Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST I. 1905 AIRO BULLETIN i Eitfcbllihad 18BS. 1 Dally and Bandar by th rJnlletlo u;, ai u Otuo olreU Phoa M. SCUIITION" RATES BY MAIL. ISTtrlablr Cuk in AdTaaea. ear, I11 and Sunday. ymr, 8ub1 ' tooly)... M PBBCRIPTIOS RATES BY CARRIER errtr In rro ttv montl carrier ouuiti Cairo montt NOTICE TO srr.scmuKiis. Bobierlhera will confer a iaor by reporting to tun office any lata ut prompt delivery on tu rl of earners. stand, kt tat Calm Poetofflo u BMond-cUa Mail Huui CIRCULATION STATEMENT. Average dally and Sunday circu lation for one year, ending Decem ber 31, 1904 1945 AveraRe daily and Sunday clrcu laiiim for first six months of year July Circulation. 1.... 223'.! 10 207) 2.. 2175 17 ...2113 3 22:iG 18 2175 4 ..2300 19 2128 5 2200 20 ,..2130 f, 2220 21.., 2170 7 ..2232 22 2130 " 8.. 210 23. 2041 9 2041 24 2123 10 2170 25 2219 It 2130 20. ....... ..2225 12 2185 : 27 ....2110 13 .2135 ' 28 ....2115 14..,,. 2142 29 ....2185 15.". ..2143 30. ........ .212J 31.. 2170 The above is a correct statement o' the circulation of the Cairo Bulletin, rtallv and Sunday, for toe year 1904 and for the first s?ven months of the year 1905. CLYDE SULLIVAN, Business Manager Subscribed and sworn to before mc thin 31st day of July. 1905. LEO J- KLEB, v Notary Publ'c The Bulletin is on sale at the fol lowing places; Coleman's, 214 Eighth street. Halliday House news stand. Walker's, 10 Sixth street. Union News Co., Union depot. Blue Front Restaurant. Wllhelm & Ferrlman, Paducah, Ky The dog days have arrived which leads to the observation on the.psyt ot The Bulletin's comic editor tt.Bt the' nights stSH belong to the cats. It is said .there are forty cases of appendicitis in a Cheyenne, Wyoming hospital, iind yet we continue to hnt comments to the -effect that the far West la not fashionable. It is entirely probable that the ex press companies will continue to sane tlon a fee for the delivery of parcel above Twentieth sneet. just as Ion? as the people will consent to pay such fees. The special finance commiasionei of Japan has expressed the belief that liussia and Japan will have peace as the result, of the pending negotiations Of course they will. Russia has no navy to fight with, at:il her army is acared half to death now. A goor word spokfn for Cairo by evi-rv'vJairo citizen whjn he goes out of town will prove a valuable aset to this city. No better habit could be formed by the business men. Le thent all try it for a year or two and note the beneficial results. ement. Two years ago today, con siderably enlarged and strengthens d, the first issue tinder the present or ganization appeared. The realtors if The Bulletin ars probably the best judges of such improvement as lias berii made in the time mentioned not -only in the morning newspaper hut in oilier daily publications in the sty. That a newspaper of more than four pages dependent uim plate ser- ice for its foreign news would ever orove a success in i aim w; seriously quest oned but The Built-in has proved that such a new-paper jould succeed. U was largely to re move this reflection on Its bom? town that lead to an expenditure on the art of this office running iu'o many thousands of dollars and an increase n expense of operation many times he amount ever previously devoted to the same purpose in tins part oi the country. It would have hern very tiueh f.isier to improve slowly and tu nstall modern eou'pment by degrees but The Bulletin Company felt that Cairo had waited long enough for a modern newspaper with the news of he world when it is news. Had the management been able to took far enough inn the future to realize the amount of work and. the jxpense involved in such a radical ;hango it Is perhaps doubtful if the improvements would have been under taken but as it is there :s nathmg but satisfaction in the thought that such newspaper has b,.-en built np as a permanent and continuous advertise ment of Cairo. As the foreign cir culation is extended this value will ?row and the fact that the advertiser ran today speak to ttie people of fifty towns and villages In the neighboring states as well as Illinois through the columns of The Bulletin Is certain to bring its reward tn due time. It might be incidentally m 'iit'one,! ihat the circulation of The today is over six times what it was when the newspaper passed under ontrol of the present: management. The advertising department has been xtended to a similar degree. It is therefore In order to extend to the friends and patrons of. the publicat'on ha .very sincere thanks of the nian- "igemdnt to which it is desired io cou ple renewed assurances of further! im provement, and a policy which will consider to the exclusion of its own the- moral and phyical sid- of Cairo. 