Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, MONDAY HORNING, AUGUST 7, 1905 , . , , . The Bulletin Wants y to read the bargains offered in tlic fol VOU lowing adkts. There may be money in it for you. It also wants you to try an ad- let in this department if you want-to buy, sell , cr rent, want help. If you want anything or', have anything to dispose" of which other peo-' pie may want,try a small notice m this de partment. It costs but little. Cent a word each inser- , tion. No ad less than 25c. Try it NOW-: If you want a position ask for it,, in this column. JNo cnarge inaae. iu i;uu. Stocks Bonds Cereals HOUSTRlftLS IH A BIG ADVANCE AVERAGE HIGHER THAN EVER BEFORE DECLARES HENRY CLEWS IN HIS WEEKLY LET TER, WHICH IS AN OPTIMIS - TIC ONE. a more rigid economy in Government disbu-. semen is. Everybody in husiness is now wait ing for the great coin crop to pass the tlangt-r point, which, barring wide spread and increashiRly improbable disaster, it will do in the next two or three weeks. Crop reports during the week have, taken altogether, main tained tiieir favorable character, though the Government's report on cotton, which is this month issued with proper precautions to insure its accuracy, confirms other authorities that the cotton yield will be consider- Special to the Bulletin. ably below that of Inst season. Much interest at:aeh?s to the Ausust. report I? tnauv uroducts Into wtucn tn s great cereal enters, especially in the. great provi.-don indii:';y. Then com is the enormous tntfc incident to the great orosoeritv throughout the vast corn belt that a bumper harvest at, high prices means. Our country is esstn- tially an agricultural country; its wealth comes from tha ground and the prosperity of I'.ie producer quickly spreads to the enl re fabric. The arrival of M. Wine and the circulation of alleged interviews with him, iu which he was made to predict failure or the cmir. peace negotia tions, had temporarily quite a de- nressina influenc? on ttio. market 1 : M WATER HYDRANTS, like everything else need attention. If they get out of order great dam age can no done in short apace of time. OUR TOOL BAG contains everything necessary for all kinds of repair work in the plumbing line. "A stitch in time uavert nine." Give iw your repair ;work and save money. : GiLMORE BROS. (Saocuaon to T W Gannon) I WuhlnfUa At. , . PLLMBEBS ANO STEAH FITTER ' Cairo Phonea S4 and M Eatimaloa toraianod Out of town work aoliaiKd. a, i ! ANNA LAKE MAYNES 2 tn nnu fur answers to advertisers at this office for the following "H A E.." "C." "D" "H. C," "U B.." "S. S. S.," "II. U," "R. J.," "21.," and 'S." t", i ' THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN Rates For Classified Noticea One Insertion, per word 01 Three, insertions, per word .... ,02Va One week, per word ........... .05 Ono month, per word 15 All matter set in Nonpareil typo. No advertisement inserted fur lcs3 than twetily-five cents. FOR RENT. Fur Kent --Hnuxs No. 433 TenlH afreet. 