Newspaper Page Text
l'HE CAIRO ; BULLETIN: MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, J905 A TRAINED NURSE After Years of Experience, Advises - Women In Regard to Their; Health. Mrs. Martha Pohlmaa of' 85 Cliester Avenue,. Newark, N. J., who is a graduate Nurse from the Ulockley Training School, at Philadelphia, and for bx years'. Chief ; Clinic Nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital, writes the letter printed below. She has the advantage of personal experience, besides her professional education, and what she has to Bay. may be absolutely relied upon. Many other women are afflicted as he was. They can regain health in the same way. It is prudent to heed such advice from such a source. ' Mrs, Pohlman writes: "I am " firmly persuaded, after eight years of experience with Lydia . Fiukbam'g Vegetable Compound, that it lk the safest a lid btrnt medicine fur any nuIlVrliig woman to Immediately after my marriaga I found that my health beean to fail me. I Uk raine weak and pale, with se vere bearing-down pains, fear ful backaches and frequent dizzy spalls. - The doctors pre scribed for me,' yet I did not improve. I would bloat after eatiiiii and frequently become nauseated. I had an acrid discbarge and naitis down throuch in v limlui no I could linn II v walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, however, cured me within four months. Binco that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of patients suffering ifrom all forms of female ditticuities, and I find that while it U considered unprofessional to rec ommend a patent medicine, 1 can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for I have found that it cures female ills, where all other medicine fails. It Is a grand medicine for sick women." - Money cannot buy such testimony as this merit alone can produce audi re sults, and the ablest specialists now agree that Lydia ft. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is the most univer sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women are troubled with ir regular, suppressed or painful men struation, weakness, leucorrhoea, dis placement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion of the ovaries, backache, bloat ing (or flatulence), general debility, in digestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with sucti symptoms as uizzi Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. 1 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS j ANNA. John Henley of Litchlleld, III., was in Anna Thursday. Allsa Gertrude Font. Is spending a few day In St. Iouls. 1 . tins Thoma.i held the lucky num ber which drew tbe seven pioee gol.l line nut ,rcI. raffled off Tuesday even lug by Carlile & Co., for the I enelit of the Kgyptian Hustler's fund. ' D. K. Mahler departed Monday for Horatio, Ark., where he will have charge of a peach farm. Mrs. George Heaver of St.' Louis spent a few days last week with Miss Daisy drear. K. It. Jinnette has received from the secretary of the Ftate Corn Grow ers' A social ion. .on packages of corn seed to he distributed to boys who expect to enter the corn growing contest for prizes offered by Cnlon County Farmer's Institute. Mrs. M. I S perry and Miss Ksther Edo will depart Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. J. L. Wells at Lea Vegns. New Mexico. The Alden Store Co., will give their annual spring suit opening Monday. Miss Blanche Hushing is visiting relatives in Mound City. Krnest Tunks of Mounds spent a few days last week in Anna. Henry Russell and family of Cairo are spending a few days with FJ. V. Cooper. The residence of J. C. Dewitt was destroyed by fire Thursday evening The fire originated in the kitchen. Most of tho household, goods were taved. Died, Tuesday at his home on Free man street, Jas. A. Mulins, aged 7.1 years. Funeral Rervlces were con ducted Wednesday by Rev. H. L. Mo dill, followed by Interment in Anna cemetery. MOUND OUT. Mound City is now in the way of signal material advancement and de velopment In the immediate future. There is the most promising outlook ahead that has been noted here