Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, MONDAY MORNING MAY 22 1905. 4 THE si. 1 11 rr-""1 . CAIRO BULLETIN bianiiabad lKi FbMd Dailj an Punrtay by the Bulletin Liviup&nj, at "u Ubiu Sirwt. Phoae UB3CIUPTI0.'. RATE BT MAIL. Inrartably Cub ta Adraooe. On jtr, ami Sunday... . . . W.oo On year, Buadar tonij i ....... 2jG BUBHCRIPTlOtf BATES BY CARRIER (ly earner lo Cairo- (Wc a montt by carrier ouUiila Cairo uc a mouii. NOTICE TO 8UBSCRIB8R8 Ratwerihera will eonfsr a iaor by reporting to tk utfioc aay lac Jf prompt delivery on tue part of camera. Kniavd at the Cairo PoetoSca a Baooad-elaM Mall lUuar CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Averse daily and Sunday clrcu Iri.Ii n for one year ending De cember 31.. 1904 1.91a Average daily and Sunday circu lation for January. 1905 . February, 1905 March. 1!05 April. 1905 . . .. April, 1905. . .2,045 .2.051 .2,095 . 2 220 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5... C... 7... 8.... 9.... 10.... 11.... 12.... 13.... 14.... 15.... ...2195 ...3090 ...2220 ...2232 ...2150 ...2K.0 ...2228 ...2120 ...2020 ...2072 ...2120 ...2110 ...2094 ...2127 ...2150 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. 25.. 2S.. 27,. 28.. 29.. 30.. ,...4022 ,...2140 ,...2120 ...2112 ...2149 ....2110 ,...2091 ....2045 ....2074 2120 ....2100 ....2019 ....2120 ....2090 ....2089 .$10.00 REWARD THE BULLETIN COk.PANY WILL PAY A REWAKD OF TEN DOLLARS FOR THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERfcON FOR STEALING THE BULLETIN FROM THE PREMISES OF SUBSCRIBERS. The above 1b a correct statement ot the c rculailon of the Cairo Bulletin, daily and Sunday, for the year 1904 and for the first four months of the year 1905. CLYDE SULLIVAN, Business Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of May, 1905. E. L. GILBERT, Notary Public. Th Bulletin la on tale at the fol towing places' ".' Coleman', 214 Eighth street. HallicUy Houee neva atand. Walker't, 10 Sixth street Union Newt to. Union depot Blue Front Restaurant croat hem fje'or which has fn e!y conferred upon them the privilege of r. liliing. "The only thing curious to my mind is that the men who can see so clear ly the ir quity when it conn s to t ear as a hardship upon the government it self, or the Panama Canal ommis sim. which is the same UiiiiK. cannot sc.- it find will not remedy it. when bearing as a hardship upon the people, many of whom are so much poorer ami lo s able to withstand extortion than the g vernment. "A startlinf,' public object lesson ot Ihe infinity and wrong was noe'.'e. The attempt upon the pan of the tai i IT-1) red tuid tariff-fed trusts to per petrate the old, old w rong upon a ne v cus-omer, to-wit tho government it st If. has furnished this object lesson, and even a lUpublicm cabinet, is seeii to revolt. The tax which the trtnts w: uld have levied und r the shelter oT the tariff, upon the people indirectly by mak nst the government pay for ma terlats for the construction of the Panama canal, is not a Hi ho ef the. amount which th y :a ily levy upon the people themselves, upon the hum blest, most obscure and least, aide to pay, as weil as upon ftir navy, our merchant marine, our railroads and our 'sky-scrapers.' , "One of three thitisr,- will now hap pen. Loner tae government will buy it3 materials needed non the Isth mus from foreigners, or, the crcat American tntsis to prevent it. w 11 se!i to the government at a price at which they habitually sell all to foreigners. or else a Republican congress up n re convening will pass a law forcing the government to buy from the American trust; at their own prices, under the ulse of "encouraging Americin indus try," and "uplift