410.00 REWARD. THE BULLETIN COMPANY WILL PAY A REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS FOR THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON FOR STEALING THE BULLETIN FROM THE PREMISES OF SUBSCRIBERS. i punishment abolished ;f it could be done without increasing the danger t, .ciety at the hand.s of the criminal elennnt. It the innrdrrers make the first move towards the change. They are the ones who have cause to fear. It is to their interests that capital punishment be abolished. If they are not willing n work for their own in terests they cannot rxpeet others to do it. The man who has no tendency to commit murder has no fear of cap ital punishment as a system of prt teciing society. This is the man for whore protection the law was made. The murderer himself deserve no protection, and has no right to ask for it. lie is an enemy to s.iciety aa.,1 should be treated as such. THE BOARD OF REVIEW. IN TUC DIIPIIP CVF a .Si . cry 111 iiiu i uut-iu i. u i tsy . ......... ........ ... .. 'nteret Vancement of the city ABOLISH MURDER FIRST. The days are growing appreciably shorter and the same may be said oi the pocket book of pater families whose family is enjoying the fine air of the sea shore or the fresh breezes of the mountains while the former is holding down the lid at home. Why should Johunu Hoch be grant ed an appeal on some technicality? After riiarrying a score or more ol women, cheating them out of their money and deserting them and mur dering at. least one of them, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. If this scoundrel and mutilerer had beta guilty of similar offences In Eng land or some other law-abiding conn try where punishment to fit the crime Is given he would have been executed long ago. A very sensible suggestion is ma.le by thtt Pittsburg Gazette, which says: "Every one would be glad to see thp death permit y abolished, but mur der must bi aool who' ?.-t. Ve -"c arrived ' -- ' " .atlon by a loiM- mi .!,! 1 '( t e with the avage insiiiic. ,-, and p.t.-,xi.),in ,f the bntte man. Let us not spik? our guns and break our swords before he api and tiger tile, or the battle may have to lie all fought over again." The leaal execution of a person is one of the saddest necessities of socie ty. Th3 d'slressing aspects of tMJ system of punishment are, indeed, ex ceeded only by illegal execution, or hat barrier to 'the progress of moral, intellectual and material growth, that enemy to progress and stumbling block to a high standard of civiliza tion, 1 netting, which is but an open x-KPf-slon of anarchy. Everybody regrets to read of a legal - hang'ng. Everybody deplores the n?d for tlvs method of protecting life and property. But if capital punishment Is to he ibolished let the criminal element of soci;ty do it. If men will stop mur dering their fellow meti capital .'pun ishment can safely be abolished..' But tnt'r that advancement is mad in the suppression of crime it will be danger ous to society to abolish this method if punishment It must be borne in mind Ihat socie ty, which is an organization formed for the protection of the clffcens and their property, has some rights. Socie ty makes laws to Insure this protec tion, and the safety and welfare of The Board of County Commission ers, acting as the Board of Review, are engaged in an undertaking which signalizes that body as differing radic ally from any of its predecessors in office. It is safe to say that many times the number of citizens have been summoned before the reviewers this year to show sause why their assessments should not be rabed than have probably enjoyed the same ex perience for the past ten years com bined. Men who live in palatial homes with elaborate furnishings and report iheir net personal worth as but several hundred dollars have been asked questions which it has been rather difficult to answer. Some of the replies have been amusing enough but the popular explanation is found in the fact that '"the others" have always done the same thing. Now this is not strictly the case, or at least not entirely so. As a commit nity Cairo will probably average up pretty well with the balance of the world and in consi.viuenie there are more than a few of its citizens who ilo not consider what "the others" may have done as sufficient reason for. to put it perhaps more uiild'.y than It