Newspaper Page Text
H CAIRO Official Newspaper OK 1HE -. City of Cairo : Exclusive Franchise OF THE : Associated Pres : CAIRO. ILL.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 10. 1905. ESTABLISHED IN 'ftoS VOL XXXVII. NO. 11. SENSATIONAL DEBATE BETWEEN SEC-I REM TUFT ftND PRESIDENT FISH TIE PRESIDENT IDEM 20 LUES LOST 1.60DWAGONSARE BIG BATTLESHIPS IN NEBRASKA OF SEA VICTORY IN A T now mm H 11 ... IN 00 RACE AT SEA At Banquet to Internationa' Railway Delegates at Washington RATE LEGISLATION CANNOT BE STOPPED AND RAILROADS HAD BETTER NOT TRY TO HINDER, DECLAR ED THE SECRETARY, TO WHICH FISH EXCEPTED. Wash'rgfon, May 9. Secretary Taf; falrlv .t. ' ifc.-s breath of the thre hundred rhvay men, Mil ABROGATE THE AGREEMENT poke to 5,'W People at Grand Sanguine Fct ling Pervades the Many Oth rs Suit ring frm bland AVkitdo's Realm I'rilvcn Limbs .hiccgo St ike Situation a Great Ik at I'etter Uayf v'.ft'W i souri " di. ws" IKr Heels U Nav'8 Prid: BETWEEN ILLINOIS COAL OPERA TORS AND MINERS, THE SHOT FIRERS BILL OPERATORS WILL MEET. TRIP WAS UNEVENTFUL MUCH OL IS BOUGHT AT MARQUETTE, KA!S.; MORE TO WORK TODAY A ABAMA COMES LAST 1 Rnrincflfil.1. May 9. A. meeting cf the Illinois Coal Operators' a: socia- J tlon lias been called for tomorrow f r ; a discussion of tho bill knewn as the f . "shot fliers bill," providing that mine I .... ..I...II nr wtila on.-l mu v- . in'msn tn fire shots In minea wnrk Is now done by miners. It i International Kaiiway uong es, dining tonight as gum-is of tha Ameri- n Uailmav A quiwi-!) t inn ivhr.n. after 1.. ,'... t4,.,l.., rl llvn invlln tmm e atOI'S lltll' , , '. ii V ' of which Is that then, shall be no in- the Phlippines. h- emphatically e-j crca80-, lbe ras, r products dur- cKirc'l mat railway rai.e i kim.iii.ju. The d. - clared by the coal operators that it this bill becomes a law It. will abrogate the present- agreement between on. I miners, one of the clauses musi come, that if ra lway men wero wipe they would aid and not hinder it; that the sentiment of the country is mirh that failure of proncr rfgula l.on meant a campaign rn "lie subject ing the two years in which the agree ment is in force PRESIDENT'S ROUTE CHANGED. j Omaha, May 9. Late this afternoon i it was decided to change the route of QUITE A LENGTHY SPEECH AT NORTH PLATTE, NEB., ON IRRIGATION, GOOD CITI ZENSHIP. ETC. Grand, 1,'b., May 9 Per. pite the rain, five tlijusand pe;jl gat iie; ed at the Union Facile il.:pot a' (5:20 to Kt-i.' and hear President Rooso ve'.t. . The rsr'l n' sm :;:ig and happy, was ouf upon the rear platform and i.Mi liu t m m gi'ie ing tiij Nijbrnn fcahs gathered heie. lie h id aire .My begun to address t.;? t!:rng when Misi. Anna Garinire and members Jot the high shool graduating c ass woik e their way through the crowd a'l I prosin'ei'tiio pres'diiu with (unique1 of flowers', on behalf of tin busbies", nun of Grand Island and of the school . Ti e president expiese.l li s apprecia' on, e. pec.iaiiy as com in"? from school children venturing tho ns surance that .e needed not to call ut- BY AGENTS CF RUSCIA AT HONG KONG, SAIGON A'D SINCA PORC ROJCSTVENSKY SAILS. Viet ria, T. f!. M.iv ?. A lvlc? Ironi Japan -eeeived by the ut .