Newspaper Page Text
: 1 IE CAmO BULLETIN, TUESIiAY. MORNING, MARCI I 21, 1901- ims IS vniir lennnrnimn i uui viisv1 I'M! a, j i t 7 mot iffi i m sBBiBaiaaaiam The Bulletin Want Ads are read by the people in South ern Illinois, Western Ken tucky nnd Southeastern Mis souri. ::::::: ik M 4. Of, Mt Stocks ' Bonds Cereals WHEAT MARKET One Cent y$ Word CLOSED LOWER 1; a If yon have any money to loan the Want Ail. is it. If yon have .d house to rent tho Wan:. Ad. is it. If you want a situation or peed help '.lie Want. Ad. is it. - If you have lout anything the Want Ad. will find it for you. If you need anything, no matter what, a liUe ad in the want column wil surely bring it to you. ; New, York. March 20. WHEAT Receipts, Spot, oasyt No. 2 red nominal, elevator; No, 2 red, $J.17 a. h. afloat. Options cloned etutv at n 't not doorcase. .May, $1.12. ("C RNT Utn'i,. 24) ("), eocports, U2.otio. Spot, steady; No. 2, 58 & ''le vator fund 54 1 u. Ii. allont ' v 9 .i. FAIR TRADE IN THE AGGREGATE j 53, N. , wlale BUT FEELING WAS EASY i closed 6f net higher. May, 55. Op closed net higher. .May, S3. OATS Receipts, 170,000; exports NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. LARGE PRIMARY RECEIPTS CAUSED THE WEAKNESS. One. "Cent a THF PEOPLE'S COLUMN Cics:,ified Notices per word 01 r.uLa Fo; f)iii i;;seiiio:i, Vhree', Ina.-'rtions, per word 02 On wee!;, per word 05 tin month, per word 13 All n-aiter,set in .V, nparoll typo. No ailreriisemoni inserted for l.rr; Hit. n twetii.v live een:s. . Chicago, March 20.-.VYHEAT Trade was fair in the aggregate, the nytrkef ruling moderately active, wi.h the feeling rather. easy on the whole. Final figures were lower for May? while July showed a decline of fi. The situation at the start was firm, In i (luonced chiefly by English cables and smaller world's shipments than ex- j pected. At the advance,.establislte.l, considerable May came on the mar i ket, , wiling being' led by provision specialists. The bulk of May offer- ing wau absorbed by warehouse In I terests and there was goncial cover j ing by July shorts at the decline. i Large primary receipts caused consld : eralile weakness. Liverpool was tin i changed to Vs lower. Kaunas city i news was bearish on the crop outlook. The market closed weak. May open icd $1.13 to ; highest ; lowest 14 Vi, j closing . n ! , Visible supply decreased 1,151.000. CORN There was a goo.l trade, the. bulk which occurred earlv in the ses- , , , sion. Feeling was unsettled, higher A tn-" aruUnii fur cleamiiBi'ariHMH. ,,..i,.,, ,,i! i-..n i i ,i. bunt, lace curtain, vte. lull at ii Niiuh t. "'" '' ' tone, tne close snowing slisni Word a Day! 3,004. Spot, quiet ; mixed, white, .38 '.(&:;; clipped 41. - white. STOCK EXCHANGE El WAS RATHER DULL REACTIONISTS WERE AGGRES SIVE BUT, WERE CHECKED BY SUPPORTING INFLUENCES MONEY. MARKET CLOSELY WATCHED. re Welcotne To call any time. But we advise you not to delay the visit. The naoney. which' you are keeping at home or in your office, may he stolen at any time. It will be safe iu CITY NATIONAL 3ANK,( -V-';'- START AK ACCOUNT WITH IT. RID YOURSKLF ok wOKRY. Ft Vvy Vt t-'K i . .'