in a decade. Besides the establishment of new industrial concerns here previ ously mentioned In this department GO To-Day To - Morrow THE DENTIST 803 Commercial Ave., Cairo, 111. ness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, ' sleepless ness, melancholy, "all-gone" and " want-to-be-left-alone'' feelings, blues and hopelessness, tliey should remem ber there tried und true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such troubles No other feniae medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. The needless suffering of women from diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible to see. The money which they pay to doctors who do not help theiu is an enormous waste. The pain is cured and the money is saved by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Couipouud. Ex perience has proved this. It is well for women who are ill to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass In her great experience, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with dozens of cases just ' like yours. Her advice ia free and couli dential. ''-'.' of The Bulletin a project-is now ma terializing, which, when consummat fd, will give this 'city an Impetus of development and thrift that can not easily ho estimated. The matter, briefly Hummed up, is, the Cairo street raHway people are negotiating for the extension of their trolley system from Cairo to Mound City: The' lino Is al ready in operation to North Cairo or Future City, three miles from the Hal liday hotel. Mr. John 'Herman of Cairo, one of tho leading spirits of .he street railway system of that city, visited Mound City Saturday to look over the route and to confer with our leading citizens regarding the pro posed extension. The liulletln scribe is elated at boing in jwisition to state unequivocally that Mr. 'Herman found all our people not only acquiescivc, but actually and profoundly anxiou; to have the enterprise vigorously pushed and speedily materialized. It can be safely stated that the visiting gentleman did not find a solitary tie mnrrer here, and that there is not an individiiu lin town who is worth a dol lar that oppose. the proposition. The harvest Is ripe. The reader may rely on hearing more concerning this mat ter in the very near subsequent. John Tramport, who for years liar conducted a gents' furnishing Rtore in this city, Is going out of business and todtiy began to sell his goods a) public miction. BIRDS POINT, MO. Miss Nona Svribner of Grayeboro Mo. .who has been visiting Miss Dolly Reynolds the past, week returned home Thursday. Mrs. J. M. Beaton visited Cairo, 111.. Thursday. Mrs. C. J. Griffin arrived homo from Essex. Mo., .Thursday. Mrs. Ambrose Haight visited Charleston, Mo., Thursday. Dr. J. W .Russell was In Cairo, III. fn business Thursday. R. E. Smith, car foreman at this place was seriously Injured by being struck with heavy timbers. Dr. N. O. Greer is the attending physician. Miss Lizzie Russell, who has been visiting friends in Cairo. 111., the past week, returned home Friday. Thursday night a social was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Giles. The following were present and report a pleasant evening: J. D. Criggs and wife. Misses Ruth and Irene Spencer. Cretia Leavail, Emma Monly. Edna Dodd, Messrs. W. A. Bennett, Willie Dodd. John flag dale. Louis Robrits. Claud N'eeley, William Doty and James Freeman. Miss Blanche Renolds, who has lent vi-itiiig her sister, Mrs. J. E. Mcm'fee. returned to Wyatt, Mo. Frl dar cvLirg. Vt, Patrick':-, day was not observe-! hero, hor.