-ami r Ka,p:efcs i In.lia today re'.tect (he san gu lie tVeliug over the v.p.jc el naval lia ile let.wecn Tog) a:id liojeai '.':: sky.' Mich h; tho-A n on uc toiiiit of Ttanee's aliened broac j's of neutrality. Tiie Hu: aiutk thro it' h nSc' i.t a. nis a-e repor'.e i t have bo ight up all the ava lai,,e c al - sup dy cf How; Kang. SUg.n an 1 Siu3..p"r. ROJESTV ENSKY SAILS. Nha-Tran;:, Annarn, May i) --Ad.nir-:il Rnjcutvensky's squuilron w! ici been erui, g for :ew.v;iil iliiys, o'f Van l'(,i,g liay, : a 1 -.1 U'a nioinin. CONGRATULATES ROOSEVELT. Oi.uiha. Muy 9. Governor Mickey ENTIRE FAMILIES DESTROYED RELIEF COMMITTEE AT WORK DISPENSING AS SISTANCE. Marnue te, Kn May 9. When darl;ne.;s fell upon this strlcl;en town ton'ght it. whs kno.vii t'.nv 'M live. h id be n UiKt In a toraa io that wruekul part ot MsripieUe early ! div an,j d d much damag? iu thri vicinity and tht tVity t i t. pc irons had been injuio-l. Of ibe injured, 3s wire Kurlonidy hurt and so -ne of the n may d... Dining S ' ay Carl Wdrnaiibil and Mri. J. A Gailotn died of their injur.".. Several oi Ibe o.l,er: are s'ifff rins ff 'in bro ken limba tiii-1 inle nal Injur ts. The Death Itet. Fiilbiwiiit, is a li'.;t. oi the kn iv,n Jo ' leperte.l is p Hi tlii.i time: Cat! 'Varntniis;;. ?.)t '. farliion. C!d Noriif., Oi j n lers, n.. STT.IKE. HOWEVER, CONTINUES TO SPREAD TEAMSTERS OF DIG FLOUR CONCERN CJ OUT INJUNCTION riEAP.INCS. Gliii'iii;'.!, May 'J. The Urg me t stii;; aid t ,e j-.prei-' dpil't- t hat would do no good to 'r riMroads. Painful Silence RcigneJ. 1 Absolute reltrnvl "s T'ft ppolic'iiis n. ' subject of rats. He was !-' - - ' "f n " ownership, be r!n!', b'eving nnthlnr1 Frt delet'T'-' s -o' H on e o t e e"'tt try nn th'? nn'silj 'ie ' uestloi "But," h-! cmtinu 'd, on cnWnot nr. the railroads as you rrn nrWite bus' nesFt. You tnnr-t. respond to publ demand. If tl re 's dan-er or lii critT inat'on then you mint a'low the e: taldlshrnent of seme tribunal that wil re-nedy that dlscritnlna Ion." The Secretary saw na r?aon wlr a tribunal jirotwrly cons' f acted bIiouI not bi competent in every sense f' the word to fix tha piaximtm rata. Fish Answers Taft. President Stuyvesant Fish,' of th Amer can Railway Association, had ir troduced Secretary Tart. In his c paclly as toast master, Fish was o bis feet the instant, the secretary cor eluded. He answered the y?cretar at length, inking the view that th law to prevent (liscritiina'i'n, doubl lening and secret rebates, was amp' and he vigo-ously cal'-l f -r enforc liipnt of that law.' Flfch tallied of th vested r'ghts of money tied up i' railways. Taft's Rejoinder. He apologized for allowing himsel to be diverted, and as he sat dowi Taft, who sar next, to him, queried i' a low tone. "May I have lief teen mit iites to reply?" . - This time was given., and the secre tary utilized it in mak ng himself eve- more, pos'tive as to his posuon u favor of legislation which wou'd cr ate a tribunal with authority to nam maximum rate. "The law now is, ront nued the secretary, "as decide by the Supreme court of th5 Unite States, that nrst a commission nm then the courts may decide whether a particular rate is reasonable or un reasonable. Now in fix ng that rate in the very mantal process In determ ining wnether a rate is reasonable or unreasonable, one has got to fix wha' is the maximum rate. What is Proposed. "As 1 understand it, what la pro posed Is only that, in litigated( casjs, a commission shall be consMtutad tha Bhall fix the maximum rate; la otne r words, to go through the same pro cess it now goes through to de'.erm nr what is a reasonable rate. What I am strongly in favor of, though- is that we shall have a body that shall decide things and that those tilings shall he , decided within a reasonable time finally by the courts." Fish aga'n took up the argument ."contending that it. was a 'question of fix rg the price for the seller or goods. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY '' MAY KILL TWO MEN. tho presidential 'train - and send it across the Missouri river at Blair, Neb., 25 mile.; north of Omaha." When the train reached Fremont it was turned over to the Northwestern rmd, vhich to' k the train across the cut -oft o Missouri Valley Iowa, where ibe (Uiin line' brandies off and runs dt ec: to Chicago. Tho trip across Nebraska today has ecu' a moitt pleasant one . for tho resident. l eaving Denver enrly Tues- lay morning, nearly the entire day va:s spent, in crossing ine neuinsnn ilaina. Several . speeches, all brief. vero delivered by the president front he rear platform of his car. Durinsc he day the iriiion'Piudiic transmitted ;ver its wires fresh news of the day, vhich wan delivered in its regular bnl 'etins form to the president.' who ex iressed his gratification at this Inno vation in keeping his train in touch ,'ith the news of the world. SALOON MAN CHANGED .rid Caused t'-;e Town- of Makanda Vi Go Dry. pecial to The Bulletin. Alto Pass 111., May 9. Makanda, a illago eight. m:ie east of this city, as just become a dry town in a most. mtiHual manner. Afetr tho recent nmicipal ebcti n the village board ;tood three for saloons and three 'gainst, with the president on the sa oon side, which would have given he town saloons again, as the presi- ent has a vote In case of a tie. At heir meeting one of the saloon advo cate.? was absent, and the temperance 3!de had a majority. The strange )art of it. is that the absent member was taken violently ill in the evening of the day of meeting. The next day a well known minister in the village in timated that the man's sickness was not entirely Providential, but. was due to premeditated plana concurred in by himself. FROZEN TO DEATH IN SNOW Is the Fate of a Dakota Miners-Snow A Foot Deep. ' .Clinton. Jnd., May 9.-Following a imtiv contested Republican primary "the opposing factions .clashed tonight and ten men were seriously cm. i of the injured will die. . Pierre, S. D., May 9. Advices from Dead wood tell of the death from ex- otsure in the recent snow storm of MJchael Ktrby, a minor. The storm was the severest' in many years. The loss Is the heaviest on colts, calves and lambs. Reports have been .re ceived' as far west as the Furks of Bad R'ver and northwest of Haxhy, on the Cheyenne and all are about tho same. Snow was over a foot, deep generally and in drtrts six to sv.?n feet. - .,.',..' , ' ' ' ' ' " " t ' ' '' - 1 1 ii . in -i M t"nvVr-r- ' J 1 Kyb Ijp 111! fj' ..''... ... . ' . ' 'wHiTJ L,rttoix mom .A'L D ACW MIL The Italian Old masters are j? Mting bu;y again. . ; " . ' J. Pierpoht Morgan is going to epend quite a while cru'sing in tho ' Modi! crranean. News Item. Wedding Ring Astray. , To get the ring at a Southpott wed ding, during the week-end, the care taker had to go down to the nether re gions, where ho found it after a care ful search. The nervous bridegroom had dropped it djwn an lrcn grid. YALE STUDENT FOUND SHOT TO DEATH IN A DORMITORY YALTS STUDENT FOUND! . .". tyV:I r.n M. o Arthur flaerot. a Vole senior from Cleve ... f....' iw,t to dea'h in uis room in Welch Hall, one of evident prosperity. the campus dormitory today and Inv -stigatlon Into the pase is being con luct". Medical Examiner Bartlett stated ton'ght that he bel'mvert dea h wa, a result of accident or sulci lo. but thaU; that lie would not rtisouss tentioni to his fondness for ' school 1 children., , , . , , : . After referring to h's former 'VIkH here, his address took the -more gen eral turn. He had ba-ely closid wlieil his train pulled out of the yards amid the shouts and hurrahs of the moHt enthusiastic and sithfied gathering that had ever taken place here. Uneventful Trip. , . ', W lh only-four 'Stops for speeches lbs trip of the presidential special from Denver to this city was unevent ful. The train arr veil here at. 0:30. Senator Burkett and Edward Rose- water, publisher of the Omaha