Newspaper Page Text
THR CAIRO BULLRTIN FidDAY MORNING, DRCRMBRR 20, I ?04 SSSS Cairo Opera House 0. U'WILUAMSOM, Mr4 1 One Night Only Friday, December 39th WEBER & FIELD'S Most Biiece-sful Skit Hoity Toity fl r A bunch of music tin! with a siring of -nonsense. 50 People ,1 Mostly Girls. Prices Last three ruwa, CI 00; baUnce of lever floor, $1.50; first four row balcony, 75c; balance of balcony, 50c; gallery, 25c. Scats t,n sile Ihursday, Dec. 2!)th. 3 9 a Matinee and Night Saturday, December 31 A Magnificent Production Of the Great Emotional Rural Drama The Little Homestead i-J j j' Cli By W. B. Patton-A beautiful Story of Life. A play every mother daughter should Hee. A superb cat. Elfcborate scenic eftecle See the great Snow Storm Hene. Prices Matinee 15 ami 2,5c; Night, 25, 50 and 75c. Seats on pale at box ofllce Friday. i Matinee and Night-New Year 1 f Monday, January 2 Return of last season's triumph the play that mate people thiiBr, Ibsen's enthralling drama, "GHOSTS" With Claim Bogel his former success Miss Adalaid Fitz repeating as Oswald Allen as M Mrs. Along. Direction George H. Brennan company, (Inc.) Price matinee 25-50c. Price last three rows ..1 00 Balance of lower Hour ... 1 50 First two rows, dress circle Balunce of dress circle . . Lallery 75 25 Seats on sale at box office Sat unlay, Dec. 31s!, at 8:30. One Night Only . . . Tuesday, January 3 JULES MUKRY Presents the New York and London Comedy Sttccefs The Mummy and the Humming Bird K hi With W. A. 'Lord Lit m ley Willl'CAR as " New produc- Hon. Competent east v Piiies, L' ; r-! K 1 25, 50, 75, $1 ill Si! Seats on eale at box efllee Mon day, January 2. at 8:30 a. in t.aKJi v '.Vf.",.aarj if.iiwiT&.ffi 'K.' ;)i On; .Night Only , . . fi Wednesday, January 4 s THE LYMAN TWINS Supports'! by a larg-e company in their latest musical comedy success ft- L i y , i". i At The Races ; II i A delightful gathering of pretty girl?, funny comedians, latest novelties The big ' un Show. Pikes: 25, 50 and 75e. Seats H ie at box office Tuesday, January s t a. iti. HIE CAIRO BULLETIN' UNION (feijLABEL? i,ui a red t tuo l.'ai.o fo.mttlu tur IraunuiuioD through tba luaila u oond-( rle. Dec. 30 In Hi-.tory. 1504 Queen Isnbebu of Spain, patron of Columbus, tiled: turn U.,1. LaJ'i (Louis Kossuth, Ilui.garlan patriot and exit, visil-d Washi oglon on invitation of cimpr-pfs. After u. Btoruiy inrwr as an editor and insur rectionary leader Kossath resiynod the office of v i nor civ illcf.tor conferred on him l.y the IIiiiik people nnd went Into exile In Turkey. He wan there imprisoned, but through the mediation of England ar.J the Criited Stales wa releiseii In August, 151. 