dtserves, a lapse of memory annually when the assessment schedules are made out. There are many men, and some of them ru-ide right here in the city, who take oath or their signed statement ser iously enough to consider it. as inde pendent ot what their neighbors, in timate friends or "the others" gener ally may have had to say on the same subject. . . .. . As far as The Bulletin knows the Hoard f Review is considering the matter from a fair and imparial standpoint and yet with regard to a practice of long standing ami such exctisrs as might be made for it. At the same time the Impression is gen erally gaining ground that, the City n:id County will come very much uear "r io receiving their just due from .i, tax payer next year than has been e- ..jwwaW ' . ' ? V ' ' ' ' v-'l ( si V" i ? . 1 i" i i s t i i x 3 vt. , t.t( ' . ATTEND OUR JULY CLEARING SALE... And Thereby Save Money. SAM'L. WHITE. - tZ ff;; Seeini; the bartender busy, he sei;:o. eigiiteen cubes of cheese ami passed out lnt the night. Back in old Roman days there a man named Luetiilus who whs noted f ir li s fitisl1-:. and be was tun. Hie v co president of a life insurance coin pa.iy, tit her. Oily. "Jim Smithers is getting to quite a;i oily pnipoi i.ion." "v'!iy, lie's got no sens,!." "No; hut he's got an automobile." ' fir William A Hay, ac--isunt attorn y general of the Tniied States, has boen appointed acting coir roller ft the Kqi table Life Assurance socit ty in the place of Thomas I). JouUn. Mr. J.irdan whs removed as controller of the Equitable society, by ('hairiiuiu Paul Morton, because lie n fused to tell Mr. Morton what he knew about a $0" ,(! loan that Superintendent, of Insu rance Hetttiieks found on the books of the Mercantile Trust company stand ing in the names of ex-l'residetit .laiiK-s W. Alexander and Mr. .Ionian as trustees. Mr. Day has been in general charge of the anti-trust., litigation for the national administration. Dr. Morrison DENTIST Office 707 Commercial Avenue GANNON PHONC TB gtuns. The wives keep a sharp lookout, for bargains in th. aderi sing tubulins and the husbands are nctt cable, for it puts money in the household tr- a ury. This is r.o j ke but cild f.u't. The wide-awake business men of Cain know that annonncemen's of c.eciul I't-igalns will bring incrca-Pd b'niat-s and swell their bank arcnii'.ts nrt'l .hey know an advert sement in The thin ..a.! btok 'ii his liel.t mid root ed ttp his potato patch, i "That," said the city boarder, "is what I call a genuine roast." "No,' not go it com there." said the automobiltst, "I do much on long runs, hut when s to a kit: of tools I am simply The WiS'3-Guys. -Wha: is nn attt iiy "tal-con- ltt.iieurj win reach tbe peori e ".no !-uy Nm ,lv Wha: is nn attt iiv the re.'ir supplies, both in tic city and . ont" 1 so much about in; ry country within a r.i tu'.-s tfin-ciion with horse races? firty Piles. The vinihuife of bny-.-r'1 ! Hutis-Sfe that bunch of men yon i;td re'lers in advertisii,;; ii rtw nrd'M ' ib-r v th fr nge on their (Div ers and I nml'-r county, Illinois, in tt'hirs and c.-nts. ',, fur on Lier vt-sis? .Vordy Yes. Butts That's the talent. A apropos of the fact, that the gen tleman who makes his regular appear on the first of the month is due this ' morning the following patriotic ex pression from the Hardeman Free PresB is of timely significance. In re ferring to the possibility of quaran ' lining its home town (in Tennessee) agalst New Orleans it observes: "We will shou'der our shot gun and take our stand on the firing line of the quarantine, providing the authorities " allow us to kill bill collectors." he case since the piesetu law .vent mo effect. LUMBER GRADES. The Department of Agriculture-, at Washington, sends out the following press publication on the subject ot lumber grades and the importance of their uniformity which may he of in terest to Cairo lumbermen: A subject of increasing importitnee to every lumber producer ami con sumer is that of grades. That these grades should be uniform where prac tical is well recognized and many efforts to arrive at some general rules have been In view of these movements to standardize grades, the Forest Service has undertaken to bring . t: gether the rpeeifictitions of the various lumber and manufactur ers associations and to put them in such a form that they may be com pared. . . The object of the study is not to devise a system of standard grades but to make, simply, such a compila tion of the grades now in use as will be of service - to lumber producers consumers, though it is hoped that a great deal of information may lie ac cumulatffi that will be of value in ! 