Newspaper Page Text
THE" CAIRO BULLETIN; SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 5 J 905 ! , "When I was a young man," ho said, ai lie fdced the loungers in the, village atora, lifted the big end of the log and said nothing. Now 'hat I am getting old, I lake the little end'and do all the grunt ing." -. ' (-, - Hi admirers nodded approval, for he was a Wise Man. Hut he was not up'to-date! He tdiould have givpn the LuUetin and News Want Ad a chanct. There was i,o need of his lilting at ali, for tho Want, Ad would have carried him i.i state to prosperity. . ... .. ' -:i.t (fc'Uife-Warit Ad d the Wbrkl ' -'J l I'stilT 1 csnt a word. V THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Rate Fof Clatsilied Noticei. InThe Cain. HulielTn and Evening Newi. , insertion per word. ...... ...... 01 hrae insfrtlrjus dp word ... .01 t-J ' One per word .. .... .06 Uus mouth pTj word ... .IS All matter set lu fcnpretl tvpe. No advertisement inserted fur less thuu Iwontv- five cent". ROOMS AND BOARD. Nice newly .furnished rooms mid board. Tin'iity-eiulnli ami (.'imiiiiereiiil. BOARD WANTED. Wauled lloaid .iii piivate family for nun lid wife. Addre ss Mr ., thin oflioe; PROFESSIONAL. . Eyi a tested free; aatiifnction guaianteed. Weinberg & Co., room (iilliert Block. OSTEOPATHY. Doctor Smith, Gilbert Block. FOR RENT. l'or Kent, Twelve room house- with all itii'drrn iiupiovcmeuta. Apply loiffi eofW. K. Gholson, lilW WaHttiiigtoii uveui.1 1-or Kent Furnisut-d room for gentleman. Apply Sll Seventh, street. tfnr Hent Furnished room, niode'n con VeOie ices, 'i'ii Ninth or Adam i xpresa. Tor 8ale. For Sale- tliio 8pan of laign 8 year-old IoriB;K""l. sou.ij, wll trrjko t all on or v rite C'lifle A. Complin, lltiknap, 111. WANTED. : lo six week we "will Educate yon for a trav f lioi aaicmnan and gu iranlte you a position ; j titn. lor ait ienlarH.; 1 lie 13raut)v tt gjthn, Jloib, U,-i, ,. V. a i. . ,. - . , i ; f if ' 0 X h ,r i -m ' ff " 4" A Savings Account works while you sleep. Money saved today .means a happy, .future for you. 'Start ,au account ( - ' - with us tody. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK . - 609 Ohio Street,' Cairo, Illinois. As s e t s v0NE : MILLION DOLLARS ( BOTTO'S BOWLING ALLEY 211 SEVENTH STREET. Will -be open to the public January 6. The alleys have been dressed down. A new Jot of balls and pins put in and other improvements made which makes- it the best appointed place of its kind in this section. 'cat . ,1. FINE HOME KILLED BEEF Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc. Jasepli Buclier, 1909 Commercial Ave. Both Phones 104. r 'ix'iiwiriwK I )MMk j?S turn I i .i. .." - ' i Woodward Hardware Company vmnssssari CairoMonumentCo. K-timates on atone work propiptlv fnr nieherl. OfBca and aalesroom KiS- It lO Wnsliington Avenue. Cairo, Illinois. rr.r.. C.' E. GREGORY, MGR "" ' ajmminx.n.yi...i.imt i, - B,' Michael, Reliable Pawn Broker ' Chritrri eomee but once a year and everybody's ivvife, .sisters and sweethearts expect a surprise. So be fore buying inepect our stock cf fine umbrellas, watches, rings and other fjcods which we just received for the holiday trade. .Goods can be selected nn oayment. . A. S. FR AS ER WHOLCSALC . l4tDP, Oii)eut, Hair, Wall I'laster and Kiver Sand. Agnnl Si. Uenevleve Li 1119 1315 Cvmmcixia! Awiiuc , FOLDING BED FOR SALE. - for Sale Full ifd quarter Rawed oats (.ildiiiR bed with bvel edu minor, matures and fpniiRS Cost $5(1. I mi he bought furSir. kr.iioii Tor. sale, lack of roon.