. I '-Ml CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE. -Cht ap or rent, Everett Finno, I., Chicago, March 20.- CATTLK To day's reduced supply hail a good cr. feet, the recent weakness being fol lowed by stronger prices, sales being largely u nigner. i Here was a very good demand from all classes of buy ers. HOOSI'rices advanced 10 today, making the high record of the year. Only :J2,000 were on sale today ami there wii:i quite a scramble between buyers to ill! orders. Kastern shippers competed for better class and secured a large share. SHEEP There was a decided im provement in the demand from all classes of buyers and prices ''were strong to higher.' For II. Myers For M.ile- IWA1L OF'.DERS. Wp 'rt yon In il msll ordor bnnlnaM. Full (( irnturM surt t9iup' frwe. Aroeriusn $pect. HELP VANTED. W.uitc-'-jMaii or woman of fair oducn'.ion and cn-u t'er Itcnip w tk. -ia' .v M'-' d:ty me Atiiitiiis, Willi .suenp. W. I-. J.r, ilsliu, ,:'.(', 111. FCMALE HELP WANTED. ,K.-;pcri''iu:-d c.i.-oii-r iiinl naloiitiatty with oilif". LADY PHYSICIAN Gilbert Work. WANTED. VVunli il ThifP tir.-l-e'as.s s.ilioi ors. fl. -(iO'"e!m-ntM: itod mtdress, fdumtion un) tiii(it'si. 'tVi'.usiortatioii kdiiiIi and ttnte mopt'iu hoi k. I 'all "iokIiij mumiuir. J'aekurU, tiuH V'utthi,i(ou avenue. Want-ii(Jlti'' or itesk room. Jnsuranee rop r s ent nt i vi (oily fun- hours in ullic e. Al itresH W, this oiiire. Wutitml To rent a niv-foom ootl.'me, ceu trally locaU-ii. Adil-e-H." tliKoHiOH. Wii'ited A tjirl tor peni-ra) hoii-cwork for family lit two. Apply al I Ins utli -e. H r'lH V." ii , i ... l !'- w ra: m.J ji;n-i. in.lj . i ia-r. Cairo t 'i-.nily o., i . Watitt'd ')( icitttn: Until hulicH nnd gentle men. Apply 1wUt, .," rare (iujlelin. Wauled- iu1iinaii to so I RiotHrs' and ilrufc- 1 -its' M'-iaM ii's to Bi'ii'-rat inauliatit . OtioJ w.iif -: U tf h (I vvona'is. Adflrcss (il'i South SiUlt strot'l, St. l.ti.iitf. Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED. ''roe Announcements of Those Employed, Who Desire Positions. 1 ci galas. Higher cables, moderate world's shipiuenis and unsettled weal iter were among early bull helps, the feature of the trade being buying of May by commission houses, a good share which credited to provision in terests. As the session advanced there was more pressure to Bell, prices re act'ng Vj((i is on the prediction of larger receipts and an increase of -I.;!,, ootl bushels in visible, but recovered Uft'Tii before the close. Country ac ceptance.', were light. . OATS Trading was limited and prices held within U range. The in creased movement was the result of-n desire to take advantage of lower! At St. Louis. St. Lout , Match 20. CATTI.p-Ue. ceipiM, 4.000. Strong; beef steers, $:.00!o O.tiO; Blockers and feeders. $2.0(1.1.50; rgws and heifers, $:..7.V,i 1.50; Texas steers, $:i,i,,"iffi f,.0o. tiui,v- Koceipls, X.imiO. range, $:i."5!f?5.!!5. Strong; western freight rates and was a bearish influ ence. Visible increased 181,000 bush els. Prices at the close were unchanged. Not WANTED. T i-iit- ti;is( tot in r Metier Sfntion. oiitl nf'JwttlfUi sln-tt, lor cath. Address "K," this nll'io', , iUK HEN7. I-'o-Ttpnt A ku te of offices three roomn fror.t pur', wrond Mioy, Opera House htock. Mea o he iii-r) and nitur M-ivke. 4 all at Ciry National Bunk, .1. S. AiHtliorne, Aijent. "'rr."':""....