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THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST I, 1905. "Master of Human Destinies am I, Love, Fame and Fortune on my Footsteps Wait." jut;ition frv'in the Hj iiiii iim i.f ilio f:inn'n iiuiot, ''Opprtunit written by tlio lhn. John J. Tng:ill. " ' "Z, JXTESfc? I am master of the Real Estate Business. Opportunities are constantly presenting themselves, and if you will only avail Yourselves of them, Love. Fame and Fortune will be your Rewards, Consult me to day, (Delay may mean untold losses to you. I have a competent force of assistants, MESSRS. V, B. HER. CHAS.P, HARRIS FRANK THORNTON, BOOKKEEPER, AND G. B. EDWARDS are all giving their exclusive services to my clientele. It is possible that you have some surplus cash and want it to work for you come to me, You possibly own something and want to cash it come to me. Bring me your real estate troubles. AM THE ONLY REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST IN CAIRO. I do nothing else. Come now. 5f w Suite 7-8-9 Opera House Block REAL ESTATE BROKER CAIRO. ILLINOIS . -::t BIE melon chop NEWS ot FROM ,t OUR , NEIGHBORS t ) Millie .ilea of ilu inimeti-o proportions j w.i.vr melon mlhinR lias ivaolio.l in I nin in i4 Missouri. T.:o output i.-i I si von ns follows: Or.n 13 cars: Mor- . J I 2M; Crawfords Lt-mlys 50; I r.loiUu'M T';;t; San.l Spur ; yn-lu it .Missouri is Almost !Sivt'!l x- 1 I'ortor 73; ostntr :": Dicli-iailt irm; Melon 8wi:ch No. 2 Melon Switch No. 3 5; Her traml 1 i-". Hiickeyo 5.1; Suvgi'Ms 73: .Mire;- H'.O; S.ktMon 73. In Suu:. Kt'iiJy ior shipment NEWS HEAR CIO Happenings of Interest in Towns and Cit'e Not Far Away PICTURE LEAD TO WEDDING BIG FAMILY REUNION OTHER SHORT ITEM. Picture Led to Wedding. Tlio nnnounremrn: Saturday of the nKagem.?nt of Miss Stella Launtz, of Em St. Louis, to W. Morrig Miles, of Union City, Tenn., was tha sequel to the retention by Mr. M les of Jmls? William P. Latin tz, father of Miss Launtz,' as counsel. The young man retained Judge Launtz for some court bii-sincis as a preliminary to going in to the courtins business with the JuiIks's daughter. A picture of Miss Launtz In a college paper caused him to taka advantage of the laws's c'r cumlocutions to get acquainted with her. . . . . Died In Murphysboro. : Loula Durrbaum, for the past 12 years .- a familiar figure about the streets of Murphysboro, died Friday n'ght at St. Andrews hospital atrer sufforing since Monday with acute pnoumonia. Ho' was aged 54 ypary and 11 months. Jackson County Reunion. The Trobaugh family of JacksoD county held a reunion Friday n"gli( in honor of the father, John W. Tr. liatigli. who celebrated his 70th an iiiversai-y. The affair was a surprise to Mr. Trobaugh, iiis children and prundchildren driving to his home, four miles oast of Murphysboro, late Friday evening. Mr. J. I.. Schrani. f..a foreman of what is called the Mussel Camp, was here this morn ng. He reports a fioo.i business ia the hi valves. Mr. Sehram is a nice gentleman. The Concord base ball nine crossed bats wih the Olmstcad nine yester day. Uncle Dsn Kunnupii umpired the pame. The score stood nineteen fj twenty-ciu-Sn favcr of OlmsteaJ. Cha--ley Dauksch. the catcher for the Con cord nine, sure do get that ball. Dr. ".V. J. Whiteaker and wife drove to Mound City Sunday and Doe .laan't betn gone two hours until he was wanted at two different places. Diic is a hustler and the pi-opl.3 all like him. Mrs. I. A. Crecelius has been on the sick list, for several days. Uncle Jim Hasbison got a 'ton of ice yesterday from the A! wild City Ice Mfg. So. Uncle Jim says the ice business Is pretty good .through this warm weather. ' BIRDS POINT, MO. They do not tak unpleasant thins away, they always call anti'.iiun to the foul things they contain. The circulating of an evil report or a picious Mi.ry soon becomes slander and ns such does an Injury that ca:i never h wiped out. For in many in stances the report on the story is s'art.d in ruaiieo, matured in hatred, ntvl too often is without foundation, solely for the purpose id' getting even i a some one for s;mse fancied in jury." If this is so fraternally speaking how much more in our daisy walks, m our and places of business should we beware, lest we become leakins human sewers. And if we nmv are. we should "riht about face" at once. Y:?3URI PACIFIC WtLL USE NEARLY 2,000 CARS IN HAND LING CROP OF THE LUC IOUS MELONS. Mr. (. C. Miller, commercial frelgh: iger.t for the Missouri Pacific ra'l- is getting ready to handle the water melon crop of southeast WIFE DEAD; HUSBAND MISSING. Mystery at Guthrie. Ky., Puzzles Cit izens of Town. wav. One of tiv most horrible murde-.; in the history of Guthrie. Ky.. aas just come to I giii. Pe-cy J. Luster, ...,,.,,.. ..f l ... "". 