lug American labor." in pursuance of the so-called American ystem. "The poo, miserable transparent veil has been rudely torn for a mo ment, at any rale. Let the pe pie look at. the ujtly face under it all, until congress meets, anyhow. This spec tacle will do ibn no harm in the 'Jems' run, if they learn (Ho lesion it can teach." I am still doing business at the bam-, old ' TUG CLOSED BLINDS. Hurrah for Cairo just one time Nary 'notber. I'adticau News-Demo crat. How's your hcnrlachu this morning? Vice President Fairbanks is report ed to have purchased a $ 5u0 ink stand. If he had done that last August l"n clo Henry Gassaway would have wiped him off the map. a FOR THE SCRAP BOOK IF I KNEW. If 1 b x mil. were Knew thi lo pt. No nutlir how large the hey, Or stnmg the bolt I would try m hard "Twe.ill open I know fir me.' Then over the land an 1 the s.' tr aA t ast. I'd seal t it the smile.- to y'-.iy. That the children's faees mi. thi-m fast. K. r many and many a day. ill hold iv. that was large enough the fro ns I no el, to gather l hetii every If 1 Knew a li. To hold ail I would like one Prom nursery, school and street; Then fold and holding Id paek them n, And turning th- monster key." I'd hire a giant to drop'lhe bow To the piliS t 1 111'.' d-.-op. deep sea. --Anon. .'UDCE HAD J FOLLCV. Liitensd Ch mil- Would (n.e ccr P lo M e THE LIFE AFTER C EAT H. Would WHEN DAVIS CCT RELIGION S? ; Vtek K.: 3S YEARS AGO TODAY. j B jlwer-Lytton Believed It Progressive. I A WeNti lady, writing in P.',-. I ' j wcod's!Z'iie on her visit lo Kt-t b worth In lisai, says that Sir Edward j RuIwcrl.jWou srA.l-x thus on the sub- i jeet of spirits: ' He saWt he did not believe wc she -dd j reach the highest heaven when we die. I No." he continued, "it Is not 1 h'y j that we, Imperfect as we are. ?l;o,ue be FOddenly nshered into the Divine Presence on leaving this world; our minds would not be prepared lor so rr.uch glory; we are far txj sinful tor that. We shall pays through success Ire stages of existence, risii:? hipher and higher until We reach tlio u!!t.. -K j of kr.o AJ,edge and of bappine.-s. We j cannot expect instant tiansitii ii from j dr.rk.ness to light, which to us wotilii I be irfsr.ffe.-abiy bright. Pees not j everything progress? Is not proc:-e- sinn. the oruer of alt Cod s w :k lo re? j Why not hereafter? It is ttranie," h- j went on, "that all spirits, when Qt:e ; j tuned about heaven, agrer in stating ; hat into rtr ncit ttage of 1 ems ; .hall ce.ry the rVX, and character- ' ; ; it-tics of mfad which are ours oa j , . -tonr orth. rut all ' refitl anU ennobled. , f" Note of them, however, rnofess to have reached to the reat knowledge of tmr final heavsn, ror to know by what meanr, we shall pass from one stage to auothei." to Chauncey, But WitUr.cJy Have Cuit f he first cist s v. hii h ew had after hi Ir.g a irttte-i r was a civil suit involviv.e a ro-newhat complicated querl.on ol 1; eritauce. In co way dnunte! yo-irg Clnuc rt ta'kh d it. hxd.ed up uuthoritic? ii f e w .:y I s ek to Julius ('-.o-ar ,"n ! i re; s red an arctniei t vt a few Inhered pa? which seetred to hir ueie tl.aa unanswerable. His only fmr was tlat it might le ..eyc-:iJ the cor s reio'r s on of the court. Wht i. she ti-ne can.e the man n-re an.l pUmred in boldly. The jurtg1 seemed iv eiesti d, and Cliaun'.ey too' Kither ( Put ot tr,e erd of nr. hour and a I a'.O in the midst of the D'.est intricate pnrt of h's plea, l.e wss pained to see what ho thought v?8 a lack of attention on the part of the court. If was just as tie had ex pected; the judge was ttralee to ap preciate the nice points it his argti m nt. lie pinned, hesitated snd then Enid: "Your hr,nor, I Leg pardon, but do yco fellow n e." "I l ave so far," answered the judge, aio;t In his chair; "but I'll .ay frill k!y that if I thougtit 1 ibl f.nd my way back IV quit right here." T YE. (Fnm U!S AGO. . . the Bulletin . .. $.. $.. .. of M ;y 22,' 1370.) WOODEN SHOES IN KENTUCKY n's Apologetic Remark to K s Maker. Judge- ycl'erry te'.'