7 iiM'in ; Ixitimd cold water and bath luoui Ap); to I. II. eUyera. New York, August 5, 1005. " The light floating supply of stocks continues the dominant eatur3 of the financial situation. Professional tra ders have during the week made a number of concerted demonstrations against the markjt, but have met in different success; and indications are not wanting of unher progress to- 1-2 wards a period of inflation in Stock Exchange securities out of all propor tion to Immediate or nrosuec;lve rj- WANTED, I turns on investments. T.iere have W:..,t,.,1Ar. pznprfencprl Installment col- u is uue, a.uce mo lector with references: Address "H, A E" of thJ vear imnortani and nuiiierous cre of UielJiiUolinoUkMi. In Hwi,l,l eotn h. n'th nriceg 2025 points bight r tlian a year ago these increased distributions may OSTEOPATHY. : Dr. Webb, Osteopathia Physician, Wafsh'ngton Avenue. LOST. , lopt-- pt mncliin bird. cii?nt, to sit nimn siroct, an KHl'U. id. Retnrn, if bo regarded, to. a very liberal degroe and rceivo re- at Jeast as aIready largely discounted by the higher quotations now ruling. em iron It is siKtuhcant that ouotations today Fimnd A nnir nt nilver rimmed Ptiectaclea . , 3 , . . vetrrlay afu-nioo... Owner rail have tain-. s!nc Ine Breat revival WHICH accom- Uv nnllinLf at 1 Viis fiftlrt Rml f fLvirttr t-hA (iC)SL (if I nn rv ii-t-i! trio oloftion (if T nl in lv ; ftllfl ihisadvi-rUstiutat. .The Bultetiu. LN r iXn. MlQt, ici,; m Var Kent-Furnishud rooms with bath. Eolith utieeU 117 For Ri'Dt-VIrKant 6-room cottajte with bath and dlleyway ou Iwenty-etgbth street. Ap ply Thomas DruK store. ""r For Rent 7-r-om 1911 Wa.hltiston avenue, Mod. in conveuiencea. Peter 8au). i ' For Benl -Five room eotlaec. ia Union i dtreet Oonventent lomill. streetcars and t -rioa. SI' a month. Apply Cliarlea V Vvtttli. ' ' roRrALevl!jy;;'5"--;i:.';r t t For Sale Small (tmcery and rnijt market, a i tnfmey maker. Will sell on aocouot of health. 1 A ," Ihis i fuse J For Hae A well equipped dairy with a (food ' imviun l)LiineM- Mv oblect for ntllingisbad lienltii. Iminire at linlletin office. ', LOTS FOR SALE. ! J .lime, ISOti, the -average quotation of I I wi.lva 'uiiliitr, 1 n t net i-i fi 1 u u.-ael "8 T'rt. SITUATIONS WANTED, day average quotation of the same stocks is about 81, which is the high est average ever reached, notwith- irf.-nt nr nnk HIWIiim ,r. iin statidiiiK the Rreat upward movements m I. i . -m. . ui iavi anil taoj. 1 nu uvaruni ftny reader of The Bulletin to be filed by ad- . ,- , .. . -itiserin pernon.on reuir fortu, at the or- ttyiiiuBi:iit:o iu mv i.rac:n uveitis (Ice of The Bulletin C-mipauy, 70S Ohio Levee- price of tnes3 industrials were 77 in The Bulletin Company unie no poni- omtv ror any aaven-iaonient or Hiemexi(niaae i pi-incmuri, i-ooj, to m ma,,!;, .v. therein and will not accept the notice, of anj 7:i In rieoomhoi. 1iliW And- nrfoaa of irjnniitrlea !.' repilua! to MvarUMibMt prominent, ffttlway- stocks make an uauidibemadeby mail. v even more strtkinr disnlav. the aver- ; ' 1 1 "..imimtm age of twenty . representative stocks Watited-Experienced yonnK lady wants p-- In June, 18QC,heing 52, while today it sition w cashier or assistant hokkeeper. Gocd , k,.,. -i..,. ,, ,,., ,v,.,t i,.,c references. Address, "B. a.," this offloe, U above an average that, has . , , ueen our once exceeueo, nainety, uy . n i I that, nf .. 1 5I dnriiii? ihA memorable i nuHHU-wumviwiiM ipusw. cirf WAirn- I - - ..... 0 . .. enced; references given. Addreas, "L, I'. IK"- times in the automn of 1902. and from lof the Department of Agriculture on (There is no doubt, of course, that the i . f . . np l,tVi Dticc-ln n n I the grain crops, u!cb will appear at , . olwv mA.