Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING APRIL 4, 105. TMG CAIRO BULLETIN fenUirfd l tl. Ji ltiufQr tor transit task1 i Cairo Opera House g f. L. WILUAMSPS. Mf. fj One Night Only Tuesday April AMERICA'3 GREATEST PLAY HOME JAMS . HERNE'S BEAUTIFUL' COMEDY' DRAMAS SHORE ACRES Presented wider direction of Mrs. IAMKS: A. IIKRNK With Entire new Mechanical Nov eltics and Scenery. A Supert Production Guaranteed. prices Entire lower floor $1.00, firs; i wo rows of press Circle 7"c balance of Drer.s Circle S ic; Cal fry aric. seats on sale aionua April 2rd. MOLLY NI11ITST4 And Saturday Matin c April 5, 6, 7 and 8 " Special engagement of tho$e JOLLY ENTERTAINERS K THE FLINTS i INTRODUCING The li.tle Hypnotic Sunbeam, Mrs. L'erDert L. Flint, I In a Jolly, Enioysble Progrim cf HYPNOTIC NOVELTIES. Singing tnd Dancing, ,- . Magnificent Costumes, EUctric C-leium Effsets. Prices 10c. 20c. nOc 'and r.Oc. Scats on sale Wcdnesuay .April 5 at 8:S0. Ladles free Wednesday wlh each paid 30 and r,0c ticket if imrchrsod before C p. ni. One Night Onty Monday, April 10 The Two Emperors of Germany si IN THE SCREAMING 3ATin J Rudolph and Adolph 25 PEOPLE 5 NEV SCENERY . Snap GingcrSparkle. t : THE LAUGHIEST EVER. Prices 2".c, Cpc, "Gc, $1.CJ. . Seats on rale Saturday. 1 Chewing Candy fresh every day. Hot Tamales fresh every day j. - , (20c per doz.) I " ;i MEXICAN TOM, I Dernstrln's corner, 8th ami Com'l. .PAYNE & BURNETT, 2501 Commircial Ave . Second-Hand Shoes At IWonnMc Piice. Sepairinj uiatlj m while you wnit. PICKING YOUR COAL Is just as nesegs&ry a picking your company. Some coal is half dirt and slate. Other coal weighs aw fully hear- at tbo yard and light in your ctlhr. OUR COAL is all toa';)very lump of it. And a ton of lit ivm onr yards weighs 2,000 poondi on Tour scale as well as on the bill. Want fcorue of that kind? d. f. McCarthy. 209 Commercial Avenue Phones: Bell 166; Cairo, 3S1 CHRONOLOGICAL April 4 la History. l401ivtr eioldsmlth. port ami mlserl lancjim villi r, died in Ixinduii; burn In Irilaiul 17-S. 111 1'i-t-aidfnt William Henry Harrison dli. IfAi President Uru-otii entered Richmond. The president was with Onn' at J'tterahurg w hen word canity of the fall of Kklim.Hiil. llt went there i.-nniedi st.'ly. Jlia acts and upewhe In thu aouthern capital wire kindly and peclrtc. UflJ-Ex-eSuvernur William Marshall of MlniK-rutu dlfj; In.rn IS-i. IM l'.vly Carte, nutetl theatrical man ager, dUd in iondun. Kolaitd Keed, popular Amerliaii actor, died la New . YorU city; born Wit. j PURELY PERSONAL I Mr. Etl Werner lias a i--dt to St. Ijinis. returned Mr. A. 0. El luro company. i:y. of the Cairo Furui is in t!i- city. Col. .1. J. Unwell, of Charleston, was in liio city Sunday. 1 Mr. Sam Richardson, lias relume j from a visit to Chiea.g.i. Millc Parka is vising in Mound City thi. we. k. li r bi'.cr Mr. Paul 11. Moii, i.rf Charleston was in Cairo yesterday on Mr. U P. Hut. fori co-pariy of thy city. of the Ithudes Hur Ind anapolis, la in Mist Mi Calf. 11!., l:i):jeill':l'sr illio Rosenhiirg of Carbon la visiting hi-r brother, I! Mr.!. Pavi.l S. I-insdiTi ha a. f;o:n a l.rlvf vl-lt v.ii.i In !:. Lju':;. r;'tttra f: livid; V.i: Frank Orierson, V. I.o: hc I'rairessivi:' vany, i.; in I ho city. represent ins J Tailnrin;: co.v. Aldctnian and Mrs. A. S. Frasor I'd Mrs. Klizahcih Frase." leave to lay f t t. I otiiH for a brief vis t. Mr. H. E. Hailiday loaves t iday foi ni ol( ndivd .trip to Omaha. Sr. Ini.. Oiicas" an S other j!ac?s oa lusiaeii.-. Mi;-. U.! Oil. son, of COS Thirty foitriit KtrH't, left yestcrJay afteraixi.1. for a visit wiili relatives at rtardwvll. Kentucky. Mr. f.rnylli. cf U. Smyth & C,)., re turned from an extended trip south this morning. He was In Cuba among other place.;. Tho regular monthly meet Ins of thf Woman's Mission circle of the Cairo Ituptfht church, will ho held this af lerr.o.iii 1 ut the home of Mrs, Penne l.ftker, $11 Cenler street. ,. Mil.:? Jun'! Jenmdle , ; as roiurned frord lrrr visb to Mobil-.', Ab., and Metniih h, Ten n. Site wa.; accompan !