Newspaper Page Text
ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF ISO MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE The Bulletin Advertisa in The Bulletin Cairo's Leading Paper Stands For Cair ud It Progress j CAIRO, ILL., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1905. ESTABLISHED IN J863 VOL" XXXVJI. NO, 67. HPS CLOSING III OS EAST FLU General Engagement Likely in the Far East ' SIEGE OF VLADIVOSTOK INDICATED BY PATBOL STRAITS DY JAPANESE CITY IS, REPORTED TO HAVE PLENTY OF SUPPLIES. OF Shcniung, Manchuria, Fob. 21, via ' Mukden,--1. reported hero that .be Japanese are closing in on the Itus--tiau east flank. .As a rcBuit of this movement it in possible that ther v,,ii! 'be. f.n:-'f .getieral . engagement or at lea"', a coiiu'.cr. movement, by lis Russians. tXr the paa' thros wtekB ilio Russians have suffered ho material 'disturbance, with the w; tion'ol comparatively unimportant (!amasi) to' the railroad fit"! '' a bridge near Uuanchia us a re- Mill oKJapoeese raid aided, it ia al icged, ly Chinese uanditm. .Since 'he receipt cf (ire W s of the tnou-meiit of an unidentified are.. I force of. uutmiwii numbers behind the Russian right wins, the ltv.ssim.ij have . taxen measures for the pupont- of , minimizing opportunWoH !' r brigand. ia (he belief that Chines'- hsn-.'i n,r to nonio extent being orge.iii'1'.ft tm! directed by fsc Japan cavalry, im ports of acii.Uy a-.- VSadtou:l io. au jHeipatlon r -n V .'r"K on i:n p.oicr "by- 'Japasc-i.e trrifi. xi, , !;: '. 'V'-a rotUli"t ! t;if se - trivet g-iil',' Is; wMe' im eiv,l a'.-d l'Hlit,tr.v eb mPtiu irj'Wtei -( . , ,; The chan'neia of ;iuili:-. e in. it. if there hi their intrant' ttd'-'i n n ; -wiihinandins the lac ilia, a suing n' p ti trtil by. the ja,:ir( ." of tSi.t etmitf - '!''V -Cue- ..e-fcial siuLiiln. ,,i.P.ii b? if Japan has "cV'm i-t,,y tn t.iTi'tijMod the Movement Of shipieag bupplie ti Vl;idhi:'.t'd;-. ii 1m renin ed, are pk-tifful. though the price div his-h-' ' TRIEC TO WRECK 8KI.QCE; , ' K'ar'iki's f!caihpir.Tii,"ii J'"1 '1. Fidi, 2 J.--A body; of Cm -aea'er :hi ii' !-('' "'b.unjilS .a Hie c,i:;iev i:f - the,int. amenpfcd. uj wivck the rail wt;;, .rhk'- South of HaiivcnK'.' 3" he ttiu-iul.t i'sibd and thu niderv-ili .-, pf sired when JapJncs 'roop:; appinfr cd in f.;rcc. There was a r; atunplio-t of bombard ng on 1ho Japiinfe bft. to ward Hun river today, t-'low hrin,; bo pan early in the monene; anil cuntiu nej until tiirce In ,'ln' afternoon. FIGHT ALONG WHOLE LINE. Tninkslchen. Feb. 21. via Mukden Feb. 21. - There was fluhtint? aion.; the vvh ,!n Jino in ild- dheriet today, T!-e J.'inne?e. r'-pt'totitn? 1 1 fir per-lii.-tent and eyt-feiuatto advanc". dnac In the Russian vanguard po-:s and came in ouch with the Russian fori! fled positions. A s ubborn eontbnt hi expeccd tomorrow, the ,l,i-anise Hit paren'.'y lrttetldin I" ait. mpi to r out. the liupf Innn and oapl'ire ihc.r f deuls. The .Tapaiic;. are c'.rciafi ca-.tward. A DESPERATE BATTLE. S . J.-!rsb-,s..g, Feb. 21.- A di ,.Mlch from Sach' tun dated the .1 h hi: ".lapaiiee in r-iportor n'liu! ers f..ree,l the Rur:d-v.i ticiachnient J.t 7'.nk lieKhin al-andni their 1 -ic a,' He rctnoCT IMF Tk' PaVie a, d n t ate o'i ,'h ;i i The r ;;lt i no' yet known. IMPORTANT OPERATIONS ARE IN rKCCF-ESS ft. TVuri-buiK. F--21. -;) dispatcher d'txii.e (' 'Jiv, rj.Mrr ef KumpatkinV retir-nient Ui Shakle.' ri'-cr bnt. taken In ' rttijCflhQ wi;h fdie Afiscc'ated PresH Xiiahe chen dispatch, fhow that opera' !'i-s of aa important nat.ur are in pr trr s ia the mountain reg'en to U"'4 catward. The tnoteiitent sat precipiunt-d 1'"' Ujr-iaiiB who last week nr mr. te divisiors end occupied well advance,) positions. The Japane:-? nfacke! those positions in force. The Rus.