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The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, August 07, 1905, Image 5

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1905-08-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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BIG INTEREST, ISN'T IT?We!l its just exactly what you can
make right here by investing in shoes during our . , .
oa Shoo
This is the time of the year for cut prices. When we cut we cut deep. Commencing Monday, August 7th, and
continuing for just exactly ten days, no longer, we shall offer a uniform discount of
On any pair of low shoes or slippers in our store. Remember everything goes, men's, women's and children's.
Nothing reserved. It's only the very wealthy that can afford to miss this salethe man or woman who has all
the money they want, and don't care to save more.
discount of 25 per cent and you'll not be disappointed.
Remember the date and come here expecting to get an honest
Takeoff 25 per cent, give us the balance and the shoes are yours.
Sunday morning at. the Anna ceme
tery. Miss Stella Jobe, who has been em
ployed at the hospital, returmyi Tues
day to her home In Metropolis.
August 6, 1905.
Mrs. Chaa. Undsey, of Cairo, is vis
iting her parent., Mr. and Mrs. IX
Anderson. ,
Miss Elsie Kratzinger returned Wed
nesday from a month's vititt in St.
Louis and St. Joseph, Mo.
Miss Spphronia Tuthill visited Dr.
Dondurant's family at Cairo a few daya
.last, week., .. j . ,
Mrs. Geroge W. Hess returned Fri
day from Salina, Kansas.
Dr. William Edilleman returned Sat
urday from Chicago, where he has
been taken a post graduate course.
Miss Daisy Fbss, of St. Louis, Is
the guest of Miss Kitty Treeco.
Mrs. George A. Bell, of Colicler1.,
spent a few days last week with Anna
Miss Louise Finney, who has been
the guest of Mrs. J.H. Aldt n, returned
Saturday to her home in St. Louis.
Mrs. Nannie Hope and son, Shrader,
o fCarerville, spent Sunday in Anna
with Mrs. A. H. Hill. ;
Mr. atj Mrs. R. D. Harvey have re
turned t) their home in Chicago, after
r. two weeks' visit, with H. C. George
and fannly.
C. W j Ellis has purchased a lot on
Asylnmsivenue from Oliver Allien and
will build a residence at once.
The lilac Club ptcniced at Witlard's
Landing Friday. This was their regu
lar meeting and an entertaining pro-gram-wjis
The choral jcmb under the leader
ship of Prof. W. H. Taylor will give a
musicale- at the Academy gymnasium
Monday!, evening., Miss Josephine
Drown,' a noted violinist of New York
will render several selections.
Mrs. I-ouise Shepard Is In Chicago
aUenling a convention of musicians.
She will also spend a few days at
Muskegon, Mich., before returning
home, v ' ' :
Miss ilelii M. Levy of Texas Is vis
iting Mrs. Oliver Alden this week.
While wrestling with Will Hurst
at. Jonesboro Saturday, F. P. Grear,
a noted band leader, was thrown to
the ground, sustaining a broken leg.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Matthes died Saturday morning
at the family residence on Morgan
" street. The remains -wem Interred
? For Sale at
August 9, 1905.
Mrs. J. L. McCune is entertaining
Miss Mamie Lohr of Guthrie, Okla.
Mrs. J. J. Race is visiting relatives
in Wlckliffe, Ky.
Mrs. Joe Mertz has gone to Knox-
ville, Tenn.; for a visit among rela
tives and friends of other -days.
Will Kreitner has a position with
the Wolf-Wilson Pharmacy, in St.
Mrs. J. R. Weaver, wife of the sher
iff, whose illness I have mentioned,
has been confined to her room a week.
Her condition is serious and is not
improving. ,
Major Pan Hogan, who has been
engaged in his off'cial duties north
of here for several days, is expected
home today.
The telephone company at lillin Is
reaching out for business. It will'
soon have communication with Cairo
and Mound City and out north to Car
bondale. It Is well enough that one
telephone line may not constitute the
whole cheese. The Ulln people a.e
to be commended.
