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THE CAIRO BULLETIN FfllDAY MCRNIN'G DECEMBER 30, 1901 t i -i ;. ! ' JECK TWISTED LIKE A REED Until Bones Protruded and Left Her on Highway GREAT INTEREST E' G n;reased By Attachment Issued For a Detective ACT OF. SAMSON FIEND HAS NOT BEEN LOCATED LIBRARY NOTLSJ ;(( . ". ......... . . , :, . t . ' , " . in Notwithstanding the holiday fcctivl lies the call for hooka at t he library has nut flagged, but is increa. ing dai ly, showing that the habit of read ing I a well established. , The ne-.z books are all well liked. Perhaps he most pojuilar Is Bever ly of Graustark, nn Improbable but interesting nt:.ry. RECORDER GOFF WITNESSED YOUNG WOMAN'S MURDER BY CYCLOPS WITH BRAWNY ARMS. HE CAN FURNISH INFORMATION WHO GAVE DODGE THE MON EY SPENT IN LONE STAR STATE. New York, Dec. 29 Following the dlflcovery that the young woman In the great Christmas mystery of River Bide Drive had been murdered by a man, who, with gn&t strength, had twisted her head, about on her shoul ders until the- neck bones snapped in two places, a high legal authority, saU to be aone biher than Recorder (foff. came forward with the positive state ment that h could Identify the mur c'orer; that he had seen the man and the woman a short, time after her noef:- had been broken, when the man wa.i ' car; her numb body to the liePKt whe e it was found seven orj ehlt hcuiE !itar. After a io.i? conference with Re corder Oof, who lives at Riverside Drive and One Hundred and Fourth street, Purojpfr, Seuoler announced: ' Ch.? he li gliest legal authori ties la the city has been with me to i the- rtorguo and has 'ideritffid the body of the murdsred girl as that of the woman ae saw late Sunday night a man. The man wag carrying the woman in the stone steps from the narrow park Inu the drive at One Hundred and 3i street. My informant 'thought thai the woman was drunk find that the man was try ing to nobi r her in the brink night air. Can Idsntify Mu.'derer. "My Informant wan on his way 1ioniJ, It belli 3 hii' custom to take a lu-lsk walk re.'ove rrtiring, 8nd he fol lowed the. pah- dowii the drive, to One Hundred and Twelfth street, where they stopped, ar.d he wcsit on his way home, paying no n.ore attention to them than to take -rei- a good look at them that today tie-was able to Identify 'fhte body of the woman and , vtfl M able to Identify tr.d man. ' He now believes that he Baw the woman soon after her nejk was bro len and h-M svei that what he mis took for Intoxication , yas paralyse resulting from the brpkru neck." .. f . , When It beciroe deanltely known thnt aft J moon that the young womm n ' vtctif of" fo:i! murder Po- lice Commissioner McAdoo took & per sonal inicrefct in the cast. New York, Dec. 29.The s:ate:nent made ti Disric Attorney Jerome by C.iarle . F. Dodge in conecticn with the Mor: e-Dodge. divorce case was not presented in the grand jury today and it Ih under: tood that all action In the George fl.McCtKciieon 1.: aim tho author of Ureas', ir's Million: . In writing it he assumed the name of Richard Greaves, doing to to tes-t the merit of the book, or if s own popular 'y, as a write. of fiction. Brewster's MKl'ons w; n on I s own merit. Amnig the new novels at the libra ry, .My Lady of the North by Parish, author of When Wilderness: wa.: King Ladder cf owonls, by Parker, and Tra cy's Wing's of the Morning, are per haps the mo: t sought. Interest has Tlflt ftllC7f :t linn-ni.