.s a good rtiry .old bin hy his fa.hcr, Judg Mr Henry the eider, the occurrence be ing a happening of his yon;hfu! day3 n the early life of Ohio. "Living in tie fceUic-rcer.t." said he. 'there was an uneducated, egatistit !d fc!'.o.v hy the name -of lav:i Ouvis was a bis n:nn, who s; r;ni;i- -jis i ptech very p.r.,fust'ly with pro fan ily. He had a very gtod neig'.iio: however, who was a very devui church member. This latter ie.;.o. vas uffllctcd with a strorg terd.tcj t' lisp when he spoke. Utio sunir-er there caice a cumber of cvjiicci; to the settlement and engaged -in k vival work, end the first t;i be re cived at the mourners b neh as of fr.vis. with a desire to rid Ir.mseM of his prof?nity nnd a!! his sins. Pav h ss conducted to a place at the betfl. if contrition, ard ct his siie l..r.eP his lisping ceighbor to assist in the reformation. 'Soon old Paris began to f el ccuM be heird ;ir. shoutiitg. bctrging : and tsraying. with ail the j tioiso f n hattery of ho Steers. IPs intping neighbor stood It nobly for a j time, bat finally he raised his clasped hands during a lull in the storm aad j thus jj-ayed : i " "O, l ord, we know Its awfuL but ycu'll have to tnke tM ro.ig'i and thmooth together.'" lts Leader and Register, V Youngster Outclassed. Senator Money of M!ssissi pi has.c T-;.e?.r-e!d grandson who, inouh no averse to a f.ght, Bees no disgrace S: nt ins worsted when lie mirls are clear ly asalnst him. He came ro:nc frjn school not long ago In bad snr.po. "You look as though you tad he" ir ;i Cght. hoy," said his sapient gnind f.:ttey. "1 have, sir." "And you look ns if yu pot th' c-rst of it." pursu"! the grandfather "I t!5d. sir." ttd'.niifcd the hciini'. e.W kirdrrg-.rtm r,'htit be -mus turner and I'r.t a severer " A few d.tys lat, r he w as fru'I'y r some offer,---.-! which brought him b'- neath the paternal rod of corrector He sl owed so little evidence of hi fghiing Wood duriis the! Eoy's and Child's Spring Suits Wc received last Friday 300 addi tional elcgaut suits of the CELEBRATED ELtt BRAND in blue serges, fancy' worsteds and new nrxture novelties which we have placed on. sale at special low prices. hifli itiii ta ji&aai SAM'L WHITE, j OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois, ulatlon 16.147. Poi HOW THE TRAINS, RUN Mayor, CICOiUJE PARSON'S. Clerk. R. A. HATCH Kit. Comptroller. P. S. PF.WKY. Police Magistrate, A. J. ItOSS. Chief of Police, M. S. KUAN'. Alexander County, Population S2 9 County Judge. WM. S. DEVVEi. County Clerk, JESSK E. MILLER. Circuit Clerk, LE7. B. DAVIS. Sheriff, JAS. S. ROCHE. ' Coroner, DR. JAS. M. McMANTS. Assessor and Treasurer, PKANK. F DAVIS. County Superintendent ot Schoou, PROF. JOHN SNYDER. TRAINS ARRIVE I. C. From North. No 3:S8 a m No J. 4:17 a m Ni VI ..W:!0 a in No S.x. p m No 4 :i Soo p m No 1... m tNo il .- .l?b p in BuikU.v TRAINS DEPART I. C. iii Nortli. No a ra No 4 1 :W a Hi No S 1:11 p D No K:40 p n No 40- :10 p in No 'MH 'i-.ia a m (No 'H 6:IS a m (Kxiwpt Suuilay I. C. r'roui South No 4 1:35 a m No .'W4 J:ll a m No ii...... ..12.07 p ni No 6...... 'ii'U p m No n S:iH) p in "No 41 11 !' a in 41 H:80 p ui 'l'aducah I. C. lining 8uuta Ko 1 No 203 No 3 No S No 4'1 No 41- Palnch 6:4A p 8:05 a i 8:35 1:40 II l ":) a 6:40 p it Board of County Commissioners. J. J. JENNELIJ3, Chairmtin. GEORGE PARSONS. DR. EDWIN J. CAUSE. that his father v. as both pcrplexc and dltis'ij-ted. "You're n creit fellow.