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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 4. 1905 THE; CAIRO BULLETIN Eatabliabefl 1 80S. Published Dally and Sunday by the Bulletin Company, at 7u8 Ohio btreet, Pbone U. BUBSCIUI-TION RATES BY MAIL. Invariably Cuh in Adrauc. One yfar, Pally and Sunday...... tiDe year, Huniay (only)...........-.. " aio ., 6CTBfiCIlIPT10N RATES BY CARRTI'It By earner In Cairo 60c a month by carrier oataide Cairo.... ..60c a muotn NOTICS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Siilncriber will confer a favor by rtnorting U this orHcatiy lack of prompt delivery ou ta I tart of carriers. Kotsmi at, Ibo Cairo poslotfice aa Hecond-claa Mall Miruw 1 TALK IT OVER WITH US. Ami let us tell you why it 13 wis to ajvertise in the columns of The ihilletln. CIRCULATION STATEMENT A vi rage daily :;nd Sunday rircti latiou for one year ie combor 31 195 Avrus daily and Punday circu lation for the month of March. VMo .3035 Pi C 0 1 "'u 215:1 t'lCJ 2oi.;2 21 !i 222 21:14 2U'0 .....2!7e 22-12 . 2120 21S9 2200 .. ...2132 .....220) 31..... 4 2210 The above is a correct statement of t'.:e circulat en of the Cairo Bulle tin, dally and Sunday for the year 1904 and for the month of March. 1003. CLYDE SELUVAN, Rnritus Manager. Subscribed and sworn to l et.)-..! nic (his first day of April, Km... R. L. GILBERT, (Seal) ! Notary Public. The Bulletin Is on sale at the fol lowing places Coleman's, 214 Eighth street . Halllday House newt stand. Walker's, 10 Sixth street. Union News Co., Union depot , ANNOUNCEMENTS ; City Election April 18, 1905. For Mayor. HaWn been petitioned by a lie-Re number ofcitiienof C.iiro t becoin'n a candidate for re-election to ihe office o' motor, I hve da tided to do no and hereby a- nr' n -e mynelf s candidate lor mayor ot uiro at llie . n-iulnir election. ( ui iib Wiktbb The llulletln is autliorized to anniunee Oeorge Parsons an the citizens" cauilidate (or miii.r of C aiiO, at the election Tuesday, April w, lauf,. For City Treasurer. The Hullt'lin in anlli"ried to announce Jaatea Quinn ai a candiiial e fur City Tre,-urr ut the euuing city elecliun to be hdd April IK. Police Magistrate. The Kitlletin luauthoriied toannonrce .1011 N II. KOH1 ' SON a acun. 1,'iiUe for re-elect ion lo tliaotHceof Police MuuifUate ai the eoiuini( cily cite iuii to be be Id April 18. The ilii'l.-tio ia anthonxe-1 to announce JUlXiE A. J. Kii"8 as a c mili tate f..r po ii r rimRihtrate, aubjeet. to ine dicinion of the vot ers at the poila on Tiewlav, Apiiltmli. For Alderman First Ward. We arc aiithorined to annoon"e Junin Mro ban an a cand'dn'e fir re-ehctiou ai Alder man front the finj'. Ward. For Alderman Third Ward. The Itulli-tin ii niUior red to ar.romi-e!I. Sevinonr Antrim an a cumtidate for alil.-rnian ot the Third ward at the thsumir cey e c tiou. Alderman Fourth Ward. The Bulletin in a ittmr I'd to W. F. Mint-in o a C:iudulitc for A (li-ritmn frnin the fourth Ward at tlie enauiug city el ct 011 to be held April IK. For Alderman Fifth Ward. The Hulletin Is ant hor'red to announce Pre 1 Tt. N'eOiitu a cantilM lor a drnnnn of the riCh ward at IbeeniuOig city elictioo. ANOTHER DIG CONTRACT. Th3 Bulktin is jdeasel to an RO'tcce that its advertising deprrt ir.trit through Mr. W: It. Shelton, man ager, ha.; clesei a 5.0 )i:;eh contract with th? RheJ'.s Burford Furniture cmipany, oae of the city's larg-st ttif icantilo insutntioa:-, and in fact one oi" ls- large : l ctinci-rns f i's k nil in the midi'le west, having larg.? coab lhibmontr. in Cairo, Indianapolis. Iji.i isviile, Pashicah, Motnid City, East St. Louis. I.exingtcn. Ky., JrfTersonvillo aid Net? Albany, Ind., and a largo number of cb;es in the South, repre sent 'n 5 a fetal investment of several tmm'red thousand dolars. The total number of sfort-" own"d by this great compiny aggregares forty nine. Of thi.-s none are more flourishing and c.atr. T--.r.trfi fre- l-lr-o tr,rr. in tV:i r't. and. under the wise and saeici- cas rr.an2jerrient of Mr .A. IT. New-iio-.n ir Is growing and expanding at a rapid rate. T.ho Rr.odes-Burford company ia a ' ' :t iasliintioii End it consiitu'es in t mercantile sense not an inconsider ab!" part c "Greater Cairo.1 The advertising contract was male 1 2022 1G., 2 2020 17.. 3 2015 13. . 4 203C 19.. 5 ID.'iO 20.. C IPCS 21.. 7... 197tJ 22.. 8 l!)So 23.. 9 iyci 24.. 10 198G 25.. 11 1910 2C. 12 1!)75 27.. 13.. 21ii 28.. 14... 2110 0.. 15 .....2147 3.. at Tin' Bulletin's advanced rale, which is a Milter rule than l asked by any of the Bulletin's competitors, anil is proof of the high opinion in" which The Bulletin's advertising columns arc held by the largest advertisers of this city. They recognize the superior jiin:i select, neiti v men i nuin iiii ' onablc-i them to reach and which can I only lie reached ihrouo.h The Pulletin. That tl:s big contract will prove a paying Investment is not. a matter of doubt or chance. The Rhodes-liurford company has long been a regular and consistent patron of the paper, and the ftc; that, its waie':ful manage ment, is willing lo pay more for The litillt-tin's advtrlising space than is asked by any other Cairo paper indi cate; ilte fat i:. factory re. alls obtained from our ad. column:;. TH THE AGE CF CORRECT ADVERTISING Evt ry business pr.u-r.' !n propor tion as it is known. The length -' tt ".- n 1 usm has beea la existence groat factor, but ad tho main factor. Of tones:; mil the exed and the quality f concern give.; to its In of course, a vet ds rr.ent is course the ehc; lonco ef goods sTv'ifi which a customers are essentials of success. People buy of the concern that a'. vc: .ises beest'.iso the advert!, enicnt not. only Rives the necessary iiiforni-i- tlon as to where the articles no ded j can be i ou::;!ii, but to a great extent j rr.-:'.to3 the iier.oiiid by evening the de ire of the pablie thruigh publisli'ed lists of eesirable thing;. Therefore, the wise Imsine. f; mrm tdvertisrs because evperience proves IIku adveriisinc litiug" pro;p"tily. Si greal ): the prosp, rity of a bu. I ties; that !.s largely adve-Used that when the time c.nnes fur tin1 t-'rejt com ta r: :. ' i.' ti ' and m rgers of our day lo absorb ieiS'-r cone tii-s v. hieh are their rivals they adopt nwarrt fbej well advertised concern a I i ft't ;rent j iceurse fii '-ni pursti' d toward i con co with men I ieie. rns wit eh Have not Hie stn-ns h the public that runeh advertise brings. Hiu:ion (Te-:.) f'hron- In anoxic" column will be found a list of the candidates for the var ious city offices. Tlte b t-'al 1 me l'mit for the liiirg of nomination papers was up last midnight and 'here will be only two candidates for mayor M'i-sis. Claud? Winter and George IV 1 The Bulletin Ins been wait ing until th? last, day to wee whether there might n::t. be other candidates fov the mavoi'al y in ad li'dn to the Iwo n: 'tit'one l he fore "taking tides." The Ik'-t is now closed and the next ayor must be either Winter or Par sons. 1 he Hulletin will announce to morrow morning its position in re gard to t ese two men and give rea sons for i's decision. Ac:o dir. 3 io the- Ch'c r.