1 1 I T .1... l. .... . Mr. Miller, who is the agent ! "l uilu'""u"" "i"""'' (V vnipaii.y ii nuitlite, pi uiiiui :ui 11; Cutis dizzy spalls, cired feeling, stomach, kidney and liver troubles. Makes yuo well and keens voir well Missouri. at tatr;, which territory embraces all i the melon producing p'.ints in souri, will b located at Chaii.:s:o;i, Mo., dui iiig the sh'pping season, which begins in a few weeks. The company ima just Issued a very attractive folder for the benefit (if its shipper's showing that ample prepara tions for the immediate handling of the big crop which is expected this i uais wnat. tiomsters Iloci;y Mount-j season have been made. The fact that ain Tea will d0 . S3 cents, Tea or i nearly tv; thcusatui cars will be nee Tablets. P.. G. Schuh &. Sons. lessary to move this crop will give i "us-! jppeared. and lying on a lied in the on, deseited home is tue (lead body of his t;eauutui wue, tier thi?. ptere 'd by a bullet. There are no witnesses to the trag edy. ai;d no facts tire known to. in dicate that there had ever boon the slightest disagreement, between Lus ter and h's wife. They were middle aged, had no children, and had lived in Guthrie for ten years. Their life had been quiet, nothing on the sur face indicating t.iat a tragedy was about, to develop. Lineman Electrocuted. Arnold Smith, aged about IS years ami whosrt Is supposed to be in St. Louis, met death near Brubbs station, several miles north of Mur physboro, by supposed electrocution. Smith, with several other men, were engaged by the Western Union Tele graph company repairing the wires along the Illinois Central railroad near Brubbs. Smith was working on a pole, when he vas seen by his com panions to Telease h's hold on the pole aud fall. MARRIED GIRL WHO HAD NURSED HIS DEAD WIFE. Owensboro, Ky., July 31. Ten days ago John G. Wells burled his wife, Mary Girten nursed her during a long Illness. Yesterday Wells and Mary Girten came to Owensboro from their homes ;near Pellvllle and, were mar ried. Seldom has such a couple entered the court house. Wells is probably over sixty y ars of age, and, In a way, has seen much of the world. The woman hardly a woman, though she does not appear to be over seventsen years old, had never been to any larg er town ' than her native village of I'ellville. OLMSTEAD. July 31, 1905. Jeff Rushing, the Big Ingln, was here today looking after the Interests of Wood & Ilennelt, grocers of Cu'.ro. Jeff is looking well. Will Bacons, the hustling threshing machine man, came home Saturday evening. W.ll says yon have to thresh too much straw Tor a little wheat. Miss Susie Weaver, the daughter of James R. Weaver, sheriff of Pulaski county, is visiting her grandmother, Aunt Sarrah Smith, July 31, 1905. Mrs. William Hendricks is home from an extended visit, to relatives and friends at MilSeville, Mo. Miss Margaret Blatien visited at Charleston, Mo., returning Monday noon. Miss Sue Revello, of Lutesvilie, Mo s visiting her papa and sister. Mrs. W. E. Perce, of Cairo, 111., vidted here Saturday and Sunday. Prof. J. W. Revello, and daughter, Miss Minnie, visited Charleston, Mo., Sattmlay. Waller K. Monroe, of Metalboiind, Mo., Is a frequent visitor of late. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harris of Cairo, 111., visited relatives and friends In our burg yesterday. Freddie Taylor, of Cairo. 