Bee, were tak-n on board as the president a guests as far as'Omaha. The speeches were all brief and were devoted al most, entirely to a discussion of the country through which the president nassed and to the sutijcct. of Irrigation The prerldent spoke longest at North Platte, Neb., where he spoke on' irri gation, good citizenship, schools, and espec'ally tha children. He compli mented the veterans or tho civil war, congratulated the people upon their 'oday to President Roosevelt tho allowing me: sages:,: "Congratulations on your .success ful outing and plensant hunt'. Trust on will have a safe journey across ,iur stale and to Washington." NEBOGATOFF SIGHTED. STATE BACTERIOLOGIST. Parlr, May 10. A dif.'pitch from 3a!gon to PC It Journal, pays: Nebo ?atoff's squadron appeared 'at day break May.,9, twenty miles off Capo 'St. James, prepa:lng to ascend the river to Sa'g n-where tha cotnmandur expected, to find necessary orders tor effecting" a Jiinllng w th Rojestvensky and revictualling his fleet. Ha was ha led at. Boa by a scout he longing to tho Russian second Pacific squadron, which communicated to him France's desire that tha Junction of the Russian squadrons should occur outside of Indo-Chinese waters. Ne bogatoff then disappeared on the open sea, sailing towards the second squad ron, which doubt less is awalfng off the Annam coast. RUSSIANS LOST TORPEDOES. iwwiv rvau found hv one of his room mates and after It wa viewed 'by the medical examiner wasremoved. to an under'aker's. The case n n,iit anrl further than the fact that the young man was found dead, nothing official has been given out. A revolver was found near. bla aide and there was huliet wounu in na aeaa. taJ ; j M ;j. i Victoria, B. C, May 9. Japanese .! vices received today states that ru mors are current that tha Russian Fprtiglleld, 111., May 9. Dr. .T. A. 1 squadron lost, many tropodo . crafts during tne voyasn. Ecan. secretary of , tho slate board of health, hits appointed Dr. W. C. Blank meyer, of the Northwestern Univer sity State, Bacteriologist , . . , - Tillle EDarson. MriT. A. V. Anderson. . Mrs. Elmo.' Hultgren. lllancho Switzer. I'iia Nit)''. Swlfze:. Ann;, Ooulson. M. P. Nelson, wife and three chll dren. ....' A. Sjogren Sf. , Qi Hani on and wife. Gottfried Nelson, wife and child. Kline. Nelson. Mrs. Pontic.' find child. Charlei Roberbi. Nina .Roberts. A. V; Anderton, Elmor Carson. : ' Artiiur Carlson. Sensational reports were sent out during the day of one hundred pesons being injured. This proved incorrect. Whole Familiet Wiped Out. , In several cases, entire families havo been killed. One man mimed -Hwltze.', n'ght watchman at. railroad yards, lot t his three children. Mr. N. P. Nulson, with his wife and three children, wrro found dead. Two other children were net at home and es caped injury. . ..- Tonight ordr had practically been brought out of. the c.nnoite condition that orovnllcd today and the relief committee had begun dispensing a'd. eoiiipa- iih'ij to. .ay H.iun. d tie.i; nes.n on al nor; i lu.i'inai ban 13. 'I bey s ent thoir nva :;otis in to e.s.ri'ine parts of the city, in ln;;ian..'ea without any.po.iee jii eiHion and lidiu:,1'! tneir buiii-it-i-.i uhhoiit interrupt en or tr: ul,l ui' ..eii.-iiit: charade.'. -' . I.bwii Ve;.mr ,i Work. j taxtt-ee. lieiu'irid tetKiis were lit A-oii .o-.aj and tite nitmliei" wdl lie iK-rea. ul uiiiiorrow. NotAitiist-tnd.ntC .bis uppuient gum, lum q,. er, there are .oo.ig indiouri ns tonight that, the i i'il 0 w il spread within the next few lavs, not only among teaniHiers, but A'lil involve otbe; un.ons ns well. Tho invers ot t lie Weiug . TvAiniug; ci in an , cme ly eugig.d In .delivering on', went out, today .wben one of In ' i number wan tlihchiiri.