-f- 1 ,1.. I lltlo (((( H ((( (((( The Estate Oak and perhaps longer, The January grand jury will be Sworn in next Tctesciay and i. is ex pec e 1 the case wiil g before it. The l'strlct attorney had, and still has, strong hopes of securing a'l the evidence needed, but is said to be hav ing difficulty In procuring witnesses to corroborate Dodge's statement. Ed ward J. Bracken, the detec:ive who is alleged t: have been with Dodge in Texas, for whom an attachment was issued, ' today, has not yet been locat ed. Mr. Jerame's staff of detectives! are said .o be searching for him of Sunny bri..jk Farm ami Mrs. Wipg. Picken Scc'.t and that grea. mas. ter. Victrr Hugo, are in great de mand. The four copies of Ben-Hur do not supply the demand. This i: a boo!; many like to reread at the Christ mas tide. The introductory chapter con cerning the wise men from the east Is of peculiar Interest a, this time. The Forest, by Stewart Edward White, Is a great tale of the wood, nature, camphig etc., and is exceed- Mr. .'crime appeared hopeful when I '"gly nn'l!ar. - Clifton Johnson's he- Da!! hi daily visit to Dodge at i;ujNew England and it) neighbors I a a-, Broadway Central hotel t s after-! n'.maely interesting account of the. nnnn w.-, look-.,,! what miil ha: I P''"P'. eUmz and the conn ry of arrived f: r Dodge, chattel fo.- a while our Nw England consigH. with him and then bade a final fare- i ne nr.rary wir i t- rinsed .Monday well to STarshal Han: on ami his pai-i ty- The ma-hhal and hi. four followers left abt-ut midnight via the Pennsylva nia for Wifhing on. Before h(? siart ' 1 Mr. Hanson denied emphatically that hi-f ij at the national capital iiad anyti ng to do with the Dodge cafe. Public ir. ere:t has been increased recently by the reports that Dodge had made a confession to the district attorney hnplicatUig other , per. ons U keep hira owey from the state, wTjery he wa 5 ' wiafd o answer a chargs ;hat he had C(jnnuitt9l perjury In wearlrg i e wm nor properly served with tha ; divorce,'. jpcrn, Pnjcee.i IngH'aralr't prominent lawyers be i fore the ! aw association have be.n repoitc-I it be part of the dbtrict a torney's program. The pre t mystery of the afrair ha , been i lie fact that Dodge, himself a poor man, was plentifully supplied with m; ney while he fought extradi tion from Texas. Bracken. It Is claim , cd wa.: v'th him much of the time Jan. 2, In observance of the mayor's nr; clamat'.n and the custom of clon ing on legal holidays. At the January nn e: ing cf the boar ' the libialian ill pii sent the r, c ird of library statistic for ;be year IHo-l Hs first ordered Inspector McClus- and Is le'ievel to know whero the. kyio de-.ail dpteetiyes from the cen tral offico to the case. " fior -uej s Physician Weston held an autopsy ou the body, showing that the f . I s .io-k was broken la two places Li fhj pv. erful strangk-r, who twist ed l r bixd about on her shoulders as i t.e . a weather-cock. Ai'.ir tha death Injuries . had teen Hil etl she was carried or dragged to tho bench on Riverside drive near Cr.e Hundred and Twelfth street. -Hsr Neck Twitted. " That she was murdered in a peculiar tfanner is ihe conclusion of D. Wan ton. The fracture of the neck bone Is riot a straight break, such as would haTe beea sustained had she received a severe blow, a quick Jork or a hard fall; i i a jw stel fracture, auch as miglit have been produced had the murdertr or murlcrea clutched her 1:ead firmly and twjstel It in a, cir eular- maffioet' white