( .1 by her Kis er, Mis. H'thard Give;; of Miiniibis, viho will viwit for fevetai days in Ca ro. .Mr. I 'mit .It ties, of Ciiicapo, son 6C Mr. .lolm L. Jones. II!ii;ei Ccutral tlels ; t K "in . ere, was In Cai'-o yes terOay. Mr. Jones, who is in Chicago for ii's lnalt.. :n i;o:nhat improved bu' will '.H: rcn'in for a few wtvks Plrrt wai:ir of wiiiK-, heavi' y . t;tr.!;ed. Tho yoke runs to a poiri in th" back Just below the sdi mlders the In -lice bein pleated in full as la.'froni. formlnB a si t'ht Ldotiss ef E. W. Holan, of Seventh street, who has be n f-eriously ill for several weeks wih plueri.y and pneumonia reported to be resting easy this morn ns. An operation was to have j bei-n performed yesiorday but was i posipu.v'd owinK to bis critical condi I tion. .. The members of the C, rmau Maen Vaclav were ple:v aiit l,v ,a!er.ain ":'; niyht a the home of their direr tor, Mr. ;e-'.rgi Pats ins. n Twenty eighth s:r.'et sti l Washington c venue. The Jlarnnnchor ni'ets every few mo.'.thf. n. Mr. Parsons' home for ro-iiers-als. Tie; Mai iraachor is rapidiy lo the front under bis d re" tion and is one of (he best and strong est musical f rpan zat'.-ns in the coun try. Delightful luncheon was served lla?l uip'it alter the regular rehearsal and i!i.. affair was ;rea:ly enjoyel CAIRO LETTER CARRIERS WILL GO TO MATTOON. Tha reventh annual convention of the Illinois Plate Association of lx-tter Carrier.? will be held at Mat toon on Thursday. May, 11, l!mr,. The Cairo branch of the association will be well represented, and a meeting will short ly be held at which delegates to the convention will be (elected. The Mattoon branch is making elab orate arrangements for the entertain ment of visiting delegates and letter carriers. Invitations have been ex tended the national officers and as surance has been given that some of them will be present. WILL ERECT BUILDING FOR NEW SADDLE CONCERN. Mr. E. A. Bur'.ie is having plans darwn for s nrw two story brick build ing that will be built at 900 Commer cial avenue and which Is to be occu pied by a new saddlery and harness store of John Hauenatein. BUSINESS REVERSES DROVE PARKER TO ATTEMPT SUICIDE Proprietor of Tri-State Restaurant, Dis couraged Over Failure Swallowed Morphine-May Recover After hnv ng ,ia -left in hi hold, asking written a ; room at that h's note which Uncle Joe's relatives at Providence. Rhode Island, bo notified of his death. George Parker, proprie 'cr of the T:i-Sta:e restaurant, swal lowed a large ih se of morphine last nifel.t. After a we?U as proprietor of the TrlState restaurant, during which i iroe lie went hopelessly In debt, he Is sued worthies' checks to various cre 1 tois. amounting In all it is said to al;.iu $200. Yesterday he could not tn found and later It was learned when tho cjecks were presented to the bank for payment that he had a balance of only $4. Latci yesterday afternoon, after the waiters and the employes of the place had stayed there all day In hopes that he would show up and pay them, the owner, Mr. Swrboda turned the key on the "Jonah lUstaurant." A num ber of perrons wi.o had purchased meal ticket;! from Parker, were also trying to locate him yesterday. Evidently discouraged by the fact that his shortage bad been discover ed and not knowing where lie was to find money to make goeid all the debir, be had Incurred in conducting. his business, Parker purchased tne Irug and look it with the Intention of end ng bis life and had it not been for one of the porters in tlu .iotel bis a'temnt would have been successful. The ncrier, panning Parker's room t itttt timiMiMtMtuttttttiittmitVttittittttttM : . . . North Cairo News and Notes . . . The Bulletin Intends to make a fea ture of up town new in it columns every morning.. The paper will bt glad to print any or all the news that will be of interest to the residents in