-ians retire;!, slowly fighting, and Tltiirsdav evening were driven from their forti fie.l lines. The last dlspa'oh protdic ties heavy fighting Friday. The war office attaches consider able importance io the Idowinir up ef a bridfre south of llaycbm.ff and Ic -e it will interrupt the tran?;ioriaooa rerth of the For!. Arthur niur.itier.s for some time at this critical ftagc of effalrs. LAST OF CUSTEeTS MEN. .-. , t M,n.u,i.,, ; hifi York Court. ,( atta r ef le aver Ismrd. dt'ii I'd, ':- k,l-l. Ii. r ri eeadants at Vm Vi.rk. F.-ii. 2i.-Wol.aa. Me j""" ui.u cuiid.t red iyh tleo. aid te in- the last white "-r : vhor uf the Custer massacre ef ;fec i Has Appropriate Monument, i.i!,le liiu Hons river, wa, found ! A fimnan pancH-makcr. rccutlr e ?:;i;.v f manslausi'-t.T in the brst de- j ceased, l.a ctr h;s grave a gisantic c.-ee hrre tcn!?ht nrr! was retnandcl j str ns rcrrt S'-ti't'toa of ba'.f a bad fur u-nono. He was aeoasr-d of fa-1 H ncil set a a ii'-e.iotie. It i of tailv siabbliiif Fratk Mitchell, h's j red sat. us !.,-,: . wPn a core of graphite roam on IVe 1",, after a quarref. I S Inches in diantctcr. GASSiE'S GEfdS WEREJ-OCATED Smuggled Jewels Worth a Vor tune in Hands of Uncle Sam SHE PAIDJO DUTY ON THE $W.C0O WORTH OF JEW ELRY FINALLY FOUND CHAD WICK MANSION IS BEING TORN DOWN., Feb. 24. Culh-etor of Cit-toni) Leaelr has teturnod from ! Nnv Y rn wh-fi wetil to look up the jewelry imparled by Mrs. Chad wii'k. Lentil pated that lie had bruuKtH hack aUut.' .'n), worth of j-wej, which he said ha'i been import ed 1)- Mrs. rhadwick and upon which no duty had been paid. Leueii added that, he beiien'i' he ha1 siiro located a iiial! dtiuaini of money belonging tn M;.. Cbitdrt icK. TEARING DOWN MANSION. Cleveland, )-eb , "!.--The work of liamatiilins the fnutous 4'htelwick 'aauMii.u b.w h-uu. jn-eparatery to the ef ttn I'tiru fcfiln;s by the 'rur-tce ipji!ioe,! by the htinkrnptey e,ur . D. Chn Uit-k i.i t;;il In in;,- in the house bat !.s pr-pari in wove. He ,-iii'.'.l today l,e wa-t priictieaily home ie.s;, oi.) bad ;v- el nut decided where he would find shi-ii'T. GUT IH CRaTn RATES : SOUTH FROM CAIRO MOOtLE AND OHIO WILL MCT - FftlSCO GRAIN P.ATCVILL WHIP THE I. C. INTO LINE. It i. aiojeinieed that I He Mobile tifi.t 1 1 1 1 1 1 loi followed in tile W'rtke ef giain rata cuiiins; and iia.-s wade a ii coiit redttctiou eu I'lain flora Cairo to tie- carelhta-t. If 'hia i-i rue the idiuois Cemrtil -will he ai'tected by the cut. I! is ':aid the M. and O. bnsos Mis reullOiion i;tj ihc 'foUttd UI3i, the IfiCihm ttf ;itr I'tico hue in r .'rluciiij; !t!;e. tare Sh njpltji tUHke8 it; in.c- ;:ij-ary for f. to reduce u:c rat'? to (ijlii iiiiior.;. The point.-i known a the tililo river crtii-ton,s, which are iiffi-end by '1; reduction arc t sire. Mefijdiir. EcausvtHs ali'f Cit cinnati. I'i,le-.h tlie tiiiit er Is adjusted at i nee it is probable that the Illinois Central will me t 'he rat. of the M. and O.'l with pfactb-ally nil the cttcrii r interested in tbi i.ut.ines3 wtin nut the Pm-co hef way. it i tilde v d . that a stent lenient will 1 luei'' readily reaene,;. Ven'icMt wn of (lie cut in pnen i.ic. r-fedii eo.ud not. he olpfau'eu jas' nluht at 'he looat i.fttce of 'th- c mi paiil.'