1893-Sir Samuel White linker, the noted African explorer, died at Newton. Abbot. Devonshire; born 1SU. Wi The Iroquids theater burned in Chi cago; live lost. PURELY PERSONAL Mrs. David A. Connell of Eleventh street is cou fined to her home by ill ness. I Mrs. Charles Zook and children I have returned from a visit with rela I lives in Texas. I Mr. M. U. Sadler has returned to ! St. Iouiw. after a visit with his broth ! er, Mr. B. Sadler. j Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Blockley have gone to Mt. Vernon, HI., to visit the ! former's parents. Mrs. John H, Goodwin to her home in Chicago, with Cairo relatives. has returned lifter a visit i Mr. Flint Bodurant and Miss j Bondurani went to Bardwell. Ky, l onlay to visif friends. Vela . yes- r !j I apt. It. B. Bradley, who has b en ri confined to the Hotel Illinois by ill i"i I ness. is able to be out aaiu. County Assessor Frank E. Davis ha.-t incepted a position as deputy in the of fice of County Clerk Miller. Mrs. A. 1). Twente and children of Olive Branch, are guests of her uncle, County Clerk Jesse Miller ami family. Miss Mat ie Mulvihill has returned, fr am Vienna. III., where she attended ! j (lie wedd n? of Miss (ier'rtule Pow- ' j Messrs. Robert Bates and Thomas j Noyes of Chicago, are guests of the j family of Air. and Mrs. John AL Lans-j den. j ; Miss Vera Geisenhuf is expected to j return today from Hartley, Iowa. where she has been visiting relatives i ior several weeks. Air. Lee Stone and family of Colum bus, Ky who came to Cairo to attend the wedding of their sister. Miss .May Stone, returned home yesterday. Air. WUl Lee has returned from a visit wilh friends in Anna. He will leave for Chicago today to resume his studies at the Northwestern univer sity. .Mr. Charles Scliutter has resigned his position at the City National bank to accept one as secretary and treas- ? hirer of the Lansden Motor company of Newark. N. J.. in which Mr. D. S. Lausden of this city and Mr. John Lansden of Birmingham. Ala., are In terested. Mr. Schuiter will leave next week to accept his position. Ho s wuccepded by Air. Henry Gilhofer j and Air. Herbert Steint I succeeds .Mr. j 'lilhoftr. OVER HORSES AND THEN, FIRED THE BARN IN - fc WHICH THEY WERE KEPT REVENGE WAS THE MOTIVE FOR THE CRIME. By the Associated Piess. Chicago. Dec. 29. Evidence said oimect Stephen Gorrick with drench- ,'oig seven iiorscs wuii Kennene on J j ami letting lire to them and the hair, they were in has been discovered by :hc fire department attorney Johnson. As a resn! Gorrick has been arrested. desire for revenge is given as a mo i ive for the act hv tat. invesiigat- ors. Oorritk formerly lived at Alr;. nicy's house and is raid bv Johnson to nave eeen e.HC'ei ny h"r. i Lcvc's Power. Love casts a gel b n glow of heanty upon the jibin'-sl ohjert , jus! as the rainbow lights up gray idties. c FRED D. NELLIS, Commercial A vc. o A L Muddy Coal, Anthracite Coal, Gas house Coke, Carterville Coal, Green Grave! Lump and Nut. BOTH PHONES, buness aho xesiocncc, NO 324. Jii?sssse.wxsiiswcm c Notice, to Advertisers In order that all present and prospectivt advertisers may bs fully prepared, The Bulletin Co. begs to announce that it will 'make a material advance on January , 1905, in the present rate for display advertising in The Cairo Bulletin IN SOCIETY Evening Reception. ' A charming social event of the hoi itlay season war iie reeepthro. Riwn lpsi evening by Mr. and Mrs. John M Ln--d;ii of 315 Fifth street in honor or Afr. ami .Mrs. David S, Lansden. The hours were S to 1 1 and