dw nnd has'rovlVo1 ite-it-e int ilf: KueeT.nn r: are';; n I ed Miss 'owles whe-.i. after DiciKf n.v.t hiic d in havir-g the divoice unit re 'eeiien. nni epiuicu ni a i ' a' her iaarri.i';a aao Joan i.iute, oi he lirr.i of Pitraman. l.iit'.e & 'i'liwarhiipf, declarr s t -i ; r his fe tea' pal il i!!toa!;i a uira ia imui- ! nvs who have aho bc:i n-eai loaed a connecv..)n wlt.i lac c .-'. atKi ui.a was tmderstaod all nlor.;? I ''at the j w.iitiy caw? frtttn none ola. r taau i.arh's . a'srse n mscii. ! liiakes Charge of Bribery. i .Inst from whom the o r cl" a for- i ene for i hy r iease of Do.l;-e ctmie to a ' district ii'torney's ilai -c'ive.s not. li" lrarne:!, hat I) te:live ! i sf e said : ! "Ve.,. It is true that I coal. I have ! ii ad a a fortune if I wanf-d to fd-i.V i 'alSM wiih Mr. .leronie.'' I The offer of money to ih" i!e oc.ives vho preverMod the escapa cf Boise r.t-.. Vdexic'i is enderstoo 1 to hiva t en ir.ade only after, it. v.-a ; evldeie srape iraiiossible. i ., TWO CLAIMS HI i inT pttti rni! iri'vii:t "rx''ri' f a-vr" f n!-"-'!" - ' I A I L I I I UI I lion issael hy Bi-:t,-ict .ludce ( - p - LfiblJu ILt!!STlTE TEACHERS i J . , , r,, . , j ny the Associated Pte,.,. Wa;-hins 'on, i . Term nh ie:ivi.y of Mr. Coat!,, A.a-ricau tar -.a H.viid-raa. tl ' e'eims :f two .mcvknn clt:zcns ;iie l!e:eia j rvern.ia n. 1-avc lv -a e't'f". ii. is the c'.'ira of Char W. Uea t f-.-r STS.v o i'exiran. and t'-.e j t.i, .- chiirn ( Vict'-r iiai-? for f 32. j .. ) ;;'ea::. The ciaira.x have been! ..-n.lliiT U r fitae tlrac. PACErt CKINCS l-tlCM rim.!- i 'Jy thi As--H-iapl Pre&s. " ' 'a coavrissaa ia rtv-.i .an I fxi ! SaiwPranchco. Cab. Be. 2!?.-The'he ' T'J'!' ! -ac:nK sUlli-m Ne-volo (2:0'i) hasjja,, recent cvrrsieii. i.vera-.- ! a-en s dd hy S?eot Hudson to v . : I cekwe, I cf aid to have 1 t aren. M?rs. Price is 1 Sii". e1 .(;. ; APFEAHED E2FORE GRAND JURY By the A??e!ated Pre?.. Mlu t ore B-'C. r.N h"nator '-( ii nn ! -art 1 I ' r the f t;, rar,;:n ril :-..-,'! he , I : ic-iiv. e-'thinsr can le !,c.x,;.i oi ... . , the prac .'-'. ii'Ss wi h.a tlve y:r roKn. By Refusing to Issue Writs. to Democrat Candidates g LOCKED DY CANVASSERS DOOR TO PREVENT -SCP.VICE OF INJUNCTION ISSUED BY ANOTKEK JUDGE. ny the Associated Press.. n f-(t) iy.(, 2S. I.rde thi.; af a'nioc.ii i'lu- .y.mroni" court ih deo'soon not 1o (he ap'iMca- , . , ... licm of Mif-rl Vu.av, U-:aorraU. ?-n;!i.!at for ta-o Ken .nor iti I -an Atii-.r.a:-; county, for leave to flH an , ,,r .n.uhinu, , .. ,. 10 COlT.'IC!- Je.'t KWK! .: II .1 .. ' , .... . , " l-au.r.. . 1IJC I L'I li! lin ttil.i vv tils in.-' clceiicu an-l i.-tsae a ctTtilicuc to htr Thru (tcctKicil a,)l'c.i I!.... ' :.-e i" i!h cmilfst from Itrt.ii.lT ("i.tiiiy rhnrlcs II. Ward. I'lenv octal, was r lie !! i a . . nnntii.iiean c old!- 'ertitici! i ' Tiir . i ... rsa.,,i ii li i i r.a e'ri.'S '. ., ' list'on ov"r iw i-oa.ii. the hoard. lite lv "nt'r the (O'ptsiin in" hoard ju-orcede.! with Ihe enva.