- 'o. ajo Fourth Htret-t. . AGENTS WANTED - - ' Agents-R1 in dark. Xumeplatec, Signs, Nii.ibein 240 percent, protil. Hapipls free. VViiglil Knpplv f ., truvl woad. ill. , MAIL ORDERS. - We start yon In the mail order bosin.. Fnl! iUrtioolara and sample free. Arueripso Special treorv. Milwaukee, Wia , FEMALE i HELP WANTED, Wanted Oirla tomako ihlrto, niceeomfiirt-bk- iilaec to work. If ynu are not experienced in iho work e will iiaoh yon and pay you while l a ninrf. Hoard and room or rooma'for lipht hoi4"eepi!in van inn. hid at. reasonable p.ioeaj i Adilies or apply In person to K. fe W, ManaracturlCK Co., Uapj Girardeau, .Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED. ree Announcements of Those Employed, Who Desire -Positions. Not Advertisements or not exceeding three lines ill be accepted free for one week's lime from any reader of Tho Hnlletiu to be tiled by ad vertiser ft pernon, on regular form, at tlie ,of fioeof The Bulletin .Company, 703 Ohio Levee Ttie liiiliutio Company aHHiimea no reaponHi bility for any advertisement or st atement made therein and will not accept the notice of an? pe. son known to be employed. JtHimries and replies to advertisements should be made ty niaii. . POSITION WANTED. WantedPo?ition as collector or grocery clerk; tour year experience; best reference. Address 11. M. HiilU tin oftiee. i Voting triad wisher, i aiploymtnt of guy kind. Addre.- '!!. M.," care lliis bflice. s i. . We Will if I Show You :B vfO im ' sit '( ( if '( :f tr. How a savings account will grow; compounded, every six months at Three Per Cent Interest 1 f v im )m If THE GREAT 1 f I t ; tr . .. f , MAJESTIC RANGE j IS THE BEST B--PIES-- C A R E ALL KINDS ! ! r t 1 E: . Union Bakery ' J. HKolb, Prep. 1 ' A Sj 1 th Mail and Steamboat order! receive i prompt attention. 504 Commercial 1 Avpnue. Telephone 275, Cairo, Illinoi. MOLL!STE"t'3 Bocky Mountain Tea Huggeis A Esty Kc!a Tsr Erfy Pecpta. Brin-i C jlies H'ai'.k aal Eauewed Vifrr. A ti.V- f ' r 0jittH1. Iuliction. 1 Jvf atil Kii.' r TrnOe. ttmpW-. fverrt. Imtur I, Tt.-i-. :tre-.fn, Sliiff .h (tnU, MAArhs Vi-t, Stocks k- Vl- 'f . r" SHORTS WERE VERY BUSY AND INTEREST c'eNTERED IN JU LY HIGHER CABLES THE PRINCIPAL FACTOR. By the Associated Tress. ' t'hifhfio. Feb. l.-WHEAT Interest cenu-rcfl on July. Throughout the entire tlay there 'was an urgent de taut )clivi'rlY?n advant'Ptl with lhj iniliid 'from r horts; The price on dis session. rndcjr the influence of high er cablcx and Imllihh utivlees from Argentina ihe inailitt oiuneil firm; .inly tip i, to 3h at $1.-1014 ifi$1.0ii. May a shade lower to H hlgiiet al $l.ltt ,4 r $1.1014. July from the start was in artive' demand. Seeming ly t.i re whs a large ' short Interest i;i that option. A report was current that a Willi street clique was lift int? the distant month In order bet ter to unload a lare line of May. W'hib July Went up May laggt'il b. hind, pipelining to $1.10. Later .iay alfo Htarted upward, and a good nd- VBttee was made. Just, before the close buying sent the prices to the highest of the tlay. July closed Hs higher. ' ' CORN Sentiment was bullush, Lie volume of 'trading fairly large. Huyitig w!is principally by shorts who were . oiuewhat alarmed by the bull- I Isii advices from Argentina. The it.trcngth in wheat also helpet) to !mimulate tlie il niantl. .May closeti ' hiber. 