Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SUNDAY MOHNING, FEBRUARY 5, J9C5 'n I NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS . . LA CENTER, KY. - Mp. W. I Scott, representative of the Armour Packing company of Pa ducah, in in the city today. S. Rushing ban wold his stock of Kooda in the grocery on the corner' of First and Olive streets. Mrs. Lucy . Lee, who has been very ill, is wars today. t . i, i Mr. Robert Everett is very sick. ;hav. had quite a, snow , here making traffic a little slow. ' Mr. B. A. Aftlduu, representing Mc-Knight-Keaton Grocery company, ia in ' tha city. ; Mr. Joe Hawison went to Paducah Thursday. 1 . There is soon to be a first class lunch room in La Center. Mr. H. O, Perrynitin.otir Illinois; central agent at this place, spent Sun day in Cairo. -' . , , Mr. Paul Jones went to Bandana Thursday. Mr. Charles Dorris went to Cairo Sunday. .!"". : v Mr. John Mines wes In town Friday, Hon. McD. Ferguson and son have been Jn town for (the. past few days. air. ttenry tushop i8 visiting rela tives near Hinkleville. On account of the cold weather work has stopped on Messrs. Moss and Samuels' residences. Mr. William Bradshaw and Kenneth Shaw were visitors in town W.ednes- Mr. R. M. Everett and son are sJck with la grippe. Dr. Hahs of Bandana, was in town Tuesday on business. Airs. Hattie Talley has been sick for several days with la grippe, but is Improving. ; A photographer was in town Wed nesday taking pictures of several if the residences and business hnuses. Miss Nonnle Jones returned homo Tuesday night, after KDendinp several rtuya with her ri:u-.; Air . rch IJ--rrv of Harlow. Mrs. Ltsry J.( i. jL tut S.apr v '.a:; wry rapidly. The infant child of Mr. nnd Mr1?. Joe Tucker has been quite sick for ihc past, few days. ! The business house of Mr. p. h. Sales is nearly completed. The TerrelL school closed last Fri Lambert and will help him build a new house, s : Janir-s Parmer transacted business in Ullin yesterday. MrYen. Marshall viewed our' coun try with a view to purchasing for sev eral days last week and went home pretty well pleased and will come back again and complete a trade for 120 acres here soon. The Frisco passenger train that goes north now leaves UUin a fi p. m. Instead of at 3:20 p. m. as formerly. R. S. Holeomb and Daniel . Wiiiia went to-Mound City and Vairo Satnr. day.. - .,.,. , ; .. .i.. .... . Among those that have put a goodly quantity of ice are flacirot. Hvra ai. leu, Boyd, Peeler and Johnson. The ieo Is about 10 inches thick and will be very convenient th'ng this Bum mer. , .Claud Julian is much imnroved tn health nt the present writing and i wanting to get out on the streets. it. F. Cole, has two pretty sfek, chil dren and has called his mother from Benton, 111., to help nurse them. H. F. Cole's baby died Saturday morning and will be, taken to Benton for In terment. . J. Heminway. has some hustling to attend his duties and be papa at the same time, h. Newel shipped a car load of coal mino props yesterday on the Illinois Ceiural railroad which is a new in dustry on the Central .front here, as formerly all props have been shinned on the Frisco. Ray Andrews is bttildrm; a now house, on his farm west of town. Henry Hargravcs of Carmi. is vIkIi. ing Pleaant Bonner at present. Hie Pee V.'ee saw mill saws ever iay, coid or warm. All is the same to i nose- White county parties. Creo and Paul Pomeroy never loses a day from log hauling on account of 'he cold. Jasper Irons has a ganjr of men clearing land for It. S. llblcomh. Hen Benton returned home to VnW (Harmony Wednesday, after being well pieaseo witn 1110 country here. mv. i.eorge ueming of Indiana, Is soliciting, the- ada of some of his trends here in selecting; him a farm of Pulaski's fine soil. Protracted has been post poned on account of bad weather and sickness for the present. Our school has a pret y good attend SUCH ; VALUES YQU W1I.1.. ONLY- GET FOR A t t i ? DO IT FEW DAYS BUY NOW OR NEVER Children's Hats (Saiiors) worth 1.00, at1 . . , . Children's Hats (trimmed) worth 1.50, at ... These are in black, brown, and white. Every , Street Hat in the House at . Every Trimmed Hat in the House, at . . . . ; In Black and Brown Velvet, in Bine and 50c 75c blue 1.00 2.50 Green. i 1S Wallace is now in New York City lui vino; the latest creations in Domestic and Tmnortpd Til1i , -'J' "win ijnist uc jj;,Ut; aI OPCC I tor l"e Spring Line and Hats arc- being, sold at prices regardless' of' "T fAef i - - - . . . . , i)on;Now! Every Pon Pon in the house, worth 85c and 50c, at .. 