-ed for it tu.iiii to ileliver Hoi'ito a I) ycotted loeie. 'i'iic X.'.nis company is n i;e g factor in tlc Team Owners' a -icc.iit , on, which bus lieieti. fore sid( l id in f with th'' Tearuhftrs' un).ti ihiui uh the. i'J iiployers' asworiat :on. Its ntnud in lino with the;lut sr or ..iti .i inn in :.o eethin: (f a sur p.i.'e to b.M! i ! s III I lie . tniK'-lb). No Shortags oi' Fiour, - ! In sotiio (.luiitem it. was ten re I the .,'rlko of thrne drivers, would prodnc.' i idioitag.' in the .t.iply of tlour, but .fiieeiH of the roaipany say t u ghl: hat thev luve ft tuipply stiffH'ieiu to iH the eiiy' i wivk and that a.t, 'p.'ia'.ou if thai time, tlirtvwitl ibio In 'make deliveries as befori!.' or ; omo ti ne nils ntternoon it was eported that a strike of the teamstort mplojed by the Ciaue company wiis nminens. 'l'hb'. enncern is an ' Itn- n nwe manmaciuie.' oi eieviu rs ana luiiibing si;ppl';os and .ts shut: -down vould be a serious do iln.ent to many iiildlng. operations now-in prorcus.- Differeicer. Were Adjusted. The threat, to strike was caneod' by he discharge of two toamstert, who refused to mal.e (lellve.'les as oido.-fl An adjustment, was n ached, however, uul the strlUo did not occur. There .veie nnmin'm cianltes in the street today. Fights were all In the char acter of rear guard atmckt; and bore no semblance to the open violence comm tied laxl week. The most set! otis tight whs at. bake and Clark t reel s, where union teamsters formed , blockade and brought about n con gestlon of traffic, and a series tf tight: that blocked the streets In that sect lot lor nearly an hour. Nobody w irrllously hurt and nti-Microns oirfF's were made by the police ' : ' - ' Coal Teamtets Assaulted. The coal teamMtcrs in the business section of the city were especial ol- Jects of attack by the workmen in buildings, near which they drove. As toon as they were discovered. miss lea of all sorts were showered up on them and In several instances it was necessary for wagon guards and police to send a volley of bullets t o ward tho windows. Nobody, however. was: die t during the day, . t The Injunction Hearings Taking of evidence relative to the granting of injunctions Issued tem porarily by tho United States circuit court in favor of tho ICmploycrs' ao elation nnd tho seven express compa nies comrnepced to'.ay before Master in Chancery Sherman, The first wit nexn waa Robert J. Tnorhe.j as slstant secretary (f Ward & Co. Ho describ ed tho corntin ncenient. of tho strike awl told of Its progress since, Mr. R. EVEN IOWA AND MA2SACHU- I SETTS, THE VETERANS, DIS- TANCED KER RACE 1 LASTED 43 HOURS. S New Vcrit, Jtay 9. Seven battle- ' ships of the luirth Atiantlc sji:a!rii lacel f r eight hours on the h'.g'i teas on Sjir.rda;, with : Admiial R it ley it. Evans as surUr, o'T ciat ti'.ae keepe and ju- g. ,; ... . i 1 Thu hatil.ship Mitsuri won with en'. Tlio otheri fmwbed in their or i der: Maine, Kearsari;i, Kentucky. : lloAa, Maiisaehnsetts anl Alabama. ' Tho race bfKan 0 nitles south of Citn Henry. ' .s Tiie s.iiadr(.n hal cm i-il of e g'-t batlledups. but bfl the lllinoi-i at P"i. fr.a.'olx Itar Admiral Kans s.-lit t..e squadron - into- two -divisions, talutu; tbo Maine as Ills flagship, and with it the Missouri, Kearsarge find Ken tucky leaving the Iowa, MaHiychu- ftts and Alabama undei commaiel of .