-. Recorl Heial.l. siae-.e j;:,u :iry ip 1 pii.i not. very long ago e: men have b cn murdered in Chicig , forty have been murderously assaulted, seventy- 'hre-j burglaries have been committed. in I one hundred and t wenty-nine men 'tavo bee'.i held up and robbed on the Jtreots a total of two hundred and fifty felonies committed within the space of ninety days. After fettling the municipal ownership question to- lay, the Windy City ought to settle the question as to who is going to control the city, the law or the law break rs. "Greater Cairo" capped. must no! be Inndi- ChicatjO elects her mayor today, tt looks like a cinch f-,r Judge Dunne. VSeVeVvNrWWVrWVAArVNPVrV 35 YEARS AGO TODAY. VvwNVrSAVVVrVVVrVVSrVVVVSVV From The Bulletin of April 4, 1S70. A pel ition was I. oil;;, ins the cily council t tiirrs ef the thy a pr scribe doo,ii.iii 10 the circulated, ask 1 submit lo the 'position to unh eal ital stock of the railroad acfi e I 1 "pr. co.r.pany that woiiltl the wot k nf building a fro :n o. and tttii. IpO: O ate io ;'i ; Cairo to tap th-: load sii'iiien he! 1 1 1 f Col 1 minis." t Tke Ye ttiot! v a ; o.g were ; .ir.-.ti.'.ei.l ; ang Mel org 1 :i 1 h L. W. ("irk I inn as -oci-in Cairo. Follow : C. P. Par.ons. illweil, vie,! p:e- i , treastf i r; it. S lir.g secretary; ir iing s. cr.'iai v. ,t W. Ste :u, c.tne k. rcKe ' of dire.-t Ei-.y l. Mi and .1. M. p :i , IVC is: hod I.ans e.'.ui A. ,t .':n:ngs ttud hurch; J. it. i sdcil, and rresi;yierian P. C. Ta'.for.l, .1 : 1 M ri ;. .1. alt i tt cti: G. V. Aid :ri.-'tia church. n and .1 ihn Tii; Jo .ran C Cahii van app; .' the mayor, d f.,r," said Tin- el '.el :1k : poi !l..t Job; w. lor i i.. r: ' ll:g l.i run tr. S C: I iir Circuit court 'let!. D. J. Blito w as r pr Ill !--. slut -iiitiLr; Je Mel'ai in. y, wo a hn Q. pros- liar,; an, riei k ; J. ecu! ng attorney. F. "Saffurd. Morris i- Can-lee bae tot; iirrant ticlo ts from l.iverpo I, Im-hm-detry, Glasgow or Q'nenstiiwn to Cairo for $.',o Z. Think of it only f:fty dollars fare from the obi country lo Cairo. Every forejgn-r in Cairo sho.dd st-nj out for his. frii r, and relatives." M. L. Barrow ;is appointed s fnti-mtilopist and was coming Cairo ' t) classify Cairo's insects.' ale to "The admission ef Adtibert Ames into the senate of the United States was an outrage upon decency. IB3 I I $10.00 REWARD . THE BULLETIN COMPANY WILL PAY A REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS FOR THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON FOR STEALING THE BULLETIN FROM THE PREMISES' OF SUBSCRIBERS. credential read, 'I, Adcibert Ames. Brevet Major Ami), Pro vis of Mi. si that A.if Sin il Genera! United States :nal Governor of the e;ippi, ilo hereby certify i Ames was elected I'm! i .1 Slates uii th-- lMh WAS "THE GIRL AND THE BAN DIT" BEAUTIFUL MUSIC AND A CHARMING PRIMA DONNA. The Cirl and the Bandit" eompiered at the opera cane house !a: t night. I'. yotid any (ptes'ion it ,va;; the great. -at co.nie opera that has visited Cairo this season, or for many -(asotis, as for that, and there have been sunn: go. l ones le-re the past winter. For tutu f iltu ss it is : uperhif 'o any ivcmt Jin glint;, (atcii !!:. 