North Cairo and they are hereby re quested to either telephone or send ite-ns cf this character to either The Bulletin office, C. C. Ferrell's store, 4101 Sycamore street, or W. W. Orr's stcre, corner Thirty-fourth street and Commercial avenue. Mr. J. N. Lewis is building an addi tion to bis home at 417 Union street. Frank JCittle has had a telephone in stalled in 1' s meat market at the cor ner of Union and Elm streets. The factories all resumed work yes terday morning with full crews and many worked overtime last night. Charles Ferrell Is erecting four new cottages on Union i.treet. Cottages and residences are In great demand In this end of the city and many persons will build homes for themselves this summer. Arey's raloon on Thirty-third was burglarized Sunday night. The cash PAT OH DEMAND UNION PAINTERS WILL STAY OUT ON STRIKE UNTIL DEMANDS ARE MET BY THE MA8TER PAINTERS OF CAIRO. The union painters at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, decided to i"uui I ai ou ine rinse question ami i will not touch a brush for any of the local pa.ntets until they "come across" with the r(ij(. n wages demanded by the pa n ers. The union men at a recent meeting asked aa advance la wages from $2.80 a day to $:,.nn a day. eight hours work. The master painters'" organization re fused tue demand and Saturday the twintyodd members of the local un ion refused to go to work. P. C. Marbl . Charles Lancaster and Charles Ptitebard. who are contract ing painters, hut not members of the Master Painters' organization, have aceeedel to tiie uinters' demands and are the only contractors in Cairo who have men at work. CHILD OF J. H. EZELLE DIED SOON AFTER BIRTH. The child of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ewdlo died yesterday aflernoon, a few minutes after It had been born. Mr. and Mrs. E.elle reside at the cor ner of Third and Washington avenue. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at Paducah, the former home of Mr. Ezelle. STRIKE STOPS WORK ON CHICAGO'S NEW POSTOFFICE Chicago, April 3 Work on post office building was practically eus pemied today on account of a strike of 1 50 members of building trades employed in finishing the work. They quit work in sympathy with steam filters who struck last week beaitFe contractors attempted to replace on ion men with non-union men. last night shortly after 9 o'clock, no ticed that the door was open and that his clothes wer lying on tha floor. Looking to see what had become of him the porter found that he had wandered to another room where he had fallen in a stupor cn th? floor, the drug having already commenced to take effect. Dr. Gordon was hastily summoned an) wlrh the assistance of several men in ihe hotel Parker was taken out behind the building and for a half an hour he was walked up and down the street 'n an effort fo ward off the deadly sleep which follows the taking of either morphine or lauda num. At last, after having been walked, rubbed and pounded into a serui-cca-scloua condition, he was taken In an ambulenco to the St. Mary' Infirmary wherj at I, o'clock this morning he had recovered sufficiently to ask for a c.'gar. Parker refused fo nroke any state ment beyond that he desired to com pletely recover from the effects of hit folly. In the matter of what he would do about the debts he has In curred he sa d nothing. It U under s;ood that he has relatives In the mt who are falHv wealthy but whetner or not tney win come "-it a distinction which will be of ad aid on learning his circumstances i re- j vantaRe t0 (.airo ,,, ,t w1, pprmjt mains to be seen. Parker carae hereif)f an inrrease , ,hp 8alarle8 of tnP recently from Providence. Rhode s clerical force wn ch reached their limit l ind. drawer was broken open but nothing of any value taken. The theft was committed by some one evidently 7a miliar with the place. There Is a gre,at demand for a first Class boarding house in this vicinity There are sereral