Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIkO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNJNG, DECEMBER 20, 1904. t SBARGAINSj The Pali of Port Arthur Has not been reported. Read this Fall in Prices on Groceries AMirSElSENTS, ml 4 2 a 3 v ml V IN Switches and Combs $1.75 buys a $2.00 Comb 1.25 buys a 1.75 Comb , 1 00 buys a 1.50 Comb .50 buys a 1.00 Comb $4.25 buys a $5 Switch 2.50 buys a 3 Switch MRS. H.L BRADLEY, 334 Eighth Street, Cairo, 111. Then goods are the latest patterns ana oesi ijumj. ta HOME-MADE Fruit Cakf, J Mince Meat, White Cakes, j Salad Dressing. Orders solicited for Holliday and private entertainments. Miss Louise Ward airo pbon 82. 2117 Tenth Htreet Holiday PhotogTaphst Cabinet, f-er drawn ----- $ Half Oabin- t, per doen 1 .OO quarter C'auineta, per dozen Jo ' J.N. PUCKETT. 1603 Commercial Aveuue. cAll Work Guaranteed. Blacksmitliing Horshoeing and General Repairs Guaranteed satisfactory done by mechanics that know how 0. W. PATICM. 22d and Sycamore Green Gravel Ha. isburg Lump and Not Si tam Coal a Specialty Gas Louse Coke and Kindling. ROBINSON COAL CO M.CAHILL. AGENT Both Pho tea 409. 2500 Commercial A v PROMFT OCLIVCftV. FULL WEIGHT Cairo Monument Co. if EHttmr on none wora- prnmpiij Wasbit.tfton Avenue, Cairo, Illinois. "U. E. GREGORY, MGR. ta lima At (iazzolo's Confectionery 603 Commetcial Avenue, for a Faucy Basket or a fine box of Candy for Christ mas. Fruit and Nuts, etc. Place your or ders by mail or 'phone. : : : : No. 395, Cairo 'Phone Call and See The STAR DOOR KNOB i!5 AND BELL - j . '..4 KrbeU that never fails to ring; easy ;5 put on; no Loies to lior'j. V few agents wanted for this c unty. h. E. ice, Qunsmith, 412 C' mmcrcial Ave., Cairo, 111. Safe opening; repairing; all Kin Is of keys made; grapha pbonej repaired, etc. I Guns, Revolvers Ammunition for sa'e. - GOAL TO BURN , "The Little Homestead." The success of "The Little Home stead" which comes to the opera matinee anil night, for Sutur day. Dec. 31st, is due largely to the fact that, no attempt is made to ex aggerate on what mijrht have burn an actual life story. The characters are taken from life and the pretty tale 13 but. the simple recital of chap ters In a lifes hisinry. A play with the home as the central object is hound to tonell trie popular pmse unu herein lie the charm of "The Lit lie Homestead," which is from the pen of W. B. Fatton, author of .'The V. in in ter's Son." "Ghosts." The church, the school and the Ftage are the founts from which flow the preempts which regulate social in tercourse with no less force than the civil laws. Ibsen's "Ghosts" is a preachment from the stage directing the mind to .the scriputral teaching that the "sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children." It. is more than a it sson. It is a living, throbbing realitv txnrossed with all the power of a pei feet company of dramatic nr. tisis. (rails BoK'l is without question as ha been testified by all who have had 1he opportunity to see him one of the greatest living actors. His supporting company has won the unique distinction of commanding the praise of metropolitan papers. "Ghosts" will be seen in this city at the ope-a house on Monday. Jan. 2. matinee and night. The Mummy and the Humming Bird. A I'lay, presented In all parts of the world, "ii. all languages in short, a universally successful play, is worthy of serious consideration. That. "The Mummy and the Humming Bird," which will it" presented here en Tues dry. Jan. "rd, h' ihe opera Uoush is such a play is an established fact. It iih.ioiy is its mi q ti 'si ioiiuhlo witness. In;ie, ihe slice s.h of ihis play was instantaneous; in merica, the same. "At the Races." The f inious comedians "The Lyman t win in others," are remarkable fel lows, being not only comedians who rank ati.oiiK the l')t- 1,1,1 ll,ow 1llali fica'Joiib as nianarinra w'.v.c'x hi sel dom se-'n in the ihit.;-lc.. I Ltsiness. At ihe opera house Wednesday, .Jan. . At ti e do? of I heir four last sea son an1 before pro-litr ins their new piece, ' At the Races," uh.A is stric'. ly a rot'Bicaf comedy in every sense of Ike word, they Immediately went to New York city to get cew ideas for their coming production, visiting all of the btg productions of this order with their own remarkable genius which has marlied all of their former