Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 22, l?05 . . . iCtrfc t RICE o the one. I FOR THREE DAYS. , This Is to show you we are not in the Trust. Com 5 all! You will save Money, sure.' ,Wonday, May 22, Tuesday, Kay 23, Wednesday, May 24 , Mennen's Taktun Fctvdcr, 25c boxes for 2 in. narrow steel hinge, worth 15c, per pair 1 1-2 in. 'narrow steel hinge, worth 10c, per pair 11-4 in. narrow steel hinge, worth 8c, per pair Men and Women Shoe Soles, worth 15c, per pair Cobbler Shoe Nails, worth 5cpcr box, for . 3 boxes for -Heel Shoe Nails, worth 5c per box, only 7 pair Crescent Heel Plates woith lCc, only Rubber Heels, worth 20c, only - , Shoe Thread, worth 8c per ball;' only Bevel Clinch Harness Rivcts,worth 10c per box . Knobs for tin covers, set of 3, worth 10c, for -'75c Ecomonical Cobbler Sets , for - -20c Wooden Cnrtaiu Rods worth 20c for 3 lbs. Rice worth 15c for ( 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, worth 75c for 10 lbs. Pure Lard worth 9Cc for , - -10 lbs. Coaipound Lard worth y 5c for Half gallon tin bucket Honey Syrup worth 25c, Shincola Polish per can worth 10c for Flower Trowels worth 10c for, '". V , -5 lbs. Rolled Oats worth 25c for - -Ivory Soap worth 5c for y - - ' Block tin plated Tabic Spoons worth 25c set of 6 Block tin plated Tea Spoons wbith 16c for .Block tin plated Knives and Forks, worth 75c for Wood handle Knives nd Forks worth 60c for Iron handle Knives and Forks worth 6Cc for dlinolaJPolish for general cleaning worlh 10c pkg 15c 8c 5c 4c IPc 4c 13c 3c 5c 13c 4c 5c fc 4?C lCc 9c 6?c 75c 65c 15c 7c 5c 15c 4c 15c 9c 65c 48c 45c 4c Ersndy From Old Boots. In a ' car i? involving the pt.rity of brandy at Ece'.cs a so!ici:or iu!d th it s pure alcohol or ciu'.ral spirit could bo o! 'ncl from old biutj it Mui in: jossibTo to tell wheilur the sample wis inade (icni grapes cr from clil toots, but it was improbable that grapes would be used when cheaper article? would do as well. l.ur.don Standard. flaye fa , Look ; a t Jhese Prices, io nhniPT CTnnr t ; 'ncfiT iLIM OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. Horseshoes In History. Even ho::es'tos have been m:u'e to ferve the purpose of extravagance and display- Pjldaa Foppaoa, the i.oiu ti:n! and luxury-loving wife of -the Roman emperor, Nero, is said to have had her mules shod with gold. All the w :ild over, horse .shoes are sun postal io pi .-. s rjme or-ctt't p jwer ,f attracting luck a::d warding oil evil. Origin cf ' Piker. In English laag a "piker" is a trump cr vagrant. The word is some times mod In connection with Wall street and the race track, where it i applied !o the man hoc Invest ments or bet 3 of iniignlQcar.t axonst Hence It has become a sort of term i.f cor-tempt for the mau who does things ia a small way. Feed Tl-rt Flavors Eggs. Th" N' rtii (.'?.reMn experiment sta 'km. by feeding ;t quantity cf chopped vild unions to het.'s, obtained eggs sc. 