- said hr 'to tul.e a t'.rash' raid, mahe no re s!?t :ir.-e." Vli tit's P'e use," rep'''-' ! his cnisl ed, hut philowph'icnl sou. "when you'n s thirty-threer aid Pus t.-'.y a sev CLcr";" Several jnindretl.Cairoites spent yes terday in Paducah. Everyofe of them came back talking about "Paducah's pived streets." Will all our citizens, thoFtf part'ctilarly who s- ay at home "d never f?J anywhero. draw the moiil from this? There is nothing in ti'v world that attracts the eye of a viihor so much as pretty streets and cluu streets, . Pni'iiicah has them. Why not Cairo? Im The death of Gen. Albion W. Tour g e removes a notable figure from our national life. He -was a strong, rug Red character and had an tvetnfu' cireer. A young lawyer, a college fiiadtiate, he tfii to Ihe South after the close of the war. In which he fouirht for the union's preservation splendid brains and ability awd beeann a noted figure of the reconntnictijn period as editor of the Union Register at. Greencboro. N. C. He afterwar si' ved on the Super'or court of that stat ? and in 1875 helped frame tin s'ate's new ecns'itutlon. It Is to hi? everlasting cred't that he was a friend of th South In those dark days whet) she was so heavily burdened with scullawags and needed friends sorely The folkm-'ng commi'tces were ap rp nted to make preparations for the Decoration Day exercises at Mound City:. , On Miles:' Col, Wood Judge Bross, Col. Rea-den. , On Orators Col. Brown, Rev. Mr. Kete and 1). Hurd. , On Program Cols. Rearden Woxl ind Graham, On Flowers H. H. Candee, chair- nan, witti twwtr to anpoin a commit tee of ladies to solicit flowers from citizens., Mr. C-andee; appointed the followinc commit lees: . Pin t Ward-Mrs. Jewel! V le x. Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. M s? Kate lock, MiKS Annie lli.rd. Second Ward Mr. P. Bross, Mrs. V I.intmi, Miss Kitlie Brown. Miss; a Steel. Third Ward Mrs. L. P. PutU r. Mir f'hillis, ' Mis. Lyon, Miss Copeland. Four h Ward Mrs. ,S. Walters. Mrs. '.V. P. Halliday, Mrs. P. II. Pope, Mi's nisle P.lcher. Mr. Ed. II. Barber, late ticket a'etit if ihe III nois Central in this city, lied In Chicago of typhoid fever." Dutch Settlers Around Louisville port 200 Pairs of Them, The very mention of the idea thar wooden shoes are worn in and aronuc Ljuisville seems a bit preposterous to the modern citizenship of this sec tion, mt. they must be worn here abouts for they are shipped here. Two hundred pairs of these tinhiu specimens of footwear passed through the Louisville port yesterday. Thev tame directly from Rotterdam, con eklgued to a local firm. The Hollanders are famous for making and wearing wooden shoes and never lose their desire for wear Ing them, even when they come to this country. Scattered around !i this section there is a pretty goo. I sprinkle of these old time Dutch, a::d they must have their wooden shoes The shoes received yesterday- will be disposed of to these foreign -born Dutch. The shoes are not '!y unique in their make, but are extremely li:ht. They are worn mostly durinR the winter and in extreme wet weather. They are made of one piece of wood and there Is no such thin;; as leak in them. There has twn but slight In their make for ven turies. Louisville Courier-Journal. THAT TAFT SHOCK. Columbus, Ky., was 'ire, Ijtss. $1'.'5,0IO., de: tmyed by Corporal', punishment, which had liecn ah Jirbed In New Yo-k City chools, was alnnit to !. restored. ICS AT ONCE. FOR THE WIRELESS T ULEGRAPH Expert Would Use Trees in Short-Cis tanee Transmission. One of the most -, interesting snt tcstions made recently in connection vith wireless