1,J IV fuli(.iW e cession and at laus ;.' airs U'it ot! al eiun-octidii. and swinging or in quick sue- the last one is coin trying to decide on 11 ' a hieh one is t lie prettiest. There is enough pretty music in the opera for half a iloxen operas. Not since Floro dora, with its "pretty maidens," or the "Prince of Pilsen," with its "Mes sage of Yiolers " captured the country has anything like "The Girl and the Bandit's" music appeared, ami it ii the truth to say that even these two great favor.tes cannot equal "The Girl and the Bandit's" wealth of pretty ly rics. Every number was enthusias tically applauded and encores, were so many that they could not. be count ed. Several selections appoach th iign'ty of gtand opera, the sextette, in the :econd net being a really not tlde number and strikingly beautiful. And there was plenty of fun in the jpora, too. Whoever fcaid its music, was what saved it was wrong, p loeds nothing to save it. It saves it telf. It is true 1 he plot stem., to be pulled off ami on at times, like a man would pull tiff "his coat, but the fun i t lever lost nor laid at ti except for .he music, and who wouldn't lay aside iny thing to hear that music again? And the "Girl?" Well, it was Cairo's first sight of Miss Viola Gil lette. but from her first appearance ?n the stage in that beautiful solo, "Violetta Mia." she had the audience completely won. A magnificent, ro ;;raii). rich and full and exquisite !n its modulation, a beautiful woman, with a perfect form, and an attractive, winning stage manner, Miss Gillette was just, about the most, charming prima donna that has' been here in many moons. And eyes perfectly ttlorious! Walter Jones, or "Daniel Clanecy," as he' was last n'ght, went to slet p arid dreamed the first time he saw th-Mii, and no doubt he couldn't help It. We couldn't have. Miss G:i ieue wore several beautiful gowns, the one in the first act being a dream of loveliness. And in the last act in 'hor-.e military cloihes, W..-11, . But there were others particularly Mabel llite. A bright particular star was she. Everything she did was cute and her bus ness was irresistibly fun ny. X-.v. Jones was still suffering from that cold he had at. .St. I.uuis las', week, but it didn't beep him from pro ducing his usual amount of fun an i easing tie; audit ucj. Hi. humor is A the droll kin 1 a:., it is go id. .bisoph Miro-.i. the "Paiidit. Chief," had a ba.,s voce that could almost he heard in the lower world if he should exert himself, and George Maci-'ar- ami's superb baritone was delightful '0 bear. N'eai McNeil also M'-s Alice Doey wa :;a:ig will and a petite, clever tnd pretty girl w ho won pp'.ausc with ' I f th her : oi ;-s. 1 r..- opera wa-; bia'ttifully costumed, e changes wer m;ny an 1 the color r"rts very plea.ung. The scenery '.ens i t i e,- i : 't ea! I p. .! 