Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIPJ BULLETIN, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, J905 v 3' Hi tJ a "F yon want lo rent a house or a room. Do not worry because you cannot pick up one on the corner. They are here, plenty oi them. Put an "ad" in The Bulfelin want column anil joirU get what you want in a hurry. ; Tariff only I cent a word. ,! ; THE.-MARQUIS, BRAND (Concluded from Bixth Page.) rt i i ' i . . '4 a 2 3 4 '. ' . I . ' 6 . '. . a I S i "f . ? 1 i . i 1 ' i THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN FEMALE HELP WANTED. Kjniii'iird raUiir an.l s-ilrtlmly with iriiil n-fiiuiiii t wauldl. Adihead Ml," tuie, lilltt'-. D)f i:riT'.. "I'll !-. In.-. I'.'ie week. i in i monta. All limner For Cl.'sUfif d Noiici-s per u mil Ill l", ;()":',, iNr word u:.' pi"- word . . . i .)f r word .. .1. ...... II In N'..n:ii'i-il t !'. j WANTED. i Want il -(Itliiii'iliMl: mum. ! n Niuitjtivi . Only fw lu!lri ilr. i'i W. K. , uua !!ii'.;. who d lu Franco wliilo be -ly'ino to New -Ui' m rule mo if tl.Irt honor yon had done him." she faltered on, "und St) 1 have i'o!iu to Urn nl; you for your kind ness and Id nsU you tu let lilt? shake you liy the Imnd." With tliiit, after ordering .1 few t lion -sand luxe of Tin Miiniui'i Hrimd t. be sent tu her home In lY::n.e for lit".' father's friends, she llutteivd up -the steps into her 'carriage, arid l.i-efi'tc.i!; John, holding out tin' preehuM Jut mt (she had tnl.eli between her two little ones as if hi' fulii would htive dune it up In paper to keep it from euntiiiiiimi tlon. cried, "I wish 1 lnid known!" then repeated, Willi a tempestuous sigh that was like n-ol', "1 wish I had known!" it ollire. A'l- : iiully lui'jted. A.liltu- II.'' tlo:i lillict' .No ad r ei'iixi'iiieiil in'ci li t'liiil tw( rrty llvd' fentft.'i WANTED. Tt rur lid' a ltt in rcsutcnt'e s"i f't 'I WKll'lll nll'i-ul, lor CUlill. Ailill'c d for I. Uun. nun!! t "It," tlos Wuntr'.l liini.illihf iii.'jt- r lor rrlmtf ' 1ih iu rim iiih. I.oimI taliey iilfii'iiM S. Ail .. r-M mum- e.iiiimnv, 7u: It ..kiuui -in 1 1, l'tolji'lihm, I a. Wit'itril.-A fill iiir k-'hthI Imuo-work family ol two. Aiil,v ill Uiis ulliirc. f. i Wuuti'd ilicil. Ai; oliriter-i ly by lello li M ll Ill.lU'S uml K'Ul l , " Ai . ," cue lliillrl i ii. MAIL ORDERS. V'pi('Arton tn rh nih'l onl.r hiiltia. FtiH '' .i-t-ltr 411(1 uMiiiIrt lixy. AuirritAQ SM4a' flfeKo. M'lwiik..i-. Wit Wai, In! - aln linn ti.Hfii linkers' itinl ilruj? yia;i In-, .i n.irral Imiih'!i;oiI h, Iiim'. if .-H lo ( unti l is. Aitiliv li.j SiniUi sivlli ftrn-l, St. I. hum. Mo. FOR SALE. Ker u'i' Tut nmii'l;:.t!ni. !'ii i k, v-ii no i iii li . . i : u; 1 1 it ih . I'. NMti;'.i, llltiio s II. .It l. 1 t:ti y lue'tvl ix ui'e!.olii. SITUATIONS WANTED. HELP WANTED. iii'i e . Man or .t H liu . i ' H l Ii r ir in, vv Mil .'i..-ii;l!'.-t"i, Aiiili I I: .1-!.:, , ( alio. HI. .