places, but none of them are large enough to meet the de mands. Most of the men working In this part of the city are forced to eat a cold lunch at neon. The lots In the Lansden and Fetich ter addition are still selling rapidly. There are only about 45 luta in the whole addition that have .hot been sold. It is understood that as soon as these ore disposed of the tract now covered with alfalfa hay, will be pla' ted into lots and put on sale. The tracks of the Cairo Traction company on Sycamore street have been connected up above the subway, but the car does not run the full length of the tracks, owing to the fact that the men refused to work on the subway over the trolley wire. When tho subway Is completed tbe cars will resume their former runs. REPORT FROM WEATHER BU REAU SHOWS LAST MONTH TO HAVE BEEN AN UNUSUAL ONE 8LIQHT RAINFALL. During the month of March there were twelve clear days, five partly cloudy days and fourteen days when rain fell. The warmest day was the 23th, wiien thf, mercury reached 79 de grees. Tbe coldest day was the 11th. when the mercury dropped to the freezing point, 32 degrees. The great est daily range was on the 3rd, when the mercury dropped from 70 to 37 degrees. The average temperainro for March for the past 34 years is 47 degrees, the highest temperature reached In the past II years In March Is 84 de grees and the lowett ', C degrees. Ti e total precipitation dur ng the pat month was S.84 inches. COLORADO LEGISLATURE Adjourn and Republicans Reappor tionment Bill Fails. Denver, Colo,, April 4. The Colo rado legislature adjourned sine, die at midnigat. In the senate the legisla tive reapportionment bill, which was intended to strengthen the power ff the republican party, was upon third reading and at 11 o'clock Senator De ling, republican, who has acted inde pendently throughout the nesslon, started to speak against the measure, yielding only long enough for the Jour nal to be finally read and approved. By that time the hour of adjournment had arrived and the life of tre senate expired by limitation. British Sterrp Taxes. Stao.pR costing $19,500 were recent ly required for an acreegieQt between two London railway coa-iu'.ei. WARMEST MAO ON RECORD HERE POST OFFICE IN THE FIRST CLASS Receipts at Local Office Show a Big Cain AMOUNTED TO $41,111 CAIRO OFFICE NOW IN FIRST CLASS WITH LARGER CITIES WILL RESULT IN AD VANCE OF THE SAL ARIES. Postmaster Sidney B. Miller yester day completed his reports for the amount of buslnes.i done during the past fiscal year which ended with tho close of business, on March 31st. As formerly stated the amount of busi ness done was sufficient to put the Cairo office In the first class. When the receipts reach $10,000 the office goes Into the first class. The reptirts for the different quarters shows that during the fiscal year the total amount of business done here was $11,111.14. The passing of the Cairo port office Into the first class speaks volumes for the growth of Cairo. The business has been steadily increasing for a number of years, but last year the advance was more than usual. For the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1904 the total amount of business did not reach the amount done the past year by $4,- 523.18. Not only will the chango carry with ; The mailing and reg'stry clerks, who j have received $1,000 per year, will I now be entitled to receive as high as $1400. QUEER ACTIONS OF CONVERTED NEGROES BY A "DO RIGHT" BISHOP LED TO A RIOT, CALL BEINC TURNED IN. The conversions by a "Do Right' Bisuop, in a negro family on Seventl street, last night resulted in a riot call being turned la to police head quarters. Several messages were telephoned to the police from residents on Seventh street, to the ef feet that someone was be'ng murder ed in a big ramshnckllng house on that street, known as Sayars building Officer Wilson, who was the onl) officer at headquarters responde. to the alarm. When he reached tht