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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATUkrAY; MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1905. 91 1 3 J V .1 WOU want a position? It costs you nothing to put an "ad" in the want column of The Bulletin and you get a job. Do it now. Stocks Bonds Cereals THE PEOPLE'S, COLUMN. Ritr For ClatiilW Notices. IiiTbe Cairo Bulletin and Evening News. luserlloA pr word -.... '01 v. ree iiisi-rtJou dp' word............... .01 l-l One week per word ........ .... .06 On month per word.... ...... ,16 All mutter aet In Nonpareil trpe. No ailvortiwinent iuaartad for lMl than wnty-ll cents. OSTEOPATHY. Doctor Smith, Gilbert Block' FEMALE HELP WANTED. Experienced cashier and saleslady with (focl references wanted. Address '(';," this ollice. AUCTION SALE. Auction Bale Of p -rsomil property, oons ist i g of saw nil 1, engine, separator, teuni of futile, stock cuttle, milk cows, liogs. tunii iniplimeiitA, ale, at t lie late residence of f frt elevens, near Willaril, Alexander t'ouii ty, 111., Weduexlay, March 1st, WANTED... Wanted 5,030 Jfen'sOld Hats Will rejuven ate litem over o -quul new; work practical am! guaranteed, prices low. w York it tern. Both lhonen. Uncle Joe's Hotel. Waniert To buy three or more connecting 1 ih in Park district. Answer with li cation, desjription and price, to H, cars Bulletin. Lp WANTED Canvassers Wanted Will pay libtral com mission. Address D ii. Ross, 218 Kleventli ot. MALE HELP WANTED. want id 'itanatar lor branch office we w'sli to laouie. here in t.airo. Aidres, with reicr ciici s, The naoir s V. lulo ule House, I iiicin naii. Ohio. MAIL ORDERS. We st art yon tn the mall order business. Full prrticnlari mid sampl. free. American Special igencv, Milwaukee, Wis. FOR RENT. For Rent A su'te of offices three rooms front part, isceond story, Opsin House IIf;k. t-aiu heated and janittr seivioe. ( nil at t'ity National Hunk. J, S. .VUlhorpe, Agent. Kor Rent Furnished rooms, with bath, for one or two. 420 ftiglitfl Btiuet. NERVOUS FEELING IK W H EAT PIT VOLUME OF BUSINESS WAS MODERATE STRENGTH IN CORN WAS A POTENT FAC TOR IN WHEAT BOTH CLOS ED HIGHER. or Kent fiirnifhe d room on Twenty-ti ft !i street, near sycamore, for one or two persons. Address Bulletin. SITUATIONS WANTED. ""ree Announcement of Thoe Not Employed, Who Desire Positions. AdTertsements of not eiceedlni three lines sill be accepted free lor one week's time from any reader of The Hulletiu to lie tiled by at vertiserra person, on regular form, at the of tlce of The Bulletin fliniipttuy, 703 Ohio .evee 1'he Bulletin Oompairy assumes no rcs;ionni bility for any advertisement or statement uiarie therein and will not accept the tioticu of anc pe.aoa known to be employed. Innuiries and replies to advertisements thculd be made by maii. Wanted A practical baker w'tb 4Riit yeart. experience wants work. Reference given. Address -11-1" liullttiu. , BOTTO'S BOWLING ALLEY 211 SEVENTH STREET. Will be open to the public January 6." The alleys have been dressed down. A new lot of balls and pins put in and oilier improvements made which makes it the best appointed place of its kind in this section. 5. THISTLEWOOD & CO. j Dealers jn Grain, Hay., Etc.. Black and White Seed Oats 3 a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 0) i 1303 OHIO STREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, g mm, STARTING OUT r fez ' 13 n 13 right is a great aid to the young H man. An act lie will never regret is ft the opening of a bank account. It will - a J9 M teach him the care ana power or money The Enterprise Savings Bank invites young men to become deposi- i tors. And to induce them to take this jj wise step it will open an account with jjj One Dollar. H We pay 3 per cent. Interest. 