'irorouaced in flavor that they could let be eaten, and this continued while h; wild onk n was fed. Bid Wanted. Office of the City Comptroller, Cairo, Illinois--, .May KI, 1905. Propyls for furnishing the city of Cairo, 111., vi:h fire hose. Sealed projKis-nls will be received at 'his office up to 5 o'clock p. m. of Mon day, Juno fit It, for furnishing to the city of Cairo, 111., (1,500 fifteen bun dred feet of 2', inch rubber and cot ton h--se for the use of the lire depart ment. AH bids must specify prices, terms and discount f. o. b. Cairo, 111., and addressed to tho city council of Cairo, 111., and marked (bids for sup plies to the fire department.) The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. S. DEWEY, Comptroller. CRABBED AGE AND YOUTH With Or!y One Toe. It Is not generally known that the Una II foot o Chinese ladies have commonly but one toe. . This ittj how ever, the fact, Tho great too cf the of the Inferior classes also. Is the only me left to-act with any freedom; the r"st are doubled down Under the foot in their tenierest infancy, and re tained by coajpressed and tight band aires till they : ' unite ' -vvfth, and are burled in, the sole. . World't Beer Consumption. . The beer which la .consumed throughout. th world. In a single year would make a lake six feet deep, Hirer and three -quartera miles long, a mile wide or .2,319 acres In area. In th::: vast lake we cculd easily drown a!! the English speaking people, to the number of 120,000,000, throughout the eatire world. i Be Appreciative. Borne people never dream, of pralg lns anything or anybody, They take everything as a jnatter of course, and Imagine that they. show their superi ority by to doing. They little dream that they never, get the best service owing to thrfr ntsgavdliness in show lr.c their appreciation.-. It is sureris- lu; how a little word of pralfie stimu lutes to new effort, and pvita life and Interest into the work of those about , Privileges of Lady Mayoress. 'Among the numerous privileges cn 'joyed by the lady mayoress of lim doti during her husband's year of of fice Is that of "entree" at court. That '! to say, instead of being compelled . ty take her place among the ordinary "ftu'estfi, titled ' and iindtled, at' court fucctlohs, she enters the palace 4by a (separate entrance and Is received by royalty before, any of the other guests. Vf vCHppie (Jain Education, 'i ' A man died, at the I-iiuevlok InQrro , ery at the age of sixty-foir who had Jjeeu brought there wtitin twenty-four i yefci-s - old, crippled jlor jife y expos-) i ,wre In a boat after shipwreck, ; But in 'the forty years be had learned thor- oughly Greek, Latin, French, German, ' Spanish and Italian, and had amiuied himself In reading thes clasic.R In all ; these' languages, besides closely fol lowing the'events of his time. Willing to Teach. , A farmer was in the city hunting for a boy who wanted a farm. The hoy could earn a home with food, clothing, and education aud a future chance to rent a farm, make money and' In time buy it. Some men are buying farms while some men are losinfr them. Is it due to education? Earl M.' Pratt. Smith He takes a cab home from the club every night on account of age. Jones Why, he isn't old. Smith No; but the wire nt tje club Is. ., , .. , Of Course. Vws, HhA . completely unmanned. And fhf'l'-y with her iiomi- in ihp pand, An(t ilnr' Bw'er made a mmixl. Bhe jiistl pnmul In a KWrtund. Though the air was d.liKhtful ami Wand. Bho vvn.i wayworn ami bent und do- ' cji yf i.; . And fr'rtfy unit fortakefi ami frayed; Shp had soen her bt day Anil now there phc lay; Wo speak ot a boat not a maid. 