1 OATH The firmness in other 1 maik'ls was reflected in a belter de mand for oats and prices ranged at : n -slilit ly higiier level. The coutin ti d lisht movement ft'om the country an.l t.ic steady retluction of stocks wmv factorK that aidtnl the advanc iti tentl 'iicy. May fini; lied 14 liei tcr. Receipts and Shipments. Ry The Associated Press, "', Chicago. Feb. "Following were 111-' receiii.s anil shipments in car load lois from this market today: STRONG DEMAND .. SENT WHEAT IIP Flour. . 14 , ri Wheal ... ..... 28 70 Corn ... ' . . . V. . ' 21 H 2:!0 (lat'H . .'. til 82 (Reported by tha Casslday Commis sion Comoaiy, 609 Commercial Av ert uo.) GRAINS AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Feb. 4, The following was tho rane of ihe leading futures on the board of trade Uiday: closing Feb. High Vow Feb. 4 WIIKAT May July CORN' May H7s 102 4:.'i It! ::);, 117 102 loo 14 4.v 1001.4 44 43 a 30 30 July 4(5 30 30 OATS May July FORK May KARI) -May RIBS May .12.!i2 12X7 12.87 12.83 C.'.ir. .02 0.92 6.87 C.92 (l.!0 .S7 C.87 Minneapolia Quotations. Hy Ttie Associated Press. Minneapolis, Feb. 4. WHEAT May $l.lfiv8; tiortlierii 1.1." '8$1.11. July 11.14; cur-h, No. 1 No. 2 nortiiern $1.1 i Liverpool Quotitions. I5y thf Associated Pri'ss. UveriMxil. Feb. 4. WHEAT nmiiin al. Spot, CORN steady; America u ! mixed, new. Is; old 4s lid. I NEW YORK GRAIN. fly The Associated Press. New York, Feb. 4. WHEAT Re ceipts nut reported, tspot firm; No. 2 red nominal levator ami $1.22U r. o. 1). afloat. CORN' Receipts lol.OOO; export in..,tMin. SKjt firm; No. 2 3114 clc va or and 51 '4 f. o. n afloai. No. 2 yejiow 51: No. 2 wnlte Op tions closed net higher. May ."im. OATS Receipts "tt.OftO. Spot steady; ru :i72; mixed .'JtifStj' clipped white :;sf4i. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Uy Tiie Asociat;'d Chicago. Feb. 4. were stifficlent for bti.-ine.-s t ransactfJ, etl nnchaitKed. Th" Press, Today's receipts the insignificant antl prices nil weeli's receipts ; were C.i'.'Mhl 3:aift.t To.otm last run have we. k. nil -d Prie' for general lowest of ttt season. hil. a f,?w Jat cattle fllinK at $r,.:i0 and upward av,.ra,, a. fv hi h HtMIS Tiie week's r.-ceipts wire 1 v !.." against 21 Iat week. The demand ditrintr tin. week ha ht-n activf. eastern shlppfrs taking the pt.ncipal hare of choice strong w .'iuht hop. jfi"f'rinKs today were rather Pmiteil, buyinp- a:i anima ed at yesterday's lat advance. Prices averaged about ten higher than a week aco. SMl'I'i' The fl'.rk's'.-. w.r V'.A'') o a.n-t 7'K) lid nek. Bonds There was itnc.:aiif,'('.l a fair Satdrday trade at prices, whlrh were the highest of the year. .The b-.'at she;p Hold at ten bifilier 'ban lal week, while Iambs aiivaneeil tweiily-Hve eents. 1 AT ST. LOUIS. Ky' the Associated Press. St. Lonlsi Feb ceipts 2H0. (luotat:otiM. 8 tea ly at about Friday's HOGS Receipt! raiiffe f l.ii'Jfri $1.95. 