her bod'and shoulders were beid fixed. The autopsy farther showed a f vera abrasion on the right elbow, as if the woman had fallen or been thrown down and bal first struck oa fcrr el bow. " Police Inspector Elbert O. Smith, who haJ laken his first personal In terest In the case today before the au topsy wb3 iield, put more than a snro ' of deiect es to work on the case. ) ' There has been but one po.iblei clew In thj mystery bo f ar, and tha j police do -not hold that as positive. I The vlcttyu apswrs the gftu-rrl de- scrlption of a young woman who was! with anotiiisv.woaian and two men 1 Christmas night la the Rivervlew cafe a' few blocks from the neighborhood ;n wWich theidylng girl was found. funds came from. . - ' . .Mr-BKU. Mrfi.-Morw re In Kurop j but have ?naounced their inten'.lsn it return Sbnn. ' ' ' ' The inventory just comfleiod .-1:.? lie following bodts unaccounted for. K few of them are probably di: placed on the shelves. Any cue finding by -hance ha or she. has any or taoso books should return them prompt y. The list 1j as foiluw. : :. Tf.l.ljr: Her Bdolt. Ray. Forward 'March,' Munroc. Stcry of Dago, Jtihnstm. ' Scribrcr'B'Mugazine, vol. Derby's Anniversary Calendar. l!!0:i Str rL's of Old Greece. Firth. Silas Mc.rntr, Cho. Eliot. The Traitor , 0;.penh:lm. , Sweet rricr. Sin rwond. 'ooldleia cf Forlur.e, DaviK. King Solomon's Minea. Higjar l. Jack and Jill, Alco I. Ho-.tschrdd Pir'.y.!'i. Aiden. ' Cij r-pe 'Lrls, Ooodlt-e. ' Indian' Hi; tpjy f-r.YonoR Fo'ks. ''Kir'T. r. Il-v. trate.1 book of ou.'ec'n '''Apple:c.a'i Eacvclopae-Ra of Anpli ,etl; Mechhnlcs, vol I. PORT: WILL FALL " WITHIN A WEEK ( Concluded from First Paga.1 Ing company lie to tne bselgM Rus slans at Pert Arthur. The problem of gett rg the meat to the beselged army If lft ta the Rirssians to solve The last shipment of a million pounds was cap r.rd by Ihe Japanese mos inlto fi t Ju?t 'as !t was rounulns an !sland efi' Japan and was deMvcred o the l,?:e'g,'rs Instead of the be AUDIZ ' ICE WITH EMPEROR. Oy the Associated Pres St. P"trsburg, Dec. 29 Vice Ad niiral I).) i!ias.:off was given an audi ence with ihe emperor just brfore hi5 majjsti's departure for. the smth. This Is regarded as a confirmaMon cf the ivnt rt that Doubassoff is to re plac? Karnsltcff on the N :th Kea c un r.lf sicn. CAPTUTE FOTY-THREE GUNS (((( (!(((( (!'((( ((!( ((((If H ((" ((!((( (!(( !(!( '( ((' !((!(( ((' (( ((!( (((! ( (((((( !((( ((!((( (! (((((( ((((!! ( . (!it!t 4 1 Ir u, 0 . r' ' 1 if ; The Great Majestic Ki-3 WM( T"a Ml 9uMMii-j ) f' J.' , : . otT v-Jj MM. f5 P. tv- 1 a " l f i 1 i ' ' 2 M ' it .t. W 0 1 1 01 ff Ik, x , ,i ' I " ' J. " Do not forget me! Inm the Queen of Ranges, "The greatest on land and sea" IS HERE ALSO Take me in your home' and be warm and happy lis Estate Oak Heater The Fuel Saver and Fire Keeper If your old stove will not last you through the cold winter months buy an ESTATE. It will save you oneha!f its cost in fuel and will be just as good as new next season. mm )) ))));) )))) mm mm mm mm mm )!)) ")!)))) )! mm mm )!.'))) ))) )))!)) )'!)))) AA ))))) mm )))) :))) )!)!)) 