25c Every Owl Head in the house, worth 40c, at . . I5c Every Fancy Quill in the house, r worth 25c, at . . ; 10c Beautiful Ribbon, that cost 25c per yard, at . . 1 . 25c Ev'v'ry Hindsointly Gowned I(ad adds to her appearance when she wears a hunch of Violets. Costs Everywhere $1, at 50c MISS J. L. WALLACE , EIGHTH ST. day.' It. ha been a verv .sueremfnt i1 ..' -ovt'n ' uVSb the weather is yCry uol.r.,J nr:.... ..... .... . . '11)1(1. Miss Mary Nortkinctnn was the teacher. .Mr. lial;er has moved into the Rush itifc bnsinesg house. ; Mr. I'-rnt, Elliott and family, are itj town visiting Mrs. Elliott' mother, Jra, Lee, who is very sick. Hon. McD...FergiiKon spent Thurs day nifiht witli n. F. Uradshaw and family. Mr. U.'iiry Watwood Sr., was in town Friday. ULLIN. i " ' '. ' i: ' "Feb. 4, 1905." '' - I'llin is 'coiiKlderini; electric' lights at the present time. Let the good vork go along. We think it will lie the bent ilunjur that I'llin ever none, Is such a bright 1'ttle eity needs a pood light.' ''Wit will draw the trnd'5 which it s ) justly deserve. Jamea L. McFndilen has returned from an extended visit in White coun ty Jbis state and Posey county, Indi ana. Ko Bays that there is no place like I'llin for him. .Homer Iliu'lit and several others nfi Newton, Illinois, were visiting land in (bis viciui'y recently. , Charles I.ornbert is expecting four horses by rail hero at tJllin. . Kleighins h po and. young and old are improving it at present. The superintendent .of she Defiance box factory, Mr, Boyd, Informs us that litem in enough vends in this vicinity .o warrant the running the box fac tory for tcn years. Jacob IJolandir and Mr. Mars of He We. visited Charles Rose of Perk. Wednesday. Himxolf and family are looking well and are veil pleascl with ('heir . location, and are Join? very well in the mercantile-business at that place. Fred iiofmeyer paid a busineWtrip to Monuil pity Wednesday.. :.- The bundle factory of Cook and Johnson has ti great deal of MeL-a timber on lmnd uow and Is. trying ari iar or oan in the manufacture of wagon sjiokes. . Kdward SaltKtnan has a fine new y.'r.t'Xm apd ues the same early and late. - O.-en JCirts tioorts i"Jie In our town. The village board meets next Mon day night at the town hall. . . Charles Porneroy ha.s been visiting his cousins,. Paul and Creo. this week' The. maniiBor of the Sunflower saw mill ia quite a poet, in the win er time, and quite a geulus in the sum mer time. Weil, Thomas TTanW m. ways was of a jovial disposition and ins partner, Robert Detibo, i.s about ay .ovlal: cniito.a. imjui mir One black snake was killeil' a Milt Cre,.( on New Years day and ono at VV'oodney's saw mill since that 1 inio but this urgent cold wea her has sent the remainder ef th Jr kind out of sisht. . - 9 . ' ' hi to ' baek'What. 1. Will hm itr.V . ' : " ' Z.. 1 ",:s .""J u a rR1": ' !- frnrance of lhes Itushing's meat, market Hill eifrt;nl away ten pounds of tender Join uttal:t and about. three pounds of prime lard ior the, gravy. - lie .wk' to ihi. v tional lunch rooms and ordered the tender; loins fried. A fly cop 'niiig ined" that his pile of provender, -w.isi out of proportion to his "banMns Douse look. An Juveaiitration ),v .na..UMW!Jger: fixed Siolu's id.