-tn tf f:iir filio'.i'iou ; i I. Miiui v 1'1'r .lay i ! wii li slump, Wr. I,, j "rets Announcemer.ts of Xhosa Not Euiployfid, Wlio Di'aire Poeitiona. The Abuse f Salt. How easy it hi to j,t't too imieli of a pood tiling! Salt, o:ie of the most nl KOlnte iiei e sitU-M of life wle'ii tiiUen in small yiiiuititie;, may hy inetisant hi jmlieioii tiKe I i i im.e a violent jiolsoii. liefoie the tleriliiin sallotM were en l'oreeil liy law to e:it sa uerUraiit ouee a day to eoiinteraet the ell'eet of salt 1'oodM tin ilea ih rate unions tiieiu wan t'Uonnous. . . An iiiiertl.Ut' is told of nil lildiau meUieine man who experimented with Halt upon lih) wile. Troiii the day of their weddint; l:e allowed her to eat nothing 1 1 tit salt meat and highly salted veiretaliles, tvhile he nte u );re:it ileal of peiiper. lleS'ore the year was out Lis wife pluml uml dieil, wliilo he was Kt ill enjoyiii',' the W-A of health. I.itfle ilauutfd at what nilslit he a poind ilenL't', lm marrieil asuin and eontimitHl the salt experiment on stpiaw No. Win a she dieil. utter n cor:vsp.)iuliU!3: k'nlh of time, he was eoiivineed that highly salted food was not a healthful diet. 'oiitiiiuiii;: tint use of pepper, lie lived tu be the oldest man of the tribe. other, an finally one boy ho slappml aiiuliier boy too lulj 0 harder than he 'lowed to-an' knocked him down. An' the hoy what not knorked down, he Kol up and Jerked tiiit a groat b! knife, 'hunt Unix as your arm. an' whacked hir. right acrons Hie middle from side to side. An' then tho brother of tiie bitf fellow what Kot cut he pulled a Uriihh bulldos 'bout the M;e t f a ham ;m' let go six tfs right iti'iaar into the fellow that had the knife, tin' jesi then Hill Smiley Hill's a cousin of Jake llaynes, what sot sko;. c:)nn ninnin' oi.ten old man Scwell'd room with a double-lmnvl .hol'.;::n an' lei t IT both barrels inter tiie cniwil; an' old man Sewell he got eveiied an' jerked a Winchester rltlo out en from under the bed an' went to pumpiu' lead inter the gantr, an' by dial tiaie the house was full o' 4 4 'a an' .'.noke, au' flashes an' lioller', an' 1 seed lliar wu. Koin' to be a light, an' I left the house." Exchange. LAD i ( iiii, lYSICIAN It lllori,. FOR fENT. r., til nt , sii i." 1 llllt f' II . , . I.htl I -t' lili Ii.- l. il Ullil n " a luiiiil .1. 1 utlii'r'i llirt'i- rei V , I IIIITU ll HllHI I I' S-l l 11 1 irti luirlie, A I'i'li! li al I 11, Ai)vertinii'ntM nf imt njrt-.eiling tliri'i 1 f no I ill lie n,rrt m imJ i"tn for iimi wiH'k'u tiin Iroin! 01 ifiiiii r nl' 'Iht? Ilulli'ttn to b tilt'il liy Hd i IT! ii';-.ti person, 1111 form, ut tue o' ! r lit '1 l.t liLiluriiii l',.i any, 7ui Ohio l.e'vei' I !ii Kiiiii-lirt diiiii:oy us'iioni-i no ri'MjioiHi iiilit.v 1 1 .r .oiy Hiivi-r( i.Mnn-!it or l;ui'i!;ni. iniuli t-lii'li-isl iimi will nut ui-ei . I tlio Initii'. nt Kit. pi.iiii;i kiinwri to In 1 in.Uiyi il. Iii.ii;ni'i loul retiiien In uilve.Unritii'iils liillil.l liti IHiMltt l.v n.ivit. 'BLOWING THE BURNERS.1 Newest Drug Hcbit sands By Its Has Won Thou Siductions. i:li. caplure.l tiie ii I'll! : ! : " I il il ! ii ri. ii-lii il ism.ii, si ('ii v, a: i-i 1 iv:, lint : !i, i. il! Iiimii'i 11 ii.i- 10 e:i 11's In 1 !. ,1 i y. . ' '. I-1 ill ! 1 i-111 h i l' ' WiHileit i firrt'sjii ml. li! . hrilo 1 f iluc il i i Ail'lri'-s 'V,'," liy in) bo;ikL.'tiuT. cltii k nr yon ri ir man wi h lliuii hi uml i"'!!.!! ri i:ui!iitit'iilatiuni, llitlll't'll ullii c. R avk mm m jr. t n i K VS 'i I! U K J F ' IT n n a s .1 v - n 1 a 1 L' '1 u m, .k . i .s-mi . ts m ti ,.s li r mo ur , ic ocHouN. i H turn -jm tzm I ROUND Ti IP BOUND TRIP. S j THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. i J Tu Lcls will lie soli for t'.'aius leaving Cairo r:l." n. in., j J '.):') ;i. in., mill 2 :::." p. m., j; m I will lie piml rehirniiie- m I- i j I'll tr.iina K-iiviitj; Si. Lt.r.i.