(i noon on Thursday next. Wall Stree. ' fm.0 nPlni.t.on51 is looking forward to one of the most - ; f" o ,oce thftm. prosperous yeais in rai o.d his o n favorab!e prions. The Tho earnings of the en a. grange! ,,, (nt,w mis reads when in ops ..cs. wo .. . M , Rome 0f the s,alen,;-n,s al- i. hiomi . n.i)m((1(i to ;lilt, ,,, hU interviews wheat crop year, amwnese c,m,pu authorised show his uiiii., & i s ,-.n.i.M.....H ..v-- .......;,.,. f,. ,,(.;! inn " a the matter throughout the autumn and winter. A ' 1 . . nniI .. larsre cron ct corn such as trie pres- . ',,,. ,.. .... ...,.. T ..., . . ... , , ., ,, oi puiHicny r us inn we. iu mm em v a.......-- . , . . ..., , . ac tiens. ,ereis. inuiein-stpiace,, lne MlkatU).9 representatives, railroad traffic on he corn itself and the greatly increased tratt.ic ot tne , . .,, nrinillar t;,Htp ,n resnfetive countries and calculated al sii. even ihouch the nlav be fully tin derstood by both parties, to affect the Diel'minary conditions at the confer ence. Modern diplomatic methods ar? full assurance that Russia knows ap uroximatelv the terms Japan will hnai lv accent: but we may confidently ex pect from both sides periodical spec tacular displays of energy intended for borne consumption. These will tirobablv furnish at Now York and the .HAVE" BEEN. RECOONlZtu a g w(),.1(1.aoUler flnanc!a, centres lncen A SURE CURE FOR ALL BILIOUS flllP,linMna In seeuritv ouota- AND MALARIAL DISEASES, .. rananPR(1 ami Russian en JOHN AHAYNES O F8 OCER1 S 3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 2 Choice Butter; Hams, Brealdast" Bacon, Staple wand Fancy S Groceries. Fine Canned Goods, Etc . ' Special Attention to City Trade. '.Prompt Delivery iGuaranteed 2 619 Ohio Street. Both Phone No.' too. . ,.For Half a Century.. A Leader ..I..I.II. I Malarial fever, BiHoua Fever, Fever voys are almost absolutely sure to af- j tol Por iile On Twenty-rHtli between Park m rune a- d IJ n'.liruok Hi, hest Rio ind in the iiir, imvitre ,ii I e r mulatto. Mrs, Marj-I-tt Zrller, iU J I'aik aif.nue. Wanted-Position aacolieotor. Address"'!)" luisouiue. 4 - 4 ICE CR'EAM SODA CRT 4 RUDE, S311 Bycamore, ; ' Meet me t the Fountain. 4 I w'ich there was a graJuar recess on to about 89 during the, reactionary year of 19QX The fact should not be overlooked, therefore, tha ;.aa far aa the price gauge is concerned the market is today at the aighest point for many years. It has not, however, reached this eminence as a result of wild, senseless speculation, but has crept, gradually upward, reflect in 2 gen eral, prosperity and discounting future nrosneritv. 1 As already noted, the standard investment str;cks are bocom ns so closely held they are nract cal ly out. of the market as speculative seenriries. and t'Jiis m turn is encour ! . .'1. AAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAAAAAA6a aKiiie ti ntlUiar in the lower-priced class I . . ' o nf Mor-nrilu-a In which industrials lid ore prominently. The 1;1kU pr'ces nat urallv invite caution in niakm? pur- chases and siiswtcst wisdom of profit. taking on any further subsiantial al- vances and the advisability of quick turns during th;' irregular movements nromised for the next few weeks. Aside from high pr'ces and the pos Hibilitv.of the nionov sitiuilion becom ing so active as to constitute an ad vert) :) factor, the immediate summon 1 1 ft Wj k life DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE Make up your mind that you will save some of your money by making a deposit evety week, or at least every