-n itl - i i. ... .. . . uuu ue wa tai'.en da-wn i-.o 'here ho con be tendertlolnllv tnrri !t the grand jury comes, again. . ' On vomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at. the homo of tho , bride's mother, Mrs. Brady, Mr. Ceorce Itover win h. I'.nHotl in utarrlaafD uith ii!'f),-,r tirady, both of Mound Citjv JustUa i. F.;Cwniivll w! officiate. D ed, at her home in this" ci'y, on he 3rd just., . Miss Carrie Hcrr!ek. lK4 ('. years. Tlie eatip of dent"; vaa apboplexy, w pronounced by l, T. F. Hargap. the attndlitr physie'sn The lady must bvo been dt--td 'hreu flours when the body was ..found ia x av u-rj,'- Htraaseiy .ftnotig'i, , thioushout the at a The result was that when Collect or Powell's terra expired he was l dtwer to -continue in office and Huk.u wes put off until after election'. S:nc thru lien. Powell has died, ami a real vacancy has been created. Proteins cmtirtt-d to pilo up at tho Wh, - Hon; o until it became evident his up pf-ititoseat .v, (add ri-sult in-timburrai.a-r.Ktu .to the president and Scuaier Wipkina. Ilogan was here today on lila wuv H t . ... . . ' Ti vv ion, uui uo sropped in Washington long enough to say that if his candidacy was embarrassing: to tu prmder.t -or Senator ilopk'itm lu would not press .the matter. Hn did m i, actually, lt clino , the honor . w hlch va th? president, thus far has forborne to ' H lartlHt 111)1(11 l.iin. Imt he left ill,-. wa.'PI f p-jn lor tlif oiKi.niritles to forg'-fl hitn, wbioh Ihe.y will nroeeed to do' wir; pmmptnesH and enthusiasm. . ' 1 1 'H', proriilent probably will coat In-' no to- plHce lh j off cj at ill.' disposal of Iloj.'kln..;, but wit It the tm- for JD't by .'he Anient an peoplo." The I hti'ib'd and rem.itkcd, ' Very jir joyed by a large auJhnce. the phiy be tv. mv petty." Anona c-mes ( tug pet formed by a verv competent lie one: a house Tues-i'ty, Feb. The orchestra was one of the wiiii "In Cu-ol P.oltll as Ikrlta. be' in this cllv for several st'.unns Anderson (Ind.) Nf.'ws. ; At the Cairo opera 'house 'tn Wed nesday, Fehv ):h. . --:: "A Country Kidd ' at the ( nd oji ei.i hoj-ie Monday was thorori iy tu- 1 M 3 "Z3 ALTERATION SHOE SALE Mary - Jlerrjcl;, moihw of ML-s i derrtandlnj .lUav ,1s out of varrie,-,both occtipyitii the same -cm. lage tUeJ. abpiii threu.Louni .later, if weakness from old ng slip wieti'Ji The la ter was ,the mother of Mrs, Major 1.1. U Ulen, as well as of M'3 '.'arrie Herrick. On.neeotmt of the eiddon death of Misa Carrie, the re'a f lr good. RAILROAD MAN OPPOSES ; THE RAILROAD BILL. . . t - Hy the Associated Press. t.. t . . .1. , i.i .... . .. .i... t. , , . . inioaum.1, m-jui., i, i. vice rri"i- V " ' - rninr M-nl llannaford of ,i)a Northern i'a- nt' t! T 7 r . T Rh h M"'ti(. tU-lntratecommffre . 'nr. Justtr'o J. F. Con "el actrd enr- I .... - MOUND CITY. Feb. 4, 1905. Will Stoltz is in jail. It is net the first time Will .. . . . . -Marie, Illinois, arc visitors-of Charles from r this county about - eighteen s THE BULLETIN'S LIST I Cairo Manufactured Articles nier prq tern., . li" .impaneled a Jnrv videuco was taken, uud a , verdict vas returned finding (hat - de"pasft amo to her death from a fci'-oke of i-ipoplexy. Hoth bodies were interred it ihe same time in n cemetery near "'"Ico, whero reponr: the remains of a .oimber of relative?. The burial tran. oured on Saturday, 4th inst.. tho fn teral train leaving this city at 5 'ckck a. tn., over the Illinois Com ral idilroad. Major and Mr.i. Clen Jinl family, have the symj.a hy of all friends. Ivl Craves vnj tn from MeHdian feday t. Pcu produce e'n e rates. Good Sleighing Touay. Itiug up Powers' Livery and Trans f r staliie-f' r line i leigLs while the .!i'v las..--. I!'- ii phnnef , 2S". if I tQ.vying,.to ,the vfact.:thpi: we are going to make extensive alterations ; in our store so that we , ? t i -- - i ;.-' ' ' . - can give our rapidly increasing patronage still better service in, the future, we have madev great reductions in all of our lines. mictions Redactions tj Re ; PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Here are the X goods made in Caiio. Read the list, learn what they are, !; and buv them. , ' THE Bt'CIIER'WOODFORD PACKING CO. BUTCHERS & PACKERS WHOLESALE Both Phone 135 . 