'Houston post. ! ; V How to Be Happy. A Frenchwoman married to an Knj. lishman, cpntribuiins to a correspond ence In a contemporary on "Why Mar ried Life is-Dull?" says: "When iny husband., prgtura to. be out alone, 1 smilingly fstfpt- I never bother him witn questions, ana I never nag. French women, do not do these things, and the, ljfiA of'.the French middle class faji)l)y .,is a model of happiness." THE CHANGE OF LIFE INTELUGENTWOMEN PREPARE Dan8ra and Pain of This Critical Period Avoided by the Use of Lydia E. Pink bam's Vegetable Compound. h w"wmmw ;: J x i'' Dropper Her False Teeth. ' A passenger on an glish railway tialn pulled the "communication cord" the wher day and stopped the train. jWhen the guard came to tho compart i m snt In which the cord had been pilled bo found a distracted woman. rnf.fieiif;er. She had been looking out of the. window .am! .had dropped her false teeth. She wished to go back and P.c-1 them, ; , ,: American Railway , Employes. Railway's "of -the United States em ploy an army of 1,600,000 men, Tho income of the raflway companies lust lear totaled $2,000,000,000, and their total assets for thbj year are valued at Uur tliiieu that sum. ; fsrtlcular. i . Thn rlv bird nvty nt h worm .' Ami call lh diuty fhi(; I'll ntsy (k bfd urtd nno because 1 want no ml nr. . . -imnoia ruin jovrniM. -"Left-Handed" Animals. Left-handedness, or its equivalent, is said to be. very common in birds anil animals. . Parrots seizo objects wUh the left claw by preference. The l!n strikes with the left claw, and Livingstone stated as his opinion that all animals are left-handed. The par rot has been found to make a readier use of the left claw for climbing than the right. 'A Mourning Gift. It is so difficult to know what pres cnt to plve to a friend who Inn re cent ly Buffered a bereavement that we have nothing but praise for the enter prising American firm which has Jmt produced a pack of playing cards for bridfio with mourning borders. ' Punch. - . . Novel Written In Verse. A 1 otinon publisher received tho manuscript of a novel written, from teginnlJig to end. in verse. Curious, he rtad It nnd found it not nt all a bady story; ' bo. .good, .Indeed, tlmt he Is willlr.K to print it If the author will translate it Into English prose. Scotland and Iceland are Linked. Scotland i connected with Ireland hy a submerged., bank at a depth o BOO fathoms. .:" I "IBlSil DO YOU WANT A -PIANO? fill -w- . ?n -v- llri fKiWjm ir-' !-'--'"-" i '1 K- i - -r?t.r 1.- i ts- T - I i 1 I: f 3 '? I in COUNT OUR SUBSCRIBERS IN HIS UNITED STATES YOU' $6,000.00 PRIZES iff a iMsfJ'ne fct tvm?n who tlrV pnd ' tVc ouly mi1 engine in ih world endoiwt hy OVKR TI1RFR MII.MON VOMfN, brinff adnfcd a the CHicm OrMM ot tUe National Cv of Vo-n. H in .'I c-f br.ktht t"ne. r!ev r articlrs 0:1 art, ms;o. :'.t ratnrr, with bfutitiiul pictures galore, -Vv:v t4. t mi ifiis urp tun'i Ut sbiItiViv ( mnt lhau en fuljy and then say how man sutx-nJrn w lirv- 1 1 1 tl(- Cnitt-l Stales, TtST Of Si Ml L. This is not a lolierw tt Jfini i r rvimnunj ttntrtt- t is nbsolmrlj' aiest of ki-l. Then jn- ttck r decrtittoti alxtit thu, wniL?r, li: dot tie vt:le I j the n.,l.e t yc an cn le cauuted. Ii jou can cjtial the cLUi tvnvJy uiJ se a Bxd yLji of coiu;Uji mem uu;ouJ(i wuu icu; ccauwi: viuuu. i u sjcai a auy ouc a. Ik eKs 1 J l;v, v. V. ! T-,.7?f?r: - . r v . , . iv2;y .1 :;v:.v--'.r special f I 050.00 , ;. is . OFFERED TO EAULY PHISS TO THO S3 S3HDING ;f-;jV;:;ls EBS IH THBEE COUH'IfS '":f;Mfe TMr 3 "' fi fe I'eCS CONDITIONS) - ' ' .' receipt of cent stamp for postage. S .