-.x a:--;.' iiir.d cl t-sf d dee-s. The precintlen cf : ' Inck'ti'.' the dcora wis taien in orhri' rice of a writ ' f inyeu' II. Tt. Milla'.l. I A d'"viiy sheriT t-eirinir the ir .'"ie- j I Von rea l il threaeh a icy lade. i -er:ii:ct'te' to Bare'.a and Millar.-!, j ' .'.rHfirnl.-. in Br:" U fnd i '.'?r i. I When the doors were op-:i "! th'v I writs veto served on (he ratta . . Pnn a -ft.lWl??''.'.' By the As)c'ite.l Press Peaicr, B r. 2. In i- p fiVo-. I v'.-tn; t'r .esrerfee aart lo u.a:ms waiRis ei , "'.. peso t ir;r.m ar u-. .ii v.h .-..- I -eai ar a c:oaK rv, r wi-e-j J may nv ii'fy 'he wiil cf th? p. o-de a j j cere nt ni,.y cxpv: -! ,! " u , . , - e : .1! The iictifi: n lr.sis . tra' .-.ow- lever fxtens-'v f rant! a have b--a n r V-iiI vol "'3 1 (he! , pen-! ei;. , e aaTe aMcint r : , . .- t - n V-. v -i o I . ti ..... s .... a. t-i. i.-., It I,,, ie v.i , ".- oi .. - - i- t i -,1 It . ntoi,!.. rrr-.i' I - e. .mo n- 3 - e-el. eteil en Wii- t.iee oi j s the U 'piildnaa at andvevca hsiirc:il cinjnn;., , . . , . ... . . i. . ., 1 i. i,. ina-.r, .. liiciete-el lie Jto Oil ivy ine i 1. 1 ' f' I " ! :''' ! .. s'K u.-, : ,: .' S; , -, : .''1 1 tv pn f . y I Hi I : ' f - a -u &wesS i T!J(0, -V ArL . K (I) I , A Hhera: handout, is denian.'.ed by a husi y rent. Z. Now a Physical and Mental Wreck of Fonrer Self , LAUGHS HYSTEEIfjALLYjDEBT LEGLY FIXED PHYSICIAN DECLARES SHE P.E- OUiriCO GOOD CARE WHICH CAN'T tlE OBTAINED IN TCM3S. !!y t!ie Aa:;oci:iod I'ress. NV,v. VorK. B:-c. 2S. Nan TatOr cdh's ijiJist. who Ss!)i.'tlt t'te fj-ctl'.-r art of tte'tuty with hla .tfishtor in l he iirab:'. said aft r I ayint? tur Iiiai lie feared f.h was g.!nR insane. ;-.'! irf brol.en down omjdel fdy," 'he suit). tell yon ,ay UUj Kir! ia a physical and genial vr: wH. I'm af. iU iv.-r tn'ad : sivtni? away nud-. r t j: it, (t'-evlfiil B'rain. Sl; is wora: haa hIi A;aH v.!iea ae crd'sinse.l af ter '.'.(:; r!ti:: of iho jury'.". :'t: i';f -e an a. I !:sve went for on:- fa ni'y p'ty .atfan." in-. M.-.'aire v.tis Bent for later and ii,,r e.a:!ihi!rs? Slim l,alier.--.f.n aaitl: 'Miss Pat I is in a Idgaly nor i fear of Insanity fro'n piWii! it idea itions. Mh" la! :;as a ;;' 'eal. tie.t i ' 111 ; i 1 1 r is more cf a h-.vteneal Charael'-r than from any i:i;d: " th ! ... , vl, ,. . - '' '.I 1 ,1 1-1.' t ....... i . . s;,i caio a. el )iis!. nr. v.-at" 'aia s . id c."ipai'.enj.:i;;. T! '- I.f.'.". e all ire-r. is- vrv -..-el! :i.- t,!!.'(I i". a pre.o i V 7ii .- III SESllses; . I;y the A1? ;eiate 1 t rass I ''rjrir.;::;. l. !"! ,' Lc c. IS T.'e f a' ! t'f.chw'a a:t:tc:.tiei loasy !:a en- a aaeri .;( r;s. ,; on eln'ate rei' I I f. Tat- of C'ai'.i ; sti d revoiiijk.n in tea. .aac I ,,nd d ti,- n.o r-ach cdli-f.? tr.a.n 1 !,.-.;.;$. v in nun s. In -1 ".-o' .