more hsn three hundred guests were re ceived during that time, Mr. and Mrs. Lansden being assisted in entertain ing by Mesdatnes Vanderburgh, John . ton. Brown. Wood. Krebr. U. K. Hal lid ay, t. S. Camlei', Lewis, Missfi Alice Haliiday, Vaiii'.erbaugh, Jennelle, Sutherland, Kathevliie Bennet'. Mrs:. David S. wore hei At'.Iding govvn and there were many hands niely gowned ladies- present. Tiie rooms were tastefully decorat ed with evergreens, holly, mistletoe and cut flowers, tlu diuiiiK room be ing elahoratt iy adorned with wreaths and fesioons of yiei n. Delicious refre hi'.ienis and frappe wt:Tp served, a liol'y covered bowl holdins 'iie latter. ! Mr. and Airs. I.ansdt-n were as-isiel in e:i!er!rt!iinr.', by their datiKhters and iie event was one of more than, ordinary irtierevt. Daece for Visitor. A d.iiH'c .'. as siv. n la-1 .-: h m lo-!-' Knishts of P night at bias had Alks H '- street isi by Mr Fred Harltnan and i en Hart man of 3n,S Eitiiitii iionor of S. Louis Miss who i: Freda McCona(hU of :: gaest of M ss Hari- man. 'I'ae young people were chaperane-l t by Mr. and Aits. F. V.. Rorke of C.iiea- g .. and Mr. C. N. Wright. j Aller allien oue-iiull ol the eve i:ing had been spent dancing. Cat, v r Allen serve'd refreshments, alter which iie dancing was continued un ci a la;e hour. These who participated in this en joyable affair were ' Mariatn. Florence.. Emma and Alice Carey, E the r Stapieton, Alice Crenshaw; June Wright. Edna Lind, Ethel Charles, Edith Sutherland, E liiii Hill, bma Swoboda, Kate Redman, Winfred Cox, Alice St runs, Lurie Thornton. Alessrs. Hoy Lu'es. Hofon Crenshaw. Fre I Lind, John Lad I. Peter Lind. Dan Wood, William Winter, Ifosweil Ren- jnio, Alalvin rraukiiii. hug' tie strong. Carl Bode. William Jones, Hisoy Woodward. Albert Lane, tiilberl Casey, Car! Theh Butler. Paul Clendenen: Le p Retio. Comfort Birthday Party. .Master Lloyd Fred Faur, son of Air and Mrs. Fred Fahr ot 17ui Piplir) r.ireet. celebrated his tlevcn h birth day yesterday af ernoon Iiy Invi iag a number of young fr'ends to sp"nr! the afternoon with Mm. Tiie time was snent p aying games principal among which was the (Ln key game, at which prizes were won y AL's'er R ibett Miller f(i. AI i . s Lu ,!e Hill. At tiie conclusion of the games ilf licious refreshments were rerve.l. Tiie young ho. was ; 'if many hands -me and en ts. Tiie guests were Mi.-se Laura Hill, Louise ami Burton, Rachel Hoig Srhiih. Beulah Hall, Ruth ters Robert Miller, .le se ry Porter. Edgar Walker, a-er. Allan Moore, Harry on Roche. rec .'fill 'pient preo- ; I.utie Hi I, Laura .May fieri rmle Hilton, Mas Ali'ler, Har U'roy Alet. Martln. Le- Afternoon at Euchre One of the pleasant social events of the holidays was the progressive euchre party given Wednesday after noon by the Aliss s Neil and Maude Loflin at their home. Bioo Washington avenue, in honor of their gue-d. A!r.-. 