1 lit! fa fir A wrrk Alb WCF.EE evfry year. the By thr- ,"soc'ated Press. , ToWt." Dec. 29. The Japanese cap 'turel fjr y-:hre gur.s wiun the Rib I lunR f j 't wa taken. ; Marines Assist Police. ' British marines recently tsslstcd the French police in dealing with Brit ish jack tars on a hoi:day in a French port This courtesy is now to be re ciprocated, and French c.arlnes aie to be allowed to assist Urkish ?oUcd m dealing vlth Freach sailers hillJav making in a British port. . Pler.ty ef Cairo R sdsrs Havo Sarrc Experience. Don't mgloct an aching back. L will g?1. wnre every year. To cure th, bacic you ir.u. t cure the kidneys. If you 2nn't f l'.iir .lis fo" low I'r.nary tro-ible., diat.e'.ps. Bripht's diseace. A Cuiro ciilitn tells yo-.i how- the cure is ta y. Henry C. Johnson, of 813 Twenty third stree', jolibing oaip:-n' r. aays: "I have had attick.1 ft k'dner cmi plairt i r tfn r Ueive year!. A great mar.y of then Kav n? Just a ny.terir:iiily en ;h?y came. T: pirop to straighten alter s coping or o per form any act which caused a : train, in thj muscles of the back not only nainrd lt;t hurt severely. There have b(fn ti.rn-s whrn I wruiid have given ail I p je sed io g t the al nost in ttan'tncniis ro i f given ly Dm n't Kidney Pills pr cur vl a" Schuh'a drug tore. Not rniy did they d;.p:e of the baclnche but trrv.ibie with the kidney scrft!cns which existed a!::o disappeared." I For ?al. by ail d nl'rs. Price, r.'l jnts. Fo.-.:er-Mli!b::rn Co., Buffal'), New Yori,-. toie aecnis for the I'.niied : Sta'es. i Remember the name's and ;ake no ether. is acknowledged by all to be the best heater made and is fully guaranteed to be just as represented. Do ti not be worried with old coal consumers, but become the owner of an Estate, the King of Heaters. 511)11 mm mm mm -it)))) mm mm )!)!)! 4 !).(!(' (((((! (;nii 1015-17-19 OHIO STREET. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ):(: :((( )))!!( )'-;( ):;( )(( MA ))):( 2 2'X'5'5 2 2 5 O 3 2 2 2 2 2 S 2. 2 2& S a ' S.S'S.'S H DRUMBJZER AS SHE IS DESTINED TO 3ECOVE A TOTAL WRECK OFFICLF.ii AND CREW RESCUED AND LAKCED ON OAK ISLAND. Christrrss and New Year Holiday Rates. Via Cotton Beit Route. Tickets will be sold t-" all points at reduced NOTICE. The regular annual meeting of the "tockhoiiif-rs of the Cltv National bank of Cairn, in, will be held at the By tho Associated Prer.s. New Ycrh, Dec. 29. Wl-h h r signs cf distre s an 1 ar hair-n-a;tel 03 i ipn of luly fly cs. the su ar.ier D.a:r. .liztr v;:.r, fih::p.d,ln.?d tonight f:s a t lii .. ca by Ik r rxp.u n nn 1 :!ozci ifflscTf and crew wh w re taken off ihe cra.'t un'l lmded on 61: i?!an .i by BELIEVE Dfi? OF STRIKE IS i'-O-': ,1 u A' M-AN3 Or SETTLING DIS-lJ PUTiS BETWEEN EMPLOYE AND CV.PLOYE. DECLARES T. V. POWDER LY. rates, nates or sale December 21, 2o office of '(! tin-iir Ti.:,t,- 1, and 31 t. January 1st and 2nd, limit j 10. 1903. for the election of seven dl" ed to rum January 4th, 1905. rectors and such other business as For rates and full particulars apply may properly con:e before said meet to the undersigned. Ing. Pedis will be open a' Id o'clock E. W. LaBoaume, G. P. and T. A. j a. m. and close at -I p. m. of said date J. H. Jono!. Tic.tet Agent. j . J. S. AISTHORPE. "Cashier. ; v iro. 1,1., uec. U. JOt i cr-'ws of a iOi.'.boriuj; life savinarl fcrja tj) s'atton. Kafly lit lc day is or the crvw wc ry lulu rl O.T'ihe : ("apt. NichoHi.n and tho- T:'ninin::er nf t'lC crc w decldng t reaia'n on bond. At 4:.;o t.:i afiernr.011 the captain decided it was unwise to rt-aialn lor.g sr t: th h!p. which a Iciiig terri biy biifl t. ,1 ly t u liravy sea; anil is' el 'r.i rel'atj u sei.e. Ci -cw's o? ni.j.t'v :ii'Y:-g re-pended ;o his sig na!:i a:i 1 ;,IKr a harj' k: niggle the. m,-n we?f al en of and lai-.lel en Oak l:Vn1. By the Associated Prt:ss. ' New York, Dee. 29. "I firrnlv b lit va .he day of he strike i.; over." MM T. V. Po.vd; :'.