-te; ar". ID-. ! : 1 of C.wtli-F'.a v.;il le e'ertfd p: . '. i-ii of t-,e Ha'e ':',v,. IOWA FIRE. L- ..., '' I. Vt..f t.':-t. roej I :r C on bh 'k 3ti 1 s' wta' iii r i a'i ! ni.: 2'. t Hoar, cleo owr.ea - ! I II. ('. C . I.' '-7 : v: r"'. I : , i,- :-: r- ' V aa :. 1 . a-"! fr.a . -: : a t " i- as. i .a v i.i.o piihiieEn and rv a ne s '. ! bur.f d out. i i V ' i The Longer He Pays the Uigjjer Grows llis Indebtedness IN ACTION BROUGHT BY YOUNC !3 A GRANDMOTHER AND DE jON THE STHAM3HIP PRETORIA GIRL HE SLANDERED DE- j CLARED "THAT RECTOR IS j lhELE3S MESSAGE APPRIS FAULT, ON' PAYMENT ! A SHAD8Y' FELLOW ' , I ES DOCTOR OF HIS IN- MEANS iTtlSON. tarn .i;-.n, 'Bee. li If Hraeft Rie'aard N:. .v Yor'.;, Dee, 28. The PigUt -.1)0; Oidtcy. 'a yonn;.; carpenter of Hal w;-.r n riahcp Talhct and fie U"V. Dr. thy, Tievt n.'oiiie. liwi: to 1 e !d .ti i fntrram Irvine, the imlrocUfil rain islet-Met'ausak-U -iie v.dll never l;e out t j0t' the I'roUMiant Ktilaeaiial chtifch, in dele. n ia. !, t-te rtofo p"yi'-' ' '- lu' Lpnad ug ami I'areatena u linmi)t (!io aiatas'a- le.e i -an which has jti : . j church. The latest c):t.n?e . hs Ix eti Jcally fixed the lifeK-'t' tae i iriMsUi aeafut-t the hi.siiop is that t-f wi!) prow, , !fi.r.i;V. -Af the O-'Ven r-a'aive;- a:t"!:ca X ,( is csErRcd tfi.H ia a letla: v.i i ( n '"i-aacc.! I'ltvee An.'oe.vs, at j-.-tf. ri. j . y cn0 i,i.vhop he nao I V.v s!aataret !u i'ti-.s, hrntixiit an neiioa atta j. .f.yea hiahepa vKaoiit It !r c..n Uniii-;' and wvs ftar.!ea 2.tfa p.'.tnds j ,rllj Th;8 t.uer Via v.-rittoa to the Inniaft-8 for alamter whiii cm t ' i:;i,.v. Bartond Upjoiia. re-la:, of Si. f he -ay in which tier ntnie was an j ;.u;icli p'," Ojrjr.r.atown. and I' .-.tickle I v.-n.i laa. si 1 ' -r-ter of 3 i 1 1 a rr'hy, v, l'o c.-.isi a! iwar.r -I faraa:e. (a i -'i .11 ol .Mi: r And-:-ew. : n ap :Jiea . i a was iaal''t il i:svver.h;t '.ae-.'iy comi veat.-r ay for a a :Ui -uidi'i- wiiich Gidh-y v,cn!d p y t ::: :nn of In r C. i m it; s in in i.ilaieti: :-; l!i:e hi; ae h c i:a"ii'teri . pre on. il. i e aa e c tic ; an;; C.U'IeyV ; - :, il .-eii, J that he w e.jr.iitR i i..s a .' siao if i" 1 " j : -eir.i a:: i i"ti!; re OTtd wso!!:af. Lviv i " a te 'is 'f 7- - 1; ,!".cei:e Cli'eed tin! , ... : " i pound , be p i., at be '.. ' ; a m ,n a. ; a., ii' - -a a tiie.-t. ( n yiih the ap icaV'.n w. r, ..! r.-d to be aid.'l f i ,,, .-a-- ii... if -ii.a.,1 ..... i .. . . . - riiiei 1. ii 1 1,..E,1,. ,r I, n.,.f. v.iul I 11 I? ' fi-nrci'. -.1.. ii.t.e - C. it e-. ! . . n i.-. 'ia ni-'i-t:1 ; i, Is n nc:.i. n lie j ir r i-r-.w.; l is Vt. arise ir ; r v,,,y, Ja.'g.x-.cM -t.,-'v'a.i Be in.- a."ri':i e - ';:.:!cy thai in-rc:- at th: , ....... i,-'i lv,, ... i .., ! ' "i ;"-e ii r had be pi!d oi awnrdi'l until -ley arf Ti e t;iT wh'ch (I!dl . Oil. ; 1 VM Tamihlv anrr.r.ts 2 poind- i - a ' - n'O'- .- ) & a men as 'o .o 101 n ) , a yi ar a t; 2; tae (!. . ' w,i r r r a-e ( v. rr v-t.r h.stff if I'imin shed. I SHIPPED TO AV.EF.ICA. 1 ! '; '-:r' s rial -ii PrCF. : .van i t. i . v.nVi Vi, Ti e rr na'p oi e,. i. pa:-t-i I'irif ! F. Me V.n IT. I.te An.