-t ti-ji tu ninl iitrlmling IMottdny, ! 3.lareli L'TlIi, -iviii fnur 11:1! tl:iys in (lie eify. f The Irain leax iii ;il !l ;.'"!." u. 111. will lie a special. t I I !!!:ATRICAL ATTRACTIONS: l I OI.VMITC - K.i-vrs llr.... "In l'mis." 1 j I ri:.Tri:V lit.-. 1C. Ma.-'M-lt, in " I-.r(mi r.f a Kin?." ti E . (JU'AND oImshii ,( Ma-i.,)i, ill ''Fiilz ami Suifz." ' U - I (JAKIMCIv - K.lna Wallace, in "Conntrv ll P Jr. me." " ! J IMrKKIAI-.-'ilaj-py ir...n." I p A. H. Hanson, C. C. McCorly, J. H., t G. P. A., Chicago. D. P. A., St. Louis. Ticket Agent, Cairo. l j tfK' Special OneWay Colonist Excursions Via r - 1 ijlHOMESECKHRS' EXCURSIONS MISSOURI PACIHC RAILWAY and IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE Mar. 1 to May 15 TO i .' ' ( ; ! '' 1 .' : : ' : : :?i 1 i- ! 1 -4 California Tho' following". One-Way " Low llato is otferoft Cairo $31.65 I'roporlionatcly low rates from all other points on the System. J! Duri.ifr the above periml Tonr 0 ist Cars will bo run daily to Cali- fornia via Mis-ouri Pacific Rall way, making direct connections ) for jtiiiiU in the Nortbwent. For Jjj f arUier infornialion address Jj - Ei.mkh Smith, Pas-i. and Tkt. Agt- Cairo, 111 J or II. C. TowNst:n, J: Oen. Pass, and Tkt. A gt. St. Louis. i '-i 'i i i i 1 i i i iiiHHiUli I f ! I m ' f 1 5j W i I ( ' rt , r ; ; ' ' , ' , ' Si I I . ' . : : a ; ; Si Prom CAIRO To certain poir.t in Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, All points in Indian Territory-! Oklahoma Kxeept where rate of ono faro plus 82.00 rnakcH less, t Min imum selling rate, 51)00.) MARCH 21st. 1905. Via the Missouri Pacific Railway And Iron Mountain Route Final b'm't nf ti-V-ts Ct days. Stop-over wiM b allnnt-l af 1 r reaebinR ti-tt I lomeseekr-rs' P( inf rnr'iiite. Fo- fuli Hi'itrninuon ap ply to any a-jenf. nf ahve named eoinpanieP, tr nd'ln.s Ei. mk:: Smith, Pawngpr ami Tit ket Atront, Cairo. Illinois. II. C. Towssknd, (ien. Pans, and Tkt Act. 8t. L-bttis. A now vi iii'Moin. j "HlowiiiK Ihe burner.." it la called, laud it. has won ihtmsanil.s by lis se I duel ions. The police and stale, hoard j uLiJluriuuey are at work in an effort I Iff ti amp out iis fa.-it-mireading inilu- (nce. Many who have, ti ;,! "blowtn the Jis ;:a,!t-.H;alar(yr,Sire"a'rt now iavi In the cocaine, nioniliine ami ;tiiiiiin hiiiiil::. The new vice has In. A f"vv year.; made iu inveiitor-i niillion aires. In almost every dniK li:re iu the Ti iiil.'iiiiin, and in many of (he Har lem tlrilK store.-;, titere ;i;e r,,i .-ale a tiiiMiher of s.i-;aile.l 'eaiaiTli "cures." ! , The nrice ner l.mii: w "o -. nn.i .1.1 jtenis. 'I'he substance is in wlilto : poHiier lurni. ,ui ilie liortht comes !a skiss and rubber tube at inelmient. j Tlie;,C! catarrh "cere.:" eoniain more Mhan the legal 2 per cent of cocaine. Ihe glass tube is filled with the powder and placed Jn tiie noatril. The rubber attachment is placed in the mouth, and with one biow the while. substance disappears into the cavities. That is 'blowing ihe burn- t i'3." "I would gladly by down my If a if I could wipe tint this new and mosi uanserous habit, ol 'blowing the burn ers,'" said a slave fo the habit. "It has taken a grasp on young men and women bt'lnnliig the fast life, and it is sure to lead then: p tin cocaine or morphine habit. Unci a young man