1 : wxiifcw a.ii; iajijl, l.t Ll-lJ i "My one. and only suit," said the hard-luck philo-opher. "failed to k.' p me warm diiriiuv the winter and I A Warm One. (suppose that, through (he approaching The old farmer w.i,: )m.-y s:ty'n-' Pl a!-o fail to keep me wine ugly things about, a certain hog : cool, Such is life." MASTER'S SALE. Ktat -i lllincts. Al.xii(lrt'ontity. us. Alex ander -oinily eiri'iiil- court, in the mmtvr uf l'iilr,;tr H. McRrvph. NtlllBj. Untu-li ivuit i.(lleli:l LillMeii vs. J. Sftl MclttlVfli. Irene M , trht-ll, ,Ule Stniieti.nirh. rilirrun Sle Kaven. C uwui Mi-Haven, KllH MKvvn. l'en-jantin-McJtitvvti, Mac It MuKuvitii. Turtis M Hiiven, Mary MuK. Vtn nt-r and Minim Central kiolrcaill ompaio'. On bill lur ptirtuiim and BRHiKtinient l dower. Public not iru i hereby givon. that in purHuance of a derretal oah-r entered in the nhove entitled cause, 111 caid fiiurt, on the 17th day ut J u I v. A. 1). 1U0S. 1. Walter Winder Master in Ciiaueery for said court, en Saturday the 5ili day of AugiiKt. A. M at 1 ,eli(lr in Th. ,otMrtiit,n if KKid day, shall sell at piiolio auction to the hi(!iiet I ti'ddf r. for ciwh. at the (southwesterly dour or i he court li ou. if, in the city of Cairo, in saia county, the IoIIowhik- (loHcnbed real estate, situate in the county of AleiaDder and hiaie of Illinois, to wit: North tr ait qua tor of the North Kat quarter of section Nine ToH-nhip Fourteen (1-0, Hotith. Uanite Tbrue Cli, West of th Uiitd Principal, iu Alexander county. JUi nun, except Two aerea her-Uifore conv, v, d It K,i tube. til ,1. Mcliavijn to Thomas W. lie Kaven. by died dated January 1st. 1W5, re corded in Book 14 of Heeds on pane 303 of the rec rd in (he office of 'he Hecorderof le') der etoiniv. iliinoip, and also except 4 1- 'I ucr s heretofore eonveved by her to Patrick II. .VI n Kmven. by deeil, dated April jwth. iw. record ed in Hook u of I)eel aforesaid on Pane 266 thereof. Lot number I"ive (?e, in the South East (env ter (f the Pmith Kant quarter of cection Nine (fi) aforefaot, coiitan uur ixteen lfi acre. 'He. finnth haet quarter of the North Bait ounrti-r of m e'lon Nine SI aforsaid, exe. pt 'i wo ,2) aeros ' t1 ' Nortu Ka.t corner tti, reof run nio i! from ld North tr oat corner ttonth Ui the rniiroad .'fid from id No'th Kat c rner w.t trtr piiiinirh to niatre said Two 2i acres. and also eiei ot the r'niit of way oi lite lll.aoii entrul Hailt'oad Company One Hundred ilu fe.-n in width rieKCribe-t in a deed made by KP ictri .1. Mctiavrii to et i'linom t entral i ltil'oiit omptnv, datoi )cioi)r lAih, luT, r cjrii i in hook 36 of Heed" on pane Kit) ot the re -i i-iia in the omee oi me Kerorner oi ml-r county, Illinois, o.t finnib r One it' o th North Kast nnar. er ef t!c South Kant qnarter of Hcetion Nino ,P ufoien d. et'-T 1 fit- r:ht or waf ot the Illinois I eutral Kaitroad t ompunv One II uo dri'd f i'i i1t iie!Ci died in a de-d niaJi- by li libeth J. Mi lien to naol H inoe Central Railroad Coinpans, dated October '',th, IS'iT. r eorded in Hook at or Deeun on paire ?10 of the records in I he oitice of the Bo eorder of Alexander ronnty, Illinois, together ivith a 1 and incnlar the tuiuenw and hereUit intent thereunto belungingr. . WAtTRK VV ARIIKti, Master in Chancery. A must IS, A. I). 130S, Mr. iMvid S. Latuden, Solicitor for complain- Bills. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT We liave some oooil bar- gains. l?uy at oiue and get them. $2S,00 Suits for - 25.20 30 00 Suits for - 27.00 35.00 Suits for - 31 50 40.00 Suits for - 36.00 45.00 Suits for 40.50 7.00 Trousers for o.30 8.00 Trousers for 7.20 0.00 Trousers fur K JO 10.00 Trousers for 9.00 12.00 Trousers for lO.i-0 SV3UTHIG, THE TAILOR, 2iJl Eight h Ptrett, Cairo, Illinois. Cleari Hsu8eholders generally are bang notified of the recent, order by the Board , of Health tending towards a cleaner and more sanitary city. A copy of the ordinances regulating such matters is balng distributed generally and irrespective of the condttion of any particular premises and property owner are havlig thelf attention call "edto the laws governing in such cases. The action is an excellent one ami reflects creditably upon the pos Itian the present administration has taken in regard to a cleaner elate of things. TWO YEARS' PROGRESS. Th Bulletin commenceg this month the third year under its present man It is well under-1 stood that there is a large and appar-, enlly increasing class who are crim inally Incl'ned, No small proportion of these has