1 .v. 1 ping. The open being bran ; the porperty feature a no teae. There were not rprte I" in the rted. but every or.e pie i in tiik The chorus was large, ' an I t no voices v. - n ttaiuek T were e:- re were r-ep' ii i or't-v o in pr-ifir-i ri. i;o,i , w on -s ej j',,. ,r .,,,,,, tie- or.e .vord tliat f'Xpre. se, A full it ' I ri ;:i, its f.- :..-: was ' De Ikrhte.l." AN ILLINOIS M03 At Edwrdsville Wanted Two Prisoners. to Lynch i: Iwardsv He, Ilk, April ". Prompt m by two policemen tonight saved acti Mike Siock h;,) Ceo. Gowsi'y, Aus trian coal miners, from the vengeance of a mob and th y were taken to jail here, after a preliminary hearing, rharres of murder were entered .-.gainst them. While loading a. : hot gun. ibe weapon was accidentally dis charged, instantly killing Mary Hum a, ; reven years old. j The Bulletin presents all the latest local sad telegraphic news. ' eMutei- by the legislate, re ' dav of .I.inuary. 1S70." " ! I i The King of Wttrlemherg was culled a "brewery on foot." crfatrtSw UIIU1I I L.U I vllw II OF THE SEASON Giant aj teaching The tenatora "In parables' in respect to the San Domingo treaty. SHEAS .!' f.WE. j But It Did. Grubb -"Had that tooth out Did the dentist give you gas?" Molar -"He ('id that; he gassed .'.way for about a quarter of an hour, try iiii; to make me lotto; it til n'l go ins; to hurl n;e." Laid Them Himscl,'. f 'it it outer ",M i . (J it ill I. lor. e. g ; I got here yesterday were r.ble; and you tnl.l me they vit.' laid." t;rro"r-"Si they w re. I laid uiy-e.-lf on the counter only a few s.'es befoie yi u bought them." t hose ter fret h thern mill- A Gob of Wisdom. Give eat. and let. this truth soak Each gtntJenian and lady Your sunny face few friends will If your character is shady. Jiu-Jitsa in Lcve. Doiiarby Do yon think ol Reeks will let you marry hi,; man daugh- ler .' Wilwin I don't think. I know. I have a jiu-jitsu hold en bis private record. Yon have no i e 1. Didlari.y, hat po-er a few dark secret ; give me. The Faithful Clerk. "Young man," said the Hid merchant .lernly, "I caught you kissing the ypewrtter when I re'urne.l to the of- nee lies morning. What have you to ay. sir?" "Why," replied bis bright clerk, 'you told me to aiier.d to all your du ties in your absence." Just a Jeicester. An important gallant of Leicester Met a lady, ami thus he addreicester, "Let my arms be a neieest Where your head loves to reicest," So she ran to his breicest where he preicester. Cause of the Quarrel. Innitt What, a charming woman we just passed! Why didn't you speak to h'-r when she looked at you? Aginnitt Oh, that's my wife. We're not on j p I Vuig terms now. She wants Ti move again this spring, and I won't let her. HAMLET FOR OUTWARD CATION. APPLI By Ambrose Bierce. FRANCIS ?.r. COCK REEL. "'TIs bitter cold, I am .sick at heart." And COMMISSIONER GARFIELD: 'I have seen nothing." JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS: "Sit down awhile." SENATOR HALE: And why such dailly cast of brazen cannon, And And Doe;- foreign mart for implements of war. Mich impress of shipwrights, , whose sore ta.-k not divide the Sunday from the week: fiighGrade Merchandise at Popular Prices Among the many real good values, which w; propose to offer to the public this week, we would call your attention ts a lot of India Linons at 7, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents. Every number in t;i!s assortment is worth morj money thin we are asking for th-rrt, vis have also compelte assortmcrt of Persian lawns, long-cloths. Dimities, Nainsooks, Mu'ls, Organdies and Chiffonettes. Our p.