telegraphy is that ot Ylajcr G. O. Squier, of tha Un'-tc't "tales army signal corps,, who he-' leves that for short-distance tranv ti.ificn trees can he used as stibsti- u'cs for the aerial wire.? usually em !oed. Major Sutler's p'.an is to con -ect the apparatus by wroa to iron tails driven In the base ot the tree rom which the radiation. would be mitiod. Whilo the tree would hardly be as satisfactory as a more perma tent arrangement, of wires, yet in a ."ilitary caropaiga it mirh' answer fn nany tnirposeH where the army is perating in a country harren ot rees, but hero a return may he made ii the older method of employ Ins oint."d poles or kites or balloons tc aiSe the wires. In connection with (Major Seuier's suKgestfon thJ point j as been made that the difficulties of .vireless teiegrapny n transaititins WKKaKOg overland would he increased by the presence of an inlervctiiiij,' for esl, nnd should this be the the r-eration of wireless telcRraphy may ho restricted greatly. Harpt r'f Weekly. WORKMEN IDLE IN EUROPE. Stagnation of Trades Complained o In Marty Countries. - A German paper states that, durir? the month of November the numbc. oi" tineaipluyed j.rsons i-.crt ftu largely in Frange and England. e.Si t clilly in the latter country, where Ii tl. irty-fiye .municipal districts S90,S' pusons were oet of work or in wan, , The rti'Eber of unemployed workiti people- in the city of London is est; n stoi to be over 2'0.'n". In ma:, (t-ades waes have - hoe a ' reduce:' Kiihrcrlpt'wiis Ere being- ritised. in Loc don t.i prrivide food ftir 'the ' nor j.t;'i .':;.. d. The h!.'h prices of, br.'?. ami- .tiake the conttitida of th' v.crkiiti; ciassics all the harder. A recent interpellation. In . .th- r rencu ( namnor ot jjeputies has pr duced the statement that fn 11 04 then were about lo per cent fewer peoph ottsplnyed in France than during tin year before. I) roii Therodore, the oldest s.m of Henry 'lay, did! in a Lexington, Ky., mad house. That was a solar plexus blow the tar IT r bbers received from Secreia ry Taft the other day when he an not:iiced that the govermetit would lmy supplies for the Panama Canal in the cheapest market even If tl bil l to ko to Europe lo do it. The decision was prompted by the fact that among the fu-Kt needs of the cons-1 ruction force at Panama was , tw- large ocean freight ships, anc which American : hip owners iskei; hou'o where in the iidt;hlMirh(M)d ol ft UHO.OOfl when forelKii ship owners offered the identical kind of ships foi half a million. The savirs was so fcroat (hat even a protectionist, like S' cretary Taft had to e.nbraco II. In , chUntnlly, .It, Is the ratest victory tue dinnocratic principle ns to tho tar iff has won In years to buy where oik cm buy the cheapest and oll wdicr ore can tell tho highest. Prom Ya.oo C.ty, Miss., John Sharp Williams sends to tho New YorV World the -following caustic Indict ment of the hlKh tariff policy, based ! upon the decision of Secretary Taft: "It Is nt t at all unnatural that tin federal cabinet or the secretary o wr should object to being rotihe'' hy the Rreat trusts of the country, operating uiwler the s.wMter f lh t-irlff, and sell n at one price a reas omiblc oneto forelgnern, and at an iMtuv price au extcr lonale one tt th" home eotmumor. including the rov viusutnt of Hi Unit 1 Statelh': The lllln lis Central rece'ved 1.1'iD isrrels of cement hy the jtcamcr Con Inental to lransMrt to Chicago. i in t Girl Owns 1. 200,000 Acre3, A Philadelphia fir! has ju:t been warded a tra'-t of Ism! in western lorida embraclrg 1.2tw.' acres. .1 .!'