or woman begins blowing the burners,' and is not warned in time, he becomes addicted to the vice. If gives a thrill for the time being, but tills soon tlies away. "lieing well known to persons using dliags, I have access to places where outsiders cannot enter lllowina; ihe burners' has made !i."i out ol every Ion new dope fiends in Die Tenderloin in Ihe last year. "Drug Mores advertis- fake citarrli cures, and ot'ien unsuspecting people ato caugiit in the net. I know of a yoi-ng woman who used a boltb a day unUl she v as warned. If she had much farther her nerves would have required a stronger drug per haps morphine. I have known rases of collapse as a result of 'blowing th. burners.' t 'There is a f.i'-cinaf ion about tho new habit ihal makes ii popular. It bier, clear out the head, and makes you ft el light for a few minufe... Some itersitis use as many hs live or six kettles a day. I have seen women blowing (he burners' In drug stores before customers al all hours of the night. It lias simply become ihe rage in the While Igiit district." New York World. He Was Good Enough. Francis H. Lee of Trento", famous throughout New Jersey as a lawyer and historian, tells a good s-tery of a darky baptism that It was unco his pleasure to witness on the batiks of the Delaware. The pastor, who had taken part in several similar experiences, waded bravely out to the requisite depth, but water e iricntly" was not to tho liking of the candidate, for he went hence to have bis fins washed away with knocking knees and trembling feet. In trying to get him In proper position the pastor in some way mLsed his hold, and the candidate, cai!s,iit in tho fast-flowing tide, was carried into tho channel. He was a good swimmer, however, and, after making a few sportive spla: lies,' headed for the f hero and aeoti l iue.ed dripping ou tho bank. The pastor, waist fieep In the drink, watched the Ecene tt a 'finish, and then, raising bis hands In, a supplicat ing sort of a way, uniiouaci'ii: 'Hntddalm an' aMent, dis yeah bap tism am adjourned. Any man dat can swim like dat IJbenezer Jones hain't gulne to Isab any trouble In fi-Uiu' over to t'.e uddah side ob tie ribah Jordan." Philadi !p!iia Telegraph. STUDENT SCORED AT END, Professor's Discomfiture at Hands of Smart Undergraduate. , , , ., John Morley was talking in New York about Prof. Juwett. ! "The famous and learned Manfer cf Baliol," he said, "bad a caustic wit, and Innumerable arc the stories of un dergraduates' .discomfiture that bis acid sentences occasioned. Stories of lovvett'ti discomfiture at iiii undergrad uate's hands are rare. Nevertheless I beard one recently. "A youth from Devonshire entered Oxford, called on Prof. Jowett duly, and on a certain afternoon took a walk with the great niau along the river bank. "He was a talkative youth. He gave over the whole afternoon to a discus Fion of Jowett's work on Plato. He pointed out two phrases in Jowett's Symposium and Republic that he con ceived to be errors of translation, and he found some little fault with the notes. Prof. Jowett. he held, did not pive In these notes a quite adeqtiato exposition of the Platonic philosophy. "For nearly two hours Prof. Jowett : listened to this boy's criticism of his j life work. Save for the chirping 'H'm, j do you think so?" that was a habit of speech with him, he didn't attempt to j defend himself in any way. 