-eso Gcotl3 Dcpar.-ment 13 stocked with the latest styles of Silk and Wccl Fabrics, ranging from ED cents to $2.00 per yard, and in c'uciea a lire of Ver'.-I l.'.-j'iai', whxh is one of the r.tost pspular Fabrics this season ar.d y;u c;i boy th:m tis week at 5? certs per yard. LACE CURTAINS As bojee c'c;ni,-,tj l cppraitkir.a vo wiclt to . impress upon ycur min.-l. that wc ' tv: this ceacon a 1:rr and tetter lire cf all Crudes of f iottirgh to. C.-u-,s;l, Rett r ; ie.Ear.cs rnd Bcnuce frame lace cur tains than ever snd a clcs: invrctig i'.:o;i will convince ycu, that our prices arc as l3w the lowest. We have just cpened our spring lire cf Paratcls and Umbrellas and will p'aco them on sale Mondiy incrning. PV3. HYfvlAN. Til eod n i: notv eyelt: 't Ida . rl t nt tuna jigiiro Co.r.t.; armed t 'iruuyh our watch SECRETARY HAY: "My necessaries are embarked; well." fa re S E X A TO It M Oi I (J A N : "He hath not failed to pester us message." with AMBASSADOR PORTER: "My dread lorn, Your lea us an. I fur to return France." MR. BAKER v the mass., r. met Iiiiig I " OE NEW YORK I was aboiii tn SPEAKER CANNON: He may not, as unvalued persons Carte for himself, Tor on his e' depends The safety i'nd the health of this whole stato. An I therefore must his choice be cir cumscribed I'n'o the voice and yielding of that body Win rcof be is t he head. JOHN YESLEY W.ndy : u spiral it n of GAINES: forced breath. .11 DGE PARKER, it though it bint- "I II cros. SEt'RETARY MORTON: tee 11 s own icde. It. el GENERAL low is it that tm you? LEONARD WOOD, the clouds still hang REV. DR. WALE: "Every man hath business and ib Such as i; is; and for my own part. 'tare, poor l Look you, I'll go pray." SENATOR MITCHELL. You must riot put, another scandal him. PETER V. DE CRAW: "Fruit unripe stick.; on the tree, But fail unshaken when tiiey mellow be." THE LATE GEN. M'CLELLAN. Your noble .son 'is mad. BOURKE COCKRAN: can not reason." "I THE GENTLEMAN FROM MASSA CHUSETTS. For murder, though it have no tongue will speak With most m'raculous organ. GENERAL ead on this GRO.sVENOR: book." TOM LAWSON. There's something in which his melancholy his soul sits on O'er brood. I ik) rt. t doubt the ;;atc'.i and the ilk-course, be unco danger. And "ill ROBERT J. WYNNE. all with speed to England. He THINKIN' BACK. I've been thinkin' back of late. jS'prl - in' And I'm here to stato j I'm suspicious it's a sign Of age, maybe, er decline k o'ce : 1 El M -a fa SVV M . t,f lW,J i '". OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois, Pop illation 16.147. Mayor, CLAUDE WINTER. Clerk, IX. A. HATCHER. Comptroller, P. E TOWELI,. Police Mogiatrate, J. If. ROBINSON Chief of Police. T. B. PPICK. Alexander County, Population Z2,S6i County Judge. WM. S. DEV. E Y. County Clerk, JESSE VI MILLER Circuit Clerk, LEE B. DAVIS. Sheriff. JAS. S. RtK'HE. Coroner, DR. JAS. M. McMANES. Assessor and Treasurer, FRANK U DAVIS. County Superintendent of School PkOF. JOHN SNYDER. Board of County Cemmlssionef a. J. J. JENNELLE, Chaiituan. GEORGE PARSONS, DR. EDWIN' J. CAUSE. Of my faculties and yit I'm not foelin eld a bit Any more than sixty-four Aia't no young man anymore. Thinkin' back's