609 Ohio Street, - Cairo, Illinois, Assets Over One Million Dollars. DR. JOCELYN All dental work fc Jow est prices on gold and nilver tniings, gold crowns, bridge worn rtiflcial teth, etc. Treatment of teeth for chfldrena rpccialtv. All work guaranteed. Office hours 9 to 121 to 4. ovtR MY xotiMiN 702 COMMERCIAL AVE., CAIRO, ILL. mum 7 i- tt- "1 y . i-, V -:a THE GREAT Hrn vt.i MAJESTIC RANGE IS THE BEST Woodward Hardware Company Cairo City Transfer Line f?!ceesoT to Stolti ti Waiter. J. U. KEir.CE, Proprietor. All kind of bauling done pnmptly. Bttb phones 133. 1111 Washington Avenuo Cairo ------- Illinois CAIRO RESTAURANT and Confectionery. Open day and Night. Crt & Rude. Preps, 331! Sycamore Ch'-cago, Feb. 24. WHEAT The volatile of Imsinesa was attain mod- prate, anil while price chansfs were r.r.t large the fooling was oue of ner vousness. The strength in corn wait a potent factor in wheat. Support was accorded iMay by the bull party whenever support was needed, while Ions May came out In lols to suit on all hard spots. The market was based wholly on the tightness and ab normal congeion .shown in May. The concensus of opinion in the wheat trade is that the head of the long Interest will be felt in the July later on, u one if the features of to tluy'K market, was the buying of July, and the Helling of May by houses known i-:o be holders of May. News from India was still const rued as bearislu Sales mainly lower. Heavy shipments irom Argentina was an early bear factor. The close showed prices (&Vi higher. CORN Active demand from sv eral prominent bulls and good buying by cash houses s urte.l a sharp ad vance in this market. Alarmed at the appearance of the urgent demand, shorts endeavored to cover, but offer ings being ev'remely small, the ef fort served only to force the prices still higher. Large clearances at sea board was a factor that, received most of the attention. The market opened easier on lower cables, but, heavy pur chases by a recognized leader of ihe bulls precipitated active inquiry from shorts. As the session advanced the volume of trading Increased. Prices ros steadily, the marked closed prac tically at the top with gains of ffj1. OATS Oats advanced StVa and closed at the top. There was a fair Made and less pressure to sell until top prices were reached when long.j aecepltd profits. Buying was scaUo-. e.l and md significant until near the close, when It became more genera'. Country acceptances liberal. Receipts and shipments. Chicago. Feb. 24. Following were ihe receipts and shipments in carlorv! lots from i'his market today; Flour 33 0011 41,000 Wheal ,. 21,0110 :!(i.00() Corn 20,000 270,000 Oats 38,000 230,000 Reported by the Cassidy Commission Company, 409'a Ohio Street GRAINS AND PROVISIONS. . Chicago. Feb. 21. The following was the range of fhe leading future on the board of trade today: High Low , Feb. eloains: 21 Feb. H3 WIIKAT- May 118T- US' 118 US'i July 102 1S1 101 J01-'k CORN May 47 4; 47 40. July 48 47 4S 47 OATS May 31 nn-; 31 20 July 31 30 31 30v4 THE CASH MARKET. St. Louis, Feb. 24. The following r.pot prices ruled here today for vari ous grains mentioned: , No. 2 red winter wheat, I.17V'-W 1.18. No. 3 red winter wheat, $1.10fi 1.10. No. 2 white com, 4i;Vi- No. 2 mixed corn, 40. No. 3 white er,rn, ACVS. No. 3 mixed corn, 43 No. 2 white oats, 33. No. 2 niixeU oats,. 