0. O. Hodgdon of St. l,ouis. .Mis. J. D. Ladd won tho first and b-ne hand pr';;es and .Mrs. John A. .Miller captured the sec. liefr. shnients were lid priz:. served at t!.e conclusion of the games. The gueH iisi incloded the ' (Mov ing: Alesdam. s John W. Bninsford Lnioii City. Tenn.. E. D. Carey, D. L Alirx, ('has. t'ato.v. E. A. Smith, W. Gilbert, Andrew Lo!r, Charles Cun - n'.ngiiam. J. D. Ladd. D. II Burton. Geo. T. CarncM. Cora Colier. J E. Strong. W. H. Sutherland. W. J. Johns ton. John A. Millet' and Miss's Ida Trui'i of liiHsboro, II!.. .Minnie AiiHer. Mary Lansden, Ala'-garci Wiisr-n, Kit nice Bonduram. Eterained O. N. O. N. T. Card T. Club. club me; The last i 3BK uiiiht at the home of ir. and Mrs. C. A. Pel it on Twentieth street. I'rir-e.R were won at progres-dve eu chre hv Mrs. p. H. Smyth. Mr. P. ('. Si:irt1;n al. Mf'U. E. Ciannou., The club will hold the nexf meeting the inline 01 Dr. and Mrs. James Me Alaium of 14":: ('oiumevcihl avenue. Will Entertain. Mrs. John A. Miller will entertain ur Cards Monday evening. January -, at her home, ")on Park avenue. Euchre Club Met. The Ladies' Thursday Afternoon Euchre club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. William Cunniimiiam of 2 Mil Park Place West. t GENERAL LOCAL NEWS The Ladies' Aid of the Calvary Baptist chiircil will meel with Mr.-. W. D. Tavlor, 33M Sycamore street, tiiii afternoon Ml. 2 o'clock. The annual business me Vn.iiis Poople's Chrisj ian thiK of Lie ! union will j !e heid ir ; 4'vetiinj! at the LtUiii-ra.l t .hicn-nie od'icers will be h'lvcil :- . ;. d. at Tom Pete, a negro, is in ja'i await ing (rial on t;e charge tfif steaMns a 'pair of shoes and a shirt from Air. B. jit. Thkitlewood. Mr, Thisi lewood kept ; some goods stored in a basement on jOhio Ktreei and Pete tool; posse-:sion i of tiie siioes and shirt. Word w a i ret j by Air. John A. .1 Jof his b! oilier, i resday niglii ni dveil here ye. iller Sr., of th? ,hieii occurre his home in .ferday deitb nee, H. I., 'tornev. where he was a prominent D'. a'h was tine to heait failure. Bruce , Horton. colored, watched a country 'negro buy a fine revolver f ,r $13. 5u from Pawnbroker Alichjrl-i Wednesday nigiil. lie lollowe I the negio with the gun down Ctentr.rrclid j avem.'e mid asked hir.i -for a look at 'he weapan. When llorlin got iiis hands on the revolver he pointed it at the green "nigger" and ordered liini 'o "hot foot " He did. The police were notified and arresrvd Horttni. He Is in jail awaiting 'rial. A BIG RECEPTION FOR THE LADIES FIFTEEN REPRESENTATIVES CF. OIL INAIIUiNAL. tSlbOUIl UU1V1 - PAN Y ARE IN THE CITY PRE- PARING SAME. The National Biscuit company ic. to give a reception to the ladies of Cairo ..mi vicinity at K. A!. K. C. bail Satur eav afternoon. The fifteen t-pocial r presetitatives d the National Biscuit company, .who arrived here yesterday, are p'oparing a novel and interesting enterta nmoni for the ladies of Cairo and vicinity, which will be held at K. M. K. C. hal! on Saturdiy afternoon of this week. Th" object of tiiis reception is to cnr.bk' l he ladies to become acquaint ed in a really delightful way with many of ihe finest products tM Lie att el Imk'iiiK. ;n Jtiufactarc'd by the Na tional BisTui! coiiipany, and protecie-l by a package thai by excluding air dust mid moisture, retains the orig'afc! flavor of the biscuit, aid renders; it possible for th" consumer to pure .lav n'heni as frfsh nnd crisp as when itiey b-r; the oven. This method pf buying i.iseuit is of recent origin, previous to ! th" tntrodurtion of Lie now famotp; jt'needa b seiii, ly tiie National Biscuit j company it was impossible i' - h:i. - e l.iscuii--. erachers and to pur wafers, tho oil in anv oterr man in io homed paper baa. vi'h of co.irf.