-ricin ., ., ; t P. -..-s.j ;; ... ;. i;-i..-c cavp 1." n ;.: ;'..',",' ,v a V t k t .1 v f - m h i e ' n I ...... . ;. , .: t ., !-(i-;.it lip .1- e. A 'oti 1 1,' ,e i ; i 3 t s uccj:n-an.. -aa j ht. iy to America. . Dr. Irvine Denies He, is Respon sible fr New Accusation WOMAN IHJHE GASEjOUE TO ARRIVE TODAY TRIAL BOARD. rille.l i aa " i:rmors uid !t--.'.;oiiti. letter." ;. ;-. lrv':-.- nerd a i.c la r.' o, nidle no- t!ie r rpeiiins of 'ao sc . icias c?a. , hat. d '.diri .s tl at the pre '.cnliaeiit ;:ffiin::! the Idaho;) Id fit If ir.-.-c:-e.i;ilK 'r Ih' c'.rarc!) Hi-ell. Mt dee'.-tr.a taat -the (March, In order t' (listi.p'.i) ). treat cany on t:- aivt't ter-xeoii. He a I ;. savx 111 it .ve e in. tieta! the teia'ast the ; ii, -..a v-o :' 1 le iaves'i.tied hy ih an: ; h c irr.ii s ,hai. Sketch cf Dccums at. Pln.1 Tiie.-e "la a' a.titely i ;-h:;i-se of i:.i a: iiiv. I'.t y at t;'S -rJa an; woiiiin hroiiithl in the iuw present nierd. Seam;! That 'the chai'-r-a a:n iaircl upon what is slid to he aa "an truthful, kapioeas, libelous le:t r" u! '.filed to hav.i been v.ritun hy th' i)i!iop to the president of the Cath alio necScty of Philadelphia. Biihops Namcct Without Authority. Thirl That it is e'.niK'd i hat an vinauthcrl '.'V'. Vse as ntnilo in Uu U t It r cf the naaiea r feverjl hKllops. Pa.irth That the letter in (niestior i; not th one that hat been mention- il a' tir.a'i, in which Mr. Irviae 1 r? !'c: red to an "t;:at slim f 'llo.v," hut ,in ('lit " nrv d r-i.iM!, a-) hint (I ;.h ' . i " - ' " V.i h--'."-.. it .-e ,.:. .j reaiinil.tet of In-iuiry lia5 her:. .rv. rj',:.'.! Willi f view of seen; in!, men who e titaot ht laflnenced hy anyiliii.n heyoad the de iraitd far jas'iee and tae pia'dr.R oi the church in a position h id p.t Ida rt preach. Creacec' in Purp'; Rcbcr. )i. Irvine, In an ..tahoiat.' inter view, lepi-als nil the ciuiK'S h' leu aiade of the nll ae l conspl '.icy be ' T( L-n Ihe bishop imd Mrs. Klliott, am ! iind!y liuimHtes tae clause, r of th inllili lice wldch he alien- ! Mrs. Mi'd A :,tt hml over the ids. hops. l!u aa;, aaionn oilier tiiln t's, that whel Bishop Taliiot cini to t-ovn s'o dress. ul in purple,'.cli a: a ear! v.'shiM affet t th coile;;.' colta-s of s lad n wiio ti she was Intcres.ed. The bishop's ofl'eial cedars ate o! eour :e. pi rple. Mrs. Ellioii In sine nieiit s-cofts a the arar-ailor vhich h r forai-r . tor nia'tei. Mrs. Klliott is a iiieinln-r of a prom omit sriulheru family. She has be-i . . i.. i.. ....... eoaiineat social 'y noi oniy ;u imui insden, but In N'v York, lad the ouKtnei.t that hna been made that d.e Is a tvla.ive ef Mrs. O. 11. !. llel r.ioii t Is an i rror. Ccpy cf Upjohn Lett r. . Til" tet of the fan. era letier ol Br. I'pjoln, wh'ch is the bn ia of th new char;; s aa.iin.