32. No. 3 white oaH, 32. No. 3 mixed oat a, 31(fi32. LOCAL GRAIN MARKETS. Cash prices in the Cairo market yoserday were as follows: No. 2 red winter wheat, $1.10. No. 3" red winter wheat, $1.08. No. 2 white corn. 47. No. 2 mixed corn, 47. Nr. 3 white corn, 47. No. 3 mixed corn, 40. No. 2 white oats, 33. No. 2 mixed oats, 32. No. 3 white oats, 32. ; No. 3 mixed oats, 32. t Minneapolis. Cereals. Minneapolis, ' FJ. '- 21. WHEAT May, $1.13; July, $1.14. Cash No. 1 hard. $1.17; Ko. 2 northern. $1.11; No. 1 northern, $1.15. Liverpool Quotations. Uevropool, Feb. 24. CORN Spot steady; American mixed,- new, 4s 1J; eld. 4s lld. NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. New York. Feb. 24.VHEAT Re ceipts, 11,000; spot steady; No. 3 rei nominal elevator; No. 2 red, $1.23 4 f. o. b. afloat; options closed net highpr: May, $1.17. CORN Receip a, 112,000; exports, 174,000; spof., firm; No. 2. 57 eleva tor and 5411 f- o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 54; No. 2 white, 54 si. Op tions closed net higher. May, ri ' t ' OATS Rece'pts, 112,000; exports, 700. Spot, (piiet ; mixed, :i7ff-3S; clip pod white. 38 ft 41; white, 38 28. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Feb. 24. CATTLE There was a fair average of "Friday supply, demand good; prices aliout steady. Caitle now coming to the market In liberal numbers, but prieei fc;r the general run are nc. g.-eatly different, from a week tir;o. Tho liendoucy. however, lets been downward much of tho time and com mon light weight dressed beef steers are sellins as low as three dollar1!. Cows and heifers have len pl'iri very well. Mockers and feeders trade active at r's'nig prices. HOGS Prices on lwu r.n'le. to day's sales slow at erduction of i'&lO from yesterday d best, time. SHEEP There was n go. jd demand from most classes of buyers, prices ruling s'eady. At St. Louis. St. 1 on is. Feb. 23. CATTLE Cat tle receipts, 2,0o0; market steady to strong. Heef steers. 43.0Oifl5.0fi: stoekers and feeders. $:!.00?i)4.23: cows and heifers, $2.23i'1.35: Testis steers-, $3.0(iif( 4.7. HOGS Receipts. 5.000: marker steady to easy; range $3,7S(?f3.00. STOCKS ffl SLUMP W W r j- .,i , , ,, . . - . . i . . t . 4. t v W i ; " ' li to. command; li OF WEDNESDAY MAPKET ASSUM! ED SETTLtJ ASPLCT NEW YCflli A.'D THE ILL-INCd? CEN TRAL FEATUKES. Provision Market. IH'TTEfl Steady; unchanged. CHEESE Strong; range 9il3. WiGb Barely steady; western 29 S 20. EGOS Steady ; unchanged. COFFEE Options closed very firm with prices finally steady a', n tifi'. advance of rq 13 points. S;iles, 155, con, bags. March, $i.45fi'.i.f.i). Spot Rio, cpiiet; No. 7 invoice, ; mild, quiet; Cordova, 10TH3. Sl'GAK Raw strong; fair refiryiu. 4 0-li;?; Centrifugal, 90 test. 3 1-10 : molasses sugar, I 5-10'; ro Cned, firm. nahlcs skin will be soft, fair and smooth if you give them Hoillstlpr's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. It regulates the stomach and bowels. It makes the little ones sleep and grow. 35 cents. Paul G. Schuh & Son. SUNDAY BASE BALL BARRED Indiana House Votes Down BUI In Favor of the National Game. Iiid'anapolis, Intl., Feb. 24. The Ir diana house today defeated the bill to allow Sunday basa ball games by a vote of 41 to 48. Regulates the stomach, and bowels, heals and soothes the little ones' stomachs and Rives them a healthful and natural sleep. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Is tho children's bene factor. 