.S t,u ii. Is understood that. .mc1. u itiove ha.-- (ion iia'K' or wtu go id 1 fT i i. i eiki y . The tneih' bt.'C.iu when the. F. i'-'.- ImrKiipt' i tat ciirinkap.j v. as bciie: prat:. led and that the ii;.'e;. were no1 i eiu.; !!.-.. itiiM-d. at'iiouncel a cut of th.'ee cent.-i.thre:i.h .Memphis. The erd-r came in a pn. iiiw form and was a .-n-na! of bafle. The cautn b-t was ibrtiwn down innl all ftrme a$;rec-a,ens were iirnon d. A - lite re .--ul' of ttuK act ion a tueeioie of traf fic atld'Mhe (.ff.ciuls flf the sou'h .i.-tern lines were calb'd auu In Id iu I i-uisv'.ile las! we, n. Afier tw; 1-iys of diKf-M.-edon, it, was decbli-d !u e:-. a'd ;,'! an it:r tc i'oti bureau t Na-biii!e. wtn re it w a ' , ttiie.ied tiial !irii',."n'e W .e; bO't ll.'d. Af t'i Fr'.'-eo had i!!2de 'he raove on (hat t.'ro ;n i it w as "believed timt the i.iiui i nation ,4' the eau-e t' tit.. eompl.iint word,! b.- ptilficienl t indtii'v tha' inad in remand the re-duetiun, bt;. the pri:-o oflieials have tsnc" an n'.iitie.d iin-ir ip ;er!iidiaion to stand by the cut and to di pend upon no oth r dk'o iiioils on the par' of o!h:r line.; to uphold the is-. "'('here was noiliiiit; left t lien,", aid a traffic man ia-it niKht, "for ilie oth er nnds to do but to meet the cut. Ii ihe Prise.) r inaiii.; tirm it oan force the roads i-j kei p the rates down If It cttp aeain 'ho cut wH l.'e ni ct aeain. Tlmro t no . ?hef rourse otii n. How ever. I do rot 1,0 ii. vc tha funht r cats w ill follow. F is my beiief that th rate has now as low as F wiil. an.! tha th" ac e.n of th other road? wd! brin al-ont an eprecntctu that win result in the rat s beir.c; placed back at :i"dr f rmer status." DIED AT 104 YEARS. fcM Miat. Alan.. Ft am io oost STANDARD OIL GUO WARRANTO PROCEEDINGS WILL BE BEGUN IN SUPREME COURT TO DRIVE THE TRUST OUT OF THE JAY HAWKER STATE. Topoka, Kunsa.-i, Feb. 21. Attorns?' Ounerai Coleman has decided to coat meBco (jtio warranto . prneoeJing3 in the siijireine court t.: oubt the Stand ;.rd Oil company from Kansas, II.' hu". been in conference with Gov. If :eh for several ,i?.ys and that has been .'.he subject under consiilera'lon. A a oitA'.t r writ -a ill he as-heii for on the f.rot,;iu that the t-tandard Oil com; pay la a trust operating in Kansas) in viiduuon of tiie state anti-trust law. START PROCEEDINGS AT ONCE; Chattu e, Kansat-. ' Feb. it.---A crlm: inal proeeetrtig againr. -'lte of.'scer and employes of the Prairie Oil and las fetupttiiy. a branch of the Stand ard, will be .started at once. A fa bp ha.4 le.i-'i) brwnght in every Kansas county here t!ie eoriijiany doet; Iuk ilier.s. Convietien wiil be asked fur under the provision of the Parol!)' Eiuitrjw law. ii inT nriasi M ! H NIUI UW lit HIS PRISON' CELL JtSSE POME ROY WHO THIRTY ONE YEARS AGO KILLED HI'S PLAYMATES WILL NO"' EE PARDONED 3Y GOVERNOR. lk,s;oii, Feb 24. The peiit'on for the pardon of . dense Fomeroyc wli.'i is municr ' cf euiWVui , '. 3Ya:s " la .i.n " iiUic) d oti lile by (iovernor DeiiKiass. " This neaim ihat, pitrdon will not. be Kranti d. I'o.ateroy was convicted in .! of 'he murd ;i" of Horace Alileti and Nel lie Out ran, Hvu ch'idien a boat 13 year.-; old. hi:; ni;e ;it tue liiue. 