successes, have brought out an attrac tion in the so-called "At the Race.t," which is far fuperior to anything of its class yet. prefaced. To Sing Grand Opera. Mi:;s Blanche . lluckner.. the Padu cah prlil who made such a decided hit hi comic opera as the loading woman of the "Isle of Spice" company, wil' leave New York on February 2 for Furls to have her voice trained for Brand opera. Fays the Faducah N?ws Democrat. Miss Quckntr has been the leading woman for" the Isle of Spice company for the past two seasons. While in New York recently, she sans for Vic tor Herbert, a musical celebrity of the metropolis. He pronounced Alis3 Buekner's voice one of the sweetest he had ever heard and especially suited for grand opera. Miss BucUner will leave her compa ny at Providence. It. I., after next Tuesday's performance, when her en ageme:it ends. She will then come o Pad call to visit her mother. Mrs. James M. Buckner. of Eighth and Jef-fer.-on 'treets. On January 2$ she will le.ive for New York, where on Februaty 2 the will sail for Europe, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Fearl Burns, of St. Joseph. Mo. After a sev en m or hs' tour of Egypt and the Ho ly land, MIks BucUner will go to Par 's, to H.udy and have her voice pre pared f r fcrand opera tinder March tsl, a luted French singing master. The Frost Herald. Oh, Ml KatyJid.' I vl.jb vnu'd corn I'M t o I de lot us en' I s hungry foh vni. liOifT. I ;rls tf Kur you t;Uln" pout d sister cnt it !fs' A-""!"' m'tb one Angus' day 8-1ookhi' foh de f.f'. i war.U to hear you piiiln' on a-caillu' of t,i-r npir.e Cu"" Pntit'' an' "i ptnln fob de p-oi 1 n".t-9 jis' ele fnmr I t .'.a y of de rnnr kin' birds nn' wMp. vH.,"i;if fob siin'. t woi-i to hour abnit fros' In Je" a lew we'k me'. -VVEshlntOo Star. r.V";:: . 4 - w ; tN3 '' cMusic and Ifefteshments. .Of MAM) AN II 11. HIS IDEA. Itev. Dr. Thirdly I wish you would some to church. Mr. Heiipeck Well. I ar, er, I" Kev. Dr. Thirdly No unpleasant reeol'ection of your past are suggest jd hi church, I hope. , Mr. Henpe?kOh! no; mine was a home wedding. FADS OF MEN OF GENIUS, Cueer Tricks Resorted To to Make thi Brain Active. ' Fenlrnore Cooper couldn't write us ies.s he had gum drops to chew," said 1 librarian. "He bought gum drops in ten-pound and twenty-pound !ot3. As some men are the slaves of tobacco, wine or opium, so poor Cooper wa the gum drop's slave. Without it hu couldn't write a line. "Chateaubriand dictated' his worki In his bare feet. Elegantly attired down to the ankles, ho padded softly up and down the floor, his thin white extremities very conspicuous on the ,1ark rugs. "Gluck could only compose in tho open air. When the spirit of composi tion took hold of him he dragged his piano out upon tho lawn, and then, In rain or shine, in snow or hail in Au gust or December, the master evolved his beautiful harmonies. "Bossuct worked with a hot cloth bound round his head. Balzac In a monk's hood, Gautler in a scarlet cloak and Milton In a brown robe. Lord Derby when he wrote ate brand led cherries. Byron, writi ig, ate truffle. "T'lis collection of ficts," concluded the librarian. 'V.oes to prove that men of genirs, like the rest of us, rre tiJIjr In some things." waste ot coai. A square foot of uncovered pipe, filled vi;h steam at lttO pounds pres sure, will radiate and dissipate in u your the heat put into 3.71B pounds ot steam ty the economic combustion cf S:8 po mds of coal. Thus, ten square reel of bare pipe corresponds approx imately to the waste of two tons of coal per annum. Scientific AmerTcin. J 5i t U .... The Ladies of Cairo and Vicinity Are invited to attend a reception to be given by the National biscuit Company, at K. M. K. C. Hall, Saturday, Decem ber Thirty first, from two until f&e o'clock. CAT'S G3EAT WALKING FEAT. It Trairpcd Eighty-rive MMes to, Ro gain Its Home. What is prohnliiy another record has been treated. Iflis time by a cr.t, which 5sa walked from London to Overrla;e, near Rugby, a distance of eighty-five miles, says tho London Mail. "Jurnsiy," as the "tramp" is called, belongs to Mr. Mark Robinson of 9 Belskre t;roie. Hem) stead, and Is jus! an ordinary mediu:n-.s!;:ed black cat. Althc.'i.ih 7 yt-ars old, "Jummy" had never before displayed any marked inossadic tendency. It.