-:. ...... ,....;.,...v .,...7Z rxtio.n c, hit vvaii-r heal, hot lia.h, year Dility lor any Aiivt-riiNemrnt or statpoieijl niulr tporia ariino not HfiiPpi tne notice of n Advertfempnts of not eTCefilln(t thrw liner he nccepted free fur one ek' tons fron lny reader of The liullatin to be flled by ftd vertiner fa pernon, on regular form, at the o" iiieofTbe Itulleliu Oinipany, 7C3 Ohio .ere rne iiiiiieiin uonipairy nsHiunex no responm. iSintnuil Alsi morter ini' ro-!!itiuti m a bw ' ,lMii.( SrkMrtum lv,Vl:l t'oiirtecuth xlivet, 'r-V'- - ... .... -. . - Cur It ot -'I ki atery nine-i'Ooiii br It house. central)- Unaled. Ap.ily l-iu :oiumerc at a t-nuo. pe.son known to be employed. mqiorien boh rcpin-jr to ihoulit be made by mail. ariverttneineniF I'd' It -.'lit - Kimiislieil 11 oni and board I jr two i;e nt I cue ii. 211 iloldiooic Am ntii:. Wanted A p-n-ition o bookkeeper, clerk or rorreHp' iideni, by younir n an wi Ii Hiirli Srtio 1 education and jood reconimendutionH. AiMrctn " V," Bulletin ottiee. j FIRST OF T1SEASIM ! ROUND TRIP. ROUND m? c 8 - 'j ' Receipts and Shipments. Chicago, March 20. Foilowing were the receipts and shipments in carload lots from this market today: Flour 2!) 22 Wheat :i(! 32 Corn Too 251 Oats :S7t 122 Grain and. provisions. Chicago. March , bo. :Tbe following Provision Market. HI'TTEU Irregular; creamery, 19(ff25. CI-IEKSK Firm; large and small ranged lteii 1 1, ECtlS Strong; western lfi'ifi'17. COl'TKE Options closed atently; imchangivl to live points higher. Sales 8;l,25 ) bags. April. $15.25. Snot Iti i. steady: mild, tpik-t. Kl'yAft Raw .firm; fair refining. ; c ii'.ritagal,. fitj ie.-t, r; molasses if, 4Y: refined, steady. ELGIN BUTTER MARKET. Sill Elgin, ,11!., March 20. Cutter ruled firm today at 2(i cents, uu advance of a cent per pound over last -week's pi ices. Sab-s for the wok, 482,000 'lotinds. wa;; the-range of tho loading' future on the Hoard of Trade today: May 115 lll'tg 1114 July 93'i !21 92 CORN May 41i 4H July 4!i 40 40'i ' OATS May :n r.i r.i, July 31 31V4 31 PORK May 1207 12H5 127 i.ARn May 717 715 713 RIBS May t;07 C!." t'.'.i" EXCURSION TO THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1905. Ti.'lels avIU I)b soltt'for .trains leaving Cairo 5:15 n. m., 0 ;-'i. a. m. ami 2:'o p- v.u, and will lto good wlitrnin;' on fill (rain5! leaving 'St. Louis tip ty'and including Monday, March L'Tlli, giving four full days in llio city. Tho train leaving at a. in. will he a special. THEATRICAL ATTRACTIONS: OmiPrC-K.vgera ;ro.,."In Park" CEXTl'in' Ja?. K. jraolcett, in "Fori .met of a King." CRAXD M:i?on ,f- Mason, in "Fritz and Snifz." GAKnrCIT Fdna Wallace Hopper, in "Country ' Mou-e," " v i - ; -ilMrl:T ArTIappy ' Hligan." " A. H. Hanson, - C. C. McCorly, J. H. Jones, G. P. A, Chicago! D. P. A., St. Louis. Ticket Agent, Cairo. Puts and Calls. Chicago. March 