1 no lod'e-; were horribly null ikiied and then burled by 1'omeroy, who' ti,M al Irged to ii.t'.'t! le.'ru uctuat.ed by the dc- Sie to w lines;; tneir saiierni-;. in. m set!t"Ticed to he hnnprtd but his ecu- Sfiice ws sul.fctiently ooinmutsd to olitary conflaoiucni for bfc WDKOF COKGRES Washini;t..r, Feb. 24. The i.ime of the aenato today was divided between ihe Swayne impeachment trial and a unit ion of Senator IlcvcridRe to r.p point eonf-rec, on the joint sda'chnod bill. In the S.vayna case Messrs. IVrkius, -Clayton and Powers tiritid 'n behalf of the prosecn'.ton and Hi? responded in Swayne'a behalf, leaving Thurston still to speak f t ludee RAHyne pad IV Ariaond and Palmer for the house. The trial will he n'.-uiiied tomoiruw. Senator Mortrau nntanoni.-.eJ the i'p-dii'uteut of co.'iferees on ihc .tatoheod bill and held the flior in op :u sit ion when the renate ndjonrnod. JURY IH MURDER CASE OIS E'GHT WERE FOR CONVICTION ' 'AND r6UH 'FOR ACQUITTAL OF JOHN WAUCH DISMISSED AT 6 O'CLOCK YESTERO AY. Tie- Jury in tri ca- of John Waujrii. cltarii-ti welt muroVr, was nn-)b'".- to rt'Kdi a v, rdic , and was di-Jtmrtr-d yesteida evening a ti j'c'oek by .ludp Duncan. Il'sl t of tie- jurors favored vor.vict ins Wa.:ii of viaiihlin"hter and four fatore.l a(.ti;!iia!. The jury wa-- Oil' 21 hours. Tbe aeeuFO'l will probably he tr'ven ano'her trial at the nCyt term of circuit eour'. The criw itii which Wa;:s;h was cliarced was li kllllcgr of his brother-in-law. Go . Willis, a- V.'iilard last May. Ji:d, Futir.-nj returned to bis home in Marion last uifrht KILLED AT ROCK ISLANO. Davenport. Iowa. Feb. 21. A fail ing elevator in the rock Island arse nal thie affe irtnn bii'd 1-Mward O'Tfud" and injure, ., -..j v.'. Hunt 'fend Auan-i Ahci. Tliej were w,rk ; io u ia 'lie cun larriaae i: par'tm-a'. I JUDGE DUNNE WINS Chicago, V', ii. 2, The ,b n-.rf-ra-ic l.rHiiaries wc re liebi ton ay atrl the rc subs foresaado th.. r.ocninati-in of Jtifco 5dar.-l Dunne as -the caiidiiJaie for wayV.r w-hen tht- conviction is call ed lomorrow. ' COST OF SEWER ' WILL BESMALL Less Than $1 a Lot Each Year for Twenty Years . COMMFjjciAL AVENUE PROPERTY OWNER3 WILL BE ASKED TO ATTEND MEETING , AND EXPRESS VIEWS AND - WISHES. Pur?:u!)H t6 caii. th'- coir.niitteo if tw-'iily of the Or n:c r Cairo Assxia ton JJicr lasi Jt'lit at the offie-i of Sir. C.R.. Stuart of the Ateivhant'sT.oatr-.t'o for-, the pnrposf of outlining a phut with' a ivlew' to helping the 'city coun cil ; in. the U'sltar of 'rpaking the ira. prove.Tt, r.fb (oii'Cinplaled and ap: proved by the ciUzons at a meeting at K. M. K.-C. hall Febr'nary it).' Chair man .Geo r PaiNcnn 'presided and M", V. It. h'tuart ;cn:d aa secriiary hi fh abhonee f rfwtre.ary (irvaucy. The ftret. busiTiiss transacted war tite ,-ii.lyCtt'Jtl d' Jjr. tletu'j'.e J. Hooker to 'till The tscnucy on ihe M;niH't",:e ea::.-ed, by. the death ,f .f(l;.n j p ier. . Cbairnefrf Oeore Parson? uf the An Mocintion BS-kcd for talks relative t; tho- mattp-r under c: n.dderatie.n and .liidivVSJ. l?c-wcy was :ho first t,, re spond'. He thought that the first thlnR to be considered was tin; matter of a main , outlet sewer, such as was pro posed on Washington avenue from Thin 5 -lift b to'- S.srmtl sUee s. thence to an otitlcf -point in.o ih1 rifcr. Ho said tbw nndcr the l,vv a drainage dislrict, oC'tih! Le ttnhl'$lie! --mbra-, inff irlmiisr ihcurira c ty ami that all Pi'peciy In K-tcli tl 1st riot oarid be' tax ed cumiliy' to pay for the building of rftieh 'a Vw-r. The payntcatr. could !.,' 'divided fijtn twenty installments if e.cottssaijr. y ISeforo.nwkttiir h's talk 3v'3gn Dewey e .