. Juliet Ahead of Modem Girt. The mode of procedure 111 courtship has Indeed altered since Shake-pea re's days. He made Juliet first confess her love She aslts, "Dees thou love me?" nnd bids Romeo, if his purpose be mairiiiKc, to send lier word next day. This Is stages in advance of the mod ern sill. :-n ' 1 i , i r.:i MM, Vl frc: Hi S !U Ii is rat n.n; Allows Duplicatei w. me Wire. ,i i t' lie v nicthods for ,i; r nt n.t'smges simui- te s-ui.e wire con- i ..1 of the most reeent o: ,o Pi: f. Mcrcndier of the .-.!,( id for poisl and tele- ;s. tin t ed so altcrnaiins .i i e l whoso frequency a tuiiiti-4 fork having a i.e member of vibrations. of siii-h an interrupted ! ; !.! j' i n by an ordinary ; l'ti - ti-'.n' Milled over the ;, li;,;uct!oti triinsniit S'lie at the d',:-tnnt station ,ir cf!' d mor.olile- i.'ll I pi ml to MI'iT'U of icy. and ore toned, lo the v c i ids..; ct I he seudii;); Wives of the King of Assam. The KIiik of Assam has Inn wivn ,vho are divided into nine grades. When owe f them dies her boil) Is lowered from ti-e roof of the p-il-ice to be burled ; the law In Ansam iroblbils the currying of 'il'tigh the doors. v v ch pr.rPculTr circuit has Its ore. which is connected by the e;rs of the reielvlu' and re -ponds to (lie signals station. In ni1. '.rent's are pro- (, , p S 'Alt' ,'llOt'.: C at t'-e M Ive trans'-n'svlo LITTLE. RADIUM ON EARTH. 1,'ct of ?n Cunce in the Whole World. Sir Wiil'am lUmtey, the . noted tcientist, declarts t!!t:t there is not otK-tenlh of im ounce of radium i" tho whole world," nays the New York TIuks. If you citn iiiK.idne getting that amount, of railiiim together it would i..:,-ply more energy than U-jD tons of il nami; e. Pew perstms who talk about radium nt d i's cei't onci ts realize the gte-it scarcity of the raw material for yield ing radium or Ihe exceedingly minute jcrtieles u v I ta exnerlmcnts thst have astounded the world. It. Is im possible to say where the fut'ire sup ply of lie raw material Is t' cane from. "I believe." says Sir V:l!tim, "tli at. in Ami v'c-i otir:ioflt le h'oks Type of Men Tha; Beat Spaniards. Lee Philpot of Kiist St. I-ouin wa in Washington last week and callu fvu the pre-dd'-nt. Mr. PliiU,t was a tr. ember of the rough riders and Mr. Koosevf It know him instantly, greet lng him warmly. Turning to a mini ber of congressional callers, the pres ident said: "Are you surpriHcd that the Spaniards ran from toen of Tills lsind In Cuba?" Philpot is over six feet tall, a giant in proportions, and lia a face of the most determined kind. He Is a member of the ce'.o brated Philpot feud family of Ken tt.oky and enlisted in the rough rhiers fmrn his mountain home in that state Phil'iot has been' a defective In Last St. Louis and wsnta to wt on the se ct et service." force. Keail th Cairo Bolletin ror new tn iirriiiiin oiHiotrt 'tfltMIIlltf f ( Gold Medal World's Fair 1 The Underwood Typewriter is the standard of durability. ' . vjovjv. -- wr, l , j vC C I riiirii ftti tjji ,, )'.' i 1 '1 M. 0 No 1 No3 Krom North . 1:81 p m M. A O. Ne S 1:34 a ni No 4 tna; Noiu. ... l:nt p n .. 2:51 a. M. & O. From South No S..-. 1 :') 1 tn No 4. 2:4 a m titg Four From Ktist . NoS.... ....12:'J0 p in" NaV. ........ 7:4b p m M. A O. Going & Ulk No 1 l-M p No 8 1:41 a Hig Four OoiDgKa it No 7:00 a m No 2 3:110 v m No Kumlny trainn. Cotton Bell From Southwent No ..'1:05 p j CoUon Kelt Uoluir Soulbweat m 1 No a... t:'M t Iron Monulaui . From V1 No 22 12:35 p m Iron Mountain Going Wit No 21 1:J0 yi 'i w i li All Illinois Central, Mobile ft Ol ifi and Cotton Belt trains arrive and ..e part form Central station, corner ot Second street and Ohio street. All Big Four and Iron Monnu b. trains arrive and depart from tl Union sUUon, Secxind etieet and Con. merclal avenue. Mail may be deposited In thft