month,, iu the ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK , 609 Ohio Street, Caito, Illinois. Wi- tnv Jnferest :it 3 tfr rrnl VfiMilKilind. ' ' w 1'" " - 1 1 A 1 .11... eu every six iuonins. ... making peace. Japan can better af- jford to offer reasonable terms than Russia can afford to accede to hnrsh . . - . .... i iiit-i,. ii lit wilt- itriuni. I'VIHIC ,.II,..T ind Anue Dumb Ague, Intermitting . n,uHinn here The and Remittina Fever, Sun Pain, Sick Tq,(,i, or Headache, Worms, Neuralflia, Swamp ' '. ' 'e BS t(( (,efeat rcvti, waunuiv. i ' jnd General Dropsy, Ague wane, u Srlppe. AB a female regulator, blood pnrt onea tiiat will humiliate her still fur fler and tn rouBlng a torpid liver (ner tanan ilaa achieved glory have no equal. enough and Russia has been hitnilliat- Malarial Rheumatism aiwaye uour , -..h fitted and generally enred. ' " ' .; HENRY CLEWS. "When Tour brain refuses to worn and your whole nervouB Bytem w ievei. stralaht and Comfortable m the ragged edge ot utter prostra Tho roadg.of the Now yori Central don, ; and your very viuuny booiu uneg . over which run hourly trains, ...,-i ..sir talrn WnnH'l Fever , , uuaiuk . I orennv ma natural niKuwur . oriwmu Pille and ihout RureJta. '' the East and West. A water level for 50c a Box. If Your Druoa' Don ' one thousand miles between Chicago Keep tnem wnio j , -inri New York, alone the shore of Lake DR. WM. WOOD & SONS, . Erie and Lake Michigan, through the rAirta. ILLINOIS, Mohawk valley ana tiesiaeH too mm I n n PIvm A ennlri lovol ollil Rtrnlsht. are offering comforts and conven iences uticurpassed. Send a 2 cent stamp to ueorgo II. Daniels. General Passenger Agent, Grand Central Station, New York for a copy of the illustrated Catalogue of the New . York Central a "Four- Track Series." : 1 t Among banks must iave assets to, enable it 4 to take care of its customers. An examiriatiott of our last published state ment snows we stana on top in oouiuciu Our reputation and methods are of high re- T . r..- Anncitnrs nW snimo OUT : hpst a pULC. UUl y,wJAi.wM - - zens. i ,. , jc! citi We want others' and you are one of them: Tri'-'-1. ! 1 t r-T--r t- ,. 1 HickorvS ...City National Bank... 6O9 Ohio Street,- Cairo Illinois. Assets Over $1,400,000.00. iO'JO I'lood, We run two wagons, make prompt deliveries, Ctark-Danf orth Haridle Co.?. , iThe only place hir town wnere you can gen an Hickory Wood. Two horse wagon load 11.60 lEtiL .PnONB, 236. West 31st 8t.r M.ftU. K. Smith Brothers THE BIG STORE 1300-8 Washington Avenue DealerH in everything that la good to eat, xxm find wear. Rxclnnive agentr tor BLANEE'S Celebrated Ootfaes, Deposits over $1,000,000.00. 1 e BuUetln pronenta all the latest and telegraphic news. Cairo City Transfer Line Successor to StolU & Waltor. .T' TT ICW.TRfVfr. tVnnrintni'. All h-lndf. r.f Vinnllnc . nrnmritlv. Itnth phonea 133. 1111 Washington Avenue Cairo ------- Illinois m j'o D. F: Duggan PHYSICIAN 4, SUKGEON Office Howe Bldg. 1101 Com'l Ave. Office lluurs, 9 to 11 a. ra. 2 to G .nnd 7 to 9 P- in. PHONE, CAIRO 460 YM. C!' TMt; S-;. KOtttauoui Bo. ! (iHUy) P." Ko. 4af dally) - :M .iu Xo.l'jiveB freli(liyrd (weik dy) 1:WI p.m I SOUTH BODSD . l!1 , W KLUE WHITE B Steam Laundry : For the Best Work. Until I'luifitl. Ilnlllilay IIoum llluck. m K v. 1 Iwmi trlallyj ..,.....:' . - wo. iTitoiiyj.