- -. . A TOTAL "of" T5? PRIZES - 1 P ... , -?n , ttti-1 inen 1 'ii 'i 111 1 minimi n mtmi umihi I iwnei mini winmie wn n in i iron irmii lm mm n n n i m iiMiiiiiirrm-iirMmiiiii nwi n min immi iwmwii mi m.iiijii i n n i . c rl p tlon tr M 4 D AM E ou d enll!le ytm to nse frr count: $1 W pays f .r one yrar a'id cn::(ks to Uur-? ct.uni and mnii'.s you t jj.iIe f.,r the tf".W 1 rie ijivi-a to tv:rtarrs 01 It: trst lina-s if lh;y hav-e tone ccnaU. & tilo-. 050.00 PlilZSS "wn',"'' h-M-'e three count vt th -y can have on? ciile of what they think t crt et tut mnre skc U' hit tt, Toencmirae tuis will -:ve 5,x, K) extra Id winners c1 ft rut pnitr if t'u-r he thrre ouii'a Kcui'-ni'r il you hjvc irtje cou?it yr fi tirst prie ONf.v, rit if you NAVB COJ9(T3 AND WI VjU tifcT $ (0 RITRA. , AT7AHr,3 w!:!. f'The rcrvn pivi? i carrot tr Brt corrrct cinnt w!H ei first pH.-e, Next KcarcM corrrct, sH-,d prise, etc. In vat t a t.e f r anv rrJr?.e it w lil te avarUU to the crsou KH-iiitf ixtzt jhn lor Couni.n ilvui. rcvrjrtj! anJ v-ul aivt J.tfi to the per-1 mewdink: hetcotm' Attd jjl.m V-y Jtirve 1. If you od lxaicmrii iuid piaa by Jtuie I, yuu gel. y - exta. JlfJQXig Th- awan'inir cf pres win be whe-Jly fa the n in is of U,si te res judjrM. The Floit. J-hn W, TIoifxraAn, Mtv;r of the Cvy cf In.iiatia is chatimtin of iht C'.mr.iitiee of Jutts. Vh AH ttCVi Otlt CtNTET$ MClC K AUOLVTVLV FAIR. Our Xinaiicial Ussponsitility a t0 whetjier wc are aVunantiy abie tt do t we ny, wr reer ta any Iank or Trut Company in t'e City of luduiiapolia. Our offer wilt be carried cut to the lHer. In theerpnt of more thsn or: K''-n S'lbmitiioff t33 tnme r'" Jk ui? c tivderwd the bel plan by the a eth penwm so ,yjhK wiU iw akd to tell in f.?f:y word how Ixest to hmmive Mai-amh, The one nuikU)g L t Vuff'-stioti sret 6rt f-riw, nxt N t next, etc. UsitEi'srK d thus ifl UNIT IK CAA Of Xlia iH I LAM, WHICH IS NOT AT ALK ViKUt-T. No one conrcVd witi Ma?amr wilt le sllnwed to crvmprte. Content rl'.Hif Ji: 1, but 't yo-nr cnuttU itt at once. See ab t l-ni- prize alvvr. Ar4vnPT bavin irrvRU cotijiTS rwi Krn mav rnth au:?zti-wal counts AT ?5 CEITI FA 1. 11 - liM CAkFfMIL TO C.IVB VOCtt WAX OF CorNTisa, j the beat piun used wii:rkcute&U tie PHIZES GUARANTEED ";e., aiurt to a;ive a prize worth ot.e d!ir at Wt. to ery pet-n who sends Correct cc.i;t and $i,0i (or a year a Jiuw.npUou IoMaDams. LIST OP PSISES. 1st Prize, Piatro with Mandolin and Guitar attachments, value. 2rcl Prize, Piano, '. 3rd Vn, Diamond,.. fl.con.oo . l,0O).00 , 250.00 125.00 50,'jO 1.500.C0 4th: PrUe,'bunon) . , 5il IVizc, Solid pole! Watch --. lOOPriM; 100 Beautiful Cbatflalne i Ladies' Watches -. Jext 100 Prizes. Tames Whitcouib Rik','-s Works, 3 vol.. f3.75 pert.: S75.0O Next 100 I'rues i .0 Sets Shakespeare's Complete Works, 12 dainty vol. 1,000.00 Tw Special Prices of 50. W) each see coaaitiona ; , 100.00 Next 100 Prizes, Marion Ilarlftn Cook . . Boc&, fi.OO each, 200.00 Nit 100 Prizes, 1.50 2ori. latest fiction, 150.00 Next 50 Prizes, Choice of Any f 1.00 Mazine - 50.00 Net 100 Prizes, Extension of One "Years Subscription to Madamh, 100,00 Next 100 Prizes, Ha;T3 Pulled Proof of Die l-aniousPii Uire by Walter ,T:'.p, entitled "When Shep herds Witched Their Flocks by Night," fl.00 each, 100.00 , Total 'l(,,m.Q0 L Write your count, nam; sntl dures TCly plainly. J. Ray jmt what S-our c iunt and plan is. without nr "if" or "antla" -iake it ptam. S. Be sure to stutc whetiwr or not you are tilting MADAMS. 