-. j. lesj than For the latest newt ot the day you will find it In the Bulletin, B. Eddy, general agent of the United Slates express company, said that at ter the commenceoient of the strike against, the express eompanle', ho held a meet ng with CornelltiS P. Shea J, B. Barry and Hugh McGee, of the Teamster:;' union. Harry suggested that Inasmuch as only 37 men had voted for a strike out of the 700 In Rear Adm ral Charles H. Davis, b wa and Va sachusctts have totinagi and les .horse, put tu nny ship in the first division. ' No Jockeying at the Start. P.cfore 9 o'clock Saturday uiorning thu bin ships began ti draw abreast, nnd at exactly 9 the fctenal for the ! larf'wsa given from the flagship. ' The fi st hour was designated tn rest the siioothness of the machinery rather than to attain a high speed. From 9 to 9: SO o'clock the ships pro- cet'del at twelve knots, and at 10 '.'clncl they were permitted to go ahet4 at tall (.peed with natural draft. When the real race began the M.s ovul drew nheud rapidly from the ,Manj;.t('hi:Ke.' Is, Iowa and AiaMre i, ui.d ai o, th ug'i less .-apuiy, fro.n f. , Kearsarg,. and Kentucky. , -Tho iii.'tt wet on In un'U noon. iien ti.e extri.Te t' i urn with foiced diufr More charlv Cian Tfr.i in tho nea f ur liu.ns nn 'cr s f tee, I draft tho Mtsrfoiiri :le iirns'nted Its Miperlorty. On paper the M.ilnu was superior', for it has a slightly greater displacement .than- tho other and In the official tr al made nn av erage of 18 3 knots to 1S.2 for tho Mis sour'.. . Missouri Surprises All. The Missouri, however, upset the trial figures when well goliisj irndi r forced draft, and showed tho ilig-il.ip so clean a pair of heels that there re mained no question of its superiority. From 12 to o'clock the battleships became widl s'rung out in th order in which they finished. Much more than it showed was expected for the Ala bama, i apposed by every one in the navy to he fleeter than the Massachu setts and lawn, the only ships in the squadron completed before tin war with Spain, These vetetaus beat the newer ship easily. - At no time,1 so it was said on the Alabama today, did 1t develop mere than thirteen knots, its officers r.ald that the hone power was up to the best record and the revoluti: ns were smooth. They could ascr be its fall ing behind only to foul bot'oai. The craft was painted about Christmas time, they said, in a storm of sleet and snow, and after that lay for sev eral days in the ice of the harbor. Twin Ships in Fine Race. The sister shipr. ...Kearsarge and Kentucky, which made the sam speett 17'A knots, on their trials, fiunishel Hue contest throughout. The Kcnr sarge finally drew away, but the mar gin was smaller than that between any two others. ; It was not until the arrival of the Alabama at the Brooklyn navy yard this afternoon that the result of the race" became known. .. Officers cf the 'Alabama said, today although every. .'commander unjetf hii ship to the lim't was not, the slighest mishap or injury. ( Concluded on second page.) ELEVEN WOMEN DROWN. Vienna, May 9 It !s reported from Sx.atmar, Hungary, that a row boat containing fourteen peasants, was cap sized while crossing the vlver yts'rr day and eleven women drownel. , GERMANY HAS NO FAVORS FOR THE RUSSIAN SQUADRON The Bulletin prer.uve all the late local and telegraphic new. Berlin. May 9.- German newrpip-r rndole with Great Pr'tain on tho uncomfortable position' in which she has been placed in connexion with bnth Japan and France by Rojestvensky s action. It is rath diffleult to restrain the satisfaction f'R In Germany over the check to the understand Ihk between Great Britain and Franco which has hen the subject of ;mnch thought on the part of the government here. Germany's owe course with respect to Role.tvensky should ho put Into Uw Slogan will. It W sai t. be strictly In accord with the 21-hour rulo wldch wilt be t a In previous Instances where single ships were concerned:, Howywy'H Is t"i supposed that RcJeslvensVv witj " t o Ts'"