4,trti0. strong. Provision Market. BITTER Strong; creamery 22 !J 11. C1IKESIC Firm: unchanged. KCIGS Strong; western 2t(fi3l, COt-USK Options closet! steady at live points advance.. March f 7,25. Rio quiei; No. 1 invoice S'i.milot Spot Rio quiet ; No. 7 invoice S'g; mild quie. ; Cordova 10 13, SUGAR Raw steady: fair refin ing -4; centrifugal M test 5V4: mo lasses sugar V2. Refined steady; confectioner:;' "A" $ti.0tl; mould "A" !!"; cut loaf, crushed $t!.85; powder ed $0.25; granulated Ji;.l3; cubes $(i.4(). FOR THE CARD TABLE. His Wife Neglected Him, Alleges Critchfield, Who Secures Di. vorce. St. Louis, Feb. 4. A divorce was granted loday by judge Taylor to John Critrhfieln', formerly of Lexing ton, Ky., wlm alleged thai while he was a (bvoferl a member of the First Christian 'church, his wife, Jes sie Georgia Crlichiield, was just as dew te.l a member ef several card clubs. Critchlield's allegations were corroborated by several witness -'s, in cluding Rev. John lltatult, his pastor. She deserted him, lte alleges, Angus 13, 1!o:!, after they had quarreled be cause of her presence at a card party tho night before, Perfect womanhood depends on perfect health. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty conies to nil who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Uright eyes and red cheeks follow its use. 23 cent?. Paul G. Sehtih & Sons. .( 1 ;." : ' ;:' " ' . : GLOBES GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER URINARY DISEASES - - SMALL ASAP1LL- EA5IERT0 TAKE. Two dimea give relief, end one tx lll cure any irdin:uy case ot Kidney. Ulailili-r or t rnlnry tPMible. Removes ('.ravel: cures Di:i1'ie.' nnl Kinmisions; Weak anil LameBaek: Klinimn. ti-rn: Ketehliim ot Trine; Thick. SlttL'gish or Sumy tTrine: I''e ol HIokI: Itin.-innnation ert'aierrh .l tlie Itladiler: and all irnvulariiies of trie Kidneys, llladder or Urinary Organ. PBICB 50 CTS.iNO CURH. NO PAY. Paul (i. Hchub &, Soun. 007 Commer cial aveuuo and Harry W. Sehuh Drug company, 18th and Commercial avenue exclusive agents. Sent by mail, upon receipt ol price, by I Lark Medicine Company, - Louisville, Ky remember US FOR COMPORTS BLANKETS A N D UNDERWEAR A. Al. Spence & Co. I t J023 Washington Avenue, 2 J 1 & 1 Ul 1 There Are So many reasons hy you should send us your laundry that there Ls not room enough In a little advertise ment to tell litem all. One ren.'-on it ibat we are modern Wo k.rp pace wi ll the new Idea and new rond'timi. As fast as any thing better tlnn we have is invent ed we secure it. We mend your clothes and sew on buttons." and put on new neck baud fr- of rliarte. American Steam Laundry ! :'"'j n-cHh St. f!,.,ih rb"i pit. iL. C. Herbert - - - - i'roj rialor hhm - n ai u m m mm . Gerealk REALIZING S IN BIG AMOUNT OVERCAME STOCK MARKET AND CAUSED A WEAK CLOSING RAILROAD , RATE lECi3'A-: TION HAD SOME EFFETV. Hy The Associated Pre. s. New Vi.rk, Feb. 4.-'!t : . for the ca:I of the week .. siderable fore during the sioi) of the stock ct u ; ttales :;(' in con uhert '. es totlay and finally overcame the dosing v. last night fur V leaders. Tho progr . : curing cons'iih; . federal enthr I SOTllO effect (r!l may have pronip ing movement. tae tt;.v.;et. ma!;ing at: 1 t polut bt iow e ;f the speculative eil'orta toward se ri: party action on f it rates liatt i lies entiment antl cd the -rowing sell Til.? triable price tlay v. , in stocks niovenientsof tli'. of minor importance an 1 tendency