4. Count must be aiTcomtwnietl by tutrseriptinn, 50 ct. per for six months sut3crtpttmi cr.d one count. $i.00 pya for om yarn tut-riistion and thre ymi)ts. If you hart three coitrttsrntcneii ynu may enter count at.3 ccnta each. Yuu gr5a.u0 extra if you have lhire couuLsatid win. It itl pay cu Us have three. See conditiouj TIIH DOTS eonnUnir i perfectly free. Good eximtcra can coin dots into dotinrs. The rontr-rt nt last Umg. Make huy while tUe sun s'.mfa. 'litcrtf ia fun in cotiminff tno:H-y iw-i les. Of enume, yott kncr how to count. Any thi'.d urn count. The pmuVikz t-caa.? tin r r- x many. That is wliy 'tW'iit prises will tip a;vt,n r.v free to U,e bel cwHit-r. Tue heticr you and plan, the better your cbauce for cettin): me of the 7S7 priz. Ttie more coanU -.. rc.r t'.'r the rr'-r yu are of tviti tting oue of ti c Ui "" prixes. Anjtdy fuvlnvf thrco count er.iered nay cr.ter a0uitio-., counts at 15 cents each. The li't cf i tf is large. They are worth working for. You hevo J 57 chances. You krr xt lie!,- ut nnyb-xiy to Bet first, but if you a't tret first prize there sre ion of uii.rr prize? haviii:'. I( rill drrutlfl Uott if you call count ami thiau uy a tati! plan you ere liktijr to v,-la. Money Must. Accontpay An Cttbscriptjoi.'S. si-33cs;?no:i 3i.a:;x Contest Department, THE f Of.D ruai,TS!riNC. CO., Indiaaapalis, V. S. A. I eaclose . for .. memtiia subscription to MADAME, in accordance with your offer in Jhc, ?.&me Address Art you taking MADAM!? (Vesbr No). KY tnVHt OS DOTS. Civt ywrtr p!ao of conntlnij on a tperia al I pt-Qitr with your aaua acd adiirta plainly wrtttea. n How loany wo men realize that the most critical period in a wo man's existence i the ehanjfe of life, and that the anxiety felt by women as this time draws near la '-not without rensnn ' II her system is in a deranged condi tion, or she is predisposed, to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, it is at this time likely to become active and, with a host of nervous irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, caneersand tumors are more liable to befHn their destruc tive work. Such warning symptoms as a sense of suffocation, hot 'flashes, diz ziness, headache, dread of imoendlni? evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, pal- piiauon oi me neurl, sparus belore the eyes, irregularities, cotiHtipatton, vanaiie appetite, weakness and inpii etttdt? are promptly heeded by intelli gent women who are approaching? the period of life when woman's great choug-e may be expected. Lydia H. 1'lnkliam'a Vepi'table Corn pound U the world's (rreatest. remedy for women at this trying period, and may be relied upon to" overcome all dis tressing symptoms anrl carry them safely through to a healthy anil happy old ape. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vetrctable Com pound invigorates and strentrthens the female oraiiism, and builds up the weakened nervous system as uo other medicine can. Mrs A. K. ('. llyland, of Chester town, Md., in a letter to Mrs. Pink ham, says : Dear Mrs. Pinlthamv "I had leen mitTerinir with fallltifr of the womb for ywirn nnd win passing through the ehanifeof life. My womb was badly swollen 1 had a d"rtl tf wirenesa, di..y mxdls, headache, and wan very nervous. I wrote you rur an v lea and commenced trnatnient with hydia 15. 