20. For July wheat . July corn tomorrow: ..!i2 !:! ..i: 4:t',i Liverpool Markets. Wheat. ' higher; higher; 'i lower. Corn. H higher; . higher; '.ihigh-cr. ALLEN'S CONFECTIONERY, SO.? Wash in oton Ave. THE THE BEST BEST FRUIT AND AND CANDY CANDY New York, March 20. Effects were! perceptible in today Miock market j of some benevolent supervision, which! iiad ihe effect of discouraging aggres- j sion by ihe bear parly. Buying winch j checked the decline, however, he.ii-j taied to follow trices when they turn edj upwar'f: and, speculative opera tors who attempted to. push the ad vance found themselves in scanty company. The result was a period of dullness n trading and a narrowing in fiuc ntations, pricesj showing a tendency to settli? to about, last week closing. The party of reaction were somewhat aggressive In the farly. part of the day until checked by measures of titip porr in the market. , With the reaction ehechtd sime of the loud tumors of deals showed re newed vitality,, nqtably that alleging a plan for holding company for the Vanderliilt properties and for a com binat'on of New York Central, North western and I nlon Pacific. Hut of ficial disclaimers' of N'ew York ('en rtal fnmors were issued later. Attention converged on tho money mark";, owing to the low state of hank reserves and lite expeet(d growth of interior demand for cur rency. ' Ext rente activity in all lines of Ifusi- ncst 'n itself promises to Increase (bis demand ami any material itrnoad ot) money supplies would be expected to affect unfavorably the stock mar ket. There was no evidence of lack of funds today, although ra es were well maintained, v Intimations of newly found value for ; 'Canadian Pacific lands by rea son of oil discoveries caused an eli cited rise in that slock and contribut ed with, tne movement In southern iron stockH, to tlva strong closing, which was aeiive at the best prices of the day. Safety Boxes for rent at f 3.00 per 3 car iur..Fir.anO,iirglar, Proof - Vaults. A L!' A 13 ft !- ' f- (.,-.',- ,i v 609 OHIO .street: -CAIRO, -ILLINOIS .,..,..WU1VM vviiii nil 1 X i , OHIO ITIICET BOTH PHONEt. . CHIMBOrgssij, J ! WYORK- STOCKS N0 C O T T O M pork, 60 bbis.. 2oap;rbbf 1 s-s Rib? iwir i3o : gs Stocks, 10 shgres, $1 f,o per share ," .ill Cottw.. 15 bales, $1.00 rer hale , illi isuiunr. can piace more than one margin If tber deslru f,2h Lo omimmitle. Isndlsd fo, cash or oo LrVnvt the option of jta customer. , . . "" "" , LET US BE YOUR (3ROKER i,;;.;;,t(t KEEP WATjCft S Reported by the Cassidy Commission Company, 409J4 Ohio Street STOCKS. New York, March I'o. The follow ing was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange to-lay; Alexander County National Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL THE CASH MARKET. Bt'fcfl.tIS j 0 UNDIVIDED PtfOFITS $!00,000.00!i $50,000.00 St. Li mis. March 20 The following spol prices ruled here today for vari ous grains mentioned: No. 2 red winter wheat, $1.11 1.1 1'. ; No. 3. red winter wheat. $l.10fi-1.1.T No. 2 white corn,;,?i lyi,. No. 2 mixed corn, 4N'iifi . No. 3 white corn, 48 Vi. No. ;! mixod corn. 4S',4. No. 2 white oats. .I.JVi. ' No. 2 mixed oats. 32'i. No. 3 white oats, 32?