a tiling 'at grows On a feller. I suppo. e Older 'at he gits, I jack, More he keeps a-thinkin' back! Old as old men git to be, Er as middle-aged as me, Eolks'll find us, eye and mind Fixed on what we've left behind Rohubiliiai in' like Titeta old tines wo used to hike Out barefoot 1 fs-r the crick. Long 'bout Apr'l first to pick Out some "wannest" place to go In a swimmiti' Ooh! my-ob! Wonder now we hadn't died! Grate horseradish on my hi, In Jes' a thinkin' how eohl then Thai-t i e v.tirter must it' ben ! Thliikiti' back I kin call iiteir Every little tail Wi. h, er fought -W'y, goodness me! names and see 1 played , y was afraid . Of, and so niatle him the la st Frit ml I had of all the rest ! Thinkin' back, I even hear Them r.-eeliln' high and clear, Up the crick-banks, where they se.'ni I Still hid in the re, like a dream And me still a-pantin' on I T'e.e green pathway they have gone! Still they hide, by bend er ford j Still they hi'Je but. thank the Ixird I (Tiiink'n' back, as I have said) I hear lnughin' on ahead. James Whltcomb Riley. Boys and Child's Spring Suits We received last Friday 300 addi tional elegant suits of the CELEBRATED 'ELH BRAND' in blue serges, fancy worsteds and new nr'xture novelties which we have placed on sale at special low prices. SAM'L WHITE. VJ i-wU-.ti t,1- i -...f I'. ly tlf. If. tJLttlt ttttlf.f.l 9. tttf. J SPAULDING'S S S BASE BALL GUIDE I (1055, Otlieiah Henckell's Drug Store? NN '' H! We have re-1 ceived so much encouragement in the amount of work brought to i us this week, that t . . 1 J ' J J we nave ueciueu s m to continue a soe- if ! cial price on Bring your pict- I ures to us and t have them "fixed I up right at prices never before of fered in Cairo. in STEWART BROTHERS. P Gilbert BlocK Eighth St. p HOW THE TRAINS RUN TRAINS ARRIVB I. C. From North. 'to 20 J 2.n a m No x 4:1, a m No .1... 1:M a in TRAINS ITi'ABT I. C. (oid North. No 2 ....11 :ll a m Nm l: i a in No t-.U p 111 No H-40 p in No u 6 -io p ni No '4 ... .. 1!Q a to Nil M SOS a 111 ti.Kcpt Hunday , .... .1 ... .... 1 in I No V 'i .. 1:1(1 p m j No I ":'! p m t " W 1:S- p ui ' r.xc"pl Hutitiay j I. C. Ifroin S.mth j No 4 .. .. ! : Vi a ni 1 No I'H Ml a 111 1 No 1 1? 1" p m i N o f. i n p m I No .... t it p in No ) II: ch a ni No 44 p ni i raO.irah i.e. Going Honla . :4.i p u,- .Vol No Je? . No J No h No 4:1 No 4) I''.uca S.ns a tt :Xi a to 1 .41 p m fe'rft a 10 6:10 p ra M. . 'J. from North M. ft O. Gvi:ir Nona No J I :H! p n No 4 J:M a 10 M. A O. Oolnn Scato No: lsvt p No 1 1:11 a Hi: hour tloin Kaav No a 7:t4 a m No 1 :IK p m So t . I : il p nt ;.o S 1 -.4 a ni M. Jc f. fnnn Soiit'i No 2 I p ro So 2:44 a in e.'- Vopr From Ka-vt NoS ll-ta p m i:ii p ra No K'irrlav lninn. I'etten htt Ontlcn H't 4K0dk hontLwet No S .. S:ii, p 1 No I .. 1:S. p 111 Irr-a Mo"n:ain Kroin V", rnl Irnn Mo'intain tilling WMt No 21 : w j No 21 ..11 : p ro All Biltiol CtriirsG, MoW.e 4 Ohio and Cotton Pelt train' srrivt sn-1 I ;art form Ceiitrii Ftati,.n, corner oj Second ptreet arel Ohio street. All Big Four sad Ircn M-tctili -ains arrive an! dcprt from th' Union station, gead sijf et act! Cone ruetctal svecue. JIail rnrty be dpcsllfd la the box a' th? transfer Ftation. locate! at Ce 'ra! station. TO minutes Lefore U s da riarture of any fain. 3 P Picture I Frames ti 11