111., visited here Saturday. Freddie is now a mes senger boy in Cairo anil wilt, no doubt some day make his mark. C, M. Smith of Sikeston. Md., visited friends Sunday. Seems as if Mr. Smith enjoys spending his Sundays here. There is to be a big suprise sprung on the Birds Point Sunday school boys by one of the lady teachers soon. Get in line boys. Mrs. M. S. Hudnall, of Smithvilte, Texas, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. h. K. u uourke, this week. Miss Ruth Spencer is visiting friends in Cairo, 111., for a few days. Mrs, T. H. Owens is visiting friends at Hockory Grove, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll, of Cairo, III. and a party of friends spent Surilay on Brewer's Lake. Porter Friedman, of Wyatt, Mo., spent Sunday here. Mr. Friedman has turned his store over to his brother1 and will go back on the road drum ming again. Hiram Price visited his best girl ai. w.yart, ,uo., today. How would you like to be the Ice man? Mrs. Alice Gadhois and Mr. Piner and wife, of Cairo, 111,, visited Judge Spencer and family yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wheelen and dausrhter. of Cairo. 111., visited Mrs. Albert Blat ter. Sunday. Mrs. L. U. Boyer departed for Grays bnro Sunday for a few days" visit. Mrs. J. W. Thompkins, 0f njr,i, Mill, Mo,, Miss Emma Sanders, teach er of the Bibb school and Mr. Roark, of Big Lake, were pleasant visitors here yesterday: The-August number of the Modern Woodman will contain the following: "A brother who receives and carries on evil report or a suspicious story it his bis friend or acquaintance Is what might be termed a human sewer. A sewer Is for the purpose of convey ing off unpleasant and foul matter. A leaking sewer Is not a good thing, it scatters the foul odors alt about and In every way jnakes life unpleasant.. Human sewers are always leaking. tf.ttt$tt.9.f.Att.ttttjt.t.tttt.ttttf&ttttt.t.tmtf.t.t t, ?t ?.t ?t ' ' --. f I nbtJ ( T1MF lis) M - wmm ." . Phone 553. 805 Commercial Ave. I I A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. V t i ! 1 ' ) t 1 1 I 1 ' i i ) And All Kinds of Photographic Supplies T I . '.. i J ou haven t a cam era we would like to have you come in and let us help you pick out a good OUC. If yc-u have a camera we can funrish you with all kinds of photographic supplies. "73 ... . , - ; t We are Cairo Agents for the Eastman Kodaks. THE BULLETIN'S LIST I op I Cairo Manufacture !1 i PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES goods made in Cairo. Read the list, learn a and buy them, . i m Articles i Here are the what they are, BUY THE BEST Sylph Flour H. L. HALL I DAY MILLING CO. '.-'- V ; J . 7 A. L. We also do developing, printing and mounting in the best possible style. Send us your films and we will turn the pictures out in a way that cannot help but please you. We aim to keep in touch with all the latest "doings" in amateur photography and would be pleased to help you in any way pos sible in your kodak work. JOHNS. JENKINS ARCHITECT 1006 Commercial Avenue, Cairo THE BUCtER-WGODFORD PACKING CO. BUTCWEHS & PACKERS Both fhonM 1 WHOLESALE 40th 4 Ohlt H. F. Mb R ELAND TIN, COPiER AND SHEET IRON WORKS. 8teamboat fldj Blowpipe Work, Sky lights. Roofing, Cornice, sntf Steal Ceilings. NO. X19-Z21 TENTH STREET. ! ! ' I. V . -,M ' AiSS O. SCHUH, Washington Ave., and Eighth Street. 4ieeii'4i4ei'i-e-'-4V-ri-i.-'4r i I m i: m 8 tt LOW RATE EXCURSION To 1 ATLANTIC CITY Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Angeleriea, Vlldwood, Holly Beach or Cape May, New Jersey; Oce City, Md., or Rehoboth, Del. VIA MONEY'S SELIT-lTITLrNG- ITQ UaSTTAUNT PEN TfSJl'V ""."V "J,"""-v "'""""v "pPSgSw;1"1 , A 20th Century Invention. Costs no more than others. 216 Eighth St. I B i g F o It r and C. & O. Rys. Thursday, August 3 rd, 1905. Through the M Rhine, the Alps the Battle Fields "of America RATE FROM CAIRO, ILLl $17.50 I und FOR THE ROUND TRIP ..Return limit 12 days, Including date of sale. Good for stop ai rnnaaeipnia ano wasmngion, returning, pfvlded tickets are deposited with agent immediately on arrlvl For full Information and particulars as to rati, tickets, IJm its, etc., can on or address the undersigned. WARREN J. LYNCH, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agt J. M. STONE, T. P. A. ELMER SMITH, Tl Cairo, Illinois. Union Depot, C. L. HILLEARY, A. O. P. A., 8t. Loii, Mo. Cincinnati, O. ket Agent, Cairo, Illinois.