'H'm, do I yon think so?' he would say, and 1 again, TJ m. do you think so?' to tho youth'!, severest strictures, "At the end of the walk, as they were taking leave of one another. Jow ett suddenly gave expression to his rage: " 'O-ood-by, Mr. Dash,' he said, slowly and quickly, 'you are, I think, the most conceited puppy that ever came to Oxford.' "The young man. with an excellent Imitation of Jowett's manner, uu' ewered: "'li'm, do you think so?'" You're Welcome To call any time, to delay the visit. But we advise you not The money which you are keeping at home or in your office may be stolen at any time. It will be safe in i' I T T 1 1 xl J: CITY NATIONAL BANK. START AN ACCOUNT WITH IT. RID YOURSELF OF WORRY. Safety Uo iu our xes lor rent at S3. 00 per tar Fire and Burglar Proof Ya-ilts. x l t J !' V ii .Sr.- 1; r,;l : 1 ril1 :. - t ,.-V 1: si I " t?r- I . fclL r- ft ' p Capital and Surplus, $275,000.00 "Jr -.; COO OHIO tSTRECT: CAIRO,; ILLINOIS NEVER FORGETS A VOICE. CASSIDY COMMISSION COMPANY' WBSBWm OHIO 8TBEET BOTH PHONtl. - CHICAGOXS-,- " NEW YORK-rsv! ".' Secre men-women-children: Weak Kidneys Cured Forever. If you have a p.tln or tbilf neh.r fu tlio in n n ih unmiBtaKeiililLi pvlilmra of kldncv irounie It In a wurnlntr to tell you trontilu .-. . i.-iiii uuii-MM you remedy the cause liU. tuim,tui v. J..11110 bm k fs only ono Rvmptom of kidney trouble. Other symptoms ,-iri,, bull iff ol)llted wuu-r ottea miring tlio day nnd to i in ml'"y tuue miring the nt,'lit, 1u ublllty to bold your urine, Hinitrtlua ur Irri tation, piiHKtn; lirli k-iliiHtorueillniiiitlu tlio urine, catarrh of tlio bhulder, uric acid, con fctinit headai'liB, dlxzir.cHH, Hleeplcmuw, uerv. tuiHniiHH.lrri fHilar heart teatliiK,rlieumu,tiui, tiloatliiff, Irritability, wornmit fielliitt, lock of ambillon nnil hhIIow complexion. lluoper'B Parsly Kidney I'IIIh ure')l''vliig to lie tlio iiiont Woiiderfiil euro ever gotten out for weiil; ami (lUie.nMeil KIiIiii vh. ilrltinli l'linnu;u;ul Co., JlUwuiikuQ, Wf. Distil liutorH. l'rk e !iO eenta a box. For mlt! hy IIKNCKELL'S DRUG STORE SOI. K AGENT ALLEN'S CONFECTIONERY, S03 Washington Ave. THE THE BEST BEST FRUIT AND AND CANDY CANDY Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighfh Street CAIHO, ILMNOIS. Valuab: Quality Possessed by tary to Senator Oepew. Some private secretaries to busy men have an unusual faculty of recog nizing everybody they know by their voices and greeting them by name with unfailing accuracy, even when they cannot see ihem. Col. Duval, th? Cerberus in Senator Dimew's office Ir, ti e Grand Central slat Ion, seldom lifts his eyes from the paper If ho rnr pens to be writing when a visitor somes In. Once the caller says "good morning," Col. Duval recognizes him if he has met him more than onca be fore. ' "Glad to see you, Mr. Iilank," he says. "Tako a seat." "But you haven't seen nie!" pro tests Mr. Blank. The ether day George W. Plunkiit nnd a friend went into the office while Col. Duval's back was turned. The friend prides himself on hla ability as a mimic. Ho makes occasional ap pearances at entertainments in Plun kitt's district. Motioning tho recently routed state senator to be silent, the mimic raid: ' Well, Colonel, how does It happen yon are at work instead of at, a foot ball game." "Great Seolt. Plunkitt!" retorted tho Colonel, "did you let your brogue get away from you with everything else In the election landslide?" New York Times. Tha IrtWAo) ma .,.. i . Pork, 60 tibls.. 