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ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE Advertise in I CA l The Bulletin The Bulletin I" Cairo' Leading Paper Stauda For Cair and Itt Progres iota VOL XXXVII. NO. 80. CAIRO, ILL., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH JO, 1905. ESTABLISHED IN J 868 KUROPATKIN ASKS AN ARiWIST OYAMA FIGHTING VrH IT T TT Tl IN. ouulid & m m m m mm mm mm J 1L 1 ilJU 10 S MAKES i AGAINST SAYS RUMO EACH LONDON LIKE A DEMON Heavy Japanese Forces Far to the North of Mukden Indicate that Surrender or Destruction is All That is Left for the Czar's Great Army ST. PETERSBURG ENVELOPED IN CLOUD OF IMPENETRABLE GLOOM City is Now Speculating on How Long It Will be Before Kuropatkin's Army Joins Stoessel's Men in Tokio Japs at Fu Pass, a Vital Point ASKS OPINION OF E COURT BITTER ATTACK LORD. ROSEBErtY DISCUSSES HOME RULE FOR IRELAND- FAVORS REFORMS BUT IS AGAINST DUAL GOVERNMENT London, March 10. In the lobby of the house of commons last night (wit rumored that Kuropatkin had asked for an armistice, but the report tould not be traced to any reliable source. Mukden, March if Noon-Japanese this morning bombarded bridge at Fu Pass, oa the Jim river, twelve miles east of Ku'-eifi). ilust'.i n artill fry replied vigorously. The c innon- le lasted an bor.-. Ai prevent the Japanese are making int.. t cm i n. tic atiacka aouth of the Hun r vcr. It Is rumored thev have t: aiii'f .'rrvd thither some of their forces from tho norlawest, In rnfclpaiu.n of a night attack. Russian forces iu ihf district of Tzuanvanche north of Mukden sta tion, rested mHler arms throughout the nlphf. Shortly b.fort dawn a large Japanese force approached tho Zararltser regiment. This regiment allowed the Japanese to approach w'tliin two hundred pacis and then discharge! a volley from their rifle and opened on lliem with quick fire guns, simply mowing down Lie Jap anese, wbo were repulsed. Among prisoners brought in on Wednesday were a cumber . of pri vales iu new uniforms. v.ho were from a recently organized Japanese reserve division. There is reason to be lief another d'vihion is beliis landed In the norihern pari of Korea, for the purpose f making demonstration aRniiiKt Vladivostok. Wednesday there were furious attacks northwest of Mukden against Snniais". Vang ihihtun and I'shuntuu. These attacks were all repulsed. Civilians are streaming northward out of Mukden. ban on Wednesday. Many military df cials are openly speculating as to how long the fragment of tho once treat onny cf Manchuria will lie able o hold the lithe on Hun river and. "f Oyama has actually succeeded In icrfecting his trap, how long it will be before thousands of Russians will he effecting in Japan a junction vlth ! heir Port Arthur comrades whose lurmer failure is written by the Tench-interred corpses at Vafangow Und Ilaiclienz. HOSPITALS ARE CROWDED. St. Petersburg, March lo, J:0r. fl. in. St.. Petersburg this moiling l-nows lit'lo more of the out coin: of tin? ha1 tie at Mukden t.ian it knew Wednesday night and little more of tho fate of Kuropatkin's beaten army.' It is not even knowu whether the railroad has been cut and communica tions destroye d, though it Is believed the rrporcd dcsiructionof the line by Oku's army refers to damage inflict ed Wednesday, which was not serious, though traffic was twice interrupted. It is evident, however, that, ihf Jap anese are pressing closer