-.v-',(!' f5 ;. a ' ca n i.ti.'-cc.-oi.-!'. joe. .ii - aitpominj from tno oonim ,t"o of t wvu'y to uet In coaji'nct'on with -ft noaititine! from t he o'ty council to in vptia' oad ascertain the most: f ?a s iiile meaua of aw.-uriite Ihe j-ewer. The 4iil-(!ou';ti'iitee fnmi 'lo committee of twenty to b: instructed to report, from titn,.' Utite what prmrei.j 'hy we,T makimr : (.a,. .) le.i .Fr-lk Ciilert. favored .Tikx llewt y'a me.-hni and lie said it rcn.aitivd with tb c'ty eainri! to o" pmfeo the draimi-'rn dis: riot, 'trfcr -i!ie committte submitted its report. The question of empowering the commitie , with tho r g'.it to spend money 'n makinfr i.'s invest 1Unf was broiiuM nn a:;d opposed by some of 1 he eommh termor.. Mr Charbs raid nothing could !" accomplished unless s ome n-.-tiey was spent. llr believed in IdiicK en?::leert. to decide iiih.ii wba sia'a.'lu he ijono and not waste o miteh time or.'.',auiinK and appoint tig corn mil ee.,. Hi' believed the cOy council Kiioald pv the nimb' rs of tliat body i the eoMuiiitee att'ho-ity to spend lie necessary money itt getting the in d-:.'-ired. The nu -slio'i aro?e H' to what i'eps HI.lii! 1 horessarv toors;anizo drain- Fa.rict. .Tmitre IVwej t,tatod tha' driiitiase commisslcm rs as would .-u ! mm w re u)ioii appo;tltr I by hv the the on coy ei amd. a. an .Mli Noft did n d bell-vo the r a prifiica! pl;?:i and he nu'! e.eV.eiS on th.. ct iss : tr are-; . Me .said a fail of frrtyfiv" .-i w,.;ii.J be iec.--.-aii.. ni pro)t t dy drain i he f.iiy as lifOPO"'-!. M . 1-1 , -V. siitilili tim-iyiH Mr. N'eff's t , ;. ;x would . 10 Ce.-,i iOie H ptoflp Bt vei-i s. tn oi'ji. I diirf5r h'trb watt r nu the t Uf . iheiiKht. the man t-cwer was ,niy proper way. Tie ote;! ef. such wer'w.mU be n itldiur like w'ih' some l'ef.;df exfieeted and accord ;nt, !.. rneita rfliaaitO.-J "VOakl fiVCT.l-C much b'sj than $1 a lot, each year f. iv enlv veat-s on an CaIH. tt'iiturc of ? I on. (m(. Mayor Wint'-r approver the main ..,v.ver dea. T!r- b-di, ved ii. Hiving the ftniimititif .. or t-i pm!i! r.ece;:-ary ui;.pev in ascertaining its fasibli y. .Ttidsre Pcwcv nolnied out th fact that if the work was carried to compl lion.' which it probably would bo, the money spent by the fo.nmit. ee would l..rhnrrr.-1 in the cos: of th.O S-3WOT and -would be refunded. Alderman Wood believed the city council sbattM have estimar-.s and nlattR rarfectol -within th rty days tim' if proper action was -ahem ia l mo tor. Mr. .lo'tin S. Ai.tborne mad-- a tno- t on tha' th,. rtcre'iry of the a;-;-.ocia lion la- instructed to fend invitations :o every properly ownnr on v"-aaime rial avenue- from Second to Thin; feiiot'i sir et ; to a'er;d a rm e m? at K. M. K. C. hall. tlae be fjccid"l later, nd . ).! -. ti.e:r v -ws to thi as.--.K-..tii ti -ii.- pn.( .