-. fi'ie mion-laiu hu. Iliag with daciean jlwrnl-:. r.od ii,e ever-present dTl, d.i.-t ' Slid other-foreign mallet. H is no.v lpo: ' W il le ft obtsln not oalv 1'needa i it n a packag' that exctn les a"l ' he se impurities, but a targe variety of t'jo oilier pro'tucts of the National Bisciu coii'l-atiY, l:e qti.tiity d the Cll'Vus if -ath paekag ' bejp fully goaratleed by the trade-mark. Sp iijl ;lvt rware. china and clih -a'- deroratii-ns. hive 1 . en s nt from t'hlr.igo for the occasion, and Kiltr're's ireivt:a w 11 rnder a choice musical program. An cr.j tyaf.le afternoon is . ant -cipait'il and all the ladies ar;l in vii d to a: tend. Living Pictures A'e Popular. Living pietiires clever and tnii:- ci rescr.tatioiis of giuiiiis lake 'e- bn atil Sevres ci'i::a r.r eiclii ft one of the 1 .iiis i from very music ............ ! NEWS OF THE RIVERS I l 4 Danger fiiatioft cnattge STATIONS 1'iH'dHirtT .. .. Du',1.' I. Dam .. I'a; i;crslni- . , Cincinnati . . . . LrmL- ville . . . . , Kvansvflle .. .. ! M r. Vetni'ti ... . ! TVrre U;ut'i . . Ml. Carrie! . . . i Nashville . . i Chiiitnnoo;?a . , U.intersville .. j Florence . . , . Kiveiton . . . Johnsonvllle .. Pmlncaa . . (CAIRO !St. Paul .. '.i I Davenport . . . j Kansaii City , j St. Louis . . . , 'Che;ter C. Girardeau . . j New Maiir'.d . . ' Memphi.; . . . . line of iu 21 feet water hours ' . .22 12.3 2.2 rise ..25 12.3 ,1 Of si ..::: t;.r in;ir .5.1 5.0 i.5 tali ,2S ' :!.! U.7 .35 1.0 .9ris-. ..35 211 ili rit e . id u 2J it.l fall '..15 4.2 2.tir!H . . r lti.7 1.7 lal. i . .2' 10.2 2-!' rise j ..31 5.3 l.ll rise j ..HI 5.8 I3r'pej .25 S.5 2.2 rise i ..21 11.2 2.2 fife j ..!d S.2 2.7 rise ..45 S.S 3.9 rise i .11 Frr.'.cn j ..15 b. i 2.H ri . . .21 2.1 1.0 falsi . -3U o.! 1.3 fall ; .3o 2.3 0.3 fail . .2 C.4 0.1 rise ..31 4.5 l.Criic . .33 2.2 0.(5 riso ..23 2.4 0.0 .15 0.7 0.1 ri as ! . .10 2.4 0.2 fail 1 Dec. 29. 1 ::, 1 l.C. Fort Smith .. 'icksbu:g .. .. New Orleans . . Statre at Cairo, Below zero of ;;ang River Forecasts. THE OiilO At Kvansviile and Mt. Vernon, will continue rising dti iing iie next 2 or 3 days, prob.ilily fail for a day or two. then rise again, At Paducah raid Cairo, will coiitimni lisins during t-ie nex: 3 day, but at a decreasinj: rate. THE TENNESSEE From Gunt ersvilie o tile mouth, will ontinua rising durin.c the next 2 or 3 fla. . THE MISSISSIPPI From "dies ter to anoe Cairo, wii! fr.ll durln;? he next 21 hours. C.'iiisidcr.tlile iiou! in.U ice may be exported in Lie Mi ; sissipjii liaeli of Cairn wii'i.'n 1 next 21 hours. P i!. SMYTH, Lie: I For. 'ca-ter. Stagj at 4 p. m. Yesterday. iThe slage of tiie river a 4 yesterday was 10.;,'. ; ho .ving a r 1. 