neighborhood screams, moans, of the most terrorizing and blood curdliag rort were Issuing from the Becond story of the building. The sounds seemed to be coni'ng from a real rooom and were so terrifying In the r effect that many of the men resident refused to enter the building wit! the officer, who fully expected to en counter a maniac or desperate mnr derer at work. With drawn revolver, he dashed around to the rear of the building and up the steps. Instead cf witnessing what be thought was a bloody drama he found a negro preacher, known as tae "Dc Right" seated in the center of a group of. women, who were weeping and wailing, rock'.ng to and fro and at ntervals giving vent to the screams that had arouse! the neighborhood. One old negro mammy leaped tc her feet, flung her arms around the astonished officer's neck and scream ed at the top of her voice," Glory I've got religion. I loves everybody. Oh, Glory." Officer Wilson quelled the disturb ance by putting an end to the meet ing. The "Do Right," a new sort of rellg ion that has taken a great hold on tae negroes of tlf's city seems lo be a strange and fanatical belief. The m'nlsters and the bishops In the church are said to exert a great pow er over the members, especially the women. This strange sect is gaining new members every day. There are a number of workers who have spent the past month In Cairo holding street revivals, etc. RUNAWAY HORSE BOLTED INTO BARBER SHOP. A horse attached to an empty deliv ery wagon broke loose from his moor ings on Railroad street yesterday fore noon and sailing before a stiff gale ran up to Eighth street and thence took a short tack direct for George Steinhhouse's barber shop. One wheel collided with the striped pole while one shaft was poked through tbe big glass in the door, smashing It Into a million pieces. The animal finding he could get neither a hair cut or a shave at a union shop, kicked so vigorously that the harness and dash board were soon reduced to junk. The driver showed up in the meantime and rescued the horse uninjured. I. O. O. F. HOME DESTROYED Ccrslcana, Tex., April 3. Fife to day destroyed the main huildin gof the I- O. O. F. widows and orphans home, together with all Its contents. Loss, $100,000; "hsuraneo, $18,000. CONVERTS CAUSED DIG EXCINEMENT ALL CANDIDATES ENTERED AND RACES ARE ON IN EARNEST Nomination Papers Filed Last Night-Effort Being Made to Elect Mayor Without Opposition At 12 o'clock last night the time for filing nomination papers for the com ing cjty election ended and all of the candidates are now In the Held and the races will commence this morning In enrnest. No "dark horses" put in their ap pearance. In the mayoralty sweepstakes there are but two entries, the present may or, Mr. Claude Winter, and Mr. Gio. B. Parsons. City Clerk Robert Hatcher will have no opposition.' City Attorney M. J. O'Shea. candi date for re-election, has Attorney F. M. Mcoro entered against him. For the office of city treasurer there are four candidates; James Qulnn, John Grimes. Joseph E. Mneler and Norton Renfro. Judge John H. Robinson Is a candi date for re-election to the office of po lice magistrate and Judge A. J. Ross s a candidate for the same place. Tho candidates for aldermen In the llfferent wards are: First Whrd Edward Werner and James Meehan. Second Ward George G. Koehler. Third Ward H. Seymour Antrim. Fourth Ward fr. W. F. Simon and M. S. Egan. Fifth Ward Fred D. Nellis and Ot to Schrh. Sixth Ward James Mueahy and Thomas Fuller. Seventh Ward William A. Magner and James B. Stewart. Aldermen Meehan, Koehler, Egan Vellls. Mulcahy and Magner are can dldates fcr re-election. Yesterday aflernoon a meeting of a number of representative business and professional men was held at the notei tn.nojs. According to the re-1 porta circulated last night the confer ence was held for the purpose of in luclng Mr. Parsons to get off the track and allow the present mayor to be re-elected