-4 i 2:5'4. No. 3 mixed oats, 31 j. OFFICERS E. A. Ruder Chas. Feuchter, Jr.., J. II. Galligau . ...President V. President Cashier F. Spencer., , .Assistnac Cashier LOCAL GRAIN MARKETS. t t, f e j f a t J ANNA LtKE HAYNES. t t JOHN A. HAYNES j il ! .-. U E2m tii Cash prices in the Cairo market yfHterdfly were as follows: No. 2 red winter wheat. $1.07. No. 3 red winter wheat, $1.05. No. 2 white corn, 4!i. No. 2 mixed corn, 4S'. No. 3 white corn, 4S'i. No. 3 mixed corn. 4S. No. 2 white oats, 3,'Mj. No .2 mixerl oat p. 33. No. 3 white oats. 32 1. No. 3 mixed oa's. 32. Accounts of Corporations and Indi viduals especially solicited. Exchange furn'sbed In any part of the world. Alexander County Savings Bank Atchison . II. & O. . . n. n. t. . . Can. Pac. . C. & O. . . . Erie (irt. Wcstn. III. Cent. . L. N. . . Manhat . . Metpn. . . Mex. Cent. Mo. Pac. . Nor. &; W. Out. W. Pen ii a. . . Heading . . Rock island St. Paul . . Sou. Pac. '. Tex. Pac. . Sou. Ry . . I'm Pac. . Do., pfd. . Colo. F. & Amal. Cop. . People's Oas Am Sugar . . Tenn. C. & I. S. Si eel . Do. Pfd. . .. . .. fl04 . . . Ht4 ...07 ...150 ... ... w ... 21 , ,.lti2'4 101 ,.13'-Sj ' 111 , ..n;iVi Hi!1,, 88- 1073i no 4 ll ii' a 67 Vi V I. . .124 .. 24 7, . .lOOVi , . ;2: . .113'i, .. f'i'.H - 34 ..1S'I7 . . nn .. :: . . 35 4 ..1327m . . n;i .. 5 l, .. so ..112 ..H3V4 .. ft2'4 . 12:5:5 H 107 H5- 01:14 M2.i IMS, 33 H, 170 '4 07-! 131 11;'!. 5:1 1 - 7 in lllVu 3t'i 014 100'i 59 kit; 24 l2'i 142H 1 '.. 121 24-4 P'S '4 si; 1.4 02 '4 143 ';vt 34 1So us '4 3S14 35 'i 132-i 4i; va 544 S) 112 143 Vi !t2 31-4 V- J - rrx-i wm t 1 )ri S,- " ZtJliULS on lhe little1 things. They grow, into big ones very MpUy. . It is the little , but . fre- quciit spendfng which keeps many-a' nun poor. ' ' " ' ' Enterprise Saving's ''""f'.V BanK' - 4 i f ,9 im 1 f m f ( Is a great preventer of frivolous spending. 'X Open au account there. Put all your spate money in it. You won't be so apt to spend j without thinking thcii. You'll findryow money increasing tinder such eifntnistance . 5 IPajs 3 per ctnt fnfersiff on Oepcsifs. -:.J" J (iB Ohio. Street,: CairoVJU. ': "3 Assets Over One Million hollars. ,'2 GOVERNMENT BONDS .Today Yesterday Refunding S'a'mriatwed. 1M3, 104 !fj 111 Tfl8 5TUC ieaSCfl ISUD, 'St S::::::::;;;. !5is 0ajr. Hfglllander, Jr. 5l; New 4's registered 132! 132 C if. - . 2 I tttrtttftttttttttttttti (ttf ef tttttttvttttittitf tttt I Convent Lois For Sale. I l!l t: All Ulf M in thn ermv-cnt HlrM-Sr r now ffmil fur ale at ixlFu Vii.h1.'ii' that they UmuUI.UT,.l.ll.. 'l b. wlii.,.f l..b.1iB( cmmiUr. f 81. J. i,, 10 In in tiffil of fuiuta for tin- pnifMie.i iuihIwii iriK-bil m hitfil, hm anl kiw.orio. In oriler t moiirn quick le. Outi't wait unt;l th t-boicext lota.r. nn. t'rl, . fri,rt t. up. ApjilyioRev. Jin.(;ill. o. P.xorurto M. 1, HUttLKV ViaM "The Only Corn Cure"; Riyer Transporiatidii DAVIDSON. 1 228 Eighth Street, Cairo. IlHnoii. 10 cents. By mail 12 cents in stamps. i 1 v i. ii tu c.,.,. innr m LEE LINE STEAMERS For ( .rutbortTtlU ..d fa I.asitiBft. : , muin, New 4's ooopoa. , OM 4's registered Old 4's coupon,.. 