-evcr. a few green ribbons ml sl.amrocks were to hereon. Mrs. V. H. I.som was "called to Es sex. Friday by the Ferious lllnesa of her father. , - . if voi-fyl - Jr a rf'r;v - ' 11 1.1 SENOR VELOZ GOITICOA, Snor Veloz Goit'coa, new onvoy of Venezuela at the American cap Itol, bids fair to shortly become one of the busies t men in public life. Relations between this country' and Venezuela have long been strained, and the indications are that affairs are now reaching a climax. The Infant daughter of Mr.' and Mrs .George Parks died of whopping j cough at 7 a. m. Friday morning. Mesdimes J. E. Menefeo aiid C. O. Smith departed for ' Wyatt, r Mo., Friday evening. Earl Smith, who is attending school at Charleston. Mo., Is visiting parents today. Dr. N. O. Greer was called to Wyatt this morning. ' Mrs. Theresa Kenyon, Dr. J. W. Russell and J. P. Lawrence visited Charleston today. A spring tonic that makes sick peo ple well. Drives out all impurities that collect in your system. A 1 fam ily tonic for the sick andafflicted. Hollister's Rocky Mountain TeaL .l.'i cents, Tea or Tablets. Paul G. Schuh and Sons. STARVATION FOR WIFE. King of Saxony Treats Poor Louise With Cruelty. Paris, March 2d. The king oi Sax .my is starving his wife into submis sion. Of all the cruel, ungentlerhanly proceedings which thb'. ignoble prince has employed against, the niifort (unite Princess lmise, this is surely the most dastardly. He has stooped t" employing tho lowest expedients for spying upon private life of his former wife in order to find some new 'scan dal which would justify him in taking i'orcible possession of her child. Ho cannot have any possible affection for this baby whom he has never seen. His sole object is a revenge unworthy )f a prince. All Europe Is Justly in dignant at the step which has been taken agalnnt the Princess Ijmise, md by which she Is deprived of her income until she shall have acceded to her royal ex-spouse's will. Failing to find a new "Giron" as an excuse for venting his brutality, the Saxon king has recourse to that mediaeval method starvation. HER IDEA .Man of the House Is that iHilice man who was in the kitchen last n Rht. your steady company. The New Cook He will lie, sir. If I tlecirte to stay. BURNED TO DEATH While Trying to Rescue His Family From Burning House. Owesso, Mich., March 19. Hiram Soules, a farmer, was burned to death in his home, while his wife, son and daughter stood outside hearing the im prisoned man's Bcrcams of agony, but were powerless to aid him. The fath er, who slept upstairs with the fon, was first to discover the fire. : He rushed down ptatrs and assisted the wife and daughter out of a window. Then he hurried back up stairs for the boy. The hoy jumped out. of the window, while the father started down the stairs again. The steps gave way and be fell into the flaming lower hall. In their night clothes the survivors walked a mile to a neigh boring house. Botto's Bowling AI!y on Seventh street now open for the season. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISERS. The Bulletin office has answers for the following advertiser;;: "J," "M," "R. J.'1 "H," "F," arid "L. R." Fleas call for them. - - - FELL FROM A PARACHUTE CRUSHED TO DEATH Wallace, l.laho, Mnfcil 1!). W, A. Mi.ldleliiirf was killed and I M. Odell was injured hit rnally by fall ing 2ti' feet out of a balloon while giving a double ascension today. Hoih im-u were seated in parachutes and when they hurt ascended 200 feet the lower part of the hullo ;u tore. A boy was caliKhl by the falling balloon and severely bruised. Middleware's bones were all broken w.dle Odell suffer ed none b'.oken. LUMBER COMPANY TO RE MOVE CHICAGO OFFICE It is reported in lumber circles that the Sondiielmer Lumber coinpay of this city, will remove its Chicago of fice to Memphis. The reason ass'gn ed is that the company" wishes to have its office in ' close touch with the lumber country. Literature and the Beast. The tendency towrud animalism In the literature of today if; thu.i com mented on in au editurial in The World To-Day: It Is not merely tho ni'te of genuine romance dying away, to be replaced by the beatifica tion of blood letting. The modern his torical romance,' corning' as it dots so largely from the hands of young women,' may" very well be trusted to return soaie day from ArVldama. And even blued letting Is not always ele mental savagery. The discouraging trait in 'modern literature is not de scended from romance, but from an thropology. The mystery of life' and love has been dispelled by the vigor ous young men who are setting' the pace in novel writing. Their men and women do tu t fall in love any