-, head cf i the Kniftht.; of Labor today. Powderly J l js.s! arrived fronr I'i't.sbmg. j "I do nor mean there Is never to be sn.thfr Fiiil.o." he continue!, "hut li 1 t tis a natural . reinilt 'h '. jt rike will b ,a il'ng. of tho-- past' s.a j a inoanii of bi-iijtting 'npltyori'!anJ .votkait-a to amicable relations. ' '' ' I "I !:now of nmhing no encourag;.i!: ai recent conference.; be'ween capi talists rnd the laboring men. They have talked hings over in many con troversies during the past year or so, and with the invr.riable resuit tha- a pcactfi.I solution of the trouble in har.d has come." : S : :2-: In-.. 4 THREE GOOD RESOLUTIONS ill)-))1 )).iil Be Good Eat Good Groceries Trade at O'Shea's -. THREE FLYERS THIS WEEK 3 lb. Pitted Cherries. White Horse Brand, only ocA 1.15 HALF DOZEN. Uil 3 lb. Table Peaches. Dunkley's Goods, only OHr si 10 ir vi.r j)o.i;. tub .3 lb. Bartlette Pears. Dunkley's Goods, only ozn (i.15 IlAU'lciZLX, ' fcOU OUI? TRIPLE (iUARAMT.Ji --You'll find our voods wl oles me, Ht.ric ly purs and clean. You'll find cur prices right. Yeu'll always buy here if you t tart. O'SHEA & C031PANY BOTH PHONES. CENTRE AND WASHINGTON. 2 il )! Ml ))) 4 '))! )))) itiji 4 t ! Christmas and New Year Holidiv. : v:- It.. im:.:. .-. a r -.0 tun ventral rs. n. i i The Ladles are invited to see the Hell gage Display Of the National Biscuit Co., at W. R. O'Shea's, 227 Eighth St. . Also special bargains in all lines to reduce stock before invoicing Tiekes will be :tld to a'l points n this line north of the Ohio rivpr, Dr-veruber 21. '.:. an I CI and Tan ; ary 1 nnd 2. 1m ited to return January 4, 20;,o, at re- lino..,! r.,.,. Ticket. will l.t so,,l io all point? 99 9 & V-99&9 oi.Qtt t9 ")iitn, r-".'.Tl., r 23. 21. and Clan.: January 1. limited to r.-'um Jan'mry 4, I'J'C, at rate ff oce aul one-tblr.' fare. For fell particulars, rate, e'c., ap ply to ihe iin-ierslrnod. A. H. Han son, O P. Chlcspo; J. H Jone Ticket Agett, Cairo. ft Ve'ir, I nct T IV A N T E The National Biscuit Company to cinji'oy tlr-cc uxs of ac, j. .r;.ia- Mr. Ma on, IIal!i;3ay rilotc!. DHOWNED IN A POOL. Py the d Ptess. S.tiil cvHIe. O.. Dec. 20 Two men 1 5 w.) boraes. w rip drowned end fioicn at a deep p-wj. at an od craes ing of Piney Fork creek, near Dillon vale, la: t night, tiecause of a washout ih" crossing was c (tanged to an other place. Albert Lyk' qa and Alex Jackson of Smi:bfleld, not knowing of the cha:-.rc, drove into the pr-ol. men ind hor. s diown'njr. A LARGE LOT OF WALL PAPER Just received, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. I AIifAQTP"DCi 1601 COMMERCIAL AVENUE IMWMO I Cn Qgi3 EIGHTH STREET MAnvMO?Mf?Mttt1t9 ' SSS44sSS44 to 'm ASPHYXIATED DY CAS. ' s 9 V? the AF'wM'ir'ir.! Press. I C ia'V-r-. - ; n . I"c ? .TcrJo Un i iii' i. it.; Jl. Kit -1 lit : --r. V- ?! ';! j I,-,,' 9! j 1 ir,. ,'t..-, jnrj p-;-. r 'i"- ''" ' aii-! p.i"-..-- sis? K'!i!. tpi ,-f ?s asphysiMicn il the"- '; JlQ JeWClCr after Rjpert and hii. v,Hl t CHRISTMAS GIFTS, With suitable prices Diamonds, Watches, -Rings, Fobs, Cuff Buttons, Thimbles, Opera (ilasses, Solid Silver Ware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Clocks, and Silver Novelties. Chas. F. Miller, 806 Com'l. Ave. - - r . , . . : : .i . a m a m t m a m m m m m m m m m m m a a m m m a a m . iiH-l,'"""""","""""""oSSSSSSiSSiSff m nd Ctkt.- c..U!mv.i'wr.l w 1 -. . I ... ... :,b.-M Uivtr. Consuii. 1 .,iJLL IX