11 in twenty-four hours. m. i Movements of the Boats. The Maripiaml was agraund yes erday afieriuion at. the mouth of the river on sand thai was dry tiie di before. Tin- Pacific worked on her between rips. One of these boats ha'i been pu ling at the other nearly ev ery day for Lie past week. The Condor came down from .lop pa yesterday and returned with two barges loaded with twerLy ears bad ed with lumber. The C. and E. I had been hauling lumber over the Bi; Four while the river was low. Tiie Dick Fpwler made lier fir. t trie yes erday In the Paducah trade sine;, tiie low waler. The familiar sum:! of her wtii.tle wai remarked by many on the levee. Third Boat. The tow boat diaries Jut e wa'. sunk at Cable's eddy above this ei'y today. The June, which has laid here several months left her tow ;o go up the rivvr anil break tiie ice and let th gorge In -is-e be'ow Brown's island. There was a ere- if 11 on board. Tho Ice was brokei and the gorge wao sein ( move. Then the Jutte at (euipied to go down stream but Lie goige ic swept stream tlx feet tne wheel and crush- high and fouled !(..J ie null as. aini-t tne shore ice. i ice came in on Hie boiler deck, j thick was the garge and held the b s ) a , up, I did no sin a! once. The men on the boiler deck crawled over cake i i of Ice iin.I went up to tiie hurricane j deck to the yawls. The balance weie ! asleep, and together with two women, .veto gotten in,o 'he yawls and 1; I : afely. E ervthir.g has beep Amoved iff the b.a; to shore as it i. expected the cabin will be swe; t off by high water and ice. as t ie boat is lying on the Ohio side, bow up stream and shoreward. Thir was Lie second year for ', lye Jutte. Wiie.d tig Ri Kister. GAIROITE THOUCHT -IT WAS PEPPERMINT P. SCHUH TRIED TO EAT A PIECE OF MARBLE THINKING IT WAS A PEPPERMINT LOZ EfVGE. : The Seiroa lAla.i .1 iumal tells 'Lie ' folio 'rg ji ke cn J. P. Sc. nth, fen i f. Dr. Pat! O. Schnh of this city: Nearly every eitUt-n of Seltna has iioticel the beautiful marble floor that is he::i r; pi;" down in ihe Sekna N.ii titral bunk building. Tb( ltttje p'e. - is oi r.iatble are alKiu on egiiih an inch and porfeofiy r.miij and look all the worlj lilce large pepper miot drops. . A member of the Elks lodge picket up a few r f these lit! e round piece.-, of marble, thai had bcome ri',ae!:e! an 1 took treoi to fee E'kr' honi and laid hem n a laoii.o Prefy , ,n Mr. J. P. gchtili cr.xr a'ol.g and spied tfcer.l. fie pat one of the nieces of marble in his men!!-, w'lh "h" rimark- "It then is cn.v thing in the woiid that I ib love it is r' npernvn drops." A broad s mile passed o v or the conn finances of everyone. But Air. Schtili (I'd not know t".:e c:.nse of it innil ho tried ' crac k the pleo of tnailde p ith li:- to ih. an ! n t until hr. di.i tip fee ;ne lOKS. Another sentlemin Vtanling by naii! he was in the l: t of sryi one when he. r.tiw Mr. Scliuh make 'he il empi and then he was glad th ; lauge wa i on the other folio-. TAKING ADVANTAOE . OF REMAINING DAYS; . j LEAP YEAR WILL SCON BS GOMT. 5 AND INDICATION'S AT.E THAT j THE FAIR SEX IS GETTING j BUSY. I Only tv.o