23 rents. Paul G. Schuh & Son. Read the Caiio Bulletin for newn of the surrounding country. B--PIES--C R ALL KINDS A New York, Feb. 24 The s'oelc market was more net led today nt.' there was a rfumptIoa of strength. Aetii hv reverted ery largely to tho railroad li t t,nd the h'gh s -ade of Blocks wafj most prtdiiinent in thei troi'.itig and iieiped t 'eassure the sentiment. d'';'Mrbd by yeslrdijy's se-jsational flucluaMonp. New York Central was a lead'ng a feature and Us advance of over seven IKiinls was made on much larger trans actions than are usual, in that stock. Tho principal operations were at tributed to tho same sources us the recent, campaign in Ontario and West ern. This led to revival of former ru mor that the recently acquired control by the New York, New Haven and Han ford of Ontario and Western was to be transferred to or shared by the New York Central. The movement, in other eastern railroad sloekn was largely sympathetic. Tnion Pac'flc recovered vigorously from Its rather sharp break lute yesterday to record a price nt $1.3ii. This was another sympathetic influence of a wide ef feet In tho market. The Illinois Central was the leader in a M'tuhern group. Buying of the stock had no other explanation than a general consideration of its relative pr'eo level. Amalgamated copper seemed rv be helped by the extra dividend declared yo:jlerday tn the stock of uu import, ant Independent copper company,. The Gould group was helped by the Very large over-subscription for the $25, 000.000 Missouri Pacific bonds which were offered today. The subscripitons were over eight limes the amount, of th? This evidence, which Is coitoIk raiive of many others of the abundance of cap'tal seeking invest ment marks, the real sustaining fac tor in 'he present extraordinary mar ket. . Thj unmistakably firmer tone of the money market seems to be attributable, to credit requirements of ibis kind rather than to any decline (n the bank reserves. The upward movement spread rapidly toward he last and prices were curried to a buoy, ant cltHlng. is i . - f a si . tho tisp fif mernrv in tno.'n at a r1ict9nt; it ' 5 V -LJ' ' - . jv-. ' 'necessary u retain itie services oi nil; CITY NATIONAL II BANK 6o9 Ohio Street, Cairo, Illinois. V tV'V'"!!; Kii ' t ... . 1$m&&m rt has a laV' 15st of correspoudtols and aV;T.t:".n Z- . .'as fiw ST5Znt"lWV connections at tuc leaning rommerciai- ft ratipP enters and ksrt Diufts, Ulieu ot Crcr!-itJ rti- r.' it.ftc-, fur hu-U lUe charges are reason- St - TS, -OiuT j.VT1.?,' ... .... ,s-l ;t Jjiai r dm a. - . Business , turn 5.n,V clitL us on Uiis mi '"nvruient for- sHr.liv , v.c 5. mi n- t"-.,t j v . 3, ( s Capita? an.t Surplus 375, f ' f 9 a f 9 9 9 9, f 9.9 S .f a.. a a a - ' s'-a ooo.oo. CASSIDY COMMISSION COMPANY; OHIO STTCEI BCTH PHONEa, Pit fAGfl-OHAIliI AND wiuunuw stOVI4IONS -JIEWYCRK-ST??.": Tho lowest niarclns In dollars bn qtmniltlea w deal la rr' Wheat, Com, Oat 1.000 bu. 1c per Uu ...$10.00 Pork, fiO bbH., 21 c per bbl 10 0O Lard. 60 Tierces, 61c per Tiorca ..... i KM Ribs. 10,000 !bs.. 25c par 100 Ibi 25.00 Stock, 10 shares, 51 CO per share , JQ00 Comn. 25 baloa, $1.00 rer lukj 25.0c Cnstomera can place more li'utn ore ruatrj-'lp jf thy dBlrn. The Rtove omtnooit'eB lundted 1or cash or on inarnn, at the option of tils cuBiomer. ; t ; LET US BE YOUR BROKER n aa---aa-a-- mmmimmm 9 a V . a a- HickorjjStovefood We run two watgons, triakopramptdeUv. rial, i Clark'Danicrlh Handle Co. The only plcc In to rn where you can gt l a.l Ulokory Wood.Two borse wagon load I1.6 J BLL PHONE, 23C WeL 21t! St.i M. & O. llv. New York Store MLRCANllLB COMVAW, Reported by the Cassidy Commission I Company, 409' Ohio Street. STOCKS. I New Ytirk, Fah. 21 The following 1 was the tango of prices on the New j Xork Slock exchange today: I E A D Union Bakerv K E S J. r Ko!b. Prop. t Mn 1 .ifl.l Si m a mist mi. 4 ni '14 i i Ottxjf REMEMBER j US FOR t COMFORTS X BLANKETS t a m n X a .1 as i UNDERWKAR J I A. M. Spence & Co. t 2023 Washington Avenne. X s " j 1 --'-Ti BW i i There