-' It. W.avt on. Jort. M. Fresh and New Stock. GROCERIES. ! ' CMill At., ' tIKt, IIX. jjt $ both from a financial nnd trade and an industrial and agricultural standpoint reuia'ns distinctly favorable. Railroad earnings are fully maintaining than recent records, and bank clear'ngt not alone at New oYrk, but " lhroufr ctit. the country, are maltinir n?w rc cards monthly, the July totals showlnfr a en In of 25 iicr cent over July a year asro and of (1 tier cent over the larsest .lulv tolal heretoforo recorded that of 1902. Another utrikinf? feature" in Uio official report of tho New iork Stato Superintendent, of BanklnK Hhovvinc for the year endiiiK with Jnnt the enornruis increase of ?8 ),8'.0,0'iu in deposits in the saviiiRs banks of th State. And our foreign commerce is keetiiiiK pace with our Internal trade. As noted in these advices nsr week, ('he fiscal year ending witn June made new records both as to 1 m porta and pxnorta of merchandise: ana sncn official returns as have been made for tho month lust, ended indicate an ac tivc continuance of thsse favorable condit'ons. The Vplted States Ap nralsor al, this port, for Instance, gives the appraised value of merchandise imported in July at $51,000,000, which i an Increase of more than t10,M0,OO0 comparing with the f corresponding month of a year rro. This growtu in import value which means a corres pondiiiK increnso in Government rev enues Is a matter of considerable moment at; this time, and will hoc una Incrcasinjily Important should it cou I'nue, us it promises to, unlil ('on-Kt-.'ss meets In November. There Is priibnbly no inoro pnlent HdveiMr; hi llneuce for tlie slock maikel to e )in- iii t. than tariff acitatlon. Owing lo the new expenditures that followed tho Spnnlsh war, th current tariff has not. been capable of proviuelnf? ft suf ficient revenue to meet the Govern ment's Increased peiiditureB. Early in the current year the deficit proniln ed to he so huge t'uat a readjustment of the FchedulJH nppeured the only Fiolnilon; but fore nn trade reiurns hnvo s'neo so generally Improved thnt best information from Washington In dicates an Intention among the major ity tmrlv lo Horur.i what additional revenue I" (dill needed by means of minor HiodiUrarionsj ot tht tartf and TIGER AND DOG CHUMS. OUR BEER um11 mate vou see the bright side ol life. It is entirely wholesome because it is absolutely pure No ' expense is spared in the brewing of this beer for we pride ourselves on giving you a beei that cannot oe equanea ror us mellow taste ana tnorougn puiuy Cairo Brewing Co River TrausportotioD B LEE LINE STEAMERS For Memphla and Way U Landlnge g tme? Departure ))) Pete ra Lee, Reea Lee, alter. j. nately, Tueday....5 p. m. W Stacker Lee Wednesday, S p. m. n Ferd Merold... Saturday, 3 p. m. St Loula ana wax . Landlnga Stacker Lee 8unday, a. m. fr4 Herotd. Wednesday, a. m. Cincinnati and Way Landlngt Patera , tee, Rceia Laa, Alte W nately, Sunday, tu rn. TP. rot rreigni mna rasiata 7 ill ltaUl.tar I'll I 111 p Wtaarfhoat, Cairo. r Remarkable Friendchip Between the Two Animals. There is no use waiting for the millennium. '"It Is here. The Bensal User, six months old, and the mongrel nip, eight, months old, have lain down and got up together in one case In perfect brotjverly love since the birth of the tiger iu Cincinnati. The cub and the pup are now housed iu a narrow packing . care ir. Hexitmer's livery stable, HoboUen. ready for shipment to Hogenheck'e show In Europe. The Hippodrome