1'itdthum'n Vegetjible (-orn-ixitiiid ax you dirwt'd, and I am happy tomiy tlmt, all those diHtnwinst pymptoms ieft me, nnd 1 have naotnd wifely through the clumge ui iim a won woman, : For special ndvirc re(rardinp: this im portant perliHl women are invited to write to Mrs. PinUhatn for advite. It la free aud alwaya helpful. I o Address all letters, Contest Dopt., POBB PITBLISHIHG CO., In&iaaapoU, T, S. A. Echo of Syvcton Cas.c. Thoro is a cliaritabb? ztly in Paris named Lchatidy. Sh does Rood among the lxjo;-, but, like w many chnrilahlo French v.oinen, ha a violent tafto for i.-litlc8. She ad van" cod 10.000 f'-r.c;; (2,tit)0 to Deputy Ga!i:e! Syvetor to meet tho t xpeasffs of his dffousc ttHen he was Filed for Rait!tl3&; Gen. An- dro in tho rhapiber of (.ei.nfi.-a. ,M She- 'ee!,-s to rf-covr tho tnwney .from his widow, wium sh oeciifPR of hav int. polfoned him. Mrr.o. Syv.-ton says that most of th" n:ony -had bo-n opent op lawyers fcea be'trc her liurband's death. ' Peculiar Effects r,f light. ' Pmf. Itedard of tteneva, who ap plied itiiuic as t-anqul.'Hzihg iiifldtueo pji,pcnsoiis tinde.r. anaesthetics, says d Who light falling on the eyes, c-vca when rlorcd, effects the r.e'rve centers ai,d prcdnect Klfep, cither by a hyp notic or rna'sthetin action, Viclwt kii "green,, bnf not . red , and yellow r.-,ys hf.vel a slniillir, biit weaker ,ef- rect."'" ' ' ." "' ' ."" ' . . .-".' To Hunt in Arctic Rcstons. A select expe'tition of tea Ergllsli sportsmen 1 to Kail fi.r the. Arctic re gions in July to .atioot Polar benis, walnisea and any other big Rame tnui may come wRhlu ratine. Each mem her of the patty la to pay $1,273 to cover tho expenses of the trip. The steam yacht Rore, a f.rt-:t-c!na pas sender vessel of 137 tons, lias teen r.p daily chartered for the trip. Too Many Grumblers. Some people contrive to get hold of the prickly sldo of everylhlim. to run BRitlnst all lhe tiiarp corncra aud ills atrrccablfi thir.RK. Half (he slrerfrth spent in grnmblitig WKiild often get thlnRn rlRht. No one finds the world qui to as ho waild lil e it. llobe: t 1IM1. Homeiets cf London. A ceimw of the ho;:ieU-E:t of Lon don, mfti'e on a rocf.nt night, revealed a total of 2,481 in the 'stroots, on st.fllrcnFtes -and ' under arrhct!. Of tl'ip;:o, -2,109 wore tint! 312 tvomon. In lhe common lodging bonsoH and shelters that night there wero 2H.G0O perrons, of whom 21,204 were single men, 1,688 cinslo women, 357 married couples and thirty-four children, under ten years of ago. A Car.ny Guid Wife. A very young I'arliaiui iitary caridl date for a 3 borough, visiting a e'hoemakef ahd his -wire, look the lib erty of klMsinc; the "guid wife" and (dipping a couple of sovorciKns inio her hand. He was for a moment net sure what effect would bo produced. Then the "guld wife" slowly smiled upon htm as she slipped the gold Into her pocket. "Oln ye like, ye may kiss my'dochter too!" she said. Thackeray's Host of "Characters." Some one who lias boon looking at the list of characters enumerated; in the hint volume of a recent odiiion of Thackeray's works has calculated that their number totals tip to between three thousand and thirty-five hun dred. V7; have