which tnt s of leuu year hit, re (lavs are left in sis may lake a.lvaut ir':e in I ho iiiaUt-r of proiir.s- ills ai'.il jui l..r. fr:):;i He scrimiila f'i aiarnr.! rdrrk's ,c . cense a: ;V(p yi"n"'raay ihc county tne, pr,:ni-trky i ari l Mis souri las les are avail'ns immvi lvps of the olio rtttnliv. It apiie'ti. thai IS yeifs Ja lite ase when most jjlr's muster entwRh cour ise lf pop Lie (p'ea'ion, three of the hiides-to be ye..ter:lay nv'ns iha: ag. Tiiey-wero not ciiolce. as a rnlij, rer jjtardii.g th? eilucaiional ;a!llU:a ie-,-! of their he.sbaudv, two of the yours mety i 'n;; unable to -.M-iie their tame:, Miss Pearl Ndson ;f Caliwell. Ky., siU she hs.l been fieeintj; from her parent.: far three days o marry O -oar Ruffin. The husband only recent ly qcaiiied his maj.jLiy nnd has not vet learn? I to wri e hu name. The bride had haul luck and dining her ihree days' flight she fell from a tlosr ray. sii.'rainin !:er ankle. Miss Ella .VcC'uin a'w hid 'some (rouble in marf-'ini. the man' of her phoiee Hi v LlC'.-f l:oi!ste.i that h. j would bieck ;.'.i tt tempts upon her I part to ert r the na c t nwttr.mony. i but after :ii e::r:!i.n hr liceiiM! the bride allow a that .- he hud s:t ahead man." Her jushand wa. to wri.e his name and of the "(le also unaLI made It's mark fr Miller. County Clerk App'ica tor- v. , re winch could not b; of the youthfu'iicss the following l'e:i:- n.ti-b' f ir llcenre- graii ed because of Lie p 'i;ties, 1)1 t rs were issued;. 21," of New Ma '. I'eud Nels oi. ag i Oscar UuiTln. age I rid. A!o.. and Mi. s i IS. of Caldw. II, Ky. j Everett Dismore. nge 25, and A!i.- Kll:i McCiain. 'age 21, ot l.nllp c. yp less. Ky. Calvin L. Hale, age 27. of Elru, 111., and Aliss Gertrude Parkhurst, age 1r). of Paragon Id, Ark. O. Harnett, age 25. and Miss ("amil e T. Wat wood, age 18. of Wiekliffe,. Ky. Clarence' J- Siimmerflel I, age 21 and .Miss Vary Reee. age IS, of Km net. Alo. ' . i This was the last day on which tin- tier the law claims for damape ctftild be filed. In the last hour of tho court day forty-nine sur;; aggrg.H:ng $.;t).onr were filed. ACCIDENTALLY 9H0T. Ky The Aa. ociated Press. St. Joseph, Alo., Dec. 2!'.-Fiiink Finch, well known re: blent, was shot and almost ins nntjy killed six 'miles cast of the city tonight by 'he acci dental discharge of a shotgun in the. handi of (J. D. Casteel, with whom he had gone hunting. - . Poached Eggs for Invalid To poach eggs for an nlva'i.l. them into a gran it dish, pour I' water over them, cover It! -.!: tilt 'Ping t.l.'-r.i stand on the back of the (r-c tor eight minutes. Bo not apply heat to 'he dish. 1 fV at w- ' " m r fk-v 'iiif 1 T ' in i ! il i .i r..w v We Handle No Cheap Candy. But give you PURE CANDY, the very I esfinade. We ! o i ' buy onr candies from the manufacturers who make only superior kinds and sell them at reasonable prices. Fresh candy made everyday. Fancy fruits and nuts of a quality not equalled t a.- Allen's Confsclionerv, 803 Washinot Fine line of candj iti i "4 ' o ii ' u 8 1 tlAtt-ttttA. .? tt DON'T Gold Crowns 22 K.j - . fl.00 Set of T-th New double suction . 