nits inlis pcnsalile line of retreat. T..o most important, no.vs re ceived from Rin-sUiu sources Is Asso citod Pr.'ss Information lint tho Jap oncse already have readied Hun river. Fu Pass is only twelve miles east of Mukden, and well westward of Linevitch's line of retr -at. Whether tilt cvreme RiikJiu It ft lias already succeeded in rctiiing behind Hun rivrr nnd moving down the north Lank f that to jo n :.anls with Kuropatkin's main forte i not stated; hut it is i.Nlremdy pr.dcibly that unless the Russians are able to ib'fend the croising at Fu Pass, Ron iievikainpft s corps and perhaps addi tional forces will to cut off and have to fliift, for themselves in tho moun tainous region Ji'or'h of Fushnn a;;ains; ,'xped tionary Tones of Jap unese which are , reportod from 'Chin Cic sources to bo racing tov.'ards Tie ras-s. Th s is carnival weH. fteco-ding to the Russian calendar; but thj stern hand of fate has moved t-at lial forward and jjlunged the city Into ln'er gloom and despondency. Pes simism yesterday was even deeper Mukden, March 8. Id a m. Delayed Artillery fire is now being directed from the vicinity of the undent, north ern tombs against the Japanese forces which are crowding to the railway where additional troops are as icnibk'd to meet th'8 contingency. A narrow strip west of tho railroad is literally covered with Koldiers and military accoutrements. The entire south front is now retiring iu con formity with a plan formula-od upon consequences of the day's fighting, and th? Japanese, apprehending the movement, are taeniselvts rush'ng north around the Russian right. Pre ceding the retirement last night heavy firing which extended ujong the entire south front was for the lirst time audible at Mukden through out the entire night and increasing v th the day as it npproacr.ed the west, and r.orth. The evacuation of tho Shiikhe posi tion involved several hundred miles of field and overland railways and I .legraphs, enormous defensive works red cross soppli. s, towns, fuel and for iare stores, the latter of which U was i necessary to burn. Tho military roads covered f00 square miles Smoke of battle oud hres wero every where obscuring the lines, and it is Almost Impossible to longer distin guish the conflagrations. The hos pitals here are crowded. COLORADO LEGISLATIVE CON VENTION WANTS TO KNOW IF THE LEGISLATURE CAN DECLARE THE GOVERNOR SHIP VACANT, Denver. Colo., March P. The J. dot legislative convention has sough' an opinion from the state supreme c'Jtirt on tho question whether it ha.- the power to declare the ofiire of gov ernor vacant and what effect of fcuch action would bo. and tho decis ion of the Poahody-Adanis Miberna torial comtst will t.p deferred tint ! the court's answer is received. Senator Alexander, a member of tli3 contest committee, was a)iowel today t j ame nd his report which fa vored the seating of Lieutenant Gov ernor McDonald as governor, in such a way that If tt should be now adop 'ed by the Joint committee Adams would be legislated out of office. Alexander's amended report de clares that there was no lejal elec Hon for governor hi the state la-i November, but the resolut'on declar ing McDonald "the legal duly quali fied governor of tlw state" Is omit ed and the . following is substituted: "That the action of tho joint asscrob' Iv in declaring Alva Adams ' elected governor be hereby rescinded and re voked,, and that 'a vacancy bo declar ed in the