20c per bbj ..;?,P ' m 1 I-ard. 60 Tierces, Hie per Tierca 12 00 'b' ay ib, 25c &7o?h2 mi Blocks, 10 shares, Sl.oo per share . -'S2 CottiD. 5 bales. Jj.00 per Sale . "I iA0 Cnstomer can place more than one margin l'tner'dMiri LET US BE YOUR BROKER T f I TnifinmMtMM) . : ' KEEP WATCJi I CAPITAL. M'H-l 119 ) IINIlll)Pl HKOI ITS $100,000.00 $.,W)0.00 OFFICKK3 I-I A. Under President Feucbter, Jr.. V. President J. n..0alligan Cashisr F. Spencer Assls'nat Cashier Accounts of Corporations and indi viduals especially solicited. Exchange furn shed in any part of the world Japanese Love of Country. There are many Instances iu Japan of soldiers-who have loved their conn try more passionately even than their families. Americans may think It hor rible nnd incredible, but Japanese women nndersland the intense feeliag of loyalty which predominates above everything In soldiers' hearts. In the j Interior of Japan a voitna farmer on I ihe outbreak of war was suddenly called to the colors. Two days' prep oration was given him to settle his af fairs and to start for Tokyo. His wife had a very young infant. The young mother was so overcome with grief at this unexpected news that she faint ed away and within an hour died, leav ing her husband alone with the new born babe. What could he do with it? Who could care for such a mite? Feeling that hi" own life was forfeited to his country the poor man in a frenzy of passionate grief killed his own child. Of course the law had to step In nnd he had to be tried for mur der. A merciful Jury acquitted hlra on the ground of emotional Insanity. on the little things.' They grow into hitr ones very rapidly. It is the little but fre S qucnt spending which kps many a man Z poor. The Enterprise Savings I BanK 2 Is a great preventer of frivolous spending. 5 Open an acconnt there. Put all your spate J money in it. Yo won' so apt to spend without thinking then. " You'll' find your J money increasing under such circumstance Pajs 3 per cent Interest on Depcsii s. 609 Ohio Street, Cairo, IU. Assets Over Qne Million Dollars. Z r ! t r.imtimiimmuiiitmiii t Convent Lots For Sale. I All the liits iu the Convent Ulttek art now fiffercil for .ale at ich renins. 1,1. ;hey .ln.ui.l .. ll rtpi.liy. The h.l Imildi,, mmHlirilZ I need of f if ml tor th- prniK.M'fl inmlrrrt pann-hutl - hmii, hve nri lew in tbnt they !n in. in iwnil -, ". ' " "J " , ' : '. Hi"vui.i ir in h.i. nve IHril Invr utiin in ilium m ii.-i.iim iiuic. .ii-. imo i ii iiiiui me tnoire.-.l lul.tir. rmii- fvi,. i,.. ,,-. op. AiiHi) llry. Jame (iil.B. HuMur ur to . M.) H(IWIy w. it IT I I t- V K t "The Only Corn Cure" ; River Transportation DAVIDSON. 228 Eighth 8treet, 10 cents. By mail 12 Cairo, Illinois, cents in sumps. SAW IT COMING. i Mrs.'Philpot Knew There Was Gsing to Be a Fight From the Way Things Looked. Alexander County Savings Bank Ken-princi- The records in which the tncky mountaineer figures as pal abound in grim humor." Fp In Clay county, "once upon a : time," a Christmas frolic e:ule I in a ! tragedy. Old Mrs. Philpot wa'' a! witness. "Tell us about the fight," sad th? ! lawyer. i 'i nev-r fcc-I no fight," replied the' old lady. j "Well, then, tell us what yea did j see." remarked the lawyer, in a care I less son ,,f way, thinking she k;it w j ronif thing. Mr-;. Philpot moved her sunbonnet lack, lit i,er pip.