5.00 Silver rulings, , - -. .50 Bridge work per tooth - 4.00 Mctal-liuwl Set of Teeth . - 8.00 ' WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR IO YEARS. 'SIX Vtns IN CAIBO.-PCSITIWCLY WHITE PRACTICE ONLV Boston Painless Dentists. Cniro riiOr.e 4-1. I'R. C P. IONFS. l. L. F LSSEI L. Cer. Ninth OITICE S a. m. to i it in vi ?Vi n i i an t itn S P. T-LANG A UOTH PHONES to THE WEATHER Wcatlier Yeste.-dsy. Ma:.itir.t;:i tevnerurpm 35 All. ti '-.r.! m te.tricrafui-o 15 d- Kre: s. d:';-:-;;c:l. ile-;i'eca. .t 1. m. 31 i ji; h'. i - st T.r To lr.y. i Cairn iuid . I,i .. .. in.iaj : I :ie re .1 peraturc riciinty Iiik cioudiiifi-.s. , ris'ii" ,i. Ccnerct Wttthcr Cond.tions. The nor h'.ve'i'.ern h:i;:i. or. erdd wave, now eeivier:; In Lie lower V.U si: slppi va!Ky. co.:ide! a! ly irei itVd j ' ! Fr Its nJvciU -icto southem bi.i. u los. erins cTpciatrre? v.-er-.' rc.o:t;l t.iL; moin'tiR is f :r SJiahraiC as Jack sonville, Fla. The i-,ve I t' "ra l:i!0 rtp.')i'terl in ho eorihwc-i-t CLr n'';rn!ng w:s 2 de?.re. r. .ilove .r. at Aieiehead, Minn. A ;:tor:n : f o:isi ier.ib'e Int.n. Uy's off the north Pacific coas'.. Vi:Mn ite last-Sf! hours HkM pre cipitation his oecr.ried alo:is the Ne.v England coasi, .:d in i:o tipprr tiiiio valley find heavy Pacilie sk!o , ra.ns in, the north Weather Eultetin. iiy the Assoeiaied Preu. Washiiigion. D-'c. 29. Following :s the weather forecast for Illinois for the next 24 hours: Fair and wanner Friday; Saturday fair; fresh sooth winds. INTERESTING MEETING. The W. C. T, If. met at the resi dence of Mrs. A. L. Wilson, of 110 Seventh street yesterday afternoon. The past year's business was closed, officers making their repcra;, wilU the exception of several who woiv unable to ail end either mi account of being absent from lh. city or do minion elsewhere on aecounr of Imsi ress. Airs. Jiinr-.i D. Hatcher, presi dent of the local sooiofy, was in charge cf th.' meiting, which as usual was very Interesting. ; The next meelidg will ho held nf the residence of Airs. Blanche Sulli van of Twentieth sirett next Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Airs. M. J. Farnliaker will resume the siiyarintendency of the press bu reau. OVERTHREW BOSS TWEED. i , By the Associated Pre j Salina, Kan., Dec. 2H Capt. Hamil ton Etra Smi'h, an inventi-, and who v.asa memlier r.f tic ritiseii!t' coio m'ttee of New York that overlhroT the Tweed ring, died here today, n;,o I H5. STIFT KNOCKED OUT. By the Associated Press. Benton Harbor, Mich.. Dec. 21). In the fourth round of a schrd-aled ten round match. Tommy Ryan, this city, knocked out Hilly Stiff of Chicago, to night. ' No-Tip Restaurants. Owing to thtt-fcucccsn cf the "no-tip" rertauratit in Piccadilly, London, other restaurants' are about to enforce tho to-tin rule. The waiters receive wages ad a commission. m 1 Boxes and Basllcts. ii 4o ? -5 i i S fi i4 ii i iiiii? i 9.9.919. 9 1 tAllt.ttAtJLM tttt 1 j DELAY. . f Si tr-et und Commercial Ave., Cairo, 111. HOUSS SUKDAYS & p. m. 9 a. m. to t p. m. fit i rsa ? vy? 4 tr'rirsv'nt i LL KIND Ot BUILDING MAT E RIAL I A V u TT LUM ET O El IS k H 7 , 1