office of governor." I'nder the constitution tho adop tion of tho Alexander resolution would seem to have tho effect of con- t'niiing Peabody in office, his legal successor having not, bean elected. That question, however, will be sub mitted to the supreme court for adju dication before a vote is tak 'n on any of tho reports before the Joint assembly. London, March 9. The question of home rule for Ireland was the prin cipal feature of speech of Ijird Rosebery before. ,the city of ondoii Liberal club tonight. Reseherv sail that while the L'berul pnr.y sympath ized wi:h Ireland, and was willing to proceed along lines of administrative reforms, "there is one thing to which uo wise siatesman ever will expose the country, namely, the curse of a dual government. We have sufficient warning1 in the example of Norway r.ud S 'Jen und Austra ami Hun gary l avoid iLe peiil of having the vulture- gnawinc nt oiir very vi;als." ' l'oifbery Mti-.l that after P.ritish . !;:id been oroVro I from Port A.-tliur by Itussa. and sin' to Vene zuela at the beh st of C.erniany. Uni ons had little further humiliation to expect at tho hands of a liberal gov emmert If a liberal government were called upon to renew the Anglo Jaftanose alliance he had 1 ttle doubt it would sirfn g'udly. - High Official Declares War Must Come Sooner or Later With the British Lion BIC ARMY ALREADY EN ROUTE TO INDIA TROOPS AND MUNITIONS OF WAR HAVE BEEN MOVING TO WARD THE FRONTIER FOR TWO MONTHS t 56 TRAINS OF SOLDIERS. GOES TO Ji - THIS II St. Petersburg, March It. Russia in steadily reinforcing her military strength, both iu men and guns, In the direction of the Indian frontier. Scioatioiial rumors of the dispatch of reinforcements for Russian Turkey stau were current two months ago, bill I hey w ere then denied. The As. ih ciate l Press is now in position to af firm the ir truth on authority of a trav eler of unimpeachable veracity who has just arrived from Tashkeud and who was a personal witness of mili tary activity on tho recently complet ed Orenhtirg-Tashkend and other strategic railroads through M'erv to Krasnovodso. Troops, gumi and muni- i vi. besm moving soulli- iiuimI u 'he t!on CftCAf MAJfciTiC The Create Land oud FINDS GERM OF HAY FEVER. j Professor Makes an Import ant Discovery. German GIRL DEPOSITS 11.700 PENNIES. Sends Ma33 of Coppers to Bank on a Dray to Start Savings Account. Rockford. 111.. March fi.JIne-. GatcF. 'aughter of tho keeper of a small store in the suburbs, deprslio.l with he Rockford National hank at. one ime 11.700 pennies to start a savings tccount. Her father had been giving lor the excels of pennies eic'i night fer a long time aud she had kept them t'n a so-ip box, not spending or count ing them. A few days ago slio con rived the Idea of getting interest en he nr ney, and went o a bank to ;eo if the peunh ; would be r-'ceiv-L She Wiis (old to wrap in p.-ickag'-s of 'wentvllve and bring them down. a''e spoilt more than a day making op Uk oiickages and then carried t';o pen tiei to I iie teller nn a dray, ll:e ma.'