-t Tall of, is as fal jiows. ti Is driic I .1. unary t (St ! Paul's day in the Ephs 'opal c.tiendarj j IscJ: t.lo.-i.e f.f fen! ;-al I'm i -lv.n!.' Ih.dtop's Boils". ,auih li M'-heai ! it,. i.,.:-, t . , a ih.iiuicn. B- C, M. l a i s Bay. i , i i Mv T).-ar Br. t'ejolm In pat sine ',. oaj; i Philadelphia 1 hap.i 'asl t( t the lt"V. Xv. .!'.t;He. atel hi f.., i , ,. . ..... , a; ! ai'elioiltn 'in: i.o ...... :".. !--n c-S the Irvine ct-e had up n the Cr indie cba-ch. levin: 'Vliunbie Ro-n.m:;r." ill i i . ... i. o ,r tn if I 1 1 ' 1 1 ' '- .' " " " i I '' r.Mr..lo T" m:e cp-m lay h'.aa es I e.-at f r yoif aad confidence ::; you to I r:t ; you icloet P. I I do II fir,t. be rs'e e I c aaot af I . or ! t) c n.o t.e. ve.i , lo.uuai iiil'a Irvin smd def.-r.d ray if. P. ut lie is s.ira a pHusiP!.' rox aar; r that I aai net crevlj warm -i to if am that in V tu'er ah"iic of anv j aros'e-i f. '.. n-c s eve el the l.reirren I i may i:iiiik I am to i.i;in.'. May I therefore '' 5!l tb-t ; -hat J i !te .'rye,. !n;-ist : uacn foll.e ihis raaii was d--,os.-d nearly t the Nr-w York si.'uu-s. It was aao for i:nniornii;y. , S pn-cisi ly thi.; action upan the part of Thai re.t one of !;' i.a.-sl'ons jfiuvemor Nah n fo lnw'ai: the Ohio r. h ch h: lri' io it; do' cm:!: d of waf ! ta nles that cause d the friciien whica Vai but tha' b.rt.1 Ine rimr-il' of I im.airy are! t.le curi foiinn seen a; 'v-or-'! te condition a' Har.tine !a that ;s..v ceeii:.l ib,ri.les eioir - y to. .. . , ... M , il..- oiit. nee mere a: aa .aio;y ra u. I (Continued en Fifth Page ) Dr. Chadwick Will Be Held By New York Police , DICTMENT. New Y rl;, Tec. "R tl.lWiii. I. Bar ry, iheriff of CayaliaRV crmnty, O., sjieat a buny day oraideting arnMigo--vaents for the eyttadition io Cleve land of fr. lA-roy C!n,lv,-i-U. luisbaml of Mrs. Cassie L. Chadwick who, if reportu fio.n the other ! fee of the At lantic re correc , la nn ltOard the Hamburg-American lhv? ftcam: hip PfHnr , ,1,.. ... )f.C, '1' U. .. . ... ..11.1, ni.vr i, .i.i.i jiii 1 tllli.iaj. Ajiparcntly ce-y tbn'.acle ta lami ng Dr. Chadwick ia Cleveland by " Sana-day was reaio' cl today when Sin riff received from : C aunty Prose--u !.-; Ki tder fiffidavits r hoinK that - ;he hm-band of Mrs. Ctaadw.'ck was in 'U--v and on or about1 Mfrch 5, 190:., vhe:i accord list? o fte "(,Tr1 Jury's mile an nl, the notes hearing the sl " at ure ef Andre ('ainuRlij were na ie. The . hae I ei n bo w arded in ,0. M.'iise to "a t ! I' i a n Iroai Sheriff !.i:ry htaMng "that .loin T. ' Joyce. 1o.( titer O k l'a n eiiisik n clerk at Vlbrtnv, had lie-laied to deliver tlr -roper pipers be.uii! i f this omis-! -a n. Mr. lhury'i net ss cp wer to viwit i.'.!i.'