without opposition, promising hlra In return the mayoralty two years hence. It was later report ed that Mr. Parson3 had refused to listen to the propeisltion and that a similar effort was to be made to in luce Mr. Winter to withdraw in order to give Mr. Parsons a clear field. Last night ' Mr. Parsons told The Bulletin that the committee said to have been appointed at the conference had not called upon him, but that he would not withdraw from the cam paign unless the COO voters who had selected him as their candidate agreed. i Mr. Winter told The" Bulletin that he had neit been waited upon by a committee, but added that he had be "ome a candidate at the request of hundreds of citizens arid did not see how he could consistently withdraw. Mr. Winter's friends last night stat ed that the effort was made to induce Mr. Parsons to withdraw In order that Mr. Winter might have in opportunity to enter the mayor's off re without be ing handicapped by pb Iges and obli gations that are bound o result from a hot political fight. It was also stated th t the citizens who were present at i ie conference thought that it was fof the clty'g In terest that there be no opposition for mayor. Among the citizens who were repeated to have been present at the conference were Messrs. Egbert KELLY BRO'S. LUMBER COMPANY LUMBER SASH DOORS MILL, WORK Twentieth and Commercial Avenue, Cairo COFFEE y.Aa--rf It makes Delicious Coffee, is economical, (saves one-third) and ornamental for the dining table. Dcn't use the old method of malting coffee, -the new is so much better. W. F. SMITH, Cairo's Leading Jeweler, 605 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Smith, James Oalligan, John S. Ais thorpe, E. C. Allen, Charles Feuchu;r, Dr. Crlnstead and many others. From tho statements of the two candidates last night, however, it would seem that their -efforts will re sult in naught. If both candidates stay on the track a hot and bitterly contested political fight may be look, ed for. Mud slinging. accompanied by charges and counter charges have al ready commenced. "Flueuce", men nml "workers" are out in great num bers and firmly expect to make up within the next two weeks what they have lost owing to the lateness of the campaign. ASSESSORS HAVE STARTED TO MAKE ASSESSMENTS Tho deputy assessors have com mencnied taelr weirk and are Indus triously interviewing the people to as. certain just how much property they have which will be reported for tav ation. They have until the last day of this month in which to complete their ask. ITALIAN CRUISER AT VENEZUELA CAPITAL. Rome, April 2. The Italian third class cruiser Dogali is being kept in South American waters in readiness to support the Italian minister at Car acas should Venezuela refuse to corn- 1 ply with the demands of the powers. The third cluss cruiser .Calabria, which Is now at San Domingo, is in teadiness to join the Dogali In case of need. and sarages may delight In seeing SUFFERING, but tho highest thought of clrlllzation is to rellere all pala. This can quietly be done with HAMLINS WIZABD OIL. For Internal and external cnratlre action, it has no equal In the entire medical world. It relleres the Inflammation which Is Irritating jour nerrcs, regu lates the circulation of the small blood Teasels, and, by scientific means, gently but cer tainly restores your body to health. 1 You can't be sick, if you ward off the preliminary action of i disease microbes, with this greatest of all medicines of modern times. Price 50c and $1.00. Fully guaranteed. For tale and recommended by PAUL G. SGHUH & SONS f"QnnShtilo o WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PAINTS RUBBER OILS WEATHER STRIPS GLASS RUBBEROID HARDWARE ROOKING i Illinois MACHINE Do You Drink Coffee? Do You Like Good Coffee? Do You Get It? Do You Find It Expensive? Have You Seen the Coffee Machine? Why Not Own One? These questions are answer ed to your satisfaction when you get a COFFEE MACHINE.