-s vc:gl;!ng over seventy ixi::nJs. nerlin, March !). Prof. William Dunbar, director of the Hamburg Hy conical institute, born an American but naturalized as n Cerniau, deliver ed a h-et lire before a Horliii scientific school this evening on hay fever. vvhV.i tic bus mado for many years the subject of special investigations. Dunbar succeeded In finding the germ of the disease iu pollen of ryes maize ind certain grasses and treated horses with these germs and secured a serum called pollantln. which has been used with pcod effect, entirely curing many cases. PROBING THE BEEF TRUST. MT.S. CHADWICK'S TRIED EARNEST THE COURT TO " QUITTAL BUT If. lward Kai K1S, 1017, 1019 i 4 i 'i ver tarried lug Leopold sue wa.i dv- -n his nano b; on lhe frihnie this ;;uto:iioi)lk' j And lb T t: a ins at AAhere th, Tells His Starving and Exhausted Soldiers Mukden Must and Will Fall Today AND THEY FIGHT WITH THE DESPERATION OF WILD MEN Great General Himself Takes Personal Command of Troops North of the City for Today's Final Grand Assault r.nd d'.ii in?. "the Cleveland. Ohio, Man f . m . f o CarnegX' Is now dehn.te 111b UK present, trial of Mrs. e4 she should be acquitted tl negie might appear at a trial, but as far as the exhF concerned, his pay and he is at liberty I'liited States Marshal ( day made out a cheek for.. Carnrg'e's order, nnd it. Is h marshal's office, pending M' gie's call for li. If he does n will be mailed to him. Tho defense today mado a effort to have the cai e taken jury, and a verdict of ncqu derod by the court. After lasting through tho greater the day, Judg;s Taylir. just the afternoon adjournment. ( the motion. The defense al-i ed two counts of the iinlictanS.i 4 0 Des Moin.s, la., March !. Govern nenf inspectors are in the ciiv to ire.lH? the operation! of tho alleged beef trust In Iowa. Many me;t tv.ops liavo been visited and effort! male 'o i,ec;;re evidence that the I ca! in lepcndent l ad ing plant has b"( n tlt criininal'd against. From li -re lie.' inspectors go to Sioux City. nsked that, ceitain parts of the tes mony offered by the geiverumeiit lit stricken out. An admission from tho judge thai he had not. regarded tho two counts as "good" was the extent of the satisfaetim seeiMcl by the defi'll; e. It Is probable the e-:ne will le r.Ivcn lo the jury tomorrow evening Tift v 11 f rftt V'-"''V NO BETTING AT RACES. I'ltv. Mo.. March 3. '1 h" ! , c. bill repealing the iw. Th" measure has al- 1 i!o house-. The bi-'e-l' law irrruine J letting ai iaee Ji ft'ersori :; 'iia'e- a--: breed-TF' 1: reidv Y. : LOi -t1 Amorou Jail fd. ; have li-.-o; ! d lit th, be d to ill 1.0 Mil op!" iicmsf ri' do'.v em Frcr.i Thi B A special in ''I wue, held, s t'on of ,':e i,t Winter hoi uenii.-ii: i'l.iM : cseiiule.j ellilllr.l (,, CoAlllliy I -) b, i;t: e an tut, :ra The ,;e:t , 0 fill!! vva,Min '. rcont :i'!',ier:-!,i;,)i; i ild t , I'eep ' 10..11 t;e i ; na J : on are tin jit w.i; l' SUR' 1 .. . nri'S- lllie, : e! I iie to liaklng or I.oueh-p j A 1 ! lie p-.s .- ii-.ird. lo ;'.!;, . j -lope i) i:i fit ei.y (1 ei, r. an.! Co lio.-ie 1 t . . .v:! 'it :-.t '.- tut d;s!i - . ve; hi out of ..II -ml:n had a pro, "" le:u than houres.11''1""; I ns ne.-.-r w,! r, ,"'lk,r and la. I r a K,ruK' ly lovv " ..' mi'' SIONS juth cf AI o Pass Goes to Letter He Wrote a Girl. t rackn. R0JESTVENSKY SAYS HE CAN'T PROCEED TO THE FAR EAST WILL MARRY JUNE 6. Uerlin, .March 9. According lo a semi-cfhcial statement the marriage cf Crown Prince Fredeiick Wi'Iiam ami Duchess Cecelia will take place in Berlin June . Ships Incapacitated for Firing Because They Are Too Heavily Armed"Report at Dovar Says He Has Been Ordered Back to English Channel Ira Noble. ag d about 2'l year--', and ;e eiejk in a grocery i.'o e at Alto Pasa. t'nli ti co.ii'ty. beea.ile i liainor ed of Mis-s nia Ha.ic'ick of the same villagv Ho poure 1 foitii u; soul iu a f iler whh-'i ci;no on b-r 'b - bau of l':ie li t::u"si e e-nso.'t h'p. ! lei Mis" Hatie-ocli. grej.!