became quite receding ,.ral ba- fore the closiug. The Pennsylvania group mi the Pacifies, including tho'- Misrmir! Pa cific were especially affected by prof it taking. There was as littV lo ac count , for the selling as there lias been for buying during the week so far n. any specific news bearing on individual properties was .concerned, Tlie bank statement tuny have con tained a tuiggesthm ibat tho pivV i in redundancy of money will not colli in tie Imletlnit :ly under the opera tion of forces now at work. Tiie week's outgo of gold in spile of the Inflow from the interior caused the expected decrease of over $3,000,000 in the cash reserves of the banks. The loan extension of $12.4::.Gtt0 lilt ed the level of deposits anil reserve xequireiiienis at the same time so far as to furnish the net result of a shrinkage of $7,1:17,023 In the stiV- pltts reserve of th banks. The for eign exch:ui!4o market held firmly to day and offered no Indication tint this vuek's heavy, outgo of Bold, will not be tlti.ilit ated or exceeded i next week. Attention was attracted to toe fact, however, that the (our.try sen out last we.di 5,;)oii,i',io : betiht U of corn,' wlileli is Conslthirabiy in excen. of any other week's shipments for ov er four years past. - Aa a Houree of replenishment for the exchange mar ket Otis movement must be accorded consideration. Southern Pacific's refunding opera tion and yesterday's quick sale of $75,OitO,OHO of these bunds must be reckoned with in estimating the fu ture showing of bank loans. 'Reported by the Frank Cassidy Com mission Company, COS Commercial Avenue,) STOCKS. New York,, Feb. 4. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange today: Olnslrs High Uw Fell. 4 Feb 8 1 Atchison. P.. r ().. II. R. T.. . 88 87 Va 87 884 .lor.t; im ti 104 lo'iU . ;ii t;i r,i co C. & ().. . 5o .mi no 'i . 41'4 4:: 43 .i:i; lr.o 1504 .1384 137 137 .1704 lii!t 170 Erie. ... III. Central I.. & N. . Mann ... Metro ... M., K. Ai Mo. Pac. N. & W.. Out. & W Penn . ... IteaiiiiiK- ... Rock Island. St. Paul. . Sou. Pac. . Tex. Pac. . Sou. Ry. . 1'u. Pac. . Wabardi. .. Ii.. pref. . Indus rials Col. F. I Am. Copper Peop. (ias . Am. Sucar. Ten. C. & I P. S. Steel. Do., pref., GOVERNMENT BONDS. Today Yesterday Refunding 2's registered. 104 H 104 Refunding 2's coupon... 101'.. 104'., RcRistred 8's 1(j lOIP,' Couiiou 3'a 103'4 10.H, New 4' registerod no', 130 Now I's coupon 13'.; 131 Old 4 'a registered 105 lOR'i Oldi'aconpon 105 105l Money Quotations. Hy The Associated 'r. i New York. Feb. 1 Mmey on call nominal, no loans. Time loans easv; sixty days, ninety days. 2 ft 3 p. r j cent; six months SffSU per cent.j Prime nancr :!'iJt4ti tut cent Kv- I firm, demand $l.88.10r"i $ 188. 15: sixty flays sllvtr f.1. $18.-,.70ftH K.-,R,1. Uar r.o4 4414 io; '4 f i::s 1704 1 4 117' 11.; 117'-. iir. T. . (ii ijf. 4 otj'i t;t;i . ..l(tta 10X 108 PiS' . .. 81 80 'i SO'j SI 3 14 ... 41 44i .4 14 444 . ..110U !:!!) n!l llii4, 0., fJI 941.4 91r ".V 354 25 In 1 1 li i 1 0 4 1 "7 . f.8 f.7 CT 07 " . 30 ::t; 3:, ;;t;ii . 34 31 34 z .123'i, 122 122 1224 23 23 23 23 . 40 J.'.Vi 45J4 n; . 47 10 K I7'4 j - I ' -Ii' .l''0 7. l'"l'T4 l"it .1134 H2 112 142l . 73 71 72 72 Inf.' 1ii-?.-t 1nQi ti,Tl t . 30Ti 3014 30 .30 1 K ' fi " 1 ' ft - 1 ' I. - t ' , ,8 a; w Pul li;bt Iii (no eye. Huts tn),,14 .. I ...... 