Mrs. Mertz, mother of George 13.
and Charles Men,, has b?en seriously
sick for two weeks and there is little
improvement in her condition. She is
almost. 82 years of age and in the
nature of things has little strength tor
combating a severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rouse are vis
iting relatives in Montezuma, In.-l.
Mrs. L. A. Tinker has bei visiting
relatives near Harrisburg, Penn., for a
Mr. Serferf, the flour mill promotor,
has been to Flora, 111., anil had the
machinery for the mil! shipped here.
Messrs. Schuler and Rlankenship,
managers of the base ball team, the
Regulars, of this city, have hooked on
to an experienced pitcher in 'he per
son of "Happy" Ecks'one. .formerly
wllh the Kitty nine at Cairo
The date fixed upon for the grange
fair and picnic is Thursday aid Fri
day, Aug. 16 and 17.
Thomas Boyd, wife and .laughter,
Miss Blanche, H. A, Mabon and wife.
i.Mrs. Hester M. Smith, T. M. Ford
and wile and Orandm-t Williamson
left today for Salt Lake, Yellowstone
Park, Portland and Ban Francisco.
They will enjoy a sojourn of two
Harry Senne 'has resigned the posi
tion of night marshal and Major
Browner has appointed Frank Austin
as his successor.
Mrs. James Adair and her four
.younger children and Mrs. Henry lllll-
erlch and her two younger sons, will
leave tomorrow on a Iee Line steam
er f:r Louisville, Ky.; for a visit with
relatives and friends.
and friends at Paducah, Ky., this
The Woodmen of the World will
give a moonlight dance at their pavil
ion on Brewer's Lake night of August
The Modern Woodmen will give an
all day and all night Barbecue at their
pavilion on August 24th.
Dr. J. W. Russell visited Wickliffe,
Ky., Thursday.
Miss' Rose Berry is visiting friends
in Cairo, 111.
Mrs. M. A. Stewart is the guest of
Charleston, Mo., friends this week.
Mrs. Theresa Kenyon returned from
the Dexter, Mo., Chautauqua yester
day. Miss Margaret Blattan is a guest of
Cairo relatives this week.
MCsdames J. B. Hudnall, H. E.
O'Rourke and F. G. .Ellis were Cairo
shopers Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkins, who have
been visiting friends on Big Lake are
home again.
Miss Rebecca Allen leave for at
week's visit to friends at Paducah to
Foster Williams, who has been visit
ing his pearents here, will return to
Illmo, Mo., tomorrow.
Judge Naive, one of the pioneers ot
this section of Mlsiouri Is very low
with typhoid fever at his home five
miles south of here. On account ot
his advanced age, he being 83 years
old, very little hopes are entertain
ed for his recovery. Drs. Hale of
Wlckliffe, Ky., and Rawles of Wyatt,
Mo., are the attending physicians.
fh SI
A conclusion of one of the most remarkable value giving events in furniture and liouscfurnisliinsis ev:r known
m the city ( T-"-- In the wind up of this sale some very remarkable opportunities present them
selves especially m summer good i. A few spring shipments that came in late that -we are determined not to
carry over into next year. Come in ?nd investigate and convince yourself that our claim is just as we represent it.
August 5, 1905.
Mr. L. B. Boyer who has been visit
ing friends at, Illmo, Mo., is home and
Mr. Boyer was so overjoyed that he
had to celebrate.
Miss Ruth Spencer departed for
Cairo, 111., today where she will visit
relatives and friends for a few days.
Conde J. H. Shea and wife arrived
last night and are stopping at th
Cotton Belt hotel.
J. M. Wlnslow, the popular Iron
Mountain conductor, has resigned his
position with, the Iron Mountain Co.,
and Is now touring Ohio. Mr. Win
slow during his six years' service with
the company made many friends here
and along his route who regret to
see him leave,
Mrs. Emma Sanders was a Cniro
visitor today.