- previou.i lam 'blings having always been confined tr the neighborhood of its home, i About tli3 beginning o June Mr. j Robinson brought the cat to Ham p ; Btead from Overslade, and It was at ,once apparent that "Jitrair.y," like tho Rev. Mr. Spalding, didn't like London. Tho climax came when some furniture 'was moved into the house:. Tills was 'too much, and "Jurniny" took his de parture. j Nothing more was heatd of it until j about a fortnight ago, when n iws came from Overslade that "Jummy" had returned. Hs coat a trifle rough, (its limbs a tritle thinner, but "Juroniy" nevertheless. , As tho cat was brought to London jlti a closed basket its achievement In i walking back is really remarkable, j "Jummy" has a rival In the walking 'errze for a cat belonging to a friend of Mr. Robinson walked from Rugby to Ltimington and was seen wander j ins p. bout the empty house there ! which its owner had left. It has since irtturnec" to Rugby, bavins taken three j months s'or the double Jourcoy. Such Is Fame. f!r John Millai3 when ct tho height ii his l opularity chanced one day to meet an old schoolmate named Pop herd whom he had known well in his Jays of poverty. ;fe called to him ty name. The stranger turned. "And who may you be?" asked Pop herd, w ho looked like a tramp. "Don't you remember me? I am MtllaiH," said the great artist. "Well, it's little Johnny Millale, sure enough!" said the tramp, noting th distinguished figure o the ertist. "Well, to j idgo from your appearance, I suppose you gave up art iocsr a?o. What's your line, any way? Where did yon get your money?" "I Bt ill paint." groaned Millais, "and you have never even heard of me." No Daylight Wedding. A Russian bride is not submitted tc 'he trrins ordeal of appearing In white catin and lace in cold, broad daylight. The wedding takes place by randio litht in a drawing room. Pay of Public Executioner. The Kugllsh public executioner, as a rule, receive $.10 every time he ex ercise's his dutiea, and in the case of a reprieve he is given $23, provided that j he ha been retained. J 'J " . t- llili i 1 in w. , '..'V.V rr WHAT DID HE MEAN. Hix A fo:d can ask more questions than a wise man can answer. Don't you think so? Dix I give it up. Science or OnycHotriancy, The latest scieuc3 is. undoubted!?, onychomarcy, or tho scienco of read ing tho fortune from the finger nails. According to the onychoma wist, the tiny white specks which come and go on the nails are not the result' of t.'iance, but from them can be read "the past, present and future." These innocent looking Bpeeks are almost as difficult to decipher as the lines on the pIm from which tho psimist tella i:s ho much. Their size. 6hap& ar.d poailion trc oil . taken Into accoui.t. The srci.'kit nearest tifb tip of the fin-S-t relate to the past, those !n the center to tho present and those on the half irwin to th future, as in palm hstry, the right hand has to be read in conjunction with the left. But a feature which gives this science an advnntage over all Its rivals Is that these fateful rpecks are constantly coming and going. Consequently a rt imbt-r of readings at different times must ho given to reach an accurate one. The revival of the science, for it is n ally iot a recent one, is traced to a foreign source. The consort of :i Continental sovereign came across an onychomancist at a weil k.own watering place and was so delighted at his aptitude in expoundicg trie un known that she insisted tliat he in itiate a member of her sulto In all its mysteries. Fie did so, for a large con fideraiiuu, and th pastime ias been continued at the Continental court. In Man's Behalf. Most women begin to get Ltout after they, arc 30 years of age, but they ran't understand why their husbands don't keep right on yearnins to bold them tfti their knee?. Value of Sense of Humor. Of all the charms, both intellectual and physical, which the great Creator has bestaw-ed upon womankind, surely Ihe gift of laughter is the most to be desired. Exchange. I 2t-ponnd aack beat 7C Vlour ,7t' 1 -pound Stic (iun- fflr r powder Tea ut,v' ti-ponnda beet Mine 25c 1-can Maple 'vrup ??- quun v xJUi, 1- can pura Otxirgla f)r- B) rup, quart .. -can aoPd packed IC Tomutoea ....'' 2- cana beat standard C. Corn 3- noiiarls OKf Lard ....... Tobacco I6C Decanter of Viinilla...... Frenh connt - per aozeo -ww 8-bari Light House JC? b. i''w 25c box Toiltt Soap 8-barti irwd BOIHi - . - - 1-pound package . Arbi.t-klea Oo.e..