people heard of the pair, and are no- with Howard fcunic Hneenbeck'B ; aKent, for their pur chase. " "Usually," said Frank Krlssell, Mr. Fieldirtir's representative, when cx periments like that are tried the tiger eats un the doK as soon as the tiger's teeth are , good enough. Hut In this cane they seemed to take to each ot ti er from the first, and now nothing can sever them. If yon touch tho doa the tiger will make a slap at you. But If you touch the tiger the dog thinks It's a Rood joke. "If the tiger pets obstreperous tho nun sits (lowti 'on the tiger's head. Then the ti see renins up at. once. The only time "the dog ever respeetti his friend Is when the tiger Is eating his portion ''Of raw meat. Then the do? keeps out of the way." New York Sun.- - '' ' ' . 7ire.Oeeeef5,-:'' I THE BULLETIN'S LIST f t Cairo Manufactured Articles j f :: "" , ' 1 T PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. Here are the J goods made in Cairo. Read the list, learn what they are, J ana ouy BUY THE BEST. Syl ph Flo ur H.L. HALLIDAY MILLING CO. JOHN S. JENKINS ARCHITECT r THE BUCHER-WOODFORD PACKING CO. BUTCHERS & PACKERS WHOLESALE Both Phonea 111 40tk A Ohl St 1006 Commercial Annoi, Cairo Cei 11 F. MOREL AND TIN, COPPER AND SKltT IRON WORKS. Steamboat and' Blowpipe Work, llghtaRooflni, Corrloe, autd teel NO. HW1 TENTH STRMT. 0a iBJeef)HrWU'ia1i P. LANGtN WHOLESALE ANP RETAIL ,lty. Out of town order tone- iu and will reeelra our prompt and pwaonai an i. . twtwaoa Tnta and Twellth Straeti. '" a' a ".? If liV-' : V ? Ill U h CL''rf Tarn. tumo Bi HWOB.HA A, JUAA, ww- 111 . -. Chuiaml Manager . - U There always remain a HleUm In R Wantral OrBo, IW Front Mr. 3 t h minrj f (he most devoted wife W Ktuii-bU-... ....Tniiea (j ,lflt perharti she could liave done bet- JaUatiiJiaUaAa5.Bai3 (cr.-i"H"" ..... ., An. Item of Strervoth." ' nenriro Ade was talking about some bnilHngs that had ;collansea hdlf-fln-isheil- In Chicago. ' : ! "They were put up," said Mr. Ado, "by builders of a typo too familiar to U3 in America. "I once heard of two of theso build ers who, over a glass of beer, met and talked together like this : "'Jones, you always have better luck than me.' 'Better luck? How so?' " "Whv. how ele do you account (or my new houses Mowing down In hint week's wind, while yours weren't haimed? All were built (he ame same woodwork, same mortar, every thln.' 'Yes,' ttabl the other builder, 'but you forget that mine ' bail been pa pered.' " Generally Justified. The Place to Oct Y otir v . H S T A NCY ; 0 U E X N SWill:-; t : V st A. M. SPENCE-oVCO.r'pK -v V - -- Michael J. Walder numbing and i Heating Contractor. CAIRO'S LEADING PLUMBER. 1111 Waahlntton Ave. s t v i;tummtimmiuiwM H ;J. lll.'KORI N S O N , g HeAL aT.8TATE At;r.NT '.pa , Aflint Aetna Llfa Inturanra Co. !Z (Acrldnnt and Liability Dep't) ? ACCIDENT TICKETS FOR SALE 2 612 COMMERCIAL AVENUE. iS ia.tai.. ... . CAIRO CREAMERY Wholcaalo Manntatlotan ot ruro Croamery Butter Wing' High Cracfa ce Crm. ef icaO , ndck and Fmtt a4 F)o Ircain a BtreclaltT ror wet teraptleni. 708 Hatioan Ar. ai Mnlb Phonat. ... CAIHO ILL. rryyiaaaaaaaaaaa MaLLICTIMraV' VrV ' ; Roay f'santaln Tea llw . ' 1 a serf aUJisnii r ewj rciii, Bdaff DulJta U.UU and 1i(it ( Ooaiaifcai, ia4MMtM L'.t ' ami,-Y TWiblfw, l-nuU-, !, luipuri Ht-io.1, Ha Sreh, MtitreMiH IWh, -la. ba U4.t.i:.TaH tae Com-airn a!. 1 lateat saws. u..,. wjlt micr.ns K UUCf K-IZ A