-i. end proceeded: "(v r---r.ll l.o e.i.-.- r-i.-i. - - ----- .. . t n in e-. 1I1H- j dance, and me and a whole lot of others wuz thar. The Poya and the Sal.' they got to danein' 'round and 'lound, and they got to fdappin' each CAPITAL ND UNUIVIDI U Pert PITS $50,000 - $22,000 Strlcllj i Savings Bank. CAIUO, ILLIWIS. K. A. Ftuder President Th. is. IVyd Vice President J. H. Caliignn Cashier F. Spencer Assistant Cashier rIftFCTOR3 R. A. Puder, Thos. lioyd. C. M. Otprloh, Win. Kluge, Chas. Feuthter, Jr., 3. It. Calligan, W. R. Choi son, C. O. Patier, C. V. Neft. J. M. Herbert Getting Things Mixed. When Walter William- from Colum bus, Mlss.7 was in Spaina year ago he called upon a provincial editor in the interest of the 8t. Iouls ev position. The next day the paper had the follow ing: "Waber Williams of the United States purchased the state of Louisi ana, and next year will give a celebra tion, to which he has Invited his fellow-journalists of Europe." Mr. Wil liams again called upon the editor and thoroughly explained matters. Tho j 2 editor apologized and printed this rcr- I rcction: "Gov. Francis of Mlesourl ! has purchased a large trart of land tn the trreat American desert, and Wal ter Williams is here to Invite the jour nalists of Spain to a show which the governor will give." t f . 1 9. 9.9.9. 1 9. 919 9. Jl t I f. . 9 9 9. t In tiie Stud-Season 1905. i g Gay Highlander, Jr. ! ! lis ' i i to-' LEE LINE STEAMERS For Carat brravllla and tDdincti, Wr TSAMBB. Two Kinds of People. Some are all right all day if they begin the day all right; but some oiner people are a:i rijht a.l (:ay any way, because if they don't begin the day right they jerk it Into light. Or Vice Siseon in ' Short TiJks." Pegistry: No. 2276-Vol. VI. BLACK 'it lentucky 1 horoughbrcd. COMBINATION SADDLE AND HARNESS I Stx. the RkMd Line: -tire; OAT IltOHLANDKR. No 111".. Urnd sirei HIGHLAND l &.NMAKh', Xo. - Dm: H.OKA Pft tTtf. No IM uu.n!u;DULUIHNo.79. 5 moral: Get Some of thr Hijhlandr Blood. " Wilt "tniid Ihii liii'ii tokliaiiU-d nuo.ber ot Binrnvpd main. ,, For infuriinliim. tmrai. eti-., txldrew ' .. H. M. HARRISON, TTLr II ."V W ( . I . -...nn io- moo wainur Ot., V.AIKU, ILL. . I riBTCia. s.tlt Lee.... -..Tundy and Pri-d-' -..4 p m For Mompbli and War X-iidlnr. Stacker Ue Wednwday, lira For Fralfht aad P-aaat Apply at Hanidaj PhMllpa Wharfboa. Calrk ROBERT K. LEC. Geo era! Uaaacar, Qaaaral OSoa, tn Frost gtr-Mt. Mmapaia TtiaM t : j i 'i 1 1 1 n tt 1 a ' t -uutricin s liotiiea ana kf t : m B El El R (.nocrlcin s "Barbarossa J Smith Brothers it 1 iLiii s "Darijarossa ) I REMEMBER t US FOR j . Established 1870 In'erect paid on time denpsits nt the rate of three per cent per annum- THE BIG STORE ! COM FORTS BLANKETS AND UNDKRWEAR " 1300 8 YVa&hington Avenue Dealers In everything that is i A. Al. Snence&Co. pood i f . . . to eat, rtne and wear. Exclu-dv atrents I ,t' H Mnl oovsaA-renne. I i,r ivi'i.n . I - - . - " m.. i t t. o viticoraicu toiieei. i4................... IV1. jr. Howloy, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Rest Estate Bought and Sold, Rents Collected, taxes paid and Con- veyaneea Written. 7C2'Z Commercial Averu. : " j 1