132 ' 104 K capitac : SUVPLIt tND UNUIVIUEU PIMffTS S50,G00 - $!2f0OO Strlctl i Savings Bank. CAIRO, ILLIWIS. E. A. Budpr.. Thos. Boyd . Minneapolis Cereals. Minneapolis. March 2 i. WHEAT May. $1.12: July, $1.09; September. W. Cash No. 1 northern, $1.14,; No. 2 northern, $ T. 2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL j Choice Butter, Hams, Breakiast T-acon, St.i'e and I-'aney , Groceries, Fine Canned Got-;, lite. 5 Special Attention to City Trade. Prompt Delivery Guaranteed oio Ohio Street. Doth Phones No. too. liielr'--seii4.4 new,fl 4,d; old, 4s lid. , Liverpool Quotations. LtverpnwI. March 2u WHEAT Sprf, steady. ivn.T-iT ,nrm; American mit- II. Gailigan.... Spencer President ....Vice President Cashier .Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS E. A. Buder, J. Thos. Boyd, W. C. M. Osterloh, Win. Kluge, Chas. Feuchter, Jr., IT. Gailigan, E. Gholson, C. O. Patier. C. V. Neff, J. M. Herbert Interest paid on time deposits at the ate of three pr cent per annua? New Ysrk Money Market. New Vork. March 2i. Money on call. sfirm. 23Vi per cent, closing bid 2't. offen-d at 2. Time loans, steady V days, 3ft 3V4 per cent; 90 days and six months, 3',4ff:iVi. Prim? paper, 3i4V4 per cent. Exchange weak, cloning steadier, demand. $ -4. SC.; i;o days, $ M3.;t'Kf 4.S4. ; Bar silver, 5S. 132 V i s' Kegutryt Co, lli VOL VL 104 BLACK m jj Kentucky Thoroughbred. ' COMBtNATIOS J.y... : SADDLE AND HARNESS g i 2:J BrASYoaa. -TwJiy rrt- 4 p m You will need to prepare your sys tem for the coming hoi weather, get ynttr organs to work like clock work. HoUister's Rocky Mountain Tea tak oi thin month will do the business. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Paul G. Schuh and Sons. 2 "ir: OA Y HIOHt.ANDKR. No fll.V. T. (Jr.uil ".iivt HlliHl.ANU t-K.N'MAKK, Jj. fm! HloitA TitM.VTtl. n n "JS'-.5!3;!:;DUHITHNq.79. S MOHAL- Get Some of thf Higblandrf Blood. mill aland thia wimi to a limits thf niia.3r of apfirovrd mrf ? for Informiitieri, timn. t-li-.; ..MreM H. M. HARRISON, v No- 1 1 06 Walnut St., CAIRO, ILL, 2 t t , , . .-..., i r" BOBtRT K, Ltl, . . aMrftl ataMftr, Oar., m rroat itrMt. J kfvapkla.. TnHHN Tor Meawakls aa Way.tMhifffc Btkr L. Wdn1y, S a Fae Freight ,. u4 rnni -Asfty - a Hallldajr PkHllps Whwfboat, Cairo. 1 4t44U.4A............ ?!i r- ANSWERS TO ADVERTISERS. The Bulletin office ha answers for ihe foilowing advertisers: J." "M," "It- J." "H," "F," and "L. R," Please call f or thera. - f R P" O T I Moer!rin's ."Rflrhflrn!s"i r REMEMBER j 1W? .Herbert. ; 4 ' A spring tonic that raakes sick p -o-j pie well. Drives out ail impurities! ... y. , t .. , . t mai- vuii.". i iu juiir hjwienj. a tam i!y tonic for the sick andaffiicted. Hoilistor's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablet. Paul C. Schub and Sons. US FOR COMPORTS BLANKETS AND UNDERWEAR j A. M. Spence&Co. 51023 Wash ooiSaAfeiine, 1 Establfshed U79 : ? IV1. J. Howlov. REAL ESTATE A0LNT -AND NOTARY FTBLfC - Real Estate Bausht and Sdd, Rent Cellacttd, taxes paid and Co. veyancea Written. . " ; 4 - J v. 1