40th .vOhio St. BUY THE BEST Sylph Flour H.L. UALLIDW MILLING CO. "Arizona." , ..The follow Ir;- I.-'as;iiit episode hup- I .l-.ll-inir " tfi-JriTi'i'y" 1 - - ........... ., ., in r-iuis A-mstronR, n.wtl Zo years, son 'dim. last seaw.i: "f John Armstrong, of.he sonthern ! The hitn; and eu'e-n I'rirc--;-, Vlc ?nn J ri,v- ,iPd rly this morn tnria r.r.d the I'rmee and Priacew ng of FefK-oitiR of the brain. lie was Charl. s of Denmark attended tV per- member of the Frate.'n-.l Mys tic Clr- formancs on the second Monday of rle and wa a p nmler you-ur man. . Monday of Us pn Kent-,, kn. At U. : . ; rf.nrinfloii (f the play., there was a ANNUAL MEETING. pleat at,f Hub, c rciuimy; l!on: a, the The annual meettnsr of the stnclr- kadine lniiv of the r.irnn wQa u,. holders 'of the Cairo Electric Tre m-ned to the royal let, 'whe-e s'v ion Co. will ? held at tj. office r.f prent"d to -the. eW-a a beaur'fel ee C.r.iin;ti.y, 703 fLo ttif t. CIro, tsKifpt composed t't tillits of the val- febntary 13 1905. between the hottrs ley. white orchids h;.d unite hea. ar 12 m. an ! .1 p. m. j EAK1N swretsry. KINGFISHER! II.. F, MO. R LAND Are sold by all confa tioners. Mide by Cairo Candy Manafacfurinj: Co., SOI -S03 Ohio fct. Cairo Phoned TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET IRON WORKS. Sti,Tbo9t and Blowpipe Vt'prk, tVy lights, Rcofing. Cornice, and Stee! Ceiimg. NO. 219-221 TENTH STREET. i Headquarters for Seed Oats t ' ot AI . - . TELE PHONE 223. Cairo, It'inoin. DAN SH IT OF THE RACE PROTESTS FROM CHICAGO CAUSE SENATOR HOPKIN CANDIDATE TO GIVE UP THE CHASE FOR COLLECTOP.SHIP. SHIP. boend with a ribbon n rP j white and blue stripes the Aimriean cohirs. The bouquet was preset! ed on befnif fif the- Aim rican ceiapauy pia)ing in "r'r.r pr" and-Ik-r Maj'-ity ex prr.' -;;-el her WeriKiire ,n acr"titir,f j nn.l rrt-.f the play 'cbcrmlajr." His Jlajrs a ty sa;,i to lionita. "It s a splendid g p!aj; wer, acei: I et joyed it vry-M tnucli." Thefr rinj -t. is shorik hands with the ytmr.g a -tress, who was orr -H ' V-i heltDed t i'.H if ErafioiisnejK fi, . 2 (.) pairs of I, die ' $.1 )t jf'.SO awl 2 Vtj ,S' -ocs red need to - - $ .91) Sics somcwha' tirokt n in litis lot 200 pairs of , La lies', .5. . v) nnd .Jf.UiO Slices reduced to - - -v. -1.J9 pah. t.f I.adieV J.3.5(. .and $3.00 Khocs reduced to - - ' - - 2.25 W'o.can fit any foot in this lot, as tlicy ar all of the latest, creations and most approved stales. ISO pairs Ladres' J'atrnt Leather i" " liluchcts d "l ki 1 topt, etensiim soie, 2.50, reduced to - - - 1.49 4 Of i pairs ?Jt n A, On Shoes 'eauixu to a on TIr.c- are '-nodear U'elts, you can , ae ihem in box calf, vel-o-trs, patent and ici kid. Tlii-. lot includes-the celebrated . James Mean:; shoe? 250 pairs Men's 2.t. ) Shots ttducvd to 185 pi'rs Men? l.So Shoes reduced to .9) McnN hTvy wotkintj Shoes cut from 50 to 75c 3 pair. 115 pairs lk's $1 00 Shoes, high cut reduced to 1,49 165 pairs P.oj's 1.75 Shoes reduced to 1.19 HI piirs I)o's 1.50 Shoes reduced to ..99 ' 72 pairs youth's 1.35 Shoes reduced to ,90 120 pairs Children's Shoes, double Z sole and good,, wearing, reduced . from - - - - S1 .00 to 75c . 73 p .irs Children's Shoes, double sole nice stjle, reduced from 1.35 to 90c 90 pairs Children's Shoes, double sole reduced from - - - - 85c to 41c 14 j pai Mioses Shoes,' kid aud Lxx , calf, s.izl: 11 lo2, 1. 35, reduced to 'c 75 pairs of the celebrated DalgPlVU Slippe s. sold from Maiue to Cali fornia -at- $USOf our - reduced : . price ........ i.oo Wanhington, Feb. 1 Dan H ran of ?.Ioind City. Il!..ill not b". intern al rcvnnp rollf'o for il.n Fn-? ; Luuis Uistr.r. He praetf ally b... 1 bulled out of tb-i race, owini to the A strength, of . the oppu.itii n to biuniw 1 1 GO a To-Morrow gl particularly in Cticsso. Fresidcnt Roosertl trom'ted the, A . THE DNI!Sr SJ3 Comroe.'ia vo., Cairo, IH. fj During this sale we will give you some sur- prising values not to be matched anywhere. Tine Papular Price Shoe Store. i SOJ Commercial Avenue. 6 9 - - & Pl to St-oator"21wtUa at tLetj