little or no moral scruples. They care nothing for the rights of others. To them the law is simply an obstruction, according as it is en forced, to their criminal Intents. They are restrained from murder solely by tha fear; of punishment. If capital pun'shment is abolished the result would be a large Increase In the num ber of murders. To this class of people the abolition of capital punishment especially ap peals, If they would see the present system of punishment abandoned let them pave the way for it by refraining from the commission of crime. The law ate, or should be, made for tiie protection of the innocent, not the guilty. It is of vastly more impor tance to abolish murder then capital punishment, ami until the former is abolished criminal conditions in this country make It utterly unsafe to abol ish the latter, The alarming number- of murders committed In this country every year Is chiefly due to the small proportion of legal executions. Where there is a disease there must be a remedy, or the - disease will spread. The only remedy for murder la prompt and cer tain and proper punishment. All good Americana would like to nee capital eventually preparing the Way for. a society are more important than the (standard system. life of a murderer. It is well under- It is planned to got the views of those concered partly by Interview's and largely by correspondence, A rep resentative of the Forest. Service will endeavor to visit the secretaries and members of grading bureaus of vari ous associations and learn their views in regard to the practical workings of the various rules. A large number of mill men and manufacturers will be reached by correspondence and their views sought. It is especially desired to find the important points of difference in grades from the view points of both producer and consum er of lumber, and also to ascertain the chief difficulties in the way of de vising and executing a system of standard grades. The assistance of manufacturers ard consumers of lumber is earnest ly deslt-ed in this work. Suggestions concerning it will be gladly receive'! by the Office of Forest Products, For est Service, Washington, D. C. THE BARGAIN HUNTER. Defending the woman bargain-hunter against the quips of the profes sional funny men and the amateurs In Its own home, the Milwaukee Sentinel says: "Kven a good-natured husband will sometlmea twit his wife with har bargain-hunting propensltlMs but he would get scared In a minute If she should resolve to stop hunting bar- On Monday Morning, July 31, we he gin our Clearing Sale of all Wash Goods, including Lawns, Dimities, Ginghams and Linens at Actual Cost, and also all 50c and 65c Dolly Varden tissues at; 25c a yard, r" t" IT I JUST RKCEIVKD, a full line of Thin and Fancy Silks of newest designs and patterns; also a line of imported Val Lacgs, with an assorted line of Paris Blond, Persian Lawns and -Chiffonettes. A new lot of Galatea and Soisettc Suitings, with a nice line of Belts, Wash Stocks, Fancy Ribbons and Latest things in Hand Bags. New line of imported Lisle Gloves, in all colors, at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1. New lot of Fancy Lace, Lisle and Silk I lose. The Prices and qualities given above will continue during mouth of August, but it is best to come at once iu order to secure the best selections. M. HYMAN. Astonishing k 25c : f0 . Hi II ng oaie J Lenox SoaiL 4.ts for 17 )bs. (lraii,atc(l Sugar for - i . $1.0U 2 lbs. Plantation' Coffee (wl) if ' ?j 25c I 'lire I,anl, per lb. ' lee (ioml Flour, 2Mb.. sack 6Uc We will give you a 42 picce Dinner Set FREE. Call and let tis explain a "snap" to .you. It's a beauty. WM. AIRD, Grocer, 2703 Commercial Ave. FULL UNE OF NOTIONS. "FOLLOW THE FLAG." THE WABASH LINE Operates Through Sleeping Cars Between ST. LOUIS and Kan.ia City, Omaha. Um Moines, Clil , vagu. Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara 1-alH, ioledo, Pittsburg, St. Paul,' Minne apolis, New York and Boston And Between CHICAGO nd Detroit, Toledo, Plttihurg. Knffalo, Niagara Palis, Montreal, New Vork and lionton. DlNINtt CAR SEVICB THE BEST AND ALL EQUIPMENT MODERN, ; C. S. CRANE, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Louis. Mo. Steam Launch Des Tlaines will give Hourly Harbor Trips each evening from 5 p. m. to midnight, and Sundays all day. Fare 15c for Hour's Ride lioat can be chattered by ( excursion parties of not ' to exceed 30 persons for , 10 a day.' "The Only Cora Cure" DAVIDSON. 280 Eighth Btroetj. Cairo. Illinois. 12 oenU. By null 12 oonti In lUmpi . V 07" li 4 I