box the transfer station, located at Ceu tral station, 20 minutes before tht d , parture of any train. irber Your hair, is cotujag out on sir. Customer (sh ) mine out on top. I'm -l where I'm bald. 1 hy -Wi II lucky. If It's That's London Police Court Decision. Sleeping in the oi en air can cn'y practiced with safety from arroi t wealthy persons, or those who ca; t , hhow that .they , have plenty of mt aiia,, and are doing It for expertment'anrt then only so lopg as no obstruction is caused," said the magistrate of a Lon don police; eturt the other day. t THE BULLETINS' daily fion plate pio'ni: lug Itc, a' mine l"-.i ed c'U ply. fts Ihe val b i: c: en ;rt a tss!s for II. Clew ,d in N'-fA ay, is a! o fnvtr'ali'.e source t,f ,. ' d, !l 111' a corpse His Symptom. A Uinthm eurnie the other day re ceived an astonishing answer to an Inquiry after a parishioner' health. "Well, sir." said the lailfr. "onie lines t fools anyhow; so.netlmes I feels nohow: nnd there be times then I ftls as blilT at; a hiui rot jt ! " si it nit twenty-iour inessigi:s sent over ll.u Hie simult'ine- e. v. A double line, or r illlc clr- s required.- but oth woe the .ulna Is cvni arativtdy siau-'e, iiitoHet merely the adjust .nciit the tunuig forks and nilCihle con densers and in liictanca coils.--Week's rui.;r. ss. Secreted His Coin, An Knglish l-bcrer arresud on u charge of theft, which r"'ved to lie false, was found, on beirg searched at the polloo uttitlon, to have gold, silver Hid bronze coins in various rarts or bis attire to the amount of M7H. The welsht of them Wis forty pouuda. The Firit V.'ritinc. Tlie flr.'t vmilm; was pit lure writ ing. In vvliii.'h the im"I 'ii .; wis ludl can d by u draw I lis, as a serfcnt, or bird to veprchciit tho-e ernitiires. The Phocnic'ans .Invented characters to intricate signs which lire substan tially the same as our leunl letters. Earthquake Fatalities. As nearly as can be asctlaineil the gr .istest hum Iter of Ikon lost by nj .earthquake In the history 'if the worid was 2110,0111, at TcHo, ,l;ian. In ITnP,. At. Pompeii and iUciii.i'-cnm, by Hie eruption or Mount Vesuvius in '"!), 20, OL'O lives were last . " . .. . .'.. !': 'r' '' 'r V; 1 f '' ' ? I 'hVx -V It n 1 1 I B w- - .. WjS-V 1 il I It If I IlL-a. , i 7 HV i : a i ;l The If you are In need of a ma chine, let ua place one with you on trial. UNDERWOOD, SMITH PRE MIER, REMINGTON AND OL IVER RIBBONS CARRIED IN .STOCK, , ' r .. LATH ICXAMI'LKS OF M MODISH MILLlNF.UY noiier but Ih one of the many modlllcutiotvi upon the fanillihir Stewart Bros., Agents. lmrmww'nH' n u-no lurbaii, which seenm to retain It's hold up n fashionable nfTecilons. A very lacy straw In pule lilad is used, tho wire foundation being Milk cover", in tin? stunt) tone. A di ep ' nche peigne In the buck serves loglvo the elm pea u Hint smart downward tilt. In the front; and close clusters ot bulbil "II of it.i diilnty na'ttral Huts are- nitneiitvi m eacii crevtce where I ho shaieln idnched. " Uinher a hrlnht t-recn velvet, ribbon Is clevco ly iisid to effect the iiecissiny note of colfr contrast, HiIh soeniinir to hold tho back bi-'m to liio crown and cairie.l down In a serle of rosettes to the front. Tho other hat Is less, lros,ty, a sailor sinipe somewhat, , upon tin) order oT the- Mhlrlwnisi' o tflllor-iiirfdo ' hat, in coarse satin straw of a s: in what, burnt yellowish tint, and trintmcil wlih a rather brilliant (ti-i-iin, Idm velvet ribbon. The brim Is turned up all around, with n bimdeau In the back to lilt the bat I'onvanl, nnd many loops or velvet ribbon dnnmlo from this biuidean upon the low cidfluie. A huge white cuquo pommni una plume are. i.martljr posed at thy left sid"', ' .