- ay- k it... -o - that. ih,io'!2!,f.ire. Kvesy (,i: a.'ned thai nci a m '"t inc; was ihe pr'iper thin? and that i nai nects ar;' to t-et jli.t po.iticn of bo or' p r .y owner" before lie work cnuM be rom.Tivnr-ed. I' was also acre ! that once Com a. ere a avetrie w8 improved it would lie little troublai TRIED TO KILL THE PRESIDENT REVOLUTIONISTS MAKE AT TEMPT ON LIFE OF SAN DO MINGO'S RULER, ASSAILANTS FAIL AND ARE LOCKED UP. Washington, Feb. 21.' lnltcd' Siato.3 Minister liawion aSan rioiiiitu'.o City has cabled the tstato department that an attemp. was made th-'te io a.tsi.a sinate Pre- ident Moralt a; but ihat: the attempt failed; an4 ifeat live of bi.s. at sa'lianu wcra captm-cd and tito re mainder escaped. Th i affair is sup posed to have ?rown out of the fit- mn- on the part of the revolnt onary lement at Han Dominso to pr-vent eonsummniion of the tioaaclal agree- raent with the United S'.atcii. to get, prop.T'y owners . am .otnei streets to follow fh? Sample, - ... Some pcneral discussion followed afte which ' Chalirmati', " I'ai'-'ons ap pointed Judge W. S. lVwcy, Mr. Wil bur Th rtiewood and Mr. E. A. Sinilh o composa the committee to act with the commit tie from, the council, and the mooring adjourned. ; LL1IS FARMERS WITH ROOSEVELT GRAIN DEALERS' ASSOCIATION ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS EN DORSING HIS POSITION ON RAILWAY REBATES. , liloouiingtcn.. Id.,", Fob. 21. Th.5 Farmers' Grain Dealer- asttodaticn of Illinois today adopted a'reaoluti:i en- iters in: iTeslitent tiooneveo in ni ei- forts to regulate railroad,, rat-w and pledged him Kitppttrt; depiorad'' the alleged dilatory ac ion cf the -UnV.t t Etauei senate' petitioned .the'- pros:-' a Uvea to control and operate rail roads to the end Ilia.', a great public fptaii y may be brought to serve Kttit Udy dh itHorcits of the , hob people. It. '.va idei.idcd to send a com mi ft CO t .,. the legislature at Spr'.ngflcbl to wr.rk for. !e?h.;!aiion In the intorost i ef the asKoeiation, WASHINGTON TAKING ON GALA DAY ATTIRE FOR THE COMING CEREMONIES AND REVIEW STANDS LINE AVENUE. Washington, Feb. 21. Washington baa begun to assume holiday attire in honor of 'he approaching inaugural CA'tvraonics. Flags and bunting are i,e't,g flung from the front of build ing-, especially along the historic. Pennsylvania, avenue, over which th ; parade' Is to pass. The reviewing stands tire rapidly rising tilong the atctiue covering the ontito lino of march from Seventeenth street to ihe Capitol. INDIANS THREATENED TO MASSACRE WHOLC TOWN. C.nthrie, O. T.. Feb. 21 A hundred Cheyenne Indians from Selling, west cm Oklahoma, marched, upon the 'own of Talopa, today and threatened to massacre all the inhabit ants of the town, but were finally induced to r turn to their reservation The cause 't tho trouble was ihe killing of nn Indian by a depu y aherlfT. ' YOUNG WHITE EOY TESTED GUN ON AGED NEGRO. Frank Lohon,e, of Carml, III.,' Mortally Wounds Lee Bush. Carmi, II!., Feb. 21 Frame Ixihone, while, aped. 19, shot and mortally wounded Lee Hush, an ns"l ctiorc l man today. Lohone had a new gun snd wild ho wanted io test it on a negro. "kTlled in bed. Homer, Mich.. Feb. 21 I. Hardy and wif- were found bod tonight. Each had lam tho head find under the to art. rat is M. dead in shot in Police ace worttine en the theory of murder. ni; on the DR. HARPER WILL RECOVER. Chicago. Feb. 21. Tonight tho phy xicians io chsree of Fr. I lamer Usnc! a bulletin 83 tag bat his cond'i'on U 1 excellent iel that be wil recu.