1. . ; . i. vr.i . , . ' in t h IIII .lill 111 r- Ullfliui. Iltos'!!- the tension of life, brushes the cob webs from the brain, that's what Molester's Rocky ' Mountain Tea will do. .35 cents. Tea or Table's.--Paul G. Schiih Sons. The H'llletiu prison's all the lutc.-t u yfm ii Sfrtf.. iif 1 yoiir Ifome banker, wherri you can always get it on demand?? than to plav a straiirer's same. ' - " H . 609 Ohio Street, City, National Bank Has just completed its Fortieth this community. The, charter of this bank has been ex J tended for a third period of twenty years under the National 7 Bank Act. tVe offer j on fagUitie in he baikng biisicessJ J -" ' second td riotie Iti Southern IKiuofs.V h I i' ' If IjCapital and Surplus $275,000,001? '--vO CASSIDY COMMISSION COMPANY 409;a OHIO STREET BbTH PHONfES. CHICAGO- .OMAIN NO PROVISIONS Tho lowest margins I,i dollars on quantifies we deal In are: Wheat, Corn. Onts J.bOO bu. 1c per bu $10.00 Pork, 60 bbis., 20c per bbl 10.00 Ijarti, DO Tierres, Clc per Tierco 25.B0 Ribs, 10,000 lbs., ."e per 100 lbs- 2B.00 Stoclvs, 10 shares, 31 CO per thare 10.00 Cot nn, 25 bales, J I .CO i er bale 25.00 Customers can place more than one margin if they desire. The. above commodities -handled for cash or on margins, at the option of the customer. . ' : - v. A LET US BE YOUR BROKER 4 New York Store MERCANTILE COMPANY! ' Teas, Coffees,)-Spices, Sugars,Plain and Fancy Groceries and Qenerdl Merchandise. Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19th Street and Commercial Avenue ANNA LAKE HAYNES. ' 1 JOHNAJHAYNES" GROCERI E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Butter, Hams, BreakJast Bacon, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fine Canned Goods, Etc.' c 1 . 1 hi l! i rv rr j t- : a v-v i r . , s opctiat iicuuwai.ov.iy iiaue. x rompi iciivny uuaiamcec a 119 OHIO STREET. tOTH PHONES NO. IM. X P. T. LANGAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , LUMBER It I It UAl Quick Meal Range (Matlealilc Iron) Charter Oak Range e aw ) la . ( .a-.)tii..t.s.l...t.s.t..lV JOHN HAFFLY, r. V T C H K IL Dealer in l"rh snd Ssit Meats, bail- : sage, Etc. SHJ7 vt sshingtoH avenue, f$4)(l pltVIICS No. 205 "The Only Corn Cure" D AVinRO N. Eighth Sired, Cairo, Illinois, tents In aauii. 10 cents. Fy mail 12 CAIRO RESTAURANT - and Confectionerv. Ojn day and Kight. j Crt & Ru'Jj, Frcps. 33!I Sfcarncrt I , nave-iYou ffi . V. , .. ...... i , How these alleged Get-; Rich Fellows are getting; ihtdbduW'all Bf'thej country? IT IS BETTER to keep your money with 1 Cairo, Illinois. year as a National Bank int 14 1 NEWYORK-rSVTVS 4 4 4 HixifiuK ami bnlld.rK' hardware, linintn ant) ntln. Mill work awrii-c taltv.ltut ( tims orlm .oho itr.t and will receive our prow fit aiiit pprMswst att.'rrt4a. f")nnt llirrcuil avtliur. ImIwc4-U Tc utll anil Twrlftli titrt t t. caiso - ILIINOS. ttttttt ttt tl tit Utttttttt 9 f ONE POOR NORTH OPERA IIOCSE ? ' C.W. HENDERSON I 612 COMMERCIAL AVENUE 2 I HAVE NO FEAR f IS THE BEEH. ; 4 Cairo City Transfer 4 im turcwr to Moltj a Waim. J. If. KEIRCF, Proprietor. All k'nd of li a i ! i n t dune prmptlv. JUith pie iXL. nn U'aatougu.! Arenna Ciiirtt ----- '-"Illinois WHEN IX XFFD OF U iET OP I i ja ntr(si nMt1i'L33. or rrpairin;; f auy kind call on Cl!33, H.L'frn-1311 Cp'I Af