Will Doty, F. D. Harold and Joseph
Ashew are new subscribers to The
Misses Nora and Lucy Murphy of
Rodway, Mo., are Bird Point visitors
. XiS rr',71 j J J JJlJJJL M r.i-T,,,: j
Cents' Large
Arm Rocker
Jllfit fl HllOWII
til plrtmv. I (in-
tinuruis nill fx-
uiun nil arniind
ilie . buck nnd
JU H.. a r"!ii t.iri
VMlne Our Tues
d ly i rti c -
CLEAN VP In Iron T!nK Tn this
lino w huvf quite a number of bur
gains. Wr present tht one as evldrnre
of what we rlnlni. St is full size, just
an jtietm-e pViowk it. Made of wrought
Iron tnlii'iR. built very utmii n ml
fiiiPMbte. Sold i-etfiilnrly for l?,.W. Our
CLKAN-VP irlce-
W ffnM
I 1,11 m w i m ,i
Do jrnn nit down at tho tnhln with . (Iik
nppetltfl Intnrlliid to Piijoy ymif tiipal lm
rnetmly And niter a tow iiifnit litul give
tn (lospnlr? Tliat' n. typlnil "well nlnnvr1'
pn ot IndlBOHUon or Oynioplft. Unmlreiln
fp. Ihoimiimlx urn In tho unino botit. and
urn wlllln(t to do nlmoHt nnytlilnof to Im fu
tlii'T tiwd to lionltliy, wull and (itrong with
n irond Round stonifteh.
The bout nnd qulcknnt euro otlored to that
bltt army of uai:rem to
Th cnrtnn poworn ot thou WHfem ft re very
MtnplA to TindonitiiMd. They urn imtunj In
their working mid cftiTt. tiikhiK tip the
"work of tho worn nnd wiut'd utomwli,
diluting tl" uo(' thorouguly and cum'
UrltUh Pharmacat Co., Milwaukee, Wis.,
l'rle ISO cent a box
Vr Mtlo by
Hundreds of thousand of people use
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea as a
family tonic. If taken this month it
will keep the family well all the year.
If It fails get your money back. 35
cents. P. 0. Schuh & Sons.
August 5, 1905.
Mrs. Susan Rawles and daughter,
Blanche, of Wyalt, vlsltcyi here this
week. ,
J. B. Ockle and son, of Blandville,
Ky., who have been visiting T. R. Mey
etrs and family, returned home Wed'
nesday.. ,
Mrs. L. M. Rooney, Mm, Cecil Ben
nott, Miss Kate Sanders and Oeorgo
L. Parson visited Cairo, 111., Wertnes
day. '
Mrs. R. 13. Slarchlll, of Whtlng, Mo..
Is visiting her, uncle, Judge Naive
this week.
Ml6. K. L', talllllh l VidltlQj Ifclrll.i ej
Northampton's Mayor Not Bald,
Some time ago a boy came to Mayor
Theobald Connor of Northampton,
Mass., with a note. When the boy
saw Mr, Connor he put the message
back Into his pocket, saying "It's
another Mr. Connor the not is for."
'Let .me see tho name on the envel
ope," saia Mr. connor, curiously.
That Is my name. The note is for
"But I was told," replied the boy,
to glvo It to the bald Mr. Connor."
"Oh, you got turned around a little;
that's all," said the mayor reaching
for tho note, which was addressed "Mr.
Theobald Connor." But It took consid
erable argument to convince the, boy
he was the right man.
CI, KAN VP In Si'lelionrdH, The ouo
an Illustrated Is .fust iir pirtnre cliows
It. M h do of solid onk. beautifully
rnrvnl, rxtrn liit'KP. mirror, fine drawer
lined for silverware. Bold regulnrly for
;:&.). Our ri.EAN-t'l' price
Tuesduv we will put on Si'l of
itu Medicine Culunet. , tins a full
m?ie. mirror nte on door. T wo lurna
Fheives on lop nldo. "Hds big bargain,
f or ' , , i .
No ti-le.'ihone on.lom received and
sr.... - - . .
rfe --1'
CI. KAN I I' in I'.eed fioodH. 'I be one
We picture here hits full roll made of reed.