-r ! frotn th ho a"ri- of the operation. FOUGHT TO A DRAW. Pleiad, and Eld; c':sf", fou night. ohia. Feb. 24. Abo A' ie',1 liarion. both of San Fran ,bt a s;s round draw here io- PREPARING FOR THE INAUGURAL FATHER AND SON KILL THEMSELVES Former Ends Life V ith Poison and Son Hanged Himself TRAGEDY AT. MACON SON AFFECTED DY FATHER'S TRAGIC END SNUFFED OUT HIS LIFE IN THE SAME SPOT. . Macon, 111., Fob. 21. d .'iblo ra;, edy occurred here today, i. 11. Hull, i farmer, killed himself by Liking: poiron. Hi:i body wa found in tin larn and wait taken inltv u huuso lua son, t;i nton, 21 years of1, was bo atfoctd by .'the occurrt imo, that iu. went to tho barn and hangad him self. - . - "-, ; Ko reason is known ft r. the father's so! nde. He had recently sold his farm and had planned to move to IV ca' ttr. - '.' . " - MEXICANS MAKE WAR ON YAOUI S GOVERNMENT PUNISHING THE MURDEROUS REDSKINS WHO KILLED AMERICANS MANY EXECUTED 200 TAKEN PRIS ONERS." Washington,. Feb. 24. t'oiifcul Oen eral Hanna ha?! telegraphed tha state department frost Monterey 'hat tic Mexican govwnmont has been puniah inj( Yaqut Indians who recently mtir- dwod several prominent American in Son: ra and that over tworty Ya- ipi'a had botn killed and nro 20ft havw been taken prit,oaers. , than ENDORSES SPEECH " OF ROOSEVELT GOV WARFIELD SAYS SOUTH AC CEPTS IT AS DETERMINATION TO AID IN MAINTAINING PRESENT RELATIONS. New York, Feb. 24. In the course of a Bpeiclt at the annual dinner of the Maryland hoc! ty of New York to night Gov. Warfieb! of Maryland com mended tho speooh of President Roosevelt on the negro problem made at the Lnedn day dinner in ihbs city. He said ilic pcipie of tho sou h Interpreted the jirciddcnt's remark "as nn earnest (let o-m in at Urn to ail in maintaining the lolaMong now (ircvalling in the kcuiIi and whlcii wore fas', bring acc ptod throughout ho land as the proper relaMims to ex Bt between tho racr iu every sec tion of the country." Gov. Warlield dorian d that had Lincoln been spared he "would never have approved the racial recount nic. lion plan forced on the sowth by Thad deus Stephens and his partisan sup porters." Ho pronounced the t-nfranchisimien, f 'ho noro aa the "grea ejt, political blunder in tho history ef tho world." FAR BEHIND PRUSSIA Railway Accidents Three Times Greet In This Country. as Berlin. Feb. 21 General Von Fudde, I'nisian minister of state and public works, in (he bndg f coram ; tee of dirt today made a comparison bet wo n railway aec'dml.s in the United S ates and Prussia, f.howtrg that derailments were three time.; nure ft 'Cjueut in tie United States and collisions three and a half times, while the number of per sons killed or wounded is 1h rty six imcs greater. DECLARED INSANE. Young Secrei Service Officer Loses His Mind and Attacks Strangers Chicago. Fab. 24. Leslie Fnlie-r. 2" i years old. and a trusted -:i)a;o the Secret Investigation" H-tlntH ol j the D 'pariment of .Ini"eo a: Wasii r.c-i ton, hat- been declareal in-ane !y tiej City physician, Ttbl. and his bei ti j sen' home to IV s Riaids. Mien. Fa! i ler .h .,1 ,..,. !- 'ti,.. Indian T. rrporv nn offir-i.t! taminefl: and WJls ' " VVA i:i to asbins'on. He was arr. 1 after ho had street. attacked -a man ht re on ;fu MAKES FAVORABLE REPORT Washington. F b. 24. eridgo has tepnrtod favc coaimitfro on Tti Rietrich' bill, creating board for Alaaka. r B tv aai th? the ral ly fr government MUST GO AFTER THE ARMOR TRUST Secretary Mccdy Asked Why He Doesn't Take Action PROOF OF COMBINATION BETWEEN CARNEGIE AND BETH' LEHEM COMPANIES SET FORTH BY CONGRESS- MAN VANDIVER. . .Washington, Fob. 21.