Are So many reasons why you should send us your laundry that there la not room enough in a little advertise ment to tell them all. One reason Is that we are modem. We keep pace with the now Ideas and new conditions. As fast as any thing better than we have is inreid ed we secure it. We mend your clothes and sew on buttons, and put on new neck bands free of charge. American Steam Laundry 203 Eighth St. Both Pbones 103. L. C. Herbert - - - Proprietor Atchison. ... SS X8 S0"4 R & O Hi 103 100 n. r. T f.3-v, !, ::4 C. & 0 51 "0xi 51 Erie IK 45 41 111. Central. . .101 1 10t U A; N l-X I . !...( 1V2 d'tr.'i . .. . . .t?1 I r.. . . ,.in s. k v: M o & sr.", Prnn. ... ...! ' Kiudld?. . . . 95 l1lei.n Ffh it Kfb 1R i Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugafr,Plnln iind Fancy Groceries snJ General MerchandisCa i- Uoek l.j'and.. 2j ,k Ft. Paul. ...17! Sou. Iac. IT!--, l'v; '..i v; .t r.l y, i3o r,i 177 li, 179 00 07 89 : I 103 j 5'M I irj v . "..I U'l ' 1 -Mi ' 9 1 14 I r.i " ; !0"i I Wholesale and Retail Corner !9th Sireet and Commercial Avenge (0i4t ANNA LAKE HAV4NFS. 05 45 17 M 3H 25 20 130 .105 47 Tex. Pac. ... 38 Sou. Ry 30 I'll. Pac. ...MO Wabash, pref. 47 47 Industrials Col F. & I. . . 53 52i r,V Am. Copper.. 77 73' Poop. ! Gas ...KiS. 107 10S Arr. Ftigsr. . .144 111 11'. Ten. C, & I... r4 !3 02 V. S. steel... 31 :!t ::4', .' Do., prcf... 05 01 01 Sales at noon today, 514,500. 31 1 , 177, 08 37 55 :0;0 E: R j E'S 4 0 130 40 107 14 1'i 01 9 I f on. COTTON. New York. Feb. 24. The range In ih leading futures for the day was as follows: March 7.30 7.23 7.31 7.31 May 7.44 .7.35 7.47 7.34 July. - ... ... 7.49 7.39 7.47 7.3? GOVERNMENT BONDS. To lay Tuesday RflfnndlngS'irppistered. 104' KernjNUnR 2'e coupon. Regtstvrel 3'a Coupon 3's New 4'i registered . . . New 4 coupon Old Vt registered Old 4's coupon 104' 104 132 132 10.1 105,' 104 io;s iai 103 131 131 105X 1064 Money Quotations. New York, Feb. 24. Money on call firm, 2i3 per cent; closing hid 2. off-rqd 2. Time loans i lightly, firm er, six'-. Iniety days, three per centj six months, 3 . Prime paper, 3?? i per cent. Exchange weak, closing steady, demand, 4.SC.83'fi 4.S0.!)"; sity lays, f4.S4.60 $4.84X3. Bar silver, 60. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL Choice Bailer, Hams, lirealdaU Kacon, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fine Canned' Goods, Etc. Sreclal Attention to City Trade. Prompt Delivery Guu aatetd 1 OHIO TRECT. , CTH PHOHtlNO. ,163. ; " P. T. LANGAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ILUMBER paint and oils. Mill wort ap"-- iait.r. ( Dm of tow ft orus fl tt-l ami wlU rweiw ooreroB., 1 and persona) attention. otu mrrrlal aveoua. bHweea Ism h and Twelfth atrfata. . CAIRO - ILLINOB. ? 444aaa4p4rra4 JOHN HAFFLY, BUTCHER. Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Sau sage, Etc 907 Washington avenue. Both phones No. 265 HAVE NO FEAR Moeriein's "Barbarossa" ISTMC BCEH. m "The Only Corn Cure" DAVIDSON. 223 Eighth Street, Cairo, Illinois. 10 cents. Ey mall 12 cents in stamps. Don't wait until yotir Wool Is lm- : poveri-thed and you are sick snd a! j ir.g, bt.t ake IP'liistrr's Rocky Moun j tain Tea. It will positively drive out 1 all impurities. 05 cents. Tea or Tab j let3. Taul G. Schuh k Son. Smith Brothers THE BIG STORE 1300-8 Washington Avenue T I Gilmore Brothers u (Suocesaort to TSoa. W, Oaasoa) af v- 4w - a llaaiwr? m " fit' ' 1 11 ' -- V 9 "A- " .-- - i ; a.' iJ i9 ,a .f-i f Uttm 4J Z r.itftiff C r5tfsj&si Ral ueaiers in everyimnic im is k-hju to ?at. ni and wear. Exclusive a cents for M.ANKfS Celebrated Coffee. j 1O0I WASHINGTON AVL tttltlalaralllftlCIlaSlsaa?