more. They mate. The elemental passions which these amateur sociologists imagine belonged to the cave man are found and described anient; the men and women of to day's world. Iu com parison with this latest valuation of personality. Hcusscau'S "natural man" wan a gentleman and a scholar. Relative Security. One tale is told of an Interview a Chicago tnu n named Lyon had with l.jman 1. Oane when tl;e former sec retary of the treasury v.ns cashier of the First National bank. Mr. l.yon was pushed for cash, and a note for a large suiii indorsed by hi;" was held by that institution. Mr. Gae sug gested that -it be taken up. Mr. Lyon Intimated that it would be rather dlf ficitlt for him to find the money at th ' time. "Well," said Mr. Gage, "yot: have been traveling in the fioiith i.i t private car and you drive a good team If ou can lo that you ought to 1ak( up the note." - t ''Oasce," 'replied I. on, "I'll take up tho note If you wU'li, bat I don't sec why you fear the rt curlty elmply be cause I ride in a private car and drive a Rood Is it your theory that the securl'y would t.e better if I rode In a smoker a.u! u?e,l a circa car?" If Woman z expwts rereive credit for rood erwik- ir he most in addition to hfr ability "f A If'KHl nk np? ffotjrd an U'i-n. Tbrt i nifty ue reason fwr Am? it-nplc aninv cUesj t4 vrmi" oiffef ut r thr ver K liiinliv th bst eourt will be tl?t hepfi in the iunft rti'. feq- iml j xt frnii (-fif pi rr ihf world's T rhoeet lari'iif t is taxing and fia 2 fiarort-d. fkirt wat your labor, fuel 2 ami rt pii'attt-n hv ung tnv cvU'e bul 2 the bst,ltial is"Jquir.t ." , S A Premium Certiorate in each $J 2 Carton. to " 2 H Trdc Supplied by, J g AO AM -BOTH GROCERY CO., 5 ' . "'ST. LOftS, MO. l iiiiiiViii.vtriiitif 3 'fr mi 1 i I t On Sale Monday and Tuesday Only March 20th. and 21st. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar -2 lbs. Good Rice - 2 lbs. liest Stxla Crackers ' 3 lbs. Cornstarch, - - - 2 Dozen boxes Globe Parlor Matches, 3 lbs. Armour's Pure Lard, 2 lbs. Compound Lard, - -Coal Oil, 13c a gallon, 2 gallons for 25c, 5 gallons 'for Our 6c Dry Salt! Butts, per lb. 3 lbs. Lump Starch, -2 cans Standard lCc Corn 2 cans Standard 10c Tomatoes Armour's Mince Meat, per large package Sliinola - 3 lbs. Soda, bulk - - m m , to to - to 3 Packages Ann & House clean inip requires lots of soap and at these prices you can use lots of it and at the same time he economical. to to to to m to to to to to ito to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to rib. bar Balloon soap worth 5c for 4c," 4 bars for 4 large bars Gerlnan Mottled soap for 15c, 7 bars for l bar Octagou soap 4 c, ( bars for 5 bars Key soap1 for 10c, 13 bars for 5 bars Moon soap for 10c, 13 bars for Queen Castile soap 2 bars for 5c, 5 bars for 10c, 13 bars Tom Boy soap 3 bars' for 5c,, 16 bars for Life Buoy soap, 4c a bar ' Ivory soap, 6 bars for Colgate's White Cloud soap 6 bars for -Wisdom Washing Powder, 'worth 5c, for 4c, 6 boxes for Rub-No-More Washing Powder per package to to to Opposite Court f9f lii You 11 notice that the , ' Fashionable Dressers always have their clothes made to order ; , i ,(Mnp ' If you will . Wfr $fcz&-' come anJ look ' i . tnroujjK our line of 400 Jii'K traJe all wool fabrics you will find where the f o J JTcsscr tun Jo lent both in tlic matted, (electing sometlnnj; to uit rn";i ta. te and in the matter of price. We produce tlie most stylich city mcrcliant tailoring eiTecta for 25 per cent less thsn tliey cost you anywhere else. We are constantly in touch with the advance styles. Our fanhion plates are authorities on matters of Jrcs's and if you wish to he up-to-date at a moderate cost we are the people you should come and see. We guarantee to fit and please in every way or do not expect you to accept or wear any garment we make. You pay after you are sure the garments are right. ' H... A,.J ONES 8 COMMERCIAL' AVENUE. ' CAIRO, ILL: Freaks Are Out of Date. It Is announced by the new Hippo- drom" management that "freaks" will not be hired, and that the public no longer cares to see tinman abnormal!