-Representa-, tlve Vundivcr ; t Missouri, introduced a r. sola h n ,' ashing the attorney general to inform the house whether , criminal or civil proceedings had boon Instituted 'against the armor plate, trust and if not w hy not. Also asking tho attorney general what steps had been taken by hi in to de termine whether or not the armor plale trusts should he prosecuted for violation of the United States anti trust laWH. . , .'' : - The preamble to the resolttMon re cites, that on September :, Iftttl, th a t.rney goiioral was pftiHoneil to in stitute civil ami criminal proceedings againsst th, Carnegie ami th- Kcthb1 bem Kt(el jomjianiea us combining and constituting what the petition al legetl was an tirmor plain.-. trust for conirollinst the price of armor pla o and that, there was filed with thn nt tortiey gent'rnl nnd president a state ment of facts and evidence sdiowhtg a conspiracy whereby trade nn( com in armor plate had boon m litilMiUed and the armor plata trust ma bp a to sell many thousand ton4 of armor plate to, the United States government at prices ranging from $1.50 t, $r,.2d per ton after tho duly Rppoiutot) board of expert naval con stfuetorg had reported tthat the actual cost of the armor did not exceed 1.97 per tea, the preamble then reviews in . alleged agreement between thQ Carnegie and Itethlehera companies aa to prieea and division of contracts af thd" feoyenmont between,... them, solves nni ii re vent ion of free and cpen competition in lids for t armor plate. In spile of nccumulatlro cvidenco of u conspiracy in restraint of trade, the preamble said, tho secretary of the navy awarded contract to those, two, companion at 14.511 per ton when an independent compary outside of tha trnst offered to furnish exactly the fano armor for $;i.!8 per ton. Thus, tho preamble nid, Increasing the cost ti the government $."5 per ton In order to favor tho trust ant! "indicating che powerful influence which lie aforesaid armor plate trust' has acquired over the government and officials of the United States." WANTS BIG SOM APPROPRIATED SENATOR PLANS .TO HOLD EXPO SITION AT JAMESTOWN TO CELEBRATE FIRST SETTLE MENT OF THE ENGLISH HERE. Washington, Feb. 2t Senator Dan iel has introduced a bill to provide for celchraCHg the firs', permanent settle nun of the English speaking people in America by holding an exposition in the vicinity of Jamestown and ap proprlating $i;r,ii,0in) for the expos! tion. NELSON POSTS HIS FORFEIT. Place $1,500 With Harry Corbett ta Bind Fight With Brttt, San Francisco. Feb. 21. Kelson has placed $1." o in the hands of Har ry Corlett to guarantee his appear tnce in ;he ring to meet P.ritt early in March. This money will also go as a forfeit In case tho "lidtticr" fails tr make vh stipulate,! wcishf of 132 "iHinds on the day of the fight. N ds' n wanted to make it catch wecchts. but Frltt, who feeds that the Hatte is having a har.I.tinie tak- i tng on nests, held out ft. tithe lo in tch. and Nelson acqmi lid Thi ' two men have atre-1 .o split the j purse on a 7 and 23 per cent basis. I the referee to be chosen five days be j fore the date of Parle, j Brirt wanted ' Eddie Granny., but I Nelson's manager did not seem In cline'! to accept tne time macissmun. ' aUbettch when he lime roll around t betO is little doul) that Granty will be chosen a? referee. WAS WITH WM. A. SEWARD. Rochester. N. Y.. Feb. ' 21 Fred- rick A. Whiiflesey. h was a judge cf the suave coon tinder Wm. H. Sew ard. U dead. 8S"d ?T. H ? wa. aa ir,i mato friend of Peere'arjr of ? a e Hsr sno some years ag-3 tsr-nf conquer- 8bie time abrcad wi'h. him.