not checked tho esti mate, '-but accepting it as accurate share tho discoverer's astonishment. Girls Keeping Their Freedom. Tho London giri, s'aa a correspond cnt, seems In leas hurry to marry than her provincial si:.;teiri, for the good rtawu that he hat plenty of amuuo-nK-nts, ax often cm, tint a club of her ovn. and as much freedom as her married fri'enda. Sh certainly seems to marry In tc 1 - End naturally expects much than tlioso who have lived mere cuietly. ,' , Stronger Than Gibraltar. A Russian writer says that 'lol.o Ruka, the fort of Yokohama, is new strongly fortified than Gibraltar. The fortifications were built under tho f upet vkdon of Or man military eaal npein, while Aner!eati. and V.'tigllsh experts built the alpnal and submarln' mine eyntcms. , Unique Lrndon Club. There H a P.ttlo Club In London called tho Froth Tllowcrs club. Tho organization meets In "public house.-) " and every member Is bound to swear out! fttrie at every -meeting or bo fined twi.r.tvfivo cents. ; . " - 11 PoiiUlaticn of -tiriliah Qotttli Africa. Rrltish Ponth Africa haa a tlon Of 1,1 33.7." t! white ( cij 'fi atM 1,308,30a coloi' d, A Fominlno Weakness. China scorns ever to have been a feminine weakness; for, as long ao aa tho days of Queen Hobs, we find that rojal collector vastly proud cf her two pieces, n porringer of "white 'porsely" and a cup of "grene." Hut china was not in common- use till well on to tho end of the clylitcenth cen tury. The Beet Gifts. Tho best, thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tol eration; to a friend, your heart; to a child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that, will makO'hcr proud "of you; to ,ours:If, reaped; to all tnen, charity. Iji P.rtiyero. Odd Birthday Party. . An Englishman iius juat given a birthday parly for his wooden leg. which was CO j eats old. Success In Medicines. , It mi;;ht bo observed cynically tliaf conditions do not' change co much after all. In "Tho Practice of Modi , cine In Now England lleforo 1700," as explained by Dr. Francis Brown be fore tile Boston !an Society, it was a fact that "a bold, rash, impudent liar" had a bolter chance -of succeeding in Now England than a" "cautious and modest goutloman, in the practice or physic."- Boston Transcript. ' Mahogany Much Used. Mahogany is tho favorite wood with tho best, makers. There is a vast amount of seasoned mahogany to bo had from ruinous old articles mniie In (hp in.r. century, when the rago for mahogany was well devel oped; and while the new mahogany is loss beautiful than tho old, purcnas- crs of furniture scorn to have learned that it Is worth while to have the new wood well Beasoued. VuaUiii6tou Post.- Gratitude of a Hindoo. A grateful Hindoo wrote as follows to the head of the hospital for women at Allahabad: "Dear She My wife has returned from your hospital cured. Provided males are allowed at your bungalow' I would like to do you the honor of presenting myself there this afternoon, but. I will not try to repay you-vengeance hclotigclh unto 3od. Yours noticeably, ," Decoration fo;- Education. A TurUloh newspaper Announce! re cently, in rorordine; vftrloui honors "conferred on deserving soldiers of the rmltnn that ('apt. All Klra Agha, of tho y.oitfivc regiment of .thi imperbil Ifltfd, bail reef lv,--d Ihtj title if pffapdj for huvingr lea mod to read aud write.