- ties and deformities. The ossified nnn Ota hi n r.1 K-nmail fhi. tfllir. ttfroA finv bi! tko nrlptral. rillitier. neck can no longer make large in- j cal ln-oks of tbe sixth century descrlb comes by exhibiting themselves a j ed sixty-seven varieties of mosquitoes curious public. Tbere was a time and -til kinds of n.a'arlal fever eaus i when a good freak would receive f 125 j or $150 a week for eitting on a I lat form. j- Tbe proprietors of the Hippodrome and other large fhowg presumably do not exclude freaks for any otTter mo tive but that their exhibition i not profitable. It lias been proved by the "uperiments of the last two years at Coney llnnd that the-rrnre rpypect able an tnlertairuiicnt und the more it appeals to the averape w 11 con ducted American household the more profitable it is. It is a fcood sign of public devtlop ment. New York World. Care for Consumptlvee. Borne of the tierman health insur ance companies have found It a pay ing Investment to establish sanatoria tfor the care of their consumptive yd- icybold'TS. , k Mi to S (NOT WORDS) Hammei S"oda i m House ? ff f f An Old Offender. j There's nothing new tinder the sun. : The theory that mosquitoes transmit j disi ase Is not a recent development, ; i as many suppofe. At a late meeting j , of the Asiatic society, in Ceylon', Sir i I YtptirV A ItloLo i.i.t-apnki t1 - tho ' I istflnfl lirnnniirifl IV,. Clnftilnfio m(.f!i. d by mosquitoes I!! . 1 r- v r S " a,. , M n . . y - a a mmW ft sfasA aijaswis 1 to mm 65c 5c 15c 10c 15c 25e 15c 60c 5c 10c 15c .15c 7c Sc 10c 10c . - to to to to to to to to to to to to ' '' to to to to to to 15c 25c 25c 23c 25c 25c 2 Sr. 25c 25c 23c 4c to Racket Store. fttMMMtMMtMMffr iiiiill A Silent Witness. "There'll a man over in Brooklyn," said Col. Hoi ieo Du - Vbl, - "who lias more or less trouble In keeping peace In the household. So'far as his neigh bors can Judge ha end his wife are quarreling half the tlino. They ar strictly rellfclous people, starting off to church w-h Sunday morning, lead ing their llttlo bey by the band, with ' rather more ostentation tban is nec essary. With their pastor was call-, Ing on them the other day this pre cocious don was taken to tak for somP trifling misconduct. "'How do "you know I'dld HV retcrt ed tho little fellow. "You didn't see me.'t ''No, my eon; but God saw you," said his father. , , "'Huh!' sniffed the Is J, 'I gue5 God ain't going around giving away all He see iu tala bouee.' " J'ew York Press. - ' FREE! Official Map, History and Workings OF T11K Panaitia Canal Msp in three colors. 23x16 inches This map which was prepared by one of tho ofliclal cnneers, shows in complete detail the to pography of lhe Isthmus of Pan ama, mountains, rivers and wa ! ter courses on the e,o or 11 ooo ) ) feet to the inch, the location of the Canal and present and future line of the Panama Kailroad, the ilivfrnfrin of thn t'hAorAu Piiri location of the controlling dam)'; ami the famous Culebra Cut Also Profile Canal showing in different colors the work done by the Do Lesjep Company, the Frenc h Comiiany which succeeded Do Lessep's, and the work which remains to i he done by the United States ), tiovernment. Enclose ten cents to cover postage and mailint, and address Wsrrea J. tystn. General Passcn- erper Aj;t. Big Fotif Konte. ( Map Dept. Cincinnati, O. ''I Citronelle Chautauqua March 2-29, 1905, in the Pines of Alabama. The very best Chautauqua tale:tt has been engaged for his assembly; an auditorium seating over 2,000 has ; been erected; there will be a tMf (tournament for the Fill ford cups offer led by C. K. Fulford of Ieds, En? ;land, and other out-door sports of minor Importance will h indulged in. The climate of Citronelle, particular ly during March, is Ideal, and this is an opportunity for people residing in . the northern states to get away from the disagreeable March weatber and isitterul the greatest chautauf ia ever held in the south. Low railroad rates ; have been authorized. For particulars i apply to your home agent,-cr write ' .'no. M. eltall. O. P. A.. M. and O. K. : It., St. Iuis, for a cliaa'mqua book- Ut an J brochure C Citronelle, I !