Iinllt verv Htronj nnd il'iraliH" and for
miliil foniforl .Solil rejjulurl.v for $1.00,
Our CI.KAN-l I' price
'1.KAN I 'J in lti'frisfrmnr. In
tliln line hfn I'ccoiVPd n, h'.ti? shlp
mint (onlwtinn; nf Iwxk miiRtng from
t Its t. is miintif.'i"tnrMt tn ih., fftuntrv.
I he ofU' x pli!iwn h rp Litrp lee
roKMbuiy for V.M. Our CLKAX-l't'
"Shoddy" Is a term that may mean
Rt.veral things. A piece of goods has
shoddy In It when the material ko
used Is scrap material from tha best
tailor shop, pulled to pieces, twisted
anew Into a new yarn, and woven Into
n new cloth.' AUo a piece Of goods Is
shorMy when It Is matte from the
poorfst of old woolens plucked to
3bers and made over Into a cloth that,
will hardly LoM I'-qctttr.
The Howling Mob.
Jones Is the father of thirteen chil
dren, and lists at Whines. Last week
he took them all to one of the thea
ters at Liverpool. , On the way to the
station he headed the small proccs.
sion, and bis wife hrottght tip the rear
with the younges! boy.
Upon enduing the station one of tha
porters rushed upon Jones and asked
him what he had been doing.
Poor Jones, amazed, stared vacant
ly, and answered:
."Nothing. Why?'
"Then what's the blooming crowd
fullering yer for?" Liverpool (Eng.)
First Engliih Windmlllt.
Windmills were introduced In Fng
In ml bv tho CniKRders, who hnd seen
them In ue among; the Saracens.
Care for Pauper Children.
The plana of maintaining the chll
Inn of the inor--or such as may be
:n the poor-hotui's or "unions" in cot
tages and homes of that character, If.
Ending a very general adoption In
lOtifilaml, no Icsr than T2X "unions"
now . maintaining the children awa
from the pauperizing effects of poor
house BKHocbitlim. The county of Lon
don paid out 72 ccnts a head of Itt
population for the 'half year ou poo;
England's First Brick Building.
The oldest brtt-U bulldlti)? In lCng
land, except those built by the Ho
mans. Is said 'o be Hurstmowoaip;
cuslle. In Sussex, whli h whs erected
by ilctleiiiifs, treasurer to Henry VI.
It was dismantled about a century
Keep Out of Ruts.
Don't get into a rut. Loot; to the
right and the left, and always ttpw.ird.
(Jrow upward to th1 light. liKe tin
plants and flowers. Yon mntid a plan!
In a dark corner, and what does It
do? It Ptretches out Its leaves and
tendrih to God's beautiful light. Ttif
flowers turn their faces to the sun; al
ways looking upward! It Is progress.
Don't sil In rtarknrrr.s. Come up and
out. and Join the children of l:;ht
American Accent In English.
Not only the nasal sounds, but
many Anerieiin phrattr are. ijuite
common In Suffolk. . Km I a ml. anion?
Chirography Was Puzzlo.
Harvey Wultcrs, nu expert on fat"
ent rust s, bad occasion to write Rufus
Clioate on some' Important question
ind when be received the reply was
unable to read a word of It, so took
'.he missive to Mr. Choate and asked
him what be hud writien. Mr. Choate r
replied: "I never can read my wait
ing after the Ink 1st dry, bul If you III
oil me wlial It 1st about 1 will tell you
vhai 1 havo written." And -he did.
Vain Remorse.
, A man 1 better employed In giving
Mianfcft ' thai power to reaiat wast
vouchsafed to liltu ttinn In frettitm
tin farmers anil Hie peasantry, and a J over wicked Itiipulxci which come nft,
u ranger . racing an a;criioon In
Wooilbrlduo marlict might farcy liltu
hulf in Ala.'..-.)i h'i. t I'.a.
Kottiiht and enlcirt r.u uiiwillins hospi
tality from tho weakresa of our li.l
tttro. Anthouy Iluve,

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