-' . Teioied ai sotno of the I X f il II: V.i il'h t'le fe e .'iUicteJ ' :i .vol. fl d -el'. 0,. li.r.r 1 ft:.' letler I ov. r to I "io f'"b'i.i! aiit'iori'ieri. with h" r'-Md' : :' ;!!:. K' ide v. as In- iie n l. iirns'- i! hy I'n te -l ti'ati-s tVpii'v Ma dial il-.w-IS. of Spring !it. a ... v , l rd iy pie od yiplty in tb I'tilte) stn"s iis!rii-t court in ;--p!ii -glii Id. i:m i'k- chars.' f .eirliu:; ;iu : i-. .. 'er i!-r"ii;.'i t!.e- mail , and v.'.i i foo d fV'O and c-;;t . In d fro:'! . f p':vi;i,-:,t 1 wrr. co.iimiit Ml'KDKN. MARCH !), t A. M.-MiDMC.IlT CLOSLT) TUB TKNTII DAV OK TUB TITANIC STRUGOLK FOH THE lOSSESSlON OF MUK DEN AND THE MASTERY OF A VAST EMPIRE; THE TENTH DAY OP UNCEASING CONFLICT UNDER EXPLODING SHRAPNEL, ROAR OP CANNON AND WMISTUNG OF BULLETS; THE TENTH DAY WITHOUT SLEEP AND WITHOUT FOOD. THS COMBAT IS FAST REACHING A POINT WHERE IT IS A QUE3TION NOT SO MUCH OP TURNING COL L'MNS. OF TACTICS AND OF STRATEGY AS OF WHOSE STRENGTH, ENERGY AND CARTRIDGES WILL LAST THE LONGER. RUSSIANS CLUNG DOGGEDLY TO TUB POSITIONS AGAINST ATI ENEMY WHOSE ATTACKS GO TO THE VERY POINT OF INSANITY ;.nl;AANU DESPERATION. FOR FORTY EIGHT HOURS TUB JAPANESE vvvvvvWvliAVE NOT EATEN. THEY ARE STARVING AND EXHAUSTED BUT i OYAMA HIMSELF HAS TOLD THEM THE CITY WILL FALL AND THE ilsLAl GHTEIt STOP ON FRIDAY. AND THEIR fONFIDKNCR IK Tlrran LKtDBtt INCREASED WTlilOIi, ,,iTKENGT!r r TENFOLD. - WEDNESDA Y WHEN THE RUSSIANS TOOK USHCNTUN, A FEW DOZEN JAPANSEE CLUNG TO THE THICK WALLED TEMPLE AND REFUSED ALL OVERTURES TO SURRENDER. CANNON WERE BROUGHT UP AND BREACHED THE WALLS, BUT THE DARE DEVIL COURAGE OF THE DEFENDERS CONTINUED UNDER THE FIRE: AND FINALLY, WHEN DEFENSE WAS HOPELESS, THEY BLEW THEMSELVES SKYWARD WITH THE RUINS OF THE TEMPLE. ONE SURVIVOR, RATHER THAN SURRENDER. THREW HIMSELF INTO A WKLL AND PERISHED. AND YET THE RANK AND FILE AND INFERIOR LEADERS. STERN IN THEIR SENSE OF DUTY. ARE AS UNSPARING OF THEMSELVESAS OF THE MEN WHOM THEY LED TO DEATH. STERN OYAMA DRIVES AND DRIVES HIS TROOPS NORTHWARD TO ENCIRCLE THE CITY. WITH EVERY FRESH FLANKING MOVE ME NT THE IRON BAND CLOSES NEARER THE RAILROAD, AND UN pER THIS MENACE THE FIRST AND THIRD ARMIES WERE FORCED LAST NIGHT TO ABANDON THE MIGHTY FORTIFICATIONS ON S 1 1 A K H 12 RIVER. GIVE, UP THE IMPREGNABLE POUTILOFF HILL AND RETIRE TO THE LINE OF THE HUN RIVER TODAY THE JAPANESE, RE-PUSHING THEIR COLUMNS NORTH AND NORTHEAST, !).MURDING VILLAGES WHICH ARE THE KEYS OF DEFENSE. AND HURLING .MEN, SOME OF THEM VETERANS OF THE YEAR'S CAMPAIGN AND OTHERS MIDDLE AGED RESERVES FRESH FROM JAPAN. AGAINST RUSSIAN POSITIONS. OFTEN THEY ARE REPULSED AND SOMETIMES THEV MASTER THE ADVANCE!' LINE. RUT AT ENORMOUS COST. HOSPITALS ARE OVERFILLED WOUNDED ARRIVE IN A NEVER CEASING STREAM OF CMITS. AND ANOTHER STREAM OF AMBU LANCES MOVES NORTHWARD, FOR PLACE MUST HE CLEARED FOR TODAY S K'TIiS. IN THE FIELDS WATCH FIRES ARE BURN ING. THE SKY IS LIGHTED WITH THE GLARE OF BURNING STORES AND EVACUATED VILLAGES. Rusi la . Thibet ') Bull ( placed .nice. I f what. In Tur- TOO ARDENT I t :-u eoei'ly GREAT RUSSIAN ARMY DOOMED TO COMPLETE ANNIHILATION BRYAN LOSES HI3 CASE. Connecticut Supreme Court A'firrr.ti Drcicior of Lower Court. ! ENGLISH MILITARY CRITICS SAY ALL KUROPATKIN CAN HOPE IS I -rn cavrr A urar ocmmjnt APTFR nFVOTINft WHfllE DIVIS'ONS TO SLAUGHTER. f l i. l ford. ( e;iu . M irc'i !.