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Newspaper Page Text
, THE CAIRO BULLE TIN, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5 : C5 .. . , . . -. .... .. r w C A P RE '$. ft: g s: f f f t f f f f t f . t ,f 5000 Pairs 3 mm n . 1 All sizes, an patterns, 2 g ing at all times for greater bargains for the public and we won this! UUUu t . . . . . t . IVlBIIS' PSIltS I time by buying the entire stock of The Famous Pant Manufacturing! i 01 1 aaucan, r.y., consisting or PUUU pairs or lvlen s I rousers andjl Knee Pants , I all qualities, at from 3000. pairs of Knee Pants, This purchase was made for spot cash at ,ze!:, a" pa"f ns' s Li cents on tne collar and are put on sale at less than !?U cents on the: . . , 8 1-7 Onto tn 9 QQS27 cents on the dollar a Ii ' 3UU' ,U Z,3 f dollar of manufacturers' LimmSm!ml sons style, for immediat . ft ' 1.0 SAL cost All of them new, made late spring use. UVJ in this sea-! I OGtS. tO 48CtSi J II Per Pair. 4 ' i t 4 1 i 4 i i 4 1 ' 4 4 ' ' i 1 i -4 J4 o IT LA) LI : : "nphe public likes to be humbugged." mm iuu navt uccii nut in iuc early days of Barnum in the show bus iness, before he had a reputation to j maintain. n irresponsible More may advertise anything--resulting , advan tages "all to the good." An estab lished business asking for the patron age of those who think must keep within bounds and "deliver the goods" or a close equivalent. When a store :'-m ? n iihii AT advertises to sell an artlcjie aljSO cents 'on the dollaf, of course it-must do so, and there is hot 'a reasonably intelli gent man but who knows that if it does not do so and toe the mark it will not have the confidence of its patrons. The Grand Leader understands this as well as you, and when they offer you these 50c ON THE DOLLAR MENS' PANTS Lot No. i, 2oo pair $2 and $1.50 Pants, sale price Lot No. 2, 200 pair $2.50 and $2: QOU j: Pants. ?HT MleorMV77::;v'vPw t: ra 1 fa J " IT' I 79cl Mill -5. ' .fl-i Trousers at 50 Gents On the Dollar they mean that you get dollar goods at 50 cents, or less than manufacturers' cost, when you make the purchase. Seeing is believing. Come and see the stock and prices. If it is not as we say, don't buy. If we have told Tyou the truth give us youf business. Pants, 3!SX sale price. Lot No. 3 500 pair $3 and $2.50 Pants, sale price Lot No. 4, 750 pair $3.50 and $3 Pants, sale price - - Lot. No. 5, 750 pair $4 and $3.50 Hants, sale price -Lot No. 6, 1500 pair $4.50 and $4 Pants, salo price Lot No. 7, 500 pair $5 and $4.50 Pants, sale price -Lot No.. 8, 600 pair $5.50, $6 ancl $7 Pants sale price The Above Lots Are irt;Al Sizes to Fit Anybody. KNEE PANTS. Lot 4--500 Pair 7s and $1 Knee $1.39 $1.49 1 $1.89 $1.99 1 $2.49 Pants a! 50c on the Dollar Less than Manufacturers' Cost. Lot l--5oo Pair 25 and 35c Knee s race 10cor3for25c Lot 2--500 Pair 35 and 50c Knee saiePrice 15cor2for25c Lot 3mmSpo Pair 5 and 75c Knee Pants Sale Price - - - - i- -"t sa,nePnce39cor2for7Sc Lot 55oo Pair $1 and $1.25 Knee 49c Pants Sale Price Lot 6 -500 Pair $1.25 and 1.50 Knee Pants Sale Price . . . 69c All of These Pants Run in Sizes From 3 to 16. Sometimes merchants offer baits. We offer straight prices and goods and are prepared to convince you. COME AND SEE ! This Sweeping Out Salo- ' Of Pants will be, in point of price, and material, the most remarkable in CajVo's historv, :- breaking all records. One Whole Factory Bought Out These lo w prices we are able to make ' : : because the factory people quit business and we took advantage and bought the; whole lot under the cost of production. We could not duplicate the prices orcli; narily for less than double the money and! offer you the opportunity of a life': time,; The slims and stouts, large and small, rich and poor, will find it to their inter est to see these goods. We have the pants, you have a little money, and have been waiting for cut-prices, so here ; is j; the opportunity you have been waiting for. The earlier you make your choice the better, having the advantage 'jf picking over a big line before the choic est patterns and values are "snapped up." This offer appeals to every man and boy in Cairo. - Tables will be arranged with; these H pants displayed in lots, sizes and prices marked in plain figures. You can se lect just the quality, size and price for yourself, pay for your purchase and leave our store with the best bargain you ever made in your life. ! 0 1 IS Pants at 50c on the Dollar Less than Manufacturers' Cost. I :: uM444..4..44..444444.4444...44..4444.4444.4.44444.4.44...4.4...444.4...4.4 t. m . . r.:;;;::;;. i in: in::::::: i in : mi; in 5 'Pr. :