-,7' 8-paek(fe Hojat - Aftr Breakfast Coffee ... 1-pound very CoUee Dressed Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Apples, ChriHtmas Trees, Cranberries, Celery, Lemom "Sverything tou need for the table. FKEHH FIB II, FRESH Mr!AT8 Oysters, Select, 35c per Quart. 2,? ST. LOUIS STORE 2700 Commercial AVe. Bell Pbone 150 Red. T. J. WILLIAMS, Prop. tt tAt It tt.t IttAtAtlttJl M.tlXM M I D R. EDWIN D. MORRO W I THE POPULAR DENTIST - anQr.nMMrDr. a a ti W , W W 11 111 aw 1 I DoBAUN'S I Christmas Stock l OF TOYS AND NOVELTIES NOW OPEN FOR I INSPECTION. i TWENTY-EIGHTH i POPLAR - - r - -i lu DR. NICHOLS The Master Specialist - Physician, i CURES PILE8 TO STAY CURED. There Is nothing that can get in more pnln and. suffering la bo short a time as an attack of just common "pile." To atop theiio attacks and remove permanently the cause of so much Buffering I part oj my mission. I do this without cutt'ng or filndr&nce to bus iness. Call and bcc mi, and I will fully e.rd.iin how this Is done 83 well as .any other rectal disease, as FISTULA. POLPY3I. ULCERA TION, and 1TCHINO PILES. STOMACH AND BOWELS. , . Complaints aro often the cause of rectal diteases, especially If you are constipated. When you havo tried In vain all those thousaud and one cures for dyspepsia, etc., cotne to ma ad I will cure you sound and .well, if you will but follow my aimpltt directions a reascn ablo length of time. To those who wi l do this there fs no such thing as faOure to cure. This la my business and I know what I am talking alxtit when I say , . I CAN CURE YOU. SKIN and Blood Diseases cured by my mclhoda when all ether treatment has faJed. I remove the cause and so the cure la perma nent - KIDNEY Complaluti are deceptive and may toon reach a dangerous stage without warming. At'.end to It ut once. Chemical and micro scopical txaminntVm, shows the exact condition and stag of your disease. Call and be cured before It Is too late. WOMEN You can bo cured without that danger of operation. N'o matter if others have failed. I can cure you, and do so in a short time by my European method. Let me explain to you just how it can be done. Hundreds of cured women can testify to my success In these diseases. RHEUMATISM In all Its forma, and Neuralgia or Nervo troubles cured by the latest and best methods known to science. We have cured many that had been given up by others. Call and let us talTc It over. BLEMISHES of the face, as Moles, Warts, Superfluous Hair, Tu mors, etc., removed without scarring, never to return. MEN Young or old, who hare lott their usual youthful vigor nJ exual powers, no matter whether from excesses or other causes, call and I will show you the "better way" to get welL No drugging, e'ectric belts or other fake methods. Give me the same chance and "I will cure you" and treat you right, both financially and medically. If I cannot euro you I will tell yoa so at once. I use nature's own. methods ot cringing tack the nsrve force anu rectal powers. Re member 1 cure Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Polaor Gleet and Premature Discharge, etc. Call and er. us talk it over together free of charge, and I will tell you Just what I can do. A personal visit is preferred but the fact that you are out of towo and can not call need not deprive you of rry services. If you can not call, write and receive full particulars, mode of treatment, prices ar,d terms. These will be mailed to you free ot cert Ask for free, symptom blank. Letters and oWce calla free and confidential. No treatment sent until ordered. When you come to town call and see Dr. Nichols. g FREE. SEARCHING SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION. 2-2 Eighth Street. TUB CITIZEN BUILDING. . iuifiLTlI32 " H0UR3 9 A. M. TO 8 P. ftl. r :nr' 10c Bent country Butter par pou nd fcUV J-iiounii can Plneapjle IS. ' . . tliuedorerated IOW S 1-pound package )Cr buedlea. raimna y EgK )Zp 8 1-pound packarei JZr ( leaned t uirenta... 8-ponnd. Dried I'entho...... . 35c 35c 35c 15c 10c Todet . .... B-pouada Drietl Aprioota.... . 3-pound. Dried ear , 2-cnn. California Canned Kruits A P r i e o t , Peach en, Pearn, JCr Grape., Uroeu Uages'3' best 25c 1 I f- tmm f W M I V la -V'ti,. Turmi'SSSSSl 'r ; A Yard of "Daisies" 5n Hiity Toity at the Opera House Tcrisht. Y