--In a -e i i n by fl.e supriTU" conn t .day the supe'iieir rourt is npb'd.1 in de'riaring the sae,l letter in the Philej S. Re n Iudou. March 1" of Knsiish military k li s fore.., are oooi on WARSAW WAS GLAD WHEN IT HEARD MUKDEN HAD FALLEN SHIPS INCAPACITATED FOR FIRING BECAUSE THEY ARE HEAVI LY ARMED REPORT AT DOVE R SAYS HE HAS BEEN OR DERED BACK TO ENGLISH CHANNEL. Warsaw, March 9. The report that Mukden had fallen was received with ill-concealed pleasure. . Newspapers vhhoi to publish, the report, but were ' 1 ndon. March A corre-jxmdtiit at St. Petersburg of the Morning Port says Minister of Interior Bouligan re signed but the emperetr requested torn 1 11 ' to remain in office and that he con- !semed to retain the portfolio tempo peremptorily forbidden by the censor ! rarily. to do so. It was quickly circulated.) According to the St. Petersburg cor however. and was the subject ef a!-1 respondent of the Telegraph, a tote- most jubilant comment In ships arc incapaciiaiej for firing ho cause they are (ej heailv armeel and that the preibb-m e.f coaling has be come so difficult, that be feared he would bo unable to preceed to 'he far East No further ne ws has reachtM Lon don concerning Rujest vensky's squad ron, but reports are current at Dover i net' w ill a be-uue-st of j.".- k-i'i tei William I. Bryan is not a part of lhe IJenneti will. Tito eie weal i;p on Brian s appeal from the suoe rior I court de e-is em. i ' he $i0 ASSETS - in tut critic; ICuropat- loouieet ie c niple'e aud el:;ewbre. that the Baltic fleet has been ordered the cafes gram from Rojestvensky not yet pub-i to return to the English ehannel pend- hcil. states that four of his war-; irg further iusti ucirni The telegram s.iys: "The greatest battle in the world's hi.-tory promises te en i in Gie world's r-r-:.-, mitlfar,- r.i-itiT Pv en if ielisaster. C-ire-ftil trilv of alf av.iiucs j ,. ' ,. . . . ' , ! - ! Kureipatkm ticrot-is in statcbtns bail !of pos?il)!e escape r.ud eiipod.i uis of iis ,. frr,nl th terrible rinu of fire. the vie lorioiis Japanes" arrc.i- s leads i how can Ru. sia hope to se nd enit an- ..ii,., .i.o il,.. i... i lo. ran 'o:nT army it rcpieiiisn CIS hope is to save a mere remmtnt of hi.--. iarmy after devjting whole divislems j :t.i sl nu-hti r Much imnortane-e is at- To Place ABir.;t $334,000 Liabilities. : 'ached to Kawgmura's mysterious ,in- ! t war unless the tart blind u.a th. ex..: rj.- i Lw-ai.-.! orn.v B-htrh U mom-ntari'v ; ness is incurable and fee waps for . i expected to Complete the cle.sing of Snriia'field 111.. March 3. Petition the net a i enrol the elefeated host in bHnkriio'-cy was f.Ied today by! ranks? ; The sword is being rested from Ru i sia's funibling hamH. Kimpatkln.t disastrous defeat ought to ine-an the Tere A. Clark, a mining pro-mo' pr, 'f Q'iincy, III... IJabil tiep. $ 351.500: as s:s. $.".e. Failure was due to mining fcut'irci in Alabama. , further sledae hammer biowg to fall, i . .... . . . ,v- ' inoviiaivl as i nose oi eaie. appearing somewhere iu the extreme) A eern spoioHut at Tokio of ths east, in the nelghhorhed ef Yingfao. j Te-h graph says en offtc al' authority thus blocking the nle remaining route ! that fully 200.000 Russians ar en Yingfan to Tie pars through Wankla-j veloped. and he hears the Russian koij pass. jcentral army is a'aiotl asn!hi'tcl. .