-e he.idfjiair era where ho had a uori foaieiiaiee n i a i.ispeeior .ic "bisky. Tae. sheriff ar;ked the in- peclor to atfiiRa a ir.aa to go with ' j i in down the bay en b ard the ol 'ectirr'r tug to meet th Pretiiria. Should lu staie autjorl'.icn decline o issao t'.ie neefssary docuraents on Kifaoiiml errfinn.t-u tl-rt chnriff will ;sk ;hp hcadipiirters man to arrest Ir. Chadwick ai tfcnt ho may be held ins enough to Mali e the Ohio an lieri Icj to afcacrv ail the f.;rmall- ii-RT.f ;hefc.prad;,ti-;n tw Arnie l with Ilia Clevi-lan ! alfida- it.', Shei.1T Parry lelt tt once for Ml any. Outlin tt? bin Inns lie tui.i: ' If Br. Chadwlcl: makes no ohjec ;.n to the culradilicn proceedings ahull allow hlra to remain in this !ty lone ea. ush to arrange or hi -ii cotnfor' ar.d 'hat of fib daughter, ft. ri I 0V1U.."' r.'f.n.. .iflin f I V. Chadwick that I havo conto for im. I do not believe tha. t 'O plan of t'-. Chadwick'a Cleveland friends to orird t ie Mearrtihip ahead of me and rppare hlai for my errand ia practlc- Me. I have heard i hat fitaii a plan t prap ed. I have been told that erhap: a wiidcm meeaige apprlaod he Doctor of his In iietment, but f ive not been able tn verify ".he re-. art.' II v.-cs lenrned to day that prior to 's drpirlure from Cleveland for this ty Sheriff rairv visile! Mrs. Chart U'k la i ti I ar.l that she t;htwvci hlm hiier from her hnshan.l -stjllns 'hut in woedd tall for this, country on ord a V.'h'tc Star lino 'steamship ln tead of ii a Har iiurs American ne boa:. Thi was. a sotirco of con: id ral le worry to th" sherilt nntil today Inn re was a-sured by the Preto ia's is 'iits in 'his city that the man anji .1 was on board that vessel. EVENING UP HAHN CASE. Cebir.ibns, O , Bee. IS. There Is a 'rowans? susidciim In the minds of he attache.; of the jrovernor's office hat ihe refit? al cf Executive Clerk h. yce of (iovcraor OdeH'r, force In Al- i. my, N". Y.. to honor the requisition 'or Br. Chad .-, ick because it had not. 'iceii fc forth in ihe papers that he was in Cleveland last Bee ember a ear at;n. is l.a-ed tipc,i a desire to cv ai up for a .'iaiiiar action during Ihe term of Oovernor Na h. A reriiiisitinn was issued by (Mover- lor Odi-ll for form: r Insurance C .m ni sioiicr Wili'ani M. Hahn of Manr Ivld for eaib. : le.eeiv. In c mnectioa villi the failure cf the Manhattan In ii ranee coinpaay. Oovernor Nash at list iran:.'fl (hr fMradiMon but later withdrew hi ; ssanc! it u from it and 'I aim was never talfti back for trial. This was a cr.-at disippaiitrr.f nt to 'he Nerv York o:7 ci.ils wh., spent 'hoasan.'s of (i-i'ars in ihp effort ' hoi I t War rem. S m e that, time alt re.j iisiiiorisi frvrti Ohio have been snb- :..n. in ihe cloyed poratinv antl to:?! l e r's'-t 'o the last cm.fnt be fore 'hey wiil le Ivnorel. K-"u(ive C'.rk Icn'ert tall t-iday har be has been info me 1 by the va ions i Jflcer.i of th' state who ft.j to :t.?nv that "verv persib' technical- iy is raise I "' :r.- V.x warrant is ln..n- i .rt. i J " isr-' !nert r complaint is , i mu hivhi.m ""- Clnchm i, O . Br e. IS.-CoBtriry f ... .. . . i . rv tl .-.-.' .... , r .,. .-ft. " " ( on lfh Page.J